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Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Organized by B. W

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1 Introduction

The increasing technical importance of high-temperature equipment, i.e.,

the urgent needs of designers and computing engineers dealing with high-
temperature machinery, jet engines, and high-velocity aeronautics have re-
sulted in a huge and rapidly growing literature in creep mechanics .
There is a tradition to organize IUTAM-Symposia on Creep in Structures
every ten years: the first one was organized by N.J. H OFF in Stanford (1960),
the second one by J. H ULT in Göteburg (1970), the third one by A.R.S.
P ONTER and D.R. H AYHURST in Leicester (1980), the fourth Symposium
by M. Ż YCZKOWSKI in Cracow (1990) and, finally, the fifth Symposium
was organized by S. M URAKAMI and N. O HNO in Nagoya (2000).
Other events are, for instance, the traditional Conferences on Creep and
Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures organized by B. W ILSHIRE
and D.R.J. OWEN in Swansea (1981, 1984 etc. every three years).
The aim of such conferences is to bring together experimentalists, the-
oreticians, and engineers interested in various features of creep mechanics,
in order to permit an interdisciplinary exchange of understanding, experi-
ence, and methods. Therefore, such conferences essentially contribute to the
progress in creep mechanics . The advances have been reviewed in the Con-
ference Proceedings from several points of view: mathematical, mechanical,
metallurgical, etc..
Over the last two decades much effort has been devoted to the elabora-
tion of phenomenological theories describing the relation between force and
deformation in bodies of materials which obey neither the linear laws of the
classical theories of elasticity nor the hydrodynamics of viscous fluids. Such
problems will play a central role for mathematticans, physicits, and engineers
in the future (A STRARITA, 1979).
Material laws and constitutive theories are the fundamental bases for
describing the mechanical behavior of materials under multiaxial states of
stress involving creep and creep rupture. The tensor function theory has be-
2 1 Introduction

come a powerful tool (B ETTEN, 1987b; 1987c) for solving such complex
The mechanical behavior of anisotropic solids (which are materials with
oriented internal structures produced by forming processes and manufac-
turing procedures or induced by permanent deformation) requires a suit-
able mathematical modelling. The properties of tensor functions with sev-
eral argumenttensors constitute a rational basis for a consistent mathemati-
cal modelling of complex material behavior ( B ETTEN, 2001a; B OEHLER,
1987; R IVLIN, 1955, 1970; S PENCER, 1971; T RUESDELL and N OLL, 1965;
WANG, 1971 ).
In creep mechanics one can differentiate between three stages: the pri-
mary, secondary, and tertiary creep stage (Chapter 4). These terms corre-
spond to a decreasing, constant, and increasing creep strain rate, respectively,
and were introduced by A NDRADE (1910).
In order to describe the creep behavior of metals in the primary stage
tensorial nonlinear constitutive equations involving the strain hardening hy-
pothesis are proposed by B ETTEN et al.(1989). Based upon these general re-
lations, the primary creep behavior of a thinwalled circular cylindrical shell
subjected to internal pressure is also analysed by B ETTEN et al. (1989). The
creep buckling of cylindrical shells subjected to internal pressure and axial
compression was investigated by B ETTEN and B UTTERS (1990) by consid-
ering tensorial nonlinearities and anisotropic primary creep . The problem
of creep buckling of cylindrical shells have earlier been discussed, for in-
stance, by M URAKAMI and TANAKA (1976), O BRECHT (1977) or H AYMAN
Based upon a creep velocity potential JAKOWLUK and M IELESZKO
(1983) formulate constitutive equations of the primary creep stage in com-
parison with experimental data on FeMnAl steel.
In Chapter 4, the secondary creep stage of isotropic and anisotropic
solids in a state of multiaxial stress will be discussed. Creep deforma-
tions of metals usually remain unaffected if hydrostatic pressure is super-
imposed. In order to describe the secondary creep behavior of isotropic ma-
terials some authors use a creep potential (B ETTEN, 1981a; JAKOWLUK and
M IELESZKO, 1985; R ABOTNOV, 1969), which is a scalar-valued function of
C AUCHY’s stress tensor . One can show that the creep potential theory is
compatible with the tensor function theory provided the material is isotropic
and additional conditions are fulfilled (B ETTEN, 1985). However, the creep
potential hypothesis only furnishes restricted forms of constitutive equations
1 Introduction 3

and, therefore, has only limited justification if the material is anisotropic , as

