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Natural Astaxanthin: The Whole Body Benefits of

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The Whole Body Benefits Of

Natural Astaxanthin
Michael T. Murray, N.D.

An eBook brought to you by Sponsored by
















This e-book is underwritten by the Natural Algae Astaxanthin Association (NAXA),

a trade association whose members are committed to the production and research
of natural astaxanthin derived from Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae. NAXA
promotes natural astaxanthin’s health benefits while supporting public education,
safety, product quality, and testing standards. For more information, please visit
www.astaxanthin.org or email info@astaxanthin.org.
Carotenoids are a group of plant
pigments responsible for all life on
this planet. As an antioxidant, they
serve a vital role in protecting plants
during the process of photosynthesis.
Without this protection, plant cells
would be destroyed as they convert the
sun’s energy into chemical forms.

Some carotenoids, like beta-carotene, advantage

are best known for their capacity for astaxanthin
for being converted into vitamin A. that relates to its size
While over 400 carotenoids have been and how it fits into cell membranes – it
characterized, only about 30–50 are is considerably larger/longer than
believed to have vitamin A activity. other popular carotenoids.” Its size and
In the past, the biological effects of physical form allow it to be incorporated
carotenoids have been based on into cell membranes where it is able
their corresponding vitamin A activity. to span the entire thickness of the cell
However, considerable research now membrane. This allows astaxanthin to
shows that many of the non-vitamin not only protect the inner and outer cell
A carotenoids exhibit far greater membrane from oxidative damage, but
health benefits. Examples include also to stabilize the cell membranes.
lycopene (found in tomatoes and No other carotenoids can produce this
watermelon), and lutein and zeaxanthin effect and that explains why the health
(peppers, squash and corn), and the benefits of astaxanthin are considerably
most beneficial carotenoid of them greater than other carotenoids.

Astaxanthin is known as the “King of WHERE DOES ASTAXANTHIN COME FROM?

Carotenoids.” It is given this title because Natural astaxanthin is found in select
of its unique benefits and action in plants and animals worldwide. Other
promoting health and protecting against natural sources of astaxanthin are
cellular damage, especially in the brain bacteria and fungi. It is most prevalent
and vascular system. in algae—specifically Haematococcus
pluvialis—and the aquatic creatures
In regards to general antioxidant effects that eat it such as salmon, crab, and
in protecting cells, astaxanthin is more crustaceans. The astaxanthin gives
than 50 times more powerful than beta- those marine animals their reddish color.
carotene. There is also another big

Haematococcus pluvialis is the Superior Source
Source Concentration (PPM)
Salmonids (Artificial Coloring) 5 PPM

Plankton 60 PPM
Krill 120 PPM
Arctic Shrimp 1,200 PPM
Genetically Mutated Pfaffia Yeast 10,000 PPM
Haematococcus pluvialis 50,000 PPM

However, these latter sources have The majority of safety and

only trace amounts of astaxanthin. For efficacy studies were conducted
example, one ounce of wild sockeye with astaxanthin derived from
salmon contains 1 mg of astaxanthin. Haematococcus pluvialis—the primary
Other seafood has even less. Humans natural source of astaxanthin for human
and other mammals cannot synthesize consumption. It is also recognized by
astaxanthin, so this potent antioxidant most regulatory authorities.
must be consumed via a dietary
Natural astaxanthin produced from ASTAXANTHIN
various commercial sources differ in
many parameters such as chemical I. Inflammation Support
characteristics, bioavailability, and The body’s inflammatory response is a
metabolism. Compared to all the other crucial part of healthy immune function,
sources, Haematococcus pluvialis, but prolonged inflammation is often
a fresh water algae, is the richest considered the root of a wide range of
source of astaxanthin in nature. It health problems. Astaxanthin’s ability
can accumulate up to 50 grams of to travel throughout the body allows
astaxanthin per kilogram of dry biomass it to target a number of high-stress
under environmental stress, such as inflammatory areas: the joints, the
elevated temperature or UV exposure. heart, the brain, the eyes, and the skin.

