Copper Rod For Electrical Purposes
Copper Rod For Electrical Purposes
Copper Rod For Electrical Purposes
B49 − 15a
TABLE 1 Chemical CompositionA 5.3 The rod coils shall be furnished in continuous lengths
UNS Number C11000 C11040 C10100 C10200 with or without joints, as ordered.
Copper, min 99.90 %D 99.90 %E 99.99 %E 99.95 %D
incl silver incl silver 6. Chemical Composition
ppm ppm ppm ppm
Tellurium, max ... 2 2 ... 6.1 Each rod type shall conform to the chemical composi-
Selenium, max ... 2 3 ... tion requirements prescribed in Table 1 for the type of copper
Bismuth, max ... 1.0 1.0 ... ordered (Section 5).
Group total, max ... 3 ... ...
Antimony, max ... 4 4 ... 6.2 By agreement between the manufacturer and the
Arsenic, max ... 5 5 ...
Tin, max ... 5 2 ... purchaser, the addition of silver up to an average of 30 troy oz
Lead, max ... 5 5 ... per short ton of copper (0.10 %) will be considered within the
Iron, max ... 10 10 ... specification, copper including silver in the chemical analysis,
Nickel, max ... 10 10 ...
Sulfur, max ... 15 15 ... with no individual silver analysis to exceed 35 troy oz per short
Silver, max ... 25 25 ... ton (0.12 %). In the case of oxygen-free silver-bearing coppers,
Oxygen ... 100–650 5 max 10 max the designation OFS (oxygen-free, silver-bearing) will be used
Maximum ... 65F ... ...
allowable total as shown in Classification B224 and will include the UNS Nos.
Cadmium, max ... ... 1 ... C10400, C10500, and C10700 as defined by the agreed silver
Phosphorus, max ... ... 3 ... content.
Zinc, max ... ... 1 ...
Manganese, max ... ... 0.5 ... 6.3 Silver-bearing tough-pitch copper corresponds to the
Fire-Refined Coppers
UNS Number C11020 C11025
designation STP (silver-bearing tough-pitch) as shown in
Copper Type FRHC FRHC Classification B224 and to coppers having UNS Nos. C11300,
Copper, min 99.90 %D 99.90 %D C11400, C11500, and C11600.
incl silver
Tellurium, max ... 10 6.4 Oxygen Content—Oxygen-free copper as described
Selenium, max ... 10
Bismuth, max ... 5
herein is defined as a copper containing not in excess of
Group total, max ... ... 0.0010 % (10 ppm) oxygen and produced without the use of
Antimony, max ... 50 metallic or other deoxidizers.
Arsenic, max ... 10
Tin, max ... 150
Lead ... 150–450 7. Physical Property Requirements
Iron, max ... 20
Nickel, max ... 150 7.1 Electrical Resistivity—Resistivity of the copper in the
Sulfur, max ... 20 annealed condition (See Note X1.1) shall not exceed the
Silver, max ... 150
Oxygen ... 100–400
following values at 20°C:
Maximum ... 750F Resistivity, max, at 20°C
allowable total Type of Copper
Annealed, Ω · g/m2
Cadmium, max ... 100
Phosphorus, max ... ... UNS C10100 only 0.15176 (101.00 % IACS min)
Zinc, max ... 80 All others 0.15328 (100.00 % IACS min)
Manganese, max ... ...
See 13.1.2. 8. Mechanical Property Requirements
From Specification B170 Grade 1 copper or equivalent.
From Specification B170 Grade 2 copper or equivalent. 8.1 Tensile Tests—Rod finished by hot working or annealing
See 13.1.1.
By difference. See 13.1.2 and 13.1.3.
shall have a minimum elongation of 30 % in 10 in. (250 mm).
Not including oxygen. (Note X1.2 and Test Methods E8/E8M.)
8.2 Torsion (Twist) Tests—Torsion tests are not a require-
ment of this specification. However, a discussion will be found
in Note X1.3.
