Yue 2017
Yue 2017
Yue 2017
Applied Energy
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Article history: Solar-assisted hybrid power generation systems integrated with thermochemical fuel conversion are of
Received 27 September 2016 increasing interest because they offer efficient use of lower temperature solar heat, with the important
Received in revised form 27 December 2016 associated advantages of lower emissions, reduction of use of depletable fuels, production of easily stor-
Accepted 23 January 2017
able fuel to alleviate the variability of solar heat, and relatively low cost of the use of lower temperature
Available online 3 February 2017
solar components. This paper examines economic performance of two previously proposed and analyzed
thermochemical hybridized power generation systems: SOLRGT that incorporates reforming of methane,
and SOLRMCC that incorporates methanol decomposition, both of which use low temperature solar heat
Thermochemical hybrid power generation
(at 220 °C) to help convert the methane or methanol input to syngas, which is then burned for power
Solar-assisted power systems generation. The solar heat is used ‘‘indirectly” in the methane reforming process, to vaporize the needed
Hybrid power generation systems water for it, while it is used directly in the methanol decomposition process since methanol decomposi-
Exergo-economic analysis tion requires lower temperatures than methane reforming. This analysis resulted in an equation for each
power system for determining the conditions under which the hybrid systems will have a lower levelized
electricity cost, and how it will change as a function of the fuel price, carbon tax rate, and the cost of the
collection equipment needed for the additional heat source.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction and reduces use of depletable fuels, or when waste heat at appro-
priate temperatures and price is available, such as in compounded
Most thermal power generation systems (e.g. fossil fuel, internal combustion engines, it was found that gains in efficiency
nuclear, solar, geothermal) use a single source of heat at a single and reduction of emissions and cost could be achieved by power
temperature, and also use that heat source directly as heat. In cases systems using multiple heat sources of different temperatures,
where the cost of the heat is related to the temperature, such as which are called here ‘‘hybrid” systems.
with solar heat collection equipment, or when the temperature Early work on hybrid power cycles was done by Lior and co-
of the heat source is limited by operational considerations, such workers [1–5] who have analyzed and developed hybrid solar-
as in nuclear reactors, or when the available temperature is well powered/fuel assisted steam cycles and performed experiments
below the material endurance temperature, such as in geothermal with one of them (22.4 kW output), a concept similar to the one
heat sources, or when it is desired to employ renewable or other that was later (in the 1980s) used by the Luz company for the con-
types of energy that reduces global warming gas emissions or/ struction and successful operation of 9 solar-thermal power plants
(SEGS) generating about 354 MWe (net) in southern California [6–
⇑ Corresponding author. 8], that still operate competitively. The concept is successful
E-mail address: yuet@seas.upenn.edu (T. Yue). because it uses solar energy at the lower temperature level, where
0306-2619/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 205
it is more economical, and augments it by smaller amount of heat power plants that necessarily use more expensive solar collection
from fuel combustion to: (1) raise the cycle temperature and thus equipment due to their higher solar temperatures.
efficiency, and (2) allow fuel heat backup when solar energy is not While thermochemical hybrid power cycles using multiple
sufficiently available, without having to increase the number of sources may have thermodynamic performance advantages over
collectors and thermal storage capacity. Furthermore, proper con- conventional single heat source power generation systems, it is of
figuration of the systems’ heat donors and receivers offers a closer course important to assess also their economic viability. Usually
match between their temperatures (smaller temperature differ- there is a trade-off between the performance and cost of equipment
ences between donors and receivers) and thus lower exergy losses. in a system, e.g., in heat exchangers exergy destruction decreases
Different from the typical thermal hybrid systems that may with the reduction of the temperature difference between the cold
involve chemical reactions in the heat addition process only, if fuel and hot streams, but the latter requires larger heat exchange area
combustion is used, thermochemical hybrid systems are designed and heat transfer coefficient and thus incurs higher cost.
to include chemical reactions, typically to convert some hydrocar- Another important economic consideration is the potential for
bon to readily-usable fuel, altogether to result in a more efficient saving depletable fuel and reducing emissions (including of green-
and less polluting power generation system. In this type of system, house gases) by hybrid power systems using renewable heat
lower temperature heat, such as solar, geothermal, or waste, is sources or other heat sources that generate no emissions, both fea-
converted by such chemical reactions to the chemical exergy of tures having important economic impact when considering the rise
the ultimately-combusted fuel (such as syngas). Compared with of the fuel price and carbon tax (or other monetary penalty for CO2
thermal hybridization, thermochemical hybridization can have emissions).
also the advantage that it can allow conversion of the exergy of Comprehensive work has been done on thermochemical hybrid
intermittent heat sources (such as solar) to much higher fuel system and many systems have been proposed and analyzed
chemical exergy that is therefore much easier to store and trans- (reviewed in [9]), but none have been found using an exergo eco-
port than the energy/exergy of such input heat sources. Further- nomic analysis method to analyze the economic performance of
more, low/mid temperature solar heat (200 °C) is high enough this type of system. The main objective and novel contribution of
to be used by a syngas-producing reforming process, thus poten- this study is to evaluate the economic performance of thermo-
tially reducing the total cost relative to conventional solar thermal chemical hybrid power generation systems, by using the exergo
206 T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222
economic analysis method, and to compare it with their corre- gas (stream 16 in Fig. 1), at about 600 °C. At this temperature,
sponding non-thermochemical (conventional) reference systems, 20–50% conversion of methane (stream 10) is realizable and higher
as demonstrated by two case studies. Importantly, the equations conversion is achieved with more steam (stream 6), higher
that allow calculation of the conditions under which the thermo- temperature and lower pressure in the reformer. Reaction (2) is a
chemical hybrid systems have an economic advantage over these shift reaction, which is exothermic and heat released from it
conventional reference systems are derived. The exergo economic partially provides the heat needed for the methane reforming pro-
analysis method is also compared with the energo-economic anal- cess of Eq. (1), in addition to the heat from gas turbine exhaust
ysis method. heat.
The produced hydrogen-rich syngas (about 19% H2, 8% CH4, 68%
2. Literature review H2O, 4% CO2 and <1% CO when the steam/methane mole ratio is
6.1) from the reformer is then burned in the combustor with the
Comprehensive work has been done on the hybrid power gen- compressed air recuperated by the reformer exhaust gas. As Eqs.
eration systems integrated with thermochemical fuel conversion. (1) and (2) show, both reactions are bi-directional, and the reac-
Methane is the most widely used fuel in such hybrid systems tants composition shows that they are not complete (not all of
due to its high heating value, large reserve, low price and easiness the methane is converted). The resulting high-temperature high-
to transport. The reforming temperature required to reform pressure (1308 °C, 14.55 bar) produced gas is then to generate
methane to the syngas, however, is over 600 °C, indicating high power through the turbine that drives a generator for electricity
solar collector cost, since the cost of the solar collectors usually generation.
increases with the solar temperature of the solar collectors. To A non-hybrid thermochemical equivalent of the SOLRGT ther-
reduce the cost of the solar collectors, fuels that require lower mochemical system, which uses only one type of heat source
reforming temperatures than methane were studied and methanol (methane) without the additional heat source, is used for compar-
is the most widely studied among them. This is because methanol ative analysis. It is the intercooled chemically-recuperated gas tur-
can be mass produced from coal gasification or chemical synthesis bine (IC-CRGT) system shown in Fig. 2.
of syngas and easy to transport due to its liquid form in environ- Fig. 2 shows that the IC-CRGT flow diagram is roughly the same
mental conditions. Other type of fuel can also be used in the as SOLRGT, except that the incoming water (stream 3 in Fig. 2)
reforming process such as petcock [10], coal [11] and biomass needed for the reforming is preheated and vaporized by the gas
[12] and heat sources other than solar can also be used, such as turbine exhaust gas (stream 12), instead of by solar heat as in
waste heat [13]. Table 1 summarized the thermochemical hybrid SOLRGT. Compared with SOLRGT, this characteristic introduced
systems studied in the past (modified based on [23]). more exergy destruction in the heating of the incoming water
because of the higher temperature differences between the heating
and heated streams than those in the SOLRGT. Summarizing, the
3. Systems introduction main features of SOLRGT are:
Most of the previously studied thermochemical hybrid power (1) Solar heat at temperatures as low as 200–250 °C can be used
generation systems use either methane or methanol as fuel, so in to generate steam for the methane reforming process, much
this study we chose two systems for analysis, one using methane lower than heat at above 800 °C needed if methane is
and one using methanol as fuel. Two case studies are shown in this reformed directly. The solar is not used to drive the reform-
paper that described such systems and their advantages, before we ing process directly so we call it an ‘‘indirect” reforming pro-
conducted their economic analysis. cess. Since the cost of the solar collection equipment rises
The first case analyzed in this paper focuses on a novel with the generated temperature, this results in a lower cost
Chemically-Recuperated Gas-Turbine Power Generation (SOLRGT) of required solar collection equipment. Also, compared with
System proposed and described in [24–26]. The second case fossil fuel only power plants, SOLRGT reduces carbon emis-
focuses on a methanol-fuelled solar-assisted chemically- sions when the additional heat source does not generate car-
recuperated combined cycle that we will call here SOLRMCC bon emissions, such as when using solar, geothermal or
(called in [27] ‘‘solar thermal power cycle with solar decomposi- waste heat.
tion of methanol”) for short. A non-thermochemical hybrid system (2) SOLRGT has a thermodynamically better temperature match
was also introduced for comparison. (smaller temperature difference between heating and
heated fluid) in its heat exchangers and thus lower exergy
3.1. Thermochemical hybrid system using methane as the fuel destruction during heat transfer process, when compared
with the IC-CRGT.