the formation or action of all of these
inflammatory compounds as well as
exert additional anti-inflammatory
effects. 1, 2, 3

There are many practical applications

of this anti-inflammatory effect. For
example, during rigorous exercise,
there is often a suppression of
the immune response along with
significant inflammation. Astaxanthin
supplementation has been shown
to prevent both.4 Anyone can benefit
from these effects, but it is especially
important for people who regularly
engage in heavy endurance training,
“Astaxanthin, with intense activities like weight lifting or
its anti-inflammatory cross-fit, and other high-intensity or
long-duration forms of exercise.
properties, can target
a number of high-use, Astaxanthin is also useful in
supporting individuals experiencing
high-stress areas
chronic inflammation. This silent form
including joints.” of inflammation is now known to fuel
such conditions as heart disease,
Astaxanthin works to support a diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and
balanced inflammatory response by every other degenerative disorder.
suppressing different inflammatory The most common test for silent
mediators, according to research. inflammation involves measuring
These compounds are what potentiate blood levels for C-reactive protein
inflammation. They include compounds (CRP). High levels of CRP are
like necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), considered by many researchers and
prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2), interleukin physicians to be a leading indicator
1B (IL-1b,) inducible nitric oxide of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and
(iNO), and nuclear factor kappa-B. many other life-threatening illnesses.
These compounds are well known CRP is produced in the liver and in the
to researchers looking at the role of coronary arteries; the protein is then
inflammation in chronic disease. released into the bloodstream when
Astaxanthin has been shown to inhibit the body is fighting inflammation.

First, let’s answer the
question, why does
skin wrinkle? The main
reason skin wrinkles is the
cumulative effects of oxidative
damage. This damage may
be the result of exposure to the
elements—sun, wind, and pollution all
take their toll—but exposure to internal
free radicals is also a major cause, as
is normal aging.

People spend countless hours (and

dollars) battling the ravages of time—
“In double-blind, randomized or, more accurately, oxidative damage.
controlled trials (RCTs), astaxanthin This damage ultimately causes
lowered oxidative stress in overweight the collagen in our skin to become
and obese subjects and in smokers,” thinner and lose its ability to hold
one researcher concluded. “It blocked its shape. The net effect of these
oxidative DNA damage, lowered changes is the skin becomes thinner,
C-reactive protein (CRP) and other less elastic and wrinkles form. To
inflammation biomarkers, and boosted prevent this process from happening
immunity.”5 These effects are not prematurely, we need to eat a diet rich
just limited to these subjects. Nearly in antioxidants and avoid exposure to
everyone can take advantage of environmental causes of free radical
the benefits offered by astaxanthin damage especially smoking cigarettes
supplementation. and excessive sun exposure. But,
astaxanthin supplementation can
II. Skin Health also help.
Radiant, vibrant, and healthy looking
skin has long been associated with A headlining study for astaxanthin’s
good health. While most people try skin benefits was published in 2006.6
and improve the appearance of their Forty-nine healthy women with an
skin from the outside alone, the real average age of 47 were divided into
key to healthy skin is building it from two groups—one given placebos and
the inside out. Astaxanthin can be an the other supplemented with 4 mg/day
important part of that strategy. of natural astaxanthin.

