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Phenomenological Issues Related To Strain Localization in Sensitive Clays

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Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (2006) 24: 1729–1747 Ó Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s10706-005-5818-z

Phenomenological issues related to strain

localization in sensitive clays


Geotechnical Division, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology (NTNU), Hogskoleringen 7a, Gloshaugen, Trondheim, Norway,
NO 7491

(Received 22 April 2005; accepted 8 December 2005)

Abstract. A negative second order work, strain softening, is often noticed in contractant
material like sensitive clays. Failure in such clays will lead to the formation of localized
deformation zone of intense inelastic strain, known as shear band. Conditions, emergence and
inclination of shear band has been very well demonstrated in past decades in different man-
ners, however a definite thickness of shear band is still an open question due to several reasons.
Mesh dependency, loss of ellipticity is another challenge associated with finite element analyses
for strain softening clays. This paper covers a comprehensive review of classical theories of
strain localization and associated limitation. Mesh dependency, ill-possed boundary value
problem is addressed using finite element simulation examples and experimental results.
Key words. finite element analysis, localization theory, quick clay, shear band, strain softening.

1. Introduction
Some soils display a decrease in shear resistance with increasing strain from a peak
value to an ultimate or residual value. This behaviour, recognized as strain softening
or strain weakening, is very pronounced in soft and sensitive clays. Strain-softening
behaviour may also be seen in stiff over consolidated clays (Bjerrum, 1967,
Skempton, 1964). The general understanding is that stiff over consolidated soils tend
to dilate and loose contracts, when sheared under drained conditions.
Strain localization theory was firstly proposed by Hadamard (1903), further, Hill’s
stability criteria (1962) and pioneering contribution from Thomas (1961), Mandel
(1963), Rudnicki and Rice (1975), Rice (1976) and Vardoulakis (1980) helped
in order to understand the localization theory. Several efforts have been made to
describe the orientation and thickness of shear band in different geo-materials.
Muhlhaus and Vardoulakis (1987) suggested criteria to measure the thickness of
shear band in granular materials, which is 8 to 10 times of mean grain size; however a
definite thickness of shear band in clay is still an open issue. On the other hand,
Vikas Thakur, Geotechnical Division, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Hogskoleringen 7a, Gloshaugen, Trondheim, Norway,
NO 7491. (tel.: 0047 7359 6871; fax: 0047 7359 4609; e-mail: vikas.thakur@ntnu.no)

experimental observations from Morgenstern and Tschalenko (1967) and Vardou-

lakis (2002) suggested a factor of about 200 between the mean particle size and the
shear band thickness, this conclusion was made based on dynamic-thermo-poro
analysis for clays. It is widely accepted that clays have zero thickness of shear band
eventually and it is better to specify as discontinuity, however, Bazant (1976)
concluded the that strain softening will localize in to shear band of zero thickness,
which would lead to no energy dissipation during failure, which means zero thick-
ness of shear band is not a realistic interpretation.
Prediction of orientation of shear band, experimentally as well as numerically, has
always been a challenging issue. Classical Coulomb solution, Roscoe solution (1970)
or a numerical solution proposed by Arthur et al. (1977) has been varyingly accepted
experimentally. Vardoulakis (1980), Desrus (1984) and a comprehensive review by
Bardet (1990) show a distinct disagreement between any of these proposed classical
During the 1990s there has been several research workshops organized, in order to
demonstrate the various methods of handling strain softening problems. Especially,
regularization technique which gives a measure to obtain a definite thickness of shear
band is mainly focused. Cosserat continuum theory (Cosserat and Cosserat,1909), non
local theory (Vermeer and Brinkgreve, 1994), second order strain gradient theory
(Vardoulakis and Aifantis, 1991), visco plastic modelling (Oka et al., 1994), hypo
plasticity (Gudehus, 1993, 1994, 2004) are some of the major contributions. However,
most of these techniques are not suitable for soft and sensitive clays.
A very recent studies made by the author, Thakur et al. (2005) focus on impor-
tance of partial drainage during the shear banding in sensitive clays. It is believed
soft and sensitive clays represents a rate dependent characteristics and hence coupled
pore water strain localization analysis will be sufficient to capture a finite thickness of
shear band. A comprehensive study by Thakur and Nordal (2005) on pore water
pressure diffusion from shear band shows how local drainage can affect the shear
band thickness. In order to combine clay skeleton viscosity, a elasto visco-plastic
finite element program is developed by the author, Thakur and Jostad (2005) and
used to calculate a definite thickness of shear band in soft clays.
This paper is mainly divided in two parts, first part covers the fundamental aspect
of localization i.e. geo-materials stability criteria and standard strain localization
theory based on bifurcation analysis, emergence of shear band due to singularity of
acoustics tensor, ill posed boundary due to loss of ellipticity in governing equation
and reviews the finite element analyses of deformation of strain softening material
(Høeg, 1972; Rudnicki and Rice, 1975; Pietrusczak and Mroz, 1981). The second
part emphasis on current research progress made in experimental investigation
performed on highly sensitive clay i.e. Norwegian quick clay. In order to observe
initial development of zones of concentrated shear strains, series of unconfined
compression tests are performed. A particle tracking method is applied by means of
a high resolution video camera to obtain a map of the sample surface strains during
unconfined compression testing.

