Published Quarterly Celebrating the History and Quality of Vacuum Tube Technology Issue 1 Volume 1
May 1995
Early Amplification
Imagine a world before amps . Then imagine
what the very first high quality amps looked
like and how they performed. Get prepared
for a nostalgic look at the early days of tube
audio from the 1920's and 1 930's on page 3 .
Dynaco Mar k III Written and Produced in rhe United Stares of America
Welcome to VTV! Watch these pages for a nostalgic time E di torial Team:
Charlie Kittleson machine visit back to the Golden Era of Hi
John Atwood- Digital and audio design
Editor F i during the Fabulous F ifties. We also will engineer for several audio and silicon valley
feature quality rube audio projects for those companies provides a rich knowledge of cir
Welcome to Vacuum Tube Valley! on a budget. Journey back to the movie cuit design, tube and transformer character
Enjoy the scenery and the sounds, you theaters from the Roaring Twenties through istics. John will set the record straight on
might even learn something. This publica rhe Sexy Sixties for a look and listen to the several of the audio myths that persist
tion will explore the colorful technical histo sound systems from the Golden Era of regarding rube technology.
ry of vacuum rube electronics. We will also motion pictures.
E ric Bar bour Electronics engineer and
cover contemporary technical aspects of Our audio experts will show you how ro writer for several audio publicarions has a
amplifier design, passive component evalua build exciting sounding amplifiers with vasr knowledge of the tube industry includ
tions (capacitors, resistors, wire, etc), speak "scrap bin" parts. We will explore several ing historical aspects of tube manufacturing,
er technology, transformer design, rube per useful techniques to reduce distortion, noise rhe new Soviet and European tube types and
formance characteristics and vacuum tube and overload so you can enjoy the true real real-life performance and listening evalua
research. We will review tube musical ism and dimension of live music at home rions of new and vintage glass.
instrument amplifiers both modern and vin without spending a small fortune.
tage. Char il e Kittleson - Industrial engineer,
Contemporary audio rubes will be evalu musician and vintage hi-fi expert will
Why are people re-discovering rube ared, life rested and compared to the best explore the Golden Age of Hi-Fi. He will
sound? To many music lovers and musi available vintage glass. There will be exten examine and evaluate the very best in classic
cians, tube amps add more realism, excite sive studies on nt:w and classic audio ourpur tube audio equipment from 1 930-65.
ment and dimension to pre-recorded sound. transformers such as Acrosound, Dynaco, Charlie covers the history of the early hi-fi
Most rube amps and preamps are much easi Peerless, UTC and more. manufacturers.
er to listen to for longer periods because
they are typically smooth and musical The wrirers and contriburors to this pub Nor man B raithwait e- Engineer, classic
sounding with more second order harmon lication are engineers, enthusiasts and histo radio expert and electronics historian will
ics. To many listeners, most solid state rians, so you will get a perspecrive from rhe rake us back to the early days of audio
amps are less musical, flat sounding, have past as well as the present state of rube ( 1 920's-30's) for an informative look at rhe
wimpy mid-range and brittle highs. Most audio. development of single-ended amps and high
mid-fi solid state audio is designed to a price performance radios. Norm will also show us
point and has a much shorter user life than how to build quality amps on a budget.
rube products. Solid-state replacemen" t
Future issues of VTV will feature other
components can be hard to find after several writers who are experts in the field of vacu
years of use. um rube audio electronics and related sub
Sixty year old vacuum rubes can sound
wonderful. Properly restored rube hi-fi This is a quarterly publication wirh min
equipment made in 1 948 can make better imal advertising from rube, transformer and
music than a lot of rhe latest digital gear. related vendors. The subscription rare is
$25/yr - $35 foreign for four issues.
The history of vacuum rube technology
and audio reproduction is vast. We will We welcome your comments, sugges
concentrate our focus on the classic and tions and contributions. Be sure to tell your
contemporary designers, companies, equip friends about us. Enjoy!
ment and products in America and across
the globe. This will not be a high-end
equipment review publication. There are
several other publications that can supply
you with that information.
Vacuum Tube Valley News is published Copyright 1995 Vacuum Tube Valley
quarterly for electronic enthusiasts inter All rights reserved.
ested in the colorful past, present and Charles Kittleson Editor and Publisher
- No part of this publication may be
future of vacuum tube electronics. reprinted or otherwise reproduced with
John Atwood - Technical Editor
Subscription rate is $25.00/year out written permission of the publisher.
(4 issues) US and $35.00 Foreign. Eric Barbour - Tube Industry Editor Printed in the USA.
To subscribe, renew or change address Send circulation and editorial correspon
Norman Braithwaite -Electronics Historian
call or FAX us at dence to VTV, 1095 E. Duane, Ste. 106,
(408)733-6146. Steve Parr- Electronic Publishing Consultant Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA
including RCA/Westinghouse GE WD- 1 1 , speakers were dropping w approximately
UV-299 and Western Electric 215A or 5 00-ohms and the power requirements were
By Norman Braithwaite
239A. High gain tubes were not available at up. Along with the new, better sounding
"Go placidly amid the noise and haste the time therefore all of these tubes had low speakers (keep in mind that these speakers
bur remember what peace there may be in amplification factors of approximately 1 0. sound real bad by today's standards), new
silence" . . . Yes, there was a time when there amplifiers were offered with greater power.
All amplifiers built in the early 1 920s Greater power in 1 925 was around a watt or
were no amplifiers. And, in fact, the world
were transformer coupled and required bat two!
does not revolve around an amplifier!
teries for power. Most were single ended.
Nevertheless, amplifiers are fun and even
Output impedences were high (typically Cabinets for some amplifiers were built
necessary in today's technological society.
2000 ohms) for driving headphones, horn, of more durable and better looking materi
Prior to the days of electrical signals drum or inverted paper cone speakers. als. The better general purpose amplifiers
there were no practical amplifiers.
Reproduction of sound was accomplished
by transducers which were only able to con
vert the existing mechanical energy into
acoustical pressure waves (for the non-tech
nically oriented, sound waves) .
Amplification could only be accomplished
in a mechanical system by resonance and
addition of mechanical energy.
Unfortunately, addition of mechanical ener
gy was not simple and was limited to reso RCA AP-935
nant systems. Consequently, prior to electric Magnavox AC-3
signals, all acoustic reproduction was limited
to the available energy stored on the record
ing media. The quality of sound from these
mechanical devices was also rather crude.
I'll take the silence!
In addition to providing audio power capa
ble of driving a high quality dynamic speak
er, these amplifiers served as a B+ power
supply for receivers. Although offered as an
option for the Shield Grid Nine receiver, the
Scott amplifier could be purchased separate
ly and used with other receivers or for other
The schematic for the Scott amplifier is
shown in Figure 3. Note that ourput from
this amplifier is provided for an ordinary
speaker (2000-ohms) or a dynamic speaker
W'E25B (without cover) (output transformer attached to speaker) .
This is one of the last single ended power
amplifiers built for radio use.
Figure 3 Scott Shield Grid "9" schematic
The PAM-29 amplifier made by Samson
by Jensen and others were capable of pro in 1 93 1 used four RCA type UX-250 power
ducing much better sound reproduction, bur tubes. Measured power output was 24.5
required greater power to do so. watts. Although capable of being mounted
Manufacturers of expensive radios and inside of some radio cabinets, this amplifier
amplifiers made a nearly complete transition was primarily marketed as a commercial
from single ended amplifiers in 1 927 to amplifier. I am not aware of any other radios
push-pull and push-pull parallel amplifier manufactured during this time period which
circuits by 1 932. Around the same time in used an amplifier of this size.
Figure 2 W'E25B Schematic 1 927, the UX-222 screen grid tetrode was Since the time when these early ampli
introduced by RCA of Camden, New Jersey. fiers were indicative of the highest mark in
the Western Electric amplifier is shown in The tetrode's claim to fame was greater sound reproduction there have been many
figure 2 . Electrically, these amps are nearly amplification and efficiency which meant improvements in amplifier components and
identical. fewer tubes were needed in radio sets to get design. Among these innovations were
the same performance. The tetrode's screen push-pull operation, screen grid power
The RCA amplifier uses an RCA type
grid also reduced the Miller effect in triodes tubes, direct and resistance coupled circuits,
UX-2 1 6B tube for a rectifier and a type UX-
which can reduce the frequency response of beam power tubes, negative feedback, tone
2 1 0 tube for the audio amplifier. The RCA
the tube. Many manufacturers began using compensated volume controls, silicon steel
type UX-2 1 6B tube is not to be confttSed
the tetrode in radios and amps, replacing the core audio transformers, Williamson cir
with the Western Electric type 2 1 6B ampli
use of triodes in the output stage. cuits, Ultra-Linear circuits, balanced differ
fier tube. The RCA tube was a short lived
ential circuits, Wiggins Circlotron circuits,
half wave rectifier, predecessor to the type
numerous circuits of which I do not know
UX-2 8 1 . The change in designation was
the name, ourput transformer-less ampli
understandable considering the similar
fiers, transistors, op-amps, integrated cir
cuits, etc. Through this period of time sub
The Western Electric amplifier used a stantial improvements have also been made
type 2 1 7B half wave rectifier or 2 0 5 D triode in the signal source media and sound repro
for the rectifier and a type 205D triode for ducers.
the audio amplifier. P erceived as ironic to the average listen
Power amplifiers used in consumer prod er, some of the highest quality and best per
ucts near the end of the 1 920s used newly forming amplifiers are now once again being
developed power tubes including the RCA manufactured using vacuum tubes. Of these
types UX-245 and UX-250. These triodes new tube amplifiers, among the most highly
Samson PAM-29 Amplifier
were the first popular power tubes for home regarded are the all triode and single ended
entertainment use. Most high quality radios amplifiers.