At the end of six weeks, the reviews Two other human clinical studies
from the female subjects were stunning. also proved the benefits of natural
In the self-assessment, over 50 astaxanthin in promoting skin health.
percent of the subjects taking natural The first was a study involving 30
astaxanthin rated improvements in all healthy female subjects for eight
areas. The dermatologist assessment weeks. Significant improvements were
found improvements in fine lines and observed by combining 6 mg per day
wrinkles, elasticity and dryness. Before oral supplementation and 2 ml (78.9
and after photos also confirmed the μM solution) per day topical application
assessment. of natural astaxanthin. The astaxanthin
showed improvements in skin wrinkles
Astaxanthin also works in tandem. (crow’s feet at week 8), age spot size
In 2014, researchers explored the (cheek at week 8), elasticity (crow’s feet
promising effects of combining dietary at week 8), skin texture (cheek at week
astaxanthin and collagen hydrolysate 4), and the moisture content and overall
supplementation on people with heath of the outer layer of skin (cheek
moderately sun-damaged skin. Forty- in 10 dry skin subjects at week 8).
four subjects were given astaxanthin
(2 mg/day) combined with collagen The second study, a randomized
hydrolysate (3 g/day) or a placebo for double-blind, placebo-controlled study,
12 weeks. The elasticity and hydration followed 36 healthy male subjects for
properties of facial skin were evaluated six weeks. Crow’s feet wrinkles and
using noninvasive instruments. Also elasticity and the water content of
evaluated were the expression of new the skin were improved after 6 mg of
collagen fibers, inflammatory markers, astaxanthin daily supplementation.
and damage to skin cell DNA. Also, sebum oil level at the cheek
zone showed strong tendencies for
The astaxanthin group showed improvement, indicating a possible
significant improvements in elasticity benefit in acne.
and water content of the facial skin
after 12 weeks compared to placebo. The researchers concluded, “These
In the supplement group, expression results suggest that astaxanthin
of new collagen was increased while derived from Haematococcus pluvialis
markers of inflammation and cellular may improve the condition of the skin
damage decreased compared to the in both women and men.”8
placebo group.7 These results indicate
that astaxanthin supplementation goes Men do care about their skin. In 2014,
a very long way in supporting youthful- CNBC reported that “total U.S. sales for
looking and vibrant facial skin. the men’s personal care market hit $4.1
billion, up 6.7 percent from 2012 and 19

“...cyclists taking
astaxanthin demonstrated
significant improvement in
their power output.”

percent from 2009, making it one of the there is a sizable, diverse body of
fastest-growing segments of the beauty sports-related research on astaxanthin.
industry.” However, to keep things In a study sponsored by Gatorade®,
in perspective, retail sales of beauty competitive cyclists supplemented
products for women reportedly reached with a placebo or 4 mg of natural
$38.1 billion in 2014.9 astaxanthin daily for four weeks.
From the endurance athletes’—or any
III. Sports Nutrition competitive athletes’—perspectives, the
A good portion of astaxanthin’s results were excellent. In a 20-kilometer
research has sports nutrition cycling time trial, the performance
applications, either directly or of the subjects taking astaxanthin
indirectly. The benefits in reducing improved by five percent, while the
exercise-induced inflammation as subjects taking the placebo showed
well as supporting a healthy immune no improvement. Also, the cyclists
system response were mentioned taking astaxanthin demonstrated
previously. Those are direct effects. significant improvement in their
Improving skin health is a good power output — a 15% improvement
example of indirect support—after in just four weeks.10 These results are
all, many people exercise outdoors particularly impressive since this study
and astaxanthin can prevent sun was done on a group of highly trained,
damage. On top of the positive reviews competitive athletes.
astaxanthin receives from athletes,

While a mechanism of action was not IV. Joint and Tendon Health
identified, another study provided a The benefits of astaxanthin have no
clue. Three years later, researchers age limit. This statement is especially
determined that giving Wistar rats true when we look at astaxanthin’s
1 mg of astaxanthin per kg of body effect on joint health. A 2001 health
weight over 45 days, delayed their survey involved 247 people between
time to exhaustion by 29 percent in a 20 and 87 years of age; 146 of them
swimming test. reported problems with muscle and
joint soreness. After compiling the data,
Supplementation increased the 88 percent of all participants who took
antioxidant capacities and limited astaxanthin reported improvement in
exercise-induced pro-oxidant muscle and joint soreness. In all cases,
effects in these animals thereby the more exercise an individual did, the
limiting oxidative stress and delayed more benefit.13
Athletes’ joints and tendons take a
In a study conducted in Japan, pounding. So does everyone else’s.
astaxanthin’s effect on lactic acid Everyday tasks such as typing on
levels in the muscles was measured. computers, working in the yard, or
Lactic acid is an unwanted byproduct simply picking up a scrap of paper,
of physical exertion; it deposits in the exact a considerable toll.
muscles and causes muscle fatigue,
cramps, and burning during exercise. Consider the widespread effects of
Reducing lactic acid levels increases arthritis. According to the Centers
endurance. The subjects were all
20-year-old men. The treatment group
took 6 mg per day of astaxanthin
for four weeks. Lactic acid levels for
both groups were measured before
running 1,200 meters and again two
minutes after running. Subjects who
took natural astaxanthin averaged 28.6
percent lower serum lactic acid after
running 1,200 meters compared to
the placebo group.12 The significance
of these findings are absolutely
enormous for anyone wanting to clock
a better time or go a little farther with
their exercise.

