Pile PDF
Pile PDF
Pile PDF
Preface vi
1 Introduction 1
2 Intact rock and rock mass 9
3 Characterization of discontinuities in rock 36
4 Deformability and strength of rock 80
5 Site investigation and rock testing 173
6 Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 214
7 Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock 258
8 Lateral load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 285
9 Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 299
10 Stability of drilled shaft foundations in rock 349
11 Drilled shafts in karstic formations 359
12 Loading test of drilled shafts in rock 372
References 404
Index 423
The ancient “well foundation” can be considered the earliest version of drilled shafts.
Such foundations were stone masonry pedestals built in hand-excavated holes, long
before hydraulic cements came into common use.
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when taller and heavier
buildings began to appear, high-capacity foundations became necessary in large cities
such as Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit. These cities are underlain by relatively thick
deposits of medium to soft clays overlying deep glacial till or bedrock. Because
traditional spread foot foundations settled excessively under the heavier building load,
engineers began to use shafts such as the hand-dug “Chicago” and “Gow” caissons. The
shafts were constructed by making the excavation and by placing sections of permanent
liners (wooden lagging or steel rings) to retain the soil by hand.
Hand excavation methods were slow and tedious, so machine-drilled shafts soon
superseded the hand-dug caissons. A few examples of horse and engine-driven augers
appeared between 1900 and 1930, but they had limited capabilities. By the late 1920s,
manufacturers were building practical truck-mounted engine-driven augers, thus bringing
drilled shaft construction into its maturity.
Drilled shafts in rock 2
story wood frame buildings to the largest skyscrapers, highway bridges, and retaining
Compared to other types of deep foundations, drilled shafts have the following major
1. The costs of mobilizing and demobilizing a drill rig are much less than those for a pile
2. The construction process generates less vibration and noise, making drilled shafts
appropriate for urban construction.
3. The quality of the bearing material can be inspected visually and tests can be run to
determine its physical properties. For end-bearing designs, the soil/rock beneath the
base can be probed for cavities or weak layers if desirable.
4. The diameter or length of the drilled shaft can be easily changed during construction to
compensate for unanticipated soil/rock conditions.
5. The drilled shafts can penetrate through soils with cobbles or boulders. They can also
be socketed into rock.
6. It is usually possible to support very large loads with one large drilled shaft instead of
several piles, thus eliminating the need for a pile cap.
7. Large-diameter drilled shafts are particularly well-suited as foundations for structures
that must resist extreme events that produce large lateral loads (e.g. earthquake and
vessel impact loading) because of the very large moments of inertia.
Drilled shafts also have the following major disadvantages:
1. The quality and performance of drilled shafts is very dependent on the contractor’s
skills. Poor workmanship can produce weak foundations that may not be able to
support the design load.
2. Since shaft construction removes soil/rock from the ground, it may decrease the
competency of the bearing stratum.
3. The construction of drilled shafts through contaminated soils/rocks is problematic
because of the expenses associated with disposing of the spoil.
Because of the above advantages, drilled shafts have become an appropriate and
economical foundation system for heavily loaded structures. When deep foundations are
required, drilled shafts should always be considered as an option.
spread footing and two capped groups of steel H-piles for the three interior bents that
were required to be placed in the river. Both the spread footing and driven piles (with pile
caps) were to be constructed within cofferdams because of the need to construct
footings/caps. The second one called for the replacement of the spread footing and driven
pile groups by three large-diameter drilled shafts. The drilled shafts could be drilled
during low water using a crane-mounted drill rig positioned on timber mats within the
river and pouring the concrete for the shafts to an elevation above the water level,
eliminating the need for cofferdams. Comparison of the pile-footing alternate with the
drilled shaft alternate is shown in Table 1.1. The cost savings realized by using drilled
shafts were $422,000 (50%).
Table 1.1 Comparison of the pile-footing alternate
with the drilled shaft alternate—Queens River
Bridge, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA
(after O’Neill & Reese, 1999).
Pile-Footings Drilled Shafts
Details 25 capped H-piles driven into the soft Three 3.2 m (10.5 ft) diameter drilled
siltstone for each of the two interior bents shafts socketed about 10m (30 ft) into the
and a spread-footing at the other interior siltstone, with casing extending from the
bent. All pile driving, cap construction and top of the siltstone to high water level.
spread footing construction were within The casing was used as a form, and the
cofferdams. A single-bent column was drilled shaft concrete was poured directly
formed on top of the spread footing or the up to the top of the casing. The single
pile cap prior to removal of the cofferdams. columns for the bents were formed on top
The construction of work trestle was of the extended sections of drilled shafts,
required so that cofferdams could be with no requirement to construct
constructed prior to installing the cofferdams.
foundations. Because of the length of time
required to construct the trestle and
cofferdams, construction of pile groups,
caps and footing could not proceed until the
following working season, since operations
in the river had to be suspended during the
salmon runs.
Estimated $842,000 $420,000
The characteristics of drilled shafts in rock are closely related to the special properties of
rock masses. The following briefly describes some of the special rock mass properties
that will affect the performance of drilled shafts.
Introduction 5
is to reduce the ultimate strength of the rock mass, and thus decrease the bearing
capacity of the drilled shaft foundation.
2. Groundwater affects rock mechanical properties due to the deleterious action of water
on particular rocks and minerals. For example, clay seams may soften in the presence
of groundwater, reducing the strength and increasing the deformability of the rock
mass. Argillaceous rocks, such as shales and argillitic sandstones, also demonstrate
marked reductions in material strength following infusion with water. According to
Hoek and Brown (1997), strength losses of 30–100% may occur in many rocks as a
result of chemical deterioration of the cement or clay binder.
3. Groundwater flow into the excavation of a drilled shaft can make cleaning and
inspection of bearing surfaces difficult and result in decreased bearing capacity for the
drilled shaft.
As for the design of any foundations, the design of drilled shafts must satisfy criteria
related to strength, deformation and durability. For the strength, criteria are applied to
both the structural strength of the shaft itself and the geotechnical strength, i.e., the load
carrying capacity of the soil/rock. The structural and geotechnical strength criteria depend
on the basis of the design method. The traditional working stress design method,
sometimes referred to as the allowable stress design (ASD) method, relies on an overall
safety factor against ultimate failure and the corresponding design criteria can be
expressed as
Introduction 7
where Qu is the ultimate load bearing capacity; FS is the global factor of safety; and Q is
the allowable working load or the allowable design load.
Equation (1.1) applies to both axial and lateral loadings. Typical factors of safety for
the geotechnical strength of drilled shafts range between two and three, depending on the
method of capacity calculation, the extent of the designer’s experience and knowledge of
the site and the geotechnical conditions, and the likely consequences of failure. In cases
where there is extensive experience of the site and field shaft load tests have been carried
out, values of safety factor as low as 1.5 may be appropriate. On the other hand, where
knowledge of the site is limited, and the consequences of failure may be extreme, safety
factors of three or higher may be appropriate.
In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency to use load and resistance factor
design (LRFD) for drilled shafts and other structural components (AASHTO, 1994;
FHWA, 1996a). With this method, various factors, with values of 1 or above, are applied
to the individual components of load. Other factors, with values of 1 or less, are applied
to the total resistance, or individual components of resistance, in such a way to assure a
margin of safety consistent with historical practice using global factors of safety. The
design criterion for the LRFD approach can be written as
where η is factor varying from 0.95 to 1.05 to reflect ductility, redundancy and
operational importance of the structure; γi is the load factor for load type i; Qi is the
nominal value of load type i; is the resistance factor for resistance component j; Quj is
the estimated (nominal) value of ultimate resistance component j.
Equation (1.2) applies to both axial and lateral loadings, and to structural and
geotechnical strengths. The LRFD approach to foundation design has the advantages that
(a) foundations are easier to design if the superstructure is designed using LRFD and (b)
it offers a means to incorporate reliability into the design process in a rational manner.
For the serviceability limit state, the design criteria for deformations may be stated
generally as:
Estimated deformation≤Allowable deformation
Estimated differential deformation≤Allowable differential
deformation (1.4)
Equations (1.3) and (1.4) apply to both axial and lateral deformations. The allowable
deformations and differential deformations depend primarily on the nature of the
structure. Grant et al. (1982) and Moulton et al. (1985) listed typical values of allowable
deformations and differential deformations for different structures.
For the durability, the usual design criterion is the drilled shafts shall have a design
life that exceeds the design life of the structure to be supported; this is usually 50 years or
more for permanent structures.
In recent years, the influence of environmental factors on the design and construction
of drilled shaft foundations has become more and more important. Requirements that
impact the excavation, handling, and disposal of river bottom sediments are continually
more restrictive. Consequently, design and construction techniques are being developed
and modified to lessen the need for excavation.
Intact rock and rock mass
Rock differs from most other engineering materials in that it contains discontinuities of
one type or another which render its structure discontinuous. Thus a clear distinction
must be made between the intact rock or rock material on the one hand and the rock mass
on the other. The intact rock may be considered as a continuum or polycrystalline solid
between discontinuities consisting of an aggregate of minerals or grains. The rock mass is
the in situ medium comprised of intact rock blocks separated by discontinuities such as
joints, bedding planes, folds, sheared zones and faults. The properties of the intact rock
are governed by the physical properties of the materials of which it is composed and the
manner in which they are bonded to each other. The parameters which may be used in a
description of intact rock include petrological name, color, texture, grain size, minor
lithological characteristics, degree of weathering or alternation, density, porosity,
strength, hardness and deformability. Rock masses are discontinuous and often have
heterogeneous and anisotropic properties. Since the behavior of a rock mass is, to a large
extent, determined by the type, spacing, orientation and characteristics of the
discontinuities present, the parameters used to describe a rock mass include the nature
and geometry of discontinuities as well as its overall strength and deformability.
This chapter describes the types and important properties of intact rocks and different
rock mass classification systems that will be useful in the analysis and design of drilled
shafts in rock. Chapter 3 will discuss the characterization of discontinuities in rock
Intact rocks may be classified from a geological or an engineering point of view. In the
first case the mineral content of the rock is of prime importance, as is its texture and any
change which has occurred since its formation. Although geological classifications of
intact rocks usually have a genetic basis, they may provide little information relating to
the engineering behavior of the rocks concerned since intact rocks of the same geological
category may show a large scatter in strength and deformability, say of the order of 10
times. Therefore, engineering classifications of intact rocks are more related to the
analysis and design of foundations in rock.
Drilled shafts in rock 10
geological hammer
R3 Medium strong Cannot be scraped or 25–50 1–2 Concrete, phyllite,
peeled with a pocket schist, siltstone
knife; specimen can be
fractured with a single
firm blow of geological
R4 Strong Specimen requires more 50–100 2–4 Limestone, marble,
than one blow of sandstone, schist
geological hammer to
R5 Very strong Specimen requires 100–250 4–10 Amphibolite,
many blows of sandstone, basalt,
geological hammer to gabbro, gneiss,
fracture granodiorite,
peridotite, rhyolite,
R6 Extremely Specimen can only be >250 >10 Fresh basalt, chert,
strong chipped with the diabase, gneiss,
geological hammer granite, quartzite
Point load tests on rocks with unconfined compressive strength below 25 MPa are likely to yield
highly ambiguous results.
Numerous rock mass classification systems have been developed, including Terzaghi’s
Rock Load Height Classification (Terzaghi, 1946); Lauffer’s Classification (Lauffer,
1958); Deere’s Rock Quality Designation (RQD) (Deere, 1964); RSR Concept (Wickham
et al., 1972); the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system (Bieniawski, 1973, 1976, 1989); the
Q-System (Barton et al., 1974), and the Geological Strength Index (GSI) system (Hoek &
Brown, 1997). Most of the above systems were primarily developed for the design of
underground excavations. However, four of the above classification systems have been
used extensively in correlation with parameters applicable to the design of rock
foundations. These four classification systems are the Rock Quality Designation (RQD),
the Rock Mass Rating (RMR), the Q-System, and the Geological Strength Index (GSI).
Rock Quality Designation (RQD) was introduced by Deere (1964) as an index assessing
rock quality quantitatively. The RQD is defined as the ratio (in percent) of the total length
of sound core pieces 4 in. (10.16 cm) in length or longer to the length of the core run.
RQD is perhaps the most commonly used method for characterizing the jointing in
borehole cores, although this parameter may also implicitly include other rock mass
features such as weathering and core loss. Deere (1964) proposed the relationship
between the RQD index and the rock mass quality as shown in Table 2.11.
where VF is the in situ compressional wave velocity; and VL is the compressional wave
velocity in intact rock core.
When cores are not available, RQD may be estimated from the number of joints
(discontinuities) per unit volume JV. A simple relationship which may be used to convert
JV into RQD for clay-free rock masses is (Palmstrom, 1982)
where JV is the total number of joints per cubic meter or the volumetric joint count.
The volumetric joint count JV has been described by Palmstrom (1982, 1985, 1986) and
Sen and Eissa (1992). It is a measure for the number of joints within a unit volume of
rock mass defined by
Intact rock and rock mass 21
where Nr is the total number of random joint sets and can easily be estimated from joint
observations. In cases where random or irregular jointing occurs, JV can be found by
counting all the joints observed in an area of known size.
Drilled shafts in rock 22
Though the RQD is a simple and inexpensive index, when considered alone it is not
sufficient to provide an adequate description of a rock mass because it disregards joint
orientation, joint condition, type of joint filling and other features.
Rating 15 10 7 4 0
C. Rock mass classes and corresponding design parameters and engineering properties
Class No. I II III IV V
RMR 100→81 80→61 60→41 40→21 <20
Description Very Good Good Fair Poor Very poor
Average stand-up time 20 years for 1 year for 1 week for 10 hours for 30 minutes for
15 m span 10m span 5m span 2.5 m span 1 m span
Cohesion of rock mass >0.4 0.3–0.4 0.2–0.3 0.1–0.2 <0.1
Internal friction angle >45 35–45 25–35 15–25 <15
of rock mass (°)
Deformation modulus >56 56–18 18–5.6 5.6–1.8 <1.8
Deformation modulus values are from Serafim and Pereira (1983).
Separation Rating 6 5 4 1 0
Measurement None <0.1 0.1–1 1–5 >5
Roughness Rating 6 5 3 1 0
Description Very Rough Slight Smooth Slickensided
Infilling (gouge) Rating 6 4 2 2 0
Intact rock and rock mass 25
where RQD=Rock Quality Designation; Jn=joint set number; Jr=joint roughness number;
Ja=joint alteration number; Jw=joint water reduction number; and SRF= stress reduction
The meaning of the parameters used to determine the value of Q in Equation (2.5) can
be seen from the following comments by Barton et al. (1974):
The first quotient (RQD/Jn), representing the structure of the rock mass, is a crude
measure of the block or particle size, with the two extreme values (100/0.5 and 10/20)
differing by a factor of 400. If the quotient is interpreted in units of centimetres, the
extreme ‘particle sizes’ of 200 to 0.5 cm are seen to be crude but fairly realistic
approximations. Probably the largest blocks should be several times this size and the
smallest fragments less than half the size. (Clay particles are of course excluded).
The second quotient (Jr/Ja) represents the roughness and frictional characteristics of
the joint walls or filling materials. This quotient is weighted in favor of rough, unaltered
joints in direct contact. It is to be expected that such surfaces will be close to peak
strength, that they will dilate strongly when sheared, and they will therefore be especially
favorable to tunnel stability.
Drilled shafts in rock 26
When rock joints have thin clay mineral coatings and fillings, the strength is reduced
significantly. Nevertheless, rock wall contact after small shear displacements have
occurred may be a very important factor for preserving the excavation from ultimate
Where no rock wall contact exists, the conditions are extremely unfavorable to tunnel
stability. The ‘friction angles’ (given in Table 2.15) are a little below the residual strength
values for most clays, and are possibly dowti-graded by the fact that these clay bands or
fillings may tend to consolidate during shear, at least if normal consolidation or if
softening and swelling has occurred. The swelling pressure of monttnorillonite may also
be a factor here.
The third quotient (Jw/SRF) consists of two stress parameters. SRF is a measure of: 1)
loosening load in the case of an excavation through shear zones and clay bearing rock, 2)
rock stress in competent rock, and 3) squeezing loads in plastic incompetent rocks. It can
be regarded as a total stress parameter. The parameter Jw is a measure of water pressure,
which has an adverse effect on the shear strength of joints due to a reduction in effective
normal stress. Water may, in addition, cause softening and possible out-wash in the case
of clay-filled joints. It has proved impossible to combine these two parameters in terms of
inter-block effective stress, because paradoxically a high value of effective normal stress
may sometimes signify less stable conditions than a low value, despite the higher shear
strength. The quotient (Jw/SRF) is a complicated empirical factor describing the ‘active
So the rock mass quality (Q) may be considered a function of three parameters which
are approximate measures of:
(i) Block size (RQD/Jn): It represents the overall structure of rock masses.
(ii) Inter block shear strength (Jr/Ja): It represents the roughness and frictional
characteristics of the joint walls or filling materials.
(iii) Active stress (Jw/SRF): It is an empirical factor describing the active stress.
Table 2.15 provides the necessary guidance for assigning values to the six parameters.
Depending on the six assigned parameter values reflecting the rock mass quality, Q can
vary between 0.001 to 1000. Rock quality is divided into nine classes ranging from
exceptionally poor (Q ranging from 0.001 to 0.01) to exceptionally good (Q ranging from
400 to 1000) as shown in Table 2.16.
Since the Q and RMR systems are based on much the same properties, they are highly
correlated and can be predicted one from the other. Various authors give a relationship in
the following form (Rutledge & Preston, 1978; Cameron-Clarke & Budavari, 1981; Abad
et al., 1984; Beniawski, 1989; Goel et al., 1995):
Intact rock and rock mass 27
Discontinuous joint 4
Rough or irregular, 3 (ii) Jr=0.5 can be used for planar slickensided
joints having lineations, provided the
undulating lineations are favorably orientated
Smooth, undulating 2
Slickensided, undulating 1.5
Rough and irregular, planar 1.5
Smooth or irregular 1
Slickensided, planar 0.5
(c) No rock wall contact
when sheared
Zone containing clay 1 (nominal)
minerals thick enough to
prevent rock wall contact
Sandy, gravelly or crushed 1 (nominal)
zone thick enough to
prevent rock wall contact
Joint Approximate residual angle of friction
Alternation (deg)
(a) Rock wall contact
A. Tightly healed, hard, non- 0.75 –
G. Strongly over-consolidated, non-softening clay mineral fillings (continuous, <5 6 16–
H. Medium or low over-consolidation, softening, clay mineral fillings (continuous, 8 12–
<5 mm in thickness) 16
J. Swelling clay fillings, i.e. montmorillonite (continuous, <5 mm in thickness). 8–12 6–
Value of Ja depends on percentage of swelling clay-sized particles and access to 12
water, etc
(c) No rock wall contact when sheared
K. Zones or bands of disintegrated or crushed 6, 8 6–
or 8– 24
Factor SRF
(a) Weakness zones intersecting
excavation, which may cause
loosening of rock mass when tunnel
is excavated
A. Multiple occurrences of 10 Note:
weakness zones containing clay or (i) Reduce these values by 25–50% if
chemically disintegrated rock, very the relevant shear zones only
loose influence but do not intersect the
stress problems
σc/σ1 σt/σ1
H. Low stress, near >200 >13 2.5 (ii) If stress field is strongly anisotropic:
surface when 5<σ1/σ3< 10, reduce σc and σt to
0.8σc and 0.8σt; when σ1/σ3>10, reduce
J. Medium stress 200– 13– 1 σc and σt to 0.6σc and 0.6σt. Where
10 0.66 σc=unconfined compressive strength,
K. High stress, very tight 10–5 0.66– 0.5– σt=tensile strength, σ1 and σ3=major and
structure (usually 0.33 2.0 minor principal stresses.
favorable to stability,
maybe unfavorable to
wall stability)
L. Mild rock burst 5–2.5 0.33– 5–
(massive rock) 0.16 10
M. Heavy rock burst <2.5 <0.16 10–
(massive rock) 20
(c) Swelling rock;
chemical swelling
activity depending on (iii) Few case records available where depth
presence of water of crown below surface is less than span
width. Suggest SRF increase from 2.5 to
P. Mild swelling rock 5–10 5 for such cases (see H)
R. Heavy swelling rock 10–15
where Vp is P-wave velocity in m/s (see Chapter 5 about the measurement of Vp).
which can be obtained for the 1989 classifications is 23. The estimated RMR is used to
estimate the value of GSI as follows:
Table 2.17 Characterisation of rock masses on the
basis of interlocking and joint alteration (after Hoek
& Brown, 1997).
For RMR>23
Drilled shafts in rock 34
For RMR<23, Bieniawski’s classification cannot be used to estimate GSI and the Q value
of Barton et al. (1974) should be used instead:
The primary difference between structures in soil and those in rock is that rock masses
contain discontinuities. The analysis and design of any structure in rock require
information on discontinuities in one form or another (Goodman, 1976; Hoek & Bray,
1981; Brady & Brown, 1985; Wyllie, 1999). Blocks formed by sets of unfavorably
orientated discontinuities may fail by sliding or toppling, causing excessive movement or
failure of foundations.
The discontinuity properties that have the greatest influence at the design stage have
been listed by Piteau (1970, 1973) as follows:
1. orientation
2. size
3. frequency
4. surface geometry
5. genetic type, and
6. infill material
As the rock discontinuities cannot be directly examined in three dimensions (3D),
engineers must infer discontinuity characteristics from data sampled at exposed rock
faces (including both natural outcrops and excavation walls) and/or in boreholes (Priest,
1993). Taking measurements at exposed rock faces, either at or below the ground surface,
enables one to obtain data on orientation, spacing, trace lengths and number of traces.
Many statistical sampling and data processing methods have been adopted (Priest, 1993).
The most widely used of these methods are the scanline and window sampling
techniques. These techniques have been described and discussed by a number of authors
including Baecher and Lanney (1978), ISRM (1978), Priest and Hudson (1981), Einstein
and Baecher (1983), Kulatilake and Wu (1984a, b, c), Kulatilake (1993), Mauldon (1998)
and Zhang and Einstein (1998b, 2000a). One disadvantage of this approach is that the
exposed rock face is often remote from the zone of interest and may suffer from blasting
damage or degradation by weathering and be obscured by vegetation cover.
Borehole sampling, in most cases, provides the only viable exploratory tool that
directly reveals geologic evidence of subsurface site conditions. In normal-size borehole
sampling various techniques can be used for acquiring discontinuity data either from core
samples or through inspection of the borehole walls. However, since the borehole
diameter is small, such information is of limited use only. In some cases, e.g., when
drilling holes for installing drilled shafts, the hole is large and direct measurements can
be conducted to obtain more accurate and precise discontinuity information. For example,
trace length data can be obtained from the side and bottom of the drilled shaft holes.
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 37
The data sampled at exposed rock faces and/or in boreholes contain errors due to
sampling biases. Therefore, it is important to correct sampling biases when inferring 3D
discontinuity characteristics. In addition, principles of stereology need be used in order to
infer 3D discontinuity characteristics from the data sampled at exposed rock faces and/or
in boreholes.
Discontinuities and their origins are well described in several textbooks on general,
structural and engineering geology. From an engineer’s point of view, the discussions by
Price (1966), Hills (1972), Blyth and de Freitas (1974), Hobbs (1976) and Priest (1993)
are particularly helpful. The following lists the major types of discontinuities and briefly
describes their key engineering properties.
(a) Faults
Faults are discontinuities on which identifiable shear displacement has taken place. They
may be recognized by the relative displacement of the rock on the opposite sides of the
fault plane. The sense of this displacement is often used to classify faults. Faults may be
pervasive features which traverse a large area or they may be of relatively limited local
extent on the scale of meters; they often occur in echelon or in groups. Fault thickness
may vary from meters in the case of major, regional structures to millimeters in the case
of local faults. This fault thickness may contain weak materials such as fault gouge
(clay), fault breccia (recemented), rock flour or angular fragments. The wall rock is
frequently slickensided and may be coated with minerals such as graphite and chlorite
which have low frictional strengths. The ground adjacent to the fault may be disturbed
and weakened by associated discontinuities such as drag folds or secondary faults. These
factors result in faults being zones of low shear strength on which slip may readily occur.
(c) Joints
Joints are the most common and generally the most geotechnically significant
discontinuities in rocks. Joints are breaks of geological origin along which there has been
no visible relative displacement. A group of parallel or sub-parallel joints is called a joint
set, and joint sets intersect to form a joint system. Joints may be open, filled or healed.