The larger commercial amplifiers manu
and electronic phonographs would use a pair As a result of my insatiable appetite for
factured by Western Electric used Western
of UX-245 or UX-250 tubes in the ourpur truth and knowledge, I have built a simple
Electric type 2 1 1 D tubes for high power
stage driving early dynamic cone speakers. all triode direct coupled single ended ampli
applications and continued to use Western
General Electric introduced the first dynam Electric type 205D tubes for small power fier from which I can derive my own opin
ic cone speaker in 1 92 8 . The General applications. Other manufacturers of com ions and conclusions. In my humble opin
Electric speaker along with similar speakers mercial amplifiers used the RCA type UX- ion it is the best sounding amplifier to
2 5 0 tubes. Starting in the late 1 920s power which I have listened (several acquaintances
amplifiers manufactured for commercial shared the same sentiment hence I am not
purposes began to deviate in design and con alone). From this experience I would like to
struction practices from amplifiers built for share a conclusion which can be best
consumer use. Also in the late 1 920s many summed up by the following phrase:
of the commercial amplifiers were built to fit Go placidly amid the cir cu its and
in equipment racks. de vices bu t reme mber w hatfide lity there
The Scott Transformer Corporation may be in s implicity!
amplifi e r was used as an amplifier for their
"World's Record Shield Grid Nine" receiver.
E. H. Sco tt Single Ende d Amplifier
G O L D E N A G E 0 F H I F I D Y N A C 0
T RE O F for their amp line. In 1 957 Mcintosh, Fisher and Scott sold
T AUD IO 60+ watt power am p s. Not ro be outdone,
In 1 954, the relationship between Keroes Hafler mtroduced th e Mark III amp in 1 957.
by Charli e Kittleo
s n and Hafler began to wane, so they parted Ir was rhe first commercial US amp ro use
ways and Hafler formed his own company the new KT-88 power rube from Genalex of
During rhe mid-Fifties, hi-fi and the kit DYNACO. Hafler's goal was to produce an
building craze was at irs peak. Many music Eng land. It produced a solid 60 watts RMS
affordable amp with hig h quality transform an d used rhe same 6AN8 driver/phase invert
lovers wanted ro build their own hi-fi sets ers, a stable circuit, high power, easy to
because facrory builr equipment was expen er Circuit from the Mark II. Changes includ
assemble and affordable. In 1 9 5 5 , rhe first ed rhe use of a 5AR4/GZ-34 slow warm-up
sive. Some audio enthusiasts opted ro Dynaco amplifier was introduced - the Mark rectifier rube, higher volrage (500+) power
scratch build their equipment using circuits II. transformer, newer output transformer (A-
frofl1 published articles in Audio magazine or
Radw-Electromcs. For others with less elec It was a 50 warr amplifier using rhe
trical and mechanical abiliry, a kit amplifier parented tapped screen-grid output trans
was more appealing. Thus the demand for former (A-430 with 4 and 16 ohm raps),
audio kits began. push-pull Mullard EL-34 rubes, and a single
6AN8 rube with the triode portion used as a
David Hafler, the founder of Dynaco, carhodyne phase inverter and the pentode
got his start Ill the world of commercial section used as the driver. The rectifier was
audio by parrnering up with Herb Keroes in the popular 5U4G. The Mark II was unique
the late 1 940's. The two formed a m a number of ways. First, it was available
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania company called in either assembled or kit form under the Mark III (late)
Acrosound in 1 950 ro build high quality "Dynakit" name. Second, rhe entire driver 43 1 with 4, 8 and 1 6 ohm taps), beautiful
audio output transformers. By 1 952, they
had developed and marketed the famed
and front-end circuit were pre-built on a /
nickel lated chassis, and a heavy gauge per
printed circuit board. Third, it was low forate steel cage finished in dark gray. The
"Ultralinear" circuit. The Ultralinear circuit priced - $ 5 9 . 9 5 in kit form and $79.95 amp sold for $79.95 in kit form and $99.95
ropology was originally patented in the late assembled for a 50 watt RMS power amp - assembled. It was an instant success and was
1 930's by Blumlein in England. complete with all rubes and a protective used in more systems than probably any rube
In the early 1 950's, push-pull class A tri cage. The chassis was cadmium plated steel mono power amplifier. It is estimated that
ode amps were the "high-end" choice. Their and the case was perforated steel, painted several hundred thousand Mark III's were
major drawback was low power, usually only black. The amp was a success and was sold made from 1957 through 1977, its final y ear
1 0- 1 2 watts using a pair of 2A3s. Terrade through rhe early 1 960's. of manufacture. Early versions used clot h
and pentode push-pull designs were more covered wire on the transformers that had
efficient and powerful in class AB- 1 mode. gray � aimed end bells. Later versions, in the
Using the 6L6, KT-66 or 807, an amp 1970 s, had a different variant output trans
designer could get between 20 and 40+ former (Z-2 1 6) and a power transformer
watts. Major drawbacks of these were higher using plastic-insulated wire. The cage and
transformers were finished in gloss black. lr
odd-order disrorrion than triodes and high
should be noted rhar using 6550As in place
output impedance, producing low damping
of KT -88s in Mark III amps may cause ther
facrors. The output impedance and distor
mal runaway. (The grid resistor in stock
tion could be reduced by feedback, bur this
Mark Ills is much larger than rhe value speci
required a high quality transformer and still
PAM-1 (with power supply) fied for rhe 6550A.)
left the amp with a "pentode" sound.
Dynaco used Tresco, a Philadelphia,
To reduce this distortion, Hafler and Also in 1 95 5 , Dynaco introduced their
Pennsylvania transformer manufacturer as
Keroes used the Blumlein circuit and a pro first preamp, the PAM - 1 ($34.95), that
the source for most of their transformers. In
prietary output transformer with a patented required a separate power supply or could be
rhe mid- 1 960's Dynaco used Japanese
43% Ultralinear ratio that achieved the powered by the octal power out socket on
sources for their power transformers
power of a beam tetrode circuit and reduced the Mark II amp. The preamp was very
(tar/epoxy dipped) and some output trans
distortion to rhar of triode amps. The our compact and unobtrusive. It featured con
pur transformer was equipped with taps for trols for volume, bass, treble, function selec
the screen grids with a reduced turns ratio tor and phono equalization. Tube compli
which ran rhe output rubes parr way ment was two 1 2AX7/ECC83 dual triodes,
between the triode and pentode connection. rypically Mullard or Telefunken. These
In the mid to late 1 950's, the Ultralinear cir brands were chosen for smooth sound, low
cuit and transformer became very popular micro phonics and long life. The unit was
and was used by many starr-ups and estab packaged in either a dark gray or ivory
lished hi-fi manufacturers. EICO, Heathkit enameled sheet metal case with lacquered
and other manufacturers offered Acrosound brass face plate and white plastic knobs. The
output transformers as a premium upgrade PAM-1 was available through rhe early
1 960's.
After rhe explosion of rhe television
industry in rhe post-war era, more interest
was focused on FM radio. To respond to rhe
public's needs, Dynaco introduced the FM- 1
($79 .95) in 1957. Ir was a monophonic
tuner available in assembled or kit form that
was relatively easy ro build and align. The
case was gray or ivory enameled sheer steel
with a lacquered brass faceplate.
Mark II Mark III (early)
G O L D E N A G E 0 F H I F I D Y N A C 0
mates are that almost 500,000 units were IVs will actually pur our about 44 warts
produced. RMS. The amp is rectangular in shape and
was nor made in large numbers. It too, is an
The Stereo 70 is also the most modified excellent candidate for modifications or
and upgraded amplifier in existence. upgrades.
Probably more Stereo 70 amps have been
passed on from father to son than any p iece
of audio equipment. It is easy to improve
the amp with an upgraded driver board and
PAS-1 beefier power supply. There are thousands
of Stereo 70s in service today. In fact, there
In the late 1950's, stereo records became have been two re-releases of the amp in the
available and the need for stereo playback late 1980s and early 1 990s.
equipment began to grow. Many audio
philes just bought a stereo phono cartridge,
another amplifier and another speaker to PAS-3
play their records and tapes in living stereo.
Dynaco's first stereo component was the In 1964, Dynaco changed their front
PAS- 1 . It consisted of two PAM - 1 preamps panel design. The PAS-3 ($69.95) was
and a passive stereo adapter box. All three equipped with similar circuitry to the PAS-
items were attached to a large brass face 2, but featured an aluminum champagne
plate. Power was supplied from the octal anodized faceplate and all-metal knurled
power sockets from either Mark II or I I I knobs.
amps. This setup was a maze of cords and
interconnects and was only available for a In 1 966, the PAS-3 was replaced by the
short time. As a match to the Stereo 70, Dynaco PAS-3X featuring a different tone control
introduced the PAS-2 ($59.95) stereo pre circuit. The PAS-3 and PAS-3X were avail
amp in 1 959. The PAS-2 eliminated the able in assembled or kit form and were made
need for separate mono preamps and stereo through 1 977. There are probably more
adapters. It was a complete, low cost stereo PAS-3s than any other rube stereo preamp.
control center in one compact box. The In the late 1980s Dynaco introduced a re
majority of the circuit was on two printed issue of the PAS-3 with different topology
circuit boards- one for the phono stage and and power supply.
one for the line stage. Tube complement was
four ECC-83/ 1 2AX7s (typically Telefunken
smooth plates) for the phono and line stages.