has been discussed in Chapter 6.
The tertiary creep phase is also considered in Chapter 4. In this phase, the
creep process is accompanied by the formation of microscopic cracks on the
grain boundaries, so that damage accumulation occurs. In some cases voids
are caused by a given stress history and, therefore, they are distributed an-
isotropically amongst the grain boundaries. Thus, the mechanical behavior
will be anisotropic and it is therefore necessary to investigate this kind of
anisotropy by introducing appropiately defined anisotropic damage tensors
into constitutive equations. Damage tensors have been constructed, for in-
stance, by B ETTEN (1981b; 1983b) or by M URAKAMI and O HNO (1981). A
detailed survey of several damage variables is carried out in Chapter 7.
Problems of creep damage have been investigated by many authors. Very
extensive surveys into recent advances in damage mechanics are given by
and L EMAITRE (1987), for instance. Further contributions to the theory
of Continuum Damage Mechanics should be mentioned in the literature,
for example, A L -G ADHIB et al (2000), BETTEN (1983b; 1986a; 1992),
C HABOCHE (1984; 1999), C HRZANOWSKI (1976), H AYAKAWA and M U -
(1992; 1996), L EMAITRE and C HABOCHE (1990), L ITEWKA and H ULT
(1989), L ITEWKA and M ORZ ÝNSKA (1989), M URAKAMI (1983; 1987),
M URAKAMI and K AMIYA (1997), M URAKAMI and O HNO (1981), M U -
(1986), M URAKAMI , H AYAKAWA and L IU (1998), O NAT (1986), and S KR -
ZYPEK (1999).
In the past two decades there has been considerable progress and signif-
icant advances made in the development of fundamental concepts of dam-
age mechanics and their application to solve practical engineering problems.
For instance, new concepts have been effectively applied to characterize
creep damage, low and high cycle fatigue damage, creep-fatigue interac-
tion, brittle/elastic damage, ductile/plastic damage, strain softening, strain-
rate-sensitivity damage, impact damage, and other physical phenomena. The
materials include rubbers, concretes, rocks, polymers, composites, ceram-
ics, and metals. This area has attracted the interest of a broad spectrum of
international research scientists in micromechanics, continuum mechanics,
mathematics, materials science, physics, chemistry and numerical analysis.
However, sustained rapid growth in the development of damage mechanics
requires the prompt dissemination of original research results, not only for
4 1 Introduction

the benefit of the researchers themselves, but also for the practising engineers
who are under continued pressure to incorporate the latest research results
in their design procedures and processing techniques with newly developed
In this context an excellent book, recently published by S KRZYPEK and
G ANCZARSKI (1999), should be recommended. This book is an extensive
and comprehensive survey of one- and three- dimensional damage models
for elastic and inelastic solids. The state–of-the-art is reported by more than
200 references. The book not only provides a rich current source of knowl-
edge, but also describes examples of practical applications, numerical proce-
dures and computer codes. The style of the presentation is systematic, clear,
and concise, and is supported by illustrative diagrams.
Because of the broad applicability and versatility of the concept of dam-
age mechanics, the research results have been published in over thirty En-
glish and non-English technical journals. This multiplicity has imposed an
unnecessary burden on scientists and engineers alike to keep abreast with
the latest development in the subject area. The new International Journal
of Damage Mechanics has been inaugurated to provide an effective mecha-
nism hitherto unavailable to them, which will accelerate the dissemination of
information on damage mechanics not only within the research community
but also between the research laboratory and industrial design department,
and it should promote and contribute to future development of the concept
of damage mechanics.
Furthermore, one should emphasize that special Conferences on Damage
Mechanics has contributed significantly to the development of theories and
experiments in Damage Mechanics, for instance, the Conference on Damage
Mechanics held in Cachan (1981) or the IUTAM-Symposium on Mechanics
of Damage and Fatigue held in Haifa and Tel Aviv (1985), CEEPUS Sum-
mer School on Analysis of Elastomers and Creep and Flow of Glas and
Metals held in Zilina,Slovakia (1996), CISM Advanced School on Appli-
cations of Tensor Functions in Solid Mechanics held in Udine (1984) and
in Bad Honnef (1986), CISM Advanced School on Modelling of Creep and
Damage Processes in Materials and Structures held in Udine (1998), Work-
shop on Modelling of Damage Localisation and Fracture Processes in En-
gineering Materials held in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland(1998), Symposium on
Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged Materials, held in Kraków-Przegorzaly,
Poland (2002), to name just a few, gave many impulses. The keynote lectures
delivered during the last Symposium in Kraków have been printed in a new
book, edited by S KRZYPEK and G ANCZARSKI (2003).
1 Introduction 5

