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Agnee Helical Bevel Gear Box - Dimensional Details PDF

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1 of 41
Type H1 -Foot Mounted Units
Single Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)



A B D E F F1 G H J K L M N P
140 140 299 160 174 135 180 190 224 335 - 120 425 165 185
160 160 342 180 194 155 200 225 260 375 - 135 475 185 205
180 180 382 200 214 170 220 250 290 425 - 147.5 530 200 225
200 200 408 225 239 180 230 265 310 475 - 165 595 225 235
225 225 465 250 267 203 255 280 340 530 - 185 660 250 260
250 250 515 280 298 215 275 300 370 600 - 210 740 280 280
280 280 570 315 327 235 300 335 410 670 - 240 820 315 305
315 315 651 355 350 256 325 375 450 750 - 270 920 355 330
355 355 711 400 405 286 360 425 500 865 530 305 1055 400 365
400 400 808 450 456 320 400 475 560 1000 600 350 1200 450 405
450 450 908 500 497 360 445 530 640 1120 670 395 1330 500 450
500 500 1015 560 624 410 505 630 720 1250 750 440 1490 560 515

2 of 41

Type H1 -Foot Mounted Units

Single Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 V3 W W1
140 140 140 14 4x12 20 100 60 45 70 120 110 140
160 160 160 18 4x16 20 110 70 50 75 125 110 140
180 180 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 55 85 135 110 170
200 200 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 60 90 296 140 170
225 225 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 70 100 320 140 210
250 250 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 80 110 350 170 210
280 280 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 90 125 400 170 210
315 315 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 100 140 440 210 250
355 355 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 110 160 500 210 300
400 400 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 125 180 550 210 300
450 450 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 140 200 606 250 350
500 500 420 45 4x42 65 280 220 160 220 660 300 350

3 of 41

Type H1 -Foot Mounted Units

Single Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Unit Input Shafts Output Shafts

Size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
45,018 13,982 39,5 70,030 19,978 62,5
140 M16x32 110 102 M24x50 140 130
45,002 13,939 39,3 70,011 19,926 62,3
50,018 13,982 44,5 75,030 19,978 67,5
160 M16x32 110 102 M24x50 140 130
50,002 13,939 44,3 75,011 19,926 67,3
55,030 15,982 49,0 85,035 21,978 76,0
180 M16x32 110 102 M24x50 170 160
55,011 15,939 48,8 85,013 21,926 75,8
60,030 17,982 53,0 90,035 24,978 81,0
200 M24x50 140 130 M24x50 170 160
60,011 17,939 52,8 90,013 24,926 80,8
70,030 19,978 62,5 100,035 27,978 90,0
225 M24x50 140 130 M24x50 210 200
70,011 19,926 62,3 100,013 27,926 89,8
80,030 21,978 71,0 110,035 27,978 100,0
250 M24x50 170 160 M30x60 210 200
80,011 21,926 70,8 110,013 27,926 99,8
90,035 24,978 81,0 125,040 31,974 114,0
280 M24x50 170 160 M30x60 210 200
90,013 24,926 80,8 125,015 31,912 113,8
100,035 27,978 90,0 140,040 35,974 128,0
315 M24x50 210 200 M30x60 250 240
100,013 27,926 89,8 140,015 35,912 127,7

355 110,035 M30x60 210 200 27,978 100,0 160,040 M42x80 300 290 39,974 147,0
110,013 27,926 99,8 160,015 39,912 146,7

400 125,040 M30x60 210 200 31,974 114,0 180,040 M42x80 300 290 44,974 165,0
125,015 31,912 113,8 180,015 44,912 164,7

450 140,040 M30x60 250 240 35,974 128,0 200,046 M42x80 350 340 44,974 185,0
140,015 35,912 127,7 200,017 44,912 184,7

500 160,040 M42x80 300 290 39,974 147,0 200,046 M56x105 350 340 49,974 203,0
160,015 39,912 146,7 220,017 49,912 202,7

4 of 41
Type H2-Foot Mounted Units
DOUBLEReduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)


A A1 B D E F F1 G H J K K1 L M N P
140 140 240 364 160 174 135 180 190 224 405 - - 120 495 165 185
160 160 272 406 180 194 155 200 225 260 450 - - 135 550 185 205
180 180 305 449 200 214 173 220 250 290 505 - - 147.5 610 200 225
200 200 340 499 225 239 180 230 265 310 560 - - 165 680 225 235
225 225 385 567 250 267 203 255 280 340 630 - - 185 760 250 260
250 250 430 632 280 298 215 275 300 370 710 - - 210 850 280 280
280 280 480 687 315 327 237 300 335 410 800 - - 240 950 315 305
315 315 540 780 355 350 256 325 375 450 900 - - 270 1070 355 330
355 355 605 870 400 405 286 360 425 500 1005 530 - 305 1195 400 365
400 400 680 972 450 456 320 400 475 560 1160 600 - 350 1360 450 405
450 450 765 1101 500 497 360 445 530 640 1300 670 - 395 1510 500 450
500 500 855 1225 560 624 410 500 630 720 1460 750 - 440 1700 560 510
560 560 960 1375 630 679 435 525 670 770 1650 - 560 505 1900 630 535
630 630 1080 1545 710 754 480 575 750 860 1860 - 630 575 2130 710 585
710 710 1210 1735 800 850 550 650 850 980 2090 - 710 655 2380 800 660

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Type H2-Foot Mounted Units

DOUBLEReduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 V3 W W1
140 140 140 14 4x12 20 100 60 32 70 105 80 140
160 160 160 18 4x16 20 110 70 35 75 108 80 140
180 175 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 38 85 120 80 170
200 185 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 38 90 130 80 170
225 205 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 45 100 140 110 210
250 220 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 55 110 155 110 210
280 240 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 65 125 170 140 210
315 260 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 75 140 190 140 250
355 290 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 85 160 214 170 300
400 325 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 90 180 245 170 300
450 365 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 100 200 265 210 350
500 420 420 45 8x42 65 280 220 110 220 250 210 350
560 445 445 45 8x42 70 320 240 125 240 275 210 410
630 490 490 52 8x48 75 350 280 140 280 303 250 470
710 560 560 52 8x48 80 370 320 160 320 330 300 470
See Sheet 2 of HD-210 for shaft and keyway details.
Ventilators is located on top cover, sizes 500 to 710.
E is over ventilator on these sizes, and dipsticks position is as shown
Sizes 200 to 315 have 4 facing.
U Sizes 355 to 500 have 6 facings and sizes 560 to 710 have 8.

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Type H2-Foot Mounted Units
Double Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Input Shafts For Ratio 11.4/1 to 26.5/1 Output Shafts

Unit Size
V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
32,018 9,985 27,0 70,030 19,978 62,5
140 M8x18 80 73 M24x50 140 130
32,002 9,949 26,8 70,011 19,926 62,3

160 35,018 M8x18 80 73 9,985 30,0 75,030 M24x50 140 130 19,978 67,5
35,002 9,949 29,8 75,011 19,926 67,3

180 38,018 M16x32 80 73 9,985 33,0 85,035 M24x50 170 160 21,978 76,0
38,002 9,949 32,8 85,013 21,926 75,8

200 38,018 M16x32 80 73 9,985 33,0 90,035 M24x50 170 160 24,978 81,0
38,002 9,949 32,8 90,013 24,926 80,8