Stereo 70
The rectifier tube was the 12X4. Filaments
were run from DC and rectified by a seleni
Dynaco saw the need for a single chassis um stack. (Note: the selenium rectifiers
stereo power amp, and in 1 959 introduced deteriorate with age and must be replaced
the legendary Stereo 70. The amp originally with silicon diodes for optimum perfor
sold for $99. 9 5 in kit form and $ 1 29 . 9 5 mance). The faceplate of the PAS-2 was lac
assembled. The entire front end circuit for quered brass, the case was either dark gray or FM-3
both channels was mounted on one printed ivory white and the knobs were brown plastic
circuit board. The circuit consisted of a with brass colored inserts.
7 1 99 tube used as a driver/phase inverter for ln late 196 1 , when the FCC approved a
each channel. The 7 1 99 was introduced by standard FM multiplex stereo broadcasting
RCA in the late fifties specifically for audio system, many hi-fi manufacturers released
applications but was similar in construction FM stereo tuners, receivers and stand alone
and characteristics to a 6AN8. The output multiplex adapters to convert FM mono
stage was push-pull EL-34 Mullard or tuners. Dynaco upgraded the FM-1 to the
Amperex beam tetrodes. Output transform FM-3 and included an on-board multiplex
ers were the famed A-470 Ultralinear type system to receive both mono and stereo
and were rated at 35 watts RMS/channel. broadcasts. They also introduced a multiplex
upgrade kit for the FM- 1 , the FM-3X.
There were several variations of the A-
Mark IV The FM-3 ($109 .95) was available in
470 transformer over the years including
assembled or kit versions and was produced
those with cloth lead wire, plastic lead wire In 1 960, rhe Mark IV ($59.95) 40 watt through the 1 960s. The faceplate was
and different stack densities. The power power amplifier was introduced. Ir was champagne gold aluminum with metal
supply used a GZ-34/5AR4 and a large aimed at the audio purist who wanted the knurled knobs.
power transformer which also had a number performance of a mono amp using the
of variations over the years. Early Stereo Stereo 70 topology. The Mark IV was iden Stereo "bookshelf' integrated amps were
70s had nickel plated chassis and later ones tical in most ways to the Stereo 70 including very popular in the early 1 960's because
were chrome plated. The cages were origi front end circuit, push-pull EL-34 output they were simple and used up little space.
nally brownish-gray perforated steel. Later Dynaco introduced the SCA-35 ($99. 9 5 )
stage and the A-470 output transformer.
versions were grayer in color and the last integrated amp in 1 962. I t produced about
ones had black cages. There were probably Differences were the power transformer, 17 watts per channel and was very popular
more Stereo 70 amps manufactured than smaller than the Stereo 70's, bur with higher with music lovers and record collectors.
any other stereo power amp. Some esti- plate voltage and different packaging. Mark The circuit featured two 1 2AX7s for the
In the early 1 990's, Panor Corporation what's real, and what's not.
of Hauppauge, N.Y. purchased the Dynaco
BBCMusic Magaz ine
name and began selling Dynaco-branded
solid state amps and preamps. In 1 991, This fine monthly publication from the
they designed and produced an all rube pre BBC comes with a CD. Its cost is well
amp, the PAS-3, Series 2. In 1 994, they under a ten-spot. Many of these BBC CDs
introduced the PAS-4. and the Stereo 80 all seem to come from deep in the vaults of the
tube power amp. These new products were BBC. I could only make a very uneducated
designed by John Nunes and Am Roatcap, guess as to how deep these reserves are. But
SCA-35 previously of MFA. Dynaco will be intro I've heard that there may be over 25,000
phono and line stages, two 7 1 99s for the ducing the PAS-5 all rube remote control performances. But let's talk about these
driver/phase inverter stages and four EL- line stage only preamp in mid- 1 99 5 . They CDs, the music. The quality of the sound is
84/6BQ5s for the out p ut stages. The recti recently introduced a tube ty p e compact just great. Usually its much better that those
fier was solid state. T h e output transform CD player and will be intro d ucing the fancy pricy labels and CDs. Must be the
ers were very high quality units (Z-565) and Stereo 1 6 0 power amp soon. The warm microphone recording techniques they used.
are thought by some to be the best sounding glow of tubes is now alive and well at at Might be that they didn't fool around equal
Dynaco output transformers. Dynaco. izing the material. May be because they did
n't do a lot of editing. What ever they do
For audio enthusiasts who wanted the MUSI CAL RE ER FN E CES do, it does sound like real music. The other
sweet sound of EL-84s, Dynaco produced by Mark Stanfr o d thing I've noticed is that a great many of the
the ST-35 ($59.95) basic power amp (no recordings are done at live events. Yup, I
photo) . It produced 1 7. 5 watts per channel References hear the audience. And, since that's my
and used a 7247 driver/phase inverter and frame of reference and it really doesn't both
What are my musical references? What
push-pull EL-84/6BQ5s. The rectifier was er me, it only reminds me of a real con-
equipment do I use at home? My basic ref
solid state. The chassis was cadmium-plated cert. .. something I really love. I can "hear"
erences are orchestras. Listening to different
and cage was gray perforated sheet steel. the concert hall, "hear" the audience and
symphonies, different conductors and differ
The ST-35 is very popular for bi-ampin g even catch a cough or two in the recording -
ent halls. Orchestras are not my only live
horns because of its sweet and smooth c h ar all perfectly natural. It reminds me of an
reference, just the one I enjoy the most. The
acteristics. Very few ST-35s were produced actual event, making the recording believ
orchestra I most frequent is the San
and they are quite scarce. able. My advice to you is to sign up for the
Francisco Symphony. But I make it a point
In the mid- 1 970s, Dynaco moved their to hear the symphonies in every city I travel BBC Music Magazine. You may not like
design and manufacturing facility to to throughout the country. everything you receive but you'll surely
enjoy exploring some new material!
Blackwood, New Jersey and expanded pro Sorry to say, but I've never heard a
duction there. The later versions of rhe demonstration that sounds just like a live $7.50 per issue (Book,CD and shipping)
Stereo 70 and the Mark III amps with black performance. Live venues and home BBC Classical Music Service
cages were produced at this location. stereo/entertainment centers are two differ P . O . Box 6004 1
ent animals. I don't ever anticipate having Tampa Florida, 33660-004 1
The Mark VI (no photo) was the last all
the same musical experience at home as I do Jazz iz Magaz ine
rube amp to be produced by the original
at a live event Many times I've heard
Dynaco. It was introduced in the mid-
recordings of events I've attended, and SUR JAZZIZ mag azine also has a CD
1 970s and aimed at the Japanese rube
PRISE!!!, the two don' t sound at all s imilar. included with each edition. So, in this way
audiophile market. It produced 1 2 0 warts
Home and live venues should be taken on it is similar to the BBC magazine. And the
RMS and used four type 84 1 7 beam power
their own terms. There's a quality and expe similarity ends right there. The music is a
pentodes. The driver/inverter rube was the
rience found only when one attends events sampling of current jazz releases, and they
7 1 99 . A biasing and output meter was on
with musicians performing live, of watching seem to be primarily newer jazz and fusion
the front panel which was black anodized
and focusing on different musicians, of real artists. There is nothing meaty, with sub
aluminum. The power and output trans
acoustics and of the excitement of the audi stance, with soul, nothing you can sink your
formers were massive and the rectifier was
ence, recalling the last live event. teeth into. Adding insult, the curs are
solid state. Some experts claim that only
sequenced on a Sony MiniDisc MDS 501
1 000 Mark VIs were produced. Most of the My home system does not disappoint me
MiniDisk Recorder for preparation for CD
Mark VIs were not assembled at the Dynaco after attending live events. Violins sound
mastering. So, these cuts are only an
plant, bur were sold unassembled to Stereo real, horns, pianos and voices sound like
overview of the real disks, and may not bear
Cost Cutters (now Sound Values) and other what I'd heard the evening before. But I
any sonic resemblance to the actual CDs.
companies who sold them as kits or assem never am able to mistake my home system
Bur rhe CDs may do well in your car where
bled. for the live concert. It only jogs my memory.
you can't hear quality anyway.
In rhe mid- 1 960's, Dynaco began pro At the front of the system we find a vin
$ 8 . 5 0 per issue (CD, book & shipping)
ducin g solid state amps and preamps which tage all tube tuner, a CD source with rubes
JAZZIZ Magazine
we will not cover in this article. In the late in it, my turntable arm uses a moving iron
P.O. Box 60035
1 970's David Hafler sold Dynaco to TYCO cartridge, a recent preamplifier with lots and
Tampa Florida 33660-0035
Industries, a toy manufacturer . He then lots of rubes, a tube phone stage and custom
started another company called Hafler and tube amplifiers powering British loudspeak Vinyl
sold solid state amps and preamps. ers. It's all tubes, bless them -- except for
Where did all rhe records go to? Yes, the
the front part of my CD player.
Stereo Cost Cutters of Ohio bought a very same place our rubes and transformers
I think that the bottom line in all this is went. The Far East Museum of Audio. I ' m
huge stock of inventory from Dynaco's
that I spend a tremendous amount of sure that the Japanese will take care of them.
Blackwood, New Jersey facility. They sold
money, time and effort in attending con Our ? ld records will nor be used for shotgun
parts, rubes and some un-assembled kits.
certs. It's well worth it to me. I encourage pracnce.