4.2.1 Certification (Section 17) and
8.3 Embrittlement (Bend) Test:
4.2.2 Test Report (Section 18).
8.3.1 A test to reflect propensity towards hydrogen em-
5. Material and Manufacture brittlement shall be performed only on oxygen-free copper.
8.3.2 The specimen shall be tested in accordance with 13.6
5.1 The rod shall be fabricated from copper of such quality and Specification B170.
and purity that the finished product shall have the properties
8.3.3 The specimen, prepared and tested from the OFE
and characteristics prescribed in this specification.
(oxygen-free electronic) copper (UNS C10100) listed in Table
NOTE 1—The following specifications define materials suitable for use: 1, shall withstand without breaking into two pieces, a minimum
Specification B5, or Specification B115, or Specification B170. of ten (10) reverse bends.
5.2 Copper of special qualities, forms, or types, as agreed 8.3.4 The specimen, prepared and tested from the OF
upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser and that will (oxygen-free) copper (UNS C10200) listed in Table 1, shall
conform to the requirements prescribed in this specification withstand, without breaking into two pieces, a minimum of
may also be used. eight (8) reverse bends.
B49 − 15a
8.4 Annealability—Annealability is not a requirement of 11.3 When a cast refinery shape has been chemically
this specification. However, a discussion will be found in Notes analyzed and converted into rod without remelting, further
X1.4-X1.6. chemical analysis shall not be required.
B49 − 15a
13.1.4 The test methods annex of Specification B170 should
be referenced for the oxygen-free coppers. Test Methods E478
should be referenced for the determination of silver-bearing
alloys permitted under this specification.
13.1.5 Oxygen content shall be determined on cleaned
copper samples using a suitable laboratory apparatus or a
commercial instrument designed specifically for this purpose.
Test Method E2575 shall be referenced to determine oxygen
content in copper and copper alloys only for the range 5 to 400
ppm since standards have not been developed above this range.
13.2 Tensile Elongation—Elongation shall be determined as
the permanent increase in length, caused by breaking of the rod
in tension, measured between gage marks placed originally FIG. 1 Schematic Illustration Showing Electrolytic Reduction
10 in. (250 mm) apart upon the test specimen (Note X1.2). The Test Method
fracture shall be between gage marks and not closer than 1 in.
(25 mm) to either gage mark.
13.3 Electrical Resistivity: supply or a coulometer. A discussion on means to help improve
13.3.1 At the option of the manufacturer, electrical resistiv- accuracy and repeatability of this test method will be found in
ity shall be determined in accordance with 13.3.2 or 13.3.3. Note X1.8.
However, in case of dispute, 13.3.2 shall apply. 13.5.2 Each of the oxides found on copper, namely cuprous
13.3.2 Resistance measurements (Note X1.1) shall be made and cupric, are reduced sequentially to copper at different
on specimens of the rod after cleaning and processing down to reduction potentials, and the voltages are to be recorded against
a diameter of approximately 0.080 in. (2.0 mm) and annealing time during the entire test. When the individual reactions
at approximately 932°F (500°C) for 30 min. Other equivalent between the oxides and hydrogen ions are complete, gaseous
annealing methods may be used. Test specimens processed to hydrogen is evolved and may be seen visually at the surface of
a diameter other than 0.080 in. may be used if agreed upon the copper rod sample.
between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 13.5.3 A typical curve of voltage versus time is presented in
13.3.3 Resistance measurements may be determined on Fig. 2. Cuprous oxide is reduced initially. When this reaction is
specimens of the rod after cleaning, but without further complete, reduction of the cupric oxide occurs at a higher
processing and annealing. However, in the event of failure of a voltage.
rod specimen to conform to the criteria of 7.1, a retest is
permitted using the procedure of 13.3.2.
13.3.4 Electrical resistivity shall be determined in accor-
dance with Test Method B193 except that when the option of
13.3.3 is elected, the plus and minus tolerance for the cross-
sectional area as specified in Test Method B193 shall not apply.
13.4 Diameter—Diameter of the rod shall be measured with
a suitable measuring device, micrometer, caliper or other,
reading at least to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.02 mm).