225 45,018 M16x32 110 102 13,982 39,5 100,035 M24x50 210 200 27,978 90,0
45,002 13,939 39,3 100,013 27,926 89,8
55,030 15,982 49,0 110,035 27,978 100,0
250 55,011 M24x50 110 102 15,939 48,8 110,013 M30x60 210 200 27,926 99,8
65,030 17,982 58,0 125,040 31,974 114,0
280 65,011 M24x50 140 130 17,939 57,8 125,015 M30x60 210 200 31,912 113,8
75,030 19,978 67,5 140,040 35,974 128,0
315 75,011 M24x50 140 130 19,926 67,3 140,015 M30x60 250 240 35,912 127,7
85,035 21,978 76,0 160,040 39,974 147,0
355 M24x50 170 160 M42x80 300 290
85,013 21,926 75,8 160,015 39,912 146,7
90,035 24,978 81,0 180,040 44,974 165,0
400 M24x50 170 160 M42x80 300 290
90,013 24,926 80,8 180,015 44,912 164,7
100,035 27,978 90,0 200,046 44,974 185,0
450 M24x50 210 200 M42x80 350 340
100,013 27,926 89,8 200,017 44,912 184,7
110,035 27,978 100,0 200,046 49,974 203,0
500 M30x60 210 200 M56x105 350 340
110,013 27,926 99,8 220,017 49,912 202,7
125,040 31,974 114,0 240,046 55,968 220,0
560 M30x60 210 200 M56x105 410 400
125,015 31,912 113,8 240,017 55,894 219,7
140,040 35,974 128,0 280,052 62,968 260,0
630 M30x60 250 240 M56x105 470 460
140,015 35,912 127,7 280,020 62,894 259,7
160,040 39,974 147,0 320,057 69,968 298,0
710 M42x80 300 290 M56x105 470 460
160,015 39,912 146,7 320,021 69,894 297,7

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Type H2-Foot Mounted Units
Double Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Unit Input Shafts For Ratios 5.6/1 to 10.3/1 Output Shafts

Size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
32,018 9,985 27,0 70,030 19,978 62,5
140 32,002 M8x18 80 73 9,949 26,8 70,011 M24x50 140 130 19,926 62,3
38,018 9,985 33,0 75,030 19,978 67,5
160 M16x32 80 73 M24x50 140 130
38,002 9,949 32,8 75,011 19,926 67,3
45,018 13,982 39,5 85,035 21,978 76,0
180 45,002 M16x32 110 102 13,939 39,3 85,013 M24x50 170 160 21,926 75,8
50,018 13,982 44,5 90,035 24,978 81,0
200 M16x32 110 102 M24x50 170 160
50,002 13,939 44,3 90,013 24,926 80,8
55,030 15,982 49,0 100,035 27,978 90,0
225 M24x50 110 102 M24x50 210 200
55,011 15,939 48,8 100,013 27,926 89,8
65,030 17,982 58,0 110,035 27,978 100,0
250 M24x50 140 130 M30x60 210 200
65,011 17,939 57,8 110,013 27,926 99,8
75,030 19,978 67,5 125,040 31,974 114,0
280 M24x50 140 130 M30x60 210 200
75,011 19,926 67,3 125,015 31,912 113,8

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Type H2SF-Foot/Shaft Mounted Units
DOUBLE Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)



A A1 B D E F F1 G H J K K1 K2 L M N P
140 140 240 364 160 174 135 180 190 224 405 - - - 120 495 165 185
160 160 272 406 180 194 155 200 225 260 450 - - - 135 550 185 205
180 180 305 449 200 214 173 220 250 290 505 - - - 147.5 610 200 225
200 200 340 499 225 239 180 230 265 310 560 - - - 165 680 225 235
225 225 385 567 250 267 203 255 280 340 630 - - - 185 760 250 260
250 250 430 632 280 298 215 275 300 370 710 - - - 210 850 280 280
280 280 480 687 315 327 237 300 335 410 800 - - - 240 950 315 305
315 315 540 780 355 350 256 325 375 450 900 - - - 270 1070 355 330
355 355 605 870 400 405 286 360 425 500 1005 530 - - 305 1195 400 365
400 400 680 972 450 456 320 400 475 560 1160 600 - - 350 1360 450 405
450 450 765 1101 500 497 360 445 530 640 1300 670 - - 395 1510 500 450
500 500 855 1225 560 624 410 500 630 720 1460 750 - - 440 1700 560 510
560 560 960 1375 630 679 435 525 67 770 1650 - 560 530 505 1900 630 535
630 630 1080 1545 710 754 480 575 750 860 1860 - 630 600 575 2130 710 585
710 710 1210 1735 800 850 550 650 850 980 2090 - 710 670 655 2380 800 660

9 of 41
Type H2SF-Foot/Shaft Mounted Units
DOUBLE Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 V2 V3 V6 W W1 X X1 X2 Z
140 140 - 14 4x12 20 100 60 32 - - 105 110 80 - 140 76 75 75
160 160 - 18 4x16 20 110 70 35 - - 108 115 80 - 160 86 85 85
180 175 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 38 85 90 120 125 80 65 175 - - -
200 185 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 38 95 100 130 148 80 70 185 - - -
225 205 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 45 115 120 140 160 110 80 205 - - -
250 220 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 55 125 130 155 175 110 90 220 - - -
280 240 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 65 140 145 170 200 140 105 240 - - -
315 260 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 75 160 165 190 220 140 110 260 - - -
355 290 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 85 170 175 214 250 170 130 290 - - -
400 325 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 90 190 200 245 275 170 150 325 - - -
450 365 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 100 220 230 265 303 210 160 365 - - -
500 420 420 45 6x42 65 280 220 110 250 260 250 250 210 185 420 - - -
560 445 445 45 8x42 70 320 240 125 290 300 275 275 210 200 445 - - -
630 490 490 52 8x48 75 350 280 140 330 340 303 303 250 220 490 - - -
710 560 560 52 8x48 80 370 320 160 360 370 330 330 300 230 560 - - -

Sizes 140 to 315 have 4 facings. Sizes 355 to 500 have 6 facings and sizes 560 to 710 have 8. Ventilators is located on top cover,
sizes 500 to 710. E is over ventilator on these sizes, and dipsticks position is as shown

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Type H2SF –Foot/ Shaft Mounted Units
Double Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Unit Input Shafts Ratios 11.4/1 to 25.6/1 Output Sleeve Bores

Size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V2 X1 X2 Z1 Y1
32,018 9,985 27,0 75,030 80,1 20,026
140 M8x20 80 73 - - 76
32,002 9,949 26,8 75,011 79,9 19,974
35,018 9,985 30,0 85,071 90,6 22,026
160 M8x20 80 73 - - 86
35,002 9,949 29,8 85,036 90,4 21,974
38,018 9,985 33,0 85,035 90,047
180 M16x32 80 73 - - - -
38,002 9,949 32,8 85,000 90,012
38,018 9,985 33,0 95,035 100,047
200 M16x32 80 73 - - - -
38,002 9,949 32,8 95,000 100,012
45,018 13,982 39,5 115,035 120,047
225 M16x32 110 102 - - - -
45,002 13,939 39,3 115,000 120,012
55,030 15,982 49,0 125,040 130,054
250 M24x50 110 102 - - - -
55,011 15,939 48,8 125,000 130,014
65,030 17,982 58,0 140,040 145,054
280 M24x50 140 130 - - - -
65,011 17,939 57,8 140,000 145,014
75,030 19,978 67,5 160,040 165,054
315 M24x50 140 130 - - - -
75,011 19,926 67,3 160,000 165,014

355 85,035 M24x50 170 160 21,978 76,0 170,040 175,054 - - - -

85,013 21,926 75,8 170,000 175,014

400 90,035 M24x50 170 160 24,978 81,0 190,040 200,061 - - - -

90,013 24,926 80,8 190,000 200,015

450 100,035 M24x50 210 200 27,978 90,0 220,046 230,061 - - - -

100,013 27,926 89,8 220,000 230,015

500 110,035 M30x60 210 200 27,978 100,0 250,046 260,069 - - - -

110,013 27,926 99,8 250,000 260,017
125,040 31,974 114,0 290,052 300,069
560 125,015 M30x60 210 200 31,912 113,8 290,000 300,017 - - - -