The flow diagram of SOLRGT is shown in Fig. 1, and all used (3) Compared with CRGT which has only one heat source
operating parameters, such as temperature and pressure, are from (methane), SOLRGT uses an additional heat source (solar
[24]. It can be seen from the flow diagram that solar heat collected heat) to vaporize the incoming water. This leaves more
by a parabolic concentrating solar collection equipment at 200– energy from the gas turbine exhaust gas to heat the pressur-
250 °C is used to generate the steam needed for the following ized air at the outlet of the compressor, leading to smaller
reforming reaction, thereby converting the solar heat to that of energy requirement for raising the temperature of the com-
the steam internal energy (stream 6 in Fig. 1), which is then con- bustion gas to the designed turbine inlet temperature
verted to the chemical exergy of the syngas generated in the refor- (1300 °C), and consequently reducing the fuel consumption
mer, by using that steam, methane, and exhaust heat from the and increasing the system efficiency.
system gas turbine. The fuel conversion process is by the reactions: (4) In IC-CRGT, the steam-methane ratio cannot be very high,
since there may not be enough energy in the gas turbine
CH4 þ H2 O $ CO þ 3H2 DH ¼ 206:11 kJ=mol ð1Þ
exhaust gas to vaporize the water in addition to preheating
the pressurized air and reforming the fuel. Due to the use of
CO þ H2 O $ CO2 þ H2 DH ¼ 41:17 kJ=mol ð2Þ
the additional heat source (solar heat) in vaporizing the
1Reaction (1) is the methane reforming process, which is water, however, higher steam-methane ratio can be
endothermic with that heat provided by the gas turbine exhaust achieved simultaneously in the SOLRGT. Since higher
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 207
Table 1
Summary of the thermochemical hybrid power generation systems.
System description Chemical Additional heat source Turbine CO2 Performance Ref.
reaction inlet capture
Type Temperature Role
Gas turbine cycle with methane CH4 + 2H2O ? Solar 800–1000 Chemical – None Fossil fuel saving: 25–40% [14]
reforming CO2 + 4H2 reaction
process heat
Combined cycle with methane CH4 + 2H2O ? Solar 600–900 Chemical 1327 None Annual thermal efficiency: [15]
reforming CO2 + 4H2 reaction 47.6%
process heat Solar share: 9.6%
Steam injected gas turbine cycle CH4 + 2H2O ? Solar 600 Chemical 1288 None Natural gas saving: <20% [16]
with nature gas reforming CO2 + 4H2 reaction
process heat
Combined cycle with solar CH3OH ? CO Solar 200–400 Chemical 1300 None Solar to electricity [27]
methanol decomposition + 2H2 reaction efficiency: 18–35%
process heat Exergy efficiency: 50– 60%
CO2 emission: 310 g/kW h
HAT cycle with methanol CH3OH ? CO Solar 175–210 Chemical 1200 None Solar to electricity [17]
decomposition + 2H2 reaction efficiency: 25–39%
process heat Exergy efficiency: 59.2%
Thermal efficiency: 53.6%
Chemically recuperated gas turbine CH4 + 2H2O ? Solar 220 Latent heat 1300 None Thermal efficiency: 51.2– [24,18]
cycle with solar methane CO2 + 4H2 of reactant 53.6%
reforming H2O Solar to electricity
evaporation efficiency:25–38%
Fossil fuel saving: 20%
Combined cycle with solar methane CH4 + 2H2O ? Solar 550 Chemical 1300 Membrane CO2 emission: 25 g/kW h [19]
membrane reforming CO2 + 4H2 reaction reaction/ Exergy efficiency: 58%
process heat separation Thermal efficiency: 51.6%
Fossil fuel saving: 31.2%
Solar share: 28.2%
Solar to electricity
efficiency: 36.4%
Zero-emission oxy-fuel combustion CH4 + 2H2O ? Solar 200–400 Latent heat 1308 Oxy-fuel Thermal efficiency: 50.7% [26,20]
hybrid cycle CO2 + 4H2 of reactant combustion CO2 capture ratio: 100%
Hybrid methanol-fuelled chemical (1) CH3OH Solar 150–500 Chemical 1327 Chemical Exergy efficiency: 58.4% [21,22]
looping combustion + MxOy ? M reaction looping Solar to electricity
+ CO2 + H2O process heat combustion efficiency: 22.3%
(2) M + O2 ? CO2 emission: 130 g/kW h
Combined cycle with solar CH3OH ? CO Solar 200–250 Chemical 1308 Pre- CO2 emission: 33.8 g/kW h [23]
methanol decomposition + 2H2 reaction combustion Exergy efficiency: 53.8%
process heat Thermal efficiency: 51.1%
Fossil fuel saving: 27.3%
Solar thermal share: 17.6%
Solar to electricity
efficiency: 49.2%
Combined cycle with solar CH3OH Solar 200–250 Chemical 1308 Pre- CO2 emission: 33.4 g/kW h [23]
methanol reforming + H2O ? reaction combustion Exergy efficiency: 55.1%
CO2 + 3H2 process heat Thermal efficiency: 50.9%
Fossil fuel saving: 30.5%
Solar thermal share: 21.5%
Solar to electricity
efficiency: 45%
Solar thermal gasification of coal for CHxOy + (1 y) Solar 1077 Chemical – None CO2 emission: 0.96 kg/kW h [11]
hybrid solar-fossil power and H2O = (x/2 reaction Exergy efficiency: 33%
fuel production + 1 y) H2 + CO process heat Thermal efficiency: 35%
Polygeneration system for – Solar 900 Chemical – None Exergy efficiency: 50.69% [12]
methanol production and power reaction
generation with solar-biomass process heat
thermal gasification
Chemically recuperated gas turbine CH4 + 2H2O ? Waste 596 Chemical 1308 None Thermal efficiency: 47.3% [13]
CO2 + 4H2 heat reaction
process heat
208 T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the IC-CRGT cycle (adapted from [24]) (HRSG: heat recovery steam generator).
steam-methane ratio results in higher power output as was combustor to increase the mass flow rate of the working fluid
shown in [24], the SOLRGT has a potential to produce more and thus increase the power output of the turbine. The AHS can
power than the IC-CRGT system. be added in the STIG to preheat the water for the injected steam
generation. The flow diagram of the reference non-
Besides the single heat source thermochemical reference sys- thermochemical hybrid system, here called the intercooled hybrid
tem introduced before, it is of interest to compare the thermo- steam injected gas turbine (IC-HSTIG), is shown in Fig. 3. As the fig-
chemical system with the non-thermochemical hybrid system ure shows, the pressurized incoming water (stream 7) is vaporized
(that can be called the ‘‘thermal hybrid system”), i.e. using two by the additional heat source before being superheated by the gas
heat sources but with no thermochemical process. Both the ther- turbine exhaust gas. The superheated steam (stream 9) is then
mochemical hybrid systems introduced are based on a Brayton mixed with the fuel and air in the combustor. To compare with
cycle, so the reference non-thermochemical hybrid system can be the performance of the SOLRGT, the turbine inlet temperature
configured based on the steam-injected gas turbine power and the temperature of the AHS are the same as in the SOLRGT,
generation system (STIG). In the STIG, steam is injected into the respectively.
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 209
Fig. 3. Flow diagram of the reference non-thermochemical hybrid system IC-HSTIG (intercooled hybrid steam injection gas turbine power generation system).