13.5 Surface Oxide:
13.5.1 The thickness and type of unreduced oxide films
remaining on the surface of rod after cleaning shall be
determined by an electrolytic reduction method. This test shall
be performed by reducing the surface oxide(s) to copper in an
electrolytic cell.4 As shown by the schematic diagram in Fig. 1,
the test sample is made cathodic with respect to an anode,
which shall be made from a platinum wire or an equivalent
inert electrode. Current shall be supplied from a dc power
For a description of a similar, yet alternative standard procedure to determine
tarnish films on coupons exposed to environmental tests, see “Monitoring Environ-
mental Tests by Coulometric Reduction of Metallic Control Samples,” Journal of
Testing and Evaluation, 1989, pp. 357-367, ASTM. Also refer to “The Role of
Surface Oxide and Its Measurement in the Copper Wire Industry,” Wire Journal,
March 1977, pp. 50-57, and “Analysis and Automation of Copper Surface Oxide
Measurement,” Wire Journal, February 1999, pp. 90-97, and “New Developments in FIG. 2 Typical Voltage-Time Curve for the Reduction
Rod Surface Measurement and Analysis,” Wire Journal, December, 2009, pp. 72-78. of Copper Oxide Films
B49 − 15a
13.5.4 Thickness of each oxide present shall be calculated 16.1.1 Product that fails to conform to the requirements of
as follows: the product specification may be rejected.
16.1.2 Rejection shall be reported to the manufacturer, or
ItM supplier, promptly and in writing.
T5 (1) 16.1.3 In case of disagreement or dissatisfaction with the
Sd Fn
results of the test upon which rejection was based, the
where: manufacturer or supplier may make claim for a rehearing.
T = oxide thickness, cm; 16.2 Rehearing—As a result of product rejection, the manu-
I = current, A; facturer or supplier may make claim for retest to be conducted
t = time of reaction, s;
by the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser. Samples of
M = molecular weight of the oxide, g;
S = surface area of immersed sample, cm2; the rejected product shall be taken in accordance with the
d = oxide density (6.0 g/cm3 for Cu2O and 6.4 g/cm3 for product specification and tested by both parties as directed in
CuO); the product specification, or alternatively upon agreement by
F = Faraday constant, 96 500 C; and both parties, an independent laboratory may be selected for the
n = hydrogen equivalent (2). tests using the test methods prescribed in the product specifi-
13.6 Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility:
13.6.1 The specimen of oxygen-free copper rod shall be 17. Certification
drawn into 0.080-in. (2.03-mm) diameter wire, annealed in an 17.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, the
atmosphere containing not less than 10 % of hydrogen for 30 purchaser shall be furnished certification representative of the
min at 1560 6 45°F (850 6 25°C) and cooled quickly in the shipping lot indicating that requirements have been met as
same atmosphere, or without undue exposure to air, quenched directed by this specification.
into water. Each specimen shall undergo the bend test in
accordance with 13.6.2. 18. Test Report
13.6.2 The specimen (13.6.1) shall be lightly clamped 18.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, a
between jaws with edges having a radius of 0.200 in. (5.1 mm), report of test results shall be furnished.
bent by hand over one edge of the jaws through an angle of
90°, and returned to its original position. This constitutes a 19. Packaging and Package Marking
second bend. Each successive bend shall be made in the 19.1 Package size shall be agreed upon between the manu-
opposite direction from the previous bend (see Test Methods facturer and the purchaser and shall be stated in the order.
B577). 19.2 The rod shall be packaged and protected against
damage from normal handling and shipping as is consistent
14. Significance of Numerical Limits with good commercial practice.
14.1 Calculated values shall be rounded to the nearest unit 19.3 Individual coils without joints and with a net mass
in the last right hand significant digit used in expressing the greater than 3000 lb (1400 kg) shall be marked or otherwise
limiting value in accordance with the rounding-off method in identified with the following:
Practice E29. 19.3.1 Coil production number,
19.3.2 Net weight,
15. Inspection
19.3.3 Manufacturer’s name, brand, or trademark, and
15.1 All inspections and tests shall be made at the place of 19.3.4 UNS Number and Copper Type.
manufacture unless otherwise agreed upon between the manu-
19.4 Marking for coils other than described in 19.3 shall be
facturer and the purchaser at the time of purchase. The
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
manufacturer shall afford the inspector representing the pur-
chaser all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material 20. Keywords
being furnished is in accordance with this specification. 20.1 cathode; copper rod; electrical conductors; electrolytic
tough-pitch copper; fire-refined high conductivity copper;
16. Rejection and Rehearing oxygen-free copper; shaving; subsurface oxides; uniform sur-
16.1 Rejection: face oxides
B49 − 15a
(Nonmandatory Information)
NOTE X1.1—Relationships that may be useful in connection with the atmosphere for 1 h at 700°C 6 20 (1256 to 1328°F) and then quenched
values of electrical resistivity prescribed in this specification are shown in into water or a dilute (10 % v/v) sulfuric acid solution at ambient
Table 3. Resistivity units are based on the International Annealed Copper temperature. Copper oxide scale shall be removed in a 10 % v ⁄ v volume
Standards (IACS) adopted by IEC in 1913, which is 1/58 Ω · mm2/m at per volume, sulfuric acid bath and thoroughly washed to remove loose
20°C for 100 % conductivity. The value of 0.017 241 Ω · mm2/m and the scale or adhering copper dust.
value of 0.153 28 Ω · g m2 at 20°C are, respectively, the international Preparation of Wire for Spiral Elongation Test—The rod sample shall
equivalent of volume and weight resistivity of annealed copper equal (to be drawn into a 2.00-mm (0.080 in. 6 0.01) diameter wire in a series of
five significant figures) to 100 % conductivity. The latter term means that passes, each of which shall reduce the cross-sectional area of the
a copper wire 1 m in length and weighing 1 g would have a resistance of conductor by 20 to 25 %.
0.153 28 Ω. This is equivalent to a resistivity value of 875.20 Ω · lb/mile2, Particular care should be taken to avoid excessive heating of the copper
which signifies the resistance of a copper wire 1 mile in length weighing during drawing. For example, the wire shall either be allowed to cool for
1 lb. It is also equivalent, for example, to 1.7241 µΩ/cm of length of a 5 min between passes or quenched to ambient temperature after each pass.
copper bar 1 cm2 in cross section. A complete discussion of this subject is In addition, drawing speed should not exceed 60 m/min (200 ft/min), and
contained in NBS Handbook 100. The use of five significant figures in the drawn wire shall be wound into a coil having a minimum diameter of
expressing resistivity does not imply the need for greater accuracy of 200 mm.
measurement than that specified in Test Method B193. The use of five After drawing, a coil of the wire shall be formed by winding the
significant figures is required for reasonably accurate reversible conver- conductor around a mandrel having a minimum diameter of 200 mm
sion from one set of resistivity units to another. The equivalent resistivity (7.87 in.). The copper coil shall then be removed from the mandrel, heated
values in Table 3 were derived from the fundamental IEC value (1/58 Ω for 2 h at 392 6 1°F (200 6 0.5°C), in a constant temperature bath, and
· mm2/m) computed to seven significant figures and then rounded to five cooled immediately to ambient temperature.
significant figures. Temperature of the copper wire must be kept uniform and measured
NOTE X1.2—In general, tested values of elongation are reduced with quite accurately. Since good temperature control is extremely important,
increased speed of the moving head of the testing machine in the tension thermocouples should be placed at strategic locations throughout the
testing of copper wire and rod. In the case of tests on soft or annealed annealing device. It is recommended that an 8-mm-diameter dummy rod
copper rod, however, the effects of speed of testing are not pronounced. In sample be formed into a 200-mm-diameter ring and placed in the constant
tests of soft rod made at speeds not greater than 12 in./min (300 mm/min), temperature bath at the same position normally occupied by the test wire.
the values obtained for elongation are not affected to any practical extent Using a thermocouple embedded in the rod to a depth equal to the radius,
(see Test Methods E8/E8M). temperature should reach the annealing temperature within a 5-min
NOTE X1.3—Torsion tests are widely used by producers and users. period.