They also re-designed the PAS-3 preamp
you to do the same. Otherwise, I suspect
and Stereo 70 power amp in the late 1 980's.
that you may be just fooling yourself as to
cut-off characteristic, leading to high dis when new, most should look fresh. If any of
ES tortion. these visual signs indicate the tube is used,
Used rubes of unknown origin (e.g. that go to the next step, and check its transcon
How to evaluate new and used tubes box of loose tubes from the swap meet) can ductance. And, don't pay an N . O . S . price
have the following failures: for the rube!
by John Atwood
1. Poor emission/transconductance. This is E mission & Transconductance Testing
Why is this article called "screening
tubes" rather than "testing tubes"? Mainly, the most common failure in newer (>
Decline in electron emission from the
this is because testing tubes suggests check 1 950) rubes and is especially common in
cathode is the major cause of tube wear-our
ing them on a tube tester, and throwing small tubes with high transconductance.
or failure. This is caused by the cathode
away the ones that are bad. This article will This is caused by "wear-out" or contami
oxide coating getting poisoned by gases or
cover more than just tube testing - it will nation of the cathode material.
having key elements depleted from the cath
describe the important defects and failure 2. Open filament. This is more common in ode surface. Low cathode emission manifests
modes of tubes, and how to screen out the older (< 1 950) rubes and battery rubes. itself as low transconductance (amplifica
unwanted tubes. tion) and inability to supply high amounts
3. Gas. This is common in power rubes, espe
cially ones that have been abused. of current. Emission normally declines very
Why screen tubes? Aren't the new tubes
slowly over the life of the tube, then drops
I buy from the tube dealer just fine? Isn't 4. Heater-cathode leakage or shorts.
that box of j unked tubes I saw at the swap quickly near the end of its life. Tubes that
5. Noise- often associated with weak emis have a high current density from their cath
meet not even worth looking at? Well, no, SIOn. odes, such as small RF rubes, will lose emis
and yes. New tubes can sometimes have
6. Cathode Interface Resistance. This causes sion sooner than tubes that draw low cur
defects. The equipment using the tubes may
the cathode to lose the ability to put out rent or are run well below their specs.
have a particularly stringent requirement for
sustained current.
its tubes. Many used tubes may be quite Cheap tube testers, including the drug
good, and still have a long lifetime. In fact, VisualChecks store variety, usually are "Emission Testers",
the quality of old used tubes may be better meaning that they simply apply a voltage
than new tubes made with questionable Checking the appearance of a rube can from the cathode to all other elements, and
quality controls. Or, tubes that have been help screen out some obvious problems, plus see how much current is drawn. This will
rejected for a critical use may be just fine for help determine if a tube in a box is really show weak emission, bur can actually dam
a less-critical application. N . O . S . (New Old Stock - old, but unused). age tubes by drawing excessive current, caus
The first place to look is the getter - that ing cathode stripping, or overheating deli
This article will examine the types of
silvery reflective area where metal (usually cate grid structures. If the tube tester does
failures and defects common in tubes, and
barium or magnesium) is flashed onto the nor say "Transconductance Tester" or the
common ways of screening tubes for the
inside of the envelope to trap stray gas mole equivalent on it, and it looks fairly cheap, it
characteristics of a given system.
cules. If the getter is completely white, there is probably an emission tester . Don't use it.
Failure Modes in Tubes is a gross air leak, and the tube is no good. If
The majority of tube testers are
the getter is very faded with j ust a small
Failure modes are the common ways that "transconductance" testers - meaning that
reflective spot left, then the tube has seen
a given device fails or is defective. In the they apply an small AC voltage on the grid,
hard use and may be gassy. It may still be
case of tubes, there are two categories of fail and look at how much AC current appears
OK, but it is suspect. If the getter is fresh
ure modes: ones for unused tubes, and ones on the plate. This is a more realistic test,
with no darkening or discoloration around
for used tubes. The failure modes for and does not over-stress the tube. Most
the edges, then the tube is more likely to be
unused tubes are primarily caused by manu transconductance tube testers apply a pulsat
good, or at least have low usage, but it still
facturing defects or mis-handling. Failure ing (unfiltered) voltage to the plate, so the
may have other problems.
modes in used tubes include the ones for "transconductance" reading is not really an
new tubes, bur also include wear-out mecha Shake the tube. If something rattles, look precise value, but is more of a composite
nisms. inside. If it is a small piece of glass, then reading. While not good for laboratory test
don't worry, but if it is a piece of metal, ing, this composite transconductance is
In new tubes, the most common defects then throw the rube away. Sometimes octal quite useful for evaluating the emission of a
are: rubes will have loose material in the base. tube, regardless of the exact tube characteris
This is not usually a problem unless the tics. Some sophisticated testers, such as the
l. Shorts often caused by loose elements or
whole base is loose. "laboratory" models and the Hickok 1 2 3
marginal construction.
Cardomatic, apply carefully-controlled D C
2. Bent grid wires - caused by mis-handling You may find boxed tubes that appear to
voltages t o the tube, and get a relatively
during rube construction. This causes poor be unused (N. O . S . ) . But are they really?
accurate measurement of transconductance.
cur-off, which in audio rubes usually trans They may j ust be defective tubes ("pull
However, because the rube is tested only at
lares to higher distortion. outs") that a service technician stuffed back
a data-book operating point, and not over a
in the new tube's box. Looking at the tube
3. Noise or microphonics- caused by chem i wide range of currents, low emission at high
can help tell if the tube is a pull-out. First, is
cal contamination or poor construction plate currents is not always revealed. So,
the brand of the tube the same as the brand
techniques. Microphonics can also be general-purpose transconductance tube
on the box? If not, it is unlikely to be
caused by rough handling of the rube. testers, such as the military TV-7/U, the
N . O . S . Are the markings reasonably clear?
4. Mislabeling- caused by intentionally or Heathkit TT-l, most Hickok testers, etc.,
Most tubes have very fragile brand markings
unintentionally marking one rube as are good choices for testing the emission of
that easily rub off with handling or cleaning.
another . Often the rube will "work" in the tubes.
Are there obvious finger prints or dust accu
circuit, but have higher distortion. A clas mulations? Is the glass substantially dark With the exception of laboratory-type
sic case of this were the 6ES8s (ECC 189s) ened? Is the getter noticeably eroded? While testers, each tube tester's readings are some
that were marked as 6DJ8s. The rubes some tubes have some slight darkening or what arbitrary. The manufacturer will pick a
look the same, but the 6ES8 has a remote what appears to be slight getter erosion "sensitivity" or "english" setting for each
tube that will pur good tubes into the green Figure 1 shows one section of a 12AT7 microphonics, as measured above, are main
area on the meter. Alternatively, the military (in this case a mil-spec Raytheon JRP- ly relevant to low-frequency (audio and
testers will give a minimum acceptable 1 2AT7 from 1960). This shows rhe normal, video) amplification. The noise figure of an
transconductance reading. Every type of bur somewhat curved, transfer curve, char RF stage is primarily determined by
rube tester has its own personality, and acteristic of most 1 2AT7s. Figure 2 shows transconductance. Microphonics have little
before accepting or rejecting any tubes, the other section of the same tube, with effect at RF . This is why most RF tubes can
some known good tubes should be tested to incomplete cur-off. This example is fairly be horribly microphonic - it j ust isn't too
give an idea of the reading of good tubes. gross, bur it is interesting that this defective critical. A possible exception would be the
On my TV- 1 0/U (the military version of a tube still found its way into the military. local oscillator of an FM tuner. Noise and
Hickok 6000), most good tubes read 1 . 5 to Fortunately, defects like this are fairly rare. microphonics can cause phase noise, which
1 . 9 times the minimum acceptable will be added to the FM signal.
transconductance. Thus if a tube comes in Curve tracing, at least for screening
at just barely over the minimum acceptable tubes, is more of a qualirarive rest than a GasG ( ridE mission )
value, it is on its way out, and I reject it. quantitative rest. Running tubes through a
A more accurate term for gas testing is
However, other testers are different - and curve tracer will quickly show defective
grid emission testing. The control grid can
should be calibrated with known good manufacturing or high distortion. It does
emit electrons if either there is some gas in
tubes. not show weak emission as well, unless it is
the tube or if some cathode material was
extreme. So, curve tracing is supplemental
sputtered onto the grid, and the grid is run
If a rube does not pass the transconduc to transconductance testing.
ning hot. The net effect of grid emission is
tance test, then it is either defective or
The only mass-produced rube curve trac to shift the operating point of the rube to a
worn-out. Unless you want to save it as a
er was the Tektronix 570, introduced in higher current. This is particularly a prob
display piece, or use it in a very non-critical
1 95 5 and manufactured through the early lem with power tubes, and in circuits that
application, throw it out.
1 960s. Unfortunately, few were produced, have a high value grid resistor. If there is
Cur ve Tr acing and they are extremely hard to find. There excess grid emission in a power amplifier
have been a few curve-tracer construction rube that is running with fixed bias, the
A characteristic curve tracer plots on an rube can go into a run-away meltdown as
articles over the years. With the availability
oscilloscope screen the actual plate current increasing plate current causes higher grid
of cheap AID and D/A boards on PCs, i t
over different plate and grid voltages. The current, which causes higher plate current,
would not be hard to build a computer-con
characteristic curves, as seen in data books, etc. Amplifiers with cathode bias or DC ser
trolled curve tracer. What is needed is a
can be easily viewed. However, the most voing are much less susceptible to this, since
cheap kit or assembled curve tracer for
interesting curve for tube screening purposes the grid bias compensates for changes in the
is plate current versus negative grid voltage. average plate current.
