Starship Combat Rules FFG Star Wars
Starship Combat Rules FFG Star Wars
Starship Combat Rules FFG Star Wars
New Weapon Quality: Target Lock (Passive) Revised Action: Blanket Barrage
Weapons with the target lock are much harder to hit with if you do not actively Replace the second third paragraph with:
lock on to your target first. When firing these weapons, you upgrade the difficulty
of the combat check to hit by 2, unless you have used the Aim manuever or Active When performing the Blanket Barrage action, the character makes an Average
Targeting Action against the target, in which case, instead upgrade your combat (dd) Gunnery check and selects all weapons of a single type (heavy turbolasers,
check by 1. medium ion cannons, etc.) within one or more of his ship’s firing arcs. Those weapons
count as firing that round. Until the end of the character’s next turn, all opposing
Add Quality to: Concussion Missile Launcher, Proton Torpedo Launcher. vehicles with silhouette 4 or smaller upgrade the difficulty of any combat or pilot
checks made at Short Range from this vehicle within the Blanket Barrage’s arc, plus
New Weapon Quality: Slow Tracking (Passive) one additional time per aa scored on the Blanket Barrage Gunnery check. If any
vehicle’s combat or pilot check in the affected arc generates tt(+t per range
Slow tracking weapons have a hard time targeting high speed targets at Close beyond Short), they suffer one automatic hit, which deals half the base damage
Range. The difficulty of attacking a target at Close Range that is moving at Speed (rounding up) of the type of weapon used in the Blanket Barrage action. If the combat
4 or greater is increased by 2 steps rather than 1. If this would push the difficulty or pilot check generates y, they suffer one automatic hit dealing the base damage
above Formidable (ddddd) the check is Impossible. of the type of weapon used in the Blanket Barrage action.
Add Quality to: Concussion Missile Launcher, Ion Cannon (Heavy), Ion Cannon If an opposing vehicle makes no combat or pilot check while within Short Range in
(Battleship), Proton Torpedo Launcher, Tractor Beam (Heavy), Turbolaser (All) the arc of a Blanket Barrage, it suffers one automatic hit, which deals base damage
of the type of weapon used in the Blanket Barrage action. On his turn, a pilot may
Revised Vehicle Characteristic: Handling use an action to make an Easy (d) Pilot check for no effect to keep this effect from
activating. This check is still upgraded as any other pilot check within the effected
A vehicle with positive Handling that is moving at speed 3+ also adds it’s Handling
arcs would be.
in b to any combat check made against it.
• increase or decrease the speed of the vehicle by 1 Combat Check With Vehicle Weapons Difficulty
• increase or decrease the speed of the vehicle by 2 (Vehicles with a Maximum
Speed Rating of 5 or higher only) For each range band beyond Short range, consider the target to have a Silhouette
• increase or decrease the speed of the vehicle by ay amount, then suffer strain one smaller, to a minimum of 0. Add the following to the Silhoutte Comprison table
equal to its Silhouette.
The vehicle’s Speed cannot be reduced below 0 or raised above its Maximum
Difference in Effective Silhouette Difficulty
Speed Rating. Firing Vessel has a silhouette 5 or more
points larger than target ship.
New Action: Active Targeting
Tracking high speed targets like Starfighters at Close Range is also more
Active Targeting is an action that targets a single vehicle and requires an Average difficult. The difficulty of attacking a target at Close Range that is moving at Speed 4
(dd) Computer check. If succesful, the vehicle can attack the target outside its or greater is increased by 1 step. If this would push the difficulty above Formidable
Sensor Range on all attacks until the end of the character’s next turn. It must still (ddddd) the check is Impossible.
be within the weapon’s range.
SEP 08, 2015
Revised Rules: Sensors
The information given about targets in a vehicle’s area is based upon the range
from the Vehicle, and its Sensor Range.