2. Strain Localization
There is no guarantee that an equilibrium state of a non linear system is stable. An
equilibrium state is considered to be stable if the response of a vanishingly small
disturbance also remains vanishingly small (Hill, 1959; Koiter, 1960; Jostad, 1993).
Sensitive clays mainly behave as softening material and hence this paper will only
discuss about localization phenomenon under strain softening condition. Further,
strain softening is possible either due to structural i.e. geometric instability or
material instability. In common geotechnical engineering practice, structural i.e.
geometric instability like buckling or snap through is ignored. However, fissuring,
and cracking is always taken in account as material softening. On deriving constit-
utive model from experimental data, material softening needs to be isolated from
geometrical softening otherwise such models would obtain an overdose of material
softening (Vermeer and Brinkgreve, 1994).
Figure 1(a) shows the three well know different equilibrium condition; stable,
unstable and neutral. It must be noted that, a same system can pass through all these
equilibrium condition depending upon stress state and amount of energy dissipated
i.e. state of second order work, refer Figure 1(b).

Figure 1. (a) Equilibrium conditions. (b) Stress (r) –strain (e) response in softening material.

Incremental internal energy based Hill’s stability criteria (1959) is widely recog-
nized and accepted to analyses the body undergoing through deformation (Jostad,
Incremental internal energy dWint ¼ drij deji dV

Stable if dWint > 0 for any dx; ð1Þ

Unstable if dWint \ 0 for at least one dx ð2Þ

Neutral if dWint ¼ 0 for at least one dx and remain stable for the rest ð3Þ
where, dx is incremental displacement
Here it is important to remember that Hill’s stability criterion is necessary but not
a guaranteed condition for stability. However, to have a guaranteed stability crite-
rion, material must follow the constitutive condition.
drij deij ¼ Dijkl dekl deij  0
where, Dijkl is tangential stiffness matrix.
In sensitive clays follows non associated flow rule and thus tangential stiffness
matrix is very much influenced by angle of dilatancy (w) and thus rate of softening is
also function of angle of dilatancy. To demonstrate the affect of w, a 2 dimensional
simple box subjected to pure shear is considered and simulated in finite element code,
PLAXIS, as shown in Figure 2. Mohr–Coulomb model, elastic perfectly plastic
model with negative dilatancy is considered. Sensitive clays are less permeable and
hence analysis is made under undrained condition as pure frictional materal. A shear
modulus (G) of 5000 kPa, poison’s ratio (v) 0.25 and friction angle of 30 degree is

Figure 2. Box subjected to pure shear.


sin w ¼  de1 þde3 , where negative sign of w corresponds to contracting behaviour.

de1 de3
Effective stress path and shear stress and shear strain response is presented in
Figure 3. It can be seen that rate of softening is certainly a function of dilatency i.e.
larger is the negative dilatency angle (w), a higher strain softening rate can be
Thakur et al. (2005) have proposed the equation to measure post peak pore
pressure modulus.
dPw G
¼  ð4Þ
dc 12v
sin / þ
sin w

A finite element model is simulated to validate analytical equation (4). A higher pore
pressure modulus represents a higher dilating behaviour i.e. contraction or dilation.
It is found that proposed equation and finite element simulation is having quite
significant match as shown in Figure 4.