140,040 35,974 128,0 330,057 340,075

630 140,015 M30x60 250 240 35,912 127,7 330,000 340,018 - - - -

160,040 39,974 147,0 360,057 370,075

710 M42x80 300 290 - - - -
160,015 39,912 145,7 360,000 370,018

11 of 41
Type H3-Foot Mounted Units
TRIPLE Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)


12 of 41
Type H3 -Foot Mounted Units
TRIPLE Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
A A1 A2 B D D1 E F F1* G H J K K1 L M
140 140 240 320 434 160 174 135 - 190 224 490 - - 120 580
160 160 272 362 481 180 - 194 155 - 225 260 540 - - 135 640
180 180 305 405 529 200 - 214 173 - 250 290 600 - - 147.5 705
200 200 296 103 499 225 122 239 180 230 265 310 560 - - 165 680
225 225 343.8 118 567 250 132 267 203 255 280 340 630 - - 185 760
250 250 378 130 632 280 150 298 215 275 300 370 710 - - 210 850
280 280 419.2 148 687 315 167 327 237 300 335 410 800 - - 240 950
315 315 468 165 780 355 190 350 256 325 375 450 900 - - 270 1070
355 355 536.8 188 870 400 212 405 286 360 425 500 1005 530 - 305 1195
400 400 596.7 209 972 450 241 456 320 400 475 560 1160 600 - 350 1360
450 450 679.7 235 1101 500 265 497 360 445 530 640 1300 670 - 395 1510
500 500 855 1135 1360 560 - 624 410 495 630 720 1680 - 560 440 1920
560 560 960 1275 1510 630 - 679 435 520 670 770 1890 - 630 505 2140
630 630 1080 1435 1690 710 - 754 480 570 750 860 2130 - 710 575 2400
710 710 1210 1610 1890 800 - 850 550 655 850 980 2400 - 800 655 2690
Unit N P P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 V3* V4* W W1
140 165 - 140 140 14 4x12 20 100 60 19 70 - - 40 140
160 185 - 160 160 18 4x16 20 110 70 22 75 - - 50 140
180 200 - 175 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 25 85 - - 60 170
200 225 - 185 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 28 90 130 148 60 170
225 250 - 205 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 32 100 140 160 80 210
250 280 - 220 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 38 110 155 175 80 210
280 315 - 240 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 45 125 170 200 110 210
315 355 - 260 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 50 140 190 220 110 250
355 400 - 290 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 55 160 214 250 110 300
400 450 - 325 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 65 180 245 275 140 300
450 500 - 365 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 75 200 265 303 140 350
500 560 505 420 420 45 8x42 65 280 220 90 220 200 200 170 350
560 630 530 445 445 45 8x42 70 320 240 100 240 220 220 210 410
630 710 580 490 490 52 8x48 75 350 280 110 280 250 250 210 470
710 800 665 560 560 52 8x48 80 370 320 125 320 275 275 210 470
*Fan can be fitted for ratios 20.9 to 70.6 only
Ventilators is located on top cover, sizes 500 to 710.
E is over ventilator on these sizes, and dipsticks position is as shown

Sizes 140 to 315 have 4 facing U

Sizes 355 to 450 have 6 facings and sizes 500 to 710 have 8.

13 of 41

Type H3-Foot Mounted Units

Triple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Input Shafts Ratios 52.1 to 130 Output Shafts

Unit Size
V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
19,009 5,988 15,5 70,030 19,978 62,5
140 M6x16 40 34 M24x50 140 130
18,996 5,958 15,4 70,011 19,926 62,3
22,009 5,988 18,5 75,030 19,978 67,5
160 M6x16 50 43 M24x50 140 130
21,996 5,958 18,4 75,011 19,926 67,3
25,009 7,985 21,0 85,035 21,978 76,0
180 M6x16 60 53 M24x50 170 160
24,996 7,949 20,8 85,013 21,926 75,8

200 28,009 M8x18 60 53 7,985 24,0 90,035 M24x50 170 160 24,978 81,0
27,996 7,949 23,8 90,013 24,926 80,8

225 32,018 M8x18 80 73 9,985 27,0 100,035 M24x50 210 200 27,978 90,0
32,002 9,949 26,8 100,013 27,926 89,8

250 38,018 M16x32 80 73 9,985 33,0 110,035 M30x60 210 200 27,978 100,0
38,002 9,949 32,8 110,013 27,926 99,8

280 45,018 M16x32 110 102 13,982 39,5 125,040 M30x60 210 200 31,974 114,0
45,002 13,939 39,3 125,015 31,912 113,8
50,018 13,982 44,5 140,040 35,974 128,0
315 50,002 M16x32 110 102 13,939 44,3 140,015 M30x60 250 240 35,912 127,7
55,030 15,982 49,0 160,040 39,974 147,0
355 55,011 M16x32 110 102 15,939 48,8 160,015 M42x80 300 290 39,912 146,7
65,030 17,982 58,0 180,040 44,974 165,0
400 65,011 M24x50 140 130 17,939 57,8 180,015 M42x80 300 290 44,912 164,7
75,030 19,978 67,5 200,046 44,974 185,0
450 75,011 M24x50 140 160 19,926 67,3 200,017 M42x80 350 340 44,912 184,7
90,035 24,978 81,0 200,046 49,974 203,0
500 M24x50 170 160 M56x105 350 340
90,013 24,926 80,8 220,017 49,912 202,7
100,035 27,978 90,0 240,046 55,968 220,0
560 M24x50 210 200 M56x105 410 400
100,013 27,926 89,8 240,017 55,894 219,7
110,035 27,978 100,0 280,052 62,968 260,0
630 M30x60 210 200 M56x105 470 460
110,013 27,926 99,8 280,020 62,894 259,7
125,040 31,974 114,0 320,057 69,968 298,0
710 M30x60 210 200 M56x105 470 460
125,015 31,912 113,8 320,021 69,894 297,7

14 of 41

Type H3-Foot Mounted Units

Triple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
Input Shafts Ratios 25.6 to 47.1 Output Shafts
Unit Size
V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
19,009 5,988 15,5 70,030 19,978 62,5
140 M6x16 40 34 M24x50 140 130
18,996 5,958 15,4 70,011 19,926 62,3
28,009 7,985 24,0 75,030 19,978 67,5
160 M8x18 60 53 M24x50 140 130
27,996 7,949 23,8 75,011 19,926 67,3
28,009 7,985 24,0 85,035 21,978 76,0
180 M8x18 60 53 M24x50 170 160
27,996 7,949 23,8 85,013 21,926 75,8
32,018 9,985 27,0 90,035 24,978 81,0
200 M8x18 60 53 M24x50 170 160
32,002 9,949 26,8 90,013 24,926 80,8
38,018 9,985 33,0 100,035 27,978 90,0
225 M16x32 80 73 M24x50 210 200
38,002 9,949 32,8 100,013 27,926 89,8
50,018 13,982 44,5 110,035 27,978 100,0
250 M16x32 110 102 M30x60 210 200
50,002 13,939 44,3 110,013 27,926 99,8
55,030 15,982 49,0 125,040 31,974 114,0
280 M16x32 110 102 M30x60 210 200
55,011 15,939 48,8 125,015 31,912 113,8

315 55,030 M16x32 110 102 15,982 49,0 140,040 M30x60 250 240 35,974 128,0
55,011 15,939 48,8 140,015 35,912 127,7

