The Relationship Between Plasma
The Relationship Between Plasma
The Relationship Between Plasma
9, 2006
© 2006 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/06/$32.00
Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2005.12.054
Cardiac Imaging
Arterial calcification is a prominent feature of atherosclero- and/or duration of diabetes and typically affects arteries that
sis that can be readily quantified noninvasively by radio- are less prone to atherosclerosis (4). Although some reports
graphic imaging techniques such as electron beam com- have suggested that it may be associated with an increased
puted tomography (EBCT) (1). Clinical studies have risk of cardiovascular complications (5), this is not a
reproducibly shown that high amounts of coronary artery consistent finding (6). Notably, medial calcification is un-
calcification (CAC) predict an increased risk of myocardial usual in the coronary arteries, implying that when calcifica-
infarction and sudden coronary death (2). In patients with tion is observed in the coronary arteries, it is almost certainly
diabetes, arterial calcification can occur either as a compo- associated with intimal plaque.
nent of atheroma (intimal calcification) or in the absence of It has been shown that calcification in intimal atheroscle-
atherosclerotic plaque (medial calcification or Monckeberg rotic lesions is not merely a passive consequence of chronic
sclerosis) (3). Medial calcification is related to the severity vascular inflammation but an active process that may lead to
a positive feedback loop of calcification and inflammation,
From the *Cardiac Imaging and Research Centre, Wellington Hospital; †William driving atherosclerotic disease progression further (7). Con-
Harvey Research Institute, Barts and The London, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine temporary studies have shown similarities between vascular
and Dentistry; ‡Department of Cardiology, Royal Free Hospital; and the §Depart-
ment of Endocrinology, Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom. Sup- and skeletal calcification suggesting a regulatory role for
ported by research grants from the Michael Tabor Foundation, Harrow Cardiovas- osteogenic and calcitropic factors (8) in the development of
cular Research Trust, GE Healthcare Ltd., and the Derrick Smith research grant. Dr. cardiovascular disease. Very recently, osteoprotegerin
Lahiri is on the advisory board of GE Healthcare Ltd.
Manuscript received July 10, 2005; revised manuscript received November 24, (OPG), a key factor in bone remodeling, a member of the
2005, accepted December 5, 2005. tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (9), and a decoy
JACC Vol. 47, No. 9, 2006 Anand et al. 1851
May 2, 2006:1850–7 Osteoprotegerin and Coronary Calcium in Diabetes
Table 2. Univariate Predictors of Increased Coronary confidence interval [CI] 2.42 to 3.92; p ⬍ 0.001) (Fig. 1).
Calcification: Ordered Logistic Regression Analysis Univariate predictors of CAC are listed in Table 2. In
Odds Ratio p multivariable analyses, OPG levels retained a strong asso-
Variable (95% Confidence Interval) Value ciation with elevated CAC scores after stepwise adjustment
Age* 2.18 (1.76–2.69) ⬍0.001 for age, gender, and other variables such as hypertension,
Gender ethnicity, duration of diabetes, and statin use (OR [age- and
Female 1 gender-adjusted] 2.96 [95% CI 2.34 to 3.78], p ⬍ 0.01; OR
Male 2.64 (1.88–3.71) ⬍0.001
[multivariate adjustment] 2.84 [95% CI 2.2 to 3.67], p ⬍
BMI 0.96 (0.70–1.32) 0.80
Waist-to-hip ratio† 1.67 (1.34–2.07) ⬍0.001 0.01). In contrast, neither hs-CRP nor IL-6 measurements
Systolic blood pressure 1.20 (1.09–1.32) ⬍0.001 correlated with coronary atherosclerotic plaque burden (r ⫽
Diastolic blood pressure 1.18 (1.04–1.35) 0.01 0.02, p ⫽ not significant for hs-CRP; r ⫽ 0.09, p ⫽ 0.03 for
Hyperlipidemia 1.71 (1.21–2.41) 0.002 IL-6) (Fig. 2).