Because of the uncertain correlation with performance, and the subjective Test Procedures—A 1400-mm-long test sample is cut from the
aspect of interpretation, these tests should only be used as an indicator of annealed coil of wire. Using an indelible marking tool, a 1000-mm gage
in-house process control. Therefore, no standardized test is recommended. length is marked over the midlength of the copper wire. One end of the
NOTE X1.4—Annealability by Hardness Tests—A rod sample of suit- test sample is firmly secured to the end of a polished mandrel whose axis
able length shall be cut from each end of a coil lot. The as-received sample is horizontal and which has a diameter of 20 6 0.01 mm. A 2.240-kg load
shall be cold rolled to a flat section, so that the thickness is equal to 30 % is suspended from the free end of the wire, thereby inducing a stress of
of the original rod diameter. No edge rolling is required. The flattened 7 MPa (1000 psi). The wire shall be wound into a spiral by rotating the
copper shall be heated at 527 6 2°F (275 6 1°C) for 15 min in a constant mandrel at a speed of approximately 50 r/min, taking special care that
temperature bath and quenched immediately into water at ambient each turn of the spiral touches the preceding one, that the turns are not
temperature. Other temperatures and times may be used by special pressed into place, that handling is kept to a minimum, and that the wire
agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser. Hardness shall be is wound in the same direction that it was previously coiled.
measured along the center line of the annealed specimen using the Although the length between gage marks on the spiral is approximately
Rockwell F scale, in accordance with Test Methods E18. 28 mm, this distance shall be measured to the nearest 1 mm, and recorded
NOTE X1.5—Annealability by Torsion (Spiral Elongation)—The spiral as the initial value “10.”
elongation test described herewith is used only for testing high conduc- The spiral of wire shall then be removed from the mandrel, carefully
tivity copper that is sampled at the rod stage and does not address the fastened at one end, and loaded axially at the other (lower) end with the
quality of copper wire selected at later stages of commercial processing. same 2.240-kg weight as that used in the aforementioned coil winding
Copper wire is initially given a low temperature anneal under tightly operation.
controlled conditions, subsequently wound into a spiral (helical configu- The weight shall be supported initially with a platform and loaded onto
ration) under tensile load, and then stretched axially by a weight of the spiral uniformly and smoothly by either of two methods, namely: (a)
specified mass. The change in length measured after the weight is lowering the platform supporting the weight or (b) raising the upper end
removed, and the spiral has relaxed, is considered as a measure of of the spiral at a rate such that the stretching of the spiral does not exceed
softness. 20 cm/s.
Rod Treatment—A rod sample of suitable length shall be cut from the After 1 min of free suspension, the weight is manually removed in a
end of a coil lot, and if necessary, reduced to a diameter of either 0.25 in., very careful manner and the elongated spiral is allowed to relax by placing
+0.020 −0.010 (6.35 mm +0.50 −0.25) or 0.315 6 0.015 in. (8.00 6 0.40 it on a table for an additional period of 1 min. Note that the load is not to
mm) by cold drawing. This sample shall either be annealed or not be removed by either raising the platform or lowering the upper end of the
annealed according to the following circumstances: spiral. The extended length of the spiral between gage marks shall be
(a) No annealing treatment will be performed if the copper is processed measured to the nearest 1 mm and called “1f.” The spiral elongation value,
according to a specific manufacturing schedule. in millimetres, is calculated as the difference lf − l0.
(b) The sample shall be subjected to an annealing treatment if it is This same procedure shall be repeated on two additional spirals of wire
desired to compare samples produced via different manufacturing routes. from the same coil, and the average value obtained from three separate
Under these circumstances, the rod sample shall be annealed under normal spirals shall be referred to as the “Spiral Elongation Number.”