3. Localization Theory
Strain localization theory can be well demonstrated by widely recognized bifurcation


The bifurcation analysis is widely recognized theory for strain localization which
specifies the condition for emergence of shear band within a homogeneous stress and
strained media. Onset of localization, orientation of shear band and gradient of

Figure 3. Effective stress path and stress strain behaviour.


Figure 4. Validation of equation.

displacement rate can be obtained. However, this classical theory has three impor-
tant limitation: first, theory analyses only the emergence of shear band but not its
development, second there is no guarantee that shear band will actually emerge and
last that thickness of shear band is left undetermined due to lack of internal length
Shear band formation may be treated as a bifurcation problem within the
framework of continuum mechanics. An infinite body subjected to uniform stress
field may emerge a shear band under the localized deformation condition mentioned
by Thomas (1961), Hill (1962), Mandel (1964), Rudniki and Rice (1975), Vardou-
lakis (1980) and Bardet (1990).
To describe kinematics of deformation, let us consider a body with a shear band of
small thickness, tsb. Shear band is embedded between two singular surface Xþ and
X with a unit normal n. The infinite body is subjected to uniform Cauchy stress r.
@vi 1 1
Lij ¼ Uij ¼ ðLij þ Lji Þ Wij ¼ ðLij  Lji Þ ð5Þ
@xj 2 2
where vi, velocity; Lij, velocity gradient and Uij, Wij are deformation and spin tensor,
respectively. As long as body is subjected to uniform deformation, Lij will remain
same throughout body. But on set of localization, velocity gradient inside band, Lijb,
will no longer equal to Lij:
Lbij ¼ Lij þ DLij Ubij ¼ Uij þ DUij Wbij ¼ Wij þ DWij ð6Þ

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of shear band.

1 1
DLij ¼ xi nj DUij ¼ ðni  xj þ nj  xi Þ DWij ¼ ðxi nj  xj ni Þ ð7Þ
2 2
xj is the component of a function x which depends on the distance across the band and
vanishes outside the band. Assume, X planer boundary is the datum line shear band.
The deformation variation across the band can be written as:
< uþ
d~ i nj xj > tsb : ðregion Xþ Þ
ui ¼
d~ 1
tsb uþ
nj xj ðd~ u
i  d~ i Þ 0  nj xj  tsb ð8Þ
d~ i nj xj  0 : ðregion X Þ

The static incremental equilibrium condition, stress traction outside and inside band
must be equal:
dtbi þ dti ¼ 0 ð9Þ
However, it must be noted that equation 9 gives an equilibrium condition in the
direction of unit normal n, but stresses along the shear band is not necessarily be
equal and that may cause localization. Solution from Rudniki and Rice (1975),
Bardet (1990) and Jostad (1993) proposed a constitutive law to fulfil for bifurcation
condition. The possibility for the existence of a shear band to be when:
drij ¼ Dijkl dekl
detðnj  Dijkl  nl Þ ¼ det H ¼ 0
The expression H is denoted as acoustics tensor, whose vanishing determinant gives
a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for emergence of shear band.
Classical continuum mechanics is not able to handle bifurcation problem related
to strain softening. This is one of the reasons why finite element methods are not very
much suitable to do complete analysis of shear band. Mesh dependent results can be
obtained and always thickness of shear band depends on element size.