Family history of premature CAD 1.19 (0.84–1.67) 0.33
Smoking (pack-yrs)
Association between OPG and cardiovascular risk fac-
1–10 yrs 1.23 (0.71–1.82) tors. In agreement with previous studies, OPG levels were
⬎10 yrs 2.23 (1.45–3.44) 0.001 positively correlated with age as well as waist-to-hip ratio,
Duration of diabetes* 1.79 (1.38–2.32) ⬍0.001 systolic blood pressure, duration of diabetes, and Framing-
Microalbuminuria 1.04 (0.67–1.62) 0.84 ham and UKPDS risk scores (Table 3), but not inflamma-
Retinopathy 1.47 (1.01–2.15) 0.04
Peripheral neuropathy 1.43 (0.95–2.15) 0.08
tory biomarkers (hs-CRP, IL-6). Patients with evidence of
Hemoglobin A1c 1.00 (0.91–1.10) 0.96 microvascular disease, i.e., retinopathy, peripheral neuropa-
hs-CRP (log scale) 0.95 (0.83–1.09) 0.44 thy, or microalbuminuria, had higher OPG levels in com-
IL-6 (log scale) 1.02 (0.98–1.06) 0.45 parison with those without (median OPG ⫽ 7.8 [IQR 5.3
Osteoprotegerin (log scale) 3.08 (2.42–3.92) ⬍0.001 to 13.9] vs. 6.1 [IQR 4.3 to 10.5], p ⫽ 0.05).
Statin therapy 1.72 (1.25–2.38) 0.001
Framingham risk score* 1.2 (0.72–1.68) ⬍0.001
Follow-up. Follow-up was completed in 99.6% of patients
UKPDS risk score* 1.8 (1.35–2.25) ⬍0.001 (average length of follow up, 18 ⫾ 5 months). A total of 16
*Odds ratios are given for a 10-U increase in the explanatory variable. †Odds ratios are
cardiovascular events occurred (1 cardiac death, 8 nonfatal
given for a 0.1-U increase in the explanatory variable. myocardial infarctions, 2 acute coronary syndromes, 2 late
UKPDS ⫽ United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study; other abbreviations as in revascularizations, and 3 nonhemorrhagic strokes). No car-
Table 1.
diovascular events occurred in subjects with a CAC ⬍10
type 2 diabetes in South Asians. Median (interquartile AU. The majority of events (n ⫽ 14) occurred in subjects
range) CAC scores in black African/Caribbeans, South with severe CAC (⬎400 AU). The OPG levels were higher
Asians, and Caucasians were 0 (0 to 42.5) AU, 7.2 (0 to in subjects with events than in those without: 32 (IQR 13.4
124.3) AU, and 18.8 (0 to 268.4) AU, respectively (p ⬍ to 74.5) vs. 6.8 (IQR 4.7 to 11) (p ⬍ 0.0001).
0.001). The waist-to-hip ratio, UKPDS risk score, OPG level,
Relationship between OPG and CAC scores. The me- and CAC score were significant predictors of time to
dian level of OPG was 6.82 pmol/l (IQR 4.68 to 11.55). cardiovascular events in a univariate Cox proportional haz-
The OPG levels were significantly elevated in patients with ard model, whereas age and male gender were of borderline
increased CAC (unadjusted odds ratio [OR] ⫽ 3.08, 95% significance (Table 4). Inflammatory biomarkers such as
Figure 2. The correlation between markers of inflammation (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein [hs-CRP, in mg/l], interleukin [IL]-6 [in pg/ml]) and the
coronary calcium (CAC) score. Log transformation was applied to normalize the distribution of hs-CRP and IL-6 and to reduce the skew of CAC scores.
1854 Anand et al. JACC Vol. 47, No. 9, 2006
Osteoprotegerin and Coronary Calcium in Diabetes May 2, 2006:1850–7
Table 3. Bivariate Correlation Between Plasma Osteoprotegerin OPG and cardiovascular disease. These findings are con-
Levels and Cardiovascular Risk Factors sistent with those from reports showing a close correlation
Correlation p between OPG and several major cardiovascular risk factors.