355 65,030 M24x50 140 130 17,982 58,0 160,040 M42x80 300 290 39,974 147,0
65,011 17,939 57,8 160,015 39,912 146,7

15 of 41

Type H3SF-Foot/Shaft Mounted Units

Triple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)


16 of 41

Type H3SF-Foot/Shaft Mounted Units

Triple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
A A1 A2 B D D1 E F F1* G H J K K1 L M N
140 140 240 320 434 160 174 135 - 190 224 490 - - 120 580 165
160 160 272 362 481 180 - 194 155 - 225 260 540 - - 135 640 185
180 180 305 405 529 200 - 214 173 - 250 290 600 - - 147.5 705 200
200 200 296 103 499 225 122 239 180 230 265 310 560 - - 165 680 225
225 225 343.8 118 567 250 132 267 203 255 280 340 630 - - 185 760 250
250 250 378 130 632 280 150 298 215 275 300 370 710 - - 210 850 280
280 280 419.2 148 687 315 167 327 237 300 335 410 800 - - 240 950 315
315 315 468 165 780 355 190 350 256 325 375 450 900 - - 270 1070 355
355 355 536.8 188 870 400 212 405 286 360 425 500 1005 530 - 305 1195 400
400 400 596.7 209 972 450 241 456 320 400 475 560 1160 600 - 350 1360 450
450 450 679.7 235 1101 500 265 497 360 445 530 640 1300 670 - 395 1510 500
500 500 855 1135 1360 560 - 624 410 495 630 720 1680 - 560 440 1920 560
560 560 960 1275 1510 630 - 679 435 520 670 770 1890 - 630 505 2140 630
630 630 1080 1435 1690 710 - 754 480 570 750 860 2130 - 710 575 2400 710
710 710 1210 1610 1890 800 - 850 550 655 850 980 2400 - 800 655 2690 800
Unit P P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 V2 V3* V4* W W1 X X1 X2 Z
140 - 140 - 14 4x12 20 100 60 19 - - - - 40 - 140 75 75 75
160 - 160 - 18 4x16 20 110 70 22 - - - - 50 - 160 86 85 85
180 - 175 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 25 85 90 - - 60 65 175 - - -
200 - 185 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 28 95 100 130 148 60 70 185 - - -
225 - 205 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 32 115 120 140 160 80 80 205 - - -
250 - 220 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 38 125 130 155 175 80 90 220 - - -
280 - 240 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 45 140 145 170 200 110 105 240 - - -
315 - 260 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 50 160 165 190 220 110 110 260 - - -
355 - 290 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 55 170 175 214 250 110 130 290 - - -
400 - 325 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 65 190 200 245 275 140 150 325 - - -
450 - 365 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 75 220 230 265 303 140 160 365 - - -
500 505 420 420 45 8x42 65 280 220 90 250 260 200 200 170 185 420 - - -
560 530 445 445 45 8x42 70 320 240 100 290 300 220 220 210 200 445 - - -
630 580 490 490 52 8x42 75 350 280 110 330 340 250 250 210 220 490 - - -
710 665 560 560 52 8x42 80 370 320 125 360 370 275 275 210 230 560 - - -
*Fan can be fitted for ratios 20.9 to 70.6 only

Ventilators is located on top cover, sizes 500 to 710.

E is over ventilator on these sizes, and dipsticks position is as shown Sizes 140 to 315 have 4 facing.

17 of 41

Type H3SF –Foot/ Shaft Mounted Units

Triple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Unit Input Shafts Ratios Ratio 25.6 to 47.1 Output Sleeve Bores
Size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V2 X1 X2 Z1 Y1

140 19,009 M6x16 40 34 5,988 15,5 - - 76 75,060 80,1 20,026

18,996 5,958 15,4 75,030 79,9 19,974

160 22,009 M6x16 50 43 5,988 18,5 - - 86 85,071 90,6 22,026

21,996 5,958 18,4 85,036 90,4 21,974

180 25,009 M6x16 60 53 7,985 21,0 85,035 90,047 - - - -

24,996 7,949 20,8 85,013 90,012
28,009 7,985 24,0 90,035 95,035
200 27,996 M8x18 60 53 7,949 23,8 90,013 95,000 - - - -

32,018 9,985 27,0 100,035 115,035

225 32,002 M8x18 80 73 9,949 26,8 100,013 115,000 - - - -

38,018 9,985 33,0 110,035 125,040

250 38,002 M16x32 80 73 9,949 32,8 110,013 125,000 - - - -

45,018 13,982 39,5 125,040 140,040

280 45,002 M16x32 110 102 13,939 39,3 125,015 140,000 - - - -

50,018 13,982 44,5 140,040 160,040

315 M16x32 110 102 - - - -
50,002 13,939 44,3 140,015 160,000
55,030 15,982 49,0 160,040 170,040
355 M16x32 110 102 - - - -
55,011 15,939 48,8 160,015 170,000
65,030 17,982 58,0 180,040 190,046
400 M24x50 140 130 - - - -
65,011 17,939 57,8 180,015 190,015
75,030 19,978 67,5 200,046 220,046
450 M24x50 140 160 - - - -
75,011 19,926 67,3 200,017 220,000
90,035 24,978 81,0 200,046 250,046
500 M24x50 170 160 - - - -
90,013 24,926 80,8 220,017 250,000
100,035 27,978 90,0 240,046 290,052
560 M24x50 210 200 - - - -
100,013 27,926 89,8 240,017 290,000
110,035 27,978 100,0 280,052 330,057
630 M30x60 210 200 - - - -
110,013 27,926 99,8 280,020 330,000
125,040 31,974 114,0 320,057 360,057
710 M30x60 210 200 - - - -
125,015 31,912 113,8 320,021 360,000

18 of 41

Type H4-Foot Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

19 of 41

Type H4-Foot Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
A A1 A2 B D D1 E F G H J K K1 L
140 140 240 320 434 160 89 174 135 190 224 490 - - 120
160 160 272 362 481 180 109 194 155 225 260 540 - - 135
180 180 305 405 529 200 120 214 173 250 290 600 - - 147.5
200 200 340 452 586 225 135 239 180 265 310 670 - - 165
225 225 385 510 654 250 150 267 203 280 340 750 - - 185
250 250 430 570 729 280 168 298 215 300 370 850 - - 210
280 280 480 640 822 315 190 327 237 335 410 950 475 - 240
315 315 540 720 922 355 215 350 256 375 450 1060 530 - 270
355 355 605 805 1012 400 240 405 286 425 500 1180 600 - 305
400 400 680 905 1145 450 270 456 320 475 560 1340 670 - 350
450 450 765 1015 1280 500 300 497 360 530 640 1500 750 - 395
500 500 855 1135 1360 560 335 624 410 630 720 1680 560 560 440
560 560 960 1275 1510 630 380 679 435 670 770 1890 630 630 505
630 630 1080 1435 1690 710 430 754 480 750 860 2130 710 710 575
710 710 1210 1610 1890 800 485 850 550 850 980 2400 800 800 655
M N P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 W W1
140 580 165 140 140 14 4x12 20 100 60 18 70 40 140
160 640 185 160 160 18 4x16 20 110 70 18 75 40 140
180 705 200 175 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 18 85 40 170
200 790 225 185 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 22 90 50 170
225 880 250 205 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 25 100 60 210
250 990 280 220 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 28 110 60 210
280 1100 315 240 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 32 125 80 210
315 1230 355 260 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 38 140 80 250
355 1370 400 290 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 45 160 110 300
400 1540 450 325 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 50 180 110 300
450 1710 500 365 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 55 200 110 350
500 1920 560 420 420 45 8x42 65 280 220 65 220 140 350
560 2140 630 445 445 45 8x42 70 320 240 75 240 140 410
630 2400 710 490 490 52 8x48 75 350 280 90 280 170 470
710 2690 800 560 560 52 8x48 80 370 320 100 320 210 470