3.2. Thermochemical hybrid system using methanol as fuel where DB and DH are the changes of exergy and enthalpy in a pro-
cess, respectively. The concept of K is useful in exergy analysis
Methane (CH4) is commonly used as fuel in power plants, because it represents the exergy change relative to the correspond-
including thermochemical ones such as SOLRGT [24] discussed in ing energy change in thermal processes, and thus directly gives the
Section 3.1, where it is reformed to syngas and allows the effective relation between them.
use of solar heat as a secondary emissions-free input. Other fuels It was found in [27] that the energy level of the syngas that pro-
could also be used, such as methanol (CH3OH), which is often made duced from the reforming process Ksyn is higher than that of the
from coal as an easy way to transport and use as an intermediate solar heat source, Ksol , i.e.
fuel and can then be thermochemically reformed to syngas that
can then be burned in power generation systems. Ksyn > Ksol : ð4Þ
The studied system [27] is a methanol-fuelled solar-assisted This means that the energy level of the solar input heat is
chemically-recuperated combined cycle that we will call here upgraded to that of the syngas. It was stated in [27] that the K
SOLRMCC (called in [27] ‘‘solar thermal power cycle with solar energy level of the syngas is 120% higher (2.2-fold) than that of
decomposition of methanol”) for short. Other cycles of this type the solar input heat for the conditions and solar exergy definition
(but with different configurations) are described in [28,29]. Its flow used in [27]. In other words, the thermochemical reaction
diagram is shown in Fig. 4. Compared with Fig. 2 showing the flow upgraded the ‘‘quality” of the solar thermal input energy 2.2-fold.
diagram of SOLRGT, SOLRMCC has only two inlet streams, fuel
(methanol) and solar heat collected by the solar collection equip- (2) Potential for reducing chemical exergy loss in combustion
ment. The fuel (stream 1) is first decomposed to syngas (stream
3) by using solar heat, before being burned in the combustor in In the studied system [27], methanol is utilized by an indirect
the gas turbine. The gas turbine exhaust gas (stream 6) is then used process: methanol decomposition to syngas and subsequent com-
as the heat source of the bottoming Rankine cycle of the combined bustion of this produced syngas combustion. It was calculated in
cycle. [27] that there is thus a 17% reduction in the exergy loss using
Features of the hybrid solar thermal power cycle with solar the indirect combustion method as in the SOLRMCC, compared
decomposition of methanol: with the exergy loss using direct combustion method in the non-
thermochemical system.
(1) Upgrade of energy level from solar heat to chemical energy
(3) Significant improvement in middle-temperature solar heat
Following [30], ‘‘energy level”, K, is defined as the ratio of the use for electricity generation
changes of the exergy and the enthalpy in a process,
DB A useful performance criterion for evaluating the relative
K ; ð3Þ effect of using a solar-assisted hybrid system relative to a
conventional one that also not use solar assistance amount of
210 T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222
Fig. 4. Flow diagram for solar thermal power cycle with solar decomposition of methanol [27] (HRSG: heat recovery steam generator).
electricity generated from solar energy, i.e. net solar-to-electric which can be expressed as
efficiency is
j C Inv þ C O&M þ C f
_ W _0 cP ¼ ; ð7Þ
W HW _ net g
gse ¼ h_ ; ð5Þ gen
Q rad
in which cP [$/kJ] is the LEC for the system, C Inv [$] is the total
in which W h and W 0 are the work outputs of the studied hybrid sys- investment cost of the system, C O&M [$] and C f [$] are, respectively,
tem and of a reference system (conventional gas turbine combined the annual operation and maintenance (O&M) cost and annual fuel
cycle with the same input of methanol fuel as the hybrid system), cost of the system, H [h] is the total operation time of the system in
respectively and Q_ rad is the energy input rate from solar radiation a year, W_ net [kW] is the net power output of the system. j is the
[24–26]. capital recovery factor which depends on the interest rate as well
The predicted net solar-to-electric efficiency of the hybrid sys- as system expected lifetime and is determined by
tem gse , is higher than 30% when the solar collection equipment
temperature is about 220–300 °C, and maybe as high as 35% when ið1 þ iÞ
j¼ n ; ð8Þ
the turbine inlet temperature is 1300 °C and the solar collection ð1 þ iÞ 1
equipment temperature is 220 °C. This is attributed to the conver-
sion of low-level solar energy into high-level chemical exergy in which i is the interest rate (for example, i ¼ 0:08 when the inter-
which is then used in the high efficiency gas turbine process. est rate is 8%) and n is the lifetime of the system in years.
ggen is the electricity generator efficiency defined as the ratio of
work input and electricity output of the generator, which in this
4. Economic analysis methods of thermochemical hybrid
paper is assumed to be = 1 (0.95 to 0.99 in practice).
Eq. (7) thus becomes
Compared to the energo-economic analysis method, exergo- in which j is the capital recovery factor defined in Eq. (8), H [s] is
economic analysis, which combines the exergy analysis and eco- the total operation time per year and u is the maintenance factor
nomic analysis, provides an opportunity to compare the LECs defined as the ratio of operation and maintenance (O&M) cost
between systems more easily, by expressing the difference of the C O&M and total investment cost C Inv , i.e.
LECs of two systems with the help of the operation parameters of
the systems, without the need to calculate the LEC for each system u¼ : ð12Þ
C Inv
beforehand. The exergo-economic analysis method is also able to
assess the ‘‘cost” of the externalities as will be shown further Z k (or sometimes written as Ik ) are usually called the ‘‘cost func-
below. tions”, whose variables are component operation parameters such
Exergo-economic analysis is often performed by using the as isentropic efficiency and inlet temperature. For common compo-
Specific Exergy Costing (SPECO) methodology [31], which was also nents, these cost functions can be found in various publications
selected for this study. The basics of the SPECO method are such as [32–34].
described in [31], and more details are available in [32], so it will To help solve for all the unknowns in the cost equations, some
not be described in detail here. There are three steps in determin- additional equations has to be used which are called the ‘‘auxiliary
ing the LEC for a power plant using the SPECO method: equations” and are constructed by the so-called ‘‘F rule” and ‘‘P
Step 1: identification of each component and the corresponding rule”. The F rule states that the specific cost (cost per exergy unit)
fuel and product. associated with this removal of exergy from a fuel stream must be
The words ‘‘product” and ‘‘fuel” are defined here by considering equal to the average specific cost at which the removed exergy was
the desired result produced by the component and the resources supplied to the same stream in upstream components, and the P
expended to generate this result [31], and though appropriate principle states that each exergy unit is supplied to any stream
and correct, are different from other common definitions. For associated with the product at the same average cost [31]. The
example, in the common definition, the product of the combustor details could be found in [31,32] and will thus not be shown here.
refers to the combustion gas, since it is the only outlet stream of With the help of the auxiliary equations, the mathematical
the combustor. In the SPECO method, however, it refers to the dif- problem, thus having the same number of unknowns and equa-
ference between the costs associated with the outlet combustion tions, is closed. Case studies indicating how this method can be
gas and the inlet air, since the aim of the combustor is to increases used have been demonstrated in several papers such as [35,36].
the exergy of the working fluid. Step 3: Solve the equations and find the LEC for the system.
The ‘‘product” is defined to be equal to all the: The last step is to solve for the unknowns using the equations
constructed in step 2. One of the unknowns is the specific cost of
i. Exergy streams’ values to be considered at the outlet the power output of the turbine, which is also the LEC for the
(including the exergy of energy streams generated in the power output of the system, and which can thus be determined.
component), plus In this paper, the method will be used to calculate and compare
ii. Exergy increases between each component’s inlet and outlet the LEC for the hybrid system, cP;h , with that for the fuel-only ref-
(i.e. the exergy additions to the respective material streams) erence system, cP;0 .
that are in accord with the purpose of the component,
5. Exergo economic analysis of the thermochemical hybrid
and the ‘‘fuel” is defined to be equal to all the: power generation systems
i. Exergy values to be considered at the inlet (including the 5.1. Exergo-economic analysis of SOLRGT
exergy of energy streams supplied to the component), plus
ii. Exergy decreases between inlet and outlet (i.e. the exergy The goal is to find the LEC difference between that for the
removals from the respective material streams), minus hybrid system (SOLRGT) and its corresponding reference systems
iii. Exergy increases (between inlet and outlet) that are not in (IC-CRGT and IC-HSTIG) using the operational parameters of the
accord with the purpose of the component. systems. This is done by using the above described SPECO method.
The fuel, product and auxiliary equation for each component are
Step 2: Construction of the SPECO ‘‘cost equations”. first determined and then the cost function can be built for each
Having identified the ‘‘product” and ‘‘fuel” for each component, component. Manipulation of those cost balance equations will
a ‘‘cost equation” can be constructed which represents the cost bal- arrive at the LEC equation for each system. Further analysis could
ance of that component, i.e. the sum of the cost rates associated then be made based on it, and needed conclusions could be drawn.
with all exiting exergy streams equals the sum of the of cost rates The fuel, product and necessary auxiliary equations for each
of all entering exergy streams plus the appropriate charges due to component for applying the SPECO method are summarized in
capital investment and operating and maintenance expenses of the Table 2. The cost balance equations are constructed using Eq.
component [32]. The cost balance equation for component k is (10) and are shown below the table. The ‘‘additional heat source”
expressed as stands for solar heat in SOLRGT but can be generalized to other
X X heat sources, such as waste or geothermal heat, so the term ‘‘addi-
ðcP B_ P Þk ¼ ðcF B_ F Þk þ Z_ k ; ð10Þ
tional heat source” (AHS for short) is used below.