for Disease Control and Prevention,
40 percent of adults report it is “very
difficult” or that they “cannot do” at least
one of nine important daily functional
“88 percent of
activities. Almost eight million adults respondents with
who reported an activity limitation due
to their arthritis claim to have severe sore muscles
limitation in their ability to stoop, bend,
or kneel; six million people cannot walk or joints found
a quarter-mile.
that astaxanthin
The situation will only get worse. “By reduced their
the year 2040, an estimated 78 million
(26 percent of the projected total discomfort.”
adult population) adults aged 18 years
and older will have doctor-diagnosed
arthritis, compared with the 52.5 million
adults in 2010-2012. Two-thirds of This research group also conducted
those with arthritis will be women,” CDC another study involving everyday pain
predicts. “Also by 2040, an estimated and astaxanthin’s role in affecting it.
35 million adults (44 percent of adults Fourteen subjects received astaxanthin
with arthritis or 11 percent of all U.S. and seven received a placebo. Pain
adults) will report arthritis-attributable and satisfaction with the ability to
activity limitations.”14 perform daily activities were measured
at the beginning of the study, after four
Astaxanthin might be able to help. weeks, and finally after eight weeks
Researchers divided 20 people who of supplementation. Astaxanthin,
experienced wrist pain after overuse according to its users, worked better
in the workplace. Thirteen participants with time: pain scores for the treatment
received 4 mg of natural astaxanthin group decreased by approximately 10
three times a day; the rest received percent after four weeks, and by more
a placebo. Those given natural than 35 percent after eight weeks. The
astaxanthin reported a 27 percent subjects taking natural astaxanthin
reduction in daytime pain after four self-rated satisfaction scores improved
weeks and a 41 percent reduction by approximately 15 percent after four
after eight weeks. The duration of their weeks and by over 40 percent after
daytime pain decreased by 21 percent eight weeks.16
after four weeks and 36 percent after
eight weeks.15 Regarding aches and pains, over 80
percent of people who specifically

Eye & Brain Health
• Crosses the blood-retinal and blood-brain barriers
• Protects eyes from light-induced damage
• Improves visual acuity
• Reduces eye strain and fatigue
• Lessens oxidative stress to the brain

mentioned osteoarthritis, rheumatoid Researchers also found higher

arthritis, or back pain reported accommodation amplitude (i.e., the
improvement after supplementing adjustment in the lens that allows it
with astaxanthin.13 to focus) in subjects who used visual
display terminals.17 Another study found
V. Eye and Brain Support positive effects for eyestrain at 4 mg
One major benefit of astaxanthin is that per day, but found a better result at
it readily crosses the blood-brain barrier 12 mg per day.18
as well as the blood-retinal barrier.
That means it easily can reach the A separate double-blind study divided
inner sanctum of the eye and the brain, 40 subjects into placebo and treatment
something other carotenoids simply groups. The treatment group received
cannot do. Astaxanthin is the King of 6 mg of astaxanthin for four weeks.
Carotenoids for eye and brain health. Three separate visual parameters had
Research overwhelmingly supports the statistically significant benefits from
power of astaxanthin’s presence in the astaxanthin supplementation—an
brain and eyes. Let’s look at a practical optimum daily dose for eye fatigue
application. Whether it’s for work or at 6 mg was established.19 Two other
fun, many of us are now tethered to a studies confirmed that 6 mg per day
screen. Eye fatigue is a BIG issue for of astaxanthin supplementation for
many of us. four weeks can reduce eye soreness,
dryness, tiredness, and blurred vision.20,21
In a double-blind study, after four weeks
of natural astaxanthin supplementation Research has unveiled some
(5 mg), investigators reported a 46 possibilities regarding astaxanthin’s
percent reduction in the number of mechanism of action. Japanese
subjects with eyestrain or fatigue. researchers measured retinal capillary