20 of 41

Type H4-Foot Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction - Par allel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Input Shafts Ratios 52.1 to 130 Output Shafts

Unit Size
V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
18,008 5,988 14,5 70,030 19,978 62,5
140 M6x16 40 34 M24x50 140 130
17,997 5,958 14,4 70,011 19,926 62,3
18,008 5,988 14,5 75,030 19,978 67,5
160 M6x16 40 34 M24x50 140 130
17,997 5,958 14,4 75,011 19,926 67,3

180 18,008 M6x16 40 34 5,988 14,5 85,035 M24x50 170 160 21,978 76,0
17,997 5,958 14,4 85,013 21,926 75,8

200 22,009 M8x18 50 43 5,988 14,5 90,035 M24x50 170 160 24,978 81,0
21,996 5,958 14,4 90,013 24,926 80,8

225 25,009 M8x18 60 43 7,985 24,0 100,035 M24x50 210 200 27,978 90,0
24,996 7,949 23,8 100,013 27,926 89,8

250 28,009 M8x18 60 53 7,985 24,0 110,035 M30x60 210 200 27,978 100,0
27,996 7,949 23,8 110,013 27,926 99,8
32,018 9,985 27,0 125,040 31,974 114,0
280 32,002 M8x18 80 73 9,949 26,8 125,015 M30x60 210 200 31,912 113,8
38,018 9,985 33,0 140,040 35,974 128,0
315 M16x32 80 73 M30x60 250 240
38,002 9,949 32,8 140,015 35,912 127,7
45,018 13,982 39,5 160,040 39,974 147,0
355 45,002 M16x32 110 102 13,939 39,3 160,015 M42x80 300 290 39,912 146,7
50,018 13,982 44,5 180,040 44,974 165,0
400 50,002 M16x32 110 102 13,939 44,3 180,015 M42x80 300 290 44,912 164,7
55,030 15,982 49,0 200,046 44,974 185,0
450 M24x50 110 102 M42x80 350 340
55,011 15,939 48,8 200,017 44,912 184,7
65,030 17,982 58,0 200,046 49,974 203,0
500 M24x50 140 130 M56x105 350 340
65,011 17,939 57,8 220,017 49,912 202,7
75,030 19,978 67,5 240,046 55,968 220,0
560 M24x50 140 130 M56x105 410 400
75,011 19,926 67,3 240,017 55,894 219,7
90,035 24,978 81,0 280,052 62,968 260,0
630 M24x50 170 160 M56x105 470 460
90,013 24,926 80,8 280,020 62,894 259,7
100,035 27,978 90,0 320,057 69,968 298,0
710 M24x50 210 210 M56x105 470 460
100,013 27,926 89,8 320,021 69,894 297,7

21 of 41

Type H4SF-Foot/Shaft Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)


22 of 41

Type H4SF-Foot/Shaft Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
A A1 A2 B D D1 E F G H J L M N P1 Q
140 140 240 320 434 160 89 174 135 190 224 490 120 580 165 495 -
160 160 272 372 481 180 109 194 155 225 260 540 135 640 185 540 -
180 180 305 305 529 200 120 214 173 250 290 600 147.5 705 200 600 175
Size R S T U U1 V V1 V2 W W1 X Z K1 K2

140 14 4x12 20 100 60 18 - - 40 - 140 75 76 75

160 18 4x16 20 110 70 18 - - 40 - 160 85 86 85
180 18 4x16 25 120 85 18 85 90 40 65 175 - - -

Type H4SF –Foot/ Shaft Mounted Units

Triple Reduction - Parallel Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Input Shafts Output Sleeve Bores

Unit Size
V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V2 K1 K2 M N

140 18,008 M6x16 40 34 5,988 14,5 - - 76 75,030 80,1 20,026

17,997 5,958 14,4 75,011 79,9 19,974

160 18,008 M6x16 40 34 5,988 14,5 - - 86 85,071 90,6 22,026

17,997 5,958 14,4 85,036 90,4 21,974

180 18,008 M6x16 40 34 5,988 14,5 85,035 90,047 - - - -

17,997 5,958 14,4 85,00 90,012

23 of 41

Type B2 –Foot Mounted Units

Double Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Opposite Rotation Available

24 of 41

Type B2 –Foot Mounted Units

Double Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Unit size A B C D E F G H J K L M N P P1

140 140 390 300 160 174 135 190 224 335 - 120 425 165 435 395

160 160 430 350 180 194 155 225 260 375 - 135 475 185 475 435

180 180 480 375 200 214 170 250 290 425 - 147.5 530 200 530 485

200 200 520 400 225 239 180 265 310 475 - 165 595 225 575 525

225 225 575 445 250 267 203 280 340 530 - 185 660 250 635 580

250 250 630 480 280 298 215 300 370 600 - 210 740 280 695 635

280 280 715 520 315 327 237 335 410 670 - 240 820 315 785 720

315 315 800 560 355 350 256 375 450 750 - 270 920 355 875 805
355 355 870 630 400 405 286 425 500 865 530 305 1055 400 950 875
400 400 990 700 450 456 320 475 560 1000 600 350 1200 450 1075 995
450 450 1100 780 500 497 360 530 640 1120 670 395 1330 500 1190 1105
500 500 1270 850 560 552 410 630 720 1250 750 440 1490 560 1375 1280
Unit size Q R S T U U1 V V1 V3 V4 W W1
140 140 14 4x12 20 100 60 28 70 230 105 60 140
160 160 18 4x16 20 110 70 32 75 263 125 80 140
180 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 32 85 295 145 80 170
200 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 38 90 305 140 110 170
225 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 45 100 356 171 110 210
250 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 50 110 402 190 110 210
280 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 65 125 450 225 140 210
315 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 75 140 480 230 140 250
355 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 85 160 540 270 170 300
400 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 90 180 618 300 170 300
450 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 100 200 650 320 210 350
500 420 45 6x42 65 280 220 125 220 700 340 210 350

25 of 41

Type B2 –Foot Mounted Units

Double Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)


Input Shaft Output Shafts

Unit size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1

28.009 8.000 31.0 70.030 20.000 74.5

140 M8x20 60 53 M24x52 140 130
27.996 7.964 30.8 70.011 19.948 74.3
32.018 10.000 35.0 75.030 20.000 79.5
160 M8x20 80 73 M24x52 140 130
32.002 9.964 34.8 75.011 19.948 79.3
38.018 10.000 41.0 85.035 22.000 90.0
180 M16x36 80 73 M24x52 170 160
38.002 9.964 40.8 85.013 19.948 89.8
45.018 14.000 48.5 90.035 25.000 95.0
200 M16x32 110 102 M24x50 170 160
45.002 13.957 48.3 90.013 24.948 94.8
50.018 14.000 53.5 100.035 28.000 106.0
225 M16x32 110 102 M24x50 210 200
50.002 13.957 53.3 100.013 27.948 105.8
55.030 16.000 59.0 110.035 28.000 116.0
250 M16x32 110 102 M30x60 210 200
55.011 15.957 58.8 110.013 27.948 115.8
65.030 18.000 69.0 125.040 32.000 132.0
280 M24x50 140 130 M30x60 210 200
65.011 17.957 68.8 125.015 31.938 131.8
75.030 20.000 79.5 140.040 36.000 148.0
315 M24x50 140 130 M30x60 250 240
75.011 19.948 79.3 140.015 35.938 147.7
85.035 22.000 90.0 160.040 40.000 169.0
355 M24X50 170 160 M42x80 300 290
85.013 21.948 89.8 160.015 39.938 168.7
90.035 25.000 95.0 180.040 45.000 190.0
400 M24x50 170 160 M42x80 300 290
90.013 24.948 94.8 180.015 44.938 189.7
100.035 28.000 106.0 200.046 45.000 210.0
450 M24X50 210 200 M42x80 350 340
100.013 27.948 105.8 200.017 44.938 209.7
125.040 32.000 132.0 220.046 50.000 231.0
500 M30X60 210 200 M56x105 350 340
125.015 31.938 131.8 220.017 49.938 230.7