Cost balance equations:
in which cF [$/kJ] and cP [$/kJ] are called the average unit cost of fuel LP-Compressor:
and product, respectively, and B_ F [kW] and B_ P [kW] are exergy
C_ 2 C_ 1 ¼ C_ w;LPC þ Z_ LPC ð13Þ
transfer rates associated with fuel and product streams (including
material streams and energy streams) of the component, respec- Intercooler:
tively. Z_ k [$/s] is the cost rate associated with the possessing, oper-
C_ 3 C_ 2 ¼ ðC_ cw;in C_ cw;out Þ þ Z_ IC ð14Þ
ating and maintaining the component and calculated by
j Z k ð1 þ uÞ
Z_ k ¼ ; ð11Þ
H C_ 4 C_ 3 ¼ C_ w;HPC þ Z_ HPC ð15Þ
212 T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222
Table 2
Fuel, product and auxiliary equations for each component in the SOLRGT system in Fig. 1.
Recuperator: associated with the fuel C_ f . For example, in the case study
ðC_ 5 C_ 4 Þ þ ðC_ 13 C_ 12 Þ ¼ ðC_ 17 C_ 18 Þ þ Z_ REC ð16Þ in Ref. [33], ðC_ cw;out C_ cw;in Þ is (11.9–5.0) = 6.9 $/h; while C_ f
is 785.2 $/h.
ðC_ 15 C_ 14 Þ ¼ C_ 5 þ Z_ CC ð17Þ The higher temperature heat source (fuel) usually generates
flue gas (stream 13 in Fig. 2) after burning in the boiler. When
Turbine: the flue gas is not utilized in any further process and is ultimately
emitted to the atmosphere as in normal practice, there are two
C_ w;T ¼ ðC_ 15 C_ 16 Þ þ Z_ T ð18Þ
ways to assessing the cost associated with the flue gas. One ways
Reformer: is to calculate cfg based on the cost balance equations. A simpler
way is to set the specific cost of the flue gas to 0, i.e.
C_ 14 C_ 13 ¼ ðC_ 16 C_ 17 Þ þ Z_ REF ð19Þ
cfg ¼ c13 ¼ 0: ð27Þ
This way of determining cfg , however, is not recommended
C_ 7 C_ 6 ¼ C_ w;P þ Z_ P ð20Þ since it doesn’t allow an estimation of the cost consequences of
Economizer: rejecting the flue gas to the surroundings and it also violates the
F rule [31]. Either way is acceptable and the results apply to the
C_ 8 C_ 7 ¼ ðC_ 18 C_ 19 Þ þ Z_ E ð21Þ final results of the analysis, although resulting in different values
of calculated cP . This also means that the cP calculated from the
Additional heat source:
exergo-economic method is not necessarily the same as from the
C_ 9 C_ 8 ¼ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ AHS ð22Þ energo-economic analysis method.
When not utilized in other processes, the flue gas is an undesir-
Fuel compressor:
able externality (interaction with the environment that the power
C_ 11 C_ 10 ¼ C_ w;FC þ Z_ FC ð23Þ utility is not obliged to pay), and this analysis method is an oppor-
tunity to quantify here the ‘‘cost” of externalities and this is an
Mixer: advantage of using the exergo-economic analysis than the conven-
C_ 12 ¼ C_ 9 þ C_ 11 ð24Þ tional energo-economic analysis method.
Sometimes carbon tax could be imposed on power generation
Adding Eqs. (13)–(24) together results in cancelation of some of plants that emit CO2, which is proportional to the amount of CO2
their unknowns as shown in Eq. (25): emitted to the atmosphere, i.e.
C_ w;T ðC_ w;LPC þ C_ w;HPC þ C_ w;P þ C_ w;FC Þ C_ ct ¼ cCO2 m
_ CO2 ; ð28Þ
¼ C_ 10 þ C_ 1 þ C_ 6 ðC_ cw;out C_ cw;in Þ C_ 19 þ Z_ TOT ; ð25Þ
in which C_ ct [$/s] is the carbon tax imposed on the system, cCO2 [$/
in which Z_ TOT is the total cost rate of SOLRGT including all kg] is the specific cost for carbon emission, and m _ CO2 [kg/s] is the
components: carbon emission rate to the atmosphere.
X According to the combustion equation for methane
Z_ TOT ¼ Z_ k : ð26Þ
k CH4 þ 2ð1 þ 0:2ÞO2 ¼ CO2 þ 2H2 O þ 0:4O2 ð29Þ
Before further treatment of Eq. (25), we make two assumptions when methane is used as fuel and burned completely to carbon
that are typical for power systems and to simplify the equations: dioxide and steam (requiring excess air of at least 20% to ensure
complete combustion), and no carbon capture method is used, the
(1) C_ 1 , the cost rate associated with the inlet air of gas turbine, mass rate of CO2 emission will be proportional to the fuel used in
could be regarded as 0 since it is usually free to get from the the system:
ambient air;
_ CO2 44
(2) ðC_ cw;out C_ cw;in Þ is the cost rate associated with the cooling ¼ ¼ 2:75 ð30Þ
_ CH4 16
water and is considered small compared with the cost rate
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 213
5.2. Comparison of the LEC of the SOLRGT with the single heat source ratios for the SOLRGT and the reference system, respectively.
reference system (IC-CRGT) Strictly speaking, the specific exergy of the flue gas is different
for the reference and SOLRGT systems due to their different ther-
It is of interest to compare the LEC for the SOLRGT with that for modynamic condition (temperature, pressure, and composition).
the system that does not use solar heat or does not include a Since the difference between the mass flow rate of the fuel in the
thermochemical process. As introduced in Section 3.1, the first ref- reference and SOLRGT systems is small relative to the working
erence system that is without solar heat is IC-CRGT shown in Fig. 2, fluid flow rate (0.6%) and the turbine inlet condition is fixed, it is
and the second reference system that is non-thermochemical is assumed here that their exergies are the same. Thus the cost rate
IC-HSTIG shown in Fig. 3. As a basis for comparison, the turbine difference of the flue gas is, from Eqs. (38) and (39),
inlet temperature and mass flow rate of the compressor inlet air
C_ fg C_ fg;0 ¼ cfg bfg ðm
_ fg m
_ fg;0 Þ
are kept the same for all systems.
In the fuel-only reference system, solar heat is not used to _ a ½ða a0 Þ þ ðaRsm a0 Rsm;0 Þ;
¼ cfg bfg m ð40Þ
vaporize the water, so more fuel is needed to maintain the turbine
The cost rate associated with the additional heat source is
inlet temperature. Since water is vaporized by the gas turbine
exhaust gas in the reference system, less steam will be generated C_ q;AHS ¼ cq;AHS B_ AHS ; ð41Þ
by the turbine exhaust gas heat in the SOLRGT system since it does
not have as much thermal energy to vaporize both the needed in which cq;AHS [$/kJ] is the specific cost of the additional heat source
water and heat the pressurized air. For the same reason, the (AHS), which is 0 when the source energy itself, neglecting the cost
methane conversion rate in the reference system will be lower of the needed systems for their collection or extraction, is free, such
214 T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222
as in cases when solar or geothermal energy is used as AHS, and B_ AHS For SOLRGT to be competitive with the reference fuel-only sys-
[kW] is the exergy flow rate from the AHS into the system. tem economically, DcP must be P0, i.e.
The cost rate of water (stream 6 in Fig. 1), according to the def- _ a ðcf bf cfg bfg þ 2:75cCO2 Þða0 kaÞ þ m
m _ a ðcw bw cfg bfg Þ
inition, is
ða0 Rsm;0 kaRsm Þ
C_ w ¼ cw bw m
_ w ¼ c w bw m _ a aRsm :
_ f Rsm ¼ cw bw m ð42Þ
P cq;AHS B_ AHS þ Z_ AHS : ð49Þ
Thus the cost rate difference of water between the SOLRGT and
the reference systems is Based on the case in Ref. [24], the values of the terms in Eq.