This shows the curvature of the transfer
curve and how well the tube cuts-off. If N oise and Micro phonics Grid emission is typically tested by run
there is a lot of curvature, there will be more Noise and microphonics are two differ ning a normal current through a rube, and
distortion. If some grid wires were bent dur ent things. Noise is the hissing or crackling measuring any voltage across the grid resis
ing manufacturing, the plate current will noise caused by: shot noise (the actual varia tor. Most rube testers have effective grid
not go to zero - indicating incomplete cur tions in electron flow), unstable cathode emission ("gas") tests. Often grid emission
off. If a remote-cutoff tube had been mis states (showing up as 1/f or "excess" noise) does not manifest itself until the rube has
marked as a sharp-cutoff tube (i.e. a 6BA6 as well as the inherent noise Qohnson noise) been running for a while, so a quick check
marked as a 6AU6 or a 6ES8 marked as a in all resistive devices. Microphonic noise is on a rube tester may not be good enough. If
6DJ8), the remote cutoff would be obvious. caused by mechanical movement of different power rubes are being b urned-in in a burn
in fixture, it is good to measure the grid cur
elements within the tubes, and only is mani
rent after the rube has been running for a
fested when vibration is applied to the rube.
Hum is also a type of noise, bur in well
designed tubes, is usually only a problem if S
horts and Le aka
there is heater-cathode leakage. Most mod
ern high-gain designs run the filaments from Outright shorts are caused by broken or
DC, eliminating hum as a problem. bent tube elements. Leakage can be caused
by metal deposition across the glass or mica
The best test for noise is to actually run between rube elements, or caused by con
the tube in a sensitive amplifier, such as a ductive impurities across the base of the
phono pre-amp, and measure the output. rube. Most rube resters have effective tests
Tapping the tube or chassis will reveal for shorts. Many shorts will cause other rests
microphonics. Alternatively, a special rest to fail. Leakage is usually only a problem in
F igure 1 Normal 12A T7 bed, consisting of a high-gain amplifier with very sensitive applications, so may have to
a grounded grid, can be used. It is hard to be tested by trying rubes in circuit.
quantify noise and microphonics, so the best
test is to test many tubes and pick our the C
quiet ones. Noise and microphonics are usu In this era of dwindling numbers of rube
ally only a problem in low-level stages, such manufacturers, and increasingly demanding
as pre-amps. H owever, occasionally you will users of rubes, effectively screening rubes is
find extremely noisy or microphonic rubes important. Not only does it help choose the
(way beyond the average) .This is indicative best tube for a particular application, but i t
of some processing or manufacturing prob allows the still vast amount of used and
lem, and those rubes should be avoided. N . O . S . rubes to be made available for
replacements or new products.
It should be mentioned that noise and
Figure 2 Poor Cutoff 12A T7
T U B E S v s T R AN S I S T O R S
I STORS huge (often > l OOo/o) manufacturing spread, GU I TAR AM PLIFIE RS-A TRI P TO
requiring special circuit configurations to THE N WI T
by John Atwood and Charlie Kittleson make this variable gain unimportant. The
gain of tubes is usually within 1 Oo/o of spec by Charlie Kittleson
A sure-fire way to spark controversy
value. Recently I attended the NAMM Show in
berween different types of audiophiles is to
start the debate of "tubes vs transistors". Anaheim, CA. I was pleased to see that tube
9. Bipolar transistors have a time lag
While most of the arguments tend to be of a musical instrument amplification is alive and
between input and output which complicates
religious nature, there are some technical well in 1 995. There were dozens of guitar
applying feedback at high frequencies (usual
aspects applicable to both sides. If you get amp manufacturers including the established
ly not a problem at audio frequencies).
caught up in such an argument, here are brands - Fender, Mesa Bogie, Marshall,
some reasons why solid-state devices are not 10. Solid-state devices are fragile and Peavey, Rivera and others. Many of the larg
as good as tubes. Note that some of these have short thermal time constants, making er amp manufacturers are leaning more
reasons are inherent to the device physics of them susceptible to catastrophic failure. towards the "vintage" styling and circuitry.
semiconductors, while others have more to Tubes can withstand extreme overloads with Several of the vintage type amps feature tube
type rectifiers instead of diodes, claiming that
do with how most solid-state amplifiers are often little or no degradation.
the amp sings or "sags" better with rube rec
1 1 . Most solid-state audio amplifiers are tification. Many of the manufacturers con
o und Quali ty direct-coupled to the loudspeaker, making tinue to use classic circuitry that originally
the speaker prone to damage if the amplifier came from early RCA tube manuals and the
1 . The distortion products of transistors Radiotron Designer's Handbook. Fender
fails. The transformer coupling needed by
have more high-order terms than tubes, really pioneered the use of these circuits in
most tube amplifiers inherently protects the
resulting in a harder, harsher sound in audio his first guitar amps of the early 1 940s.
speaker from DC voltages.
applications. This high-order distortion also Marshall and other British manufacturers
causes more intermodulation and overload Re pair /Longe vi ty caught on and used derivatives in their amps.
problems than tubes in RF applications. Now several manufacturers are reviving the
1 2 . Transistors are unforgiving, requiring high quality standards of the past with mod
2. Bipolar transistors are low impedance higher skill in debugging and repair by ser ern tone shaping, channel switching and dis
devices, and generally require large coupling vice technicians than with tube circuits. tortion schemes.
and power supply bypass capacitors. These
usually are electrolytic capacitors, which have 1 3 . Many solid-state amplifiers use pro What was interesting at the show were
poor sonic qualities compared to film-type prietary transistors, ICs and modules which rhe large number of "boutique" amp compa
capacitors that can be used in high-imped are difficult to obtain a few years after the nies selling handwired, vintage type combo
ance tube circuits. amplifier is out of production. amps at prices approaching $4,000! Many
amps employ point to point wiring and use
3. The parasitic capacitances within 1 4 . Solid-state amplifiers usually fail quality transformers, capacitors and other
bipolar or field-effect transistors change sub quickly and unexpectedly. Tube amplifiers, components. They are made in small quanti
stantially with signal voltages - resulting in while requiring periodic tube replacement, ties some being tuned to the individual play
distortion in some types of circuits. generally fail more gradually, and can give er's tastes. One of the neatest "retro" styled
warnings about bad components. amps was the Tone King ((4 1 0) 327-6530)
4. Small signal transistors and ICs can combo amps that were like something right
have thermal time constants in the audio 1 5 . Semiconductors are quite susceptible out of 1 95 8 . Groove Tubes ((8 1 8) 36 1 -
range - meaning that the gain can change as w ionizing radiation, whereas tubes are near 4500) besides selling quality matched tubes,
the device heats or cools with the applied sig ly immune to radiation. This might be an also displayed amps, mixers and a chrome
nal, leading to another form of distortion. important consideration to those audiophiles and gold plated stereo mixdown amp for
who plan to use their equipment after the engineers who like their editing sessions
5. Transistor amplifier designers often nuclear holocaust. smooth. For those who must have POW E R,
apply large amounts of feedback to get there's the Shrapnell - ((707)224-09 5 1 ) ,
around distortion and bias stability problems, This list doesn't mention many of the delivering a devastating 200 watts RMS t o 6
which if not correctly applied, can cause drawbacks of tubes. However, many of the speakers mounted at 1 80 degree dispersion.
TIM (Transient Intermodulation drawbacks of semi-conductors are unknown
to those arguing the merits of either tubes or It wasn't surprising that most of the amps
Distortion) . High amounts of feedback also
transistors. continue to use 5 8 8 1 , EL-34, EL-84 and
tend to reduce the perceived dynamics and
some use of 6550A output tubes. Some
make clipping more abrupt.
designer amps were using higher quality US
6. Many solid-state power amplifiers and or German tubes. Jose phs M usi cal
op-amps use class B biasing - which leads to A pli fie r Company ((7 1 6) 877-326 1 ) - used
cross-over distortion - a particularly unpleas 6 1 46B transmitting tubes to deliver better
ant type. A tip-off that this exists in an amp fullness and mid-range harmonic richness to
is harmonic distortion that in creases with the tone. Josephs also used many other high
quality parts including a machined nickel
decreasing power output.
output transformer. It will be interesting to
Design /Reli abili ty Problems see more amp companies start using larger
transmitter tubes and possibly even filamen
7. Fundamental properties of semicon tary triodes.
ductor devices change with temperature,
resulting in gain and operating point In future issues, look for interviews with
changes. This complicates biasing and limits amp designers and manufacturers, restoration
modes of operation. and repair of vintage and contemporary gui
tar amplifiers.