Discontinuities frequently form parallel to bedding planes, foliations or slaty cleavage,
and they may be termed bedding joints, foliation joints or cleavage joints. Sedimentary
rocks often contain two sets of joints approximately orthogonal to each other and to the
bedding planes. These joints sometimes end at bedding planes, but others, called master
joints, may cross several bedding planes.
(d) Cleavage
There are two broad types of rock cleavage: fracture cleavage and flow cleavage.
Fracture cleavage (also known as false cleavage and strain slip cleavage) is a term
describing incipient, cemented or welded parallel discontinuities that are independent of
any parallel alignment of minerals. Spencer (1969) lists six possible mechanisms for the
formation of fracture cleavage. In each mechanism, lithology and stress conditions are
assumed to have produced shearing, extension or compression, giving rise to numerous
closely-spaced discontinuities separated by thin slivers of intact rock. Fracture cleavage is
generally associated with other structural features such as faults, folds and kink bands.
Flow cleavage, which can occur as slaty cleavage or schistosity, is dependent upon the
recrystallization and parallel allignment of platy minerals such as mica, producing inter-
leaving or foliation structure. It is generally accepted that flow cleavage is produced by
high temperatures and/or pressures associated with metamorphism in fine-grained rocks.
Although cleavage is usually clearly visible in slates, phyllites and schists, most
cleavage planes possess significant tensile strength and do not, therefore, contribute to the
discontinuity network. Cleavage can, however, create significant anisotropy in the
deformabilty and strength of such rocks. Geological processes, such as folding and
faulting, subsequent to the formation of the cleavage can exploit these planes of weakness
and generate discontinuities along a proportion of the better developed cleavage planes.
The decision as to whether a particular cleavage plane is a discontinuity presents one of
the most challenging problems to those undertaking discontinuity surveys in cleaved
This section lists and discusses the most important properties of discontinuities that
influence the engineering behavior. A fuller discussion of these properties can be found
in the ISRM publication Suggested methods for the quantitative description of
discontinuities in rock masses (ISRM, 1978).
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 39
(a) Orientation
Orientation, or the attitude of a discontinuity in space, is described by the dip of the line
of maximum declination on the discontinuity surface measured from the horizontal, and
the dip direction or azimuth of this line, measured clockwise from true north (see Fig.
3.1). Some geologists record the strike of the discontinuity rather than the dip direction.
For rock mechanics purposes, it is usual to quote orientation data in the form of dip
direction (three digits)/dip (two digits) such as 035°/75° and 290°/30°. The orientation of
discontinuities relative to an engineering structure largely controls the possibility of
unstable conditions or excessive deformations developing. The importance of orientation
increases when other conditions for deformation are present, such as low shear strength
and a sufficient number of discontinuities for slip to occur. The mutual orientation of
discontinuities will determine the shape of the individual blocks, beds or mosaics
comprising the rock mass. The procedures for presenting and analyzing orientation
measurements using the stereonet are discussed in detail in Section 3.4.
Like all other characteristics of a given rock mass, discontinuity spacings will not have
uniquely defined values but, rather, will take a range of values, possibly according to
some form of statistical distribution. The probabilistic analysis of discontinuity spacings
will be discussed in detail in Section 3.5.
Discontinuity spacing is a factor used in many rock mass classification schemes. Table
3.1 gives the terminology used by ISRM (1978).
Table 3.1 Classification of discontinuity spacing.
Description Spacing (mm)
Extremely close spacing <20
Very close spacing 20–60
Close spacing 60–200
Moderate spacing 200–600
Wide spacing 600–2000
Very wide spacing 2000–6000
Extremely wide spacing >6000
in which S is a region on the discontinuity plane with area As and is the area of the ith
discontinuity in S (see Fig. 3.3). The summation in Equation (3.1) is over all
discontinuities in S. Equivalently, discontinuity persistence ratio PR can be expressed as a
limit length ratio along a given line on a discontinuity plane. In this case,
Drilled shafts in rock 42
in which LS is the length of a straight line segment S and is the length of the ith
discontinuity segment in S (see Fig. 3.4). For a finite sampling length LS, PR can be
simply estimated by (Fig. 3.5)
where ΣDL is the sum of the length of all discontinuities; and ΣRBL is the sum of the
length of all rock bridges.
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 43
where d is the “in-plane length” of the rock bridge; and τa is the peak shear stress
mobilized in the direction of discontinuities which can be obtained by
where σt is the tensile strength of the intact rock; and σa is the effective normal stress on
the discontinuity plane.
in which LS is the total sampling length along the direction of the discontinuity traces,
DLi is the length of the ith in-plane discontinuities and DLl is the length of the lth low-
Drilled shafts in rock 46
angle-transition discontinuities (see Fig. 3.8). For a finite sampling length, PR can be
simply approximated by
(d) Shape
The planar shape of discontinuities has a profound effect on the connectivity of
discontinuities and on rock mass properties (Dershowitz et al., 1993; Petit et al., 1994).
However, since a rock mass is usually inaccessible in three dimensions, the real
discontinuity shape is rarely known. Information on discontinuity shape is limited and
often open to more than one interpretation (Warburton, 1980a; Wathugala, 1991).
Discontinuities can be classified into two categories: unrestricted and restricted.
Unrestricted discontinuities are blind and effectively isolated discontinuities whose
growth has not been perturbed by adjacent geological structures such as faults and free
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 47
(i.e., one of the discontinuity walls had been removed by erosion) appear as rough
ellipses with a shape ratio L/H of about 2.0, where L and H are respectively the largest
horizontal and vertical dimensions. For non-exposed discontinuities, the distributions of
the dimensions of the horizontal and vertical traces were measured. The ratio of the mean
L to the mean H of such traces is 1.9, which is very close to the L/H ratio of the observed
individual discontinuity planes.
(e) Roughness
Roughness is a measure of the inherent surface unevenness and waveness of the
discontinuity relative to its mean plane. The wall roughness of a discontinuity has an
important influence on its shear strength, especially in the case of undisplaced and
interlocked features such as unfilled joints. The importance of roughness declines with
increasing aperture, filling thickness or previous shear displacement. The important
influence of roughness on discontinuity shear strength is discussed in detail in Section
When the properties of discontinuities are being recorded from observations made on
either borings cores or exposed faces, it is usual to distinguish between small-scale
surface irregularity or unevenness and large-scale undulations or waveness of the surface
(see Fig. 3.10). Each of these types of roughness may be quantified on an arbitrary scale
of, say, one to five. Descriptive terms may also be used particularly in the preliminary
stages of mapping. For example, ISRM (1978) suggests that the terms listed in Table 3.3
and illustrated in Figure 3.11 may be used to describe roughness on two scales—the
small scale (several centimeters) and the intermediate scale (several meters). Large-scale
waveness may be superimposed on such small- and intermediate-scale roughness.
Drilled shafts in rock 50
(f) Aperture
Aperture is the perpendicular distance separating the adjacent rock walls of an open
discontinuity in which the intervening space is filled with air or water. Aperture is
thereby distinguished from the width of a filled discontinuity (see Fig. 3.12). Large
apertures can result from shear displacement of discontinuities having appreciable
roughness, from outwash of filling materials (e.g. clay), from tensile opening, and/or
from solution. In most subsurface rock masses, apertures are small, probably less than
half a millimeter. Table 3.4 lists terms describing aperture dimensions suggested by
ISRM (1978). Clearly, aperture and its areal variation will have an influence on the shear
strength of discontinuities.
(g) Filling
Filling is a term used to describe material separating the adjacent rock walls of
discontinuities, such as calcite, chlorite, clay, silt, fault gourge, breccia, quartz and pyrite.
The perpendicular distance between the adjacent rock walls is termed the width of the
filled discontinuity, as opposed to the aperture of a gapped or open discontinuity. Filling
materials have a major influence on the shear strength of discontinuities. With the
exception of discontinuities filled with strong vein materials (calcite, quartz, pyrite),
filled discontinuities generally have lower shear strengths than comparable clean, closed
discontinuities. The behavior of filled discontinuities depends on many factors of which
the following are probably the most important:
Table 3.4 Classification of discontinuity aperture
Description Aperture (mm)
“Closed” features Very tight <0.1
Tight 0.1–0.25
Partly open 0.25–0.5
“Gapped” features Open 0.5–2.5
Moderately wide 2.5–10
Wide >10
“Open” features Very wide 10–100
Extremely wide 100–1000
Cavernous >1000
If the filling materials are likely to influence the performance of foundations, samples of
the filling materials (undisturbed if possible) should be collected, or an in situ test may be
carried out.
Figure 3.13 shows the lower hemisphere projection of a great circle and its pole onto the
horizontal plane passing through the center of the sphere. This is known as the equal-
angle or Wulff projection. In this projection, any circle on the reference hemisphere
projects as a circle on the plane of the projection. This is not the case for an alternative
projection known as equal-area or Lambert projection. The latter is better suited than the
equal-angle projection for use in the analysis of discontinuity orientation. The equal-area
projection for any point on the surface of the reference sphere is accomplished by
drawing an arc about the lower end of the vertical axis of the sphere from the point to the
horizontal base plane (see Fig. 3.14).
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 55
piece of tracing paper is mounted on top of the overlay, pierced by the center pin but
fixed by a piece of adhesive tape so that it cannot rotate with respect to the pole plot.
Keeping the counting net in a fixed position, the number of poles falling within each
counting cell can be counted and noted in pencil on the tracing paper at the center of each
cell. The counting net is then rotated to center the densest pole
where αn and βn are respectively the trend and plunge of the pole, which can be obtained
The parameter Q is an angle, in degrees that ensures that αn lies in the correct quadrant
and in the range of 0 to 360° (see Table 3.5).
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 63
The dip direction and dip angle α/β of a discontinuity are related to the trend and plunge
αn/βn of its normal by the following expressions:
αn=α+180° (for α≤180°)
αn=α−180° (for α≥180°) (3.10a)
1. For discontinuity i, calculate the angle δi between its normal and the sampling line:
cos δi=|uxiuxs+uyiuys+uziuzs|
where (uxi, uyi, uzi) and (uxs, uys, uzs) are the direction cosines respectively of
the normal to discontinuity i and the sampling line.
2. For discontinuity i, calculate the weighting factor wi based on the angle δi obtained
in step 1:
3. After the weighting factor for each discontinuity is obtained, calculate the total
weighted sample size Nw for a sample of size N by
5. Calculate the corrected direction cosines (nxi, nyi, nzi) for the normal of each
discontinuity by
(nxi, nyi, nzi)=wni(uxi, uyi, uzi)
6. Calculate the resultant vector (rx, ry, rz) of the corrected normal vectors (nxi, nyi, nzi),
i=1 to N:
For values of λ in the range 6 to 16 m−1, a good approximation to measured RQD values
was found to be given by the linear relation
Figure 3.21 shows the relations obtained by Priest and Hudson (1976) between measured
values of RQD and λ, and the values calculated using Equations (3.18) and (3.19). Please
note the similarity of Equation (3.19) and Equation (2.2).
Warburton (1980a). Decreasing the truncation level in discontinuity surveys can reduce
effects of truncation bias on trace length estimates. It is practically feasible to observe
and measure trace lengths as low as 10 mm both in the field and from photographs (Priest
& Hudson, 1981). Truncation at this level will have only a small effect on the data,
particularly if the mean trace length is in the order of meters (Priest & Hudson, 1981;
Einstein & Baecher, 1983). Therefore, the effect of truncation bias on trace length
estimates can be ignored. However, biases (2b) and (4) are important (Kulatilake & Wu,
1984c) and need be considered.
Pahl (1981) suggested a technique to estimate the mean trace length on an infinite
surface produced by a discontinuity set whose orientation has a single value, i.e., all
discontinuities in the set have the same orientation. His technique is based on the
categorization of randomly located discontinuities that intersect a vertical, rectangular
planar rock face window of height h and width w, and whose traces make an angle with
the vertical, as shown in Figure 3.22. Discontinuities intersecting the sampling window
can be divided into three classes: (1) discontinuities with both ends censored, (2)
discontinuities with one end censored and one end observable, and (3) discontinuities
with both ends observable. If the numbers of traces in each of the above three types are
N0, N1 and N2 respectively, the total number of traces, N, will be
Pahl (1981) has derived the following expression for mean trace length µ
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 69
Although the approach in Equation (3.21) is both rigorous and easy to implement, it
where c is the radius of the circular sampling window. The major advantage of the
method of Mauldon (1998) and Zhang and Einstein (1998b) over the methods of Pahl
(1981) and Kulatilake and Wu (1984c) is that it does not need sampling data about the
orientation of discontinuities, i.e., the method of Mauldon (1998) and Zhang and Einstein
(1998b) is applicable to traces with arbitrary orientation distributions. Therefore, the
method of Mauldon (1998) and Zhang and Einstein (1998b) can be used to estimate the
mean trace length of more than one set of discontinuities. The orientation distribution-
Drilled shafts in rock 70
free nature of this method comes from the symmetric properties of the circular sampling
Trace length measurements are not needed when using Equations (3.21) and (3.22). In
the derivation of Equations (3.21) and (3.22), discontinuity trace length l can be
anywhere between zero and infinity. Hence, µ obtained by Equations (3.21) and (3.22)
does not contain errors due to biases (2b) and (4) as described before.
µ in Equations (3.21) and (3.22) is the population (thus correct or true) mean trace
length, with N, N0 and N2 being respectively the expected total number of traces
intersecting the window, the expected number of traces with both ends censored and the
expected number of traces with both ends observable. In practice, the exact values of N,
N0 and N2 are not known and thus µ has to be estimated using sampled data. From
sampling in one rectangular or circular window, what we get is only one sample of N, N0
and N2 and from this sample only a point estimate of µ can be obtained. For example, for
Drilled shafts in rock 72
in which k is the aspect ratio of the discontinuity, i.e., the length of the discontinuity
minor axis is a/k (see Fig. 3.24); β is the angle between the discontinuity major axis and
the trace line (note that β is measured in the discontinuity plane). Obviously, β will
change for different sampling planes. For a specific sampling plane, however, there will
be only one β value for a discontinuity set with a deterministic orientation.
When k=1 (i.e., the discontinuities are circular), M=1 and Equation (3.27) reduces to
Equation (3.25).
Based on Equation (3.27), Zhang et al. (2002) extended the method of Zhang and
Einstein (2000a) to elliptical discontinuities. Table 3.7 summarizes the expressions for
determining µa and σa from µl and σl, respectively for the lognormal, negative exponential
and Gamma distribution of discontinuity size a. Conversely, with known µa and σa, and
the distribution form of g(a) the mean µl and standard deviation σl of trace lengths can
also be obtained (see Table 3.8).
Consider a discontinuity set having a lognormal size distribution with µa=8.0 m and
σa=4.0 m (For other distribution forms, similar conclusions can be obtained). Figure 3.25
shows the variation of the mean trace length and the standard deviation of trace lengths
with β. Since β is the angle between the trace line and the discontinuity major axis, it is
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 73
related to the sampling plane orientation relative to the discontinuity. It can be seen that,
despite the considerable difference between the maximum and the minimum,
If different sampling planes are used to collect trace (length) data, the
sampling planes should be oriented such that significantly different mean
Drilled shafts in rock 74
trace lengths can be obtained from different planes. For example, if two
sampling planes are used, one should be oriented in the β=0°–20° (or 160°
–180°) range and the other in the β=60°–120° range.
Table 3.7 Expressions for deteimining µa and σa
from µl and σl.
Distribution µa (σa)2
form of
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 75
For the three distribution forms of g(a) discussed above, Equation (3.29) can be rewritten
(a) If g(a) is lognormally distributed with mean µa and standard deviation σa,
Drilled shafts in rock 76
(c) If g(a) has a Gamma distribution with mean µa and standard deviation σa,
The procedure for inferring the major axis orientation, aspect ratio k and size distribution
g(a) (probability density function of the major axis length) of elliptical discontinuities
from trace length sampling on different sampling windows is summarized as follows (the
reader can refer to Zhang et al., 2002 for details):
1. Sampling
(a) Trace length: Use two or more sampling windows at different orientations to
conduct trace (length) sampling. The sampling windows (planes) should be
oriented such that significantly different mean trace lengths can be obtained from
different windows.
(b) Orientation: Use exposed rock surface or borehole sampling so that the normal
orientation of each discontinuity set can be obtained.
2. Conduct trace length analysis to estimate the true trace length distribution f(l) on
different sampling windows: µl, σl and form of f(l).
3. Infer the major axis orientation, aspect ratio k and size distribution g(a) of
discontinuities from trace length sampling on different sampling windows:
(a) Assume a major axis orientation and compute the β (the angle between
discontinuity major axis and trace line) value for each sampling window.
(b) For the assumed major axis orientation, compute µa and σa from µl and σl of each
sampling window, by assuming aspect ratios k=1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and lognormal,
negative exponential and Gamma distribution forms of g(a). The results are then
used to draw the curves relating µa (and σa) to k, respectively, for the lognormal,
negative exponential and Gamma distribution forms of g(a).
(c) Repeat steps (a) and (b) until the curves relating µa (and σa) to k for different
sampling windows intersect in one point. The major axis orientation for this case is
the inferred actual major axis orientation. The k, µa and σa values at the intersection
points are the corresponding possible characteristics of the discontinuities.
(d) Find the best distribution form of g(a) by checking the equality of Equation (3.29).
The k, µa and σa values found in Step (c) and corresponding to the best distribution
form of g(a) are the inferred characteristics of the discontinuity size.
Characterization of discontinuities in rock 77
where V is the volume of the rock mass considered; S(k) is the area of the kth
discontinuity; m(V) is the number of discontinuities in volume V; ui(k) and uj(k) (i, j=x, y, z)
are components of the unit normal vector of the kth discontinuity with respect to
orthogonal reference axes i and j (i, j=x, y, z) respectively (see Fig. 3.19 about the
definition of the normal direction of a discontinuity).
Oda (1982) also proposed a tensor Fij (called the crack tensor) for describing
discontinuity geometry
Fij can be determined with the data obtained in the previous sections. Fracture tensor Fij
can also be written in matrix form as follows
Fij has three principal values F1, F2 and F3, which can be obtained by finding the
eigenvalues of Fij. The principal orientation of Fij can be obtained by finding the
eigenvectors corresponding to F1, F2 and F3.
The first invariant of Fij is just P32, i.e.,
In contrast to the tensors proposed by Kachanov (1980), Oda (1982) and Kawamoto et al.
(1988), the fracture tensor defined in Equation (3.36) has a clear physical meaning. It
represents the ratio of the total area of discontinuities and the volume of the rock mass
considered. The fracture tensor defined in Equation (3.36) keeps the advantage of P32,
i.e., P32 does not depend on the size of the sampled region as long as it is representative
of the discontinuity network.
Deformability and strength of rock
Discontinuities have a profound effect on the deformability and strength of rock masses.
Characterization of a rock mass depends not only on the nature of the rock material, but
also on the discontinuities which are pervasive throughout almost all natural rock. The
presence of discontinuities has long been recognized as an important factor influencing
the mechanical behavior of rock masses. The existence of one or several discontinuity
sets in a rock mass creates anisotropy in its response to loading and unloading. Also,
compared to intact rock, jointed rock shows reduced shear strength along planes of
discontinuity, increased deformability parallel to those planes, and increased
deformability and negligible tensile strength in directions normal to those planes.
One of the most important concerns in designing foundations in rock is the
determination of deformation and strength properties of rock masses. For predicting the
ultimate load capacity of a foundation in rock, a strength model of the rock mass is
required. Alternatively, if predictions of the foundation movements caused by the applied
loading are required, a constitutive (or deformation) model must be selected. With few
exceptions, it is incorrect to ignore the presence of discontinuities when modeling rock
mass response to loading and unloading. Therefore, it is important to account for the
effect of discontinuities on the deformation and strength properties of rock masses.
Currently, there are two ways to account for the effect of discontinuities on the
deformation and strength properties of jointed rock masses: direct and indirect methods
(Amadei & Savage, 1993; Kulatilake, et al. 1992, 1993; Wang & Kulatilake, 1993).
Direct Methods
Direct methods include laboratory and in situ tests, To obtain realistic results of rock
mass deformability and strength, rock of different volumes having a number of different
known discontinuity configurations should be tested at relevant stress levels under
different stress paths. Such an experimental program is almost impossible to carry out in
the laboratory. With in situ tests, such an experimental program would be very difficult,
time-consuming and expensive. At the laboratory level, some researchers have performed
experiments on model material to study mechanical behavior of jointed rock. Results of
laboratory model studies (Brown, 1970a, b; John, 1970; Ladanyi & Archambault, 1970;
Einstein & Hirschfeld, 1973; Chappel, 1974; Singh et al., 2002) show that many different
failure modes are possible in jointed rock and that the internal distribution of stresses
within a jointed rock mass can be highly complex. Since laboratory tests on small scale
samples are often inadequate to predict the deformability and strength of rock masses, in
situ tests are necessary. There are many types of in situ tests, including uniaxial
compression, plate bearing, flat jack, pressure chamber, borehole jacking and dilatometer
Deformability and strength of rock 81
tests. Deformability properties may be estimated from such in situ test data, usually
assuming that some idealized model describes the rock behavior in the test configuration.
A few in situ tests have been carried out to study the effect of size on rock mass
compressive strength (Bieniawski, 1968; Pratt et al., 1972; Bieniawski & Van Heerden,
1975) and on rock mass modulus (Bieniawski, 1978). Heuze (1980) has reviewed the
previous work on scale effects on mass deformability and strength. The results of these
investigations clearly show the reduction of mass strength and modulus with size up to a
certain size at which changes become insignificant. It is important to note that these
relations are highly site-dependent, since the scale effect is primarily governed by the
discontinuity networks. Chapter 5 will discuss the in situ tests in more detail.
Indirect Methods
The indirect methods can be divided into the following three approaches:
1. The first indirect approach consists of empirically deducing the deformability and
strength properties of rock masses from those measured on intact rock samples in the
laboratory. Rock mass modulus and strength can be estimated in different ways. Deere
et al. (1967), Coon and Merritt (1970), Gardner (1987) and Zhang and Einstein
(2000b) presented correlations between rock quality designation (RQD) and modulus
ratio Em/Er, where Em and Er are respectively the rock mass deformation modulus and
the intact rock deformation modulus. Bieniawski (1978) and Serafim and Pereira
(1983) proposed relationships between the deformation modulus of rock masses and
the RMR ratings using the geomechanics classification system (Bieniawski, 1974).
Based on practical observations and back analysis of excavation behavior in poor
quality rock masses, Hoek and Brown (1997) modified the relation of Serafim and
Pereira (1983). Rowe and Armitage (1984) correlated the rock mass modulus deduced
from a large number of field tests of drilled shafts under axial loading with the average
unconfined compressive strength of weak rock deposits in which the drilled shafts are
founded. According to an extensive literature review, Heuze (1980) concluded that the
deformation modulus of rock masses ranges between 20 and 60% of the modulus
measured on intact rock specimens in the laboratory. Hoek and Brown (1980)
proposed an empirical failure criterion for rock masses using two parameters, m and s,
which are related to the degree of rock mass fracturing. Empirical expressions have
also been proposed between those parameters and RQD (Deere et al., 1967), RMR
(Bieniawski, 1974) and Q ratings (Barton et al., 1974).
2. The second indirect approach consists of treating jointed rock mass as an equivalent
anisotropic continuum with deformability and strength properties that are directional
and reflect the properties of intact rock and those of the discontinuity sets, i.e.,
orientation, spacing and normal and shear stiffnesses. The discontinuities are
characterized without reference to their specific locations. Singh (1973), Kulhawy
(1978), Gerrard (1982a, b, 1991), Amadei (1983), Oda et al. (1984), Fossum (1985),
Yoshinaka and Yambe (1986), Oda (1988), Chen (1989) and Amadei and Savage
(1993) have derived the deformation moduli (or compliances) for rock masses with
continuous persistent discontinuities by considering the load-deformation relation for
each component (intact rock and discontinuities) and assuming that the behavior of the
jointed rock mass is the summation of each component response. Kulatilake et al.
(1992, 1993) and Wang (1992) derived relationships between the deformation
Drilled shafts in rock 82
Deformability and strength of rock 83
where α and β are constants defining the shape of the hyperbolic curve between σn and un.
Differentiating Equation (4.2), we obtain the expression for kn as
It is noted that Equation (4.4) is valid for compressive normal stresses only. It is usual to
assume that discontinuities do not offer any resistance to tensile normal stresses implying
kn =0 if σn is tensile.