26 of 41

Type B2 SF –Foot /Shaft Mounted Units

Double Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Opposite Rotation Available

27 of 41

Type B2SF –Foot/ Shaft Mounted Units

Double Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
Unit size A B C D E F G H J K L M N P P1 Q
140 140 390 300 160 174 135 190 224 335 - 120 425 165 435 395 -
160 160 430 350 180 194 155 225 260 375 - 135 475 185 475 435 -
180 180 480 375 200 214 170 250 290 425 - 147.5 530 200 530 485 175
200 200 520 400 225 239 180 265 310 475 - 165 595 225 575 525 185
225 225 575 445 250 267 203 280 340 530 - 185 660 250 635 580 205
250 250 630 480 280 298 215 300 370 600 - 210 740 280 695 635 220
280 280 715 520 315 327 237 335 410 670 - 240 820 315 785 720 240
315 315 800 560 355 350 256 375 450 750 - 270 920 355 875 805 260
355 355 870 630 400 405 286 425 500 865 530 305 1055 400 950 875 290
400 400 990 700 450 456 320 475 560 1000 600 350 1200 450 1075 995 325
450 450 1100 780 500 497 360 530 640 1120 670 395 1330 500 1190 1105 365
500 500 1270 850 560 552 410 630 720 1250 750 440 1490 560 1375 1280 420

Unit size R S T U U1 V V1 V2 V3 V4 W W1 X X1 X2 Z
140 14 4x12 20 100 60 28 - - 230 105 60 - 140 75 75 75
160 18 4x16 20 110 70 32 - - 263 125 80 - 160 86 85 85
180 18 4x16 25 120 85 38 85 90 295 145 80 65 175 - - -
200 22 4x20 25 125 90 45 95 100 305 140 110 70 185 - - -
225 22 4x20 30 130 95 50 115 120 356 171 110 80 205 - - -
250 26 4x24 30 140 115 55 125 130 402 190 110 90 220 - - -
280 26 4x24 35 160 125 65 140 145 450 225 140 105 240 - - -
315 33 4x30 40 180 130 75 160 165 480 230 140 110 260 - - -
355 33 6x30 50 200 155 85 170 175 540 270 170 130 290 - - -
400 39 6x36 55 220 175 90 190 200 618 300 170 150 325 - - -
450 39 6x36 60 250 195 100 220 230 650 320 210 160 365 - - -
500 45 6x42 65 280 220 125 250 260 700 340 210 185 420 - - -

28 of 41

Type B2SF –Foot/ Shaft Mounted Units

Double Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

INPUT SHAFT Output Sleeve Bores

Input Shafts Output Sleeve Bores

Unit size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V2 X1 X2 M N
28.009 8.000 31.0 - - 75.060 80.1 20.026
140 M8x20 60 53 76
27.996 7.964 30.8 75.030 79.9 19.974
32.018 10.000 35.0 - - 85.071 90.6 22.026
160 M8x20 80 73 86
32.002 9.964 34.8 85.036 90.4 21.974
38.018 10.000 41.0 85.035 90.047
180 M16x36 80 73 - - - -
38.002 9.964 40.8 85.000 90.012
45.018 14.000 48.5 95.035 100.047
200 M16x32 110 102 - - - -
45.002 13.957 48.3 95.000 100.012
225 50.018 M16x32 110 102 14.000 53.5 115.035 120.047 - - - -
50.002 13.957 53.3 115.000 120.012
55.030 16.000 59.0 125.040 130.054
250 M16x32 110 102 - - - -
55.011 15.957 58.8 125.000 130.014
65.030 18.000 69.0 140.040 145.054
280 M24x50 140 130 - - - -
65.011 17.957 68.8 140.000 145.014
75.030 20.000 79.5 160.040 165.054
315 M24x50 140 130 - - - -
75.011 19.948 79.3 160.000 165.014
355 85.035 M24x50 170 160 22.000 90.0 170.040 175.054 - - - -
85.013 21.948 89.8 170.000 175.014
90.035 25.000 95.0 190.046 200.061
400 M24x50 170 160 - - - -
90.013 24.948 94.8 190.000 200.015
100.035 28.000 106.0 220.046 230.061
450 M24x50 210 200 - - - -
100.013 27.948 105.8 220.000 230.015
125.040 32.000 132.0 250.046 260.069
500 M30x60 210 200 - - - -
125.015 31.938 131.8 250.000 260.017

29 of 41

Type B3 –Foot Mounted Units

Triple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Opposite Rotation Available

30 of 41

Type B3 –Foot Mounted Units

Triple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
Unit size A B C D E F G H J K K1 K2 L M N P
140 140 430 305 160 174 135 190 224 405 - - - 120 495 165 470
160 160 477 350 180 194 155 225 260 450 - - - 135 550 185 520
180 180 530 375 200 214 173 250 290 505 - - - 147.5 610 200 570
200 200 590 400 225 239 180 265 310 560 - - - 165 680 225 630
225 225 655 445 250 267 203 280 340 630 - - - 185 760 250 700
250 250 730 480 280 298 215 300 370 710 - - - 210 850 280 780
280 280 800 520 315 327 237 335 410 800 - - - 240 950 315 855
315 315 890 560 355 350 256 375 450 900 - - - 270 1070 355 950
355 355 985 630 400 405 286 425 500 1005 530 - - 305 1195 400 1050
400 400 1115 700 450 456 320 475 560 1160 600 - - 350 1360 450 1185
450 450 1250 780 500 497 360 530 640 1300 670 - - 395 1510 500 1325
500 500 1370 850 560 552 410 630 720 1460 750 - - 440 1700 560 1445
560 560 1550 900 630 679 435 670 770 1650 - 560 530 505 1900 630 1630
630 630 1729 1020 710 754 480 750 860 1860 - 630 600 575 2130 710 1815
710 710 1980 1060 800 850 550 850 980 2090 - 710 670 655 2380 800 2070
Unit size P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 V3 V4 W W1
140 435 140 14 4x12 20 100 60 20 70 220 95 50 140
160 480 160 18 4x16 20 110 70 25 75 248 110 60 140
180 535 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 28 85 280 130 60 170
200 595 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 28 90 305 140 60 170
225 660 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 32 100 356 171 80 210
250 735 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 38 110 390 190 80 210
280 805 240 26 4x24 35 160 125 45 125 450 225 110 210
315 895 260 33 4x30 40 180 130 50 140 460 230 110 250
355 990 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 55 160 540 270 110 300
400 1120 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 65 180 600 300 140 300
450 1255 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 75 200 640 320 140 350
500 1380 420 45 6x42 65 280 220 85 220 700 340 170 350
560 1560 445 45 8x42 70 320 240 90 240 740 370 170 410
630 1740 490 52 8x48 75 350 280 100 280 820 410 210 470
710 1990 560 52 8x48 80 370 320 125 320 900 450 210 470

31 of 41

Type B3 –Foot Mounted Units

Triple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)