(6.79) are k ¼ 1:016, a0 ¼ 0:026, a ¼ 0:02, Rsm;0 ¼ 5:02 and
C_ w C_ w;0 ¼ cw bw m
_ a aRsm cw bw m
_ a a0 Rsm;0 Rsm ¼ 6:1, so a0 ka ¼ 0:0057 and a0 Rsm;0 kaRsm ¼ 0:0066. Con-
_ a ðaRsm a0 Rsm;0 Þ:
¼ cw bw m ð43Þ sidering that k 1, or ða0 kaÞ ða0 aÞ, it could be assumed
The cost rate of carbon tax is expressed by Eq. (31), so the dif-
ða0 aÞ ða0 kaÞ ða0 Rsm;0 kaRsm Þ: ð50Þ
ference between the carbon tax rate for the SOLRGT and for the ref-
erence system is Also, since the temperature of the incoming water is close to the
ambient, the water specific exergy is small compared with that of
C_ ct C_ ct;0 ¼ 2:75cCO2 m
_ a ða a0 Þ: ð44Þ the fuel, i.e. bw
bf . Since the water price is also small compared
The power output of the turbine is with that of the fuel, i.e. cw
cf , we can neglect the water cost rate
term in Eq. (49) because
_ T¼m
W _ T Dh T ; ð45Þ
cw bw
cf bf : ð51Þ
in which m _ T is the total mass flow rate of the working fluid (com-
Using (50) and (51), Eq. (49) can be simplified to
bustion gas) and DhT is the specific enthalpy change of the working
fluid through the turbine. Since the mass flow rate of water is inde- _ a ða0 aÞ P cq;AHS B_ AHS þ Z_ AHS :
ðcf bf cfg bfg þ 2:75cCO2 Þm ð52Þ
pendent of the mass flow rate of the fuel, there is no fixed relation
between the turbine power output and thus the net power output This means that for SOLRGT to be economically competitive
of the SOLRGT and the reference system IC-CRGT. with its reference system, the cost saving from fuel reduction (sav-
Since the turbine power output is proportional to the mass flow ing fuel usage, reduce carbon tax and selling flue gas as by-
rate of the working fluid and considering that the mass flow rate of product) by using the AHS must not be smaller than the total cost
air is kept the same for both systems, the power output ratio of the AHS and the SOLRGT components that were added to the ref-
between the reference and SOLRGT system is erence system. As Eq. (49) shows, this can be achieved by increas-
ing the carbon tax rate cCO2 and/or decreasing the AHS component
_ T;0 m_ aþm _ f;0 1 þ a0 þ a0 Rsm;0
_ w;0 þ m
¼ ¼ ; ð46Þ cost Z_ AHS , or if the fuel price cf rises to the level of
W_T m_ aþm _ wþm _f 1 þ a þ aRsm
cq;AHS B_ AHS þ Z_ AHS
cf > 2:75cCO2 þ cfg bfg ð53Þ
and the results from [24] show that the net power output of IC- ða0 aÞm _ a bf
CRGT is about 1.6% higher than that of SOLRGT.
Note that although the turbine power output ratio of the refer- Using this equation as a test example specific to the SOLRGT
ence and the SOLRGT system can be explicitly written as Eq. (46), case [24], the use of Eq. (53) is demonstrated using the assumption
the ratio of the net power output of the system cannot, and we shown in Table 3.
therefore define the ratio of the net power output of IC-CRGT and Using Eq. (24), the annual average investment cost of SOLRGT
SOLRGT as k, i.e. C inv;an is 25.5 M$, and that the solar block (consisting of the solar
collection equipment field, thermal storage system which could
_ net;0
k¼ ; ð47Þ provide heat for SOLRGT for 3 h of operation when there is no solar
_ net;h
W heat input, and the solar evaporator) accounts for 54.0% of the total
cost (vSB ¼ 0:54). So the cost rate of the solar block is
for further analysis.
Using Eq. (47), the electricity cost difference between the hybrid C inv;an $25:5 106
Z_ AHS ¼ vSB ¼ 0:54 ¼ 0:437 $=s: ð54Þ
system SOLRGT and the reference fuel-only system IC-CRGT is thus H 365 24 3600 s
ðkC_ f C_ f;0 Þ þ ðkC_ w C_ w;0 Þ ðkC_ fg C_ fg;0 Þ þ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ AHS þ ðC_ ct C_ ct;0 Þ
W _ net;0
_ a ðka a0 Þ þ cw bw m
cf bf m _ a ½ðka a0 Þ þ ðkaRsm a0 Rsm;0 Þ þ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ AHS þ 2:75cCO2 m
_ a ðkaRsm a0 Rsm;0 Þ cfg bfg m _ a ðka a0 Þ
_ net;0
_ a ðcw bw cfg bfg ÞðkaRsm a0 Rsm;0 Þ þ cq;AHS B_ AHS þ Z_ AHS
_ a ðcf bf cfg bfg þ 2:75cCO2 Þðka a0 Þ þ m
¼ : ð48Þ
_ net;0
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 215
Table 3 in which W _ P and W _ FC are the power input of the pump and the fuel
Assumptions used in the analysis of the SOLRGT with numbers.
compressor, respectively, Q_ ADD is the heat addition rate from the
Variables Values AHS to the system, m _w¼m _ 6 is the mass flow rate of the incoming
Specific cost of the AHS (solar) cq;AHS ¼ csolar ¼ 0 water, m_f ¼m _ 10 is the mass flow rate of the fuel, m _ fg ¼ m
_ 16 is the
Carbon tax rate cCO2 ¼ 0 mass flow rate of the flue gas, hex and hfg are the specific enthalpies
Specific cost of the flue gas cfg ¼ 0
of the turbine exhaust gas and the flue gas, respectively.
Difference between the fuel-air ratio a0 a ¼ 0:026 0:02 ¼ 0:006 [24]
of IC-CRGT and SOLRGT Similarly, according to Fig. 3, the total energy addition rate to
Mass flow rate of compressor inlet _ a ¼ 610 kg=s [24]
m the IC-HSTIG, Q_ 0 , can be expressed as
Specific chemical exergy of fuel bf ¼ 8310:6 kJ=mol ¼ 510:975 MJ=kg Q_ 0in;0 ¼ ðm
_ 0w;0 h0w;0 þ _ 0 þ Q_ 0
W P;0
_0 0 _0 _0
ADD;0 Þ þ ðmf;0 hf;0 þ mf;0 LHV þ W FC;0 Þ
(methane) [37]
þ ðm _ 0fg;0 h0ex;0 m
_ 0fg;0 hfg;0 Þ: ð59Þ
For comparison, the mass flow rate of compressor inlet air and
Substituting the assumptions used in Table 3 and Eq. (54) into turbine inlet temperature is the same for both systems. By compar-
Eq. (53), shows that for SOLRGT to be economically competitive ing Eqs. (58) and (59), it can be concluded that each corresponding
with the reference fuel-only system, cf must be larger than term in the two equations should be the same, i.e.
2.3 106 $/kJ.
Q_ 0in;0 ¼ Q_ in ð60Þ
The average natural gas price in the US (on 11/23/2015) was
2.546 $/(million BTU) or 2.7 106 $/kJ, and was lowest at
_ 0w;0 ¼ m
m _w ð61Þ
1.7 106 $/kJ in the US mid-Atlantic region [38]. This average fuel
cost is already high enough for SOLRGT to be economic competi- 0
tive, although not high enough in some regions. It is noteworthy hw;0 ¼ hw ð62Þ
that the price of gas in the US (Henry Hub) is one of the lowest
in the world, up to about 5-fold, it is obvious that SOLRGT under _ 0 ¼W
W _P ð63Þ
these conditions would be very competitive in most of the world.
If the fuel price is, however, 2.3 106 $/kJ, one way to make Q_ 0ADD;0 ¼ Q_ ADD ð64Þ
SOLRGT economically advantageous is by imposing a carbon tax of
" #
4 cq;AHS B_ AHS þ Z_ AHS _ 0f;0 ¼ m
m _f ð65Þ
cCO2 P cf bf ¼ 0:0113 $=kgCO2 : ð55Þ
11 m_ a ða0 aÞ
hf;0 ¼ hf ð66Þ
This is a practical tax value and some country/region has
already imposed higher carbon tax. For example, British Columbia _ 0 ¼W
W _ FC ð67Þ
in Canada has imposed a carbon tax at 0.022 $/kgCO2 since July
2012 [39], which almost doubles the value given in Eq. (55). _ 0fg;0 ¼ m
_ fg
m ð68Þ
Another way to make SOLRGT economically competitive is to
decrease the cost of the solar block. Without carbon tax, and using 0
the lowest fuel cost at 1.7 106 $/kJ, the cost of the solar block hex;0 ¼ hex ð69Þ
Z_ AHS must be 0
hfg;0 ¼ hfg ð70Þ
Z_ AHS 6 ðcf bf þ 2:75cCO2 Þm
_ a ða0 aÞ cq;AHS B_ AHS ¼ 0:323 $=s; ð56Þ
It is thus easy to know that
which is only 26% lower than its above cited value, and is thus not
unrealistic and is feasible as technology advances. C_ 0f;0 ¼ C_ f ð71Þ
5.3. Comparison of the LEC of the SOLRGT with the hybrid non- C_ 0w;0 ¼ C_ w ð72Þ
thermochemical reference system (IC-HSTIG)
C_ 0q;AHS;0 ¼ C_ q;AHS ð73Þ
When comparing the LEC for the SOLRGT with the non-
thermochemical reference system IC-HSTIG shown in Fig. 3, the
LEC for the latter is determined by using the same SPECO method C_ 0fg;0 ¼ C_ fg ð74Þ
as for SOLRGT, the LEC is expressed by
C_ 0ct;0 ¼ C_ ct ð75Þ
C_ 0f;0 þ C_ 0w;0 þ C_ 0q;AHS;0 C_ 0fg;0 þ Z_ 0TOT;0 þ C_ 0ct;0
c0P;0 ¼ ; ð57Þ
_0 _0 _
W net;0 W net;0 ¼ W net ð76Þ
in which the subscript 0 stands for the reference system and the The cost rate of the corresponding equipment in the SOLRGT
superscript prime stands for the reference system IC-HSTIG. and IC-HSTIG are thus also the same. So the cost rate difference
According to Fig. 1, the total energy addition rate to the SOLRGT, between the two systems is
Q_ in , is the sum of the enthalpy of water, fuel and the heat from
DZ_ 0TOT ¼ Z_ TOT Z_ 0TOT;0 ¼ Z_ REC þ Z_ REF þ Z_ ECO Z_ HR ; ð77Þ
regenerated from the turbine exhaust gas (ignoring heat losses in
each equipment since they are small compared to the heat duty in which Z_ REC , Z_ REF and Z_ ECO are the cost rates of the recuperator,
of the equipment), i.e.
