Urban Space Rob Krier PDF
Urban Space Rob Krier PDF
Urban Space Rob Krier PDF
- v. IAN. 2003
Foreword by Colin Rowe
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FOREWORD and modulations of th1s spatial 2 THE DEV ELO PMENT OF THE
by Colin Rowe 7 type . . . ..... . . ..... .. . .. .. . .. . 42 TOWN ... . . ..... . . . ............ . 91
-combinations of different types 3 SHORT HISTORY OF STUTTGART 91
CHAPTER 1 of c1rcus ..... . .... . ..... . . . . . . 43 4 PR OPOSALS FO R THE
- geometncally complex systems . 46 RECONSTRUCTION OF
TYPOLOGICAL AND -triangular squares and the1r DEVASTATED URBAN AREAS
MORPHOLOGICAL ELEMENTS OF derivatives ..... . . .... . . . . 50 (GENERAL) .. .. .. .... . . ..... . .. 102
THE CONCEPT OF URBAN SPACE13 - large-sca le composite plans .. . . 51 - stat1on area .... .. .. . .. . 105
1 INTRODUCTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - la rge-scale compos1te forms 59 - u n1versity area .... . . . .. . ... . 108
2 DEFINITION OF T HE CONCEPT -street plans .. ... . . . 60 - the Rotebi.ihlp latz ....... . . 1 12
'URBAN SPACE' . ... . . 15 - vanat1ons and 1nventions ...... 61 - J ohannesstrasse/ Feuersee . . . . . . 122
- the square .. ... . . . .. . . . .. . ... . 17 10 EPILOGUE TO TH E C HAPTER - the Osterreichisc he Platz . . ... . 123
- the street .. . . .. . .......... . 17 'THEORY OF URBAN SPACE' .. 62 -the W ilhelmsplatz - the
3 TYPICAL FUNCTION S OF Leonhardsplatz .......... .. .. . . 13 1
URBAN SPACES 17 -the Charl ottenplatz- the
- the square .. . . ... . . . . . ... • . . .. 19 Sc hlossplatz .... ... . .. . . ... . . . 142
CHAPTER 2 - the Staa tsgalerie . .. .. .. . . . ... . 153
- the street . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . :!0
4 TYPOLOGY OF URBAN SPACE .. 22 - the Schlos sgarten . . . . . ..... .. . . 155
SPATIAL TYPE ...... . . .. . 23
PLANNING .. .. .. .. . .. . 63 URBAN SPACE 157
AND SQUARE .... .. .... . . . . . 28
GROWTH? . . .. .... .... ... .. . . . 83 APPEND IX 1 59
- plans of rectangular squares
w 1th vafliJllons 32
IT S DEVELO PME NT .. .. .. . .. . .. 161
-orth ogonal plans for squ ares 33
- orthogo na l plans for squares w1th CHAPTER 3
LEINFELDE N ..... ........ .. . .. 166
central build1ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
-open squares with bu1ldmgs RECONSTRUCTING DEVASTATED
Introduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 URBAN SPACE WITH EXAMP LES
- examples of spaces wh1ch are FROM THE CITY CENTRE O F
angled. d1v1ded. added to o r STUTTGART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
superimposed ... ..... . . . 40 INTRODUCTION
- c1rcuses 41 - motivation and obJeCtives w h1ch BIBLIOGRAPHY ... . . .. . ... . 173
-Circuses contammg buildin gs gave nse to th1s study .. . ... .. . . 89 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .. . 174
tecture - a primary message of Walter and nothing - ever - w as really very The verbals are antique: and the
Gropius. Sigfried Giedion. Le Corbusier true and. in the twentieth cen tury. even problem of the symbiosis of antiquity
and Ni kolaus Pevsner. Only believe in those few who almost approached and th e would-be way-ou t. though not
this : and if y ou w ill but do so. the goodness. almost embodied truth. insuperable. is certai nly considerable.
world will become re-integrated. the were invaria bly debauched by the For avant garde protestati on (hey. look
joys of craftsmanship res tored and the fl agrant influence p f a local grandee - at ou r acrobatics ! ) and the eternal
wounds of society healed. But if. a capitalist Dracu la. monstrous. sadie creakings of old verbal machinery are.
contributing to th e litany of this myth. and perverse - wh o distorted th e in th e end. not the best of all possible
th ere have been many of the would-be message and rendered its results bedfellows; and. si mply. the combi-
self-consciously cri tical names of re- utterly vain. nation is less than respectably athletic .
cent Western civi lisation. it must still
remain a particu larly savage irony that Or. at least. something like this seems Until recen tly w hen modern archi-
modern architecture's most favored to be among the many inherently t ec ture. in spite of its longevity. was
polemic has now been enlisted aga inst in co nsistent diagnoses of modern still. universally, procla imed as 'new'.
modern architecture itse lf. For the locus architecture's impendi ng collapse ; and. almost any archi tect und er the age of
ofth e histo rical riftvall eyis now shifted; up to a point. this diag nosis is alm os t six ty (with appropriate ach ievements
the bad date is now 1923 - or th ere - beli eva ble. But. it is surely not so mu ch to his cred it) was likely to be saluted
abouts ; the bad gestures/propositio ns th e credibtllty as it is the wholly con- and advertised as 'young' and th e
are those of ClAM; and the really evil ventiona l character of such argument question 'But just how old does one
guys (the Pted Pipers w ho lead the child- w hich deserves attention. For. if in have to be in order to become a young
ren in the wrong direction and finally their impli ca tion that most of the c ities architect ( ?)' was scarcely ever pro-
deposited them in a Carp athia n w ilder- of the world have been approximately pounded. For the legend of uncor-
ness. terribly dangerous and ever so far w recked via the agency of modern rupted. incorruptibl e arch itectural
from home) are rap id ly coming to be architecture the proponents of archi- youth (youth synonymous with the
the bearers of just those names w hich. tettura razionale can only be entirely only quest worthwhile - the ongoing
only the other day, seemed to be so correct. then should it not seem quest for the new and the ag ile) per-
firml y respectable and so highly estab- strange that th e style of argument. sisted as one of th e most fundamental
lished among the commemorators of even the vocabul ary of argument. in of f ictio ns: and. indeed. the collusion
architectural progress. which these judgements are delivered- between Peter Pan. Jugendstil. the
bourgeois angst. apoca lyptic threat. Boy Sco uts and th e early Fascist
So. perhaps. we now inhabit a some- incipient worl d tra nsforming event. 'giovinezza. giovinezza' is likely t o
w hat desperate Transylvanian land - holi stic delive rance - is represent ative remain among the more observable
scape of the mind. lugubriously of a critical strat egy of w hich modern phenomena of early twentieth century
furn ished with the wreckage of repu- arch itecture shou ld have made us only culture - perh aps part of th e inevitable
tations and the debris of good inten- too sceptica l ? For. again. the decora- heritage of the art nouveau.
ti ons. Hamelin tow n is f ar away ('in tions of the stage infer someth ing
Brunswick near f amous Hanover sign ificantly avant garde. wh ile the So it w as an important idea - and a
City') ; but. havi ng been brought to libretto of the opera comes over as a dangerous one: and. like many im-
our present destitution by the most standardized and enti rely t o be antici- portant - and dangerous - ideas. it has
charming of music. the most inter- pated plot. To repeat: the bad date is become f ossilized and survives as no
esting of leaders. the most curious of now 1923. the good date is now 1974. more than unexamined and tedious
subterranean ro utes. we can only f eel or '75. or '76 ; and it is the persistence of tradition: let us rather be potentia l
disquieted. abused. disturbed and. an old argument. transferred from th an productive: let us be dynamic
being unable to f org et the Hansel and context to visua l context and still rath er than introspective; let us prefer
Gretel toy town from out of which we presented as novelty w hi ch is here the animation to reflection : let us condemn
were seduced. w e can now only profoundly disquieting fa ctor. For the unjust sophistications and specia l
suspect the instrument of ou r tempta- what we are here presented with is moral cod es of establi shed society;
tion -the notion of an impeccable and someth ing profess ing t o be radical since Rousseau' s noble savage (p ri m-
'scientifi c' solution throu gh instant chic. elegant fa figura. social concern; ordi al energ y uncontaminated by
'total' design- was itself no more than and if. in terms of the v isu als. what w e cu lture) is almost the same as Peter Pa n
a species of late Biedermayer orn a- receive is an engaging archaeology of {who is alm ost the same as the statue
mental gingerbread . For. apparently, the future. then. in terms of the verbals. of Eros in Piccad illy Ci rcus) then. in
nobody- ever - was real ly very good. the situation is much the same. order to make tabula rasa. in order to
disclose a pnm!llve house and to whi ch are are w ritten in the Lamb's v iated reconstitution of the nineteenth-
engender a fuwre soci ety - redeemed. Book of Life.' century city. enticing ly equipped with
and of renew ed aboriginal purity - let surrealistic overtones. is now so widely
us proceed to mock. to injure and to The v ision of Final J udgement and received as the most pregnant and
destroy the existing. Deliverance. of the Great Hallelujah. potenti al of disclosures. For. though
whe n equipped. w ith a technological such a reconstitu tion is. in many w ays.
Now the fi esta of destru ction (one gloss. is. of course. immensely like in wha t is required. there are still inhibi-
imagines broken bottles on a New kind to the vision of the ville radieuse tions to be fe lt about the tricking out of
Year's Eve in Naples) w hich has con - to be later experienced by Le Cor- Beaux- Arts plans with nee-primitive
tinued since the Enlightenment surely busier ; and. if this later vision, of a fa cades ('a poor thing but Minoan'. as
deserves t o be applauded . For the most world rede emed by architecture. is now Sir Arthur Evans almost certainly did
part it has been ex hilarating; also it has severel y discredited. it is still not too not say about his Cretan restorations)
resulted in previously undreamed of unreasonable to suggest that some and there are still reserves of feeling
blessi ngs; and as one attempts to eschatological framework of this kind (odd ly Futurist and stra ngely techno-
imagine the cond1ti on of provincial still survives as the psychological phi le ?) w hich w ill operate to prevent
society. circa 1770. in almost any small underpinning of much currently fa sh- any such. immediate. dispensation.
city in the world. then one can only say: i onable architectural polemic - and
Th ank God for the ventilations w hich. particularly that of Italian origin. For So much could seem to be a highly
over the last tw o hundred years. have th is is a polem ic w hich. professing t o negative series of remarks wi th which
been made ! be coolly critical. is still. more often to open an introduction to th e English
than not. evidently inflamed by notions editio n of Rob Krier's Stadtraum; but
But. at least for the impatient. the of that glaring turbulent upsurge w hich they are not intended so to be inter-
route of w hat might be conceived to be w ill for ever release us from the preted. An implicit theme of Krier's
progress has still taken an extremely stin king limitations of bourgeois cul- book is a rappel a I'Ordre. It is an
long time; and. of course. one of the ture and effectively initiate the millen- evident critique of 'planning', highway
major road blocks to emancipation has nia! establishment. engi neering, the urbanistic propo-
now become the fantasies which the siti ons of ClAM. of science fiction
architect entertains about himself. And this (though. to a degree. charm - c1t1 es. populist do-it-yourself and
fanta sies now littl e more than the ing and of a period ) is surely something towns ca pe; and. if as such it is a book
platitudes of criticism. but. still. fanta - of a pity. For. if the advocates of which one can only receive with
sies whi ch. in their own day - now a architettura razionale (who are in great sympathy and happiness. then the
very good many years ago - were danger of flooding the market and purpose of all the foregoing rather
conceived of as permanent. indeed inspirin g a counter-wave of disgust) protracted observations is to suggest.
dazzli ng. illuminations w hich were for are able to make a highly apt critique of not apropos of Rob Krier but apropos
ever to make v isible the surface of a modern architecture's urbanistic f ailure of the context to which. ostensibly, he
glorious autostrada leading to a crystal - and if this is of immense va lue. it does has been assigned - the context of
line social condition of lif!1pid authen- not automatically f ollow that all the architettura razionale post-modernism
ticity. physical achievements of modern and all the rest- that a recall to order
architecture are to be condemned and need not directl y involve the flushing
'And I John saw the Holy City, New that we are entirely obliged to return to out of both the baby and this bath-
J erusalem. coming down from God out a simplified and innocent worl d. a Ia water. that we do not only revolve but
of heaven . ... and the City lieth four- Laugier. a species of ante-diluvian also evolve. that if a reasonable object
square. and the length is as large as the (and Marxist) belle epoque. remi nis- of criticism is certainly the cutting of
breadth : . . . and the City was pure cent more of Knossos than New York. modern architecture down to size. then
gold like unto clear glass ... and the in which strangely deserted piazzas. it is slightly preposterous to attempt
street of the City was pure gold. as it seemingl y prepared for not yet to be any such undertaking while still assent-
were transparent glass . . . and the anticipated rituals. in the meantime ing to a particular mystique - the
City had no need of the sun. neither of support a somewhat sca nty popul ation mystique of the critical date. of
the moon to shine in it : f or the glory of of mildly desperate hippies. Giovinezza. of the Zeitgeist. of building
God did li ghten it. . .. and there shall as a version of physics. etc .. etc.
in no w ise enter into it anything that Indeed. it may be a rather curious
defileth. neither whatsoever worketh commentary upon a contemporary Indeed. t o attempt a critique of the
abomination or maketh a lie: but they failure of nerve th at a merely abbre- modern movement. damning its phy-
sical embodiments while still con- For it is the destruction of Stuttgart say about either 'science' or 'history'.
cerned with the endorsement of its which is. intrinsically, the anguished (Though a victim of nei ther. ) His
psychological virulence. one must theme of this book; and it is the con- approaches are comp let ely the oppo-
finally say is ·a procedure so extrava- templation of this destruction - the si te of the rabble rousing strategies to
gantly half-witted as to defeat compre- juxtaposition of what was. what is. and be associat ed w ith the protagonists of
hension. At which stage, and merci- what might be .._ which leads and modern arch itecture. Instead he comes
fully. the time is now come to reverse obliges Krier to make spatial proposals. on as a person of detente. Indeed.
the argument. We are confronted with for the renewal of both practice and mostly he operates w ith apparent
a book. equipped with lots of visuals society. And in these terms. patently, naivety (wel l just why not?) and great
and not really too many words; but. if Stuttgart is not simply Stuttgart. It is decisiveness. For. if this is clearly not a
some of the visuals and some of the by no means a one time small populist book (almost certa inly it
words display an affiliation. the book residenzstadt lying in a fold of big hills proposes a liberal Communist society
both impresses and invites and there and successively wiped out by heavy conceived as almost acceptable to the
are many specific things to be said industry. allied bombs. plann ing f ormer Ki ng s of Wurttemberg) it is sti ll
about it. So like what to say? blight. and simple silliness. Rather it is a book concerned with an order which
the type of any and every city of th e many innocent indi viduals of South
\ world. destroyed by strange abst ract German and Catho lic upbringin g might
That Rob Krier somehow doesn't fit. agencies. the faceless. obtuse (and w ell be expected to understand.
that he cannot rapidly be relegated to a plausible) creatures of government and
category. might quite well be a first. university. And how to argue with. how So much. agai n. as belong ing to its
observation. For. if one can sense in to inhibit the population of those merits; but now it might be poss ible t o
this book a romantically Marxist and bureaucracies which. supposing it s speak of a neo-antique content which
Italian connection and. if by many of judgement to be scientific. convinced may, sometimes. be a little distu rbing.