If a shear stress τ is applied on the discontinuity, there will be a relative shear
displacement us on the discontinuity. Figure 4.1(b) shows a typical relationship between τ
and us. It is now possible to define a tangential shear stiffness ks exactly in the same way
as was done for the normal stiffness. Thus
ks is roughly constant till a peak value of the shear stress is reached. Nonlinear values
can, however, be adopted if justified by experimental results.
It is noted that for discontinuities (especially rough discontinuities), an increment of a
shear stress can produce an increment of relative displacement in the normal direction
and vice versa an increment of a normal stress can produce an increment of relative
displacement in the shear direction. This behavior is called dilation of discontinuities. If
the relative shear displacement is broken into two components (along two perpendicular
coordinate axes s and t on the discontinuity plane—see Fig. 4.2), the general constitutive
relation for a discontinuity including the dilation behavior can be expressed as
where the subscripts ‘s’ and ‘t’ represent two orthogonal directions in the discontinuity
plane; the subscript ‘n’ represents the direction normal to the discontinuity plane; us and
ut are the shear displacements respectively in directions s and t; un is the closure
displacement; τs and τt are the shear stresses respectively in directions s and t; σn is the
normal stress; and [Cij] (i, j=s, t, n) is the compliance matrix of the discontinuity.
Elements of the compliance matrix can be found experimentally by holding two of the
stresses constant (for example at zero) and then monitoring the three relative
displacement components associated with changes in the third stress component (Priest,
Deformability and strength of rock 85
For simplicity, the following assumptions are often made for the behavior of a single
(1) Deformation behavior is the same in all directions in the discontinuity plane. Thus
Css=Ctt, Cst=Cts, Csn=Cta and Cns=Cnt.
(2) The dilation (coupling) effect is neglected, i.e., Cij (i≠j) in Equation (4.6) are zero.
With the above two assumptions, Equation (4.6) can be simplified to
where ks and kn are respectively the discontinuity shear and normal stiffness as described
where τ is the shear strength of the discontinuities; cj and are respectively the cohesion
and internal friction angle of the discontinuities; and σ′n is the effective normal stress on
the discontinuity plane. It need be noted that the” primes” for cj and have been omitted
for brevity although they are for the effective stress conditions.
where is the basic friction angle for an apparently smooth surface of the rock material;
and i is the effective roughness angle. Barton and Choubey (1977) have listed values of
determined experimentally by a number of authors. Some representative values are
listed in Table 4.1.
At normal stresses greater than or equal to σ′0 the shear strength is given by
where ca is the apparent cohesion derived from the asperities; and is the residual
friction angle of the rock material forming the asperities.
Jaeger (1971) proposed the following shear strength model to provide a curved
transition between the straight lines of the Patton model
where JRC is the discontinuity roughness coefficient; and JCS is the discontinuity wall
compressive strength.
The discontinuity roughness coefficient JRC provides an angular measure of the
geometrical roughness of the discontinuity surface in the approximate range 0 (smooth)
to 20 (very rough). The JRC can be estimated in a number of ways. Barton and Choubey
(1977) present a selection of scaled typical roughness profiles (Fig. 4.4), which facilitate
the estimation of JRC for real discontinuities by visual matching. Barton (1987)
published a table relating Jr (discontinuity roughness number in the Q classification
system) to JRC (see Fig. 4.5). Barton and Bandis (1990) suggest that JRC can also be
estimated from a simple tilt shear test in which a pair of matching discontinuity surfaces
are tilted until one slides over the other. The JRC can be back-figured from the tilt angle
α (Fig. 4.6) using the following equation:
Deformability and strength of rock 89
By digitizing the ten typical roughness profiles presented in Figure 4.4 and then
conducting a series of regression analyses, Tse and Cruden (1979) found that there is a
strong correlation between JRC and Z2. On this basis, they proposed the following
expression for estimating JRC:
JRC≈32.2+32.47 log10Z2
The increasing availability of image analysis hardware and low-cost digitizing pads
makes the method of Tse and Cruden (1979) a valuable objective alternative for the
assessment of JRC. This approach should be used with caution, however, since Bandis et
al. (1981) have shown that both JRC and JCS reduce with increasing scale. The idea of
applying statistical and probabilistic analysis of surface profiles to the calculation of JRC
has recently been examined and extended by several authors, notably McWilliams et al.
(1990), Roberds et al. (1990), Yu and Vayssade (1990), and Zongqi and Xu (1990).
These last authors, noting that the value of JRC is dependent upon the sampling interval
along the profile, propose the following extension to Equation (4.15)
where the constants A and B depend on the sampling interval ∆x, taking values of 60.32
and 4.51, respectively, for an interval of 0.25 mm, 61.79 and 3.47 for an interval of 0.5
mm, and 64.22 and 2.31 for an interval of 1.0 mm. Lee et al. (1990), applying the concept
of fractals to discontinuity surface profiles, obtained an empirical relation linking the
fractal dimension D to the JRC value, as follows:
Drilled shafts in rock 92
Unfortunately Lee et al. (1990) do not explain adequately how the fractal dimension D
should be determined in practice. Odling (1994) proposed a method for determining the
fractal dimension D. In Odling’s method, the roughness of a fracture surface is
represented by the structure function S. For a fracture surface profile, S is defined as
where M is the number of data points at a sampling interval ∆x, and yi is the amplitude of
the ith data point measured above (yi+) and below (yi−) the center line. The structure
function is thus simply the mean square height difference of points on the profile at
horizontal separations of ∆x. The structure function is related to the Hurst exponent H
(Voss, 1988; Poon et al., 1992):
Thus, if a log-log plot of S(∆x) versus ∆x gives an acceptably straight line, the slope of
this line gives 2H. A is an amplitude parameter and is equivalent to the mean square
height difference at a sampling interval of l unit, and is therefore dependent on the units
of measurement. From H, the fractal dimension can be determined from the following
equation (Voss, 1988):
where E is the Euclidean dimension of embedding medium. E=2 for surface profiles.
If the discontinuity is unweathered, JCS is equal to the unconfined compressive
strength of the rock material σc, determined by point load index tests or compression tests
on cylindrical specimens. If there has been softening or other forms of weathering along
the discontinuity, then JCS will be less than σc and must be estimated in some way.
Suggested methods for estimating JCS are published by ISRM (1978). Barton and
Choubey (1977) explain how the Schmidt hammer index test can be used to estimate JCS
from the following empirical expression
where γ is the unit weight of the rock material (MN/m3), R is the rebound number for the
L-hammer and JCS has the units MPa in the range 20 to approximately 300 MPa.
Although the Schmidt hammer is notoriously unreliable, particularly for heterogeneous
materials, it is one of the few methods available for estimating the strength of a surface
coating of material.
Deformability and strength of rock 93
Equation (4.12) suggests that there are three factors which control the shear strength of
rock discontinuities: the basic friction angle , a geometrical component JRC, and an
asperity failure component controlled by the ratio JCS/σ′n. Research results show that
both JRC (geometrical component) and JCS (asperity failure component) decrease with
increasing scale (Bandis, 1990; Barton & Bandis, 1982) (see Fig. 4.7). Based on
extensive testing of discontinuities, discontinuity replicas, and a review of literature,
Barton and Bandis (1982) proposed the scale corrections for JRC and JCS:
Drilled shafts in rock 94
It is worth noting two important limitations on the use of Barton model for estimating
the shear strength of discontinuities. Barton and Choubey (1977) suggest that the curves
should be truncated such that the maximum allowable shear strength for design purposes
is given by arctan(τ/σ′n)=70°. For example, curve 1 in Figure 4.8 has a linear “cut-off’
representing the maximum suggested design value of 70° for the total frictional angle.
Barton (1976) cautioned that when the effective normal stress exceeds the unconfined
compressive strength of the rock material, the measured shear strength is always
appreciably higher than that predicted by Equation (4.12). Noting that this discrepancy
was probably due to the effect of confining stresses increasing the strength of asperities,
proposed that a high stress version of Equation (4.12) could be obtained by replacing JCS
by (σ′1−σ′3), i.e.,
where σ′1 is the effective axial stress required to yield the rock material under an effective
confining stress σ′3. The failure stress σ′1 can either be determined experimentally or can
be estimated from an appropriate yield criterion such as the Hoek-Brown criterion.
(d) Comments
The following comments should be noted when using the shear strength criteria described
in the previous sections:
1. The Coulomb model is applicable to discontinuities with planar surfaces and the
bilinear model to discontinuities with rough surfaces. Since the discontinuity
roughness coefficient JRC is incorporated in the strength criterion, the Barton model is
applicable to discontinuities with either planar or rough surfaces.
2. The shear strength criteria described in the previous sections are applicable to
discontinuities in which rock wall contact occurs over the entire length of the surface
under consideration. The shear strength can be reduced drastically when part or all of
the surface is not in intimate contact, but covered by soft filling material such as clay
(1999) showed that the sensitivity of RQD to the mean discontinuity spacing s is
closely related to the adopted threshold value t. For example, if a threshold value t
of 0.5 m is used, the corresponding RQD will change from 91.0% to 9.2% when
A, increases from 1 m−1 to 8 m−1 (see.Fig. 4.13).
Considering the data shown in Figure 4.11, Zhang and Einstein (2000b) proposed the
following relations between the rock mass deformation modulus and RQD:
Lower bound:
Upper bound:
The mean relation between Em/Er and RQD was obtained by regression of the data in
Figure 4.11. The coefficient of regression, r2, is 0.76. The upper bound could be put
somewhat higher but it was selected to be conservative.
RQD is a directionally dependent parameter and its value may change significantly,
depending on the borehole orientation. Therefore, it is important to know the borehole
orientation when estimating the rock mass deformation modulus Em using the
Em/Er−RQD relationship. To reduce the directional dependence of RQD, the relationship
suggested by Palmstrom (1982) [Equation (2.2) in Chapter 2] can be used to estimate
The obvious deficiency of this equation is that it does not give modulus values for RMR
values less than 50. Additional studies carried out on rock masses with qualities ranging
from poor to very good indicated that the rock mass modulus could be related to RMR by
(Serafim & Pereira, 1983):
E=10(RMR−10)/40 (GPa)
Equation (4.27) has been found to work well for good quality rocks. However, for many
of the poor quality rocks it appears to predict deformation modulus values which are too
high (Hoek & Brown, 1997). Based on practical observations and back analysis of
excavation behavior in poor quality rock masses, Hoek and Brown (1997) modified
Equation (4.27) for unconfined compressive strength of intact rock σc<100 MPa as
where σc is in the unit of MPa. Note that GSI (Geological Strength Index) has been
substituted for RMR in Equation (4.28).
(4.28) with σc=2.5 MPa and GSI=RMR−5=65, we can obtain an Em of 3.7 GPa which is
much closer to the measured value of about 0.5 GPa than the value of 31.6 GPa
calculated using Equation (4.27).
Upper bound:
Em=40loge Q (GPa)
Em=25loge Q (GPa)
Radhakrishnan and Leung (1989) found good agreement between the rock mass moduli
obtained from back analysis of load-settlement relationship of large diameter drilled
shafts in weathered sedimentary rocks and those computed from Equation (4.30). It is
interesting to note that Equation (4.30) is equivalent to Equation (4.28) for GSI=23 which
corresponds to rock masses of very poor quality.
(e) Comments
Although the methods of this category are most widely used in practice, there are some
1. The anisotropy of the rock mass caused by discontinuities is not considered.
2. Different empirical relations often give very different deformation moduli of rock
masses at the same site.
Deformability and strength of rock 105
for i=x, y, z with j=y, z, x and k=z, x, y. These equations describe the rock mass elastic
properties completely. The single discontinuity model is a special case of the foregoing in
which sx=sy=∞. Singh (1973), Amadei (1983), Chen (1989) and Amadei and Savage
(1993) obtained the same expressions as above for deformation properties of rock masses
containing three orthogonal discontinuity sets.
For engineering convenience, it is useful to define a modulus reduction factor, αE,
which represents the ratio of the rock mass to rock material modulus. This factor can be
obtained by re-writing Equation (4.31) as
The relationship is plotted in Figure 4.16. This figure shows smaller values of αE in rock
masses with softer discontinuities (larger Er/kn values).
Unfortunately, the mean discontinuity spacing is not easy to obtain directly and, in
normal practice, RQD values are determined instead. Using a physical model, the RQD
can be correlated with the number of discontinuities per 1.5 meters (5 ft) core run, a
common measure in practice. This relationship is shown in Figure 4.17. Combining
Figures 4.16 and 4.17 yields Figure 4.18, which relate αE and RQD with Er/kn as an
additional parameter.
Deformability and strength of rock 107
where and .
The components aij=aji (i, j=1−6) of the compliance (A)xyz depend on the dip angle θ as
Drilled shafts in rock 110
Deformability and strength of rock 111
All other coefficients aij vanish. Note that for the orientation of the discontinuities
considered here, the jointed rock has a plane of elastic symmetry normal to the z-axis. If
the discontinuity set is inclined with respect to x and z axes or if the rock sample under
consideration has two or three orthogonal discontinuity sets, then new expressions must
be derived.
Gerrard (1982a, b, 1991) presented an approximate method for determining the
equivalent elastic properties for a rock mass containing several sets of discontinuities. His
analysis is based on the assumption that the strain energy stored in the equivalent
continuum is the same as that stored in the discontinuous system. The first step is to rank
the various discontinuity sets according to their mechanical significance. Taking the least
significant set first, a compliance matrix for the equivalent continuum is determined. This
equivalent continuum is then regarded as the anisotropic ‘rock material’ for the next
discontinuity set, and so on until all discontinuity sets have been incorporated. A rotation
matrix must be applied to transform the equivalent continuum compliance matrix from
local coordinate axes, associated with one discontinuity orientation, to axes associated
with the next. The models for one, two and three sets of discontinuities are briefly
described in the following:
1) A single set of discontinuities can be modeled by considering a system of alternating
layers of approximately equal spacing. The interfacing planes are perpendicular to the
z axis of the coordinate set x, y, z. Material ‘a’ represents the rock material with
thickness Ta, material ‘b’ the discontinuity material with thickness Tb, and material ‘c’
is the homogeneous material equivalent to the system of alternating layers of ‘a’ and
‘b’ (see Fig. 4.20). The properties of material ‘c’ can be determined by using a series
of equations which are not listed here because they are too cumbersome (Gerrard,
2) A second set of planar parallel discontinuities can be incorporated, in this case the
discontinuities being perpendicular to the x-axis. Alternating layers of the equivalent
material ‘c’, with thickness Tc, and the discontinuity material ‘d’, with thickness Td,
taken together can be represented by the equivalent homogeneous material (see Fig.
4.21). In order that material ‘c’ behaves in an effectively homogeneous fashion when
it is incorporated into material ‘e’ it is necessary that Tc»Ta+Tb.
Drilled shafts in rock 112
3) The third set of planar parallel discontinuities are perpendicular to the y-axis. In this
case the homogeneous equivalent material ‘g’ can represent the alternating layers of
equivalent material ‘e’ with thickness Tc and the discontinuity material ‘f with
thickness Tf (see Fig. 4.22). In this case, to ensure that material ‘e’ behaves in an
effectively homogeneous fashion when it is incorporated into material ‘g’ it is
necessary that Te»Tc+Td.
Fossum (1985) derived a constitutive model for a rock mass that contains randomly
oriented discontinuities of constant normal stiffness kn and shear stiffness ks. He assumed
that if the discontinuities are randomly oriented, the mean discontinuity spacing would be
the same in all directions taken through a representative sample of the mass. Arguing that
the mechanical properties of the discontinuous mass would be isotropic, Fossum derived
the following expressions for the bulk modulus Km and shear modulus Gm of the
equivalent elastic continuum:
The equivalent Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio can be obtained from
Drilled shafts in rock 114
Deformability and strength of rock 115
Considering the fact that the available methods do not consider the statistical nature of
jointed rock masses, Dershowitz et al. (1979) present a statistically based analytical
model to examine rock mass deformability. The statistical model is shown in Figure 4.23.
The rock is taken as a three dimensional circular cylinder. Deformation is assumed to
accrue both from the elasticity of intact rock and from displacement along discontinuities.
Displacements along intersecting discontinuities are assumed to be independent. In this
model compatibility of lateral displacements across jointed blocks is approximated by
constraining springs. Inputs to the model include stififness and deformation moduli,
stress state, and discontinuity geometry. Intact rock deformability is expressed by
Young’s modulus Er, set at 200,000 kg/cm2, a typical value. Discontinuity stiffnesses are
represented by normal stiffness kn set at 1,000,000 kg/cm3, and shear stiffness ks set at
200,000 kg/cm3. The stress state is described by vertical major principal stress σ1,
horizontal “confining” stress σ3. “Confining” stress σ3 is determined from initial stress σ30
and a spring constant kg as follows
where δy is the calculated horizontal displacement; σ30 is set to 50 kg/cm2; and kg is set at
2500 kg/cm3, a value chosen to maximize the increase of stress with lateral strain without
causing rotation of principal planes.
Discontinuity geometry is described by three parameters: the mean spacing sm, the
mean orientation θm and the dispersion according to the Fisher model κ. Spacing is
assumed to follow an exponential distribution and orientation a Fisher distribution (Table
Table 4.2 Distribution assumptions for deformation
model (after Dershowitz et al., 1979).
Discontinuity Distribution form
Spacing Exponential: λe−λs, λ=(mean spacing)−1
Size (Persistence) Completely persistent
Some of the results are shown in Figures 4.24 to 4.27. The results show that the proposed
model is consistent with the results of Deere et al. (1967) and Coon and Merritt (1970)
Drilled shafts in rock 116
(see Fig. 4.10), to the extent that the relationships between deformation and RQD are of
similar form.
The model proposed by Dershowitz et al. (1979) has the following limitations:
1) The analysis applies only to “hard” rock. Shears and weathering can only be
accommodated through changes in discontinuity stiffnesses, which is inadequate.
2) The analysis is for infinitesimal strains. Finite strains would violate the assumption of
independence among discontinuity displacements.
3) The analysis is for a homogeneous deterministic stress field specified extraneous to the
discontinuity pattern. Real rock masses may have complex stress distributions strongly
influenced by the actual jointing pattern.
4) Boundary conditions are highly idealized.
way given below, it is possible to make the fictitious discontinuities behave as the intact
Table 4.4. Values for the mechanical parameters of
intact rock, actual and fictitious discontinuities used
by Kulatilake et al. (1992, 1993) and Wang (1992).
Intact rock or Discontinuities Parameter Assigned value
Intact rock Young’s modulus Er 60 GPa
Poisson’s ratio νr 0.25
Cohesion cr 50 MPa
Tensile strength tr 10 MPa
(a) The strength parameters of the fictitious discontinuities are the same as those of the
intact rock.
(b) Gr/ks=0.008–0.012.
(c) kn/ks=2–3, with the most appropriate value being Er/Gr.
For the intact rock (granitic gneiss) studied by Kulatilake et al. (1992, 1993) and Wang
(1992), the approximate parameters of the fictitious discontinuities are shown in Table
4.4. The mechanical parameters of the actual discontinuities used by them are also shown
in this table. The constitutive models used for the intact rock and discontinuities (both
actual and fictitious) are shown in Figures 4.29 and 4.30, respectively.
The third step is the DEM analysis of the rock block (using the 3D distinct element
code 3DEC) under different stress paths and the evaluation of the effect of discontinuities
on the deformation parameters of the rock mass. In order to estimate different property
Drilled shafts in rock 122
values of the jointed rock block, Kulatilake et al. (1993) and Wang (1992) used the
following stress paths:
1) The rock block was first subjected to an isotropic compressive stress of 5 MPa in three
perpendicular directions (x, y, z); then, for each of the three directions, e.g. the z-
direction, the compressive stress σz was increased, while keeping the confining
stresses in the other two directions (σx and σy) the same, until the failure of the rock
occurred (see Fig. 4.31). From these analysis results, it is possible to estimate the
deformation modulus of the rock block in each of the three directions and the related
Poisson’s ratios.
2) The rock block was first subjected to an isotropic compressive stress of 5 MPa in three
perpendicular directions (x, y, z); then, on each of the three perpendicular planes, e.g.
the x-y plane, the rock was subjected to an increasing shear stress as shown in Figure
4.32. These analysis results can be used to estimate the shear modulus of the rock
block on each of the three perpendicular planes.
In the DEM analysis, during the loading process, displacements were recorded
simultaneously on each block face in the direction(s) needed to calculate the required
block strains. On each block face, five points were selected to record the displacement.
The average value of these five displacements was considered as the mean displacement
of this face for block strain calculations.
To make it possible to estimate the deformation properties of the rock block from the
DEM analysis results, Kulatilake et al. (1993) and Wang (1992) assumed that the rock
block was orthotropic in the x, y, z directions, regardless of the actual orientations of the
discontinuities, i.e.,
With the above constitutive model, the deformation moduli Ex, Ey, Ez and Poisson’s ratios
νxy, νxz, vyx, νyz, νzx, vzy can be estimated from the DEM analysis results of rock blocks
under stress path 1 (Fig. 4.31). The shear moduli Gxy, Gxz and Gyz can be estimated from
the DEM analysis results of rock blocks under stress path 2 (Fig. 4.32).
To reflect the effect of discontinuity geometry parameters on the deformation
properties, Kulatilake, et al. (1993) and Wang (1992) used the fracture tensor defined by
Oda (1982) as an overall measure of the discontinuity parameters—discontinuity density,
orientation, size and the number of discontinuity sets. For thin circular discontinuities, the
general form of the fracture tensor at the 3D level for the kth discontinuity set can be
expressed as (see also Chapter 3 about the discussion of fracture tensors)
where ρ is the average number of discontinuities per unit volume (discontinuity density),
r is the radius of the circular discontinuity (discontinuity size), n is the unit vector normal
to the discontinuity plane, f(n, r) is the discontinuity probability density function of n and
r, Ω/2 is a solid angle corresponding to the surface of a unit hemisphere, and ni and nj (i,
j=x, y, z) are the components of vector n in the rectangular coordinate system considered
(see Fig. 4.33). The solid angle dΩ is also shown in Figure 4.33. If the distributions of the
size and the orientation of the discontinuities are independent of each other, Equation
Drilled shafts in rock 124
where f(n) and f(r) are the probability density functions of the unit normal vector n and
size r, respectively. If there are more than one discontinuity set in the rock mass, the
fracture tensor for the rock mass can be obtained by
wher N is the number of discontinuity sets in the rock mass. Fracture tensor Fij can also
be written in matrix form as follows
Deformability and strength of rock 127
(c) Comments
In the equivalent continuum approach, the elastic properties of the equivalent material are
essentially derived by examining the behavior of two rock blocks having the same
volume and by using an averaging process. One volume is a representative sample of the
Drilled shafts in rock 128
mass whereas the second volume is cut from the equivalent continuum and is subject to
homogeneous (average) stresses and strains. Therefore, the equivalent continuum
approach requires that the representative sample of the rock mass be large enough to
contain a large number of discontinuities. On the other hand, the corresponding
equivalent continuum volume must also be sufficiently small to make negligible stress
and strain variations across it. This leads to a dilemma which is typical in modeling
continuous or discontinuous composite media.
Numerous authors have used the equivalent continuum approach and derived the
expressions for the equivalent continuum deformation properties. Most of these
expressions are based on the assumption that the discontinuities are persistent. This is a
conservative assumption since, in reality, most of the discontinuities are non-persistent
with finite size.
For a rock mass containing non-persistent discontinuities, Kulatilake et al. (1992,
1993) and Wang (1992) derived relationships between the deformation properties and the
fracture tensor parameters from the DEM analysis results of generated rock mass blocks.
However, there exist limitations for the method they used and thus for the relationships
they derived as follows:
1. The generated rock mass block is assumed to be orthotropic in the x, y, z directions,
regardless of the actual orientations of the discontinuities. The appropriateness of this
assumption is questionable. For example, the two blocks shown in Figure 4.38 have
the same fracture tensor Fij, block 1 containing three orthogonal discontinuity sets
while block 2 containing 1 discontinuity set. It is appropriate to assume that block 1 is
orthotropic in the x, y, z directions. However, it is obviously inappropriate to assume
that block 2 is orthotropic in the x, y, z directions.
2. To do DEM analysis on the generated rock mass block, fictitious discontinuities are
introduced so that when they are combined with actual discontinuities, the block is
discretized into polyhedra. To make the fictitious discontinuities behave as the intact
rock, appropriate mechanical properties have to be assigned to the fictitious
discontinuities. From the investigation performed on 2D rock blocks, Kulatilake et al.