reformer and economizer of the SOLRGT system and Z_ HR is the cost
Q_ in ¼ ðm _ P þ Q_ ADD Þ þ ðm
_ w hw þ W _ f hf þ m _ FC Þ
_ f LHV þ W rate of the heat regenerator of the IC-HSTIG system.
Comparing Eqs. (34) and (57), the LEC difference of the SOLRGT
_ fg hex m
þ ðm _ fg hfg Þ; ð58Þ
and IC-HSTIG is
216 T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222
Table 4
Economic analysis assumptions summary.
Values Notes
Price of the methane 2.0 $/MMBtu [38]
Plant operation life 30 years [24]
Interest rate 8% [24]
Price of the land 2.8 $/m2 [24]
Annual O&M (cost of operation and maintenance) 4% of the investment capital cost of the system [24]
Construction period 2 years [24]
Finance 50% of the total investment cost is an interest-bearing loan and the other 50% is [24]
equity, and a loan interest rate of 8%, and the loan period (years) which is
assumed to be equal to the system operation life, which means there is no loan
payment during the construction period
Solar collection equipment cost 100.6 M$ [24]
Price of the methane variation 80–120% of the base price (0.144 $/Nm3) Assumed
Solar collection equipment cost variation 100%, 75% or 50% of base cost (100.6 M$) Assumed
Carbon tax rate variation 0–0.04 $/kgCO2 Assumed based on [39]
DZ_ 0TOT with both fuel price and carbon tax rate. For example, when there
Dc0P ¼ cP;h c0P;0 ¼ : ð78Þ
W_ net is no carbon tax and the solar collection equipment price is the
same as the base price, the LEC for the system will decrease by
It can thus be concluded from Eq. (78) that the LEC for the ther- about 4% (from 0.049 $/MW h to 0.047 $/MW h), if the fuel price
mochemical hybrid system (SOLRGT) is lower than that for the decreases by 20% from the current price. When both fuel and solar
non-thermochemical hybrid system (IC-HSTIG) if DZ_ 0 < 0, or TOT collection equipment prices remain at their base price, the LEC for
Z_ REC þ Z_ REF þ Z_ ECO < Z_ HR according to Eq. (77). It can also be seen the system will increase by about 28% (from 0.049 $/MW h to
that Dc0P doesn’t change with the fuel price, carbon tax rate or 0.062 $/MW h) if the carbon tax rate is increased from 0 to 0.04
the AHS equipment cost. $/kgCO2.
Besides fuel price and carbon tax rate, it is obvious (and shown
5.4. Sensitivity analysis of the SOLRGT LEC to fuel price, carbon tax and in Fig. 5) that higher solar collection equipment price would raise
the solar collection equipment price the LEC. For example, when the fuel price is at its base value and
the carbon tax rate is that in British Columbia in Canada, i.e.
From Eq. (34), the LEC for the SOLRGT cp;h increases with the 0.022 $/kgCO2, reducing the solar collection equipment price to half
of its base price, causes the COE of the system to decrease by about
cost of the fuel C_ f and carbon tax C_ ct , as well as the cost of the addi-
12% (from 0.056 $/MW h to 0.050 $/MW h).
tional heat source (AHS) components Z_ AHS (part of the cost of all
components in SOLRGT Z_ TOT ). To illustrate this characteristics, sen- 5.5. Exergo-economic analysis of SOLRMCC
sitivity analysis of the LEC for the SOLRGT to fuel price, carbon tax
and cost of AHS component will be done. For SOLRGT, solar radia- The exergo-economic analysis is now performed for the
tion is used as the AHS, so the AHS components include the solar SOLRMCC system, in the same way as it was done for SOLRGT (in
collection equipment. Thermal storage may also be used and Section 5.1). The fuel, product and necessary auxiliary equations
should strictly be included, but the majority of the AHS cost comes for each component for applying the SPECO method are summa-
from the solar collection equipment (70% of total AHS cost [24]). rized in Table 5. The cost balance equations can be constructed
This analysis therefore focuses only on the change of the solar col- using Eq. (10) and are shown below the table.
lection equipment price rather than the total cost of all AHS Cost balance equations:
components. Heater:
The assumption used are mostly from [24] and are summarized
in Table 4. C_ 2 C_ 1 ¼ C_ q;AHS;1 þ Z_ H ð80Þ
The results are shown in Fig. 5. The two variables are fuel price Reactor:
relative to the current price at $2.0/MMBtu (assumed price/$2.0/
MMBtu) and carbon tax rate, respectively. The objective function C_ 3 C_ 2 ¼ C_ q;AHS;2 þ Z_ R ð81Þ
is the levelized electricity cost (LEC) from the system calculated
using Eq. (34). The upper, middle and lower surface in the figure
were calculated when the solar collection equipment price is C_ 4 C_ 0 ¼ C_ w;C þ Z_ C ð82Þ
100%, 75% and 50% of the base price (288.4 $/m2 [24]), respectively.
Using Eq. (34) and the data in Table 4, the LECs of the SOLRGT are
C_ 5 C_ 4 ¼ C_ 3 þ Z_ CC ð83Þ
ai þ 360:6cCO2 þ 15:14rcf
LEC ð$=kW hÞ ¼ ; ð79Þ
1052 Gas turbine:
in which a1 ¼ 56:25 when the solar collection equipment price is C_ w;GT ¼ ðC_ 5 C_ 6 Þ þ Z_ GT ð84Þ
100% of the base price, a2 ¼ 50:92 when the solar collection equip-
ment price is 75% of the base price, a3 ¼ 45:59 when the solar col- HRSG:
lection equipment price is 50% of the base price, cCO2 [$/kg] is the C_ 8 C_ 12 ¼ ðC_ 6 C_ 7 Þ þ Z_ HRSG ð85Þ
specific cost for carbon emission and r cf is the ratio between the
assumed fuel price and the current fuel price. Steam turbine:
It can be seen from Fig. 5 that for all the solar collection equip- C_ w;ST ¼ ðC_ 8 C_ 9 Þ þ Z_ ST ð86Þ
ment prices considered in this study, the LEC for SOLRGT increases
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 217
Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis of levelized electricity cost (LEC) from SOLRGT to fuel price, carbon tax with different solar collection equipment price (100%, 75% and 50% of the
base price for the upper, middle and lower surface, respectively).
Table 5
Fuel, product and auxiliary equations for each component in the SOLRMCC system in Fig. 4.
Condenser: the cost rate of the additional heat source and is the sum of C_ q;AHS;1
Since all the carbon dioxide generated during the operation of in which h4 [kJ/kg] and h5 [kJ/kg] are the specific enthalpy of pres-
the studied system comes from the usage of the fuel, carbon tax surized air and combustion gas relative to the reference state,
could also be regarded as the additional cost of the fuel in addition respectively. m _ f [kg/s] are the mass flow rate of
_ f;0 [kg/s] and m
to the purchasing cost of the fuel cf . So when carbon tax is consid- the methanol fuel in the reference and hybrid system, respectively.
ered, the cost rate of the fuel C_ f can be expressed as LHV [kJ/kg] is the lower heating value of methanol. Q_ sol [kW] is the
solar heat input rate from the collector and
C_ 0f ¼ C_ f þ C_ ct ¼ cf bf m
_ f þ 1:375cCO2 m
_ f:
¼ ðcf bf þ 1:375cCO2 Þm ð92Þ Q_ sol ¼ gsc Q_ rad ; ð97Þ
Using Eq. (33), the LEC for the hybrid system with consideration in which Q_ rad [kW] is the total solar radiation input rate on solar
of the carbon tax is collection equipment and gsc is the solar collection equipment
C_ f C_ fg þ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ TOT þ C_ ct
cP;h ¼ : ð93Þ Comparison of the reference and hybrid system on the same
W_ net
basis is based on assuming that the mass flow rate of air was kept
It is of interest to compare the LEC for the hybrid with that from the same for both systems, i.e. m _a¼m _ a;0 , so
the system without solar heat input. The system without solar heat
m _ f LHV þ Q_ sol
_ f;0 LHV ¼ m ð98Þ
is the conventional gas turbine combined cycle system with
methanol as fuel (this is assumed just for this analysis; Methanol Using the data from [27], the LHV of methanol = 676.29 kJ/mol,
is not commonly used as fuel for gas turbines, but was discussed, the solar radiation on the solar collectors was 147.88 kJ/mol-
such as in [40]), with the same flow diagram as Fig. 4, without CH3OH, and the solar collection equipment efficiency was 0.62.