its readers it will be placed in some- of its intelligence and responsibility. A nd particularly this is evident in
thing very like the context of ideas unaware of how much its working Krier's proposals for th e vicini ty of the
which has already been noticed. this theorems are derived from the wild men Schloss. pp. 142-153, where one
can then seem to be only a very small of forty to fifty years ago. is mostly might be reminded of Mamie Ei sen -
part of the whole. For Krier has pro- unable to perceive either the reason or hower's alleged statement that th ings
duced a highly eclectic book which is the necessity for argument? are no more like what they used to be
evidently charged with conviction and t han they ever were bef ore. Here Krier
a highly radical book which is emi- Now it is an enormous merit of Urban publishes. p. 151 . Von Th ouret's
nently conservative in its tone. It is. Space that Krier neither considers. solution of 1800. the condition as of
perhaps. not a very highly self- refuses. nor disdains. the possibility of 1972. t hen the city' s proposals. then
conscious book. Its author is. maybe. a discourse with such persons. He his own ; and it is of interest to bring
little too sure of his principles and a simply ignores it. He does not mu ddy his own proposals into comparison
little too unconcerned in protecting or confuse his proposals with qualifi- with Sitte's suggestions for the Vie nna
himself against flank attacks. possibly cations addressed to the incorrigible. Ring. p. 50. For are Sitte's suggestions
a little more equivocal than he is He prefers that evidence should be significantly superior t o the situation
aware. He dedicates his performance. submitted to the eye (with the assump- wh ich he felt obliged to condemn?
rather surprisingly, to Sitte; he seems tion that the eye communicates with Are t here not j ust too many forecou rts ?
to owe a great deal to Sti.ibben; he the other senses?). He has little use for Is there not a too exaggerated pre-
certainly owes very much to the the stimulants of the ear and the occupation with space at the expense
urbanistic contributions of Matthias extensive deliveries of the mouth. He is of object? And is not something like
Ungers; his graphics oscillate between essentially laconic. And. since the this also true of Krier's operations in
late nineteenth-century Old Fashioned incorrigible of today are apt to become the Charlottenplatz and t he Sch loss -
and strip cartoon Pop; but. clearly, this the docile sheep of tomorrow. al most platz? He is over-reacting, of course.
is a book which has been put together certainly, by ignoring argument with to the present condition of th ese
with a controlled indignation and it is them. Krier has produced a text book spaces; but. in his anxiety t o provide
the quality of Rob Krier's quiet indig- for 'planners' of the year 2000. them w ith adeq uate structu re. in his
nation. issuing in an exhaustive en - anxiety to exceed the condition of
cyclopaedia of urban spaces. which His techniques are subdued. He im- 1800- a highly interesting balance of
one feels compelled and happy to plies no critical neutrality (nor even its space and object. order and accident.
salute. possibility). He has. really, very little t o in whic h non-cont igueus build ings
are allowed to experience each other's what. what has happened to the Pala is He is not interested in factories and he
magnetism - it might be felt that. to Royal? is clearly infatuated by palaces. He
some extent. he recapitulates the would not propose a factory as an
anomalies of Sitte's proposals for This. no doubt. is an aspect of the appropriate model for a student resi-
Vienna. problem of which is front and wh ich is dence (Pavilion Suisse): but if. in
back. which part of the building these terms. he might be thinking of a
But. if this is to go too far. to compli- belongs to the world of indisputably Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg (build-
cate by a conscientious excess of zeal, private idiosyncrasy and which pos- ing nice build ings but awfully cruel to
in another area of interest. that related sesses the proudly proclaimed status M ozart ). then he invariably sheers
to the texture of solids. it can also seem of the irrefutably public event. which away from any such idea. Because.
that Krier is reluctant to go far enough. side is random happening and which thoug h the Kings of Wurttemberg and
And one refers to a condition of void- side is grandly generalized set piece? the Archbishops of Salzburg are evi-
solid relationship which seems to And this seems to be a question. dently a large part of his ideal appar-
derive from an undue preoccupation involving the profitable intercourse atus. then. equally evident is his great
with intersecting movement systems between order and confusion. dress anxiety to check all that- the residue
and linear models and which is apt to and undress. which Krier seems to be of the Holy Roman Empi re. the
leave what are alleged to be streets reluctant to entertain. But. if with panoply of the Almanach de Gotha -
unsupported by a sufficient back-up of Krier nearly everything has onlv a against the more 'rational' and philan-
density. public facade (meaning nearly every- th rop ic fi ndings of a sensit ive social
thing is equipped with the profusion of democracy.
This is a type of recurrent solution two equally representative vertical
(particularly well illustrated on pp. surfaces). if there is very little idea of Reactions to this book can easily be
24-25) which is clearly propounded one building surface being smooth. ambiva lent. In this book there are no
as normative but which is apt to cursive and continuous and the other Metabolists. no Kenzo Tange, no
instigate doubts as to what might being bumpy, syncopated and staccato Futu rists. no Technos. no Archigram.
really be the preferred route by which (the empirical constitution of the little trace of surrender t o the romantic.
the observer/user would traverse these traditional city). there are many other manifestations of scientism. Krier is
configurations. Would he or she. instances - Le Corbusier's maisons a enormously good at trees in the French
indeed. follow the somewhat relentless redents. Jellicoe's Motopia and Stir- style - and don't we need it? Krier is
lines of the streets? Or would he or she ling's Runcorn- which might be co n- unaware of the virtues of congestion,
be far more predisposed to hop from sidered as exactly illustrati ng th e a little too quietly ordered. too Apol-
Palais Royal to Palais Royal. nego- inherent difficulty of performing one of lonian. insufficiently Dionysiac. Isn't
tiating what is presented as the prime the most necessary of operations. the it all a bit like Albert Speer. relieved of
movement system with a combination discrimination of back and front. his imperial mission and making far
of mild frustration and patience? For more intelligent demonstrations in t he
there is here a considerable problem So Krier (like Le Corbusier and many Germany of Mett ernich? Many of his
as to what is public and what is others) largely fails to understand t he minor spaces are elegant and excellent
private. what is major and what is res privata: but. if with him. the public (Ostereichischer Pl atz, pp. 123-31,
secondary: and. if public spaces are front is an invariable. his solutions also Rotebuhl Plat z. pp. 118-9) ; but are not
said to occur at the intersections of have a decency all of their ow n. For. the outer subu rban proposals a little
prime movement. then there may be fundamentally, his book is an un- t oo predictable and linear.
some scepticism as to whether these ashamed panegyric upon public fronts
spaces could ever become animated (he illustrates them by means of a Such is a casual collection of American
when so extremely adjacent to an somewhat enigmatic anthology of reactions to Urban Space: and they are
alternative and apparently much more what appear to be Stuttgart high mostly the reaction of students at
charming route of travel. And this issue bourgeois houses of - give or t ake a Cornell. of persons fa miliar with the
might be focused by proposing a few years - circa 1 900) : and. if Le issues and. at the same time. agitated
Place Vendome and then proposing. in Corbusier as an architect was. at by them. But they are. probab ly,
its immediate vicinity, the presence of bottom. very like this (so much of his slight ly more profound. sympathetic
no less than four Palais Royals. by architecture was a eulogium of public and elaborate rea ctio ns than are likely
making this proposal and then asking fronts. most of his urbanis m w as t o be f ound elsewhere. For inst ance.
the question: What. in the process. has ostensibly the reverse). with regard to in the cultural amnesia of the Ger-
happened to the Place Vendome and this issue Krier comes through clean. manic la nds it would be greatly
interesting to know how Stadtraum addressing itself to a situation which exhibits date back to 1971-72. So
has been received; and. in the United knows no frontiers. For Rob Krier has during much of this time something
Kingdom one might also. prospectively. here done a major thing . He has has faded - though not much; and.
wonder. But then how is this book destroyed the Zeilenbau and restored therefore. about this book one would
likely to be received in the great North the perimeter block. As a result of finally like to say (as about much else)
American theatre of ideas w hich is so Krier. we reject Hilberseimer and that. if only abstractions could be
turbulent. so classical in its ultimate return to th ink about the Karl Marx Hof relaxed. more empiri cal material
bias and so eterna lly irrational? in Vienna; and. if the Karl Marx Hot is allowed to enter and a further
scarcely what we are anxious to see. if genera lisation to take place. th en how
To some persons. both in England and we mig ht want to qualify it. then this happy one would be. And. no doubt
the Germanic lands. th e question of must be all to the good . For Rob how happy wou ld be Robert Krier.
North America wi ll appear redundant. Krier's book is remarkably unassuming
We have our liberalism. we have our and. in spite of obviously M arxian But the afterview is not very much
conservatism. we have our quasi- overtones. it prescribes solutions which allowed; and. meanw hile. imag ine
Marxist postures: and just what else is are appl icable anywhere and every- Kri er's possible afterviews. what has
there to ta lk about? But it is the great where- including North America . here been done is constructive. sug-
merit of this book to have transcended gestive and tremendou sly important.
such noisy and smelly barriers. to be It is a book published in Germany in
rooted in south Germany but to be 1975 and the projects which it
persists today. as can be seen from 'abstracts'). Yet others found th ei r elude w ith a fai r deg ree of certainty
atti tude to the architecture of the 19th material in social criticism and the de- tha t none of these interre lated factors
century. nunciation of social injustice and can be considered in isolation.
carried out their mission using for ma lly
Our age has a remarkably distorted simple methods (the 'expressionists'). W ith this brief outline of the problem,
sense of history. which can only be The break with t~ el itist artistic trad i- we should just add a word of caution
characterised as irrational. Le Cor- tion was identical to Hie artist's struggle about an over-simplist ic und iscrimi-
busier's apparen t battle against the for emancipation from his patron- th e nating outlook. It is certainly w orth
'Academie' was not so much a revolt ruling class and its cultural dictator- trying to establish why certain k inds
against an exhausted. ageing school as ship - which had been brewing even of urban space were creat ed in the
the assumption of a pioneering stand before the French revolution. 17th cent ury which we now identify
in which he adopted its ideals and with that period. And it would be even
imbued them with a new and vigorous The example of the baroque town more interestin g to exam ine the real
content. layout has already been mentioned, reasons why 20th century town plan-
and t he question raised of the identity ning has been impoverished and
This so-called pioneering act' was a of form. content and meaning. We reduced to the lowest common de-
pretended break with history. but in must be more exact in asking: nominator.
reality was an artistic falsehood. The
facts were these: he abandoned the 1 Was the resulting form the free The following classification does not
tradition current until then that art expression of the creative artist? make any value j udgement s. It enume-
supported by the ruling classes enjoyed rates the basic f orms w hic h constitute
the stamp of legitimacy and. being at 2 Alternatively. were the artistic w ishes urban space, w it h a limited nu mber of
an advanced stage of development. of the employing class imposed on the possible variati ons and combinati ons.
materially shaped the periods which artist. and was he forced to adopt their The aesthetic qua lity of each element
followed. It was a revolt at one remove. notions of form? of urban space is cha racterised by the
so to speak. for the 'Academie' lived on, structural interrelation of detai l. I shall
and indeed came itself to share the 3 Do contemporaneous periods exist. attem pt to discern th is qua li ty wherever
·same confused historical sense as the which on the basis of different cultu ra l we are dea ling w ith physical fe atures of
followers of the revolution. traditions in different countries or a spa tial natu re. The two basic elements
continents where similar social con- are the street and the square. In the
I am speaking here about the modern ditions prevail. produce the same category of 'interi or space' we wou ld
age in general, and not about its artistic solutions? be talking about the corrid or and th e
exponents of genius who tower above room . The geometrical characteristi cs
the 'image of the age'. Rather than be 4 Alternatively, are there non-con - of both spatia l f orms are th e same.
indebted to elitist currents in art. the temporaneous periods which led t o They are differenti ated on ly by the
generation around the turn of the fundamentally different artistic solu-
century sought new models. They tions, each being a stage in t he
found them in part in the folk art of development of the same cu ltural
other ages and continents, which had tradition in t he same country under
hitherto attracted little attention. the same conditioning socia l factors?
di mensions of the wa lls wh ich bound access to individual plots. It has a more
t hem and by th e patterns of f unction pronouncedly functional character th an
and circ ulation which characterise the square. w hich by virtue of its size is
them. a more attractive place to pass the t ime
than the street. in whose confin es one is
THE SQUARE involuntarily ciil<Ught up in the bustle of
traffic. Its arch itectural backdro p is
In al l probability the square was the only perceived in passing. The street
first way man discovered of using 3 House
layouts which we have inherited in our
urban space. It is pro duced by the towns were devised for quite different
grouping of houses around an open functional purposes. They were plan-
space. This arrangement afforded a ned to th e scale of the human being,
high degree of co ntrol of the inner the horse and the carriage. The st reet is
space. as well as f acilitating a ready unsuitable for the flow of mot ori sed
defence against external aggression by traffic. whilst remaining appropriat e to
minimising the external surface area human circulation and ac ti vity. It
lia ble to attack. This kin d of cou rtyard rarel y operates as an aut onomous
freq uently came to bear a symbol ic iso lated space. as f or example in the
value and was therefore chosen as the case of villages built along a sing le
model for th e construction of numerous street. It is mainly to be perceived as
hol y places (Agora. Forum. cloister. part of a network. Our historic towns
mosque courtyard). With t he invention have made us familiar with the in-
of houses built around a central court- exhaustible diversity of spatial relation -
yard or atrium this spatial pattern ships produced by such a complex 4 Urban structure
became a model for the future. Here layout.
rooms w ere arranged arou·nd a central 'street'. it retain s no co nnection w it h
courtyard li ke single housing units TYPICAL FUNCTIONS OF t he orig inal signif icance of t he term.
around a sq ua ~e. URBAN SPACES Certai nly the moto rised. transportat ion
of people and go ods is one of th e
The activities of a town take place in primary f unctions of t he town. but it
The street is a product of the spread of public and private spheres. Th e be- requi res no scenery in the space
a sett lement once houses have been havioural patterns of people are si milar around it. It is different in the case of
bu ilt on all available space aro und its in both. So. the result is that the way t he movement of pedestrians or public
central square. It provides a framework in which public space has been t ransport vehicles w hich move at a
for the distribution of land and gives organised has in all periods exerc ised mode rat e speed. like carriages. T oday
a powerful influence on th e design of we have boulevard situ ations wh ich
2 private houses. apparen tly draw their life from t he
defile of fl ashy cars and pavement
We might almost infer the existence of c afes are visited despite the fact that
a kind of soci al ritua l. w hich prod uces the ai r is pollut ed by ex haust f umes.
a perfect match bet ween individual and Lookin g at planning .schemes of t he
collective. What concerns us above all turn of the centu ry one can appreci ate
here are tho se activities w hich t ake that in cosmopoli tan cities su ch as
place in the t own in the open air: i.e. Paris. Rome or Berlin. th e ai r was
actions w hi ch a person performs out - pollu ted in a different way : by horse
side the familiar territ ory of his own manu re. st inking sewage and un -
home and for w hich he utilises pu blic collected refuse. A problem of urban
space. as fo r example travelling t o work. hygie ne. as old as th e town itself. with
shopping . selling goods. recreation. th e on ly d ifference t hat people can be
leisure activities. sporting events. de- poisoned by carbon mon oxide but
liveries etc. Although the asphalt ca rpet sca rcely. by horse manure.
which serves as a channel f or t he
movement of cars is still called a On medical grounds we can no longer
5 The square,..ps· intersection of two
roads. fixed point of orientation. meet-
ing place.
indulge in this kind of boulevard Le Corbusier in the 30s. and for Jorn wh ich prod uced it. There is no reason
romanticism. While the automobile in Utzon in the 60s. expressed his ho pe why the building types used by ext inct
its present form continues to occupy that this loss would perhaps be com- dynasties to design their residences and
streets. it excludes all other users. pensated by a powerful impet us t o- show th eir material wealth should not
wards artistic expression. He hoped fo r serve as a model for housing today.
