Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Organized by B. W
Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Organized by B. W
Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Organized by B. W
come a powerful tool (B ETTEN, 1987b; 1987c) for solving such complex
The mechanical behavior of anisotropic solids (which are materials with
oriented internal structures produced by forming processes and manufac-
turing procedures or induced by permanent deformation) requires a suit-
able mathematical modelling. The properties of tensor functions with sev-
eral argumenttensors constitute a rational basis for a consistent mathemati-
cal modelling of complex material behavior ( B ETTEN, 2001a; B OEHLER,
1987; R IVLIN, 1955, 1970; S PENCER, 1971; T RUESDELL and N OLL, 1965;
WANG, 1971 ).
In creep mechanics one can differentiate between three stages: the pri-
mary, secondary, and tertiary creep stage (Chapter 4). These terms corre-
spond to a decreasing, constant, and increasing creep strain rate, respectively,
and were introduced by A NDRADE (1910).
In order to describe the creep behavior of metals in the primary stage
tensorial nonlinear constitutive equations involving the strain hardening hy-
pothesis are proposed by B ETTEN et al.(1989). Based upon these general re-
lations, the primary creep behavior of a thinwalled circular cylindrical shell
subjected to internal pressure is also analysed by B ETTEN et al. (1989). The
creep buckling of cylindrical shells subjected to internal pressure and axial
compression was investigated by B ETTEN and B UTTERS (1990) by consid-
ering tensorial nonlinearities and anisotropic primary creep . The problem
of creep buckling of cylindrical shells have earlier been discussed, for in-
stance, by M URAKAMI and TANAKA (1976), O BRECHT (1977) or H AYMAN
Based upon a creep velocity potential JAKOWLUK and M IELESZKO
(1983) formulate constitutive equations of the primary creep stage in com-
parison with experimental data on FeMnAl steel.
In Chapter 4, the secondary creep stage of isotropic and anisotropic
solids in a state of multiaxial stress will be discussed. Creep deforma-
tions of metals usually remain unaffected if hydrostatic pressure is super-
imposed. In order to describe the secondary creep behavior of isotropic ma-
terials some authors use a creep potential (B ETTEN, 1981a; JAKOWLUK and
M IELESZKO, 1985; R ABOTNOV, 1969), which is a scalar-valued function of
C AUCHY’s stress tensor . One can show that the creep potential theory is
compatible with the tensor function theory provided the material is isotropic
and additional conditions are fulfilled (B ETTEN, 1985). However, the creep
potential hypothesis only furnishes restricted forms of constitutive equations
1 Introduction 3
the benefit of the researchers themselves, but also for the practising engineers
who are under continued pressure to incorporate the latest research results
in their design procedures and processing techniques with newly developed
In this context an excellent book, recently published by S KRZYPEK and
G ANCZARSKI (1999), should be recommended. This book is an extensive
and comprehensive survey of one- and three- dimensional damage models
for elastic and inelastic solids. The state–of-the-art is reported by more than
200 references. The book not only provides a rich current source of knowl-
edge, but also describes examples of practical applications, numerical proce-
dures and computer codes. The style of the presentation is systematic, clear,
and concise, and is supported by illustrative diagrams.
Because of the broad applicability and versatility of the concept of dam-
age mechanics, the research results have been published in over thirty En-
glish and non-English technical journals. This multiplicity has imposed an
unnecessary burden on scientists and engineers alike to keep abreast with
the latest development in the subject area. The new International Journal
of Damage Mechanics has been inaugurated to provide an effective mecha-
nism hitherto unavailable to them, which will accelerate the dissemination of
information on damage mechanics not only within the research community
but also between the research laboratory and industrial design department,
and it should promote and contribute to future development of the concept
of damage mechanics.
Furthermore, one should emphasize that special Conferences on Damage
Mechanics has contributed significantly to the development of theories and
experiments in Damage Mechanics, for instance, the Conference on Damage
Mechanics held in Cachan (1981) or the IUTAM-Symposium on Mechanics
of Damage and Fatigue held in Haifa and Tel Aviv (1985), CEEPUS Sum-
mer School on Analysis of Elastomers and Creep and Flow of Glas and
Metals held in Zilina,Slovakia (1996), CISM Advanced School on Appli-
cations of Tensor Functions in Solid Mechanics held in Udine (1984) and
in Bad Honnef (1986), CISM Advanced School on Modelling of Creep and
Damage Processes in Materials and Structures held in Udine (1998), Work-
shop on Modelling of Damage Localisation and Fracture Processes in En-
gineering Materials held in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland(1998), Symposium on
Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged Materials, held in Kraków-Przegorzaly,
Poland (2002), to name just a few, gave many impulses. The keynote lectures
delivered during the last Symposium in Kraków have been printed in a new
book, edited by S KRZYPEK and G ANCZARSKI (2003).
1 Introduction 5