(1992) found a relationship between the mechanical properties of the fictitious
discontinuities and those of the intact rock. However, even if the mechanical
properties of the fictitious discontinuities are chosen from this relationship, the
fictitious discontinuities can only approximately behave as the intact rock. So the
introduction of fictitious discontinuities brings further errors to the final analysis
3. Discontinuity persistence ratio PR (defined as the ratio of the actual area of a
discontinuity to the cross-section area of the discontinuity plane with the rock block)
should have a great effect on the deformability of rock masses. However, the
relationships derived by Kulatilake et al. (1992, 1993) and Wang (1992) does not
show any effect of PR on the deformability of jointed rock masses.
4. The conclusion that Ei/Er (i=x,y,z) is related only to Fii (i=x,y,z) is questionable. This
can be clearly seen from the two rock blocks shown in Figure 4.39. The two blocks
have the same fracture tensor component Fzz. From Figure 4.36, the two blocks will
have the same deformation modulus in the z-direction. However, block 2 is obviously
more deformable than block 1 in the z-direction.
Drilled shafts in rock 132
Drilled shafts in rock 134
Deformability and strength of rock 135
where α=1−2s/L, β=1+2s/L and the vector on the right-hand side is the node displacement
vector. For the Goodman model, the vector of the nodal force F is related to the relative
displacements w through the equation
where Ks and Kn are the shear and normal stiffness, respectively. Using the minimum
energy principle, the equilibrium equation for the element can be obtained in the form
Deformability and strength of rock 137
where θ is the angle measured anti-clockwise from the discontinuity local s-axis to the
global x-axis.
The following remarks can be made about Goodman’s joint element:
1) In the derivation above, the properties of discontinuities are assumed to be represented
by stiffness of discontinuities Ks and Kn, The stiffness matrix of the discontinuity
Hence, the strain can be related to the relative displacements of the element as follows
where subscripts 1 and 2 stand for the two ends of the element, end 1 being at s=−L/2 and
end 2 at s=L/2. The stress-strain relation for the discontinuity is given by
Drilled shafts in rock 138
where σs and σn are the shear and normal stresses respectively, and the 2×2 matrix D
represents the discontinuity stiffness.
The stiffness matrix K for the joint element in the local coordinate system is given by
where B is the 2×4 matrix in Equation (4.58). The element’s contribution Kg to the global
stiffness matrix can be obtained using Equation (4.56).
Wilson (1977) further developed the technique of using relative displacements for the
joint element, including the expansion from two dimensions to three dimensions.
where (En)i, (En)g and (En)st are respectively the deformation modulus of the interface
zone and the geological and structural materials; and λ1, λ2 and λ3 are the participation
factors varying from 0 to 1. In a series of soil-structure interaction examples, Desai and
his coworkers chose λ2=λ3=0 and λ1=1 and obtained satisfactory results by assigning the
interface zone the same properties as the geological material. Desai et al. (1984) proposed
using shear testing devices [Fig. 4.41(a)] to obtain the shear modulus of the thin-layer
element. The expression used for obtaining a tangent shear modulus is given by
Deformability and strength of rock 139
where t is the thickness of the element [Fig. 4.41(b)] and us is the relative displacement.
(d) Comments
Special joint elements have been used widely in the area of soil/rock and structure
interaction. The first two classes of joint elements as discussed in (a) and (b) differ from
solid elements in some fundamental ways, such as structural stiffness matrix, nature of
the stress and strain vectors and the strain-displacement relations. However, thin-layer
element is basically a solid element with a small thickness and a particular constitutive
relationship. Investigations by Ng et al. (1997) revealed that all these joint elements have
limitations, such as the problems of numerical ill-conditioning: if the joint elements have
a large aspect ratio (ratio of length to thickness), small values of the coefficients in the
diagonal of the stiffness matrices can create problems in the solution routine with a loss
in accuracy.
It happens very often that there is filling in rock discontinuities. Since the filling itself
is physically a solid, it is obviously more appropriate to use thin-layer elements than to
use the first two classes of joint elements to represent them in the FEM analysis. To use
thin-layer elements to represent discontinuities in the FEM analysis, appropriate
mechanical properties should be assigned to them. For 2D thin-layer elements, Desai et
al. (1984) proposed a procedure for determining the shear modulus and gave a general
idea (no detailed procedure) of evaluating the normal deformation modulus. Since, to
date, thin-layer elements have been used basically in 2D problems, no detailed
suggestions about selecting the properties of 3D thin-layer element are available.
where σc is the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock material; σ′1 and σ′3 are
respectively the major and minor effective principal stresses; and mi is a material constant
for the intact rock. mi depends only upon the rock type (texture and mineralogy) as
tabulated in Table 4.5.
Deformability and strength of rock 141
For jointed rock masses, the most general form of the Hoek-Brown criterion, which
incorporates both the original and the modified form, is given by
These values are for intact rock specimen tests normal to bedding or foliation. The value of mi will
be significantly different if failure occurs along a weakness plane.
where mb is the material constant for the rock mass; and s and a are constants that depend
on the characteristics of the rock mass.
The original criterion has been found to work well for most rocks of good to
reasonable quality in which the rock mass strength is controlled by tightly interlocking
angular rock pieces. The failure of such rock masses can be defined by setting a=0.5 in
Equation (4.64), giving
For poor quality rock masses in which the tight interlocking has been partially destroyed
by shearing or weathering, the rock mass has no tensile strength or ‘cohesion’ and
specimens will fall apart without confinement. For such rock masses the following
modified criterion is more appropriate and it is obtained by putting s=0 in Equation (4.64)
which gives
Equations (4.64) to (4.66) are of no practical value unless the values of the material
constants mb, s and a can be estimated in some way. Hoek and Brown (1988) proposed a
set of relations between the parameters mb, s and a and the 1976 version of Bieniawski’s
Rock Mass Rating (RMR), assuming completely dry conditions and a very favorable
(according to RMR rating system) discontinuity orientation:
(i) disturbed rock masses
Deformability and strength of rock 143
Equations (4.67) and (4.68) are acceptable for rock masses with RMR values of more
than about 25, but they do not work for very poor rock masses since the minimum value
which RMR can assume is 18 for the 1976 RMR system and 23 for the 1989 RMR
system (see Chapter 2 for details). In order to overcome this limitation, Hoek (1994) and
Hoek et al. (1995) introduced the Geological Strength Index (GSI). The relationships
between mb, s and a and the Geological Strength Index (GSI) are as follows:
(i) For GSI>25, i.e. rock masses of good to reasonable quality
It is noted that the distinction between disturbed and undisturbed rock masses is dropped
in evaluating the parameters mb, s and a from GSI. This is based on the fact that
disturbance is generally induced by engineering activities and should be allowed by
downgrading the values of GSI. The methods for determining RMR and GSI have been
discussed in Chapter 2.
Since many of the numerical models and limit equilibrium analyses used in rock
mechanics are expressed in terms of the Coulomb failure criterion, it is necessary to
estimate an equivalent set of cohesion and friction parameters for given Hoek-Brown
values. This can be done using a solution published by Balmer (1952) in which the
normal and shear stresses are expressed in terms of the corresponding principal stresses
as follows:
Drilled shafts in rock 144
Once a set of (σ′n, τ) values have been calculated from Equations (4.71) and (4.72),
average cohesion c and friction angle values can be calculated by linear regression
analysis, in which the best fitting straight line is calculated for the range of (σ′n, τ) pairs.
The uniaxial compressive strength of a rock mass defined by a cohesive strength c and a
friction angle is given by
Water has a great effect on the strength of rock masses. Many rocks show a significant
strength decrease with increasing moisture content. Typically, strength losses of 30–
100% occur in many rocks as a result of chemical deterioration of the cement or clay
binder. Therefore, it is important to conduct laboratory tests at moisture contents which
are as close as possible to those which occur in the field. A more important effect of
water is the strength reduction which occurs as a result of water pressures in the pore
spaces in the rock. This is why the effective not the total stresses are used in the Hoek-
Brown strength criterion.
The Hoek-Brown strength criterion was originally developed for intact rock and then
extended to rock masses. The process used by Hoek and Brown in deriving their strength
criterion for intact rock (Equation 4.63) was one of pure trial and error (Hoek et al.,
1995). Apart from the conceptual starting point provided by the Griffith theory, there is
no fundamental relationship between the empirical constants included in the criterion and
any physical characteristics of the rock. The justification for choosing this particular
criterion (Equation 4.63) over the numerous alternatives lies in the adequacy of its
predictions of the observed rock fracture behavior, and the convenience of its application
Deformability and strength of rock 145
This was changed by Yudhbir et al. (1983), based on tests on jointed gypsum-celite
specimens, to the form
to fit rock masses. Yudhbir et al. (1983) recommended that the parameters α and a be
determined from
where Q is the classification index of Barton et al. (1974) and RMR is Bieniawski’s 1976
Rock Mass Rating (Bieniawski, 1976). Parameter b is determined from Table 4.6.
Kalamaras and Bieniawski (1993) suggested that both a and b should be varied with
RMR for better results. They proposed the criterion of Table 4.7 specifically for coal
Drilled shafts in rock 146
where σ′1n and σ′3n are the normalized effective principal stresses at failure, obtained by
dividing the effective principal stresses, σ′1 and σ′3, by the relevant uniaxial compressive
strength, σc; B and M are intact material constants; and s is a constant to account for the
strength of discontinuous soil and rock masses in a manner similar to that proposed by
Hoek and Brown (1980). However, in the development of the criterion, Johnston (1985)
considers only intact materials.
Table 4.6 Parameter b in the Bieniawski-Yudhbir
criterion (Yudhbir et al., 1983).
Rock Type b
Tuff, Shale, Limestone 2
Siltstone, mudstone 3
Quartzite, Sandstone, Dolerite 4
Norite, Granite, Quartz diorite, Chert 5
Deformability and strength of rock 147
By placing σ′3n=0, the uniaxial compressive strength is correctly modeled with the
righthand side of Equation (4.80) becoming unity.
By putting B=1, the criterion simplifies to
which for
The parameter M, which describes the slope of a failure envelope at σ′3n=0, is found to be
a function of both the uniaxial compressive strength and the material type. For the
material types shown in Table 4.8, M can be estimated by (no result is obtained for type
D material because of lack of data):
Type A, M=2.065+0.170(logσc)2
Type B, M=2.065+0.231(logσc)
Type C, M=2.065+0.270(logσc)2
Type E, M=2.065+0.659(logσc)
Drilled shafts in rock 148
where σ′1 and σ′3 are the major and minor principal effective stresses; σc is the uniaxial
compressive strength; αr is the slope of the curve between (σ′1−σ′3)/σ′3 and σc/σ′3, for
most intact rocks the mean value of αr is 0.8; and Br is a material constant of intact rock,
equal to (σ′1−σ′3)/σ′3 when σc/σ′3=1. The values of Br vary from 1.8 to 3.0 depending on
the type of rock (Table 4.9).
The values of αr and Br can be estimated by conducting a minimum of two triaxial
tests at confining pressures greater than 5% of σc for the rock. The above expression is
applicable in the ductile region and in most of the brittle region. It underestimates the
strength when σ′3 is less than 5% of σc and also ignores the tensile strength of the rock.
To account for the tensile strength, the following expression gives a better prediction for
intact rock
where σt is the tensile strength of rock preferably obtained from Brazilian tests; α=0.67
for most rocks; and B is a material constant. The values of α and B in Equation (4.86) can
be obtained by two triaxial tests conducted at convenient confining pressures greater than
Deformability and strength of rock 149
5% of σc for the rock. In the absence of these tests, the value of B is estimated as
For rock masses, the strength criterion has the same form as for intact rock, i.e.
where σcm is the rock mass strength in unconfined compression; Bm is a material constant
for rock mass; and αm is the slope of the plot between (σ′1−σ′3)/σ′3 and σcm/σ′3, which can
be assumed to be 0.8 for rock masses as well. σcm and Bm can be obtained by
(e) Comments
In addition to the four empirical strength criteria for rock masses described above, there
are many other criteria. All these criteria are purely empirical and thus it is impossible to
say which one is correct or which one is not. However, the Hoek-Brown strength
criterion is the most representative one of the empirical strength criteria for rock masses,
because it is the mostly widely referred and used. Since its advent in 1980, considerable
application experience has been gained by its authors as well as by others. As a result,
Drilled shafts in rock 150
this criterion has been modified several times to meet the needs of users who have
applied it to conditions which were not visualized when it was originally developed.
It is noted that all the empirical strength criteria for rock masses have the following
1. The influence of the intermediate principal stress, which in some cases is important, is
not considered.
2. The criteria are not applicable to anisotropic rock masses. So they can be used only
when the rock masses are approximately isotropic, i.e. when the discontinuity
orientation does not have a dominant effect on failure.
where τr and τj are respectively the shear strength of the intact rock and the
discontinuities; cr and are respectively the cohesion and internal friction angle of the
intact rock; cj and are respectively the cohesion and internal friction angle of the
discontinuities; and σ′n is the effective normal stress on the shear plane.
For the applied stresses on the rock mass cylinder, the effective normal stress σ′n and
the shear stress τ on a plane which makes an angle β′ to the σ′1 axis are respectively given
If shear failure occurs on the discontinuity plane, the effective normal stress σ′n and the
shear stress τ on the discontinuity plane can be obtained by replacing β′ in Equations
(4.92) and (4.93) by β. Adopting the obtained stresses on the discontinuity plane to
substitute for σ′n and τj in Equation (4.91) and then rearranging, we can obtain the
effective major principal stress required to cause shear failure along the discontinuity as
Deformability and strength of rock 151
If shear failure occurs in the intact rock, the minimum effective major principal stress can
be obtained by
The model of Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger and Cook (1979) assumes that failure during
compressive loading of a rock mass cylinder subject to a lateral stress σ′3 [see Fig.
4.42(a)] will occur when σ′1 exceeds the smaller of the σ′1f values given by Equations
(4.94) and (4.95). Figure 4.42(b) shows the variation of σ′1f with β, from which we can
clearly see the anisotropy of the rock mass strength caused by the discontinuities.
(b) Model of Amadei (1988) and Amadei and Savage (1989, 1993)
As seen above, the model of Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger and Cook (1979) assumes that the
jointed rock mass is under axisymmetric loading, so the effect of the intermediate
principal stress is not involved in their formulations. To address the limitation of the
model of Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger and Cook (1979), Amadei (1988) and Amadei and
Savage (1989, 1993) derived solutions for the strength of a jointed rock mass under a
variety of multiaxial states of stress. As in the model of Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger and
Cook (1979), the modeled rock mass is cut by a single discontinuity set. In the
formulations of Amadei (1988) and Amadei and Savage (1989, 1993), however, the
intact rock strength is described by the HoekBrown strength criterion and the
discontinuity strength is modeled using a Coulomb criterion with a zero tensile strength
The principle used by Amadei (1988) and Amadei and Savage (1989, 1993) to derive
the expressions of the jointed rock mass strength is the same as that used by Jaeger
(1960) and Jaeger and Cook (1979). However, since the effect of the intermediate
principal stress is included and since the nonlinear Hoek-Brown strength criterion is used,
the derivation process and the final results are much more complicated. For reasons of
space, only some of the typical results of Amadei and Savage (1989, 1993) are shown
Consider a jointed rock mass cube under a triaxial state of stress σ′x, σ′y and σ′z. The
orientation of the discontinuity plane is defined by two angles β and Ψ with respect to the
xyz coordinate system (see Fig. 4.43). Let nst be another coordinate system attached to
the discontinuity plane such that the n-axis is along the discontinuity upward normal and
the s-and t-axes are in the discontinuity plane. The t-axis is in the xz plane. The upward
unit vector n has direction cosines
Drilled shafts in rock 152
where σ′n and τ are respectively the normal and shear stresses acting across the
discontinuity; and is the friction angle of the discontinuity, the limiting equilibrium
(incipient slip) condition of the discontinuity can be derived as
So for a discontinuity with orientation angles β and ψ the condition Ff=0 corresponds to
impending slip. No slip takes place when Ff is negative. Figure 4.44 shows a typical set
of failure surfaces Ff(m,n)=Q for ψ equal to 40° or 80° and β ranging between 0° and 90°.
In this figure the ranges Ff(m,n)>0 are shaded and Fn=0 is represented as a dashed
straight line. The positive normal stress condition (Fn>0) is shown as the region on either
side of the line Fn=0 depending on the sign of σx.
Drilled shafts in rock 154
7 and σc=42 MPa, the intact rock failure surfaces for different values of σ′x/σc can be
obtained as shown in Figure 4.45.
The failure surfaces of the jointed rock masses can be obtained by superposition of the
discontinuity failure surfaces and the intact rock failure surfaces. Figure 4.46 is obtained
by superposition of the failure surfaces in Figures 4.44 and 4.45. The following remarks
can be made about the diagrams shown in Figure 4.46:
1. In general, for a given value of σ′x/σc, the size of the stable domain enclosed by the
intact rock failure surface is reduced because of the discontinuities. The symmetry of
the intact rock failure surface with respect to the m=n axis in the m, n space (Fig. 4.
46) is lost. The strength of the jointed rock mass is clearly anisotropic.
2. The strength reduction associated with the discontinuities is more pronounced for
discontinuities with orientation angles β and ψ for which the discontinuity failure
surface in the m, n space is ellipse than when it is an hyperbola or a parabola.
3. Despite the zero discontinuity tensile strength and the strength reduction associated
with the discontinuities, jointed rock masses can be stable under a wide variety of
states of stress σ′x, σ′y=mσ′x, σ′z=nσ′x. These states of stress depend on the values of
discontinuity orientation angles β and ψ and the stress ratio σ′x/σc.
(c) Comments
In Section (a), a rock mass with one discontinuity set is considered. If we apply the model
of Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger and Cook (1979) to a rock mass with several discontinuity
sets, the strength of the rock mass can be obtained by considering the effect of each
discontinuity set. For example, consider a simple case of two discontinuity sets A and B
[see Fig. 4.47(a)], the angle between them being α. The corresponding variation of the
compressive strength σ′1β, if the two discontinuity sets are present singly, is shown in
Figure 4.47(b). As the angle βa of discontinuity set A is changed from 0 to 90°, the angle
βb of discontinuity set B with the major stress direction will be
βb=|α−βa| for α≤90°
When βa is varied from 0 to 90°, the resultant strength variation for α=60 and 90° will be
as in Figure 4.47(c), choosing the minimum of the two values σ′1βa and the corresponding
σ′1βb from the curves in Figure 4.47(b).
Hoek and Brown (1980) have shown that with three or more discontinuity sets, all sets
having identical strength characteristics, the rock mass will exhibit an almost flat strength
variation (see Fig. 4.48), concluding that in highly jointed rock masses, it is possible to
adopt one of the rock mass failure criteria presented in Section 4.4.1.
It should be noted that, in the models of the equivalent continuum approach,
discontinuities are assumed to be persistent and all discontinuities in one set have the
same orientation. In reality, however, discontinuities are usually non-persistent and the
discontinuities in one set have orientation distributions.
Drilled shafts in rock 158
where |σs| is the absolute value of shear stress on the discontinuity plane; cj and are
respectively the cohesion and friction angle of the discontinuities; and σ′n is the effective
normal stress on the discontinuity plane.
If an associated flow rule is adopted, rates of plastic normal strain and shear strain
are given by
Deformability and strength of rock 161
The discontinuities are, therefore, dilatant, i.e. an increment of shear displacement ∆us
along the discontinuity is accompanied by an increment in the normal displacement ∆un
given by
The rate of dilation is constant and goes on unabated. This behavior is quite unrealistic.
Roberds and Einstein (1978) presented a very comprehensive model for rock
discontinuities. From various studies it has been established that the flow rule for rock
discontinuities should be non-associated. By introducing a variable dilation angle Ψj, a
plastic potential function can be written as
where JRC is the discontinuity roughness coefficient; JCS is the discontinuity wall
compressive strength; and is the basic friction angle of the rock material.
If an associated flow rule is assumed, the dilation angle at peak strength can be readily
computed by differentiating Equation (4.106). However, the computed dilation angles Ψj
based on an associated flow rule do not match the experimentally observed values. This
again shows that the flow rule for rock discontinuities should be non-associated. Pande
and Xiong (1982) proposed the following plastic potential function to match the
experimental results of Barton and Chaubey (1977):
Drilled shafts in rock 164
Table 4.11 shows the comparison of experimental values with those computed using
Equation (4.107) as the plastic potential function. A close agreement can be seen.
(c) Comments
In addition to the two elasto-plastic models for rock discontinuities described above,
there are many other models. Roberds and Einstein (1978) presented a very
comprehensive model and critically examined Patton (1966) model, Ladanyi and
Archambault (1970) model, Agbabian model (Ghaboussi et al., 1973), Goodman (1966,
1974) model and Barton (1976) model by comparing them with the comprehensive
model. Since the comprehensive rock discontinuity model of Roberds and Einstein
(1978) can treat the entire behavioral history from the creation of the discontinuity to its
behavior before, during and after sliding, it provides a good basis for comparison of
various models. With the comprehensive rock discontinuity model, it is possible to show
where and to what extent the existing models are limited or simplified as compared to the
comprehensive model and this makes it possible to appropriately modify the existing
models, if so desired.
Table 4.11 Comparison of measured angle of
dilation with that predicted by Equation (4.107).
Rock Type No. of Measured angle of dilation Computed angle of dilation
Samples (°) (°)
Alpite 36 25.5 23.0
Granite 38 20.9 20.2
Hornfels 17 26.5 26.2
Calcareous 11 14.8 19.1
Slate 7 6.8 –
Gneiss 17 17.3 15.5
Soapstone 5 16.2 18.6
Fractures 130 13.2 –
Deformability and strength of rock 165
Research results (see, e.g., Heuze, 1980; Hoek & Brown, 1980; Medhurst & Brown,
1996) indicate that rock masses show strong scale dependent mechanical properties. In
the following, the scale effect on the strength and deformation properties of rock masses
is briefly discussed.
This relationship, together with the data upon which it was based, is illustrated in Figure
4.49. Hoek and Brown (1997) suggested that the reduction in strength is due to the
greater opportunity for failure through and around grains, the “building blocks” of intact
rock, as more and more of these grains are included in the test sample. Eventually, when
a sufficiently large number of grains are included in the sample, the strength reaches a
constant value.
Medhurst and Brown (1996) reported the results of laboratory triaxial tests on 61, 101,
146 and 300 mm diameter samples of coal from the Moura mine in Australia. The results
of these tests are as summarized in Table 4.12 and Figure 4.50. It can be seen that the
strength decreases significantly with increasing specimen size. This is attributed to the
effects of cleat spacing. For this coal, the persistent cleats are spaced at 0.3–1.0 m while
non-persistent cleats within vitrain bands and individual lithotypes define blocks of 1 cm
or less. This cleating results in a “critical” sample size of about 1m above which the
strength remains constant.
Heuze (1980) conducted an extensive literature search and found results of 77 plate tests
as shown in Figure 4.51. The test volume shown in this figure is calculated in the
following way:
1. For a circular plate, the test volume is taken as that of a sphere having a diameter of 4
times the diameter of the plate.
2. For a rectangular or square plate of given area, the diameter of a circle of equal area is
first calculated, and the test volume is then determined using the equivalent diameter.
Drilled shafts in rock 166
Figure 4.52 (Hoek et al., 1995) shows a simplified representation of the influence of the
relation between the discontinuity spacing and the size of the problem domain on the
Drilled shafts in rock 168
“Small spacing” is a relative concept, in the sense that it depends on the foundation
dimensions. Serrano and Olalla (1996) propose a parameter, the “spacing ratio of a
foundation” (SR), for its quantification. SR is defined as
Deformability and strength of rock 171
where B is the foundation width (in meters); smi is the discontinuity spacing of set i (in
meters); λi is the frequency of discontinuity set i (m−1); and n is the number of
discontinuity sets.
As an initial and conservative proposal, a “relatively small spacing” is suggested when
SR is greater than 60. A value of 60 means that, if there are four sets of discontinuities,
each of them appears at least 15 times within the foundation width. When SR>60, the
mass can be regarded as an isotropically broken medium and the Hoek-Brown criterion
can be applied.
For values of SR≤(0.8−4), in the case of four sets of discontinuities, the rock mass can
be considered as an intact rock mass (Group I).
The structure of jointed rock masses is highly variable; the methods used to consider the
effect of discontinuities on the mechanical behavior of jointed rock masses are also
variable. The selection of the methods should be based on careful studies of the in situ
situation of jointed rock masses.