Let us give a brief outline here of the the same thing. from new const ructi on
characteristic functions of the space techniques. I have already stressed (I must add here t hat my critique of
defined by the square and the street: the importance of the poetic content the ways of seeing such arch itectural
and aesthetic quality of space and f orms applies main ly to the German
buildings. It is not my wish t o intro- cultura l scene. By and large a frighten-
duce into this discussion the concept ing ly vague sense of history pre-
of symbolism. with all its eth ical and dominates in th is country.)
re ligious overtones; and I would also
This spatial model is admirably suited like to warn against the arbitrary The early Christians were not afraid to
to residential use. In the private sphere confusion of aesthetic and symbolic adopt the bu ilding type of Roman
it corresponds to the inner courtyard or categories. If I maintain th at the judi cial and commerc ial bu ildings, the
atrium. The courtyard house is the Louvre. instead of being a museum. basi lica, as the prototype of their
oldest type of town house. In spite of might equally well be housing, a religi ous monuments. Le Corbusie r
its undisputed advantages. the court- castle, an office building etc. let me took his rows of 'redents' fro m baroque
yard house has now become dis- make it clear that I am spea king of castles.
credited. It is all too easily subject to space or building type. not of external
ideological misinterpretation, and detailing or historical and socio- No contempora ry pu blic squares have
people are afraid that this design may political factors which led to this been laid ou t w hi ch could be com-
imply enforced conformity to a com- structural solution. The aestheti c value pared with urban. squares like t he
munal lifestyle or a particular philo- of the different spatial types is as Grande Place in Brussels. the Place
sophy. independent of short-lived fu nctional St anis las in Nancy, the Piazza de·l
concerns as it is of symbolic inter- Campo in Siena. th e Place Vendome
A certain unease about one's neigh- pretations which may vary f ro m one and t he Place des Vosges in Paris. the
bours has undoubtedly led to the age to the next. Plaza Mayor in Madrid , the Plaza Rea l
suppression of this building type. Yet in Barcel ona etc . This spatial type
in the same way as communa l living Another example to clarify th is argu- awai ts redis covery . This can only
has gained in popularity for a minority ment: occur first ly w hen it can be en -
of young people with the disappearance dowed w ith meaningfu l functions.
of the extended family, the concept of The multi-storeyed courtyard house. and second ly is planned in the right
neighbourhood and its accompanying from the Middle Ages up to modern place with the appropriate approaches
building types will most certain ly be times. was the building type wh ich within the overall town layout.
readopted in the near future. acted as the starting point for the
castle. the renaissance and baroque
In the public sphere. the square has palace etc. The Berlin tenements of What are the f unctions wh ich are
the 19th century are also courtyard appropriate to the squa re?
undergone the same development.
Market places. parade grounds. cere - houses, but nowhere near being
monial squares, squares in front of palaces. Anyone familiar w ith the Commerc ial activ ities certain ly, such
churches and townhalls etc. all relics architecture of Palladia should draw as the market but above all activities
of the M iddle Ages. have been robbed the right conclusion from this . The of a cultural nature. The establishmen t
of their original functions and their lavish use of materials certainly does of pub lic admin istrat ive offices, com -
symboli c content and in many places not play the decisive rol e here . If that mun ity ha lls. youth centres, libraries.
are on ly kept up through the activities were the case, Pallad ia would long t heatres and concert halls, cafes, bars
of conservationists. since have fallen into obliv ion. So, etc. Where possible in th e case. of
even in the 20th century, I can central squa res. t hese should be fu nc-
The loss of symbolism in architec- construct a building with an inner tions which generate activity twenty-
ture was described and lamented by courtyard without remotely ai ming to fou r hours a day. Resident ial use
Giedion in Space. Time, Architecture. imitate the palace architectu re of t he should not be exclu ded in any of these
The literary torch which he carried for 16th century and the social class cases.
only fu nction when it is part of a
system in which pedestrian access
leads off the street. This system can be
unsettled by the follow ing plann ing
making music. painting. making pic - growing need to adopt new modes of merci al and office buildings. however.
tures. dancing ... ? Everybody would transport will leave our countryside this bui lding type could come back
answer no to this. The role of archi- littered with gigantic and obsolete into fashion. Protection against the
tecture on the other hand is not monuments of civil engineering. elements is a financial ly justifiable
apparently seen as so essential. 'Archi- amenity for shopping streets in our
tecture is something tangible. useful. In fact. one is inclined to think that. latitudes. The arcaded street. developed
practical' as far as most people are considering the ·revel of investment in by the Romans from the colon nades
concerned. In any case its role is still the car and all that goes w ith it. a w hich surrounded the Greek Agora,
considered as the creation of cosiness fundamental change is no longer has completely died out. The remains
indoors and of status symbols out- feasible in the long term. of such formal streets can still be found
doors. Anything else is classed as at Palmyra. Perge. Apameia, Sidon,
icing on the cake. which one can All this illustrates the enormous con- Ephesus. Leptis Magna. Timgad ~tc.
perfectly well do without. I maintain fli ct of interests between investments
that a stage in history when architec- f or the demands of machine/car and The appearan ce of this type of street is
ture is not granted its full significance investments for living creature/man: a fascinating event in the his tory of
shows a society in cu ltural crisis. the it also indicates that there is a price to town planning. With the increased
tragedy of w hich can scarcely be be paid f or the restoration of urban prosperity of Roman rul e. a need arose
described in words. Contemporary space. if our society is to continue to for the uniform and schematic plan of
music expresses it adequately. value life in its cities. the Greek colonial town to be modi-
fied, with emphasis being placed on
The problems of the residential street Back to the problem of the commerci al arterial roads w ithin the homogeneous
touched on here apply equally to the street which has already been out- network of streets. and this was
commercial street. The separation of lined. It must be fashioned differently achieved by marking them w ith par-
pedestrians and traffic carries w ith it from the purely residential street. It ticu larly splendid architectural features.
the danger of the isolation of the must be relatively narrow. The passer- They certainly had important func -
pedestrian zone. Solutions must be by must be able to cast an eye over all tional connotations which today can
carefully worked out which will keep the goods on display in the shops no longer be clearly surmised. What-
the irritation of traffic noise and exhaust opposite without perpetually having to ever these connotations were, they
fumes away from the pedestrian. with- cross from one side of the street to the had an obviously commercial as well
out completely distancing one zone other. At least. this is w hat the shopper as symbolic character, in contrast to
from the other. Th is means an over- and certainly the tradesman would like the Agora and th e Forum. w hich were
lapping of these functions. to be to see. Another spatial configuration of reserved primarily for political and
achieved w ith considerable invest- the shopping street is provided by the religious purposes . Weinbrenner, with
ment in the techn ologica l sphere, a old town centre of Berne. in w hich his proposed scheme for the improve-
price which the motorised society pedestrians ca n examine the goods on ment of the Kaiserstrasse in Karlsruhe,
must be prepared to pay. This problem display protected by arcades from the attempted to revive this idea. The
wi ll remain much the same even when inclemency of th e weather. This type of Konigsbau in Stuttgart designed by
the well-known t echnical shortcom- shopp ing street has retained its charm Leins could be a fragment of the
ings and acknowledged design failings and also its functional efficiency up to arcaded street of Ephesus. The Romans
of the individual car have been ironed the present day. The pedestrian is were astoundingly imaginative in per-
out. The number of cars. and their rel atively untroubled by the ro ad. which fecting this type of street space. So,
speed. remains a source of anxiety. li es on a lower level. This street space for example. changes in the direction
With the way things are going at the can serve as an example to us. of streets. dictated by existing features
moment. there seems little hope of of the urban structure. were high -
either factor being corrected. On the The same can be sa id of the glass- lighted as cardinal points by having
contrary, nobody today can predict roofed arcades or passages which ori- gateways built across them. In the
what catastrophic dimensions these ginated in the 19th century. Strangely Galeries St. Hubert in Brussels, thi s
problems will assume and what solu- enough , th ey have fallen out of problem has been solved on the same
tions w ill be needed t o overcome favour today. From the point of principle. By this expedient. the street
them. view of venti lation it was obviously space is divided up into visually
disadvantageous then to lead the manageable sections. in contrast to
It is completely absurd to labour under street frontage into a passageway. the seemingly infinite perspective of
the misapprehensio n that one day the With today's fully air-conditioned com- the remaining netw ork of streets. It
W ithout doubt the scale of an urban
space is also related t o its geometrica l
qualiti es. Scale can on ly be mentioned
in passi ng in this ty pology. I wish to
try and deal w ith the signifi cance of
propo rt ions in externa l space mo re
comprehensively in a later chapter.
They do not affect the arrangement of
my ty pology.
MODULATION OF A GIVEN Even the dimensions of a space can regular and irregula r configurations.
SPATIAL TYPE have a distorting influence on its effect.
to such an extent that it ceases to bear The basic elements can be modified by
The matrix drawn up below (Fig. 8) any relation to the original. The column a great variety of building sect ions. I
shows. reading from top to bottom: headed 'distortion' has not been co m- illustrate here 24 different t ypes wh ich
1. The basic element: 2. The modifica- pleted in this r:l'latrix. as these shapes substantially alt er the features of urban
tion of the basic element resulting cannot be diagrammatically expressed. space. See Fig. 9.
from the enlargement or reduction of
the angles contained within it. where All these processes of change show
the external dimensions remain con-
stant: 3. The angles remain constant
and the length of two sides changes in 8
the same proportion : 4. Angles and
external dimensions are altered arbi-
UJ <.!:1
Reading from left to right. the matrix D..
z z
:r: I- z a:
illustrates the following stages of = D..
>= <0:
--' a:
modulation: c:;; = :2 Ci ~
<0: 2: t3 0 ::>
CJ <0:
"" <0: c::J ""
1. Angled space. This indicates a
space which is a compound of two
parts of the basic element with two
parallel sides bent.
, J'I
Notes on Fig. 9
I The sketches reproduced here (Fig . 1 0)
can only give some idea of the in -
•~ : 0·~.t .. ' •••• \, ..... . .. . . . -. , '. .. ... . • • • ·: ••
: ·. ·. ·... : ·.' ..... · .... . ·,. t .'
base forces the glazed area upward .
show s a v ariation on this theme on
three sides of a square.) Arcades
placed in front of houses. different
archi tectural styles juxtaposed.
11 The square as intersection. 12 Arcade running round the square ;h igh. narrow columns.
15 Combination of three different facades. 16 As 15. but overgrown with pla nts.
17 Relationship between single object and urban space. 18 Effect of materials.
19 Dialogue between old. new and green. 20 Green open space, trees w ith short and tall trun ks.
21 Green open space with poplars. 22 Green open space, surrou nded by different kinds of t rees.
and triangle) are affected by the 24
following modulating factors: angling;
segmentation; addition; merging. SPATIAL TYPES
overlapping or amalgamation of ele-
ments; and distortion.
A clear. geometri c urban spatial f orm
call s for arc hitectu re of extreme delic-
acy and high quality. Any architectural
error is immediately obvious and
damages the overall im pression . In the
case of irregular forms. variety is the
ove rri d ing characte ristic. Defective
architectural detaili ng is not so glarin gly
obvious. but is eff ectively buried .
Sketches by W . Wallbrecht.
.-~ ·
... .. ..·· ·
..·· ..··
..· ..·..··
...... .. .. ······················-······················--····
.......... . ································::.:::-''
···----- -··.. - ~::.:::_,. ..-···
30 Lei nfelden
Leon Krier.
32 Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany),1971. Author's scheme. 33 Freiburg im Breisgau. 1971 (alternative plan). Author's
~//U/h,. • u"
.~ .~ BU I LDING S r<....._
-~· · y<_
t..~Q ~
W7,@.7ff/~ 'I
38/1 - 24
2 3
~ ~ ~
~ 1J
5 6 8
37!1 - 10
fered. ~
37/3 Arcade added .
37/4. 5. 7. 8-35/14 Rectangu lar
squ are. arcade placed along side w ith
angled corners.
37/6 Oct agona l open space wi th rec-
t angular arca de.
37/9. 10 see Fig. 38/23.
Streets as an aid to orientation. Squares
at road intersections. Each house in t he
row has one side facing the paved
street and one facing the public
43 Lucca .
44 Siena.
49/ 1-24
----~-~---·~:->··-- ·--··-·--·
46 Leinfelden (Stuttgart) . 1 971
(scheme). Architect Leon Kri er.
48 Author's scheme.
52/ 1-24
51 Author's scheme.
52/7 Paris (France). Place de I'Odeon.
52/8 Ostia (Italy). Roman Empire.
52/9 Rome (Italy). St. Peters. 1656.
Architect Bernini.
52/1 2 London (England). Finsbury
.J') -
55/1 - 24
] [
54 (above) Hannover. Sprengel Mu -
seum. 1972 (scheme). Arch itect Leon
55 / 23 Vienna. A trium of th e Vo tiv -
kirche .
55/24 V ienna. H ofbu rg . Architec t
Gottfried Semper.
56/ 1 Rome. Piazza Navona.
56/3 Stuttgart. Ki:in i gstrasse. 1782
(scheme). Arch itect R. F. H. Fischer.
56/ 5 Koblenz (Germany), Schloss-
56 / 6 St uttga r t. Sc h lossp latz. 1782
(scheme) . Archi tect R. F. H . Fisc her.
I l
56/19 Rome. St. Peter's (scheme).
Architect Fontana .
56/20 Rome. Piazza San lgnazi o.
1727. Architect Raguzzini.
56/21 Stuttgart. Osterreichischer
Platz. 181 0. Arch itect Thouret.
56/22 Stuttgart. Neues Schloss. 1750
(scheme). Arch i tect Retti .
56/23 Stuttgart. Schloss Solitwde.
Hotel Ducal. 1775. Arch itect C. V.
56/24 Stuttgart. Schloss Solitude.
central area. 1764. Architects Guital.
Weyhing, de Ia Guepiere. 23 24
' •
I ..
66 Triangular residential squa re. London 197 4. Sch eme by Leon Krier.
, >')
Untv~r s lt a t a a Te hni cil la~i
71 BlBb'iOT .ECA
72/1 - 6
r ~; ~
....:· ··
. ·- ../<·
.. ...
.. ,·:- ~·
··. ..
(:4 ..
75 Naples (Italy), Piazza del Plebis -
cito, 1816- 1846 .
72/5 Bath (Eng land). 1754- 1775.
Architects J. Wood sen. and jun.
72/6 Bath (Eng land). Landsdow n
5 6 Crescent, 1794.
0 0
~ -. ~ ~~
r,~.·~7P-Y.NO<, ....
!1o AOO
• 78 Reconstruction of th e main street
II 2 of Ephesus. 2nd century B.C.
UL~ ·~
79 Colo nnaded street in Palmyra.
81 / 1 Pompeii. Forum.
81/2 Pompeii. Forum: si m plified
sket ch. bringing out clearly the layout
of urban space. The streets which
emerge on to the square are intercepted
by the colonnades of the f orum. so that
the spatial effect of the enclosure of the
square remains.
~ ~~,8 ~·~
formal avenues.
