Unit Four: Analysis and Interpretation: Number Percentage Sample Size 50 100 % Response Rate 50 100%
Unit Four: Analysis and Interpretation: Number Percentage Sample Size 50 100 % Response Rate 50 100%
Unit Four: Analysis and Interpretation: Number Percentage Sample Size 50 100 % Response Rate 50 100%
This chapter contains results, interpretation and discussions that have been resulted from data
gathering through the questionnaire procedure.
In chapter one there was an assumption made, that there are lack of drainage system and
impacts of storm water management challenges. To test these study hypotheses, data was
obtained from a businessmen in WAAHEEN market. Data was collected through a questionnaire
consisting of four sections. The first section sought to obtain general information of the
respondents. The second section sought to obtain data on the effect of storm water challenges,
while the third section possible ways of preventing storm water and section four open
Response Rate
Number Percentage
Sample Size 50 100 %
Response Rate 50 100%
A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to the potential respondents who are the dealers
of WAAHEEN market. 50 questionnaires were filled and returned back and therefore, the
response rate was found to be 100%.
Based on the satisfactory response, the researcher chose to continue with the data analysis and
presentation of the findings. In the following sections therefore, the researcher presents the
study findings according to the sections highlighted in the data collection tool.
This section sought information about the general information of the respondents. Among the
questions that were used include, gender, age, education level, and period of dealing of the
This part of the question sought information about gender of the respondent. The results are
presented in the
Frequency Percentage
Male 24 48%
Female 26 52%
Total 50 100%
Table -- indicates that there data slightly fair proportion of female respondents as compared to
the male respondents in the sample (52 % and 48% respectively). This was projected to the time
of the day when the data was collected, since there are an equal likely number of men and
women in the market and Men can withstand flooding effects more than ladies.
Respondent’s area
Marital status
frequency percentage
Single 38 76%
Married 12 24%
Primary level 2 4%
High school 8 16%
University level 40 80%
Total 50 100%
The respondents‟ levels of education had four levels namely: primary, secondary, university. It
became clear from the results that the literacy level in Waaheen market is high with only 2%
having primary level of education. Majority had university level (54%), comprising of 8%
secondary. Management strategies of storm water challenges vary with the level of education
one has. Learned people are known to have a lot of knowledge that enables them to quickly
respond to a problem and find a solution and so to respondents in flooding areas.
Yes 26 52%
No 24 48%
Total 50 100%
Distribution shows that the number of employed people is slightly more than non-employee.
And this clearly evidence that rate of an employment is high in the market and young
generations are in the cafeterias and other places in the market.
frequency percentage
Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%
Total 50 100%
This bar-chart shows that the number of respondents those who select YES are 80%, therefore
this emphasize that flood during the rain exist along side of roads where respondents building
or business places are.
January—march March—may May—Aug Sept—Dec
This data clarifies the months which of the flooding capacity is high as 84% of respondents
select march – may, this why rainy seasons stars from march to July so rain intensity in these
months is much larger than any other months .
C) Summary about level of effect caused by storm water in hargeisa local market
The important objective of the study was to assess whether poor drainage system affect the
people in the market especially at study area. A summary of the investigation displays that the
majority of the respondents agree that floods during the rain lead to: increased traffic jam,
stalling of vehicles, business closure, health risks and destruction of goods and properties.
However, the proportion of the respondents who agreed that storm water floods leads to
business closure and health risks was relatively weak, at 12% as compared to others. This could
probably be because of the typical youthful population in the town who are determined and are
aggressive to make a living despite all odds like flooding. From the results, most of the
respondents believe that storm water runoff affect their social and economic aspects of life.
D) What kind of drainage in your area?
Frequency Percentage
Traditional ( natural ) 9 18%
Culver 4 8%
Canal 1 2%
None 11 22%
These demonstrate that majority of respondent’s area there is a traditional or none of drainage
as 18% and 22% respectively.
Frequency Percentage
Along streets or roads 36 72%
Drainage ditches 14 28%
Majority of respondents agree that the water flow alongside the roads and few of respondents
say that water come from the ditch of some old drainages.
frequency percentage
Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%
Total 50 100%
ii) If, yes how many days does water stagnate your area?
frequency percentage
2-3 days 10 20%
3-4 days 30 60%
Total 40 80%
This result clearly shows existing of stagnant water in some places of the market 80% coincide
this question
frequency percentage
Yes 18 36%
No 32 64%
Total 50 100%
ii) if no, does the flood spread out the rubbish?
frequency percentage
Yes 32 64%
No 0 0%
Total 32 64%
G) I) suppose the harigeisa municipal introduces a service fee to manage storm water, would
you contribute it.
frequency percentage
Yes 48 96%
No 2 4%
Total 50 100%
frequency percentage
Less $20 18 36%
$20--$40 6 12%
More than $40 24 48%
A) What are the possible ways which can be prevented storm water?
Frequency Percentage
Design of drainage 38 76%
Urban sewage 4 8%
Sewage pipe lines 8 16%
TOTAL 50 100%