Laboratory and in situ tests (i.e., direct methods) can directly provide results about the
mechanical properties of tested specimens. However, care need be exercised about the
extent to which the measured behavior of the rock specimen reflects the actual behavior
of rock masses. The extrapolation of the behavior induced by the experimental system to
different circumstances can be very misleading. In addition, in situ tests are time
consuming, expensive and difficult to conduct; it is extremely difficult to investigate the
effects of discontinuity system on the mechanical properties of jointed rock masses
through in situ tests.
Indirect methods consist of the empirical methods, the equivalent continuum approach
and numerical analysis methods. It is important to note that all the indirect methods need
to use some of the mechanical properties of intact rock or discontinuities obtained
through laboratory or in situ tests.
Since they are simple and easy to use, and most importantly, since they originate from
practical experience, the empirical methods are most widely used in design practice.
However, it is important to note their limitations as described in Sections 4.3.1 and 4.4.1.
The equivalent continuum approach usually assumes that all discontinuities are
persistent and the discontinuities in one set have the same orientation. In reality, however,
discontinuities are usually non-persistent and the discontinuities in one set are not in the
same orientation. Kulatilake et al. (1992, 1993) and Wang (1992) considered rock masses
Drilled shafts in rock 172
As required for any geotechnical projects, site investigations need be conducted to obtain
the information required for the design of drilled shafts in rock. The nature and extent of
the information to be obtained from a site investigation will vary according to the project
involved and the expected ground conditions. A site investigation is a process of
progressive discovery, and, although there must be a plan and program of work at the
beginning, the information emerging at any stage will influence the requirements of
subsequent stages. Typically, a site investigation consists of the following three main
1. Preliminary investigation including desk study and site reconnaissance
2. Detailed investigation including boring, drilling, in situ testing and lab testing
3. Review during construction and monitoring
A distinguishing feature of site investigations for foundations in rock is that it is
particularly important to focus on the details of the structural geology. The rock mass at a
site may contain very strong intact rock, but the discontinuities in the rock mass may lead
to excessive deformation or even failure of the drilled shaft foundations in the rock mass.
the vicinity. Consultation with private geotechnical engineering firms, mining companies,
well drilling and development companies and state and private university staff can
sometimes provide a wealth of information.
After a complete review of available geotechnical data, a site reconnaissance should
be made to gather information through visual examination of the site and an inspection of
ground exposures in the vicinity. In some cases adjacent sites will also be examined. The
primary objective of this field reconnaissance is to, insofar as possible, confirm, correct
or expand geologic and hydrologic information collected from preliminary office studies.
If rock outcrops are present, the field reconnaissance offers an opportunity to collect
preliminary information on rock mass conditions that might influence the design and
construction of drilled shafts. Notation should be made of the strike and dip of major
discontinuity sets, discontinuity spacing, discontinuity conditions (i.e. weathering, wall
roughness, tightness, fillings, and shear zones), and discontinuity persistence.
The reconnaissance will assist in planning the detailed investigation program. Where
the geology is relatively straightforward and the engineering problems are not complex,
sufficient geological information may be provided by the desk study, subject to
confirmation by the exploration which follows. In other cases detailed investigations may
be carried out.
Geophysical survey is becoming quicker and more robust to provide information on
the depth of weathering, the bedrock profile, the location of major faults and solution
cavities, and the degree of fracturing of the rock. So some geophysical work is often
conducted in the stage of preliminary investigation rather than leaving it all to the stage
of detailed investigation. In some cases it may be appropriate to put down pits or use
relatively light and simple boring equipment during the preliminary investigation.
However, the objectives of a boring program at this stage should be limited. The main
boring program should be deferred until the stage of detailed investigation.
concrete. The identification of exceptions may lead to an early diagnosis and anticipation
of problems.
During construction and in the post-commissioning stage, monitoring will involve
regular reading of instruments installed to check performance against design criteria. This
should serve as an “early warning” system, which will initiate a contingency program,
thus minimizing the delays that would occur as a result of an adverse situation.
From sampling on exposed rock faces, either above or below ground, information about
the orientation, spacing, roughness and curvature of discontinuities can usually be
satisfactorily obtained. It should be noted, however, that there exists sampling bias on
discontinuity orientation and spacing (Terzaghi, 1965; Priest, 1993; Mauldon &
Mauldon, 1997). This sampling bias should be corrected before inferring statistical
distributions of orientation data. Although the locations of traces give some information
about the locations of discontinuities, it is still impossible to determine the exact locations
of discontinuities. From sampling on exposed rock faces, almost no information about the
shape of discontinuities can be obtained. Measured trace lengths give some information
about the size of discontinuities. However, because of the sampling biases and the
unknown shape of discontinuities, the size of discontinuities can only be inferred based
on assumptions (see Chapter 3).
where s is the true spacing between discontinuities of the same set; sa is the measured
(apparent) spacing between discontinuities of the same set on the rock face; and θ is the
angle between the scanline and the discontinuity traces (see Fig. 5.1).
The number of discontinuities in a set can be adjusted to account for the orientation
bias as follows:
Site investigation and rock testing 177
where λ′ is the discontinuity intensity defined as the mean length of traces per unit area;
N is the number of traces intersecting the circular scanline; and c is the radius of the
scanline circle.
sampling planes. Kulatilake et al. (1990) extended the previous formulation to cover
other discontinuity shapes such as parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses and triangles.
However, the procedures for correcting sampling bias cannot be applied directly for non-
vertical, finite sampling areas. Wathugala et al. (1990) presented, using a vector
approach, a more general procedure for correcting sampling bias on orientation,
applicable for sampling planes of any orientation.
Borings, in most cases, provide the only viable exploratory tool that directly reveals
geologic evidence of the subsurface site conditions. In addition to exploring geologic
stratigraphy and structure, borings are necessary to obtain samples for laboratory
engineering property tests. Borings are also frequently made for other purposes, such as
collection of groundwater data, performing in situ tests, installing instruments, and
exploring the condition of existing structures. Of the various boring methods, rock core
borings are the most useful in rock foundation investigations.
rock index tests such as unconfined compression, density, and petrographic analysis.
However, the use of larger diameter core bits ranging from 4.0 to 6.0 inches (nominal) in
diameter are frequently required to produce good cores in soft, weak and/or fractured
strata. The larger diameter cores are also more desirable for samples from which rock
strength test specimens are prepared; particularly strengths of natural discontinuities. The
number of borings and the depths to which bore holes should be advanced are dependent
upon the subsurface geological conditions, the project site areas, types of projects and
structural features. Where rock mass conditions are known to be massive and of excellent
quality, the number and depth of borings can be minimal. Where the foundation rock is
suspected to be highly variable and weak, such as karstic limestone or sedimentary rock
containing weak and compressible seams, one or more borings for each major load
bearing foundation element may be required. In cases where structural loads may cause
excessive deformation, at least one of the boreholes should be extended to a depth
equivalent to an elevation where the structure imposed stress acting within the foundation
material is no more than 10 percent of the maximum stress applied by the foundation.
While the majorities of rock core borings are drilled vertically, inclined borings and in
some cases oriented cores are required to adequately define stratification and jointing. In
near vertical bedding, inclined borings can be used to reduce the total number of borings
needed to obtain core samples of all strata. Where precise geological structure is required
from core samples, techniques involving oriented cores are sometimes employed. In these
procedures, the core is scribed or engraved with a special drilling tool so that its
orientation is preserved. In this manner, both the dip and dip orientation of any joint,
bedding plane, or other planar surface can be ascertained.
To ensure the maximum amount of data recovered from rock core borings it is
necessary to correctly orient boreholes with respect to discontinuities present in the rock
mass. If there is an outcrop present the main discontinuity sets should be established and
the borehole(s) drilled to intersect these sets at as large an angle as possible. If no outcrop
is present, the discontinuity pattern is unknown, and to ensure representative results, a
minimum of three holes should be drilled as nearly orthogonal to each other as possible
(ISRM, 1978; McMillan et al., 1996).
equipment and the skill of the drilling crew. Core grinding may result in excessive lost
core. Core that is damaged in this way should always be recorded. The depth drilled at
start and end of zones of core loss should be carefully recorded. The relevant lengths lost
can be replaced by wooden blocks with markings on both ends.
Frequency is defined as the number of natural discontinuities intersecting a unit length
of recovered core and should be counted for each meter of core. Artificial fractures
resulting from rough handling or from drilling process should be discounted only when
they can be clearly distinguished from natural discontinuities. It should be noted that
orientation bias need be corrected in order to obtain the true discontinuity frequency. This
can be done by treating the core axis as a scanline and using Equation (5.2).
Discontinuity spacing may also be estimated by matching the individual core pieces
and measuring the length along the core axis between adjacent natural discontinuities of
one set. Again the orientation bias need be corrected in order to obtain the true
discontinuity spacing (Equation 5.1).
Terzaghi’s (1965) method (Equations 5.1 and 5.2) for correcting the orientation bias
assumes discontinuities of infinite size and does not consider the effect of borehole size.
For discontinuities of finite size intersecting a borehole, the size of both the discontinuity
and borehole will influence the probability of intersection. Mauldon and Mauldon (1997)
developed a procedure for correcting orientation bias when sampling discontinuities
using a borehole. In their approach, discontinuities are assumed to be discs of finite size
and the borehole is assumed to be an infinitely long cylinder of circular cross section.
Rock quality designation (RQD) is a modified core recovery percentage in which all
the pieces of sound core over 4 in. (10.16 cm) long are counted as recovery, and are
expressed as a percentage of the length drilled. The small pieces resulting from closer
jointing, faulting or weathering are discounted. The detailed procedure for estimating
RQD has been described in Chapter 2.
Pendulum Orientation Method (Webber & Gowans, 1996) Orientation of the core is
based on orienting the last piece of core in each core run. The pendulum orientation
system incorporates a pendulum which moves under gravitational force while drilling to
indicate the lowest position at an inclined borehole (see Fig. 5.5). The system depends on
maintaining a fixed rotational relationship between the inner tube of the corebarrel and
the orientation device containing the pendulum. This is achieved by rigidly fixing the
orientation device to a modified spindle in the corebarrel head. Once the core run is
complete an overshot trigger is lowered to activate the core orientator. The overshot
device latches onto the core barrel assembly, triggering the pendulum by pushing it
downwards against the action of a spring. The lowest position of the inner tube in the
inclined borehole is then indicated by the point of the pendulum which emerges through
one of the 72 small holes on the indicator plate. The pendulum and the inner tube are then
fixed. The core barrel can then be removed. At the completion of the run, the last piece of
core can be oriented by marking the lowest point from the point of the pendulum and the
rest pieces of core can be oriented by matching the pieces of core from the lower end of
the core run. The system is designed to operate in boreholes with a minimum inclination
of 5° from the vertical. Like the Craelius method and clay barrel method, this method
works well only if adjacent pieces of core can be matched.
Drilled shafts in rock 182
Test pits, test trenches, and exploratory tunnels provide access for larger-scaled
observations of rock mass conditions, for determining top of rock profile in highly
weathered rock/soil interfaces, and for some in situ tests which cannot be executed in a
smaller borehole.
cost of the tunnel. The geologic information gained from such mapping provides a very
useful additional dimension to interpretations of rock structure deduced from other
sources. A complete picture of the site geology can be achieved only when the geologic
data and interpretations from surface mapping, borings, and pilot tunnels are combined
and well correlated. When exploratory tunnels are strategically located, they can often be
incorporated into the permanent structure. Exploratory tunnels can be used for drainage
and post-construction observations to determine seepage quantities and to confirm certain
design assumptions. On some projects, exploratory tunnels may be used for permanent
access or for utility conduits.
liquids and gases, as these media have no shear strength. The velocities of the P- and S-
waves are related to the elastic properties and density of a medium by the following
where ν is the Poisson’s ratio; Vp is the velocity of the P-wave; Vs is the velocity of the S-
wave; G is the shear modulus; ρ is the density; and E is the Young’s or elastic modulus. It
should be noted that these are not independent equations. Knowing two velocities
uniquely determines only two unknowns of ρ, ν and E. Shear modulus is dependent on
two other values. Usually the possible range of ρ is approximated and ν is estimated. The
typical density values of intact rocks have been presented in Table 2.7. Table 5.1
provides some typical values of Vp and ν. The velocity of the S-wave in most rocks is
about half the velocity of the P-wave.
Surface waves are produced by surface impacts, explosions and wave form changes at
boundaries. One of the surface waves is the Rayleigh wave which travels about 10%
slower than the S-wave. The Rayleigh wave exhibits vertical and horizontal displacement
in the vertical plane of the ray path. A point in the path of a Rayleigh wave moves back,
down, forward, and up repetitively in an ellipse like ocean waves.
The equipment used for seismic surveys includes the following components:
1) Seismic sources. The seismic source may be a hammer repetitively striking an
aluminum plate or weighted plank, drop weights of varying sizes, a rifle shot, a
harmonic oscillator, waterborne mechanisms, or explosives. The energy disturbance
for seismic work is most often called the “shot,” an archaic term
Table 5.1 Typical/representative field values of Vp
and ν (after ASCE, 1998).
Material Vp (m/s) ν
Air 330
Damp loam 300–750
Dry sand 450–900 0.3–0.35
Clay 900–1,800 ~0.5
Fresh, shallow water 1,430–1,490
Site investigation and rock testing 189
from petroleum seismic exploration. Reference to the “shot” does not necessarily
mean an explosive or rifle source was used. The type of survey dictates some
source parameters. Smaller mass, higher frequency sources are preferable. Higher
frequencies give shorter wavelengths and more precision in choosing arrivals and
estimating depths. Yet sufficient energy needs to be entered to obtain a strong
return at the end of the survey line.
2) Geophones. The geophones receiving seismic energy are either accelerometers or
velocity transducers, and convert ground shaking into a voltage response. Most
geophones are vertical, single-axis sensors to receive the incoming wave form from
beneath the surface. Some geophones have horizontal-axis response for S-wave or
surface wave assessments. Triaxial phones, capable of measuring absolute response,
are used in specialized surveys. Geophones are chosen for their frequency band
3) Seismographs. The equipment that records input geophone voltages in a timed
sequence is the seismograph. Current practice uses seismographs that store the
channels’ signals as digital data in discrete time units. Earlier seismographs would
record directly to paper or photographic film. Stacking, inputting, and processing the
vast volumes of data and archiving the information for the client virtually require
digital seismographs.
In a homogeneous medium a bundle of seismic energy travels in a straight line. Upon
striking a boundary between different material properties, wave energy is refracted,
reflected, and converted. The properties of the two media and the angle at which the
incident ray path strikes will determine the amount of energy reflected off the surface,
refracted into the adjoining material, lost as heat, and changed to other wave types.
Figure 5.7 shows the refraction and reflection of a seismic ray incident at an angle θ1 on
the boundary between media with velocities V1 and V2. Refraction, as with any wave,
obeys Snell’s Law relating the angle between the ray path and the normal to the boundary
to the velocity V(VP or Vs appropriate). Thus in Figure 5.7(a), we have
Drilled shafts in rock 190
If refraction continues through a series of such interfaces parallel to each other, we have
If the lower material has a higher velocity (V2>V1 in Fig. 5.7), a particular down-going
ray making an angle
with the normal will critically refract along the boundary and return to the surface at the
same angle [see Fig. 5.7(b)].
where XC is the crossover distance; and D is the depth to the horizontal refracting
interface (Fig. 5.8).
When the interface is dipping downwards from the shot towards the geophones, the
velocity of the lower medium obtained as described above will be smaller than the true
velocity. In the opposite situation, with the interface rising from the shot towards the
geophones, the obtained velocity will be higher than the true one. By reversing shots and
measuring the velocities in both directions (up- and down- dip) the dip of the interface
can be estimated (ASCE, 1998).
The method described above for finding the seismic wave velocities and the depths to
the refracting interfaces can readily be extended to systems with three or more layers with
boundaries that need not be planar and velocities that may show lateral changes. For
details, the reader can refer to Griffiths and King (1981) and ASCE (1998).
In simple cases, such as the two layer system described above, the seismic refraction
method can predict depths to geological surfaces with an accuracy of ±10%. In complex
formation, the accuracy drops considerably, and is much more dependent on the skill of
the operators. The two most difficult geologic conditions for accurate refraction work are
the existence of a thin water-saturated zone just above the bedrock and the existence of a
weathered zone at the top of bedrock. The method fails completely, however, when a
high velocity layer covers a low velocity one, since there is no refraction at this case.
where R is the reflection coefficient; ρ1 and ρ2 are densities respectively of the first and
second layers; V1 and V2 are seismic velocities respectively of the first and second layers.
Modern reflection methods can ordinarily detect isolated interfaces whose reflection
coefficients are as small as 0.02.
The physical process of reflection is illustrated in Figure 5.9, where the ray paths from
the successive layers are shown. As in Figure 5.9, there are commonly several layers
beneath the ground surface which contribute reflections to a single seismogram. Thus,
seismic reflection data are more complex than refraction data because it is these later
arrivals that yield information about the deeper layers. At later times in the record, more
noise is present thus making the reflections difficult to extract from the unprocessed
record. Figure 5.10 indicates the paths of arrivals that would be recorded on a multi-
channel seismograph. Another important feature of modern reflection data acquisition is
Site investigation and rock testing 193
illustrated by Figure 5.11. If multiple shots, S1 and S2, are recorded by multiple
geophones, G1 and G2, and the geometry is as shown in the figure, the reflector point for
both rays is the same. However, the ray paths are not the same length, thus the reflection
will occur at different times on the two traces. This time delay, whose magnitude is
indicative of the subsurface velocities, is called normalmoveout. With an appropriate
time shift, called the normal-moveout correction, the two traces (S1 to G2 and S2 to G1)
can be summed, greatly enhancing the reflected energy and canceling spurious noise.
where D (D1 or D2 in Fig. 5.12) is the distance between the source borehole and the
geophone borehole; and t is the time of travel of the induced wave from the source to the
Particle motions generated with different seismic source types used during cross hole
testing are three-directional. Therefore, three-component geophones with orthogonal
orientations yield optimal results when acquiring cross hole P- and/or S-wave seismic
Site investigation and rock testing 195
signals. The requirement for multiple drill holes in cross hole testing means that care
must be taken when completing each borehole with casing and grout. ASTM procedures
call for PVC casing and a grout mix that closely matches the formation density. Another
critical element of cross hole testing, which is often ignored,
The equipment is basically the same as for the cross hole method. The only significant
difference is the energy source. The impulses are generated by hammering a plate after
assuring a good contact with the ground. For generating P-waves the blow is normal to
the surface of the plate (and to the ground surface) and for generating a S-waves the blow
is horizontal (parallel to the ground surface). When measuring S-wave velocities, the test
can be repeated with the geophone at the same level, by reversing the direction of the
impact, which allows a second recording.
In the opposite, for the up hole method, the seismic waves are generated in the
borehole and the geophones are located at the ground surface.
The main advantage of the down hole and up hole methods over the cross hole method
lies in the fact that only one regular borehole is required to perform the test.
observed response with that of idealized hypothetical models or on the basis of empirical
Mineral grains composing soils and rocks are essentially nonconductive, except in
some exotic materials such as metallic ores, so the resistivity of soils and rocks is
governed primarily by the amount of pore water, its resistivity, and the arrangement of
the pores. Since the resistivity of a soil or rock is controlled primarily by the pore water
conditions, there are wide ranges in resistivity for any particular soil or rock type (see
Table 5.2), and resistivity values cannot be directly interpreted in terms of soil type or
lithology. Commonly, however, zones of distinctive resistivity can be associated with
specific soil or rock units on the basis of local field or drill hole information, and
resistivity surveys can be used profitably to extend field investigations into areas with
very limited or nonexistent data. Also, resistivity surveys may be used as a
reconnaissance method, to detect anomalies that can be further investigated by
complementary geophysical methods and/or drill holes.
Laboratory tests are usually performed to determine index values for identification and
correlation, further refining the geologic model of the site, and provide values for
engineering properties of the rock used in the analysis and design of foundations. The
selection of samples and the number and type of tests are influenced by local subsurface
conditions and the size and type of structure. Prior to any laboratory testing, rock cores
should have been visually classified and logged.
Selection of samples and the type and number of tests can best be accomplished after
development of the geologic model using results of field observations and examination of
rock cores, together with other geotechnical data obtained from earlier preliminary
investigations. The geologic model, in the form of profiles and sections, will change as
the level of testing and the number of tests progresses. Testing requirements are also
likely to change as more data become available and are reviewed for project needs.
Table 5.3 summarizes laboratory tests according to purpose and type. The tests listed
are the types more commonly performed for input to rock foundation analysis and design.
Details and procedures for individual test types can be found in books on rock mechanics
and rock engineering.
For rock specimens with the same geometrical shape, the strength decreases with
increasing size, reaching a limit value asymptotically (see Section 4.5 for details on scale
effect). This size, beyond which no further decrease in strength is observed, depends on
the type of rock material. A simplified explanation for this phenomenon is that rock is not
Drilled shafts in rock 200
a continuous solid material, but may contain various types of discontinuities or flaws.
The strength of any rock specimen is, therefore, a statistical value depending on how
many and what type of discontinuities are present. In smaller specimens the probability of
the presence of such discontinuities is smaller and thus the strength is higher.
In addition to the size effect, the strength of a rock specimen is affected by its shape,
i.e. the length-to-diameter ratio of the test specimen or the width-to-height ratio of the
specimen with a square cross-section. Figure 5.16 shows the effect of length-to-
Table 5.3 Summary of purpose and type of
laboratory tests for rock (after ASCE, 1996).
Purpose of test Type of test
Strength Unconfined compression
Direct shear
Triaxial compression
Direct tension
Brazilian split
Point load1
Deformability Unconfined compression
Triaxial compression
Permeability Gas permeability
Characterization Water content
Density (unit weight)
Specific gravity
Sonic velocities
Abrasion resistance
1. Point load tests are also frequently performed in the field.
direct shear test on a set (three or four) of blocks, the shear strength curves as shown in
Figure 5.18 can be obtained. The peak and residual strength
parameters (cohesion and friction angle) can then be determined from the shear strength
where νm is the Poisson’s ratio of the rock mass; d is the diameter of the borehole test
section; ∆p is the change in pressure applied uniformly over the borehole surface; and ∆d
is the measured radial deformation.
For a Colorado School of Mines (CSM) dilatometer, a calibration test in a material of
known modulus need be conducted to determine the stiffness of the membrane system.
Figure 5.19 shows typical pressure-dilation curves for a calibration test and a test carried
out in rock. A complete test usually consists of three loading and unloading cycles, with
dilation and pressure readings being taken on both the loading and unloading cycles.
The shear modulus Gm and the deformation modulus Em of the rock mass in the
borehole test section are given by (ISRM, 1987)
where L is the length of the test section (cell membrane); d is the diameter of the borehole
test section; νm is the Poisson’s ratio of the rock mass; ρ is the pump constant (the fluid
Site investigation and rock testing 205
volume displaced per turn of pump wheel); and km is the stiffness of the rock mass, which
can be obtained by
where ks is the stiffness of the hydraulic system [Equation (5.19)]; and kT is the stiffness
of the overall system plus the rock mass (ratio D/C in Fig. 5.19). The rock mass stiffness
km is calculated from calibration of the hydraulic system and the results of a pressure-
dilation test carried out in a calibration cylinder of known modulus. The steps for
calculating the rock mass stiffness are as follows.
If the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the calibration cylinder are respectively Gc
and νc, the stiffness of the calibration cylinder kc is
Drilled shafts in rock 206
where ri and ro are respectively the inside and outside radii of the calibration cylinder.
The stiffness of the hydraulic system ks is calculated from the stiffness of the
calibration cylinder and the slope of the calibration pressure-dilation curve km (ratio B/A
in Fig. 5.19) as follows
It is also necessary to make a correction for pressure losses due to the rigidity of the
membrane. This is determined by inflating the dilatometer in the air without confinement
to show the pressure required to inflate the membrane and the hydraulic system.
pi,corr=pi−nmp (MPa)
where pi,corr is the corrected pressure; pi is the indicated pressure; n is the number of turns
to attain pi; and mp is the slope of pressure-dilation curve for dilation in air (MPa/turn).
Another correction is required to account for loss of volume in the hydraulic system
that takes place in inflating and seating the membrane. For the test measurements shown
in Figure 5.19, the net corrected number of turns ∆ncorr is calculated from
where 0.86 is the factor for the three-dimensional effect; 0.93 is the hydraulic efficiency;
d is the diameter of the borehole; ∆d is the change of borehole diameter; ∆Qh is the
increment of hydraulic-line pressure; and T* is a coefficient depending on the Poisson’s
ratio νm of the rock mass (Table 5.5).