83/3 Second design by the architect =\:=.\ .. =·. [Iii] :=·== <;
Boffrand for a Place Louis XV in Paris ~
• •
• IIi •
• •
e t..,;
.... a • ..lit
• I
~ •
111 • •
1 ;.,_
(site of the recently demolished Les . . .__ ·. ·.. ::: :: _..: ~ =·= :: t.:•• :·:r-
Hailes). This scheme. c. 1750. is ob-
. .............
"• ••
·..•• ...:_:··. ~.................
. r·····. . ··· :: • ' • I e -
=~ · !=
It Ill •
-rn·!r- - ;.L_
.t- .... + • • • ••
84/1 and 2
wal l was ang led towards the temple .
theatrically exaggerating the depth of
the space.
86/1 and 2
.. ~- ft., ~· ,
·. . .-:; ~·
...~~ - ·· ·
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -
94 Vienna. early 19th century.
The absolute necessity of protecti on
The development after the French and security had imposed a total
Revoluti on of new mil itary tech- discipline on every aspect of the town:
nol ogy and new tactical patterns for its construction. rebuilding and ex-
warfare ushered in an era in which all pansion. This holds true from the time
assumptions and empirical principles of the earliest known human settle-
about tow n planning were funda- ments. The decli ne of the city wa ll
mentally questioned. This was a break coin ci ded with the onset of industrial
with tradition which is un ique in development. which forced cities into
cultural history, and for which neither unprecedented growth. The spread of
architects nor l awyers and politic ians cities over the surround ing countryside
now we nt on unchecked. The first new
res idential areas were for the most part
laid out regularly around the old town
centre. according to the then f amiliar
chessboard pattern. which was almost
always used as the basis for new
96 Letchworth Garden City: Unwin
and Parker.
TAll The plans of Soria y Mata and Garn ier
were a different matter. The streets of
th ei r ideal cities w ere laid out on the
old grid system, but the buildings were
placed in isolation f rom each othe r.
Their proposa ls dissolved the tra di-
tional urban form and create d in its
place a vi lla landscape.
many others. are interlocked like
pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, without any
recognisable town plan resulting. Most
of the structures are placed in the land -
scape independently. See Fi g. 106.
This kind of ideal city then is in
perfect accord wi th the visions of
Fischer von Erlach.
108 Cla ude Nicolas Ledoux (1736-
1806) . Imag inary scheme for the 'Vil le
de Chaux', to day 'Sa li nes de Chaux' in
Arc-et -Senans.
· o'l
oq~~~ ~ r- c llD li
..""'d' ~oc'\~
123) and residentia l bu il di ng in the
121 Municipal hosiptal in Berlin- 19th century.
Charlottenburg. architects Schmieden
1 ...,. ~:·:/~:<'i·~~::t:·>:l ~4~ti :~:~. ::·.:::::;; and Bathke. We have already described why hos-
pital construction was in the forefront
0 . ~~~).)j[((f ~ [ (((),)).~
1-. . : 'fl"'ff I J I! T'fl' 'i T't ' of this development. It is hard ly sur-
: :~i{{:l:l ; I ~:.;:: ::=.:: ::1:::({ prising that the constantly growing
.1. ... ·-· ·-·..
~ ----:1- -~--J --- ·
. !
.. ,_.1_..... ·-· ·-
. factory complexes should have shaped
themselves into a heterogeneous and
fragmented architectural jigsaw puzzle .
119 Kron enberg housing estate for Building forms were exclusively con-
Krupp fa ctory workers in Essen. 1872. ditio ned by the interests of productive
plan of site. efficiency. When for example the AEG
firm engaged an architect like Peter
1 20- 1 23 New hospitals of the type Behrens. they were motivated by the
built in Germ any in the second half of search f or presti ge. wh ich w ould play
the 19th ce ntury. a major ro le in promoting their outside
commercial interests. Such cases were
extremely rare. The laws of arc hitecture
1 22 R. Virchow hospital in Berlin. and harmonious urban design were of
architect L. Hoffman. little importance in industrial build ing.
Nevertheless. in many respects in-
dustrial building had its own distinct
influence on these two sets of laws.
The achievements of 19th century
industri al building in th e fie lds of
engineering and technology were to
provid e the essential impetus for
modern architectu re in the early 20th
century. They were als o to lead to
numerous misconceived developments.
such as the movements towards a
purely functional or constructional
ori entation. wh ich caused the im-
120 Sanat orium in Berli n- Beelitz. ar- 123 Muni cipal hosp1ta lm the Johann - poverishment of present-day archi-
chitects Schmieden and Bathke. stadt. Dresden. arch itect Brater. tecture. The influence of industrial
building on urban planning was catas-
vironment. There IS no recog nisable
configuration of urban space.
126 and 127 Two diagrams from
Walter Gropius' Architektur.
1 26 Evolution of the block built
around a central courtyard into row
1 27 Use of site area and daylighting
improve in proportion to the number
of storeys! Terraced bu ilding cannot
be justified on these two very basic
i:O [
J l.. _! d
,- -· -- - -,
( ... .. . ·, ... . .... '
1 28 Le Corbusier: the sketch shows
the site and the site-area occupied by a J r.--- -= ~ ( ... . ·--··
'Unite d'habitation' and for comparison
a sketch of the site area taken up by a
] ~ .. --- ~ [ N ~
- ·~ [ ' .,..ea~
development of equal density consist-
ing of single-family houses. The two
J L~ ·--
, r- - - -
_ -~ J
- , ,---
Com part! c .md d H yi>Otf1CSIS
numbt:l of bed~ IOCIC!41~tnU
nc:s ult b y
o f equJI dmoo n'> ICJn,. $hou ld have the same
tho number of storuys the .1tl{lle ol •nC.•dence
of Il l) hi d1mm1~hes a nd e:o. ~rrc to tho sun tmpso ...c s
+·' + .~~
__. .
+ f"'+ ~ ~G;.:~ ~-- ;:)m>~-~
~-,. .~ :_Y ' ~<~'t~ -·~-U:I::
ments of this unit are easier to meet.
Co mmerce was very quick to grasp
this and is respons ible f or the question -
~ ~r'-J2tBQE
It is hard to say what type of space we
are dealing w ith in the case of isolated
Ul ;~_L..fF ~ - ~
~~~~: 0. _ut
m bu ildi ngs of such a sca le. It is not con -
sidered by Sitte. f o r whom only the
closed system of urban space is a
~~~om~-~~.FJQ~ rea lity. Corb speaks of the 'Poesie de
p, ~~ tJ IJ lJ ~-~-~ ~ ~-~ l'espace ind icible' in relation to the
129 132
internal space of a bu ilding. As far as proach to J. J. P. Oud. Le Corbusier
I am aware he made no clear statements constructs his Fruges estate pre-
about external space. In his Urbanisme. dom inantly using detached houses
he has th is to say of the Place Ven- (cf Tony Garnier's 'C ite industrie lle' ).
dome : 'the architectural style has more There is no recog nisable overall spatial
than a hint of the work of an interior plan . although the relationship between
designer . . . the buildings of the individual bu ildings is caref u lly judged.
" lnvalides" developed quite differently
on their open site.' This offers an
interesting comparison with Sitte. who
makes endless suggestions as to how
the new buildings on the Vienna Ring.
some of. which stand alone. may be
isolated rows of terraced housing, a
integrated into a harmonious urban
recognisable unity in terms of the
space by means of add itional building.
configuration of urban space is main-
The fascinat ion of the free-standing
tained. The solutions wh ich he f inds
building mass has been extensively
for dealing with the corners of the
covered by Siegfried Gied ion in his
triangular open space are masterly.
book Space. Time and Architecture.
This aesthetically important achieve-
and I am certainly not exaggerating
ment is missing from other parts of the
when I say that he has made this
development. The estate stands in
fascination the sine qua non of modern
direct line of descent from Berlage's 135 In th e sa me year Le Corbusier and
architecture and town planning. Mies
ideas of town planning. Pierre Jeanneret planned a new centre
van der Rohe speaks of the 'trans-
parency of space'. primarily in the sense f or Paris. known as the ' Plan Voisin' .
of a flowing transition from internal to which de rives fro m the 1922 scheme
external space. However. transparency for a c ity of three million inhabita nts .
- applied to urban space - is a ques- The scale of the proj ect corresponds to
tionable aesthetic concept. A building the size and import ance of Paris as Le
supported on pilotis is without doubt Corbusier understood it (' Paris prend
transparent in one sense. Earth and sky de l'epoque .. .'). For us. with the
can be perceived through buildings hindsight gra nted by fifty years of
dotted around the landscape. Glazed planning experience. th is plan bears
facades can produce effects of un- almost tra gic significance. The con-
expected charm. which may pass for cept of a high-density city centre
transparency. However. this is not a revea led its negative side after the
concept basic to the control of either Second World War. Paris was not
internal or external space. It is the spared . The striki ngly abstract design
stamp of a monument to detailing. underlying this scheme. realised under
Even Mies van der Rohe neglected the direction of a major architect. un-
urban space in his handful of town fortunately generated an unforgivable
planning projects. devoting himself epidemic of ' urban blight'. Even putting
entirely to the individual structure and spatial concerns on one side, a mass of
its specific problems. purely functional considera tions mili -
tate against such excessive urban
133 J. J. P. Oud completed the 1926
Kiefhoek workers' hous ing in Rotter- 1 36 Ernst May, Romerstad t develop-
dam. surely one of the greatest ment. Frankfurt am Main. From 1925
achievements in the fields of architec- to 30. Ernst May was ch ief pla nner for
ture and town planning of the twenties. the c ity of Frankfu rt. Within the f rame-
Although Oud is largely working with work of the development plan which
on the perimeter of the compl ex are art this scheme has a similar appeal to
not clearly delineated. El Lissitzky's sketches and was certain-
ly of comparable quality. The designs
of those German planners w ho worked
in Russia between 1930 and 1934 are
essen t ially more sterile. Landowski's
design however takes no accou nt of
urban space.
he himself had initiated. he built the 138 Rundling estate in Leipzig, archi-
housing developments in Frankfurt tect Hubert Ritter. Although one can
suburbs which established his reputa- detect the use of noteworthy spatial
tion as a planner and had a strong in- markers here, the overall concept is
fluence on future trends in residenti al not without its limitatio ns. The same
planning. both in Germany and abroad. criticism may be levelled as against
The quality of these developments the exclusive use of terraces: the re-
(Praunheim. Bornweiler Hang. Bruch- duplication of identical elements des-
feldstrasse. Rbmerstadt) is in every troys all sense of direction and acts as
way comparable with J. J. P. Oud's an obstacle to the inhabitant's abi lity
Kiefhoek housing. In detailed planning. to identify with his environment. These
he too lost spatial continuity, and one factors are all the more worrying in the
can already sense the impulse towards case of a concentric plan t han with an 1927
the exclusive use of row housing which orthogonal structure. 140 and 1 41 We i ss en hofs i edl un g,
May was to develop further in his work Stutt gart. pro duced in collaboration by
in Russia in 1930- 34. the f ollowing architects : Mi es van der
Rohe. Le Corbusier. J. J . P. Oud.
Gropius. Peter Behrens, J osef Frank.
Mart Stam. Richard Doecker. Ludw ig
H ilbe rse i mer , Hans Poelzig, Hans
Scharoun. Adolf Schneck. Bruno and
Max Taut. Victor Bourgeois.
' ... __...,_...,-
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1925- 26
137 Bruno Taut. Britz development. 141 The architectural signature which
Berlin. The interest ing feature of this is th e estate bears is remarkabl y uniform.
the horseshoe-shaped square which. But in plan ning t erms the indiv id ua l
although visibly intended as the focal 1927 buildi ngs re ma in distinct. The estate
point of the estate. is in a different 139 Kostino estate. Moscow. A rchi- was built as a showpiece in the context
spatial register from the streets which tect Nikolay Landowski. A very aes- of an exhibition by the Deutsche
lead to it. The architecture and space thetic layout ... As a piece of graphic WerkbUJ1d. In competition. the Wurt-
temberg Werkbund. which felt ex- but as a utopian v1s1on of a spiritual
cluded from the enterprise. built its capital for the world. In any historical
own estate at the same time. adjacent summa ry of the decline of the notion
to the exhibition site. They wished to of urban space this piece of work
show that Stuttgart was a match for occupies a position of cru cial import-
the International Movement in archi- ance. Le Corbusier's conception of th e
tecture. The result was respectable way lif e should be lived in the modern
German architecture striking a heroic
posture. Conceptually. it was planned
on the grid system. At the time this
enterprise was laughed out of court by
the 'modernists', who in turn were
subject to the type of insults which
became the order of the day in Nazi
Germany. Today we can judge this 1928-30
professional infighting w ith a certain 143 Jarrestadt. Hamburg . Between
detachment. The so-called 'reactionary' 1923 and 1933 Fritz Schumacher was
development of the Wurttemberg chief city planner of Hamburg. Under
Werkbund had planning qualities his directorship residential districts
which were lacking in the Weissenhof- were built with exceptional spat ial
siedlung: in architectural terms the features. comparable with the famous
reverse was true. courtyard housing of Vienna.
146 Urbanisation of Sao Pau lo. Brazil. "'
busier? Because it fu lly rea lises the
, _ _J •
most significant stages in the progress
of modern town planning - invariab ly . . . !
execut ed in the most arresting and un- ~'~ :~~?~~,.;?~
~;· ~.. ;:;::.o::=-~~~
..~~· ~
· . ~ . . .-
compromising way. On his travels
:,....· ~ ....,.,.'?''l"/~,'l;.··
, . ~· ...... ;-• . j::":.·:r.. .o ~
. '. . -.,•~
through South America he sketched ::;; '~~~.::;:~::.~~n ~l7r?,..r,;'(~-...~
plans for the potential development of r r rrrrrrnr rrrrrr 1 rrr r r r ~---
Sao Paulo. Rio de Janeiro and Buenos r ' , 1rnrrm nl l'lififfil rr.rrr;r.1 crt_
A ires. In th ese. he attempts to harness 1933 1933
the urban explosion by usin g gigantic 149 and 1 50 Plan for expansion of 151 Plan for an idea l city by Le
rows of buildings w hich slice throu gh Antwerp by Le Corbusier and Pierre Corbusier. This plan is a revised version
the body of the city and carry roof - level ·Jeanneret. The main concept behind of the 1922 city for three million in -
motorways. So of course the buildings. this project is that of the 'redents' habitants. The pol itical and administra -
stretching f or miles. are f orced to adopt terrace. already evident in th e ideal tive centre is pushed to th e head of the
the f orm of the street plan. w hich from city plan of 1922. The pers pective city . Th is motif w ill be repeated twenty
a town planning point of view is not of sketch shows how im aginatively the years later in the planning of Chandi-
great value. The development of the space can be used w ithin such a garh. Cultural and commercia l activity
citadel above A lgiers. on the other stru cture. However. if this spatial type takes place in the heart of the com-
hand. is designed on the courtyard is repeated on a large scale. each plex. fla nked by residential areas. with
principle, but on such a vast sca le th at individual space loses its sig nificance the ind ustrial zone at the foot. The
it can no longer be perceived as en- and the inhabit ant finds orient ation 'a nat omy' of the ci ty is broken down
closed space. difficult. into its functiona l components in this
plan. We have come to realise tod ay Pierre Jeanneret. The same comments
t hat th is theory of the compartmentali- apply to this as to the Nemours
sation of function has had a negative project. Only the house type has
influence on urban life. From the point changed .
of view of urban space. the connec-
t ions between the various elements are
only fragmentary. and do not add up
to an integrated system. The siting
together of the arts bu ild ings in the
centre is very reminis cent of the w ay
in which Fischer von Erlach drew up
his visionary town plans.
