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Me-605 A

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Name : …………………………………………….

Roll No. : …………………………………………...……………..
Invigilator’s Signature : ………………………………………..

CS/B.Tech/(ME-NEW)/SEM-6/ME-605 A/2013
Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following :


10 × 1 = 10

i) Loads are usually classified into


a) pay load and dead load

b) unit load and bulk load

c) pallet load and hoisting load

ut .

d) none of these.

ii) Hoisting drum of a crane shall be made of

a) Gray cast iron : grade 25 of IS : 210-1962

a c.

b) Cast steel : grade 2 of IS : 1030-1963

c) Mild steel IS : 226-1962

d) all of these.

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CS/B.Tech/(ME-NEW)/SEM-6/ME-605 A/2013

iii) The characteristic of flowability of a bulk material is

htt expressed in code as

a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) A, B, C, D

c) LSUZN d) None of these.

iv) Rope reeving is used to indicate

a) the relative direction of twist in the steel wire

b) the minimum breaking load of a rope

c) the payload is lifted on two, four or six or eight

parts of rope

d) none of these.

v) Impact idlers are used in a belt conveyor


a) At the loading points

b) At the return point


c) At an interval of 15 m on a conveyor run

d) None of these.

vi) A conveyor belt consists of which of the following

ut .

elements ?

a) Plies and rubber

a c.

b) Top cover, carcass and bottom cover

c) Belt splicing and idlers

d) None of these.

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vii) Based on air pressures, pneumatic conveying systems

may be classified as

a) Dilute phase and dense phase

b) Blow vessels and air slides

c) Positive pressure, negative pressure, combined
positive negative system
d) None of these.

viii) The choice of appropriate type of pneumatic conveying

system depends upon
a) Bulk density and particle size

b) Flowability

c) Abrasiveness

d) All of these.
ix) Lay of steel wire ropes classifies them into
a) Regular Lay, Long Lay, Reverse Lay

b) Warrington compound and non-spinning

c) Locked coil and flattened
d) None of these.
x) Steel wire ropes are specified by
ut .

a) Weight of the wire per meter length

b) Nominal rope diameter in millimetres followed by
number of strands and the number of wires in a
a c.

c) Breaking load in kN followed by diameter of strand
in millimetre and number of wires in a strand
d) None of these.

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CS/B.Tech/(ME-NEW)/SEM-6/ME-605 A/2013

xi) An essential requirement of a good MH system is :

a) Capital cost expenditure

b) Flexibility reduction
c) Sale ability of Plant & equipment

d) Storing Materials utilizing minimum space.

xii) The simplification principle in M.H method deals with

a) Make optimum use of equipment

b) Eliminate obstacles from materials flow

c) Integrate operations into Handling systems

d) Reduce combine or eliminate unnecessary


xiii) Unit Size principle deals with

a) Select Light weight Material


b) provide Good Housekeeping

c) select a versatile equipment

d) Increase quantity size weight of loads.

ut .

xiv) Idle time principle is similar to

a) Dead weight principle

b) Standardisation principle
a c.

c) Safety principle

d) Motion principle.

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( Short Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15

2. Write at least four points on advantage & disadvantage
associated with Unitization of load.

3. Discuss about dynamic phenomenon in Chain conveyors.

4. What are the major advantages of using steel wire rope
compared to chains ? What is Parallel (lang) lay rope ?
5. What are the major advantages of overhead travelling crane ?

6. Boxes of size 220mm × 180mm × 100mm have to be

conveyed by a belt conveyor of sufficient belt strength, at the

rate of 2500 boxes per hour. What is the belt size and speed
of the conveyor ? Place the boxes with a gap of 250 mm
between boxes and calculate the side clearance.

7. a) The power required at the driving pulley just for driving

the belt is 120kW. The tension in the slack side is 50 N
and μ = 0.4, α = 150 degrees. Calculate the belt speed in
ut .


b) Calculate the conveying capacity of a troughed belt

conveyor if B = belt width = 500m, V = 1200mm/sec,
a c.

γ = bulk density is 2000 tonnes/m3. ∅ = static angle of

repose is 45 degrees. λ = 60 degrees.

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CS/B.Tech/(ME-NEW)/SEM-6/ME-605 A/2013

( Long Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45

8. a) What are the principal groups of material handling

equipment ? State and briefly discuss the essential
characteristics of each group. 7
b) What are the important technical factors that should be
considered in the choice of material handling
equipment ? Briefly discuss any one factor. 8
9. a) Show by schematic diagram, the essential parts of an
E.O.T. crane and label the important parts. 9
b) In an E.O.T. crane, number of falls of the rope is 8. The
pay load is 80 ton, weight of the bottom block is 3% of
the pay load. Frictional loss per fall is 2.5%. Taking a

factor of safety of 6, calculate the design load per fall of

the rope. 6

10. a) In a neat sketch, show the general arrangement of a belt


conveyor system and label the different important parts.

b) What are the different types of idlers used in a belt

ut .

conveyor system and where ? Discuss the

constructional feature and application of impact idler. 6

11. a) Discuss the classification of pneumatic conveying

a c.

system based on particle concentration modes. 7

b) Briefly describe the basic principles of operation of a
positive pressure system of low pressure pneumatic
conveying. If necessary give figures to enumerate this. 8

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12. a) Name the major components of the robots with their


b) Classify the robot manipulators.

c) What are the major applications of Robotic handling ?


13. Write short notes on any three of the following : 3×5

a) Material code as per IS : 8730:1997
b) Load utilization process

c) Simple vs. multiple pulley system

d) Level buffing system


e) Shrink wrapping vs. Stretch wrapping.

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a c.

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