Variable Coefficient Value Plasma levels of OPG increase with age in men and women
Age 0.30* ⬍0.0001 (16 –18). In a study of 286 healthy Korean women age 37 to
BMI ⫺0.04* 0.35 73 years (19), OPG was correlated with age, waist-to-hip
Waist-to-hip ratio 0.11* 0.01 ratio, and total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and
Systolic blood pressure 0.11* 0.01
follicle-stimulating hormone levels. In another study of 490
Diastolic blood pressure 0.03* 0.57
Smoking (pack-years) 0.07† 0.11 Caucasian women age ⬎65 years, OPG was shown to be
Total cholesterol 0.02* 0.70 30% higher in diabetic compared with nondiabetic subjects
LDL cholesterol 0.01* 0.93 (20).
HDL cholesterol 0.06* 0.23 Circulating levels of OPG have also been correlated with
Triglycerides ⫺0.06* 0.17
surrogate measures of cardiovascular risk including: 1)
Hemoglobin A1c 0.01* 0.94
Log hs-CRP 0.01* 0.81 carotid intima-media thickness in healthy men and women
Log IL-6 0.01* 0.87 (14), 2) left ventricular hypertrophy (21), and 3) microvas-
Duration of diabetes 0.20* ⬍0.0001 cular disease in diabetic subjects (22). Three cross-sectional
Framingham risk score 0.16† 0.0002 studies have shown a relationship between OPG levels
UKPDS risk score 0.26† ⬍0.0001
and the severity of coronary atherosclerosis in symptom-
*Pearson product moment correlation coefficient is calculated for normally distributed atic CAD patients undergoing coronary angiography
variables. †Spearman rank correlation coefficient is calculated for variables distributed
otherwise. (13,21,23). More recently, a small case-controlled study (n
Abbreviations as in Table 2.
Table 4. Univariate Predictors of Cardiovascular Event-Free
hs-CRP and IL-6 were not predictive of short-term cardio- Survival, Cox Proportional Hazards Model
vascular events. Compared with patients in the lowest OPG Relative Risk p
tertile (⬍5.44 pmol/l), the relative risk of a cardiac event Variable (95% Confidence Interval) Value
was 5.76 (p ⫽ 0.01) for patients with OPG levels in the
Age* 1.89 (0.92–3.88) 0.08
highest tertile (⬎9.52 pmol/l) (Fig. 3). In the multivariate Gender
model, the CAC score was the only independent predictor Female 1
of adverse cardiovascular events (Fig. 3). Male 4.30 (0.97–19.1) 0.06
Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis (Fig. 4) Waist-to-hip ratio† 2.25 (1.23–4.13) 0.009
Hyperlipidemia 0.99 (0.34–2.91) 0.99
showed that the CAC score and plasma OPG level were
Family history of premature CAD 0.77 (0.25–2.43) 0.66
better predictors of short-term cardiovascular risk in com- Smoking (pack-yrs)
parison to the clinically derived UKPDS/Framingham risk 1–10 yrs 1.03 (0.32–3.29)
scores (area under the curve values were 0.93, 0.8, 0.75, and ⬎10 yrs 0.33 (0.04–2.61) 0.56
0.62 for CAC, OPG, UKPDS, and Framingham risk Duration of diabetes* 1.66 (0.87–3.17) 0.13
Microalbuminuria 0.86 (0.20–3.83) 0.85
scores, respectively [p ⬍ 0.0001]). The sum of sensitivity
Retinopathy 2.12 (0.76–5.96) 0.15
and specificity for prediction of short-term cardiovascular Peripheral neuropathy 1.53 (0.49–4.82) 0.47
events was maximal at an OPG level of ⱖ19 pmol/l Hemoglobin A1c 0.98 (0.72–1.34) 0.90
(sensitivity ⫽ 74% [95% CI 48% to 92%], specificity ⫽ 91% Framingham risk score* 1.39 (0.83–2.32) 0.21
[95% CI 87% to 93%]). UKPDS risk score* 1.43 (1.12–1.82) 0.004
⬍5.44 1
DISCUSSION 5.45–9.51 1.03 (0.14–7.34)
⬎9.52 5.76 (1.28–26.0) 0.01
Key findings. In this prospective study involving patients
with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes, we evaluated the ⬍2.32 1
relationship between established risk factors, biochemical 2.35–6.62 0.28 (0.06–1.34)
markers (hs-CRP, IL-6, and OPG), and coronary calcifi- ⬎6.62 0.87 (0.29–2.59) 0.27
cation, together with their ability to predict cardiovascular IL-6
⬍1.4 1
events. Key findings were that OPG is correlated with
1.4–2.7 1.09 (0.35–3.37)
cardiovascular risk factors (age, waist-to-hip ratio, and ⬎2.7 0.55 (0.14–2.22) 0.61
systolic blood pressure), duration of diabetes, microvascular Calcium score
disease (retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy), UKPDS/ ⱕ100 1
Framingham risk scores, and extent of calcified coronary 101–400 9.67 (0.88–105) 0.064
401–1,000 69.22 (8.08–585) ⬍0.0001
plaque. Increasing CAC scores and OPG levels were
⬎1,000 115.37 (14.17–936) ⬍0.0001
associated with worsening event-free survival. In contrast,
*Relative risk is given for a 10-U increase in the explanatory variable. †Relative risk is
biomarkers of inflammation (hs-CRP and IL-6) predicted given for a 0.1-U increase in the explanatory variable.