154 and 155 Sketches by Le Cor-
busier for the reworking of h is 1925
project for the centre of Paris. In this 1946
scheme, the cruciform tower- blocks 157 New centre for St. Die (France).
have been repla ced by Y -shaped and project by Le Corbusier. From the
simple slab blocks. I only include these purely arc hit ect ural point of v iew.
sketches to illust rate how superficial th is composition gives a f oretast e
was Le Corbusier's concern w ith urban of t he perfection of the Capitol at
space. Chandigarh. built lat er. parti cu larl y in
the cent ral posit ioning of t he arts
buildings. The visual fascinat ion of
1942 these projects derives f rom the build-
1 56 Sketch by Le Corbusier from ings as isolated units and their aesthetic
Les trois etab/issements humains. Dur- completeness. and not f rom a spat ia l
193 5 ing the war years many theoretici ans composition w ith geometrically de-
153 Hell oco urt. Alsace-Lorraine applied themselves to the questi on of f inable space expressed in streets and
(France) . Project by Le Corbusier and how Europe should be reco nstructed squares.
street closed to traffic served as a model The spatial f eatu res of the last three
in the years which followed. th ough examples are identical. The complete
generally as an isolated develop ment breakdown of t raditional patterns of
with no spatial relationship to the urban space appears to have reac hed
surrounding urban fabric . its culm ination. The abstract vision of
the separation of various functions
w ithin the city has f in ally found its way
into the holy writ of town planning
departme nts. The dreams of the twen-
ties appear to be rea li sed . . . And yet!
One or two intelligent planners are
beg inning to establis h that this ideo-
logy of t he 'new city' challenges the
very validity of the city as an organism.
163 To ulouse le M irail. A rchitects
161 Brasilia. Architects Lucio Costa
Cand ili s. J osie. Woods. In this scheme
l arge parts of wh ich have now bee~
1953 (planning) and Oskar Niemeyer (archi-
159 Lijnbaan. Rotterdam. Architects tecture). bui lt. pedestri an zones were desig ned
van den Broek and Bakema. This to be free of traffic. and some of the
shopping street in Rotterdam con- house front s face on to these precin cts.
nects the station area with the town The refore. there are no streets or
centre. For the first time in post-war squa res in the accepted sense. They
planning. an attempt is made to could however have been created
formulate unified street-space. It is with ease in this project. and one cou ld
unfortunate that this development have dispe nsed with th e unnecessarily
f unctions exclusively as a shopping high tower blocks.
street with no integration of housing.
This is located behind the Lijnbaan and
consists of isolated high-rise slabs. 164 Centre of Berli n. 1960. Architects
They were designed by a different Peter and A lison Smithson. In thi s
architect. The idea of the pedestrian 162 Residential buildings in Brasilia. project the id ea of the traffic -free
(r"'llJ~ ~ Yona Friedmann. Schulze-Fielitz etc. adjunct. An d the multip lication of such
~·~ / It is more reminiscent of the schema tic f ragment s results in a system of identi-
~~(~.- ;;· "
- ~-.;~. plans of Hilberseimer and other archi- cal incomplete spaces. la cking both
:_~ ~-- __ j~(;.111ft~~ tects of the twenties and is still continuity and the qualitat ive differ-
- --- l~~~~ ~~~ 11 I! \..,.
inspired by the idea of the city ences so im portan t to urban orienta-
. ;/~-,..~~ .~ having a crowJAing feature. as out lined tion.
~ ~~m~~~ ~q[~~~\-
by members of the Fruhlicht g ro up.
In Chandigarh and Brasilia too t his
:,\[~: c~~:7/'&,-~
1 idea was expressed on a monumental
scale. The spati al qualities of this
~'~-- ~~~~~ur
~~E~J5113 _
f~[) '~
l~¥~11~ L.~~J
. .
c; -:
plan however were again devalued
by the mechanical repetitio n of
identical parts. There is a clear spatial
demarcation between city centre and
residentia l areas.
• /' - y \ - •. II
167 (a) Tradit io na l spatial arrange-
- · \J "'- -·
:-1 . . .. ment of c ities. If we loo k at the spatial
pedestrian street is executed with conti nuum of a cohesive urban struc-
due regard to technical and functional ture fro m a distance and in somewhat
demands. Economical use is made of si mplified terms. it ca n be compared
tower blocks to flank the street. with to the barriers w hich channel
the result that one cannot speak of a pedestri an movement. If th ere is a gap
coherent impression of space along its in the ba rri er. we w ill have to cope
full length. In this respect. the Toulouse w ith shortcomings in the system of
le Mirail project goes a step further. 166 Aalter. Belgium. Author's scheme. o rien tatio n.
contributes towards this destructive standable response on the part of w as unsettled ( H. P. Bah rdt) . City
process can appear justified , because planners to a problem without his- centres. which by th is time had turned
of the power of the lobby which makes torical precedent. The whole was into areas containing nothing but
its profits out of the phenomenon. It is parcelled out into functional units: shops and offices. were virtually de-
a war waged by technological and living, recreation. work etc .. solutions serted outs ide working hours. New
financial interests. unparalleled in his- appropriate to eac_tl type were evolved reside ntial zones on the outskirts of the
tory. The palaces of past dynasties and and spatial relatio nships imposed. The city turned into dreary dormitory
their grandiose cultural expression abstract prototype for such an approach suburbs. A fresh demand arose for t he
seem positively modest by comparison. to town planning was Le Corbusier's re integ ra tion of urba n functions . and
Functions and methods have certainly 'Ville radieuse' of 1930. The Athens the catchword 'urbanism' was used to
changed. The only real difference is Charter. published three years later. conjure up visions of a lost atmosphere.
that our age will leave few buildings became its theoretical rule-book. This There has been no shortage in recent
behind which will be seen as worthy of model was used almost intact for the years of proposals and visions intended
preservation by later generations. We construction of Chandigarh in the as antidotes to the effects of the
have come to an adequate awareness fifties. Athens Charter.
of the problems of refuse disposal
created by consumer goods with URBAN SPACE WAS NOT These conta in little w hic h is of
built-in obsolescence. The consequen- DEFINED IN THE ATHENS practica l use on the technical side.
ces of transferring this fetish for dis- CHARTER Friedmann's proposals for building on
posables to the world of building do top of old towns are absurd. Fried-
not bear thinking about. The irresponsi- In the sixties there was a surge of mann. Fulle r. Soleri and t he Metabo-
bility with which even qualified plan- reacti on against the clinical separation lists all sought a solution to the problem
ners advocate disposable architecture of urban functions. The balance be- in monstrous, w himsica l building types .
to compensate for the absence of long- tween the public and t he private realm These extravaga nces are a symbolic
term planning is disturbing. This phe- illustration of the dead-end in wh ich
nomenon is essentially more than a town planning finds itself today. They
passing fashion. It has all the charac- are sol utions which only consider one
teristics of an ideology which aims not facet ofthe problem and must fall down
only at buildings acknowledged as on grou nds other than their fantastic
temporary. but also at the majority of waste of technological resources. Not
contemporary structures which are that the ut opian dream can be evalu-
designed to last. We feel quite properly ated by the yardstick of expense of
ashamed of the medi ocrity of our course. One or two of these proposals
built environment. and seem to be lead one to suspect that the idea may
quite prepared to foot the bill for be an end in itself. without possessing
demolition and subsequent rebuilding. t he aesthetic qua lity of th e utopias of
But we must recognise that the life- the Rena issance for examp le. They
span of a concrete structure is scarcely offer no real alternative to the blind
comparable with that of a timber- alleys which the Athens Charter has
framed building. I am co nvinced that led t o.
post-war German architecture will
suffer from these shortcomings for the Urba nism on t he other hand is no
foreseeable future. panacea either. It is interpreted today
as an active process. someth ing to be
The car has created wast es in our imposed. Urbanism is embodied in
cities. and this process has been every facet of city life and experience.
accelerated by another. equally effec- and not only where th is is at its most
tive factor: the separation of the concentrated .
various urban functions. In the nine-
teenth century the urban structure So we should be concerned not with
grew intolerable in its complexity. The 169 Designs for utop ian cities by activity alone. but at the same t ime
disentangling of urban functions in the Yona Friedmann, Buckminster Fuller. with the framewo rk in which it takes
twentieth century was an under- Kurokawa. Xenakis and others. place. This f ra mework is urban space.
The more full, chaotic and dramatic are reached . The internal restructuring transportation is subordinate to th e
this framework, th e more 'urbanism' proceeds at t he same tem po. Slum needs of the human community. The
seems guaranteed in t he eyes of many housing gives way to commercial and effectiveness of any utopian city must
planners. office buildings. Planning autho rities be measured aga inst the technolog ica l
have no better alternatives to these potential of existing modes of trans -
two trends in u"rban development. and port. The technol ogy of house bui ldi ng
even if they did have would lack the is of secondary importance. The most
powers needed to put them into prim itive bu ilding methods still produce
practice. the best results in housin g today. This
is not true of the stagecoach. So we
The growth of a major city tod ay is not must develop urba n models wh ich
only the concern of its own in hab itants. among other thi ngs wi ll be able to
A large proportion of its work- fo rce accommodate the pr ivate veh i cle.
170 Utop ian city by Jos Weber. commutes long distances fro m places whichever form t his may take. At t he
17 1 Ut opian city. called the 'Meta- outside the city limits and an increas ing moment. we cannot work on the
stadt' by Richard Dietrich . number of reside nts are moving out. assumption that this mode of transport
away from the pollution of the inner- will be dispensed w ith . We can on ly
city. The city has become a regio nal hope tha t the state will bring pressure
However. it is not the planners w ho
plann ing problem. We lack the ideas to ensure t hat the car conforms as
shape and contro l urban living. It is
and facilities f or planning w hich wou ld soon as possible to the requirements of
located according to the dictates of
enable us to evolve a coordinated pro - public health. Today's urban sprawl
market research men. The planner on
gramme to meet the needs of the must be prompt ly stopped and all new
th e job t hen has no alternative but to
reg ion. Part of such a programme t owns must be planned as part of an
submit to the demands of his client.
wo uld of course be the establishmen t int egrated super -reg ionar development
And if the cli ent believes that a
of appropriate bodies at a nationa l plan .
suburban shopping centre w ith motor-
level which would balance the de-
way access is more efficient and yields
mands of eve ry region - a department It is the aim of this study to provide
greater prof its. the planner's opinion
of planning perhaps, which wou ld be this utopia. whose demands are so
on the su itability of the project is not
responsible for keeping record s of all modest. w ith a realistic and workable
sought. 'U rbanism' cannot be achieved
regional development and taking cor- set of tools, which have noth ing in
by t he mere creation of high bu ild ing
rective action when this was necessary common with the spectacu lar pla nning
density, and certainly not by such
for th e sake of national development. fantasies which I have used as ex-
enormous expenditure.
amples in t he preceding text. Not
Thi s does not involve any 'Napoleonic' least. th is work is intended as a
master plan. I am simply trying to start corrective to the Athens Charter and
CRITIQUE OF PRESENT-DAY people th inking about plann ing on th e its consequences.
PATTERN S OF scale which seems appropriate to
URBAN DEVELOPM ENT today's problems. Transport planners WHAT MODE LS FOR
have been working on t his scale f or DEVE LO PMENT W I LL MEET
By 'urban development' I understand some time. Their plans are not con- TH E FUTURE DEMANDS OF
the outward expansion of a town. and fined to strict regiona l boundaries. Th e URBAN GROWTH?
the internal renewal and adaptation of world -wide railway network has al -
its fabric. My observations re late pri- ready caught town planners unawares ; Any prediction must be reasona bly
marily to large cities. w here develop- highway and motorway building has rea listic and te chnically and admini -
me nt problems are particularly pressing. done the same; and I fear that new stratively feasible by today's standards.
The growth of such cities is constantly and faster tra nsport systems wi ll be put It w ill have to avoid visualisi ng the
controlled by land-use plans. If one into operation in the near future. with t own according t o narrow ideolog ical
looks at these plans over a period of a similar lack of consu ltation with the preju dice. w hether th is is of a socio-
10-15 years. it is noticeable that at town planners. politica l or technical natu re. Socia l
eac h new stage the area given over to utopi as of the last 200 years have
building development increases under The highway has always been t he shown the limitations of such visions.
the pressure of expansion. until the moving force behind urban develop- as have the technological utopias of
administrative boundaries of th e town ment. But seen in its proper perspective. recent years. No precise planning
solutions exist for a given social order. with the same brazen self-assurance. I grown or imported from abroad . Im-
Man's demands on his environment have no wish here to debate the ported fash ions were in the majority
remain constant. whatever the system. legitimacy of either system. and like all imitative acts they falsifi ed
In totalitarian states people's needs are and coarsened the originals.
artificially manipulated. butthis changes An objective comparison undoubtedly
nothing of their essential nature. In establishes that the Stalinallee creates As I see it. one of the vital tasks of this
more liberal societies fulfilment of these a sense of coherent street-space. while study is to follow my criticial com -
needs meets numerous administrative the 'Ouartier de Ia Defense' lacks any ments on the current situation and my
obstacles wh ich have built-in restric- recognisable spatial coherence. It also analysis of urban space with a con-
tions comparable to those of auth ori - indicates that the Stalinallee is not a crete concluding statement. This con-
tarian governments. In the case. of monument which is indissolub ly linked clusion should synthesise w hat we
powerful regimes. the position of with the system of government in have learned in the preceding pages
planning bodies is very strong. By power at the time. It derives from the and attempt a prediction of the type of
virtue of their authority. they can bourgeois boulevard. and seen as such urban structure which I feel has some
instigate and carry out very far-reaching must logically stand in contradiction future potential. I have maintained that
schemes. In comparison. the position to the system w hich produced it. From the town is a reg ional problem.
of planners in a constitutional democ- the point of v iew of urban pla nn ing. Similarly, the grow th of several towns
racy is disproportionately weak. since the only difference between these tw o of different size in the same reg ion has
it is their role to mediate in conflicts of diametrically opposed societies lies in become a problem of national concern.
interest between one group of citizens minor details of standards and tech- As numerous examp les from previous
and another. In reality we can see that nique. chapters have shown. Soria y Mata.
there are only minor differences be- Le Corbusier. Hilberseimer and others
tween the planning efforts of the two What is the current position with re- considered the planning of urban
types of social order. which in many gard to the aesthetic demands made growth as a facet of larger scale
cases produce the same results and if by town planning? There has been a regional planning.
anything can only be distinguished in frightening move towards un iformity ,
their intentions. Let us compare the brought about by the machine age. Before I become more specific about
Stalinallee in East Berlin. laid out The religious faith in the wonders of my own proposals. I be lieve it worth-
under a tota litarian regime. and the technology has markedly declined in wh ile to outli ne the methods and
'Ouartier de Ia Defense' in Paris. The recent years. Environmental pollution administrative structure which would
former is conceived as a ceremonial has contributed towards this decline. facilitate regional planning. A central-
avenue on the. familiar French pattern. Can regions be helped to identify with ised informati on bank must assemble
decorated w ith some ornaments in their urban culture through the art of all the facts pertaining to urban and
doubtful t aste. The latter sacrifices architecture as Sitte envisaged it ? It commun ity development: industrial
rigid distribution of space in order to is correct to say that art in genera l - growth. introd uction of new industries.
appear open. unstructured and gener- music. cinema. theatre. literature. pa int - popu lation growth and movement.
ously proportioned. The individual ing etc. - is subj13ct to the same commuting patte rns. nature reserves.
architectural features in Paris were standardisation as is 'town planning farm land. traffic routes etc. In every
created at incomparably greater ex- for Planet Earth' . The style of the region of Germany this data is already
pense than those of the Stalinallee 20 Pointillistes was imitated everywhere, being collated on a conti nuous basis
years before, yet the result is an just like Action Painting, Pop Art etc. and could therefore be evaluated
embarrassing lack of taste. The orna- Every period in art has its fashions. immediately by such an organisation.
mentation of the Stalina llee. like that However. they were never so short- Since the job of th is body would be to
of the Moscow metro stations. was lived as they are today. Modern coordinate the growt h of c ities in the
intended to beautify the property of aesthetic movements are so limited in reg ions. the imp lica tions of the data
the people within the limitations of their scope and so lacking in substance wou ld have to be tested against
the means available. The parallel aim that they lose all credibility after a very planning requirements.
was to use these buildings to gloss short time.
over the actual bruta lity of the regime. The development models which I
(The same observation could be made German town planning over the last consider appropriate for the future are
of Italy and Germany during the 25 years has come up with a variet y of the linear or cha in systems as con-
thirties.) In the capitalist countries. the fashions with serious implications - ceived by Soria y Ma ta towards the
brutality of monopo ly capital is flaunted fashions which were either home- end of the 19th cent ury. The stunn ing
v1s1on expressed by Soria y Mata in
172 City as it was in 1304. 175 1465. 178 Plan for the Residenz by R. F. H.
Fischer 1782.