In rock with a deformation modulus greater than about 7 GPa, there will be a
longitudinal outward bending of the jack platens and the calculated modulus need be
corrected to obtain the true modulus Em (Fig. 5.21). This correction is necessary because
the bending gives larger displacements at the ends than at the center of the loading
platens and the displacement gauges are located near the ends of the platens (Heuze,
Site investigation and rock testing 207
The advantage of the borehole jack test over the borehole dilatometer test is that the
unidirectional pressure can be imposed in a given orientation. The limitation of the
borehole jack test is that only a point modulus (for a small volume of rock mass) can be
rock along the load axis can be used. The depth of the extensometer holes must be such
that the deepest anchor is beyond the zone of deformation, a distance of about six
diameters of the loading plate [Fig. 5.22(b)].
Assuming that the loaded surface behaves like a homogeneous infinite half space and
that the rock mass behaves like an isotropic elastic linear medium, the deformation
modulus of the rock mass can be calculated from the deformation measurements. For a
test condition in which the bearing plate is circular and has a circular hole in the center
through which the deformation measurements are made, the deformation modulus Em at
any depth z is given by the following expression
where δz is the measured displacement at depth z below the lower surface of the loading
plate; p is the applied pressure on the loading plate; νm is the Poisson’s ratio of the rock
mass; R is the outer radius of the loading plate; r is the radius of the hole in the center of
the loading plate; and C is a constant. For a perfectly rigid loading plate, the theoretical
solution gives C as π/2. Since the actual loading plate has some flexibility, the measured
deformation is somewhat greater than the theoretical deformation. This results in the
calculated deformation modulus being smaller than the true modulus and for this reason
the constant C is usually given the value of 2.
For a loading plate with no center hole, the deformation modulus is given by
For measurements at the surface of the rock where z=0, this expression reduces to
Drilled shafts in rock 210
where p is the applied pressure; 2c is the length of the jack; 2∆y is the variation of pin
separation; νm is the Poisson’s ratio of the rock mass; and y is the distance from the jack
center to each of a pair of measuring pins.
The primary advantages of the flat jack test lie in its ability to load a large volume of
rock and its relatively low cost.
Site investigation and rock testing 213
The design of axially loaded drilled shafts in rock usually involves computation of
ultimate load capacity and prediction of settlement under working load. This chapter
addresses the determination of the ultimate load capacity while the prediction of
settlement at the working load will be discussed in Chapter 7.
Axially loaded drilled shafts in rock are designed to transfer structural loads to rock in
one of the following three ways (CGS, 1985):
1. Through side shear only;
2. Through end bearing only;
3. Through the combination of side shear and end bearing.
Situations where support is provided solely by side shear resistance are those where the
base of the drilled hole cannot be cleaned so that it is uncertain if any end bearing
resistance will be developed. Alternatively, where sound bedrock underlies low strength
overburden material, it may be possible to achieve the required support in end bearing
only, and assume that no side shear support is developed in the overburden. However,
where the shaft is drilled some depth into sound rock, a combination of side shear
resistance and end bearing resistance can be assumed (Kulhawy & Goodman, 1980).
The load bearing capacity of a drilled shaft in rock is determined by the smaller of the
two values: the structural strength of the shaft itself, and the ability of the rock to support
the loads transferred by the shaft.
Axially loaded drilled shafts may fail in compression or by buckling. Buckling is possible
in the long and slender part that extends above the ground surface. Scour of the soil/rock
around the shaft will expose portions of the shaft, thus extending the unbraced length and
making the shaft more prone to buckling.
The capacity of a shaft as a reinforced concrete element is a function of the shaft
diameter, the strength of the concrete and the amount and type of reinforcement. The
shaft should be designed such that the working stresses are limited to the allowable
concrete stresses as shown in Table 6.1. For the reinforcing steel, the allowable design
stress should not exceed 40% of its specified minimum yield strength, nor 206.8 MPa
(30,000 psi) (ASCE, 1997).
Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 215
In LRFD, the ultimate (factored) axial capacity of a drilled shaft can be calculated
using the expression for reinforced concrete columns:
where is the capacity reduction (resistance) factor=0.75 for spiral columns and 0.70
for horizontally tied columns (ACI, 1995); Qu is the nominal (computed) structural
capacity; β is the eccentricity factor=0.85 for spiral columns and 0.80 for tied columns;
is the specified minimum concrete strength; Ac is the cross-sectional area of the
concrete; fy is the yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcing steel; and As is the cross-
sectional area of the longitudinal reinforcing steel.
The Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges adopted by the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO, 1989) stipulates a
minimum shaft diameter of 18 inches, with shaft sizing in 6-inch increments. Where the
potential for lateral loading is not significant, drilled shafts need to be reinforced for axial
loads only. The design of longitudinal and spiral reinforcement should conform to the
requirements of reinforced compression members.
Table 6.1 Allowable concrete stresses for drilled
shafts (after ASCE, 1993).
Uniform axial compression
Confined 0.33f′c
Unconfined 0.27f′c
Uniform axial tension 0
Bending (extreme fiber)
Compression 0.40f′c
Tension 0
Note: f′c is the specified minimum concrete strength.
Assuming that the shaft itself is strong enough, its load capacity depends on the capacity
of the rock to accept without distress the loads transmitted from the shaft. The required
area of shaft-rock interface (i.e., the size of drilled shaft) depends on this factor. The
ultimate axial load of a drilled shaft related to rock, Qu, consists of the ultimate side shear
load, Qus, and the ultimate end bearing load, Qub (see Fig. 6.1):
Drilled shafts in rock 216
The ultimate side shear load and the ultimate end bearing load are respectively calculated
as the average side shear resistance multiplied by the shaft side surface area and as the
end bearing resistance multiplied by the shaft bottom area, i.e.
where L and B are respectively the length and diameter of the shaft; and τmax and qmax are
respectively the average side shear resistance and the end bearing resistance.
The ultimate side shear resistance and the end bearing resistance are usually
determined based on local experience and building codes, empirical relations, or field
load tests. Methods based on local experience and building codes and empirical relations
are discussed in this chapter. The methods for conducting field load tests and
interpretation of test results will be discussed in Chapter 12.
and the rock mass, geometry of the shaft, and initial stresses in the ground. The effect of
shaft roughness is emphasized by most investigators and considered in a number of
empirical relations for estimating the side shear resistance.
where τmax is the side shear resistance; σc is the unconfined compressive strength of the
intact rock (if the intact rock is stronger than the shaft concrete, σc of the concrete is
used); and α and β are empirical factors.
The empirical factors proposed by a number of researchers have been summarized by
O’Neill et al. (1996) and are shown in Table 6.3. Most of these empirical relations were
developed for specific and limited data sets, which may have correlated well with the
proposed equations. However, O’Neill et al. (1996) compared the first nine empirical
relations listed in Table 6.3 with an international database of 137 pile load tests in
intermediate-strength rock and concluded that none of the methods could be considered a
satisfactory predictor for the database.
Kulhawy and Phoon (1993) developed a relatively extensive load test database for
drilled shafts in soil and rock and presented their data both for individual shaft load tests
and as site-averaged data. The results are shown in Figures 6.2 and 6.3, in terms of
adhesion factor, σc, versus normalized shear strength, cu/pa or σc/2pa (assuming cu≈ σc/2),
where pa is atmospheric pressure (≈0.1 MPa). It should be noted that Kulhawy and
Table 6.3 Empirical factors a and β for side shear
resistance (modified from O’Neill et al., 1996).
Design method α β
Horvath and Kenney (1979) 0.21 0.50
Carter and Kulhawy (1988) 0.20 0.50
Williams et al. (1980) 0.44 0.36
Rowe and Armitage (1984) 0.40 0.57
Rosenberg and Journeaux (1976) 0.34 0.51
Reynolds and Kaderbek (1980) 0.30 1.00
Gupton and Logan (1984) 0.20 1.00
Reese and O’Neill (1987) 0.15 1.00
Toh et al. (1989) 0.25 1.00
Meigh and Wolshi (1979) 0.22 0.60
Horvath (1982) 0.20–0.30 0.50
Phoon (1993) defined αc as the ratio of the side shear resistance τmax to the undrained
shear strength cu. Understandably, the results of individual load tests show considerably
greater scatter than the site-averaged data. On the basis of the site-averaged data,
Kulhawy and Phoon (1993) proposed the following relations for drilled shafts in rock:
Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 219
It is very important to note that the empirical relations given in Equations (6.6b) and
(6.6c) are bounds to site-averaged data, and do not necessarily represent bounds to
individual shaft behavior. The coefficient of determination (r2) is approximately 0.71 for
the site-averaged data, but is only 0.46 for the individual data, reflecting the much greater
variability of the individual test results (Seidel & Haberfield, 1995).
Horvath et al. (1980) also developed a relation from model shaft behavior using
various roughness profiles. They found that as shaft profiles go from smooth to rough, the
roughness factor increases significantly, as does the peak side shear resistance. These
findings were confirmed in a later study by Horvath et al. (1983), and the following
equation was proposed for the roughness factor (RF):
where hm is the average roughness (asperity) height of the shaft; Lt is the total travel
length along the shaft wall profile; R is the nominal radius of the shaft; and L is the
nominal length of the shaft (see Fig. 6.4). Using Equation (6.10), the following relation
was developed between the side shear resistance and RF:
τmax= 0.8σc(RF)0.45
Kodikara et al. (1992) developed a rational model for predicting the relationship of τmax to
σc based on a specific definition of interface roughness, initial normal stress on the
interface and the stiffness of the rock during interface dilation. The parameters needed to
define interface roughness in the model are also shown in Figure 6.4. The model accounts
for variability in asperity height and angularity, assuming clean, triangular interface
discontinuities. Figure 6.5 shows the predicted adhesion factor, α(=τmax/σc), for
Melbourne Mudstone with the range of parameters and roughnesses as given in Table
6.5. The adhesion factor is presented as a function of Em/σc, σc/σn and the degree of
roughness, where Em is the elastic modulus of the rock mass and σn is the initial normal
stress on the shaft-rock interface. It can be seen that the adhesion factor is affected not
only by the interface roughness, but also by Em/σc and σc/σn.
Based on roughness heights back-calculated from load tests on shafts in rock, Seidel and
Collingwood (2001) developed the effective roughness height versus the unconfined
compressive strength plot as shown in Figure 6.8. The back-calculations were conducted
using Equation (6.12) and assuming ηc=1.0. In the case of a shaft for which the concrete-
rock interface is clean and unbounded, the roughness height back-calculated assuming
ηc=1.0 should provide a reasonable estimate of the roughness height magnitude.
However, if the shaft resistance is adversely influenced by construction procedures, the
roughness height would be underestimated if ηc is assumed to be 1.
Example 6.1
A drilled shaft of diameter 1.0 m is to be socketed 3.0 meters in rock. The rock properties
are as follows:
Unconfined compressive strength of intact rock, σc=15.0 MPa
Deformation modulus of intact rock, Er=10.6 GPa
Method of Kulhawy and Phoon (1993)—Equations (6.6) to (6.8)
Lower bound
τmax=1.0[paσc/2]0.5=1.0[0.1×15.0/2]0.5=0.87 MPa
Upper bound
τmax=3.0[paσc/2]0.5=3.0[0.1×15.0/2]0.5=2.60 MPa
The results show that the shaft wall roughness (reflected by the roughness height) has
a great effect on the side shear resistance.
the rock mass reduces the side shear resistance by reducing the normal stiffness of the
rock mass. They developed the following empirical relation that considers the effect of
discontinuities on the side shear resistance:
where αw is a reduction factor reflecting the strength of the rock, as shown in Figure 6.9;
and βw is the ratio of side shear resistance of jointed rock mass to side shear resistance of
intact rock. βw is a function of modulus reduction factor, j, as shown in Figure 6.10, in
βw=f(j), j=Em/Er
where Em is the elastic modulus of the rock mass; and Er is the elastic modulus of the
intact rock. When the rock mass is such that the discontinuities are tightly closed and
seatns are infrequent, βw is essentially equal to 1.0. Comparing Equation (6.13) with
Equation (6.5), it can be seen that αwβw is just the adhesion factor, a, for β=1. Since αw is
derived from field test data, the effect of discontinuities is already included in αw. If αw is
multiplied by βw which is obtained from laboratory tests (Williams et al., 1980), the effect
of discontinuities will be considered twice. So Equation (6.13) may be too conservative.
Pabon and Nelson (1993) studied the effect of soft horizontal seams on the behavior of
laboratory model shafts. The study included four instrumented model shafts in
manufactured rock, three of which have soft seams. They concluded that a soft seam
significantly reduces the normal interface stresses generated in the rock layer overlying it.
Consequently the side shear resistance of shafts in rock with soft seams is much lower
than that of shafts in intact rock.
The effect of shaft geometry on side shear resistance was studied by Williams and Pells
(1981). They tested 15 shafts in Melbourne Mudstone, with diameters ranging from 335
mm to 1580 mm, and 27 shafts in Hawkesbury Sandstone, with diameters ranging from
64 mm to 710 mm. The results of these tests indicated that the shaft length, L, does not
have a discernible effect on the side shear resistance. They argued that the interface
dilation creates a locked-in normal stress with the result that the shear displacement
behavior exhibits virtually no peak or residual behavior. They also reported that the shaft
diameter has a negligible effect on the side shear resistance. On the other hand, tests by
Horvath et al. (1983) indicated that the side shear resistance decreases as the shaft
diameter increases. Williams and Pells (1981) explained this phenomenon by referring to
the theory of expansion of an infinite cylindrical cavity, which suggests that cylinders
with smaller diameters develop higher normal stresses for a given absolute value of
dilation. However, they offered no physical explanation why the shaft diameter does not
affect their own test results.
Drilled shafts in rock 230
Peck et al. (1974) suggested a correlation between the allowable bearing pressure and
RQD for footings supported on level surfaces in competent rock (Fig. 6.13). This
correlation can be used as a first crude step in determination of the end bearing resistance
of drilled shafts in rock. It need be noted that this correlation is intended only for
unweathered jointed rock where the discontinuities are generally tight. If the value of
allowable pressure exceeds the unconfined compressive strength of intact rock, the
allowable pressure is taken as the unconfined compressive strength.
In Hong Kong design practice, for large diameter drilled shafts in granitic and
volcanic rocks, the allowable end bearing resistance may be used as specified in Table
6.8. The presumptive end bearing resistance values range from 3.0 to 7.5 MPa, depending
Drilled shafts in rock 232
on the rock category which is defined in terms of the rock decomposition grade, strength
and total core recovery.
Table 6.7 Typical bearing capacity failure modes
associated with various rock mass conditions (after
ASCE, 1996).
Rock mass conditions Failure
Joint Joint Illustration Mode
dip spacing
Brittle rock:
Local shear failure
caused by localized
brittle fracture
N/A s»B
Ductile rock:
General shear
failure along well
defined failure
Open joints:
Compressive failure
of individual rock
columns. Near
70°<β vertical joint set(s)
Closed joints:
General shear
failure along well
defined failure
surfaces. Near
vertical joint(s)
Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 233
0°<β value of H
<20° with respect
to B Thin rigid upper layer:
Failure is initiated by
punching tensile failure
of the thin rigid upper
where pl is the limit pressure as determined from pressuremeter tests in the zone
extending two shaft diameters above and below the shaft base; po is the at rest horizontal
stress in the rock at the elevation of the shaft base; σo is the total overburden stress at
elevation of the shaft base; and Kb is an empirical non-dimensional coefficient, which
depends on the depth and shaft diameter ratio as shown in Table 6.10.
& Davis, 1980). Because of the wide variation of theoretical results, empirical and semi-
empirical relations have been developed. Since they are more commonly used than the
theoretical methods, only the empirical and semi-empirical relations are discussed in the
Analogous to the side shear resistance, many attempts have been made to correlate the
end bearing capacity, qmax, to the unconfined compressive strength, σc, of intact rock.
Some of the suggested relations are:
Coates (1967): qmax=3.0σc
Rowe and Armitage (1987b): qmax=2.7σc
ARGEMA (1992): qmax=4.5σc ≤10 MPa
Findlay et al. (1997): qmax=(1−4.5)σc
The bearing capacity of foundations on rock is largely dependent on the strength of the
rock mass. Discontinuities can have a significant influence on the strength of the rock
mass depending on their orientation and the nature of material within discontinuities
(Pells & Turner, 1980). As a result, relations have been developed to account for the
Drilled shafts in rock 240
influence of discontinuities in the rock mass. The Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO, 1989) suggests that the end bearing capacity be estimated using the
following relationship:
where Nms is a coefficient relating qmax to σc. The value of Nms is a function of rock mass
quality and rock type (Table 6.11), where rock mass quality, in essence, expresses the
degree of jointing and weathering. Rock mass quality has a much stronger effect on Nms
than rock type. For a given rock type, Nms for excellent rock mass quality is more than
250 times higher than Nms for poor quality. For a given rock mass quality, however, Nms
changes little with rock type. For example, for a rock mass of very good quality, the
values of Nms are 1.4, 1.6, 1.9, 2.0 and 2.3 respectively for rock types A, B, C, D and E
(see Table 6.11). It should be noted however that rock type is implicitly related to the
unconfined compressive strength. Equation (6.20) may thus represent a non-linear
relation between qmax and σc.
Although it is not explicitly mentioned in AASHTO (1989), Equation (6.20) and
coefficient Nms can be simply derived from the lower bound solution suggested by Carter
and Kulhawy (1988) (see Fig. 6.14):
in which the expression in the brackets is simply the coefficient Nms in Equation (6.20);
and mb and s are the strength parameters for the Hoek-Brown strength criterion as
discussed in Chapter 4. Values of mb and s for the rock categories in Table 6.11 are
shown in Table 6.12. The values of Nms in Table 6.11 can be simply obtained by
inserting the corresponding values of mb and s from Table 6.12 in the expression in the
brackets of Equation (6.21).
Equation (6.21) does not consider the influence of the overburden soil and rock (i.e.,
overburden stress qs=0 is assumed). Zhang and Einstein (1998a) derived an expression
for the end bearing capacity that considers the influence of the overburden
Table 6.11 Values of Nms for estimating the end
bearing capacity of drilled shafts in broken or
jointed rock (after AASHTO, 1989).
Rock General RMR(1) Q(2) RQD(3) Nms(4)
Mask Description Rating Rating Rating
Excellent Intact rock with 100 500 95–100 3.8 4.3 5.0 5.2 6.1
joints spaced > 10
feet apart
Very Tightly interlocking, 85 100 90–95 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.0 2.3
Good undisturbed rock
Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 241
with rough
spaced 3 to 10 feet
Good Fresh to slightly 65 10 75–90 0.28 0.32 0.38 0.40 0.46
weathered rock,
slightly disturbed
with discontinuities
spaced 3 to 10 feet
Fair Rock with several 44 1 50–75 0.049 0.056 0.066 0.069 0.081
sets of moderately
spaced 1 to 3 feet
Poor Rock with numerous 23 0.1 25–50 0.015 0.016 0.019 0.020 0.024
spaced 1 to 20
inches apart with
some gouge
Very Poor Rock with numerous 3 0.01 <25 Use qult for an equivalent soil
highly weathered
spaced<2 inches
(1) Geomechanics rock mass rating (RMR) system (Bieniawski, 1988)—See Chapter 2
(2) Rock mass quality (Q) system (Barton et al., 1974)—See Chapter 2
(3) Range of RQD values provided for general guidance only; actual determination of rock
mass quality should be based on RMR or Q rating systems
(4) Value of Nms as function of rock type; refer to Table 2.8 for typical range of values of
σc for different rocks in each category
Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 243
Kulhawy and Goodman (1980) presented the following relationship originally proposed
by Bishnoi (1968):
As indicated in the preceding text, the strength parameters c and are rock mass properties.
Kulhawy and Goodman (1987) provided a table relating the rock mass properties c and
to intact rock properties and RQD (Table 6.13). The correction factor J considers the
effect of horizontal discontinuities and the variation of Jwith the discontinuity spacing is
shown in Figure 6.16, where H is the spacing of horizontal discontinuities. For the value
of Ncr the authors considered the discontinuities being either open or closed. According to
Goodman (1980), the presence of open discontinuities would allow failure to occur by
Drilled shafts in rock 246
splitting (because the discontinuities are open, there is no confining pressure and failure
is likely to occur by uniaxial compression of the rock columns), and this mode of failure
needs to be included in the calculation of the end bearing capacity. Several charts are
given by Kulhawy and Goodman (1980), following the method of Bishnoi (1968), to
determine Ncr for both open and closed discontinuities. Figure 6.17 shows Ncr for open
The Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual (CGS, 1985) proposed that the end
bearing pressure be calculated using the following equation:
2 Clayshale, 762 8.8 0.81 4.69 5.79 6.2 Goeke and
with Hustad(1979)
occational thin
3 Shale, thinly 457 13.7 3.82 10.8 2.83 >10.0 Hummert and
bedded with Cooling (1988)
thin sandstone
4 Shale, 305 2.4 1.08 3.66 3.39 10.0 Jubenville and
unweathered Hepworth(1981)
5 Gypsumb 1064 4.20 2.1 6.51 3.1 15– Leung and Ko
20 (1993)
6 Gypsumb 1064 4.20 4.2 10.9 2.6 15– Leung and Ko
20 (1993)
7 Gypsumb 1064 4.20 5.4 15.7 2.9 15– Leung and Ko
20 (1993)
8 Gypsumb 1064 4.20 6.7 16.1 2.4 15– Leung and Ko
20 (1993)
9 Gypsumb 1064 4.20 8.5 23 2.7 15– Leung and Ko
20 (1993)
10 Gypsumb 1064 4.20 11.3 27.7 2.5 15– Leung and Ko
20 (1993)
11 Tillc 762 ** 0.7 4 5.71 ~1.3 Orpwoodetal.
12 Tillc 762 ** 0.81 4.15 5.12 ~4.6 Orpwood et al.
13 Tillc 762 ** 1 5.5 5.5 ~1.4 Orpwood et al.
14 Diabase, 615 12.2 0.52 2.65 5.1 >4.0 Webb (1976)
15 Hardpan (hard 1281 18.3 1.38 5.84 4.23 ~4.0 Baker (1985)
bearing till)c
16 Tillc 1920 20.7 0.57 2.29 4.04 ~1.9 Baker (1985)
17 Hardpan (hard 762 18.3 1.11 4.79 4.33 ~7.3 Baker (1985)
bearing till)c
18 Sandstone, 610 15.6 8.36 10.1 1.21 >1.7 Glos and Briggs
horizontally (1983)
Drilled shafts in rock 248
19 Sandstone, 610 16.9 9.26 13.1 1.41 >1.7 Glos and Briggs
horizontally (1983)
shaley, with
some coal
20 Mudstone, 300 2.01 0.65 6.4 9.8 6.4 Williams (1980)
21 Mudstone, 300 1 0.67 7 10.5 5.7 Williams (1980)
22 Mudstone, 1000 15.5 2.68 5.9 2.2 1.1 Williams (1980)
23 Mudstone, 1000 15.5 2.45 6.6 2.7 0.7 Williams (1980)
24 Mudstone, 1000 15.5 2.45 7 2.9 0.6 Williams (1980)
25 Mudstone, 1000 15.5 2.68 6.7 2.5 0.7 Williams (1980)
26 Mudstone, 600 1.8 1.93 9.2 4.8 14.1 Williams (1980)
27 Mudstone, 1000 3 1.4 7.1 5 10.9 Williams (1980)
fractures and
thin mud seams,
intact core
lengths 75 to
250 mm
32 Clayshale 740 7.24 1.42 5.68 4 ~8.8 Aurora and
Reese (1977)
33 Clayshale 790 7.29 1.42 5.11 3.6 ~8.9 Aurora and
Reese (1977)
34 Clayshale 750 7.31 1.42 6.11 4.3 ~6.0 Aurora and
Reese (1977)
35 Clayshale 890 7.63 0.62 2.64 4.25 ~6.6 Aurora and
Reese (1977)
36 Siltstone, 705 7.3 9 13.1 1.46 ~12.0 Radhakrishnan
medium hard, and Leung
fragmented (1989)
37 Marl, intact, 1200 18.5 0.9 5.3 5.89 ** Carrubba
RQD=100% (1997)
38 Diabase Breccia, 1200 19 15.0 8.9 0.59 ** Carrubba
highly fractured, (1997)
39 Limestone, 1200 13.5 2.5 8.9 3.56 ** Carrubba
intact, (1997)
Sb is the shaft base displacement at qmax.
Gypsum mixed with cement is used as pseudo-rock in centrifuge tests. The and depths are the
equivalent prototype dimensions corresponding to 40 g in the centrifuge tests. The equivalent
prototype depths to the shaft base range 4.04 m to 4.35 m with an average of 4.20 m.