This book provides a survey of various damage models focusing on

the damage response in anisotropic materials as well as damage-induced
anisotropy. There was a lack of such a book that would deal with the
anisotropic damage mechanics with micro-mechanical aspects and thermo-
mechanical coupling involved.
The book is divided into three parts. Part I General description of an-
isotropically damaged materials contains the Chapters 1-4 on: the mathe-
matical bases of tensor functions application to damage anisotropy (J. B ET-
TEN , Technical University of Aachen); the multi-scale damage mechanics
(J.-L. C HABOCHE, ONERA, Chatillon, co-author N. C ARR ÈRE); an alterna-
tive approach to anisotropic damage via critical plane concept (Z. M R ÓZ,
IPPT PAN, Warsaw, co-author J. M ACIEJEWSKI) and a formal description
of damage induced anisotropy (J. G RABACKI, Cracow University of Tech-
nology, Kraków)
Part II Phenomenological- and micro-mechanical-based approaches to
anisotropic damage and fracture in brittle materials includes Chapters 5-7
on: anisotropic elastic-brittle damage and fracture description based on irre-
versible thermodynamics (J. J. S KRZYPEK, Cracow University of Technol-
ogy, Kraków, co-author H. K UNU -C ISKAL); experimental nnd theoretical
investigations of anisotropic damage in concrete and fiber reinforced con-
crete (A. L ITEWKA et al., Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilha) and
micro-mechanical damage model in rock-like solids (M. BASISTA, IPPT
PAN, Warsaw).
Part III Damage induced creep anisotropy of metallic materials under
thermo- mechanical loadings consists of Chapters 8-10 on: an extension of
isotropic creep damage theories to anisotropic materials (H. A LTENBACH,
Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg); experimental investigations of
creep fracture anisotropy in weld metal at elevated temperature (T. H.
H YDE et al.,University of Nottingham) and non-classical problems of cou-
pled thermo-damage fields (A. G ANCZARSKI, Cracow University of Tech-
nology, Kraków),
To summarize the scope of this book as well as to briefly present other
directions of research and future trends the Editors decided to include to the
book additional concluding remarks (M. Z YCZKOWSKI, Cracow University
of Technology, Kraków).
The best way to give a quick overview of some important works in dam-
age mechanics may be in form of a table as has proposed by M URAKAMI
(1987). The following Table 1.1 based upon M URAKAMI’s scheme (1987)
6 1 Introduction

has been modified by S KRZYPEK and G ANCZARSKI (1999) and by B ETTEN

Table 1.1: Classification of material damage, microscopic mechanisms and
chararacteristic features

References Microscopic mechanisms

and characteristic features
Elastic-brittle damage
G RABACKI (1994)
K RAJCINOVIC and F ONSEKA (1981) Nucleation and growth of microscopic
K RAJCINOVIC (1984; 1996) cracks caused by elastic deformations.
L EMAITRE and C HABOCHE (1990) Change of effective stiffness and
L ITEWKA (1985; 1989) compliance due to the strength reduction
L ITEWKA and H ULT (1989) and elastic modulus drop with damage
M ARIGO (1985) evolution. (Metals, rocks, concrete,
M URAKAMI and K AMIYA (1997) composites).
NAJAR (1994)
Elastic-plastic damage
T VERGAARD (1988) Nucleation, growth, and coalescence of
C HOW and L U (1992) microscopic voids caused by the (large)
D RAGON (1985) elastic-plastic deformation. Intersection
L EMAITRE (1985) of slipbands, decohesion of particles
M URZEWSKI (1992) from the matrix material, cracking of
M OU and H AN (1996) particles. Void coalescence of shear
S AANOUNI (1994) bands formation. (Metals, composite,
VOYIADJIS and K ATTAN (1992) polymers).
Spall damage
Elastic and elastic-plastic damage due to
impulsive loads. Propagation of shock
DAVISON et al. (1977; 1978) plastic waves. Coupling between
G RADY (1982) nucleation and growth of voids and
J OHNSON (1981) stress waves. Coalescence of microcrack
N EMES (1990) prior to the fragmentation process. Full
P ERZYNA (1986) separation resulting from macrocrack
propagation through heavily damaged
Fatigue damage
Nucleation and growth of microscopic
C OFFIN (1954)
transgranular cracks in the vicinity of
C HABOCHE (1974)
surface. High cycle fatigue (number of
cycles to failure larger than 105 ): effect
of macroscopic plastic strain is
L EMAITRE (1992)
negligible. Very low cycle fatigue
(number of cycles below 10): crack
M ANSON (1979)
initiation in the vicinity of surface in the
NAJAR (1994)
slip bands in grains prior to the rapid
S KOCZEN (1996)
transgranular mode in the slip planes.
continued on next page
1 Introduction 7