173 1350. 176 1490-1 520. 179 Plan for the Residenz by N. F.
von Thouret after 1800.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE Schlossplatz. to take my direction town on a document of the year 1312
TOWN from the ideas of the arch itect s shows a shield with two horses one
responsible for its original conception above the other. The heraldic device
The homogeneous and generously and construction . It would be out of was later simplified to show a single
proportioned developments for the place to launch into an in-depth horse. The settlement came into the
northern and southern parts of Stutt- analysis of the... history of Stuttgart at possession of the Lords (who in 1130
gart emanate from the second half of this point. I will confine myself t o became the Counts) of Wurttemberg,
the 15th century. For more tha n 300 illustrating this development visually. who had bu ilt th emselves a fortress
years these plans shaped the growth with reference to plans. Careful com- on the W irtenberg (above Stuttgart-
of the town. It was only at the begin- parison of separate stages of develop- Untertu rkheim) and took their name
ning of the 19th century with the ment can give more informat io n at a from it.
plans of Thouret among other things glance than can be conveyed briefly
that the development was first pushed with words. Arou nd the mi dd le of the 13th century
beyond these boundaries. Stuttgart received its town charter from
SHORT HISTORY OF STUTTGART Count Ul rich I (1241-65). Count
The major stepping stones for further Eberhard I (1 279-1 325) defe nded
From Bollmann Bildkarten verlag
urban growth were the definitive plans himself there in 1286 and 1287 against
(author unknown).
for the Konigstrasse as part of the the German King Rudolf of Habsburg.
Marstall. the creation of the Friedrichs- Until well into the middle ages In a document of 1286 a mayor and
platz as a result of the layout of the six Stuttgart was overshadowed by the twelve j udges are named f or the fi rst
streets which intersect at that point. much older town of Cannstatt. wh ich time; and the title of 'citizen' (cives)
the building of the new Katharinen - was of much greater importance at the is fi rst used. In the imperia l war waged
hospital. the Polytechnic and the time. The Romans had built a castle by Kaiser Heinrich VII on the Counts
Alleenplatz (now the Stadtgarten). here at the end of the 1st century A.D. of Wurttemberg. Stuttgart fell to the
the Rotebuhlkaserne. the Osterreich- to protect their roads from the Rhine imperia l city of Esslingen between.
ische Platz. the Wilhelmsplatz. the to the Danube through the Neckar and 1311 and 1315. After the end of these
expansion of the Hohe Carlsschule. Rems valleys, and around this a hostilities Count Eberhard t ra nsferred
the Neue Schloss and the monu- civilian settlement grew up. This his f amily seat and the remains of his
men ta l buildings surrounding the settlement not only served as a ancestors fro m Beutelsbach to St utt-
Schlossplatz. the con structi on of the military stronghold and administrative gart. Stuttgart thereby became the
Neckarstrasse and the erection of the centre for the Romans. but also re- most impo rtant place in the county.
cultural buildings bordering it. such as ta ined its importance during the Ale- The town covered more or less the
the W ilhelmspalais. the Staatsarchiv. mannic period. The assembly place and area which today is bounded by the
Landesbibliothek. Staatstheater and judicial centre of the surrounding tribe Ktinigsstrasse. Eberhardstrasse. Karls-
Staatsgalerie. The link- up between of the Alemanni was nearby. It was strasse and Planie. In the 14th century
Stuttgart and the older settlement of here. in the year 746, that the Frank the Leonhards or Essli nger quarter
Bad Cannstatt was achieved through Karlmann carried out a mass execution grew up on the south eastern fringes
the architect Thou ret's ambitious plans of the Alemanni in the area. Only later of this area around a chapel dedicated
for the Schlossgarten. did Stuttgart step on to the stage of to Leonhard. and the 15th century saw
history. the growth in the north west of the
Sound knowledge of the historical Liebfrauen or Turnieracher quarter
development of Stuttgart is of critical According to tradition. Duke Liutolf of (named after a chapel dedicated to the
importance for any new plan. as each Swabia founded a stud-farm (Stuot- Virgin Mary). The latter gradually t ook
period builds as a continuation of what garten) around 950 in a broad section on the character of a 'wealthy' quarter
has gone before. Thus it is that ideas of the Nesenbach valley. and this gave duri ng the 16th and 17th centuries.
which became bogged down at the its name to the settlement and sub- Stutt gart rea lly blossomed for the first
planning stage. or plans once executed sequent town which grew up around time unde r Count Ulrich V (1433-80).
but effaced over the years. may be it. The name first appears in rec ords In 1450 the counts' palace was bui lt
valid for our contemporary redevelop- around 11 60 with a nobleman called on the market place. and the tow n ha ll
ment schemes. Hugo de Stutkarten. The settlement of was erected next to it between 1456
'Stukarten' in its own right is men- and 1458. The collegiate church was
So for example I have tried. when tioned for the first time in a document built as an enlargement of a late gothic
thinking of ways to rebuild the of 1229. The earliest known seal of the ha ll church. and until 1806 remained
under the exclusive jurisdiction of the
parish of Stuttgart. The Leonhards-
kapelle was replaced by a church with
a triple nave. In the upper quarter of
the town a Dominican monastery was
founded in 1473. and the Church
attached to it has been known since
the time of the fleformation as the
Hospitalkirche. Hanslin or Aberlin Jorg
was the principal architect of all three
churches. In 1482. Stuttgart was
officially granted the status of capital
city; in 1495 Wurttemberg was ele-
vated to the position of a duchy. By
this time Cannstatt - granted its city
charter by King Ludwig of the Bava- '- cr-
. c -~
t. · t_
- {..
~ :!..
rians as early as 1 330 - had been far ~ - .,_ f t..C..~e;. C.· t.. . v..
;. ~ ~ ~ . ~ . f..-
outstripped by the much newer city of 3.. - (.. .. ..., ./: . . 'to. ""' t.t. '(.. :1)
~ ·:~::·:::':':tt:;\ii~~:. '- ~ ~
Stuttgart. •
· ~~~~f~\:>
During the troubled reign of Duke
Ulrich (1503-19 and 1534- 50) the
country was shaken by a number of
wars. The repercussions of the up-
rising of 'Poor Konrad' (1514) and the
Peasants' War (1525) were even felt
180 Model of the city in 1600, by Karl Berrer. 191 4 .
in the provincial capital. Furthermore.
Photo: City Surveyor's office.
from 1 520 to 1 534 Stuttgart was under
Austrian rule. 1534-5 saw the be- 181 View of the City of Stuttgart. Grabado de Meria n. 1634.
ginnings of the Reformation. and
~~icfJ.l btr~ta~l~tuU;gnrt
peace was gradually restored in the
country. A new peak of activity was
reached by the builders of the second
half of the 16th century. During the
reign of Duke Christoph (1 550-68)
the old Wasserbvrg of Aberlin Tretsch
was completely rebuilt. and expanded.
Its lovely arcaded courtyard is one of
the most highly regarded achievements
among German renaissance castles.
To the north east of the castle. a
pleasure garden was built during the
reign of Duke Ludwig (1568-93).
embellished by the architectu ral mas-
terpiece of Georg Beer's Neue Lust-
haus. To the south of the old castle.
Heinrich Schickardt added a further
magnificent renaissance palace be-
tween 1599 and 1609: the Neue Bau.
The increase in population also mir-
rored the overall prosperity of the
town. Approximately 4.000 people
lived in Stuttgart in 1400; by 1589 the
- ---14- •· - - ·-·
t hreatened . It was only un der Karl
Eugen (1744-1 793) t hat St uttgart
regained its f ormer status as capital.
He commissioned t he bu ilding of the .
Neue Schloss by Retti. de Ia Guepiere
and R. F. H. Fischer in t he late baroque
and rococo style. In 1775 t he library of
1 B2 Ludwigsbu rg was t ransferred to Stutt-
gart. The 'milit ary academy', planned
183 Bird's -eye vi ew loo k1n g up the valley . Stadtarc hiv St uttg art. and laid out on a grand scale by Karl
Eugen. was moved from Schloss
Solitude t o Stuttga rt in the same year.
As the 'H ohe Karl sschule'. it we nt
down in German educat ional history
and bro ught it s f ounder th e reputation
of an en lightened and wise monarch .
It was here t hat Friedrich Schiller re-
ceived his education as a military
su rgeon between 1773 and 1780. and
here t hat he w rote his f irst work 'Die
Rauber'. Vita l to th e cultu ral life of the
Court was th e Duke's patronage of
art. music and theatre. wh ich ran
parallel t o his int erest in education
and learning. W ith the bui lding of
good ro ads Stuttgart also came to play
a more active part in the network of
communications ; f rom about 1705 a
perma nent coaching st at ion was estab-
lished there. At t he end of the 18th
century Stu ttgart's population num-
bered around 20,000.
. ~
0 .. .........
1945. The clearance of bomb -sites. the
supply of food and energy, and coping
w ith housing problems dominated the
life of the city for the next few years.
In 1950 the German Horticult ural Show
was held here as the first high point in
Stuttgart's recovery. In 1953 Stuttgart
became the capital of the Land of
Baden -Wurttemberg. In 1956 an ex-
tension to the new town hall was built
on the Marktplatz and a new concert
hall for Stuttgart (the Liederhalle) was
opened. Since 1956. Stuttgart's new
landmark -the television tower of the
Suddeutsche Rundfunk. more than
200 metres hig h - can be seen from
miles around. In 1958 Stuttgart's port
on the Neckar was opened. and th is
brought the city and the surrounding
industrial area into the network of
Europea n waterways and connected it
with the great seaports.
190-195 Typical Stuttgart bou rgeo is
houses of the 19th century.
196-20 1 Plinths and ent rances .
202-207 Entrances.
- -~ ...
. . .
211-213 Balconies.
PRO POSALS FO R THE se. the Feuersee and from there across 214 Sca le 1 : 33 000.
RECO NSTRU CTION OF to the Osterre ich ische Platz. W il helms - Overa ll plan of all new planning
DEVASTATED U RBAN AREAS platz. the Leonhardskirche, Charlotten- proposals.
platz. the Staatsga leri e and back to the 1 Stati on.
I have rest ri cted myself to describing station. For each location. by means of 2 University.
the individual projects illustrated in the plans and mode[?. I have provided a 3 Rotebuhlp latz.
adjoini ng overal l plan . I have beg un in direct compa ri son betwee n its h is- 4 Johannesstrasse. Feuerstrasse.
the st ation area. and made a roun d torical development since the m id - 5 b sterre ich ische Plat z.
t our. as it were, of the new planning 19th century, its present condition. my 6 Wilhelmsp latz.
proposals fo r the university campus . new planning proposals and how they 7 Leon hardski rche.
t he Rotebuhlplatz. the J ohannesstras - f it in wi t h the ex isting build ing fabri c. 8 Cha rlotten-Schlossplat z.
9 Ko nigstrasse .
10 Staatsga lerie.
11 Schlossgart en.
21 5 Shaded areas have been re-
planned .
216 217 Plan of traffic flow d uring the 218 Compa r i son on sc ale of
early 1 9 50s. 1 : 50.000.
216 Plan showing Second World War
Black areas: totally destroyed.
Hatched areas : moderate and light
220 Model from south-east original
scale 1 : 2.500.
pressed classes have also tried t o get Stuttgart. Such a measu re seems to be
rid of the symbols of their power. This too easy, and it has never been con-
seems legitimate at the time. but t ime sidered up unti l now. The oppressive
stills the waves of anger and teaches cli mate during the summer months of
men to value the bu ildings of the past t he valley in wh ich Stuttga rt lies
for their arcli'i tect ural qu ality. even provides sufficient justification in itself.
w hen their original fu nctions have even disregarding the un iq ue atmo -
ceased to app ly . The beauty of a build- sphere w hich an avenue of trees
ing alone can justify its existence. creates. I fu rth er propose to continue
(' . .. et c'est utile. puisque c'est joli ' - the li ne of build ings on the south side
Antoine de Saint-Exupery. ) of the Konigstrasse across the Schil -
lerstrasse and up to th e south side of
231 Central station . southern en- Architectu re without explicit fun ctio n. the statio n. They would crea te a semi -
trance. Architects Bonatz and Scholer which I am discussing here. i s a very circu lar spatial stop f or the elongated
1910-27. modest phenomenon. It shou ld be Bahnhof splatz. This f orm is derived
mean in gful w ithin its histori cal con - from the roundel placed in th is location
te xt. appropriate to its locati on and of by N . F. Thouret behind t he Ko nigstor.
The st ati on tower should be pierced to
give direct access f rom the mai n hall
tl t o the Sch lossgarten.
, ,~
university area and their relationsh ip bringin g complete quiet to the hos-
to the existing urban fabric. So I have pital. This dual purpose addit io n above
designed a traffic-free precinct con- street level would serve as an extension
necting the Hahn tower, college build- both to the hospital and the university.
() ings, library, refectory. Liederhall e and
Linden museu1r1. I have planned for a The approach to the refect ory today
sightline to run from the centre of this does not even have the elementary
east-west axis to the Bolzstrasse and saf ety measures of traff ic li ghts or
the Kleine Schlossplatz. These designs, pedestrian crossings. Anyone who
in terms of the he ig ht of the buildings . sees the way in wh ich hund reds of
harmonise with the scale of the t own students ris k th eir lives every lu nch
as it is. This is true of both its old and time to cross the four-lane st reet
its new buildings. The isolated t ower between the university area and the
blocks on the Keplerstrasse are inte- refectory wi ll be shocked by this
grated as fully as is the restof theformer scandalous state of affairs. I never
polytechnic on the Huberstrasse . It can cease t o be amazed at how little fuss
/236 be mathematically proved that low - people make, how li ttle they take issue
rise, high-density building can render with such blatant and irresponsible
the use of high -rise building redu ndant. negligence on the part of city planning
departments. I would fu rther suggest
Unfortunately there is no possibility that the Liederha lle and the Linden
now of the Katharinenhospital being museum be connected with the 'cam-
moved from its present site on the busy pus · in t he same way as th e refect ory.