blood flow in 18 volunteers who that astaxanthin could be used as
took oral astaxanthin—again 6 mg a a potent brain protector and as a
day—for four weeks, compared with therapy for early stages of Alzheimer’s
a placebo group. After four weeks of disease.30 Astaxanthin, thanks to
astaxanthin supplementation, retinal its intense antioxidant activity and
capillary blood flow was significantly unique effects on cell membranes,
higher in both eyes, but unchanged in can protect against damage to the
the placebo group.22 Another study, brain from insufficient oxygen delivery
this time in rats, determined that or ischemia.31 Pretreatment with
astaxanthin inhibited inflammation in astaxanthin five hours and again
the eye.23 one hour before ischemia provided
protection against brain damage32 and
Beyond eyestrain, astaxanthin has was revealed as a potent agent against
shown—in animal and human studies— neurodegenerative disorders like
to improve visual acuity and depth Parkinson’s and Alzheimer disease.33
perception in men,24 display potent
antioxidant effects in the prevention VI. Cardiovascular Health
of cataracts in rats’ eyes,25 and protect Like the brain, the heart is a
the lens proteins in pigs.26 complicated organ that demands
a supplement with a multi-faceted
Astaxanthin’s impact on the brain approach. A quick look at the research
boasts an ever-mounting pile of behind astaxanthin and cardiovascular
research, including human subjects. health reveals support on multiple
A study on a human neuroblastoma levels, much like astaxanthin’s role
cell line showed that astaxanthin with the brain, skin, and eyes.
can protect from cell death. The
researchers hypothesized that
astaxanthin could be used for treating
diseases such as Parkinson’s.27
A study on human cells found
astaxanthin reduced brain cell death.28
Finally, human brain cells endured
neuronal cell damage through
oxidation at Nagoya University in
Japan. Significant protection was
found in cells pre-treated with

As for other research of note,

researchers in Taiwan concluded

A study on adults with metabolic NATURAL MATTERS
syndrome showed that astaxanthin There is natural astaxanthin and
supported healthy blood circulation by synthetic astaxanthin. Really, the only
promoting arterial health.34, 35 Human similarity between them is the name.
participants supplemented with 6 mg Natural astaxanthin—always from a
of astaxanthin per day for only 10 days natural source like Haematoccocus
showed a significant improvement in pluvialis microalgae—is supported by
blood flow.36 Another study featuring years of safety data and nearly 100
rats fed astaxanthin may provide clinical trials.
a clue. The animal subjects had
decreased hardening of the arteries Synthetic astaxanthin is actually made
and the elastin bands in the aorta and from petrochemicals—what you put
decreased the size of the aerial ratio of into your car’s gas tank. To say that
coronary arteries.37 it is different chemically than natural
astaxanthin is a gross understatement.
Natural astaxanthin can help maintain Synthetic astaxanthin has been
normal blood lipids, LDL, HDL, and shown to be 20 to 50 times weaker
triglyceride levels.38 A study showed in antioxidant strength than natural
that adults who took astaxanthin astaxanthin.
supplements had an improved lipid
profile, namely decreased triglycerides The synthetic form differs in its
and increased HDL cholesterol. Blood chemical structure from the natural
levels of the hormone adiponectin— form. Natural astaxanthin is more
which promotes insulin sensitivity than 95 percent esterified. This means
along with healthy blood sugar and natural fatty acids are attached to one or
lipid levels—were also higher in those both ends of the molecule. By contrast,
who took astaxanthin. Optimal results synthetic astaxanthin is all free form, or
were found at 12 mg of astaxanthin unesterified. There is something wrong
per day.39 with this synthetic form as it is simply
not absorbed or utilized in the same
The connection between astaxanthin manner as nature intended.
and cardiovascular support is
especially important when you Even the U.S. Food and Drug
consider the prevalence of Administration (FDA) views synthetic
cardiovascular disease in America. versions of natural supplements to be
In 2011, 787,000 Americans died of different from the natural version itself,
cardiovascular disease, making it the and takes the position that safety data
number one killer in the United States. on natural compounds does not apply
The direct and indirect costs of heart to synthetics. Synthetic astaxanthin
disease total more than $320 billion.40 also has no peer-reviewed human