Till is not a rock. It is used here because its σc is comparable to that of some rocks.
These tests were not conducted by Thorne (1980). He only reported the data other references
point what typical base displacements at qmax are. [For comparison, the displacement
at ultimate side shear resistance is smaller; examination of more than 50 load-
displacement curves for large-diameter drilled shafts showed that an average
displacement of only 5 mm was necessary to reach initial failure of side shear
resistance (Horvath et al., 1983)].
Example 6.2
A drilled shaft of diameter 1.0 m is to be socketed 3.0 meters in siltstone. The rock
properties are as follows:
Unconfined compressive strength of intact rock, σc=15.0 MPa
Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 251
The rock mass is heavily jointed and the average discontinuity spacing near
the base of the shaft is 0.5 m
The discontinuities are moderately weathered and filled with debris with
thickness of 3 mm
Deformation modulus of intact rock, Er=10.6 GPa
Method of AASHTO (1989)—Equation (6.20)
From Table 2.8, the rock is classified as Type B.
From Table 6.11, the rock quality is classified as Fair and the value of Nms is 0.056.
Using Equation (6.20), the end bearing resistance can be obtained as
qmax=Nmsσc=0.056×15.0=0.84 MPa
The results clearly show the wide range of the estimated end bearing capacity from
different methods. It is therefore important not to rely on a single method when
estimating the end bearing capacity.
In many cases, drilled shaft foundations will consist not of a single drilled shaft, but of a
group of drilled shafts. The drilled shafts in a group and the soil/rock between them
interact in a very complex fashion, and the axial capacity of the group may not be equal
to the axial capacity of a single isolated drilled shaft multiplied by the number of shafts.
One way to account for the interaction is to use the group efficiency factor η, which is
expressed as:
where QuG is the ultimate axial load of a drilled shaft group; N is the number of drilled
shafts in the group; and Qu is the ultimate axial load of a single isolated drilled shaft,
which can be determined using the methods described in Section 6.3. The group
efficiency for axial load capacity depends on many factors, including the following:
•The number, length, diameter, arrangement and spacing of the drilled shafts.
•The load transfer mode (side shear versus end bearing).
•The elapsed time since the drilled shafts were installed.
•The rock type.
Katzenbach et al. (1998) studied the group efficiency of a large drilled shaft group in
rock. For the 300 m high Commerzbank tower in Frankfurt am Main, 111 drilled shafts
are used to transfer the building load through the relatively weak Frankfurt Clay to the
stiffer underlying Frankfurt Limestone. Of the 111 drilled shafts, 30 were instrumented
Axial load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 253
and monitored during the 2-year construction period. The measurements give a detailed
view into the interaction between the drilled shafts in the group. Figure 6.19 shows the
variation of the group efficiency factor with the shaft head settlement. At service loads of
the building the value of the group efficiency factor is about 60%.
When drilled shafts are closely spaced, the shafts in a group may tend to form a
“group block” that behaves like a giant, short shaft (see Fig. 6.20). In this case, the
bearing capacity of the drilled shaft group can be obtained in a similar fashion to that for
a single isolated drilled shaft, by means of Equation (6.2), but now taking the shaft base
area as the block base area and the shaft side surface area as the block surface area. It
should be noted that the deformation required to mobilize the base capacity of the block
will be larger than that required for a single isolated shaft.
In many cases, drilled shafts in rock may be required to resist uplift forces. Examples are
drilled shaft foundations for structures subjected to large overturning moments such as
tall chimneys, transmission lines, and highway sign posts. Drilled shafts through
expansive soils and socketed into rock may also subject to uplift forces due to the
swelling of the soil.
Drilled shafts can be designed to resist uplift forces either by enlarging or belling the
base, or by developing sufficient side shear resistance. Belling the base of a shaft is
common in soils, but this can be an expensive and difficult operation in rock. Moreover,
since large side shear resistance can be developed in drilled shafts socketed into rock, it is
usually more economical to deepen the socket than to construct a shorter, belled socket.
For drilled shafts subject to uplift forces, it is important to check the structural
capacity of the shaft. This can be done using the methods presented in Section 6.1. The
ultimate uplift resistance of a straight-sided drilled shaft related to rock can be
determined by
where Quu is the ultimate uplift resistance; L and B are respectively the length and
diameter of the shaft; τmax is the average side shear resistance along the shaft; and Ws is
the weight of the shaft.
Drilled shafts in rock 254
causing outward radial straining in the concrete (positive Poisson effect), which results in
higher frictional stresses at the interface with the rock mass; simultaneously it adds total
vertical stress to the rock mass around the shaft through the process of load transfer,
which consequently adds strength to rock masses that drain during loading. Uplift
loading, however, produces radial contraction of the concrete (negative Poisson effect)
and reduces the total vertical stresses in the rock mass around the shaft. Because of the
different stress conditions, the average side shear resistance for uplift loading should
usually be lower than that for compression loading.
For preliminary design, the side shear resistance for uplift loading can be simply taken
to be the same as that for compression loading and estimated using the methods presented
in Section 6.3.1.
Where vertical drilled shafts are arranged in closely-spaced groups the uplift resistance
of the complete group may not be equal to the sum of the resistance of the individual
shafts. This is because, at ultimate-load conditions, the block of rock enclosed by the
shafts may be lifted. The uplift resistance of the block of rock may be determined by (see
Fig. 6.20)
where QuuG is the total ultimate uplift resistance of the shaft group; B1 and B2 are
respectively the overall length and width of the group (see Fig. 6.20); and WB is the
combined weight of the block of rock enclosed by the shaft group plus the weight of the
Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock
The load-transfer method models the reaction of soil/rock surrounding the shaft using
localized springs: a series of springs along the shaft (the t-z or τ-w curves) and a spring at
the tip or bottom of the shaft (the q-w curve). τ is the local load transfer or side shear
resistance developed at displacement w, q is the base resistance developed at
displacement w, and w is the displacement of the shaft at the location of a spring. The
physical drilled shaft is also represented by a number of blocks connected by springs to
indicate that there will be compression of the drilled shaft due to the applied compressive
load. The mechanical model is shown in Figure 7.3. The displacement of the shaft at any
depth z can be expressed by the following differential equation:
where Ep is the composite Young’s modulus of the shaft (considering the contribution of
both concrete and reinforcing steel); A and B are respectively the cross-sectional area and
diameter of the shaft; w is the displacement of the shaft at depth z; and τ is the side shear
resistance developed at displacement w at depth z.
Equation (7.1) can be solved analytically or numerically depending on the τ-w and q-w
curves (linear or nonlinear), which is discussed in the sections below.
Drilled shafts in rock 260
Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock 261
where ks and kb are spring constants respectively of the side springs and the base spring.
Substitution Equation (7.2a) into Equation (7.1) gives
If a load Qt is applied at the top of the shaft (z=0) and the force transferred to the base of
the shaft (z=L) is Qb, we have, from Equation (7.6),
The displacement at the top of the shaft (z=0) is then obtained from Equations (7.5) and
(7.9) as
al., 1982; O’Neill & Hassan, 1994). However, research has not advanced to the point that
the load transfer curves (τ-w and q-w curves) can be determined for all conditions with
confidence (O’Neill & Reese, 1999). Construction practices and the particular response
of a given formation to drilling and concreting will affect the load transfer curves. For
major projects, therefore, it is advisable to measure the load transfer curves using full-
scale loading tests of instrumented shafts. Chapter 12 will show how to obtain the
experimental load transfer curves from the results of an axial loading test of an
instrumented shaft.
Based on measured load displacement curves, Carrubba (1997) conducted numerical
analyses to evaluate the side shear resistance and the end bearing capacity and obtained
the load transfer curves for five rock-socketed shafts. The model is based on a hyperbolic
transfer function approach and solves the equilibrium of the shaft by
means of finite element discretization. The interaction at the shaft-soil and shaft-rock
interfaces is described by the following function
where f(z) is the mobilized resistance along a shaft portion (τ) or at the shaft base (q); and
w(z) is the corresponding displacement (see Fig. 7.3). In the transfer function, parameters
a and b represent the reciprocals of initial slope and limit strength, respectively:
where flim is the end bearing capacity (qmax) in rock or the side shear resistance in soil or
rock (τmax).
Numerical analyses are carried out by selecting three transfer functions for each shaft:
one representative of overall friction in soil, one for overall friction in rock, and the last
one for end bearing resistance in rock. The friction transfer functions in soils, once
selected, are maintained constant throughout the analyses. Transfer function parameters
for rock, both along the shaft and at the base, are first estimated and then modified with
an iterative process until the actual load displacement curve is reproduced. Figure 7.4
shows the comparison between the test results and the numerical simulations for the shaft
in marl. Since the side and base strengths are not mobilized at the same time and the
numerical model used cannot simulate this event, two different ideal shaft behaviors are
examined. The first neglects the base reaction; the second takes into account the
contemporary mobilization of side and base resistances from the beginning of the test.
The rock properties and the transfer function parameters obtained for the five rock-
socketed shafts are shown in Table 7.1.
O’Neill and Hassan (1994) proposed an interim criterion for a hyperbolic τ-w curve in
most types of rock until better solutions become accepted:
Drilled shafts in rock 264
where B is the diameter of the shaft; and Em is the deformation modulus of the rock mass.
This model is based on the fact that the interface asperity pattern is regular and the
asperities are rigid, even though in most cases the interface asperity pattern is not regular,
some degree of smear exists, and asperities are deformable, which results in ductile,
progressive failure among asperities. Equation (7.13) is a special form of Equation (7.11)
with a=2.5B/Em.
Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock 265
The q-w curve is usually assumed to have an initial elastic response given by
where Eb and νb are respectively the deformation modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the rock
below the shaft base. Nonlinear response is usually assumed to initiate between 1/3 and
1/2 of qmax. This response can be simply modeled using an equation similar to Equation
The continuum approach assumes the soil/rock to be a continuum. Mattes and Poulos
(1969) are among the first to investigate the load-displacement behavior of rock-socketed
shafts by integration of Mindlin’s equations. Carter and Kulhawy (1988) provide a set of
approximate analytical solutions to predict the load-displacement response of drilled
shafts in rock by modifying the solutions of Randolph and Wroth (1978) for piles in soil.
Drilled shafts in rock 266
The majority of the theoretical continuum solutions for predicting the displacement of
drilled shafts in rock, however, have been developed using finite element analyses (e.g.,
Osterberg & Gill, 1973; Pells & Turner, 1979; Donald et al., 1980; Rowe & Armitage,
1987a). Most of the techniques proposed for calculating the vertical displacements of
drilled shafts in rock are based on the theory of elasticity. It has been usual to assume that
the drilled shaft is essentially an elastic inclusion within the surrounding rock mass and
that no slip occurs at the interface between the shaft and the rock mass, although the
solutions of Rowe and Armitage (1987a) and Carter and Kulhawy (1988) can consider
the possibility of slip.
where wt is the axial deformation of the shaft at the rock surface; Qt is the applied load at
the top of the shaft; Em is the deformation modulus of the rock mass; B is the diameter of
the shaft; and I is the axial deformation influence factor given in Figure 7.5. The values
of I given in Figure 7.5 have been calculated for a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25. It has been
found that variations in the Poisson’s ratio in the range 0.1–0.3 for the rock mass and
0.15–0.3 for the concrete have little effect on the influence factors.
The values of the influence factor shown in Figure 7.5 are for drilled shafts that are
fully bonded from the rock surface. In many cases, the drilled shaft is recessed by casing
the upper part of the drilled hole or for conditions where the shaft passes through a layer
of soil or weathered rock where little or no side shear resistance will be developed.
Recessment of the shaft will result in a decrease in axial deformation of the shaft at the
head of the socket. This reduction can be expressed in terms of a reduction factor RF
such that the axial deformation of the shaft at the ground surface is given by
Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock 267
An end bearing only shaft can be considered a shaft that is wholly recessed (See Fig. 7.7).
The axial deformation of an end bearing only shaft at the ground surface consists of the
elastic compression of the shaft and the axial deformation of the shaft base:
where Qt is the applied load at the top of the shaft; D and Bl are respectively the length
and diameter of the shaft; Ep is the composite Young’s modulus of the shaft (considering
contributions of both concrete and reinforcing steel); Em and νm are respectively the
deformation modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the rock mass; Cd is the shape and rigidity
factor equal to 0.85 for a flexible footing and 0.79 for a rigid footing; and RF′ is a
reduction factor for an end bearing only shaft as shown in Figure 7.7.
The axial deformation of the shaft base is calculated in a similar manner to that of a
footing on the surface. However, because the rock mass below the base of the shaft is
more confined than surface rock mass, the axial deformation of the shaft base will be
smaller than that of a footing at the surface. The effect of this confinement if accounted
for by applying the reduction factor RF′ to the deformation equation as shown in
Equation (7.17). The value of the reduction factor depends on the ratio of the shaft length
D to the shaft diameter B1, and the relative stiffness of the shaft and the rock mass. Figure
7.7 shows the values of the reduction factor RF′ obtained by Pells and Turner (1979).
Under an applied axial load, the displacements in the rock mass are predominantly
vertical, and the load is transferred from the shaft to the rock mass by vertical shear
stresses acting on the cylindrical interface, with little change in vertical normal stress in
the rock mass (except near the base of the shaft). The pattern of deformation around the
shaft may be visualized as an infinite number of concentric cylinders sliding inside each
other (Randolph & Wroth, 1978). Randolph and Wroth (1978) have shown that, for this
type of behavior, the displacement of the shaft w may be described adequately in terms of
hyperbolic sine and cosine functions of depth z below the surface, as given below:
w=A1 sinh(µz)+A2 cosh(µz)
in which, A1 and A2 are constants which can be determined from the boundary conditions
of the problem. The constant µ is given by
where ζ=ln[2.5(1−νm)L/R]; R=B/2 is the radius of the shaft; λ=Ep/Gm; Ep is the Young’s
modulus of the shaft; Gm=Em/[2(1+νm)] is the shear modulus of the rock mass
surrounding the shaft; and Em and νm are respectively the deformation modulus and
Poisson’s ratio of the rock mass surrounding the shaft.
For side shear and end bearing shafts as shown in Figure 7.10(a), the shaft base can be
approximated as a punch acting on the surface of an elastic half-space with Young’s
modulus Eb and Poisson’s ratio νb. Using the standard solutions for the displacement of a
rigid punch resting on an elastic half-space as the boundary condition at the base of the
shaft, the elastic displacement at the head of the shaft can be obtained by (Randolph &
Wroth, 1978):
Drilled shafts in rock 272
where ξ=Gb/Gm; Gb=Eb/[2(1+νb)] is the shear modulus of the rock mass below the shaft
base; and Eb and νb are respectively the deformation modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the
rock mass below the shaft base. The proportion of the applied load transmitted to the
shaft base is
For side shear only shafts as shown in Figure 7.10(b), the boundary condition at the shaft
base is one of zero axial stress. For this case, the elastic displacement at the head of the
shaft can be obtained by
The solution given by Equations (7.20) and (7.22) are in general agreement with the finite
element solutions by Pells and Turner (1979) and Rowe and Armitage (1987a) as
presented in last sections (Fig. 7.11).
Example 7.1
A drilled shaft of 3.0 meters long and 1.0 meter in diameter is to be installed in siltstone.
The rock properties are as follows:
Unconfined compressive strength of intact rock, σc=15.0 MPa
Deformation modulus of intact rock, Er=10.6 GPa
Determine the settlement of the drilled shaft at a work load of 10.0 MN.
Drilled shafts in rock 276
For simplicity, the Young’s modulus of the drilled shaft is simply assumed to be Ep=30
GPa. The Poisson’s ratio of 0.25 is selected for both the drilled shaft and the rock.
Using Equation (4.24), the rock mass modulus:
If the drilled shaft is side shear resistance only (i.e., the shaft base cannot be cleaned),
from Figure 7.5, the axial deformation influence factor is I=0.462. Using Equation (7.15),
the settlement of the drilled shaft at the rock surface is
If the drilled shaft has both side shear and end bearing resistance, from Figure 7.8, the
axial deformation influence factor is I=0.417 for Eb/Em=1.0. Using Equation (7.15), the
settlement of the drilled shaft at the rock surface is
From Figure 7.9, it can be seen that about 15% of the load is transmitted to the shaft base.
Using analytical solutions of Carter and Kulhawy (1988)
Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock 277
If the drilled shaft is side shear resistance only (i.e., the shaft base cannot be cleaned), the
settlement of the drilled shaft at the rock surface can be calculated from Equation (7.22)
If the drilled shaft has both side shear and end bearing resistance, the settlement of the
drilled shaft at the rock surface can be calculated from Equation (7.20) as
Drilled shafts in rock 278
The percentage of the load transmitted to the shaft base can be calculated from Equation
(7.21) as
The results from the solutions based on the finite element method are in good agreement
with those from the analytical solutions of Carter & Kulhawy (1988).
Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock 279
where c is the interface cohesion; is the interface friction angle; and σr is the radial
stress acting on the interface.
As relative displacement (slip) occurs, the interface may dilate, and it is assumed that
the displacement components follow the dilation law:
where ∆u and ∆w are the relative shear and normal displacements of the shaft-rock
interface; and ψ is the angle of dilation defined by Davis (1968).
To determine the radial displacements at the interface, the procedure suggested by
Goodman (1980) and Kulhawy and Goodman (1987) is followed, in which conditions of
plane strain are assumed, as an approximation, independently in the rock mass and in the
slipping shaft. The rock mass is considered to be linear elastic, even after full slip has
taken place, and the shaft is considered to be an elastic column. These assumptions,
together with the dilatancy law, allow one to derive an expression for the variation of
vertical stress in the compressible shaft. The distribution of the shear stress acting on the
shaft can then be calculated from equilibrium conditions, and the vertical displacement
can be determined as function of depth z by treating the shaft as a simple elastic column.
The ‘full slip’ solution for the displacement of the shaft head is derived as
in which
Drilled shafts in rock 280
All other parameters in Equations (7.25) to (7.35) are as defined before. The adequacy of
the closed-form expressions is demonstrated by comparing them with the finite element
solution of Rowe and Armitage (1987a, b). The overall agreement between the closed-
form solutions and the finite element results is good (Fig. 7.12).
It must be noted that the closed-form solutions of Carter and Kulhawy (1988) just
consider “no slip” (presented in Section 7.3.1) and “full slip” conditions. They cannot
predict the load-displacement response between the occurrence of first slip and full slip
of the shaft. However, the finite element results indicate that the progression of slip along
the shaft takes place over a relatively small interval of displacement. Therefore it seems
reasonable, at least for most practical cases, to ignore the small region of the curves
corresponding to the progressive slip and to assume that the load-displacement
relationship is bilinear, with the slope of the initial portion given by Equation (7.20) and
the slip portion by Equation (7.25) (Carter & Kulhawy, 1988).
Axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock 281
The finite element method is probably the most powerfiil and the most widely used
numerical method currently available to engineers. Suitable elements can be used to
simulate not only linearly elastic materials, but also nonlinear materials with different
failure criteria, including rock discontinuities and shaft-rock interfaces (see Sections 4.3.4
and 4.4.3 for discussion of joint elements). However, the finite element method is time
consuming and needs sophisticated soil or rock constitutive relations whose parameters
are often difficult if not impossible in design practice to obtain. Therefore, the finite
element method is, in general, used for analysis of important structures and for generation
of parametric solutions for the load-displacement relations of axially loaded drilled
shafts, such as the charts presented in Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2.
Typical of many geotechnical problems, the analysis of drilled shafts in rock involves
an unbounded domain. It is a common practice in finite element modeling of these
problems to truncate the finite element mesh at a distance deemed far enough so as not to
influence the near field solutions. These truncations are usually determined by trail and
Drilled shafts in rock 282
error until an acceptable solution is obtained. Such a method places a heavy demand on
computer resources, both memory and time, as solutions for the far field which are of no
interest are generated as well. In the last decade or so, several methods have been
developed to model unbounded domains. Of these methods, the use of infinite elements
with finite elements appears to be the most popular. Leong and Randolph (1994)
successfully used finite elements and infinite elements in the modeling of axially loaded
shafts in rock.
Numerous methods exist for analyzing axially loaded pile groups in soil (Poulos, 2001),
some of which can be applied to drilled shaft groups in rock and are briefly described in
the following.
where wtG is the settlement of the shaft group; wtav is the settlement of a single shaft at the
average load of a shaft in the group; and Rw is the settlement ratio. wtav can be estimated
using the methods presented in the previous sections or from the results of load test on a
prototype drilled shaft.
Theoretical values of Rw for various pile groups in soil have been presented by Poulos
and Davis (1980) and Butterfield and Douglas (1981). A particularly useful
approximation for the settlement ratio has been derived by Fleming et al. (1992):
where n is the number of piles in the group; and e is an exponent depending on pile
spacing, pile proportions, relative pile stiffness and the variation of soil modulus with
depth. For typical pile proportions and pile spacings, Poulos (1989) suggested the
following approximate values: e≈0.5 for piles in clay, and e≈0.33 for piles in sand.
For drilled shafts in rock, the e values suggested by Poulos (1989) for soils may be
used for the very preliminary design. For the final design of major projects, it is desirable,
when feasible, to conduct axial load tests on groups of two or more drilled shafts in rock
in order to confirm the e values of Poulos (1989) or to derive new, site-specific values.
1980; Randolph, 1994). For closely spaced drilled shafts in rock, the shaft group may
also be analyzed using the equivalent pier method.
Consider the drilled shaft group as an equivalent pier (Fig. 7.13), the diameter of the
equivalent pier Beq can be taken as (Randolph, 1994).
where Ep is the Young’s modulus of the drilled shafts; Em is the deformation modulus of
the rock mass; and Apt is the total cross-sectional area of the drilled shafts in the group.
The load-settlement response of the equivalent pier can be calculated using the
solutions as described in the previous sections for the response of a single drilled shaft.
Based on the equivalent pier method and the load-transfer (t-z curve) approach,
Castelli and Maugeri (2002) presented a simplified nonlinear analysis for settlement
prediction of pile groups in soil. To take into account the group action due to pile-soil-
pile interaction, load-transfer functions are modified to relate the behavior of a single pile
to that of a pile group. The bearing capacity of the equivalent pier can be evaluated using
the procedure in Section 6.4. The initial stiffness of the equivalent pier is estimated by
Drilled shafts in rock 284
where Kgi is the initial stiffness of the equivalent pier and β is an empirical parameter. To
take into account the increase of pile group head settlements with respect to the case of a
single pile, the following expression is used
where wg is the average settlement of the equivalent pier and ε is an empirical parameter.
The empirical parameters β and ε can be derived on the basis of numerical analysis of
field tests. Castelli and Maugeri (2002) derived values of 0.30 and 0.15 respectively for β
and ε based on analysis of field test piles and pile groups in soils. For drilled shafts in
rock, similar values of β and ε can be obtained from field tests of shafts and shaft groups.
In the design of drilled shafts subjected to lateral forces, two criteria must be satisfied:
first, an adequate factor of safety against ultimate failure, second, an acceptable
deflection at working loads. This chapter discusses the prediction of ultimate load of
drilled shafts and drilled shaft groups. The calculation of lateral deflection will be
discussed in Chapter 9.
As the axial load capacity, the lateral load capacity of a drilled shaft in rock is
determined by the smaller of the two values: the structural strength of the shaft itself, and
the ability of the rock to support the loads transferred by the shaft.
The structural capacity of a drilled shaft under lateral loading is controlled by the bending
capacity and the shear capacity. The bending capacity is usually checked by considering
the interaction between axial load and bending moment. Figure 8.1 shows the normalized
axial load-moment intersection diagrams for fy=10f′c and fy=15f′c, where fy is the yield
strength of the longitudinal reinforcing steel and f′c is the specified minimum concrete
strength. The factored axial load ΣγiQi is normalized by dividing by the factored nominal
axial capacity , where γi is the load factor for axial load i, Qi is the nominal value
of axial load i, and is the resistance factor for the nominal (computed) structural axial
load capacity Qu. The factored moment ΣγmMm is similarly normalized by dividing by the
factored nominal moment capacity , where γm is the load factor for moment m, Mm
is the nominal value of moment m, and is the resistance factor for the nominal
(computed) structural moment capacity Mu. The factored axial capacity is estimated from
Equation (6.1). Normalized axial load-moment interaction diagrams may be developed
for any fy/f′c ratios and cage diameters other than 0.6B.