Kriegsbergstrasse. so we must th in k The curved rear elevation of the
in terms of improving it by rad ical Liederhal le gave me the i"oea of creating
structural alterations. This could be a circu s at t he junction of the Breits-
done by building a multi-st orey ex- cheidstrasse and the H olzgartenstrasse.
tension over the adjacent street thus This is th e meet ing point of t he routes
creating two inner courtyards and of pedestrian access from the Herdweg
and the Hoppenl au cemetery, which
245-248 Sketches of pedestrian
II \ ·.. 1;.
u ' . ~
·: .. \
L\ I
'~ "'
. ·: :..
266 Sketches of the Rotebuhlplatz.
271 The Rotebuhl complex seen from
the west.
11 5
, J'l
274-277 Part?al- views of new pro-
posed scheme (model).
. I
278-281 Pa rtfa l view~ of new pro-
posed scheme (pastel) .
284 Ro of plan. 285 Model of red eve lopment plan.
I ,,.,
__ ,
286 Ground plan of pe destrian level.
Isometric View of redevel opment
JOHANNESSTRASSE- FEUERSEE and co111merc ial · premises built as high that for this reason alone. extreme
annexes. We must come up with care must be taken with any alterations
solutions to make the coexistence of to the building fabric. I would also
This is a sector of the district known as housing and business tolerable. For suggest that in this kind of district.
'Stuttgarter Westen'. Most of it was example, a large part of the roof area particular attention should be paid to
built during the second half of the 19th above the workshops could be planted the conservation of streets and squares
century. The theme of these proposals o r used as a recreation area for resi - which play a vita l part in t own-
for its renewal is to preserve the grid dents. Children's playgrounds with planning terms . So any new building
layout and carry out structural modifi - extensive pl·ay areas could also be must conform w ith the structure and
cations in keeping w ith contemporary provided at roof -level. In the course of scale of the area. Greenery and orna-
needs. When they were built all the time. underground garages would have mental lakes etc. should also be kept
houses were set three metres apart at to be built beneath the courtyards. in harmony w ith the original plan and
the insistence of the Fire Department. thereafter properly maintained. This
The result of this tod ay is that street It would make no sense to attempt a does not mean that alterations and
noise penetrates unremittingly to 1he sudden and enforced separation of additions are impossible in the event
inner courtyards. Blocking up these activities in an area w hose hybrid of a changed set of circumstances f or
gaps could decisively improve living quality has grown up gradually. The the tow n- planner ; simply that w ilful
conditions. To complicate matters. the standard of craftsmanship and arc hi- and reckless acts of planning van -
inner courtyards contain workshops tecture in some of the buildings is so dalism should be prevented.
290 Scale 1 : 20,000 1913. 291 1972. 292 Model of renovation plan.
THE OSTERREICHISCHE PLATZ I have adopted Thouret's the me of badly stressed by this problem. It is a
spatial gradation and a gradually curse t o all city -d wellers. each of w hom
intensifying build-up. But I have had resorts t o his own fu t ile protest by
to adapt this sequential approach to the blocking his w indows o r his ears.
Again I have taken Thouret's plans as reality of the new buildings w hich Im potent in the face of st reet noise.
a basis for alterations to this square. surround the sguare. The ho rseshoe- everyo ne takes out thei r unbearable
This decision may at first seem strange. shaped open space with terraced build- neuroses on fam ily and neighbours.
given that not a single original building ings at its edge stretches right across There is only one w ay in wh ich some
is left standing on it. All I am trying to the Hauptstiitterstrasse. which is Stutt - meas ure of t ranquillity can be guaran-
do is to justify the thesis which I have gart's most heavily used arterial road. teed. and that is to provide a t otal shield
outlined in the previous chapter. So there was no reas on to subordinate between people and traffic.
the spatial qualities of the square t o
No period in cultural history holds a those of the freeway. On the contrary, The Osterrei ch ische Platz. Wi lhelms-
patent on spatial types. the freeway had to be disregarded. platz and Charlottenplatz acted as the
Opening up an access road tow ards principal focus for streets connecting
Thou ret conceived of this square as a t he city centre would have been just the old t own with the sou thern parts of
spatial extension to the area behind the as much of a problem. the city. Their purpose is very clearly
city gate. This gate was purely decora- visible fro m an examinat ion of the
tive. having ceased to function as part The small lozenge-shaped square acts street -plan . The layout is plai nly orien-
of the fort ifications. It is interesting. as a kind of distributor: fro m it. the tat ed around these focal points. The
however. that a spatial extension was Bazarstrasse leads to the Wil helms- function of such si tes could have re-
still planned beyond the gate. It was platz: it creates a link between the mained intact to th is day had it not
only this second. smaller square which Tubinger Strasse and the Marienki rc he. been destroyed bv t raffi c. The squares
formed a junction to the street. Un- as well as restoring the former link with mentioned above could even have
fortunately. later building on the out- the southern part of the town . I con - been linked to each ot her by a com -
skirts of the town meant that this clude from this that there is no reas on mercially pr.ofita ble shop ping street.
square - a work of genius - did not why the new communication ch annels w hich could part ially or completely
develop in accordance with the original required should be blighted by traffic span t he ma in road.
plans. noise. The whole town is equally
293 The Marienkirche. seen from the 294 The Osterreichische Platz and 295 The pedestrian·s view.
Paulinen bridge. Paulinen bridge.
296 The Marienkirche. seen from the 297 Spatial reality of the pedest rian . 298 The Hau pt statt erstrasse. seen
Osterreichische Platz. from th e Osterreic hische Platz.
1 23
305 The Osterreichische Platz as it is 306 New plans. 307 New plans superimposed on pre-
today. sent layout.
308 Development of the Hauptstatter- 309 Detail of model. 310 View of mode l fro m the south.
311 Site plan. showing redevelop-
ment of t he bsterreichische Platz. scale
1 : 1.8 50 approx.
.. M .o d e1 of redevel
Osterretchische PI opment of t he
approx. atz, scale 1 : 1 ,850
313 The Osterreichische Platz itself:
original size pastel.
·>'I -
3.14 Small
Oster · · squarePIg1vin
reiChlsche g access to th
pastel. atz: original size e
315 Ground plan of pedestrian level. 316 Isometric view of scheme. 317 Gro und plan of one level.
H.ll!~ T \'t'WIIta./IU~
lA 0 0
a tOml".
WO+<'tGltH T 'lll
. ;)
325 Aerial photo of the old town of
Stuttgart from the south-west. c. 1930.
In the foreground is Erich Men dels-
sohn's Schocken building.
Photo: Stahle, Schorndorf.
326 The extent of devastation of the
o ld town in the Second World War.
Photo: Brugger. Stuttgart.
327 The Wilhelmsplatz today. 328 The Hauptstatterstrasse today. 329 The Leo nhardspl atz.
330 View of the Wilhelmsplatz and 331 The Hauptstatterstrasse today. 332 Sieg le- Haus by Theodor Fischer.
old town.
333 The Wilhelmsplatz. 334 The Hauptstatterstrasse today. 335 The Leonhards platz and Leon-
hards kirche.
Dc=J o
3 ~ 3h/ 1 -6
W 1 e 1 msplatz
Design alternatives for the
area. - H auptstatterstrasse
344 Plan at ground level.
346 Youth cen tre. section and view.
fl t·ttjQ·jl
k ii 'l,ll i~
- ,
349 Office building. section and view.
I ~
~ l
I •
-1 I
I I I II • ,1'
351 Sports centre. section and view. 352 Ground plan of one level.
354 Politica l Forum. section and view.
I . . ....
C1~ MI··D ... ,_.....
357 Detail of model.
may have lacked the splendour and rich 363 Various alternative
ornamentati on of the Neue Schloss. schemes for the Neue
The central wing was designed as Schloss site by Retti.
a barracks. Yet its spatial qualities c. 1750.
were conceived on a grand scale and After Scholl. Leopold Retti.
they played an important role in the Verlag Bi.irgei,,Ansbach
development of Stuttgart in the 18th (from K. Weidle).
the castle in t he backg round. wou ld
make an admirable spot for an open -
air theatre. The steps where spectators
would be seated happily forms a qui te
natural transition between t he higher
plane of the street and the level of the
square. The primary function of new
buildings on th is square and on the
Charlottenplatz shou ld be a cultural
, _
- ~l~,. - '\ \.\W\\:a~'-""
369 Facade of the Neue Schloss 370 The Charlottenplatz. with t he
facing the Hohe Carlsschule. Leonhardskirche in the background
and th e Orphanage on the right.
371 1855.
372 1972.
373 Traffic plan.
374 Aerial photo 1969.
375 Model of new
planning proposals.
376, 377, 378 The area
as it is today, showing new
plans and their super-
imposition on existing
377 378 layout.
381 382 383
384 The new Charl ottenplatz from th e
381 Overall view from the south-east. north-west w it h tile Orphanage on the
382 Plan ie axis: on the left the right.
Schlossplatz, Neue Schloss, Ho lle 385 The same sq uare fro m th e south -
Carlsschule; on the right (foreg round) east.
the Alte Kanzlei (Old Chancellery), 386 The Bazarstrasse loo king across
Alte Schloss. Karlsplatz, Orpha nage; the Holzst rasse, and the entra nce to th e
(background) the new Charlottenplatz Charlottenpl atz.
with the Wilhelmspalais. 387 Looki ng along the Konrad-Aden -
383 View from the north-west. auer-Strasse towards its junct ion with
In the foreground the Collegiate Church the Charl ottenplatz. with the Landes-
(13th- 15th centuries) and the Sch ill er- bibliothe k and Haupt sta atsarc hiv on
platz. t he left.
388 389 390
392 393
396 Design for the seat of t he Stutt -
gart court as execut ed c. 18 30.
Pen and wash drawing b y Th ouret.
from the Stadtarchiv collecti on (from
Paul Faerber: Fr. von Thouret. ein
Baumeister des Klassizismus. Kohl -
hammer-Verlag Stuttgart 1949) .
0 .~
-- ......"~
! I
I 152
The new road -bed was la id so close
t o the building th at no room re mai ned
f or a sidewalk. The incredible idea f or
solving t his prob lem w as to const ruct a
pedestrian subwa y t hrough the cella r of
th e two wings of the ga llery. Since th e
complet ion of w ork on the new traff ic
system. the museu m has recorded a
marked decrease in th e number of
visit ors.
407 1910.
There was another comparable act of 413-415 Changes in the layout of the Schlossgart en smce 1808.
destruction in the incomprehensible
deforestation of Ludwigsb urg castle
near Stuttgart in 1968. 416 Thouret's plan 1805. 417 The present st ate of 41 8 My proposals for
the Schlossgarten. redevelopmen t.
There are plans for the next National
Horticultural Show to be held in the
lower grounds of the Schlossgarten in
1976. I trust that history will not repeat
itself then.
41 9 Avenue of plane trees in the
lower castle grounds. planted in 1812.
fro m 175.000 to its present size of
more than 700.000, and t hat of the
central Neckar va lley area (the Greater
fiJ /Axes o f hncor or ch> lll d cvclo pmcnt/ cxpon51on
Stuttgart reg ion) from 1.5 million in 424 Model for urban development in
1950 to 2.2 mi ll ion inhabitants in 1966. the Central European context.
This growth resu lted mainly from the
migration of population caused by the This complex structural intensification
industrial expansion of the reg ion. If of public and private communications
this industrial growth stagnates as it will have a far-reach ing influence on
has in the last two years. the effect is 422 Bui lt-up areas in the Greater future town and city development
to put an immediate brake on· the Stuttgart regio n. policies. Like transportation. urban
population explosion. I am not com - planning - both in the cities and smaller
petent to offer a f orecast abo ut this. commun ities - must be harmonised
but I do feel inc lined to believe that and coord in ated w ith the larger reg ion-
there will be a lot more changes in al plan.
Europe before the next two huhdred
years are out. A nd why should we not Howeve r fa r-f etched this model may
envisage 'realistic' plans fo r th e future seem. I fee l it t o be of the greatest im-
on this kind of time -sca le? For I live in portance if we are t o avoid the forma-
hope that the human race w ill not have tion of further chaotic. unplanned
been altogether wiped out by t hen. complexes such as the Ruhr valley.
The plain of the Rhine between
So let us consider the development Karlsruhe and Frankfurt is already well
plans for Stuttgart as a blueprint f or a 423 Linear city development system on on the way to becoming a similar kind
more or less distant future. the Soria y Mata model. of development.
426 high building density are closel y de- selves and spatial patterns can be
It was also important to simulate a f ined within a fixed framework. On f reely articulated. Each neig hbourhood
democratic planning process. Areas of the other hand. the buildings them - unit contains approximately 12.000
425 Photomontage showing section
of development to the west of Stuttgart
city centre.
inhabitants. The length o the roads So the commercial and cultural centre, trians from any irection. A high-speed
along which new developments are the backbone of the linear develop- railway w ill link the individual sub-
located varies between 1 and 1.5 km. ment. is easily accessible t o pedes - centres.
427 Town centre. Stu ttga rt/hor
den. 1971. Scheme by aut
AIC (Architektur und lngenieur Co-
operativ. Stuttgart).
POSTSCRIPT FOR ARCH ITECTS authors to absolve themselves of a passive. simply looki ng forward to
cu ltural culpability w hose magnitude having his tastes met by a specialist.