8. The inherent gain of transistors has a l to r- VT-4, 845, WE-211D
Y NE WS the original tooling still available, but key sample run - they have only nice things to
New Tubes Types for 1995
employees involved in the manufacturing of say about the VV30B. I've found that the fil
the WE 300B at the AT&T Western Electric ament runs very cool with a slight red glow.
byE r ic Barb our Kansas City works were still available and This would indicate the use of high-efficien
excited about participating in this re-release. cy coating, probably with some rubidium
Sve tlana SV 811
Westrex had also inrerviewed several oxide. This is similar to the old battery-radio
I am pleased t o announce an enrirely new existing tube manufacturers both in the U . S . tube types such as the 3Q5 which gave good
audio tube. The Svetlana SV8 1 1 is a power and overseas for the possible production of performance with so-called "dull emitters" .
triode with a directly-heated cathode of tho the tube or it's subassemblies, but deter Plans are t o sell the VV30B thru the
riated tungsten. It is derived from the old mined that none of these manufacturers American distributor, Electra-Prim Co. of
8 1 1A transmitting triode, but has no plate were able to offer facilities that met Western Las Vegas NV, directly to consumers by
cap, and a much lower mu. Electric quality standards. Therefore Westrex mail. The retail price will be $380. Vaic is
The pinout is the standard 4-pin basing decided to have the tubes built in the Kansas planning to produce two other types. The
of the 2A3 and 300B. The filamenr is 6.3 City works once again. Initially, Allenrown VV5 0B will be capable of SOW plate dissipa
volts at 4 amps. This tube has been tested by was considered but the Kansas City works tion and 1 8-24 watts out single-ended, into
VTV, and it is an excellent audio device. was newer and had produced the last run of a load (transformer primary) of 1 500 to
Although the plate resistance is on the order WE 300Bs. All aspects of the tube's new 3000 ohms. The VV52B is very similar but
of 2000-2500 ohms, this tube has great production - from the special high purity has a higher plate load requirement, 2000 to
potential for high-end audio. It is available carbonized nickel plate to the aging proce 4500 ohms. There is also the possibility of a
with a mu of 3 for lowest possible distortion, dures - will be identical, both functionally driver triode, again with a directly-heated fil
and with a mu of 1 0 for easier drive require and cosmetically, to previous manufacture. ament.
ments. Whitener was at the 1 995 Wimer CES, Available From: Ing. Alesa Vaic, Jilovska
The user can choose the mu based on the and reports that interest was extremely high 1 1 64, 1 42 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic.
driver circuit desired. With 800 volts on the among OEMs that manufacture 300B based phone (00-422) 47 1 8 5 24 .
plate, a push-pull pair of SV8 1 1 - 1 0s pro amplifiers. Limited production will begin in USA distributor: Electra-Prim C o , 1 55 5
duces 46 watts inro 8 ohms, through a trans September, with general availability forecast N . Winwood, Las Vegas N V 8 9 1 08 . phone
former of 6600 ohms primary impedance. ed to be around late October. Westrex has (702) 646-7990
The thoriated filament will guaranree a life developed a distributor network, and whole
time in excess of 1 0,000 hours. Best of all, sale distribution will be limited. Suggested Note: Do you manufacture, wholesale or
the price will be much lower than those of list price is $350 domestic, $400 overseas. distribute audio tubes or tube equipment?
the various low-mu triodes on the market Assuming sales of electron tubes continue to Please send your press releases to:
today. S uggested retail: $30 each. grow at current levels, the Kansas City works Va cuu m Tub e Va l
l ey, 1 095E . Duan e,
will produce other types, following with the sui te 106,
Sunn yva leCA 94086USA , or
Available from:
robust WE 274B duo diode rectifier. Other FAXt o (408) 733-6 146.
Svetlana Electron Devices, 8200 S.
t�pes, such as the WE 2 1 2E, are in the plan
Memorial Parkway, Huntsville AL 3 5802.
nmg stages.
phone (205) 880-8020, fax (205) 880-8077.
E 300B Available from:
Western Electric High Fidelity Products,
You know how AT&T has been running
AT&T Prominade II, 1 230 Peachtree Street,
those "You will" ads on TV for the past
Suite 3750, Atlanta, GA 30309. Phone
three years or so? About how we'll get phone
(404) 874-4400, FAX (404) 874-44 1 5
calls on our wrists, and there will be high
tech computer terminals everywhere with all V A ICVV30B
the libraries in the world available on those
Early word on the VAIC VV30B is now
terminals, all thanks to high-tech AT&T? in. This company is located in Prague, the
Well, AT&T is getting back into making company office is in I taly and the primary
vacuum tubes. investor is in Switzerland. The engineer who
Recently, I spoke to Charles Whitener, designs these tubes, Alesa Vaic (pronounced
president of Westrex Corporation (formerly "vaysh") , intends them to be run hard and to
Western Electric Export Corporation, the produce more power than the 300B. Plate
marketing arm of Western Electric audio dissipation of 6 5 watts is "to be expected" .
and broadcast products until 1 95 8 . More on There are 3 grades; one is for up to 1 1 waus
the history in a future issue). Seems that output power, two is for up to 1 5 watts, and
Westrex had been made aware of the three is for up to 20 waus. All will be expect
Japanese market and subsequent American ed to give a full 1 0,000 hour lifetime, with
market for the WE 300B. Through Japanese some derating at dissipations above 65 waus.
publications, such as MJ and S tereo Sound, Vaic tubes are made with old Tesla produc
two of]apans leading audio magazines, tion equipment, and nearly all the work is by
Whitener was amazed to learn that the NOS hand, even the blowing of the glass bulbs.
(new old stock) WE 300Bs were advertised VTV recently received two early exam
at levels exceeding $ 1 ,800 per pair. The tube ples of the VV30B. Both of these tubes came
was selling for $ 1 25 at wholesale when in Tesla lamp boxes. Seems like a good prod
Western Electric made the last production uct, although the early samples were not
runs in 1 98 8 . Whitener, convinced of the properly packed and some were damaged in
opportunity at hand for the re-release of the shipment. Vaic will replace any early samples
WE 300B, approached his affiliates at that test bad. I have heard from some users
AT&T and determined that not only was who have gouen examples of the second
work just fine as "audio" tubes. A well-known
by example is the 6D}8/ECC88. While its high �/ley:
transconductance and low stray capacitance
John Atwood make it a good RF tube, its frame-grid con
struction makes it very linear. While not • MATCHING AUDIO TUBES
always low in microphonics, some selected
versions are very quiet. It also has high per John Arwood describes effective
What is an ''Audio Tube" ? veance, making it work well at low plate volt techniques for matching audio tubes to
ages. The net result is a tube that can work achieve the best performance.
This column is dedicated to discussing quite well as an audio amplifier.
the technical issues ofvacuum-tubes and
vacuum tube circuit designs. As they say, A counter example would be the 7 1 99 rri
ode-pentode. While highly touted by RCA as GOLD
• N
"the opinions expressed here are those ofthe
author, and do not necessarily reflect those of a good audio tube, its only real audio feature Charlie Kittleson shares the develop
the staffor management". is a low-hum filament. In modern designs ment and evolution of early H eath H i
with DC filament supplies, this is not much F i and the Williamson series W M- 1
In the audio news groups on the of an advantage. On the other hand, it is oth through WM-7.
Internet, periodically someone makes the erwise derived from a TV tuner tube, with
comment that some rube type is not an poor linearity and poor consistency. Its
"audio tube". This has included the 6DJ8, unique pin-our insured that, once designed
in, RCA would have a captive market for the • TUB
- L-34/6CA7
the 807, and even the 2A3 (presumably
because it was used in a transmitter)! The tube. Eric Barbour explores the develop
implication is that, correct or not, since a Another example of the cross-over of a ment, history and performance o f this
certain tube type was not intended for tube design to different markets is the 6L6. popular audio tube. Vintage NOS and
audio use, it is should not be used in audio Originally designed by RCA as an audio current types will b e evaluated.
designs. Is this valid? Should we stick to rube', the same internal structure was used for
increasingly hard-to-find traditional audio the 807 (RF transmitting tube), 6BG6G (TV
tubes, or can we branch out and use other, horizontal sweep tube), 588 1 (military E A
more available tubes? ruggedized tube), and 7027 (hi-fi amplifier
tube). Of course, each of these types had N o r m Braithwaite covers very early
First of all, let's define an "audio rube".
some changes to enhance their usefulness, but audio transformers, their development
It is presumably one that the original tube
the basic electrical characteristics are identi and characteristics.
designer intended to be used as in audio
circuits. The descriptions in the RCA cal. For use as an audio output tube, any one
Tube Manual can help us here. However, of these would work well.
note how many "audio" tubes are derived • N
Where the biggest differences occur in
from "radio" tubes. The 1 2AU7 is made tubes used in audio equipment is in their san Paul J . B o urbin reviews a very popu
up of rwo sections of a 6C4, yet the 6C4 is ies - how they actually sound. Take a batch lar and essential audio/hifi b o o k fro m
called an RF oscillator and class C amplifi of 6L6s -ranging from early metal types to the the 1 9 5 0 's.
er. Yet you would find few people who latest Russian versions, and plug them into an
would say that the 1 2AU7 is not an audio amplifier with little or no feedback. The dif
rube. In some cases, such as the 759 1 and ference in sound quality berween rubes will be
8 4 1 7 , the tubes were clearly optimized for •BULI N
striking. Some of the reasons for the sonic AMPLIFI
hi-fi audio use. differences can be explained - better mechan
The technical requirements for a good ical tolerances, different cathode materials, David Wolze shows us h i s latest cre
audio tube are: etc. But a lot of the sonic differences don't ation using Russian EL- 5 0 9 tubes con
seem to have a good explanation. Instead of nected in "enhanced" triode m o de
1 . Low distortion saying that there are no sonic differences using bargain basement parts .
2. Low noise and microphonics (for low (because we can't find an explanation), let's
level stages) admit to what our ears hear, and leave the
3. Low hum from the heater (for low-level reason for the differences open to further •NVI TG
N D -
stages with AC on the heaters) research. WE ST
What is not very necessary for tubes So what makes a good audio tube? The
VTV reviews a classic Western
used in audio are: fundamentals have to be right - low noise, if
Electric amplifier fro m the 1 930's.
