Scaling Concrete Surface
Scaling Concrete Surface
Scaling Concrete Surface
WHAT is Scaling
Scaling is local flaking or peeling of a finished surface of
hardened concrete as a result of exposure to cycles of
freezing and thawing. Generally, it starts as localized small
patches which later may merge and extend to expose large
areas. Light scaling does not expose the coarse aggregate.
Moderate scaling exposes the aggregate and may involve
loss of up to ⅛ to ⅜ inch [3 to 10 mm] of the surface
mortar. In severe scaling more surface has been lost and the
aggregate is clearly exposed and stands out.
Note—Occasionally concrete peels or scales in the absence of
freezing and thawing. This type of scaling is not covered in this
CIP. Often this is due to the early use of a steel trowel, over- Scaling on Concrete Slab
finishing or finishing while bleed water is on the surface. For concrete that will be continuously moist, exposed to
freezing temperatures and will be subject to the use of
WHY Do Concrete Surfaces Scale deicing chemicals, the following recommendations
Concrete slabs and surfaces of other members that are should be followed:
saturated with water and exposed to cycles of freezing and a. For exterior slabs, order concrete with specified
thawing are susceptible to scaling. When concrete is strength of 4000 psi [28 MPa], consistent with the
saturated with water and temperature approaches freezing, requirements of ACI 332, Code for Residential
water expands as it forms ice and this causes stresses Concrete. For concrete that will not be continuously
within concrete. As the number of cycles of freezing and moist or where deicing chemicals will not be applied,
thawing increases, the potential for scaling increases. the specified strength should be 3500 psi [24 MPa].
Deicing chemicals exacerbate this by increasing the b. Concrete should be air-entrained. The recommended
saturation of concrete at the surface and the number of total air content for concrete containing ¾-inch [19
freezing and thawing cycles. Air entrained concrete mm] or 1-inch 25 mm] coarse aggregate is 6 percent.
contains millions of small air bubbles that accommodate c. The quantity of supplementary cementitious materials
the expanding water and ice and prevent the stress buildup . (SCM) should not exceed one of the following: 25%
Most scaling is caused by: fly ash, 50% slag cement or 10% silica fume,
a. The use of non-air-entrained concrete or too little expressed as percent by weight of the cementitious
entrained air, especially at the surface. materials. SCMs are beneficial to concrete, however,
b. Using concrete that has a low strength that allows at higher quantities change the rate of setting,
permeation to water. bleeding, and strength gain. These impact the process
c. Using the improper concrete mixture or mixture of finishing. With appropriate modifications of the
proportions for the application. finishing procedures, it is possible to use higher
quantities of SCMs, but these need to be evaluated.
d. Application of excessive amounts of deicing chemicals,
especially on newly installed concrete that tends to be d. For most slab construction, place concrete at a slump
saturated and of lower strength. in the range of 3 to 5 inches [75 to 125 mm]. Do not
add excessive water at the jobsite. High slump
e. Improper finishing procedures of concrete slabs.
obtained by adding water increased the potential for
f. Insufficient curing resulting in a weak concrete surface. segregation and excessive bleeding and can result in
weak mortar layer at the surface. Water reducing
HOW to Prevent Scaling admixtures can provide improved workability and
retain good concrete quality.
The potential for scaling in concrete slabs can be reduced
by using good quality dense concrete with entrained air, e. Placing and finishing procedures can reduce the
following good practice for installing and curing, and by entrained air content in concrete, making it more
minimizing the use of deicing chemicals. susceptible to scaling.
f. Do not use a jitterbug or vibrating screed with high
slump concrete as it increases segregation and result chemically aggressive and destroy concrete surfaces.
in a weak mortar layer at the surface. Magnesium-based salts are used for pre-snow deicing
g. Do not perform finishing operations with bleed water of roads and can be tracked by cars and accumulate on
present on the surface. Bull floating must promptly concrete surfaces. Poor drainage causing salt solutions
follow initial screeding. Delay subsequent finishing to accumulate on concrete surfaces increases the
until bleed water has risen and dissipated from the severity of the exposure and may cause scaling.
surface. This is critical when placing air-entrained
concrete in dry and windy conditions where the HOW to Repair Scaled Surfaces
surface may appear to be dry while concrete is
Minor scaling is a cosmetic issue and may not need to be
continuing to bleed. The use of fog sprays or
repaired. On the other hand repairing concrete slabs with
evaporation retardants are recommended in these
excessive and progressing scaling may not be feasible.
conditions. See CIP 14 for finishing concrete.
h. Do not overwork the surface of concrete. Excessive It is possible to repair light to moderately scaled surfaces.
finishing reduces entrained air in the surface layer. The repaired surface will only be as strong as the base sur-
For most exterior surfaces a broom finish is adequate. face to which it is bonded. The surface should be prepared
to remove the unsound surface and should be free of dirt,
i. Provide proper curing by using pigmented liquid
oil or paint. The surface receiving the repair must be sound.
membrane curing compound or by covering the
To accomplish this, use a hammer and chisel, sandblasting,
surface of newly placed slab with wet burlap and
high-pressure washer, or jack hammer. The clean, rough,
plastic sheets. Proper curing involves maintaining
textured surface can be repaired with thin bonded resurfac-
concrete at adequate temperature and moisture for
ing such as:
optimum performance.
j. Protect concrete from the harsh winter environment. a. Portland cement concrete resurfacing
Apply a commercially available silane or siloxane- b. Latex modified concrete resurfacing
based breathable concrete sealer or water repellent c. Polymer-modified cementitious-based repair mortar
specifically designed for use on concrete slabs.
Repair material will not match the color and characteristics
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. The
of the original concrete.
concrete should be reasonably dry prior to the
application of a sealer. Late summer with a few dry References
days preceding application is an ideal time .
1. Guide to Durable Concrete, ACI 201.2R, American
k. Be cautious about placing exterior concrete in late Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
fall, winter or early spring when conditions are such
2. Scale-Resistant Concrete Pavements, IS117.02P, Portland
that it will be exposed to freezing temperatures Cement Association, Skokie, IL.
shortly after placement while concrete is still
3. Protective Coatings to Prevent Deterioration of Concrete by
saturated. Deicing Chemicals, National Cooperative Highway Research
l. Avoid using deicing chemicals on newly placed Program Report No. 16.
concrete, if possible. Use clean sand for traction. 4. Code Requirements for Residential Concrete, ACI 332,
When used, deicing chemicals should be applied in American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
moderate amounts. Excessive applications increases 5. Residential Concrete, National Association of Home Builders,
potential for scaling. When conditions permit, hose Washington, DC.
off accumulation of salt deposited by cars on 6. Slabs on Grade, Concrete Craftsman Series CCS-1, American
driveways and garage slabs. Deicing chemicals Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
composed of calcium chloride and sodium chloride 7. Eugene Goeb, Deicer Scaling: An Unnecessary Problem,
(rock salt) are considered acceptable for concrete. Concrete Products, February 1994.
Never use ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate or 8. Concrete in Practice Series, CIP 5, 11, 14, NRMCA, Silver
magnesium-based salts as a deicer; these are Spring, MD.