Static problems with close domain follows elliptic governing equation are commonly
known as to boundary value problem (BVP) i.e. dependent variables are not spec-
ified at the same value of the independent variable. BVP becomes an ill-posed when it
losses the ellipticity of the governing differential equation. Loss of uniqueness of the
solution of such equations is not objective with respect to element descritization or
mesh refinement. The total energy consumed by contracting process tends to zero as
the elements are refined. In other words, loss of elipticity causes an ill posed
boundary value problem, which gives rise to inherently non unique solutions in the
form of arbitrarily narrow bands. Benallal et al. (1989) and de Brost et al. (1993) is
presented a mathematical proof of loss of ellipticity when H vanishes, refer equation
(10). It must be noted vanishing H causes a continuous bifurcation, which goes
under deformation to a zero thickness of shear band.
As a consequences of ill posed boundary, finite element analyses suffer from Mesh
dependency i.e. thickness of shear band, tsb, equals to size of one element. A finite
element simulation of a vertical cut in sensitive clay is presented in Figure 6. Two
different mesh density is chosen, 158 and 1380, refer Figure 6(a, b). A well defined
failure pattern can be observed with descritization of mesh but the same time incre-
mental shear strain is also localizing to one element. This example is repeated with
several element sizes, each time shear band reduced to lowest element size. However,
here only two extreme is presented i.e. a very coarse mesh and a very fine mesh. Finite
element calculation automatically stops when shear band tends to localize less than one
gauss integration material point.

Figure 6. Mesh dependent behaviour of sensitive clay.

Continuous localization behaviour can also be explained by energy principle. Let

us consider a same infinite mass undergoing through a strain softening. Laboratory
investigation shows that eventually, strain softening material goes to a residual shear
strength value which depends on material sensitivity and strain rate. It is necessary to
mentioned that obtained laboratory results are non local stress and strain relation-
ship based on the fact that failure depend not only strain distribution inside the shear
band but also outside elastically unloaded body too. However, finite element anal-
yses are able to provide local stresses strain inside shear band. A contracting zone,
tsb, will cause in increase in shear strain towards infinity. A stress strain curve for
linear softening clay is plotted in Figure 7. However, this plot is simplified repre-
sentation for a real behaviour of sensitive clay.
Assuming a one dimension strain softening case, work done inside shear band;
Workdone ) W ¼ s  dc  dv ð11Þ
v c
W ¼ B  tsb sdc ð12Þ

W ¼ Bð~s  dÞ
0 1
B1 C
~s ¼ @ sdcA ð13Þ

Figure 7. Linear softening stress strain curve.

The average shear stress ~s, is inversely proportional to shear strain, c, which means
higher shearing will reduce the total work done. In other words, two different stages
of shearing, from 1 and 2, refer Figure 7, will reduce the work done will be obtain or
higher energy dissipation is expected. Since a continuous shearing (tends to infinity)
will lead to more and more reduction in work done and eventually a strong
discontinuity will emerge in a form of slip line.


There has been three different well recognized solutions are proposed; Coulomb
solution, Roscoe (1970) and Arthur et al. (1977) solutions, which has been often used
to determine shear band orientation. However, it is not clear which one is most
acceptable and also it is yet to make a common agreement between experimental and
numerical results (Vardoulakis, 1980; Desrus, 1984).
Let us consider a homogeneous plane strain material uniformly stressed up to
failure. Onset of localization orientation of shear band (h) can be defined as:
Mohr–Coulomb solution
p /
hMC ¼  þ ð14Þ
4 2
Roscoe solution
p w
hR ¼  þ ð15Þ
4 2
Arthur/Vardoulakis solution
p / w
hV=A ¼  þ þ ð16Þ
4 4 4

Figure 8. Mohr circle for stresses.

Mohr–Coulomb solution use hypothesis that the rupture planes are parallel to the
planes subjected to the principal stress combination; however the Roscoe solution is
application to kinematically admissible body. The later one has been more widely
accepted by the researcher due to the fact that shear band goes under a continuous
deformation and also a kinematics equilibrium condition has to satisfy to obtain
bifurcation condition. However, none of these equations guaranteed that shear band
will actually follow the same angle while propagating. These solutions are only valid
at the point of emergence of shear band and critical propagation angle will change as
a function of time and distance.