1 . Low stray capacitance and inductance needed, low distortion, etc. Bur the sanies
have to be right, too. Instead of limiting the
2. Very high transconductance
choice of rubes to a few traditional or
Generally desirable characteristics: "designer" types, all types should be exam TE LLY O UR A UD I O
1 . Low cost ined, and their merits evaluated. You will find F
I D SA B O UT V T V ! !
many "sleepers" that will work great as audio
2. Low power-supply voltages
rubes - as long as you keep an open mind.
3. Consistency of characteristics GOOD TIMES
4. Small size
Many of these characteristics are con I - O.H. Schade, "Beam Power Tubes",
T U B E R E V IE W 1 2 A X 7
1 2AX7: A H SI TO Y
R NA D ly higher even-order distortion. In fact, reduce hum. This type usually is no better
E DI A there are rube testers that have difficulty in distortion or other parameters than ordi
byE r ci Bar b our resting some 1 2AX7s because of the high nary American 1 2AX7s, except that hum
mu and very sensitive grid. induction from the heater was guaranteed to
It is ironic that the most popular audio be below a certain level. They were not very
By this rime, hi-fi was developing into a
rube of all time first appeared as an unim successful, except in the guitar-amp market,
portant industrial type. But that is exactly major market, and Philips wanted to domi
where distortion was expected bur musicians
what happened to the 1 2AX7 when it first nate it. So they produced the first European
were willing to pay more for lower hum in
went on sale in March 1 948. Up it popped, version of the 1 2AX7, known as the
rhe ourpur of rheir amps. True 7025s are
ECC83. With careful control of the grid
in RCA's receiving tube manual RC- 1 5 , no longer in production, and any new tube
along with its medium-mu cousin 1 2AU7. winding similar to the 575 1 , plus better
marked 7025 (including the
The 6AV6, which predated the AX7, is basi cathode materials and a coiled heater to fur
Reflector/Sovtek version introduced last
ther reduce hum, the result was a rube that
cally one triode of an AX7 (mu= 1 00). Each year) is j usr a rebranded 1 2AX7.
section of a 1 2AX7 has identical characteris became almost ubiquitous in high fidelity
equipment. Telefunken produced the most The 1 2AT7 is a different animal (mu =
tics to the triode section of the 6AV6: mu =
famous version of the ECC83, and it was so 70, gm 5 500 flmhos) , but can usually be
1 00. They were little noticed at the rime,
good that it was commonly utilized in vin run in a 1 2AX7 socket. Ir was made as a
and did not rate a mention in the RCA
tage hi-fi components, usually rebranded VHF amplifier for TV and radio. Many old
with the name of the hi-fi manufacturer FM tuners used ir either as an audio ampli
Soon, though, the l 2AX7 was selling (Dyna, Fisher, Scott, Heathkit, Eico, fier or as the RF stage, or even both. Several
briskly. Since it was the first dual triode to Mcintosh all used Teles, rebranded with pundits recommend against irs use in hi-fi
have been designed for very high gain, low their own names). Ir's also notorious for irs due to higher second-harmonic distortion.
noise and low hum all at once, it became the outrageously long life - often 1 00,000 hours Bur it also tends to sound a bit "hard" com
tube of choice in preamps and analog com or more. I should note thar rhe two ver pared to even the best ECC83s; rhe smaller
puting circuits. The die was really cast when sions of the Telefunken ECC83 - the so plate structure and different microphonics
low-output magnetic phono pickups (pri called "smooth plate" and "stamped plate" - tend to contribure. It is known as the
marily the GE variable-reluctance and the were virtually identical in performance and ECC8 1 in Europe, and all rhe companies
Pickering) became popular in the early sound. The smooth-plate version seems to that made 1 2AX7 types also had versions of
1 950s. Versions of the 1 2AX7 were being command a premium today, probably due the 1 2AT7. In the 1 960s i r rivaled the AX7
made by Sylvania, GE, National Union, to its smaller supplies rather rhan any major in popularity for industrial and military
CBS-Hytron and Tung-Sol by 1 95 2 . physical difference. As with all makers, applications.
toward the end of production Telefunken's
The original versions could be improved quality became rather erratic, and in fact There are a few obscure types that are
upon. The tacit admission of that was the many rubes were sourced from other facto very similar to rhe 1 2AX7 as we know it:
introduction of the 5 75 1 , circa 1 95 0 . This ries. A true Tele has a small diamond-shape 1 2AD7 (believed to be Japanese only),
was intended to be a ruggedized miniature molded into the glass base. There are some 1 2BZ7, l 2DF7, 1 2DM7, 1 2DT7, 6679,
version of the 6SL7, with extra mica spacers Tele ECC83s from the 1 970s being market 668 1 , 68 5 1 and 7729. Some were j ust
and careful parameter control. The first ed today; be warned, they are often noisy. " industrial" versions of rhe 1 2AX7 or
version was from GE, and had only a dou Most came as surplus from a medical equip 1 2AT7, were made on the same production
bled spacer on top. Later GEs (also sold by ment manufacturer, who rejected them as lines, used many of the same parts, and have
Raytheon for a rime) had two separated too microphonic. rhe same problems. Regrettably, for hi-fi
spacers. The 575 1 was quire expensive to use the old American product isn't quire the
produce, since each rube was tested careful Mullard and Amperex also produced best unless the user spends more for an
ly. It was considered too expensive for con excellent ECC83s from the late 1 9 50s unril NOS 5 7 5 1 or ECC8 3 . And even that can
sumer electronics. Virtually all of its pro the 1 980s. Other manufacturers of ECC83s be risky; there are cheap Chinese rubes
duction was used in military and industrial included Ediswan, Tungsram,Siemens, sportin & Mullard logos, without Mullard's
applications. The first home audio device to Tesla, MOV, Valvo, EMI/Cossor, Fivre, perm1ss1on.
intentionally specify it is believed to be the Mazda and Brimar. Many of these compa
nies were British or had British factories, Tung-Sol and CBS-Hytron borh ceased
Conrad-Johnson Premier One preamp,
but the chaotic srate of post-WWII producing all receiving tubes in the 1 960s.
introduced in the late 1 970s. Today there
European tube manufacture makes ir diffi By 1 980 only Sylvania (by then owned by
are serious audiophiles who have found that
Philips), GE and RCA were still making
5 7 5 1 s can usually be used in place of cult to tell if a given 1 950s tube was actually
made by the branded company, or if it was 1 2AX7s, and they j unked their production
1 2AX7s in preamps, giving much improved
lines in the late 1 980s. The fare of the pro
performance over the run-of-the-mill rubes. simply a rebrand. Many rebrands of rhe
duction equipment is unknown; most
5 7 5 1 s were made by all the American facto 1 960s and 70s were made in Japan. Usually
miniature tubes of the 60s and 70s were
ries above, and some foreign versions it's easy to tell a Japanese receiving rube
l produced by highly automated machinery,
(MOV, Matsushita and Hitachi are known) from the sryle of the type lettering frosted
I also existed. You can be certain that a 57 5 1 onto the glass (if there is such lettering).
which was complex and difficult to main
is old stock, as all production ceased in the Matsushita, Hitachi, and Toshiba are
late 1 980s. Any rube of modern production known to have made 1 2AX7s. The j ury is Today, rhere are only four factories
claiming to be a 575 1 is merely a rebranded still out on the quality of ]apanese rubes, known to be making 1 2AX7 or 1 2AX7 -like
1 2AX7. they have a reputation for poor quality con dual triodes: Tesla of the Czech Republic
trol which was partly earned by rheir use in (actually an independent company with
In the early 1 950s, the engineers at Japanese hi-fi components of rhe late 1 960s. rights to use the Tesla name) , EI of Serbia,
Philips had examined the American 1 2AX7s
Shuguang of China and Reflector of Russia
and found them wanting. Usually, the Because of the domination of the hi-fi
(most commonly known under rhe "Sovtek"
major manufacturers had trouble producing preamp rube market, American companies
tried to devise a competitor for the ECC8 3 . brand) . Rebranding has always been a
the grids consistently, which was difficult
The result was the 702 5, which was basical major and annoying part of rhe rube indus
for such a high-gain tube intended to be
ly a standard 1 2AX7 wirh a coiled heater to try, bur it reached a stare of chaos in the
made by the millions. The result was usual-
T U B E R E V I E W 1 2 A X 7
1 970s. Buy a Philips, RCA or GE tube residuals, .020% of second harmonic and 575 1 s were best overall, yet the Chinese
now, and (if it isn't NOS) , it will have prob third harmonic, were subtracted out of the Shuguang is fairly good quality. Since the
ably originated from one of those four readings before being entered into the table. latter is still in production, it has to get the
remaining factories. This goes for most Readings were approximated for the third nod along with the El 1 2AX7, which shows
other tube types, as well. The Shuguang digit as the analyzer's meter was difficult to improvement. The American versions (all
1 2AX7 is easy to spot, as it is a version of an read to that precision. BIAS indicates the out of production) tend to have much high
old British military version (CV4004) and is negative bias voltage applied to the tube er distortion and greater microphony. And
built with old equipment from the UK, grid that gave the lowest second harmonic there wasn't much difference between the
either Mullard or MOV. It has two shiny reading; at that point, the second and third "smooth-plate" Telefunken and its
metal stiffeners around the plates, which harmonics were read. In preparing this list, l "stamped-plate" cousin. Why the smooth
help make it low in microphonics. Teslas had to resort to used tubes in some cases plate commands a premium is beyond me.
