Electrical Work
Electrical Work
Electrical Work
No: STC/AGVC/ELECTRICAL WORK/08 Date: 24.10.2008
Sealed tenders are invited from electrical contractors registered with CPWD/MES and CPSUs in
the subject work.
STC, reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in full any or all the tenders without assigning
any reasons thereof.
The rates quoted in the tender should be firm and inclusive of all charges of materials,
scaffolding, tools and plants, labour and fluctuations in the market rates, sales tax, excise duty,
octroi and other taxes etc.
Quantities mentioned in the schedule are approximate in the schedule are approximate and
subject to change. No compensation will be paid on account of reduction in quantity of any item
of work. Payment shall be made on actual executed quantity. The quoted rates are valid for the
actual quantities of work executed. No escalation on any account shall be paid on the quoted
rates during the period of contract and also during the duly sanctioned extension of time, if any.
The work shall not be considered as complete until the Engineer-In-charge has certified in writing
that the same has been completed and defect liability period shall commence from the date of
issue of such certificate.
The quantity and quality of materials to be used shall be got approved from the Engineer-In-
charge before execution of work. The contractor will rectify the defects pointed out to him by the
Engineer-In-charge and shall remove from the site all the rejected materials immediately. All the
materials brought to the site should be authenticated by Security Guard/Engineer In-charge or his
authorized representative for proof of material delivered at site.
The contractor will be fully responsible for any injury or accident to any person(s) employed by
him, to the residents and for any damage to any structure or any part of the property, which may
arise due to operation/negligence of the contractor of its workers while executing the work.
The rates quoted by the tenderers should be valid for acceptance for a period of 30 days from the
date of opening of the tender.
The tenderer should not arrange witness on tender form, from a person who has tendered for the
same work.
In the event of the tender being submitted by a partnership firm, it must be signed by each partner
thereof, and further it must also disclose that the firm is duly registered under the Indian
Partnership Act, 1932. The successful contractor shall submit proof of registration with
CPWD/MES/CPSUs before award of the contract.
The contractor upon award of the work shall comply with all the required statutory provision e.g.
Payment of Wages Act, Apprentice Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act, Contract Labour
(Regulation & Abolition) Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Maternity Benefit Act, etc. and the rates
made there under from time to time.
If any claim, on account of non-compliance of the above laws by the contractor arises against the
STC, the tenderer shall indemnify the STC. The Engineer-In-charge shall have the right to
deduct from the money due to the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for
making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers.
The tenderers are advised to inspect the site and satisfy themselves of site conditions before
submitting their tenders. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether
he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent upon any misunderstanding or otherwise
shall be allowed.
The tender should be in sealed cover addressed to Chief Manager (Electrical) by DESIGNATION
duly superscribed “Replacement of Internal Electrical Wiring at premises no. B-256, Asiad
Village, New Delhi” and dropped in the Tender Box kept at the Reception of Jawahar Vyapar
Bhawan (Tolstoy Marg side), New Delhi by 3.00 PM of 31.10.08. No other force of delivery is
acceptable and tenders not dropped into the Tender Box shall be summarily rejected.
The tenders will be opened at 3.30 PM of 31.10.08 in the Mini Board Room, 10th floor, Jawahar
Vyapar Bhawan, in the presence of representatives of such tenderers, who choose to be present.
If 31.10.08 happens to be a holiday, the last date for receipt of tenders/opening of tenders shall be
the next working day.
Time period of completion will be within 20 days from the date of placement of order. Time is the
essence of contract and should be strictly adhered to. Delayed completion of the work for reasons
attributable to the contractor shall attract levy of penalty for non-completion of work at the rate of
1 per cent of the contract value or such amount as the CGM (administration) may decide for each
day of delay including holidays subject to maximum of 10 per cent of the tendered value of work.
The decision of CGM (Administration) in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor.
The contractor, before commencing the work, shall prepare a detailed work program, which will
be approved by STC.
The lowest tenderer shall be required to submit an EMD of Rs. 9000/- along with the tender
Interest – free Security Deposit @ 10% of the total value of work will be deducted from the bills
of contractor and the same will be refunded after expiry of the defect liability period i.e. one year
from the date of commissioning. Security Deposit shall be acceptable in the form of Bank
Guarantee as per proforma to be given by STC.
Payment to the contractor shall be released by STC on the basis of the work and amount certified
by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall submit the bills in duplicate, giving complete
description of the items of work done strictly as per the schedule of quantities. The contractor may
opt for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) method of payment in which event he should give full
details of the bank and the account into which he wishes the payment to be remitted. He should
also provide the requisite third party consent form, duly filled in, which will facilitate EFT
In case of any disputes, decision of Chief General Manager (Administration), STC will be binding
on both the parties.
12) The Contractor has to arrange all Tools & Tackles to complete the work on his own.
NOTES: The contractor shall make all the points workable by providing all kind of
material, labour, liaisoning work etc. as required. No extra payment on any account shall be
made applicable to the contractor beyond their offered rates point-wise.