neither CAC nor near-term cardiovascular events. Abbreviations as in Table 2.
JACC Vol. 47, No. 9, 2006 Anand et al. 1855
May 2, 2006:1850–7 Osteoprotegerin and Coronary Calcium in Diabetes
Figure 3. Event-free survival at 18 ⫾ 5 months by the Cox proportional hazards model according to the extent of coronary calcification level (A) and plasma
osteoprotegerin (OPG) level (B), respectively. RR ⫽ relative risk ratio.
⫽ 40) has confirmed that OPG is an independent predictor tions (26). In addition, we have also confirmed the prog-
of silent CAD in asymptomatic diabetic subjects (24). nostic value of elevated OPG levels in this population.
Recent reports have also established the prognostic value of OPG and vascular calcification. Several key regulators of
OPG measurements in healthy men and women (14), and bone formation and bone structural proteins have recently
in patients with heart failure after acute myocardial infarc- been detected in atherosclerotic plaques (8). The RANKL/
tion (25). RANK/OPG system is emerging as an important regulator
Our report is the first to show that OPG predicts the of vascular, immune, and skeletal biology (9,10). Genetically
extent of CAC (a surrogate measure of total atherosclerotic altered mice unable to express functional OPG show both
plaque burden) in asymptomatic diabetic patients. Prelimi- osteoporosis and arterial calcification in the aorta and large
nary data from the population based Multi-Ethnic Study of arteries (27). Interestingly, the intravenous injection of
Atherosclerosis (MESA) are consistent with our observa- recombinant OPG protein and the transgenic overexpres-
sion of OPG have been shown to reverse osteoporosis and
prevent vascular calcification (28). Furthermore, it has been
shown that administration of recombinant OPG to rats is
able to inhibit arterial calcification induced by warfarin and
vitamin D (29). Data from experimental studies indicate
that pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis
factor-alpha and IL-6 induce OPG expression in smooth
muscle and endothelial cells, and OPG in turn modulates
various inflammatory signaling pathways (10,12).
All of the above clinical and experimental data suggest
an active role for OPG in vascular pathophysiology, but
it is not immediately apparent whether OPG is beneficial
or injurious to the vasculature. When elevated in patients
with atherosclerosis, OPG levels clearly seem to indicate
the overall burden of disease (13,14,21,23). This may be
because OPG is protective and counterregulatory, as
proposed by Browner, et al. (20) and others (14), or it
Figure 4. Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis showing the may simply reflect the level of vascular inflammatory
prognostic value of coronary calcium (CAC) scores, osteoprotegerin processes that underlie the development and evolution of
(OPG) levels, and United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)
and Framingham risk scores in predicting cardiovascular events. The 95% atherosclerotic lesions in patients with extensive disease
confidence intervals are provided. AUC ⫽ area under the curve. (10,12).
1856 Anand et al. JACC Vol. 47, No. 9, 2006
Osteoprotegerin and Coronary Calcium in Diabetes May 2, 2006:1850–7
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events in our study. Consistent with previous reports, NW8 9LE, United Kingdom. E-mail:
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