B49 − 15a
NOTE X1.6—Annealability (General)—Although five different basic improved. As a compromise between attaining practical (short) laboratory
types of test methods have been reported in the literature for measuring the test times while not losing extreme accuracy, a current density in the range
annealability of wirebar or rod, numerous variations and perturbations between 0.15 and 0.55 milliamperes per square centimeter is typically
exist. For a more thorough description of these tests, refer to the Journal used in the rod industry. In general, equipment is usually operated in the
of Testing and Evaluation.5 Inasmuch as hardness and torsional measure- range of 1 to 20 milliamperes.
ments are frequently used, detailed procedures are contained in Notes (2) Reference Electrode—Either saturated calomel or a silver/silver-
X1.4 and X1.5. Softening values for low temperature annealing copper chloride configuration are often used to determine voltage. However, if the
and for other types of copper rods, if requested, shall be decided upon current density is maintained fairly low, there is no accuracy-based reason
between the producer and the user. to use a reference electrode.
NOTE X1.7—Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination—Non- (3) Electrolyte Solution—A 0.1 molar solution of sodium carbonate has
destructive methods for locating surface discontinuities or imperfections generally been adopted, although potassium chloride solutions are also
in copper redraw rod are widely used by both producers and users. A acceptable.
detailed description of the procedures that could be followed is found in (4) Dissolved Oxygen in the Electrolyte—When a constant current is
Practice E1606. This practice covers electromagnetic (eddy-current) run between the anode and cathode, the anode creates oxygen. This is just
examination of redraw rod that is made from tough-pitch or oxygen-free one way in which dissolved oxygen enters the electrolyte. Overall test
coppers in diameters from 1⁄4 to 1 3⁄8 in. (6.4 to 35 mm) and that are efficiency is diminished and leads to artificially high surface oxide values
suitable for further fabrication into electrical conductors. Examination is when dissolved oxygen in the electrolyte is reduced by the hydrogen at the
achieved by passing the rod lengthwise through a stationary encircling cathode. Best results are obtained when oxygen is removed by bubbling
annular test coil that is energized with alternating current at a fixed nitrogen or argon gas through the electrolyte after each test run and
frequency. As the rod is passed through the coil, electrical impedance electrolyte change. Since oxygen is also introduced into the electrolyte at
changes are caused by such variables as rod vibrations, electrical the end of the test when hydrogen gas is generated by electrolysis, the test
conductivity differences, dimensional changes, and mechanical disconti- sample should be removed as soon as possible after bubbles are first
nuities on the rod surface. Deep seated defects are not detected by this test observed at the cathode. Some commercial surface oxide testers automati-
method. cally reduce the current to just a sensing level when the test has stopped.
Test coils induce eddy currents in the moving rod and also sense (5) Sample Cleanliness—Any residual mill or quench solution on the
changes in electrical characteristics of the rod. Their diameters should sample should be thoroughly cleaned to prevent contamination of the
allow the largest practical fill factor, which is oftentimes greater than electrolyte. This procedure is particularly important if the rod is acid
60 %. The electrical apparatus energizes these test coils with alternating pickled, since the test is very sensitive to pH.
currents having frequencies usually in the range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. (6) Physical Calibration—Studies using copper foil, which acts as a
Artificial discontinuity standards can be used for adjusting the sensitivity secondary standard and changes negligibly over time when properly
setting of the apparatus. They should be processed from mechanically stored, can be performed in the laboratory to determine the number of tests
shaved or machined copper rods that are similar to typical production lots. that can be run before readings change, which is a factor that depends
Artificial discontinuities should be small holes drilled radially, transverse upon the cell volume, the cleaning practice for test samples, and the
notches, or other contours. They are not meant to be indicative of natural surface area under test. Foil testing can also be used to check proper
discontinuities, but only used for establishing levels of sensitivity. It operation of the tester, compare two different testers, and gage R&R
should be noted that sensitivity control settings are arbitrary and may vary testing for quality control.
from instrument to instrument of the same design and manufacturer. A (7) Electrolyte Renewal—Electrolyte quality has a significant effect on
suggested instrument that can be used for passing the artificial disconti- the test results, inasmuch as contamination or depleted electrolyte tends to
nuity standards through a stationary test coil with a reciprocating motion reduce the reduction efficiency.