the solar heat source and its related components including the Substituting these numbers in Eq. (98) yields
solar collection equipment, heater and reactor. The operating
_ f;0
parameters are the same as in the hybrid system, including fuel ¼ 1:14 ð99Þ
and air inlet temperatures and pressures, mass flow rate of com- m_f
pressor inlet air, gas turbine and steam turbine inlet temperatures, Knowing the ratio of mass flow rate of the fuel for the hybrid
compression ratio of gas turbine, isentropic efficiency of compres- and the reference system (Eq. (99)), the ratio of the cost rate of
sor, gas turbine, steam turbine and pump, flue gas temperature, the fuel is
cooling water inlet temperature and pressure, temperature of
working fluid at condenser outlet and pump pressure ratio. C_ f;0 cf bf m _ f;0
¼ ¼ 1:14; ð100Þ
Using the same method as in the hybrid system, the resulting C_ f c f bf m_f
LEC expression for the reference system is
since the cost rate of the fuel C_ f [$/s] is defined as
C_ f;0 C_ fg;0 þ Z_ TOT;0 þ C_ ct;0
cP;0 ¼ ; ð94Þ C_ f ¼ cf bf m
_ f; ð101Þ
W _ net;0
in which the subscript 0 stands for the reference system. in which cf [$/kJ] is the specific cost of the fuel (methanol) and bf
Comparison of the LEC for the hybrid and reference system can [kJ/kg] is the specific chemical exergy of the fuel (methanol) which
be done by comparing each term in Eqs. (93) and (94). In the fol- are both the same for the hybrid and the reference system.
lowing comparison, the turbine inlet temperature would be kept For the flue gas of the system, the temperature and pressure of
the same for both. the flue gas could be assumed to be the same for both systems.
Methanol is the only fuel used in this hybrid and in its reference Considering the composition of the flue gas is roughly the same
systems. In the hybrid system, the methanol is decomposed to CO as that of the combustion gas, the specific exergy and specific cost
and H2 that are then burned; while in the reference system, the of flue gas should also be the same, or
methanol is directly burned. According to species conservation, bfg;0 ¼ bfg ð102Þ
for both systems, the mole ratio of carbon dioxide and steam in
the combustion gas is 1:2, since the mole ratio of carbon to hydro- cfg;0 ¼ cfg ð103Þ
gen atoms is 1:4 in the methanol (CH3OH) molecule and each car-
bon dioxide molecule (CO2) has 1 carbon atom and each steam Since the mass flow rate of flue gas is the same as that of the
molecule (H2O) has 2 hydrogen atoms. Besides methanol, gas tur- combustion gas when no leakage is considered,
bine inlet air also contains some carbon and hydrogen. The mole _ fg;0 m
m _ f;0
ratio of CO2 in the atmospheric dry air (without vapor) is typically ¼ ¼ 1:14 ð104Þ
mfg m_f
only 0.03% [33]. Continuous operation of the gas turbine compres-
sor requires removal of the moisture from the compressor inlet air, Therefore,
so the CO2 and H2O in the air can be neglected relative to their con-
tent in the methanol fuel. C_ fg;0 cfg bfg m_ fg
¼ ¼ 1:14 ð105Þ
To approach complete combustion of the fuel, the gas turbine C_ fg cfg bfg m_ fg;0
inlet air flow is assumed to be 20% higher than needed for stoichio-
In this comparison, the turbine inlet temperature is fixed, but
metric combustion. Since the gas temperature and pressure at the
not the work output. So based on Eq. (99),
turbine inlet are assumed to be the same for the hybrid and refer-
ence system, so is thus the enthalpy. The energy balances of the _ net;0 366:44 m
W _ f;0
¼ ¼ 0:94; ð106Þ
combustor for the reference and hybrid systems, respectively, are _
W net 446:20 m_f
in which the mass flow rate of fuel in the hybrid and the reference
m _ f;0 LHV ¼ ðm
_ a;0 h4 þ m _ a;0 þ m
_ f;0 Þh5 ; ð95Þ
system are found in [27].
and Next, the cost rate of each component of the system is com-
pared. According to [33], most of the component cost is propor-
m _ f LHV þ Q_ sol ¼ ðm
_ a h4 þ m _ aþm
_ f Þh5 ; ð96Þ tional to the mass flow rate of working fluid when the operation
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 219
same for both systems (for example, 20% more than stoichiometric SOLRGT SOLRMCC
air), the ratio between each component cost for hybrid system and a1 ða0 aÞ 0:07
reference system will be the same as the ratio between the mass a2 2:75 1:375
flow rates of the fuel, so a3 1 a
Z_ TOT;0 _ f;0
¼ ¼ 1:14 ð107Þ
Z_ TOT Z_ AHS m_f
or written as
Defining the cost rate ratio between the additional heat source 1 _
component (e.g. solar collection equipment) and the hybrid system C_ f > ðZ AHS þ C_ q;AHS Þ 1:375cCO2 m
_ f þ C_ fg : ð116Þ
as vAHS , or
Thus we have found the condition under which the LEC for the
Z_ AHS hybrid system is lower than that for the reference system. In fact,
vAHS ¼ ; ð108Þ
Z_ TOT Eq. (116) has a similar form as for SOLRGT.
Using Eqs. (101), (91) and (41), Eq. (116) can be rewritten as
results in
Z_ AHS þ cq;AHS B_ AHS 1þa
Z_ TOT;0 Z_ TOT;0 cf > 1:375cCO2 þ c b ð117Þ
¼ ¼ 1:14 ð109Þ 0:07m _ f bf a fg fg
_Z TOT Z_ AHS ð1 v ÞZ_ TOT
It can be seen that Eqs. (117) and (53) have similar forms as
Substituting Eqs. (100), (105), (106) and (109) into Eqs. (93) and
(94), the ratio between the electricity cost of the reference and the Z_ AHS þ cq;AHS B_ AHS
cf > a2 cCO2 þ a3 cfg bfg ; ð118Þ
hybrid system is _ f bf
a1 m
in which ai ði ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ are different for SOLRGT and SOLRMCC and
cP;0 ðC_ 0f;0 C_ fg;0 þ Z_ TOT;0 Þ=W _ net;0
¼ are summarized in Table 6.
cP;h ðC_ 0f C_ fg þ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ TOT Þ=W _ net Not all thermochemical hybrid systems are studied here, but it
W _ net C_ 0f;0 C_ fg;0 þ Z_ TOT;0 can be reasonably deduced that Eq. (118) may apply for most, if not
¼ all, of the thermochemical hybrid systems. Since there are too
W net;0 C f C_ fg þ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ TOT
_ _ 0
many different current and potential configurations of thermo-
1:14C_ 0f 1:14C_ fg þ 1:14ð1 vAHS ÞZ_ TOT chemical hybrid system it is, however, unlikely that a universal
¼ 0:94
C_ 0f C_ fg þ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ TOT equation for this purpose can be established.
" # Since Eqs. (117) and (53) have similar forms, the sensitivity
C_ 0f C_ fg þ ð1 vAHS ÞZ_ TOT analysis of the LEC for SOLRMCC to fuel price, carbon tax and the
¼ 1:07 : ð110Þ
C_ 0 C_ fg þ C_ q;AHS þ Z_ TOT
solar collection equipment price is similar to that from SOLRGT
as discussed in Section 5.4. Also, Eqs. (93) and (34) have the same
Using Eq. (92), the difference between the numerator and
form except that Eq. (93) doesn’t have the term C_ w that stands for
denominator of Eq. (110) is
the cost rate associated with the water needed in reforming
methane in SOLRGT, which is not required in the methanol decom-
D ¼ 0:07ðC_ f þ 1:375cCO2 m
_ f C_ fg Þ ½ð1:07vAHS 0:07ÞZ_ TOT þ C_ q;AHS
position process.