4. Strain Localization in Elasto-Plastic Body

Assuming a usual small strain theory and considering a representative element of an
elasto-plastic, strain softening material. The total strain rate can be resolve in
reversible and irreversible part.
e ¼ ee þ ep ð17Þ
Let us consider a regular element with embedded shear band of thickness tsb, inclined
at angle h from global reference axis XY. Onset of localization, only shear band will

experience the plastic strain and rest of the body will be elastically unloaded.
Figure 9 represents a separate elastic and plastic strain in element.
Considering a plastic flow in local coordinates (n, t) a cumulative strain within
shear band can be specified as equation (18).
2 3 2 e 3 2 p 3 2 @ut 3
det det des @t
4 den 5 ¼ 4 deen 5 þ 4 dep 5 ¼ 6 4 @un 7
5 ð18Þ
n @n
dcnt dcent dcpnt @un
þ @ut
@t @n

dee ¼ C1 dr
8 e 9 2 3K þ 4G 3K þ 2G
38 9
< den = 1 12K þ 4G 12K þ 4G 0 < drn =
deet ¼ 4 3K þ 4G
0 5 drt ð19Þ
: e ; G 12K þ 4G : ;
dcnt SYM 1 ds
And assuming an associated flow rule incremental plastic strain can be written as;
1 @fT @f
dep ¼ dr
A @r @r
Here A is softening modulus;
2  2 3
8 p9 @f @f @f 8 9
< n = 1 6 @rn
de 0 @rn @s 7< drn =
dep ¼ 6 0 0  0 7 drt ð20Þ
: tp ; A 4 @f @f 2 5: ;
dc 0 @f ds
@rn @s @s

de ¼ D1 dr
1 1 @f @f T
D¼ C þ ð21Þ
A @r @r

Figure 9. Strains in infinite body.


Equation 21 can also be written as;

dr ¼ ½Dde
1 1 @f @f T
D¼ C þ ð22Þ
A @r @r
8 92 38 9
< drn = D11 D12 D13 < den =
dr 4 D21 D22 D23 5 det ð23Þ
: t; : ;
ds D31 D32 D33 dc

The tangential stiffness matrix [D] or [D]G referred to the local co-ordinates (n, t),
transforming this matrix to the global co-ordinate;
½DG ¼ ½TT ½DL ½T ð24Þ
2 3
cos2 h0 sin2 h0 sin h0 cos h0
½T ¼ 4 sin2 h0 cos2 h0 sin h0 cos h0 5 ð25Þ
2sin h0 cos h0 2sin h0 cos h0 cos2 h0  sin2 h0
h0 need not be similar to h, measured with respect to a local coordinates.
Component D33, represents the tangential shear modulus and a shear band may
develop when it is equal to zero. Jostad and Andresen (2004) reported that the shear
band formation may be prevented due to change in rn . However, D33 close to zero
would reduce the rn increase at the front of propagating shear band.

5. Experimental Investigation of Strain Localization in Norwegian Quick Clay

Numerous efforts have been made to find thickness of shear band experimentally. It
is worth to mention contribution from Viggiani et al. (2004) on X-ray micro
tomography, Figure 10, for studying localized deformation in fine-graded geoma-
terials under triaxial compression and microstructural analysis of strain localization
in clay (Hicher, Wahyudi and Tessier, 1994) etc.
Typical thickness of shear band in clays given in literature is in the variation from
10lm to 20 mm (Moore and Rowe, 1988). Pore pressure measurements inside a
triaxial sample are also conducted by using probes (Saada et al., 1994).
Determination of localized zone in Norwegian quick clay has always been chal-
lenging due to difficulties associated while handling. Such type of clay is very sen-
sitive in nature and easily liquefiable due to collapse of mineral structure. By
definition, Norwegian quick clay has a remolded shear strength, sr<0.5 kN/m2 and
a sensitivity, St>30. The content of sodium chloride in normal marine clay is about
3.5%. When sodium chloride content is reduced to less than 0.5%, quick clay forms.
Norwegian quick clay is highly meta-stable clay due it its card house grain structure,
refer Figure 11. A small disturbance can be result a collapse in clay. Quick clay has