'LETS PUT ARCHITECTURE BACK and threat to their position they fully and a specialist alone. who has de-
IN ITS PROPER PLACE' recognise. And because it is bad form voted his whole life to the lamp prob-
socia lly and professionally to point the lem. and as a result may reasonably
This was how a dozen or so of finger at one's .colleagues. only one of be expected to know something about
Germany's most eminent architects the demands of their man ifesto was it. Let's leave out the question of the
concluded a New Year's manifesto on aimed directly at architects. and then utility and functional adequacy of the
architecture in 1974. published in a only to exhort them to remember the said lamp. Our customer is offered
number of architectural peri od icals. At superiority of their mission. This is such a wide range that after visiting
the same time a yea r later. w hen asking both too much and too litt le ! three or four shops. he masters his in-
architects were not alone in having decision and in desperation makes a
lapsed into melancholy, I was prompted I don't want to let the writers of this choice which suits his wa llet. For even
to draft a reply to their rallying -cry. I 'mea culpa' off the hook yet. I must the untutored customer soon realises
hope it will be clear by now to everyone stress that I am not on ly attacking that well-designed lamps are always
w ho has read my book just what I mean eminent. award -w inn ing. successful expensive and that the protracted
by the city and its architecture. I have architects . but also the generation search for a good. reasonably priced
made extensive use of illustrations to which has not yet made its mark on article often comes t o nothing. Whether
bring out my full meaning. I believe the German building scene. It is he is buying shoes. hats or furnitu re.
that many of my arguments can be irrelevant for the architect to bemoan the same problem is all too familiar to
strengthened by a postscript in the the fact that his client has no under- him.
form of a manifesto. What has dis- stand ing of design problems. and that
figured our cities to such a degree is the architecture produced on com - We have all had experience of the
not only the loss of urban space dis- mission must necessarily reflect the lamp buying syndrome. and have all
cussed here but also the mediocrity of taste and preconceptions of his client. asked ourselves w hich criteria govern
the architecture. My brother Leon. Most clients ca n be talked round. this kaleidoscope bf kitsch.
who teaches architecture in Lond on. where there is suffi cient professional
has made a great contribution through conviction and commitment on the Basically. the problem of the qua lity of
his application of fundamental theor- part of the architect. although of course the lamp is closely re lated to the prob-
etical tendencies. The worth of these this will eat into his fees. And let's be lem of the quality of a building. Who is
tendencies will be demonstrated by the honest. fewer and fewer of us are pre- responsible for the mediocrity of the
debate on a professional level wh ich I pared to take this first step. How merchandise: the manufacturer. the
hope will be stimulated by this book. terribly revealing it is that no-one can designer or the consumer? The manu-
My arc hitectural work has acquainted be expected to comply w ith this out- facturer and the designer set up a
me w ith the li kely opponents of such rageous demand - except poets and cl iche- ridden customer profi le based
a theory of urban space. They w ill not dreamers perh aps . on their questionable market research.
be found in the ranks of those who use They deliberate ly use sed uctive de-
or live in our cit ies. but will spring from How many of our colleagues have the signs. almost totally divorced from the
the mass of 'specialists' . For it w ill be strength of character to turn down function of the object. to increase
they who wi ll see their irresponsible a commission when the client refuses sales. And who can criticise the con -
treatment of architecture challenged. to accept the quality which the de- sumer for making a wron g choice when
signer would like? I am arguing then he is confronted with such a prolifera-
(1) ARCHITECTS ... that we. as architects. should face up tion of trash? ·
to the responsibili ty which is ours
Every building is designed by an from the moment that we put our name The architectural client fi nds himself
arch itect. They alone are responsible to a feasible design. and that we should in the same position!
for their creations. and in my opinion stop laying the blame for our own in-
only they can be held accountable adequacy on the wicked client's door- I am constantly aware that laymen
wh en gross errors occur. step. Let us put ourselves in the position expose the negative qualities of our
of someone who w ants to buy a lamp. bu ilt environment with unerring cer-
The architectural manifesto to which Our hypothetica l customer has no tainty, simp ly as a result of their com-
I have referred re ads too much like a professional expertise in the production pa rison of old and new. The response
feeble attempt on the part of its or sale of lamps. He is therefore quite of the professional t o this criticism
· >'I
hedges the centra l question w ith Whatever form architecture may adopt. out on paper. From time immemorial
remarks like: it must always create the same architecture has been rea lised through
'We are constrained by economic aesthetical ly controlled impression as the medium of drawing. These draw-
viability, technology, traffic. pol itics .. .· the example from nature mentioned ings have always been produced
But none of these constraints justifies above. I have yet to see a tree which manually, which is convenient but
the superficial trea tment administered looked aesthetica fly wrong or defec- slow. This laborious method is similar
to our patient 'architecture·. We have tive. The same is true of landscape. to the creative process of the painter.
always known the patient in this ailing musician or author. Science has yet to
condition and have difficulty in imagin- Architecture should engage interest prove that the design process can be
ing him healthy. not on ly because it is fa shionable or effected w ith the help of electronic
nove l. It shou ld also remain sensit ive aids.
The call for 'more design' in our man i-
to changing fu nctional requirements.
festo indirectly raises the question of Question: 'Why should the architect
and be characterised by features whose
what the nature of that design should not attempt to meet his schedu les in
intrinsic strength is such that the over-
be. Just as in our example of buying the shortest possible time with mini -
all effect is not harmed by signs of use
the lamp, in architecture design is open mum expense and maximum profit?'
and wear and tear. Only a handful of
to many interpretations. Above all we
masterpieces which have survived Answer: 'He defines objectives which
must establish what role it plays in an
from the past show us what the true by their very nature are to do with
overall architectonic system. The three
qualities of architecture should be. meeting man's most central needs as
most important determining factors
Our age has an extraordinary dearth of an individual and member of a social
w hich characterise architecture are
such examples. group. These needs are not purely
function. construction and f orm. None
of these factors takes precedence over functional in character. but also have
Let us emphasise yet again the prin- ethical. soci al and cu ltural impli cations.
the others and none ca n be neglected
cipal conclusion of this section: that Th is means something more than the
in favour of another. In the design
the architect. and the architect alone. normal ru n of consumer goods . Archi -
process each aspect must be developed
is responsible for the form of his work. tecture supposedly has an u nlimited
in parall el and neither orga nisation.
construction nor form can be con - lif e. and so w ill stand for an unknown
The remarks which follow deal w ith length of time in a landscape which
sidered separately. Thus architecture.
the origins of 'second-rate arc hitec - will be affected by it either positively
as a result of th is coordinated process.
ture' and the audience to wh ich my or negatively. Every building. no matter
must always provide a meaningfu l
remarks are addressed consists of its how private it is intended to be. has a
expression of inner structure. without
authors: the architectural profession. role to play in public space whether it
necessarily exposi'ng the 'innards'. The
form of the human body has always likes it or not. and God knows it is
(2) PLANNING TIME . .. li able to become a permanent cultural
been the prototype for structural
is clearly someth ing which most of my irritant.'
principles in architecture. In addition. colleagues cannot manage to fit in. The
nature provides us with countless other
fee scale which architects have set up In the field of architecture then. the
models w hose visible aesthetic quali-
in fact only covers the cost of the most most basic laws of commerce and
ties are perfectly in accord w ith their
perfunctory work. If we look at the management cannot be appl ied liter-
biological system. problem from this point of view. ally. The time f actor is norm ally re-
Quite simply. the concern for f orm is no-one can be reproached f or showing stri cted by these laws. but in this case
the fundamenta l problem of architec- too little concern for architecture. It is must be relaxed to all ow the complex
ture. and one which cannot be solved essenti al th at the reform of the fee interp lay of function. constr.uction and
in purely verba l terms. The architecture scale. which has been under discussi on form t o be adequately deve loped. As a
we are talking about must be illustrated. in pa rli ament for years. be settled once rule. those designers generally re-
if only through drawi ngs. So any and for all . This is not to say that we garded as outstanding need as much
polemic on the subject in the form of a cou ld necessarily look forward to time as possible before handing their
manifesto must rem ain a piece of better architecture as a result. Time is designs over to the builder.
empty and esoteric trivia. and the of the essence in the planning pro-
notes I am writing now should also be cess. and the architecture of the thirty (3) BUILDING TIME . . .
seen in that light. However. this in no years since the war has suffered from is another important factor m the
way diminishes the value of a dis - being bui lt prematurely before the creation of architecture. It is almost
cussion of form. underlying ideas had been fully worked entirely dictated by the financia l plans
of the client and so often exerts are simplified. Technical optimisat ion bru tal gigantism is a phenomenon of
disastrous and inescapable pressure on will all too easily lead to an over- our t ime. Never before in the history of
the design team. One of the favourite stepping of the limits which man. as a building has there been an age in which
selling lines of the speculative builder fixed point of reference. can tolerate. ident ica l elements have been repeated
is an emphasis on rapid building time. both physically and psycholog icall y. horizontally and vertically w ith so little
Apart from increasing the likelihood of Here we come up against the problem variation as they are today. Without a
repairs. this consideration will cease to of scale. which w ill be more cl osely doubt. this is the product of purely
be relevant in the fu ture. examined in its own right at a later mathematical ca lculation. From a pure-
point. ly pragmatic po int of view I would have
(4) THE MONOPOLY OF some fa ith in it if large projects were
PLANNERS ... The fascination of our historic cJtJes structured to enable many smal l archi-
Not only is architecture usually planned derives from the almost infinite variety tectural teams to work on them . These
and built too hurriedly; also. too few of their spatial forms and the bu ildings groups of super- individua lists would
architects try and design too much in which shape them. Every age rational- have to be able to work togeth er in
the time available. Here again. the ises available technology in its own such a way that their product (for
profession has fallen into the trap of way, and this applies equally we ll to example, an estate of 500 units). when
succumbing to the temptations of the timber-framed buildings as to la rge completed. wou ld seem to come from
free market economy. Work com- brick or sandstone structures. Archi- a single mould. with the gain of greate r
missioned has become gigantic in its tecture has never suffered as a result of vari ety and without ruin ing the client
scale. The public sector. in an attempt this: quite the opposite! The w ealth f inancially.
to keep on top of the work. looks to t he of expression results a'bove all fro m the
design team to solve the problem fact that the scale of projects came Muc h has been said recentl y about
rationally. completely and unanimous- within the compass of the indi vidual partic ip ation. In t his book. I am argu ing
ly, by working flat out and drawing on architect. that enough time was avail- in f avour of the participation of ou r
the full range of its professional able for detailing the often endlessly many unemployed architects in the
expertise. complicated building elements. and important building schemes of our day.
that the client also understood and My only fear is th at the prof ession is
I have no wish to question tile promoted architecture as an art-fo rm. not susceptible to change from within.
capability of the well-organised tea m. People still knew how to build in ways I feel that ou r education has not
By and large, post-war architecture in appropriate to both the town and the equ ip ped us fo r this. The legis lators
Germany has been carried out in a country. In the towns. buildings were cou ld do something towards helping
perfectly organised way. The virtue of expected to participate in a dia logue t his crippled profession to its feet by
organisation has not been in short with the substance of the past and not encouraging participati on through the
supply in this country. But the uniform to stand disconnected from t he basic establi sh ment of appropriate com-
dreariness of recent large projects structural elements of the town as th ey petitions.
produced by these teams has driven do today. sustaining their own pecul iar
even the layman to the barri cades. existence in permanent isolation. Every (5) PLANNING AND DESIGN IS A
Thi s is a good indication of the new urban build ing must obey th e CRAFT . . .
healthy commonsense of those who overall structural logic and provide w hich is exercised at the drawing-
use buildings and gives rise to the a formal answer in its design to pre - board. Any architect in charg e of an
hope that the reform of architecture is existing spatial conditions! office who spends most of his time on
possible as a result of outside initia- management and gett ing j obs loses
tives. I have said that architecture I would go as far as to say that this is a not on ly the habit but also the abi lity
cannot be marketed like any other con- key formula which. if correctly inter- to draw. Many of our colleagues are
sumer product. We must learn from preted. may radically cure our un - actually proud of this and point to it as
history that large-scale projects are balanced ideas. a tribute to th eir success. I know of no
not automatically better handled by good architect who has drawn badly:
correspondingly large teams. The laws I have suggested that the complexity and none who has fa iled t o cultivate t he
of the production line cannot be of our historic towns is somehow tied art of drawing with the passion it de-
appl ied to the design and production up with their scale. This involves serves. The perfection of the spatial
of architecture. Large-scale projects private housing as well as palaces of idea is di rectly linked with perfection in
cannot be dealt with rapidly - even by more generous proportions. The com - drawing. Skilled management and
large practices - unless the problems pulsive addi ction to unarticulated and verbal adroitness are of no use here.
Anyone who opts out of the discipline (7) SCALE ... tion of the past and also characterises
of drawing has forfeited his pro- features prominently in all these re- our relationship with the future. The
fessional status. marks. I do not want to fulminate wish to cut oneself off from the
against large complexes and tower heritage of the past is extremely short-
blocks. as people used to rage against sighted. By doing so. one deprives
(6) ARCH ITECTURE IS NOT A the railway and the steam engine oneself of thousands of years' worth
FASHION ... eighty years ago. I only want to of experience. At the beginning of the
to be discarded like a worn-out shirt in suggest that tower blocks for example century, the pioneers of the modern
exchange for a new one. But this is also take up a lot of space which has movement frivolously flaunted this
exactly what happens today. On the no further justification than to pro- attitude. And yet all of them had
international scene. architectural 'styl- vide a setting for the tower block. The enjoyed a sound education and were
ing' changes as fast as the cut of open space gained has never been put very knowledgeable about history.
trousers. A style which hits England to appropriate use. Empty green spaces Their attitude can easily be dismissed
one year will reach Japan the next. between tower blocks inhibit com- as a defiant reaction. intended above
apparently refined in some respects. munication as much as the bui ldings all as a harangue against their position
We live in an era of unlimited techno- themselves. Stre ets and squares on a in society, and against their fellow
logical and formal potentia l. and it is sma ll scale have for thousands of years students at the Akademie who re-
precisely this illusory progress which proved that they work ideally as zones mained stuck in their old ways. It was
reveals itself as the Achilles· heel of the of communication. By 'small scale' I a different matter w ith the pupils of
age, which bears all the marks of an mean distances easily covered on foot. these pioneers. and with their students
experimental period of expansion. And or (where height is concerned) the in turn . They felt able to do w ithout
yet we treat this freedom a bit too number of levels accessible by stair. the grounding which had fitted the
lightly What I optimistically refer to as This all sounds very old -fashioned, but pioneers for their transformation into
a period of expansion is seen by others must be seriously taken into account if 'moderns'. And we today, armed with
as a symptom of cultural decline. due respect is to be paid to the fixed our pitifully inadequate know-how.
unit of 'man' which we alluded to must make up for a great dea l that has
Without wishing to pass judgment on earlier. This factor concerns me al l the been neglected . I have a faint sus-
these views. I would simply like to more since most of the tower blocks picion that a new pioneering situation
offer a word of warning against seeing with which I am familiar were built wi ll grow out of this.
everything in black and wh ite. Neither th at way for no very good reason.
technology nor anything else has ful- They are little more than billboards in We have learned how little is achieved
filled the hopes placed in absolutes. an unusually favoured position, an- by technological advance and how
Adolf Loos' attack on ornament was nouncing on the skyline the power of rapidly the glow of new inventions
in its way as immoderate and im- a company, a city authority etc. We are fades when they are backed by nothing
plausible as the blinkered interpretation sick of such idiocies; no -one cares more than technological novelty. This
of the slogan 'Form follows function·. about the way they flaunt their wealth. does not denigrate the usefulness of
The truth in architecture has much in With their superior view over town and experimental technology: it simply
common with the philosophical di- country side. many have become puts it into perspective. Care must be
mensions of existence: neither can be physically comfortable islands of lone- taken that it does not attempt on its
discussed superficially. Fashions can- liness. own to initiate new development while
not be pinned on to them. I believe making unjustifiable claims for univer-
that future generations will have little We are still not well enough informed sality.
hesitation in getting rid of our archi- about the effect of this type of building
tectural blunders. Our generation is on people's lives. I find man too I would go so far as to maintain that
bequeathing to its children a vast valuable to be used as a guinea-pig . nowadays it . is more useful to imitate
rubbish dump of non-recyclable build- But others do not share my scrup les something 'old' but proven. rather than
ing materials. I am repeating my on this score ! Since I have had to turn out something new which risks
request to architects to control their children of my own. my attitude to the causing people suffering. The logical
individua l arrogance. not to allow problem has changed. and attractive building types and
themselves to be caught up in super- spatial structures left to us by anony-
ficial fashions and to bear in mind the (8) OUR DEFECTIVE SENSE OF mous architects have been improved
fundamental features of architecture HISTORY ... upon by countless succeeding genera-
which outlive all fashions. is to blame for much false interpreta- tions. They have matured into master-
pieces even in the absence of a single However. not all the blame should be
creator of genius. because they were laid on architects. whether they are
based on a perfectly refined awareness involved in building or administrati on.
of building requirements using simple To be fair. some of the rubbish shou ld
means; the result of an accurate be dumped back in the universities.
understanding of tradition as the for it was there that the wh ole
vehicle for passing on technical and avalanche started rolling.
artistic knowledge.
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174 Un t v-e r sihll ll < r eflnice Ia~f