ð111Þ Eq. (118) can be rewritten using the carbon tax rate cCO2 as
1 Z_ AHS þ cq;AHS B_ AHS
cCO2 > þ a3 cfg bfg cf ; ð119Þ
cP;h < cP;0 ; if D > 0 ð112Þ a2 _ f bf
a1 m
indicating that the LEC for the hybrid system is lower than that for
cP;h > cP;0 ; if D < 0 ð113Þ
the reference when the carbon tax rate cCO2 is higher than a certain
According to Eq. (112), cP;h , the LEC for the hybrid system tends value and provides an easy way to determine it.
to become lower than cP;0 , that for the reference system, when Eq. (119) gives guidance for determining the carbon tax rate. It
indicates that the LEC for the hybrid system is lower than that for
(1) ðC_ f þ 1:375cCO2 m_ f C_ fg Þ (the fuel price, carbon tax rates and the reference system when the carbon tax rate is higher than a cer-
externality cost) increases; and/or tain value that can be easily calculated. Considering the fact that
(2) vAHS (the cost rate fraction of the additional heat source) imposing a carbon tax rate that is too small won’t help the thermo-
decreases; and/or chemical hybrid system compete with the reference system eco-
(3) Z_ TOT (the total cost rate of the hybrid system) decreases; and/ nomically too much and imposing a much larger carbon tax rate
or may not be needed, Eq. (119) provides an easy way in helping
determine the appropriate carbon tax value.
(4) C_ q;AHS (the price of the additional heat source device)
The equations derived for the dependence of the thermochem-
ical hybrid systems’ electricity costs are functions of the systems’
governing parameters and can thus be easily used for price sensi-
Since 0 < vAHS < 1,
tivity analysis. For example, Eqs. (93) and (34) can be differentiated
1:07vAHS 0:07 vAHS : ð114Þ to determine the sensitivity of the LEC for both hybrid systems, cP;h ,
to the fuel price, cf , which is functionally expressed as
Using Eq. (108), cP;h < cP;0 , if
@cP;h 1 @ C_ f 1
0:07ðC_ f þ 1:375cCO2 m
_ f C_ fg Þ > Z_ AHS þ C_ q;AHS ; ð115Þ ¼ ¼ _ b;
m ð120Þ
@cf _
W net @cf _ net f f
220 T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222
since the other terms in the numerator of Eqs. (93) and (34) don’t (1) For a given system, find the terms needed to calculate the
change with the fuel price. LEC of a system, including all the terms in the first term on
Similarly, it can be found that the right hand side of Eq. (123), such as C Inv and C ct , but
excluding C fg since there is no way to estimate the cost asso-
@cP;h 1 @ C_ ct 1 ciated with the flue gas without the help of the exergo-
¼ ¼ _
m ð121Þ
@cct _ net @cct W
W _ net CO2 economic analysis method;
(2) Do the same for the reference system, i.e. find the terms in
@cP;h 1 the second term on the right hand side of Eq. (123), such
¼ ð122Þ as C Inv;0 and C ct;0 , excluding C f;0 ;
@ Z_ AHS _ net
(3) Calculate the LEC difference of the two numbers from the
Since cf , cct and Z_ AHS have different units and are independent of previous two steps.
each other, evaluation of the relative impact of these factors on the
LEC for the hybrid system, cP;h , can only be determined by finding Comparing the results from the exergo-economic analysis
and using their values by Eqs. (120)–(122). According to Eq. (90), method and the conventional energo-economic analysis method,
m_ f is proportional to m _ CO2 . Eqs. (120) and (121) thus showed that it could be seen that the exergo-economic analysis method is able to:
the partial derivative of the fuel price cf and the carbon tax rate
cct both increase with the mass flow rate of the fuel, m _ f . As more (1) compare directly the LECs of hybrid and the reference sys-
AHS is added, less fuel is needed in the power systems when the tem with the help of some operation parameters, such as
total heat input remains the same. This means that the impact of Eqs. (48), (78) and (110);
cf and cct become smaller as more AHS is added in the hybrid sys- (2) determine under which condition is the LEC for the hybrid
tem. The impact of the cost rate of the AHS equipment, Z_ AHS , on the system is competitive to the reference system, such as Eqs.
cP;h however, doesn’t change with m_ f , meaning that more focus (53) and (116);
(3) assess the ‘‘cost” of externalities using system operating
should be put on reducing Z_ AHS when the mass flow rate of fuel
parameters, such as flue gas in Eq. (40) and cooling water
become smaller.
in Eq. (43),
5.6. Comparison between the exergo-economic analysis method and while the energo-economic analysis cannot since the LEC of each
the energo-economic analysis method system must be calculated before comparing them and does not
have a way to calculate the ‘‘cost” of the externalities.
The exergo-economic analysis method used above is different Having the advantages listed above, the exergo-economic anal-
from the energo-economic analysis method that is commonly used ysis method is thus clearly a better tool than the energo-economic
for economic evaluation of systems. The following comparison of analysis method for comparing the economic performance of ther-
these two methods demonstrates the differences, and the advan- mochemical hybrid system using multiple sources with the refer-
tages of the exergo-economic analysis method. ence system and assessing the ‘‘cost” of the externalities.
Before using the energo-economic analysis method to calculate
the LEC difference between that of the thermochemical hybrid sys-
tem and the reference system, it is worthwhile to note that this 6. Conclusions
method specifically means a practical method that is being used
in practice. Exergo-economic analysis is used in this study to derive expres-
It is not a method that follows the similar procedure as used in sions for calculating the levelized costs of electricity (LEC) from
this paper, only associating the cost of the streams with its energy, two thermochemical hybrid power generation systems and for
instead of exergy. That is a method that has not been used by any- comparing them with the corresponding conventional single heat
one and has been proved to be inappropriate to use [31]. Using the source systems and a reference non-thermochemical hybrid
energo-economic analysis method as Eq. (7), the difference system.
between the LEC for the hybrid and the reference power generation
systems, considering the carbon tax, is expressed by While it is obvious that the LEC for the hybrid system will be
lower than that for the reference system when the fuel price
j C Inv þ C O&M þ C f þ C ct and carbon tax are high enough, and/or the cost associated with
DcP ¼ cP;h cP;0 ¼
HW _ net the additional heat source is low enough, this study developed
j C Inv;0 þ C O&M;0 þ C f;0 þ C ct;0 the equations that can be used to determine under which speci-
; ð123Þ
HW _ net;0 fic conditions the thermochemical hybrid systems becomes
economically competitive with the corresponding reference
in which the subscript 0 stands for the corresponding term in the system; in the considered specific example based on current
reference single heat source system (i.e. without the additional prices of fuel, carbon tax and equipment costs, it was found that
hybridizing heat source). the LEC for the hybrid system is smaller than the reference one
Note that Eq. (123) does not contain the cost associated with when fuel price is higher than 2.3 106 $/kJ, or when the car-
the flue gas C fg or C fg;0 , since there is no way to estimate them with- bon tax is higher than 0.0113 $/kgCO2, or the cost rate of AHS
out the help of the exergo-economic analysis method. equipment is lower than 0.323 $/s.
If C fg and C fg;0 are not considered in the calculation of the LEC, as A sensitivity analysis of the LEC for the SOLRGT and SOLRMCC to
in normal practice, Eq. (123) can be written to a form that is similar fuel price, carbon tax and the solar collection equipment price,
to Eq. (48) from the exergo-economic analysis method, by dividing respectively, was performed. The partial derivative of the LEC
the time in a year H in every term in Eq. (123). This step (dividing H ($/kW h) from the SOLRGT with respect to the fuel price is
in each term in Eq. (123) before calculating DcP ), however, has 1.73 $/(kJ-exergy) and to the carbon tax rate is 0.093 $/(tonne
never been used by researchers. If the LEC of a system were to be CO2). The partial derivative of the LEC ($/kW h) from the
calculated, or to be compared with another system, one has to fol- SOLRMCC with respect to the fuel price is 1.52 $/(kJ-exergy)
low a path as follows: and to the carbon tax rate is 0.072 $/(tonne CO2).
T. Yue, N. Lior / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 204–222 221
Table 7
The main conclusive equations of the exergo-economic analysis for SOLRGT and SOLRMCC.
Condition under which the LEC for the hybrid Partial derivative of LEC for the hybrid system with respect to
system is lower than that for the reference system
Fuel price Carbon tax Cost of AHS
SOLRGT Eqs. (53) and (78) Eq. (120) Eq. (121) Eq. (122)
SOLRMCC Eq. (117)
A summary of the equation numbers derived for determining Predicting rising fuel price in the long term, higher carbon tax,
the conditions under which the LEC for the thermochemical and decreasing cost for implementing additional heat sources,
hybrid system will be lower than that for the chosen reference thermochemical hybrid systems using additional heat sources will,
systems along with the results for the sensitivity analysis, are therefore, become more economically competitive compared with
given in Table 7. the conventional systems, especially for the hybrid systems that
It was found that the conditions under which the LEC for the use AHS which don’t generate CO2 and other undesirable
thermochemical hybrid system will be lower than that for the emissions.
chosen reference systems for both the SOLRGT and SOLRMCC
are similar, suggesting that other thermochemical hybrid sys-
tems also may lead to similar results. References
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