Input Shafts Output Shafts

Unit size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
20.009 6.000 22.5 70.030 20.000 74.5
140 M6x16 50 43 M24x52 140 130
19.996 5.970 22.4 70.011 19.948 74.3
160 25.009 M6x16 60 53 8.000 28.0 75.030 M24x52 140 130 20.000 79.5
24.996 7.964 27.8 75.011 19.948 79.3
28.009 8.000 31.0 85.035 22.000 90.0
180 M8x20 60 53 M24x52 170 160
27.996 7.964 30.8 85.013 21.948 89.8
28.009 8.000 31.0 90.035 25.000 95.0
200 M8x18 60 53 M24x52 170 160
27.996 7.964 30.8 90.013 24.948 94.8
32.018 10.000 35.0 100.035 28.000 106.0
225 M8x18 80 73 M24x50 210 200
32.002 9.964 34.8 100.013 27.948 105.8
250 38.018 M16x32 80 73 10.000 41.0 110.035 M30x60 210 200 28.000 116.0
38.002 9.964 40.8 110.013 27.948 115.8
45.018 14.000 48.5 125.040 32.000 132.0
280 M16x32 110 102 M30x60 210 200
45.002 13.957 48.3 125.015 31.938 131.8
50.018 14.000 53.5 140.040 36.000 148.0
315 M16x32 110 102 M30x60 250 240
50.002 13.957 53.3 140.015 35.938 147.7
55.030 16.000 59.0 160.040 40.000 169.0
355 M16x32 110 102 M42x80 300 290
55.011 15.957 58.8 160.015 39.938 168.7
400 65.030 M24x50 140 130 18.000 69.0 180.040 M42x80 300 290 45.000 190.0
65.011 17.957 68.8 180.015 44.938 189.7
75.030 20.000 79.5 200.046 45.000 210.0
450 M24x50 140 130 M42x80 350 340
75.011 19.948 79.3 200.017 44.938 209.7
85.035 22.000 90.0 220.046 50.000 231.0
500 M24x50 170 160 M56x105 350 340
85.013 21.948 89.8 220.017 49.938 230.7
90.035 25.000 95.0 240.046 56.000 252.0
560 M24x50 170 160 M56x105 410 400
90.013 24.948 94.8 240.017 55.926 251.7
630 100.035 M24x50 210 200 28.000 106.0 280.052 M56x105 470 63.000 292.0
100.013 27.948 105.8 280.020 460 62.926 291.7
125.040 32.000 132.0 320.057 70.000 334.0
710 M30x60 210 200 M56x105 470 460
125.015 31.938 131.8 320.021 69.926 330.7

32 of 41

Type B3SF –Foot /Shaft Mounted Units

Triple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Opposite Rotation Available

33 of 41

Type B3SF –Foot /Shaft Mounted Units

Triple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
Unit size A B C D E F G H J K K1 K2 L M N P* P1 Q
140 140 430 305 160 174 135 190 224 405 - - - 120 495 165 470 435 140
160 160 477 350 180 194 155 225 260 450 - - - 135 550 185 520 480 160
180 180 530 375 200 214 173 250 290 505 - - - 147.5 610 200 570 535 175
200 200 590 400 225 239 180 265 310 560 - - - 165 680 225 630 595 185
225 225 655 445 250 267 203 280 340 630 - - - 185 760 250 700 660 205
250 250 730 480 280 298 215 300 370 710 - - - 210 850 280 780 735 220
280 280 800 520 315 327 237 335 410 800 - - - 240 950 315 855 805 240
315 315 890 560 355 350 256 375 450 900 - - - 270 1070 355 950 895 260
355 355 985 630 400 405 286 425 500 1005 530 - - 305 1195 400 1050 990 290
400 400 1115 700 450 456 320 475 560 1160 600 - - 350 1360 450 1185 1120 325
450 450 1250 780 500 497 360 530 640 1300 670 - - 395 1510 500 1325 1255 365
500 500 1370 850 560 552 410 630 720 1460 750 - - 440 1700 560 1445 1380 420
560 560 1550 900 630 679 435 670 770 1650 - 560 530 505 1900 630 1630 1560 445
630 630 1729 1020 710 754 480 750 860 1860 - 630 600 575 2130 710 1815 1739 490
710 710 1980 1060 800 850 550 850 980 2090 - 710 670 655 2380 800 2070 1990 560
Unit size R S T U U1 V V1 V2 V3 V4* W W1 X X1 X2 Z
140 14 4x12 20 100 60 20 - - 220 95 50 - 140 76 75 75
160 18 4x16 20 110 70 25 - - 248 110 60 - 160 86 85 85
180 18 4x16 25 120 85 28 85 90 280 130 60 65 175 - - -
200 22 4x20 25 125 90 28 95 100 305 140 60 70 185 - - -
225 22 4x20 30 130 95 32 115 120 356 171 80 80 205 - - -
250 26 4x24 30 140 115 38 125 130 390 190 80 90 220 - - -
280 26 4x24 35 160 125 45 140 145 450 225 110 105 240 - - -
315 33 4x30 40 180 130 50 160 165 460 230 110 110 260 - - -
355 33 6x30 50 200 155 55 170 175 540 270 110 130 290 - - -
400 39 6x36 55 220 175 65 190 200 600 300 140 150 325 - - -
450 39 6x36 60 250 195 75 220 230 640 320 140 160 365 - - -
500 45 6x42 65 280 220 85 250 260 700 340 170 185 420 - - -
560 45 8x42 70 320 240 90 290 300 740 370 170 200 445 - - -
630 52 8x48 75 350 280 100 330 340 820 410 210 220 490 - - -
710 52 8x48 80 370 320 125 360 370 900 450 210 230 560 - - -

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Type B3SF –Foot /Shaft Mounted Units

Triple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

INPUT SHAFT Output Sleeve Bores

Input Shafts OutPut Sleeve Bores

Unit size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V2 K1 K2 M N
20.009 6.000 22.5 - - 75.060 80.1 20.026
140 M6x16 50 43 76
19.996 5.970 22.4 75.030 79.9 19.974
25.009 8.000 28.0 - - 85.071 90.6 22.026
160 M6x16 60 53 86
24.996 7.964 27.8 85.036 90.4 21.974
28.009 8.000 31.0 85.035 90.047
180 M8x20 60 53 - - - -
27.996 7.964 30.8 85.000 90.012
28.009 8.000 31.0 95.035 100.047
200 M8x18 60 53 - - - -
27.996 7.964 30.8 95.000 100.012
225 32.018 M8x18 80 73 10.000 35.0 115.035 120.047 - - - -
32.002 9.964 34.8 115.000 120.012
38.018 10.000 41.0 125.040 130.054
250 M16x32 80 73 - - - -
38.002 9.964 40.8 125.000 130.014
45.018 14.000 48.5 140.040 145.054
280 M16x32 110 102 - - - -
45.002 13.957 48.3 140.000 145.014
50.018 14.000 53.5 160.040 165.054
315 M16x32 110 102 - - - -
50.002 13.957 53.3 160.000 165.014
355 55.030 M16x32 110 102 16.000 59.0 170.040 175.054 - - - -
55.011 15.957 58.8 170.000 175.014
65.030 18.000 69.0 190.046 200.061
400 M24x50 140 130 - - - -
65.011 17.957 68.8 190.000 200.015
75.030 M24x50 20.000 79.5 220.046 230.061
450 140 130 - - - -
75.011 19.948 79.3 220.000 230.015
85.035 22.000 90.0 250.046 260.069
500 M24x50 170 160 - - - -
85.013 21.948 89.8 250.000 260.017
560 90.035 M24x50 170 160 25.000 95.0 290.052 300.069 - - - -
90.013 24.948 94.8 290.000 300.017
100.035 28.000 106.0 330.057 340.075
630 M24x50 210 200 - - - -
100.013 27.948 105.8 330.000 340.018
125.040 32.000 132.0 360.057 370.075
710 M30x60 210 200 - - - -
125.015 31.938 131.8 360.000 370.018