Table 1.1: Classification of material damage, microscopic mechanisms and

chararacteristic features

References Microscopic mechanisms

and characteristic features
Creep damage
B ETTEN (1983b; 1992)
B ETTEN et al. (1999)
C HABOCHE (1981; 1988)
H.A LTENBACH et al. (1990; 1997)
H AYHURST and L ECKIE (1973)
H AYHURST et al.(1984)
J.A LTENBACH et al. (1997)
Nucleation and growth of microscopic
K ACHANOV (1958)
voids and cracks in metal grains (ductile
KOWALESKI (1996a,b,c)
transgranular creep damage at low
K RAJCINOVIC (1983; 1996)
temperatures), or on intergranular
L ECKIE and H AYHURST (1974)
boundaries (brittle intergranular damage
M URAKAMI (1983)
at high temperatures) mainly due to
grain boundaries sliding and diffusion.
N EEDLEMAN et al. (1995)
Q I (1998)
Q I and B ERTRAM (1997)
R ABOTNOV (1969)
S TIGH (1985)
T RAMPCZYNSKI et al. (1981)
Z HENG and B ETTEN (1996)
Creep-fatigue damage
Damage induced by repeated mechanical
and thermal loadings at high
temperature. Coupled creep-cyclic
plasticity damage. Nonlinear interaction
D UNNE and H AYHURST (1994)
between intergranular voids and
H ELLE and T VERGAARD (1998)
transgranular cracks. Slip bands
formation due to plasticity (low
L EMAITRE and C HABOCHE (1975; 1990)
temperature) combined with microcrack
WANG (1992)
development due to creep (high
temperature). (Metals, alloy steels,
aluminum alloy, copper).
Irradiation damage
Damage caused by irradiation of neutron
particles and α rays. Knock-on of atoms,
G ITTUS (1978)
nucleation of voids and bubbles,
M URAKAMI and M IZUNO (1992)
swelling. Ductile behavior of creep
T ETELMAN and M C E VILY (1970)
under irradiation and brittle behavior on
post-irradiation creep.
continued on next page
8 1 Introduction

Table 1.1: Classification of material damage, microscopic mechanisms and

chararacteristic features

References Microscopic mechanisms

and characteristic features
Anisotropic damage
B ETTEN (1992)
C HABOCHE (1993)
C HABOCHE et al. (1995) Damage induced anisotropy of solids or
C HEN and C HOW (1995) damage anisotropic materials
C HOW and WANG (1987a,b) (composites). Unilateral damage
L ADEVEZE (1990) (opening/closure effect). Anisotropic
L IS (1992) elastic-brittle damage. Nonproportional
L ITEWKA (1985) and cyclic loadings. Effective state
M ATZENMILLER and S ACKMANN (1994) variables and damage effect tensor.
M URAKAMI and K AMIYA (1997) (Concrete, anisotropic ceramic
S IDOROFF (1981) composites).
Z HENG and B ETTEN (1996)
Thermo-creep damage
G ANCZARSKI and S KRZYPEK Thermo-elastic-viscoplastic damage
(1995; 1997) (fully coupled approach). Damage effect
K AVIANY (1995) on heat flux in solids. Change of
S AANOUNI et al. (1994) temperature gradient due to damage
S KRZYPEK and G ANCZARSKI (1998) evolution.

Further reviews should be mentioned, for instance, the extended re-

ports by Z HENG (1994), K RAJCINOVIC (1984), M URAKAMI (1987), Z Y-
CZKOWSKI (1988; 1996) or the comprehensive surveys in the monographs
and textbooks published by K RAJCINOVIC and L EMAITRE (1987), K A -
CHANOV (1986), K RAJCINOVIC (1996), L EMAITRE and C HABOCHE (1990),
L EMAITRE (1992), S KRZYPEK and G ANCZARSKI (1999), to name but a
The different types of material damage listed in Table 1.1 have (more
or less) a significant influence on the mechanical properties of the material,
e.g., on the elasticity modulus, the elastic stiffness, the velocities of elastic
waves, the plastic properties, the strength of materials, the fatigue strength,
the creep rupture time, etc.. Thus, damage mechanics and their application
play a central role in solving practical engineering problems.
Before formulating some basic equations of continuum mechanics and
constitutive equations for materials under multi-axial states of stress and
creep conditions, a short outline of tensor algebra should be given in the
next chapter.

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