Figure 10. Strain localization in clay rock after Viggiani et al. (2004).

higher water content than its liquid limit, as shown in Figure 12. In past, enormous
amount of research has been done to understand the behaviour of Norwegian quick
clay. Some of the classical work done by Bjerrum (1954, 1955, 1967), Bjerrum and
Landva (1966) can be referred.
A Consolidated undrained (CU) test is performed to unveil the behaviour of
Norwegian quick clay. A standard 54 mm diameter and 10 mm high sample was
chosen and rate of shear was 0.05 mm/min, From Figure 13, a clear strain softening
response and brittle failure can be noted i.e., a rapid decrease in shear resistance after
touching yield surface.
In order to investigate localization authors (2005) have presented a set of
unconfined compression test at different strain rates. Instrumental set up is depicted
in Figure 14.
A simple methodology was adopted to scan shear localization using a video
extensometer. A series of small dots were imprint, see Figure 15, on specimen surface

Figure 11. Sketch of normal marine clay (left) and quick clay (right) on a micro structural level.

Figure 12. Water content versus salt content.

and traced throughout the test duration. Video extensometer helped in gathering sets
of deformation tensor for each dots.
Onset of localization, a microscopic observation is performed, which concludes
that shear band thickness is far below than 1 mm, in Norwegian quick clay as shown
in Figure 16. A series of test were performed and most of the sample had localization
in a form of strong discontinuity i.e. slip surface. Also the orientation of shear band
was approximately 37 degrees.

Figure 13. Consolidated undrained test in Norwegian quick clay.


Figure 14. Instrumental set up 1: Video extensometer; 2: sample; 3: Uniaxial device; 4: sample with
markers (dots); 5: to data logger.

Figure 15. Specimens after localization.

Figure 17 depicts the growth of incremental shear strain during the test. At the
beginning of test, when specimen behaves as an elastic body has uniform shear
strain. However, on set of localization, a distinct shear zone emerges which contains
all plastic shear strain and rest of the body undergone for elastic unloading.

Figure 16. Microscopic view of shear band in failure plane, after Grimstad et al. (2005).

Figure 17. Incremental shear strain distribution plots at different strain level.

6. Conclusions
In this paper, classical stability criteria and localization theory is highlight. A sum-
mery of shear band analysis using bifurcation theory can be concluded as;
(a) The shear band criterion is necessary but not a guaranteed that shear band will
actually emerge.
(b) Orientation of shear band is not unique.
(c) Thickness of shear band left undetermined.
(d) Coulomb and Roscoe solution are lower and upper bound for shear band

(e) Bifurcation Theory lacks an internal length parameter. Hence regularization

technique must be incorporated in order to obtain a finite thickness of shear band
Finite element simulation is presented, in order to understand the contracting
behaviour of sensitive material. Yielding will occur due to reduction in shear resis-
tance due to excess pore pressure developed inside band. However, to obtain and
simulate shear band in finite element code either embedded discontinuity, imper-
fection or irregular boundary condition has to be incorporated.
In this paper, the thickness of shear band is studied experimentally by particle
tracking and a numerical algorithm was developing to identify regions of concen-
trated shear strains and regions of elastic unloading. The experimental observation
indicates that the thickness of shear band is quite lower than even 1 mm i.e. in few
microns. However, it is believed that more refined and sophisticated study in biaxial
will help in making concrete conclusion.
In sort, here effort was made to acknowledge all relevant theories and limitation
associated with strain softening in sensitive clay with the help of finite element
analysis and experimental evidence. However, present study does not deal with
regularization methods but it is interesting to mention that most of these methods
work well for granular materials not for clays.

International Centre for Geohazards (ICG), Norway is gratefully acknowledged for their
support and supervision. The Geotechnical division, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, NTNU, is acknowledging with utmost respect for financial support.

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