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J' ' U":.Jl Fs ' : .T!JJ' (A //cs 9/ 1

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1& 1350f1MI
AlexandriaUnlverstty Second Year
Faculty of Engineering Hydraulics
Civil Engineering ~ept. Sheet No.1

(5) A plate moves' over ·an iil"dined surface of slope 5V :12H, covered vrith oil. 11":2
thickness of oil is 1:5 an. The dimsnsions of the plate contact area are 1 m x 1. rn
and we!ghs '15 kg. Find the viscoslty ofthe oil when the prate moves 'f,~th constant
velocity eGuaJ~;.1).~ IJ1Ls~.. .

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t~f} =' ~, pt. ® ~ ::;.2. b r, "

15 * Sin: 'll .. 6/1

F= 5. =tr

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.1. ·F:: 12 tJ

2. fA -:: o.J:r Poise

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~ ~ 6.072


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b7s.rS 0.02

&'0 { U::= 149· 3\ cM/~ I

· LU~ -- - -­
·A thin wall cylinder 0.40 m long, rotates at N =- 25 r.p.m. in the half distance
between two fixed concentric cylinders of diameters 15 and 16 em. The inner
space is filled with water of viscosity 0.001 Pa.Sec. while the viscosity of the
outer space liquid is 0.05 Pa.sec. Find the torque required to maintain.a
uniform rotation of the cylinder.

___.-,--~----I SoL I------~

(0\\) ~= 0. OS -:>

(wet+~) ;;:: &J. 00/

N:: !2S r.p. tv)

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- 31)7 * 0,0021-6

Alexandria University Second year

Faculty of Jtngineering Time allowed 75 mill.
Civil Engirleering Dept. Man::h~ .

a.:. State the/difference between each cif the foHowing pairs: .

~~ Newtonian-and Non-newtonianflui~_

-ir-:- Unsteady uniform flow and steadynonurtforrn flow. _

,-Jii-. Absolute and gaug.§..Pfessure

~er;veaf®.ql::fCflro~ t9-express th.e-discharge through- triaogl:Jfarweirs.
...;.;:::::::::::- c- Prove that the re~sure i " 'n all directions.

r~ .. . STION No.2
.\ =-- If the velocity distritwJiOO-of·water flowing in a pipe is given by the follov'Iing equation:
i ~=25(R2-r2). .
Where. u is the
local velocity (m/sec) at distance r .(meters) measured from the pipe
centerline and R is the pipe radius -in meters.
If the diameter of the pipe is 20 em,
etermlne.the shear forceactinq on the pipe walls of length 10m. Consider the kinematic
v si of'water e uals 0.01 cm 2/sec. . ' . ,

Figure (1) shows water ina tank of depth 7.0 m. The gate·-AB of widtt13.0 m is hinged- to
the tank at A. The water depth outside the tank equals 5.0 m. It is required to:' ,
1. Determine tlie-value ofthe force F actfng-Offthe gate at point 8 in.;.figure-(1-=cr)­
~. Determine the value of the force F acting on the gate at point S·in figure (1-b), if the
absolute pressure of air above the water surface in the tank is 8.33' tlm 2 •

• UESTI.N N•. 2
Oil 01 viscosity 4*10. 5 gm.sec.lcm 2 is flowi~g inside a pipe: ot 'diameter 30.0 cm.. The
velocity_ distribution equation isgiv..eh by. zo( U ? 255 -f ) in which u is the-velocity in em/sec
and r is' the radiai distance muasured from the', pipe centerline iff em. Find the total
shearing lorcs-eti'ng _~ng a IcJlgth of 50 meters of the pipe walHri N.

. ­

Qn5 \]'-5-.5'---5~NJ

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