35 of 41

Type B4 –Foot Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
Opposite Rotation Available

36 of 41

Type B4 –Foot Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)
Unit size A B D E F G H J K K1 L M N
140 140 490 160 174 135 190 224 490 - - 120 580 165
160 160 537 180 194 155 225 260 540 - - 135 640 185
180 180 595 200 214 173 250 290 600 - - 147.5 705 200
200 200 657 225 239 180 265 310 670 - - 165 790 225
225 225 735 250 267 203 280 340 750 - - 185 880 250
250 250 820 280 298 215 300 370 850 - - 210 990 280
280 280 910 315 327 237 335 410 950 475 - 240 1100 315
315 315 1020 355 350 256 375 450 1060 530 - 270 1230 355
355 355 1125 400 405 286 425 500 1180 600 - 305 1370 400
400 400 1255 450 456 320 475 560 1340 670 - 350 1540 450
450 450 1395 500 497 360 530 640 1500 750 - 395 1710 500
500 500 1570 560 552 410 630 720 1680 560 560 440 1920 560
560 560 1760 630 679 435 670 770 1890 630 630 505 2140 630
630 630 1950 710 754 480 750 860 2130 710 710 575 2400 710
710 710 2200 800 850 550 850 980 2400 800 800 655 2690 800
Unit size P1 Q R S T U U1 V V1 W W1
140 495 140 14 4x12 20 100 60 18 70 40 140
160 540 160 18 4x16 20 110 70 18 75 40 140
180 600 175 18 4x16 25 120 85 20 85 50 170
200 660 185 22 4x20 25 125 90 25 90 60 170
225 740 205 22 4x20 30 130 95 28 100 60 210
250 825 220 26 4x24 30 140 115 28 110 60 210
280 915 240 26 6x24 35 160 125 32 125 80 210
315 1025 260 33 6x30 40 180 130 38 140 80 250
355 1130 290 33 6x30 50 200 155 45 160 110 300
400 1260 325 39 6x36 55 220 175 50 180 110 300
450 1400 365 39 6x36 60 250 195 55 200 110 350
500 1575 420 45 8x42 65 280 220 65 220 140 350
560 1765 445 45 8x42 70 320 240 75 240 140 410
630 1960 490 52 8x48 75 350 280 85 280 170 470
710 2210 560 52 8x48 80 370 320 90 320 170 470

37 of 41

Type B4 –Foot Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)


Inpur Shafts Output Shafts

Unit size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V5 W1 W3 Y1 Z1
18.008 6.000 20.5 70.030 20.000 74.5
140 M6x16 40 34 M24x52 140 130
17.997 5.970 20.4 70.011 19.948 74.3
160 18.008 M6x16 40 34 6.000 20.5 75.030 M24x52 140 130 20.000 79.5
17.997 5.970 20.4 75.011 19.948 79.3
20.009 6.000 22.5 85.035 22.000 90.0
180 M6x16 50 43 M24x52 170 160
19.996 5.970 22.4 85.013 21.948 89.8
25.009 8.000 28.0 90.035 25.000 95.0
200 M8x18 60 53 M24x50 170 160
24.996 7.964 27.8 90.013 24.948 94.8
28.009 8.000 31.0 100.035 28.000 106.0
225 M8x18 60 53 M24x50 210 200
27.996 7.964 30.8 100.013 27.948 105.8
250 28.009 M8x18 60 53 8.000 31.0 110.035 M30x60 210 200 28.000 116.0
27.996 7.964 30.8 110.013 27.948 105.8
32.018 10.000 35.0 125.040 32.000 132.0
280 M8x18 80 73 M30x60 210 200
32.002 9.964 34.8 125.015 31.938 131.8
38.018 10.000 41.0 140.040 36.000 148.0
315 M16x32 80 73 M30x60 250 240
38.002 9.964 40.8 140.015 35.938 147.7
45.018 14.000 48.5 160.040 40.000 169.0
355 M16x32 110 102 M42x80 300 290
45.002 13.957 48.3 160.015 39.938 168.7
400 50.018 M16x32 110 102 14.000 53.5 180.040 M42x80 300 290 45.000 190.0
50.002 13.957 53.3 180.015 44.938 189.7
55.030 16.000 59.0 200.046 45.000 210.0
450 M16x32 110 102 M42x80 350 340
55.011 15.957 58.8 200.017 44.938 209.7
65.030 18.000 69.0 220.046 50.000 231.0
500 M24x50 140 130 M56x105 350 340
65.011 17.957 68.8 220.017 49.938 230.7
75.030 20.000 79.5 240.046 56.000 252.0
560 M24x50 140 130 M56x105 410 400
75.011 19.948 79.3 240.017 55.926 251.7
630 85.035 M24x50 170 160 22.000 90.0 280.052 M56x105 470 460 63.000 292.0
85.013 21.948 89.8 280.020 62.926 291.7
90.035 25.000 95.0 320.057 70.000 334.0
710 M24x50 170 160 M56x105 470 460
90.013 24.948 94.8 320.021 69.926 333.7

38 of 41

Type B4SF –Foot /Shaft Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts - Principal Dimensions (mm)

Opposite Rotation Available

Unit size A B D E F G H J L M N P1 Q

140 140 490 160 174 135 190 224 490 120 580 165 495 -

160 160 537 180 194 155 225 260 540 135 640 185 540 -
180 180 595 200 214 173 250 290 600 147.5 705 200 600 175
Unit size R S T U U1 V V1 V2 W W1 X Z K1 K2

140 14 4x12 20 100 60 18 - - 40 - 140 75 76 75

160 18 4x16 20 110 70 18 - - 40 - 160 85 86 85

180 18 4x16 25 120 85 20 85 90 50 65 175 - - -

39 of 41

Type B4SF –Foot /Shaft Mounted Units

Quadruple Reduction – Right Angle Shafts- Principal Dimensions (mm)

INPUT SHAFT Output Sleeve Bores

Input shafts Output Sleeve Bores

Unit size V V4 W W2 Y Z V1 V2 K1 K2 M N
18.008 6.000 20.5 75.060 80.1 20.026
140 M6x16 40 34 - - 76
17.997 5.970 20.4 75.030 79.9 19.974
18.008 6.000 20.5 85.071 90.6 22.026
160 M6x16 40 34 - - 86
17.997 5.970 20.4 85.036 90.4 21.974
20.009 6.000 22.5 85.035 90.047
180 M6x16 50 43
19.996 5.970 22.4 85.000 90.012 - - - -

40 of 41
Dear User
Kindly furnish the following Technical Data and Information for selection of Helical and Bevel Helical Gear Box.
1) Application
2) Prime Mover (Electric motor / Hydraulic motor) :
3) Input Shaft (rpm)
4) Output Speed (rpm)
5) Reduction Ratio:
6) Input Power (HP/ Kw):
7) Output Torque (kg - m or Nm):
8) Load Nature Uniform (U)/ Moderate Shock (M) / Heavy shock (H):
9) Service Duration (Hrs):
(Daily operating hours)
10) Operating Cycle (Minutes cycle):
11) Operating Position:
For your specific Reduction Ratios, Output speed, Out Torque, Please write to AGNEE


F- 557, Road No. 6, Inderprasth Industrial Area,
Kota- 324005, Rajasthan, India

Phone: 0744- 2490773, 2363799 Fax: 2360835

Mobile No.: 09414187835
Email : info@agneetransmissions.com
Alternative Email : agneetransmissions@hotmail.com
Website : www.agneetransmissions.com

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