40.credit Management
40.credit Management
40.credit Management
In SAP there are some checks available to carryout credit checks for particular customer as credit sales is common
to every business. When the credit sales granted for the particular customer, monitoring the credit history of a
particular customer is essential with every transaction.
SAP has provided two kinds of credit checks to carryout credit management functions:
(1) Simple credit check
(2) Automatic credit check
Simple credit check: In simple credit check the system compares the credit exposure with payers credit limit. The
credit exposure results from the total of the net document value and the value of the open items.
We can set the following system responses at when the credit limit has been reached.
A –Warning message
B – Error message
C – Delivery block
Specify in VOV8 Credit limit [C]
Configuration settings:
Sales documents types – Credit limit check: Transaction code: OVAK
Go to FD32 and check whether system created customer’s credit master data automatically or not.
System creates customers credit master data automatically when we (FI/CO) people) configure credit control area in
So as to perform simple credit check we have to specify customer master payers limit in the credit control area, and
create customer master in XD01 transaction code.
Specify reconciliation account number (GL account number)
Payment history record: Check payment history record control in payment transaction tab. It is the
control parameter to update the payment details that are made by customers and system will show the
payment details in the FD32.
Specify the credit control area in credit control area field in billing document tab.
Save and Exit
Go to VA01 and raise the sales order
Check the system responses in each and every level of sales document processing and check whether the system
blocked the delivery document (due to the setting in VOV8 of OR in check credit limit field [C] = Blocked for
To release the delivery go to VKM4 and release the delivery document.
Automatic credit check
We can configure credit related management functions that are to be carried out by the system automatically.
System automatically carries out credit related management functions by taking some factors into consideration.
In automatic credit related functions system gets the credit exposure of a particular payer by taking factors like:
(1) Open sales orders (that are raised, yet to pass to delivery process) +
(2) Open delivery documents (that are raised, yet to pass to PGI) +
(3) Open PGI documents (that are PGI process done, and yet to pass to billing document) +
(4) Open billing documents (that are raised, but yet to pass to accounting (FI) +
(5) Attachment/Time/Horizon period. Ex: 2 Months.
Horizon period: It is the period in which system will take the above sited all open documents into consideration
that falls during this period. This time period only applies for dynamic check. It will not be applied for static. As in
automatic credit check SAP provides Dynamic and Static methods.
Configuration steps:
Define credit control area: Transaction code: OB45
NOTE: Definition and assignment takes place in single step. Here we can assign ‘N’ number of credit control
areas to one company code.
NOTE: If our client has different business areas, we can assign each business area with credit control area.
Ex: 0001 for business area ‘A’.
0002 for business area ‘B’.
0003 for business area ‘C’.
In this case the same customer master record can have different credit limits for different business areas.
Define risk categories: Transaction code: OB01
Maintain text IDs for central text in credit management: Transaction code: OBT3Z
In this context central means that the texts are independent of a credit control area.
Define groups
NOTE: Create a partner function for representative by copying KB (in basic functions Partner functions
determination) and specify it here.
Define credit limit check by sales document type: Transaction code: OVAK