is shown in Practice E1606. It should be constructed to minimize The following methods can be used to determine when subsurface
vibrations and to allow the standard to pass through the center of the coil oxides are present:
in a straight line. (1) Twist Testing Combined with Surface Oxide Testing—Torsional
NOTE X1.8—Surface Oxide Testing—The Surface Oxide test measures twist testing of rod introduces stresses on the surface that may produce
multiple factors and combines them into one number. The two most cracks and open-up fissures near the brittle SSOs. Exposure of these
influential of these factors are the uniform surface oxide (USO) thickness oxides to the electrolyte will increase the value of the cupric oxide (CuO)
and the degree to which detrimental subsurface oxides (SSOs) are present constituent compared with the untwisted rod, while at the same time the
in the sample. The latter can be considered a production defect since poor cuprous oxide (Cu2O) value remains nearly constant. The optimum degree
drawability, excessive fines generation, and wire breaks may occur if of twisting exposes SSOs without causing excessive exfoliation of oxides
subsurface oxides (SSOs) are present in the hot-rolled rod. SSOs may on the rod surface. Prior research on 8 mm rod has shown that a 5 by 5
occur if the high pressure descaler does not adequately remove the oxide twist test is the optimum level to be performed prior to surface oxide
scale in the roughing mill and some of this oxide becomes embedded in testing.
the rod by rolls downstream from the descaler. They can also occur if hot (2) High Variability of Test Results—Inasmuch as SSOs are usually
cracks occur in the cast bar or if there are fold overs of bar corners. To periodic in nature, overall surface oxide results often display high
improve quality and reduce costs, it may be extremely important to variability. Furthermore, at the temperature where SSOs are stable, the
determine if high surface oxide test results are caused by either high resulting phase is mostly cupric oxide. Whereas the cuprous oxide values
uniform surface oxides (USOs) or by the presence of SSOs, and methods from sample to sample are usually quite consistent and have a low
for doing so will be listed in the latter. standard deviation, high variability of test data tends to occur in the cupric
Many different process and operating variables can impair the accuracy oxide measurements.
and repeatability of the test that is used to measure the uniform surface (3) Metallographic Examination of Samples—Although the presence of
oxide (USO) film thickness on copper rod or wire. The most significant SSOs in rod can be detected clearly by metallographic analysis, it is
test parameters are as follows: oftentimes very time consuming. Twisting of the rod may be beneficial
(1) Current Density—This property is calculated by taking the constant because cracks usually form where SSOs are present. Examination of
test current and dividing it by the surface area of the sample exposed to the fines, the cast bar, wire, and a “fishpole” of the hot rolled rod can also
electrolyte. Current density is a very important factor when SSOs are prove useful.
present or if the electrolyte is bad. However, under ideal conditions it is a (4) Use of Variable Current Densities—Testing rod that contains SSOs
negligible factor. The test takes more time to complete as the current is highly influenced by current density, especially at high dissolved
density is decreased, but at the same time accuracy and repeatability are oxygen levels in the electrolyte. Copper foil, most wires, some hot-rolled
rods, and shaved rod samples show nearly constant surface oxide
measurements with increasing values of current density. In contrast,
Joint B-1 and B-2 Task Group, “The Annealability Testing of Copper,” Journal however, these measurements increase significantly (as much as nine
of Testing and Evaluation, Vol 1, No. 1, ASTM, 1973. times or higher) with increasing current density when SSOs are present. In
B49 − 15a
large part this occurs because at high current densities the reduction rate since the exact geometric characteristics of these contaminants are usually
of uniform surface oxides is faster than the rate of partially buried scale. never the same.
The influence of SSOs will usually be different for different rod sources
Committee B05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B49 – 15)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Sept. 15, 2015.)
(1) Added 19.3.4 to 19.3 identifying copper alloy and type. (4) Added Footnote E in Table 1 to copper C11040 to align with
(2) Added FRHC coppers to the Scope (1.1). UNS calculation for copper content. This was handled edito-
(3) Added two FRHC coppers, namely, C11020 and C11025, to rially by TG 754 consensus to accommodate a voter’s request.
Table 1.
Committee B05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B49 – 10)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2015.)
(1) Added Note X1.8 for surface oxide testing. (3) Added keywords “electrolytic,” “uniform surface oxides,”
(2) Removed “Drawing Stock” from Title and Scope and and “subsurface oxides.”
“redraw” from Keywords.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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