and Els look much like old European types, due to the scarciry of the NOS types. They
with the Els often passed off as being are indicated with an asterisk. All the others The best performer in the distortion list
Telefunken-like because of their large plates. were new out of the original box. All of the is an early Mullard ECC83 with an unusual
(What this has to do with electrical perfor box-shaped plate structure. It is extremely
tubes here, new or used, were tested on a
scarce today, don ' t count on finding any at
mance or sound remains open to question. Hickok transconductance tester and were
your local distributor. Although the lower
The original RCA and GE versions had known to have higher-than-rated transcon
large plates,but later ones had smaller plates ductance, so the used tubes can be consid rubes on the list are usually avoided by hi-fi
-yet there was little difference in electrical users, some guitarists deliberately seek them
ered to be like new. If there is more than
out for the greater distortion. As you can
behavior. And the Sylvanias always had large one listing of a given type and version, that
see, the bias point that gives lowest distor
plates, but were avoided by audiophiles.) is another example of the same rype.
tion can vary quite a bit, even with two oth
The Reflector 12AX7s come in three erwise identical tubes. This is typical of all
types as of this writing, a regular A, a 702 5 , 1 2AX7s, and accounts for some of the wide
and a "WXT" version, claimed t o b e a high differences heard when tubes are replaced
gain military version. All of these types with seemingly identical ones. I've been
have their problems; Shuguangs tend to testing tubes for 2 years with this setup, and
wear out fast, Els are usually microphonic, I have been unable to discern a pattern to
and Reflectors have distortion problems the bias variations.
similar to old American 1 2AX7s. In spite of
these complaints, you can be very sure that
1 2AX7s will be made for the foreseeable
future, since the vast majority of tube guitar
amps and tube hi-fi preamps use them. L to R: Tele (smooth), Amperex, M ullard
1 2 A X 7 T E s T D A T A T A B LE
E 1:
1 2AX7WXT Sovtek 1 990s . 1 52 .002 -0.4 . 1 45
Note: good used samples are indicated with (�) . 1 2AX7JAN * Sylvania 1 960s .202 .015 -0.8 . 1 30 X
Samples whose rwo triodes were more than 1 0%, or abour
l .OvAC, aparr are indicated with X in the right-hand column. 1 2AT7 * Westinghouse 1 960s .082 . 00 5 -0.9 .252 X
Listed in order of increasing second harmonic disrorrion. 1 2AT7 * Raytheon 0 apan) 1 970s .092 . 007 -0.7 . 275
1 2AT7 � Sylvania 1 960s . 1 12 . 007 - 1 .0 .250
VERSION MANUFACTURER 2ND 3RD BIAS INP DF ECC81 • Telefunken 1 960s . 1 20 .007 -0.4 .227
ECC 8 1 * Telefunken 1 960s . 1 22 .007 -0.5 .250
ECC83 Mullard box plate 1 95 6 .015 . 000 -0.8 . 1 50 1 2AT7 * GE 1 960s . 330 .005 - 1 .6 .270 X
ECC83 Amperex bugle boy1 950s .015 .000 -0.5 . 1 62 620 1 * GE 1 970s . 390 .005 - 1 .7 .290
ECC83 * Telefunken smooth 1 960s .020 .000 -0.5 . 1 57 620 1 * GE 1 970s .400 .010 -1.8 .300
ECC83 * Telefunken smooth 1 960s . 020 . 000 -0.6 . 1 50 TABLE 2:
ECC83 * Amperex bugle boy 1 960s .020 .000 -0.5 . 1 42 X
575 1JAN * Philips/Syl 1 980s . 020 .002 -0.8 . 1 60
5751JAN * Sylvania 1 960s . 020 .002 -0.8 . 1 70
ECC83 * Telefunken smooth 1 960s .022 .002 -0.7 . 1 50
575 1JAN * Raytheon 1 960s .025 .000 -0.9 . 1 80
ECC83 * Amperex bugle boy 1 960s .025 .000 -0.8 . 1 57
7025 * Mullard 1 970s .025 .000 -0.6 . 1 40
1 2AX7JAN Sylvania 1 960s
* .025 .002 - 1 .2 . 1 72
575 1JAN * Sylvania 1 960s .025 .002 -1.0 . 1 80
575 1JAN * Sylvania 1 960s .025 .002 -0.9 . 1 70
575 1JAN * RCA 1 960s .025 .002 - 1 .0 . 1 90
575 1JG GE 1 953 .027 .000 -0.4 . 1 87
ECC83 * Amperex bugle boy 1 960s .027 .000 -0.7 .155
575 1* GE Five-Star 1 960s .027 .000 -0.6 . 1 80
ECC83 * Telefunken stamp 1 960s .027 . 000 -0.6 . 1 42
575 1 Hitachi 1 960s .030 .000 -l.l . 1 90
ECC83 * Telefunken stamp 1 960s .030 .000 -0.6 . 1 50
575 1JAN * Tung-Sol 1 960s .030 . 0 07 -l.l . 1 85
1 2AX7JAN Tung-Sol 1 960s
* .030 .020 -0.8 . 1 50 L to R 5751 types: GE, RC4, Sylvania, RC4 Command, Raytheon, Tung-
ECC83 * Telefunken stamp 1 960s .032 . 002 -0.7 . 1 47 Sol, Phillips EGG, GE 5 Star
575 1 RCA "Command" 1 950s .032 . 002 - 1 .0 . 205
575 1JAN Tung-Sol 1 950s .035 .000 - 1 .0 . 1 90 RESULTS OF MICROPHONIC TESTS
575 1JAN * RCA 1 960s .035 .002 - 1 .0 . 1 85 ON SOME SAMPLE 1 2AX7 TYPES AND 575 1 S
575 1JAN * RCA 1 960s . 035 .002 - 1 .2 . 1 85 Arranged by increasing zero time .
ECC83 * Telefunken stamp 1 960s . 037 . 002 -0.5 . 1 50
ECC83 * Mullard 1 970s .037 . 002 -0.8 . 1 42
1 2AX7 * Matsushita 1 970s .037 . 002 -0.6 . 1 47 X
B339 MWT 1 950s (Brit mil) . 037 . 002 - 1 .2 . 147
ECC83 Telefunken stamp 1 960s .20 Vpeak 1 0 ms
1 2AX7 EI Yugoslavia 1 990s . 037 . 005 -0.9 132
1 2AX7 EI 1 990s .20 10
1 2AX7 EI Yugoslavia 1 990s .040 .002 -0.7 . 1 25
1 2AX7 EI 1 990s .20 10
1 2AX7JAN Tung-Sol 1 960s
* . 040 . 022 - 1 .0 . 1 50 X
ECC83 * Amperex 1 960s .30 10
ECC83 * Tungsram 1 970s .062 .000 -0.9 165 X
ECC83 * Amperex 1 960s 30 10
575 1JAN * Raytheon 1 960s .065 .000 -0.9 . 1 82
1 2AX7 Shuguang 1 990s .30 20
575 1 * GE Five-Star 1 960s .065 .002 -0.6 . 1 90
575 1JAN * Raytheon 1 960s .30 20
1 2AX7 Shuguang 1 990s .065 . 005 -0.8 . 1 45
7025B Sovtek 1 994 .30 20
1 2AX7 * Hitachi 1 970s .070 .002 -0. 8 . 1 47
ECC83 Telefunken smoorh .35 20
1 2AX7JAN * GE 1 970s .070 .020 -0.9 . 1 40
575 1JAN * Syl/Philips 1 980s .60 20
1 2AX7JAN * GE 1 970s .075 .020 -0.8 . 1 42
575 1JAN * Sylvania 1 960s .15 25
1 2AX7JAN * GE 1 970s .078 .020 -0.9 . 1 40
575 1 * RCA 1 950s .15 30
1 2AX7JAN * GE 1 970s .085 .020 -0.8 . 140
ECC83 Telefunken smooth .30 30
1 2AX7 Sylvania Industrial 1 9 50s .090 .000 -0.6 . 12 5
575 1 * GE "JG" 1 960s .30 40
575 1JAN * Raytheon 1 960s .090 .002 -0.9 . 1 80 X
1 2AX7WXT Sovtek 1 990s .40 40
7025B Sovtek 1 994 . 1 02 .005 -0.5 . 1 62
7025 * Sylvania 1 960s .50 40
7025B Sovtek 1 994 .115 .005 -0.7 .155
1 2AX7WXT Sovtek 1 990s .35 45
1 2AX7WXT Sovtek 1 990s . 1 27 .005 -0.9 . 1 32
ECC83 Telefunken stamp 1 960s .20 50
1 2AX7WXT Sovtek 1 990s . 1 40 . 002 -0.8 . 1 40 X
7025B Sovtek 1 994 .20 50
1 2AX7JAN Sylvania 1 960s
* . 1 42 .017 -0.9 . 1 20 X
7025 * Sylvania 1 960s .40 50
7025 Sylvania 1 960s . 1 45 .005 -0.8 . 140 X
1 2AX7A * Westinghouse 1 960s .40 50
7025 Sylvania 1 960s . 1 50 .015 -0.8 . 1 20 X
575 1 * GE Five-Star 1 960s .15 70
1 2AX7JAN Sylvania 1 960s
* . 1 50 .015 -0.6 . 1 30
5751 * GE Five-Star 1 960s .32 70
1 2AX7JAN Sylvania 1 960s
* . 1 50 .015 -0.7 . 1 30
7025 * Sylvania 1 970s .50 70
12AX7s L to R: Tung-Sol, GE, RCA, Amperex Bugle Boy, Mullard (early}, Telefunken
�-·!0: �
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