safety studies to its credit—and no astaxanthin is chemically different
documented health benefits. and non-esterified.
Another warning: astaxanthin from
genetically mutated yeast known as The only form of astaxanthin that
Phaffia has not established sufficient has hundreds of medical research
safety standards, so it is not allowed experiments showing health
by the FDA for human consumption benefits—as well as extensive safety
above 2 mg per day. Also, it is not trials and 15 years of safe use in
recommended for long-term use or humans—is the natural astaxanthin
for children. And similar to synthetic from microalgae.
astaxanthin, the Phaffia-sourced


Natural Algal Astaxanthin Synthetic Astaxanthin

Years of safety data supporting Not approved by the FDA as a
multiple health conditions human supplement

Extensively published in almost No known peer-reviewed human

100 human clinical trials safety studies

Cultivated from natural algae as Never proven to have any health

nature intended benefits in human clinical trials

Synthesized from petrochemicals

Haematococcus ponds turn from green to red like fall leaves.

Obviously, you want to buy natural astaxanthin. After that, the rest comes
down to awareness and good communication.

Only buy astaxanthin that lists Haematococcus pluvialis as the

source on the label. Ask for documentation verifying the supply
chain—from origin to delivery. If a company representative tells
you its synthetic astaxanthin is just as good, walk away.

My recommendation is to make sure the material comes from a

Natural Algae Astaxanthin Association (NAXA) member and look for
the NAXA Verification Seal.

Ask for testing data. Only purchase astaxanthin that is tested using
USP standards or other validated identity methods (e.g., Isomeric or
chiral HPLC).

Because of its wide range of bene-
fits supported in peer-reviewed clin-
ical studies, spotless safety record,
and its ability to act in a manner
and reach areas that other antioxi-
dants cannot, astaxanthin is more
than the “King of Carotenoids.”
Astaxanthin is the leader in a new
natural products world defined by
quality, safety, and research.


Q: Is supplementation with astaxanthin really necessary?

A: Yes. To get the amount of astaxanthin in a 4 mg supplement, you’d have to eat
four ounces of wild sockeye salmon every day (which has the highest level of
astaxanthin of any food).

Q: How much astaxanthin should I take daily?

A: If you are taking an astaxanthin nutritional supplement as part of your daily health
maintenance regimen, 4 to 6 mg per day is recommended. However, for those
with serious joint or tendon health problems—or who exercise/engage in physical
activity daily—12 mg per day of astaxanthin is generally recommended. Talk with
your healthcare provider before adding any supplement to your daily regimen.

Q: Do I need to take astaxanthin with food?

A: Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble carotenoid, so it works best when taken with food.
The fat in a meal aids in the absorption of the antioxidant.

Q: Are there any side effects?

A: The only potential effect—if you want to call it that—arises when people take far
above the recommended 4 to 12 mg per day. There may be a slight orange color
in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. It is just astaxanthin depositing
in the skin, which may actually be healthful.

Q: Where I can learn more about research studies on astaxanthin?

A: Astaxanthin.org is a wonderful resource that is updated regularly.


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For more information, see astaxanthin.org.
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About the Author

Michael T. Murray, N.D., is widely regarded as one of the world’s
leading authorities on natural medicine. Dr. Murray is a graduate,
faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr
University. He is author of over 30 books with over six million
copies in print including The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine.
His popular health information portal is DoctorMurray.com.

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