With the axial load-moment interaction diagrams available, the structural capacity can
be checked as follows:
1. Estimate the combined axial load ΣγiQi.
2. Compute the factored nominal axial capacity from Equation (6.1).
Drilled shafts in rock 286
where is the capacity reduction (resistance) factor for shear=0.85; Vu is the nominal
(computed) shear resistance; νc is the limiting concrete shear stress; and Av is the area of
the shaft cross section that is effective in resisting shear, which can be taken as
B(0.5B+0.5756rls) for a circular drilled shaft, where r1s is the radius of the ring formed by
the centroids of the longitudinal reinforcing steels. The limiting concrete shear stress νc
can be evaluated from:
Drilled shafts in rock 288
The ultimate lateral force that may be applied can be obtained from the horizontal
equilibrium as:
For L<3B
For L>3B
where τmax is the shearing resistance along the sides of the shaft, which is assumed to be
the same as the maximum side resistance under axial loading; pL is the limit stress
reached during the expansion of a long cylindrical cavity. Closed-form solutions have
been found for the limit stresses developed during the expansion of a long cylindrical
cavity in an elasto-plastic, cohesive-frictional, dilatant material (Carter et al., 1986). This
limit stress pL can be determined from the following parametric equation in the
nondimensional quantity ρ (Carter et al., 1986):
Drilled shafts in rock 290
in which
and σhi is the initial in situ horizontal stress; Gm is the elastic shear modulus; νm is the
Poisson’s ratio; cm is the cohesion intercept; φm is the friction angle; and ψm is the dilation
angle, all of the rock mass. The rock mass is assumed to obey the Coulomb failure
criterion, and dilatancy accompanies yielding according to the following flow rule
in which dε1p and dε3p are the major and minor principal plastic strain increments,
respectively. For convenience, solutions for the limit pressures pL have been plotted in
Figure 8.3 for selected values of νm, φm, ψm. The central vertical axis on each plot
Lateral load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 291
indicates the ratio of the plastic radius at the limit condition R to the cavity radius a.
These charts may be used by entering with a value of Gm/(σhi+cmcotφm) and working
clockwise around the figure, determining in turn values of R/a, then
ρL=(pL+cmcotφm)/(σR+ cmcotφm), and thus, determining the limit pressure pL.
Drilled shafts in rock 292
where γ′ is the effective unit weight of the rock mass; z is the depth from the rock mass
surface; and mb, s and a are rock mass parameters as described in Chapter 4.
With the distribution of pult along the depth determined, the ultimate lateral load that
may be applied can be approximated by (see Fig. 8.5)
Lateral load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 295
Example 8.1
A drilled shaft of diameter 1.0 m is to be installed 3.0 meters in siltstone. The rock
properties are as follows:
Unconfined compresive strength of intact rock, σc=15.0 Mpa
From Table 4.5, mi=9 for siltstone.
Drilled shafts in rock 296
Using Equation (6.8) and choosing Ψ=1.0 (lower bound), the side shear resistance can
be obtained as
Assuming that the effective unit weight of the rock mass is 13.0 kN/m3, the limit
normal stress pL can be obtained from Equation (8.17) as follows
Using Equation (8.18), the ultimate lateral load capacity can be obtained as
It need be noted that the ultimate lateral load capacity obtained above does not
consider the moment equilibrium of the shaft. The structural strength of the shaft should
also be checked when using the ultimate lateral load capacity obtained above in design.
The ultimate lateral load capacity of a drilled shaft group can be calculated in a similar
way to calculating the axial load capacity of a drilled shaft group, i.e.
where HultG is the ultimate lateral load of a drilled shaft group; N is the number of drilled
shafts in the group; Hult is the ultimate lateral load of a single isolated drilled shaft; and α
is the group efficiency factor. Table 8.2 lists the values of α recommended by the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO, 1989).
Lateral load capacity of drilled shafts in rock 297
Equation (8.19) applies when the head boundary conditions of the single shaft and the
shaft group are the same. If the head boundary conditions of the single shaft and the shaft
group are different (e.g., the single shaft has a free-head boundary condition while the
shaft group has a flxed-head boundary condition because of the cap), a modification
factor should be added to Equation (8.19) to account for the difference in head boundary
conditions (Frechette et al., 2002):
where R is the modification factor to account for the difference in head boundary
conditions. For the case of a single shaft at a free-head boundary condition and a shaft
group at a fixed-head boundary condition, Frechette et al. (2001) recommended a R value
of 2.2 based on five case studies while Matlock and Foo (1976) recommended a R value
of 2.0 based on a single case study (Frechette et al., 2002).
If the drilled shafts are closely spaced, the drilled shaft group can be represented by a
group block and its ultimate load can be calculated using the methods described in
Section 8.3 by treating the group block as a big single shaft.
In Sections 8.3 and 8.4, the rock mass is treated as a continuum. Since most rocks contain
discontinuities, drilled shafts may fail due to the sliding of the rock blocks or wedges
along discontinuities (see Fig. 8.7). In such cases, the lateral resistance is only provided
by the shear resistance along the discontinuities and the weight of wedge bounded by the
shaft and the discontinuities. Obviously, the rock mass need be treated as a discontinuous
medium in order to obtain the lateral resistance provided by the wedges.
Table 8.2 Group efficiency factor a recommended
by AASHTO (1989).
Center-to-Center Shaft Spacing in Group Efficiency Factor
Direction of Loading α
3B 0.25
4B 0.40
6B 0.70
8B 1.00
Drilled shafts in rock 298
For drilled shafts in rock to resist lateral loads, the design criterion in the majority of
cases is not the ultimate lateral capacity of the shafts, but the maximum deflection of the
shafts. Predicting the deformation of laterally loaded drilled shafts is, therefore, the most
important aspect in designing drilled shafts to withstand lateral loads.
To date, it has been customary practice to adopt the techniques developed for laterally
loaded piles in soil (Poulos, 1971a, b, 1972; Banerjee & Davies, 1978; Randolph, 1981)
to solve the problem of drilled shafts in rock under lateral loading (Amir, 1986; Gabr,
1993; Wyllie, 1999). However, the solutions for laterally loaded piles in soil do not cover
all cases for laterally loaded drilled shafts in rock in practice (Carter & Kulhawy, 1992).
Carter & Kulhawy (1992), therefore, developed a method for predicting the deformation
of laterally loaded drilled shafts in rock. This method treats the rock mass as an elastic
continuum and has been found to give reasonable results of predicted deflections only at
low load levels (20–30% capacity). At higher load levels, the predicted displacements are
too small (DiGioia & Rojas-Gonzalez, 1993). Reese (1997) developed a p-y curve
method for analyzing drilled shafts in rock under lateral loading. The major advantage of
the p-y curve approach lies in its ability to simulate the nonlinearity and nonhomogeneity
of the rock mass surrounding the drilled shaft. However, since it represents the rock mass
as a series of springs acting along the length of the shaft, the p-y curve approach ignores
the interaction between different parts of the rock mass. Also, the p-y curve approach
uses empirically derived spring constants that are not measurable material properties.
Advances in computer technology have made it possible to analyze laterally loaded piles
using three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) models. p-y curves (Hoit et al., 1997) or
sophisticated constitutive relations (Wakai et al., 1999) are usually used to represent the
soil or rock behavior in the 3D FE analyses. However, p-y curves have the limitations as
described above. As for sophisticated soil or rock constitutive relations, it is often
difficult if not impossible in design practice to obtain the parameters in the constitutive
Zhang et al. (2000) developed a nonlinear continuum method for analyzing laterally
loaded drilled shafts in rock. The method can consider drilled shafts in a continuum
consisting of a soil layer overlying a rock mass layer. The deformation modulus of the
soil is assumed to vary linearly with depth while the deformation modulus of the rock
mass is assumed to vary linearly with depth and then stay constant below the shaft tip.
The effect of soil and/or rock mass yielding on the behavior of shafts is considered by
assuming that the soil and/or rock mass behaves linearly elastically at small strain levels
and yields when the soil and/or rock mass reaction force exceeds the ultimate resistance.
Drilled shafts in rock 300
Treating the rock as a series of springs along the length of the shaft (see Fig. 9.1), the
behavior of the shaft under lateral load can be obtained by solving the following
differential equation (Reese, 1997)
where Q is the axial load on the shaft; y is the lateral deflection of the shaft at a point z
along the length of the shaft; p is the lateral reaction of the rock; EpIp is the flexural
rigidity of the shaft; and W is the distributed horizontal load along the length of the shaft.
Equation (9.1) is the standard beam-column equation where the values of EpIp may
change along the length of the shaft and may also be a function of the bending moment.
The equation (a) allows a distributed load to be placed along the upper portion of a shaft;
(b) can be used to investigate the axial load at which a shaft will buckle; and (c) can deal
with a layered profile of soil or rock (Reese, 1997).
Computer programs, such as COM624P and LPILE, are available to solve equation
(9.1) efficiently. COM624P (version 2.0 and higher) and LPILEPLUS can also consider the
variation of EpIp with the bending moment (see O’Neill & Reese, 1999 for the detailed
procedure). To solve Equation (9.1), boundary conditions at the top and bottom of the
shaft also need be considered. For example, the applied shear and moment at the shaft
head can be specified, and the shear and moment at the base of the shaft can be taken to
be zero if the shaft is long. For short shafts, a base boundary condition can be specified
that allows for the imposition of a shear reaction on the base as a function of lateral base
deflection. Full or partial head restraint can also be specified. Other formula that are used
in the analysis are
where V, M and S are respectively the transverse shear, bending moment and deflection
slope of the drilled shaft.
The major difference between various methods lies in the determination of the
variation of p with y or the p-y curve, which are described below.
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 301
where kh is the coefficient of subgrade reaction, in the unit of force/length3; and B is the
width or diameter of the shaft. Substituting Equation (9.5) into Equation (9.1) and
neglecting the influence of Q and W, the governing equation for the deflection of a
laterally loaded shaft with constant EpIp can be simplified as
Solutions to the above equation may be obtained analytically as well as numerically with
a computer program.
The analysis of the load-displacement behavior of a drilled shaft also requires
knowledge of the variation of kh along the shaft. A number of distributions of kh along the
Drilled shafts in rock 302
depth have been employed by different investigators, which can be described by the
following general expression proposed by Bowles (1996):
where Ah, Bh and n are empirical constants which can be determined for a particular site
by working backward from the results of lateral shaft load tests.
If the rock is considered homogeneous with a constant kh down the length of the
drilled shaft, the deflection u (both y and u are used to denote lateral deflection in this
book) and rotation θ at the ground level due to applied load H and moment M can be
calculated by
It should be noted that Equation (9.8) is applicable only to flexible shafts, i.e., shafts
longer than their critical length defined by Equation (9.9). For non-flexible shafts,
solutions in closed-form expressions or in the form of charts are also available
(Tomlinson, 1977; Reese & Van Impe, 2001).
where k, m, and n are experimentally determined coefficients. Equation (9.10) can also be
used for rock if the corresponding coefficients k, m, and n can be determined.
Since Matlock (1970) developed a method for deriving the variation of p with y, or the
p-y curves, for soft clay, based on field test results, a number of methods for deriving p-y
curves for different soils have been developed. Some of them are listed below (for details,
the reader can refer to the listed references):
1.API RP2A (1982) or Reese et al. (1974) method for sand.
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 303
where B is the diameter of the shaft; zm is the depth below the rock surface; σc is the
unconfined compressive strength of the intact rock; and αm is the strength reduction factor
considering that fracturing will occur at the surface of the rock under small deflections
and thus reducing the resistance of the rock.
where Em is the modulus of the rock (mass); and kmi is a dimensionless constant which
can be determined by
kmi=500 zm≥3B
Equation (9.13) is developed from experimental data and reflect the assumption that the
presence of the rock surface has a similar effect on kmi, as was shown for the ultimate
resistance pult.
in which ym=kmB, where km is a constant, ranging from 0.0005 to 0.00005, that serves to
establish overall stiffness of curves. The value of yA is found by solving the intersection
of Equations (9.14a) and (9.14b), and is shown by
(d) Comments
The equations described above for constructing the p-y curves for rock are based on
limited data and should be used with caution. An adequate factor of safety should be
employed in all cases; preferably, field tests should be undertaken on full-sized shafts
with appropriate instrumentation. If the rock contains joints that are filled with weak soil,
the selection of strength and stiffness must be site-specific and will require a
comprehensive geotechnical investigation. In those cases, the application of the method
presented in this section should proceed with even more caution than normal (Reese,
Cho et al. (2001) conducted lateral load tests on two drilled shafts embedded in
weathered Piedmont rock. These shafts were instrumented with inclinometers and strain
gauges. The field data obtained from the instrumented shafts were used to backcalculate
the p-y curves. A comparison of the back-calculated p-y curves with the p-y curves
predicted using the method of Reese (1997) shows that the method of Reese (1997)
significantly overestimates the resistance of the weathered rock.
Drilled shafts in rock 306
The continuum approach assumes the soil and rock to be a continuum. Numerical
solutions were developed by assuming that the soil and rock are ideally elastic, first with
the boundary element method (Poulos, 1971a, b, 1972; Banerjee & Davies, 1978) and
second with the finite element method (Randolph, 1981). Most of these elastic solutions
were presented in the form of charts. Randolph (1981) published approximate but
convenient closed-form expressions for the response of flexible piles to lateral loading.
Considering the fact that the closed-form expressions of Randolph (1981) for the lateral
response of flexible piles in soils may not cover the ranges of material and geometric
parameters encountered in drilled shafts in rock, Carter and Kulhawy (1992) expanded
the solutions by Randolph (1981). The solutions of Carter and Kulhawy (1992) give a
reasonable agreement between measured and predicted displacements for drilled shafts in
rock at low load levels (20–30% capacity). At higher load levels, however, the predicted
displacements are too small (DiGioia & Rojas-Gonzalez, 1993). Zhang et al. (2000)
developed a nonlinear continuum approach for the analysis of laterally loaded drilled
shafts in rock. The approach can consider the effect of soil and/or rock mass yielding on
the behavior of shafts.
(a) Approach of Poulos (1971a, b, 1972) and Poulos and Davis (1980)
By modeling the soil as an elastic continuum and idealizing the pile as an infinitely thin
strip of the same width and bending rigidity as the prototype pile, Poulos (1971a, b, 1972)
and Poulos and Davis (1980) obtained the solutions for laterally loaded piles using the
boundary element method. The solutions are presented in the form of charts and can be
used to predict the deflection of drilled shafts in rock.
For a free head drilled shaft, the lateral deflection u and rotation θ under lateral force
H and overturning moment M at ground surface are given by
where L is the length of the shaft; EmL is the deformation modulus of the rock mass at the
level of shaft tip; and IuH, IuM, IθH and IθM (note that IuM=IθH) are deflection and rotation
influence factors which are a function of the drilled shaft flexibility factor KR and the
rock mass non-homogeneity η:
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 307
where Em0 is the deformation modulus of the rock mass at the ground surface. A
homogeneous rock mass is represented by η=1, whereas η=0 represents a rock mass with
zero modulus at the surface. The deflection and rotation influence factors are plotted in
Figures 9.3 to 9.5 for values of η of 0 and 1. If the shaft is partially embedded, the
deflection of the free-standing portion due to shaft rotation and bending can be added to
the groundline deflection to obtain the deflection at the shaft head.
If the drilled shaft is fixed-headed, the horizontal deflection can be obtained by putting
θ =0 in Equation (9.16b) and substituting for the obtained moment in Equation (9.16a), as
Drilled shafts in rock 310
in which B and EpIp are respectively the diameter and flexural rigidity of the shaft; and
G* is the equivalent shear modulus of the rock mass
in which Gm and νm are respectively the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the rock
The shaft response can then be obtained by the closed-form expressions suggested by
Randolph (1981), i.e.,
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 311
The shaft response can then be obtained by the following closed-form expressions
(3) The shaft can be described as having intermediate stiffness whenever the slenderness
ratio is bounded approximately as follows
Drilled shafts in rock 312
The finite element results show that the displacements for an intermediate
case exceed the maximum of the predictions for corresponding rigid and
flexible shafts by no more than about 25%, and often by much less. For
simplicity, it is suggested that the shaft displacement in the intermediate
case be taken as 1.25 times the maximum of either: (a) The predicted
response of a rigid shaft with the same slenderness ratio L/B as the actual
shaft; or (b) the predicted response of a flexible shaft with the same
modulus ratio (Ee/G*) as the actual shaft. Values calculated in this way
should, in most cases, be slightly larger than those given by the more
rigorous finite element analysis for a shaft of intennediate stiffness.
If there exists a layer of soil overlying rock as shown in Figure 9.6(b), Carter and
Kulhawy (1992) assume that the complete distribution of soil reaction on the shaft is
known and that the socket provides the majority of resistance to the lateral load or
moment. The groundline horizontal displacement u and rotation θ can then be determined
after structural decomposition of the shaft and its loading, as shown in Figure 9.7. To
determine the distribution of the soil reaction, they simply assume that the limiting
condition is reached at all points along the shaft, from the ground surface to the interface
with the underlying rock mass, and then use the reaction distribution suggested by Broms
(1964a, b).
For shafts through cohesive soils (Fig. 9.8), the lateral displacement uAO and rotation
θAO of point A relative to point O are given by
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 313
where Ls is the thickness of the soil layer; and su is the undrained shear strength of the
soil. The shear force Ho and bending moment Mo at point O are determined by
MO=M−4.5su(Ls−1.5B) B+HLs
The contribution to the groundline displacement from the loading transmitted to the rock
mass can then be computed by analyzing a fully rock-socketed shaft of embedded length
L, subject to horizontal force HO and moment MO applied at the level of the rock mass.
For shafts through cohesionless soils (Fig. 9.9), the lateral displacement uAO and
rotation θAO of point A relative to point O are given by
Drilled shafts in rock 314
where γ′ is the effective unit weight of the soil; and Kp is the Rankine passive earth
pressure coefficient. The shear force HO and bending moment MO at point O are
determined by
Example 9.1
A drilled shaft of diameter 1.0 m is to be installed 3.0 meters in siltstone. The rock
properties are as follows:
Unconfined compressive strength of intact rock, σc=15.0 Mpa
Deformation modulus of intact rock Er=10.6 GPa
Determine the lateral displacement and rotation of the drilled shaft at the groundline
by a horizontal force of 2.6 MN at 2.5 m above the groundline.
Drilled shafts in rock 316
For simplicity, the Young’s modulus of the drilled shaft is simply assumed to be
Ep=30 GPa. A Poisson’s ratio of 0.25 is selected for both the drilled shaft and the rock.
The flexural rigidity of the shaft is
Using Equation (9.22), the equivalent shear modulus of the rock mass is
G*=1.26×(1+3×0.25/4)=1.50 Gpa
the shaft is considered flexible and the lateral displacement and rotation of the drilled
shaft at the groundline can be obtained from Equation (9.23) as
where uelastic and θelastic are respectively deflection and rotation from elastic solutions as
described in the previous section; and Fu, Fθ, F′u, and Fθ are yield deflection and rotation
factors which can be found from Poulos and Davis (1980). The yield factors are functions
of a dimensionless load level H/Hu, where Hu is the ultimate lateral load capacity of the
equivalent rigid shaft and can be estimated using the methods presented in Chapter 8.
Zhang et al. (2000) developed a nonlinear continuum approach for the analysis of
laterally loaded drilled shafts in rock. This approach adopts and extends the basic idea of
Sun’s (1994) work on laterally loaded piles in soil. Sun’s model treats soil as a
homogeneous elastic continuum with a constant Young’s modulus, which may apply to
stiff clay, and it does not consider yielding of the soil. In the nonlinear approach
developed by Zhang et al. (2000), drilled shafts in a soil and rock mass continuum (see
Fig. 9.10) are considered, and the effect of soil and/or rock mass yielding on the behavior
of shafts is included. For simplicity, the shaft is assumed to be elastic, while the soil/rock
mass can be either elastic or elasto-plastic. It is, nevertheless, possible to also check
whether the shaft concrete will yield or not using standard concrete design methods, as
will be briefly mentioned later.
are introduced. The increase of the deformation moduli of the soil and the rock mass with
depth, z, can then be expressed, respectively, by
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 319
Em=Em2 (z>Ls+L)
By adopting the basic idea of Sun (1994), the displacements usm, νsm and usm of the soil
and/or rock mass can be approximated by separable functions of the cylindrical
coordinates r, θ and z as
us−um=0 (z=Ls)
Drilled shafts in rock 320
where us and um are the displacement components u of the shaft in the soil and in the rock
mass, respectively; and ts, ks and tm, km are parameters that can be expressed as
where m1 and m2 are parameters describing the behavior of the elastic foundations, which
can be obtained by
The solution to Equation (9.41) that satisfies the unit condition at and
the finite condition at can be obtained and the parameters m1
and m2 can then be expressed as (Sun, 1994)
where K0( ) is the modified Bessel function of the second kind of zero order; and K1( ) is
the modified Bessel function of the second kind of first-order.
The shear force V(z) acting on the shaft (see Fig. 9.10) can be obtained by
and the bending moment M(z) acting on the shaft (see Fig. 9.10) can be obtained by
Drilled shafts in rock 322
The governing differential equations and the shear force V(z) and bending moment M(z)
are solved using the classical finite difference method as described below. At this point it
is also possible to check if the shaft concrete yields (recall that the basic assumption is
non-yielding concrete). This can be done using the calculated shear force and moment
together with the axial force on the shaft and using standard concrete design methods.
in which hs=Ls/Ns.
Similarly, by dividing the shaft in the rock mass into Nm equal segments (see Fig.
9.11), the following equation is obtained for an interior nodey j(j=0, 1, 2,…, Nm):
in which hm=L/Nm.
Equations (9.46) and (9.48) can be written recursively for each point i=0, 1, 2,…, Ns
and j=0, 1, 2,…, Nm(see Fig. 9.11), resulting in a set of simultaneous equations in u. To
solve the set of equations the boundary conditions must be introduced. By incorporating
the boundaiy conditions expressed by Equation (9.38), the following finite difference
equations can be obtained:
at z=0
Drilled shafts in rock 324
−us(−1)−us(1)=0 (fixed-head)
at z=Ls
at z=Ls+L
The set of equations [Equations (9.46) and (9.48)] is modified by introducing the
boundary conditions given in Equation (9.50). The resulting equations are solved
simultaneously for u by using the Gaussian elimination procedure.
After the shaft displacement u is obtained, the shear force V acting on the shaft can be
obtained from Equation (9.44) as:
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 325
The bending moment M acting on the shaft can be obtained from Equation (9.45) as:
With the shear force V(z) obtained from Equation (9.51), the lateral reaction force p(z)
(F/L) of the soil and rock mass acting on the shaft can be estimated by (see Fig. 9.11)
Iteration procedure
To solve for u, parameters ts, ks and tm, km should be known [see Equations (9.46) to
(9.50)]. As can be seen from Equations (9.39) and (9.43), the parameter γ is needed to get
ts, ks and tm, km. Note that γ defined by Equation (9.42) depends on u. Since we do not
know the value of γ a priori, an iterative procedure is required to obtain it (Sun, 1994).
The procedure consists of the following steps:
1. Assume γ=1.0
2. Calculate m1 and m2 from Equation (9.43)
3. Calculate ts, ks and tm, km from Equation (9.39)
4.Calculate the pile displacement u(z) along the shaft by solving Equations (9.46), (9.48)
and (9.50)
5. Calculate the new value of γ using Equation (9.42)
6. Use the new value of γ and repeat steps 2–5. The iteration is continued until the ith and
(i+1)th γ meet following criterion:
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 327
4. Repeat steps 2–3. The iteration is continued until no further yielding of soil or rock
mass occurs.
5. Obtain the final results by considering the two parts of the shaft separately. The part in
the yielded soil and/or rock mass is analyzed as a beam with the distributed load pult
acting on it. The part in the unyielded soil and/or rock mass is analyzed as a shaft with
the soil and/or rock mass behaving elastically.
A computer program has been written to execute the above iteration procedure including
the process of elastic analysis.
where B is the diameter of the shaft; su is the undrained shear strength of soil; and Np is
the bearing capacity factor. A number of expressions for estimating Np are available in
the literature (Hansen, 1961; Broms, 1964a; Matlock, 1970; Reese & Welch, 1975;
Stevens & Audibert, 1979; Randolph & Houlsby, 1984). Zhang et al. (2000)
recommended the following expression for Np, which was proposed by Matlock (1970)
and Reese and Welch (1975) and are most widely employed in engineering practice:
where γ′ is the average effective unit weight of soil above depth z; and J is a coefficient
ranging from 0.25 to 0.5.
For sand, several methods are available in the literature for estimating pult (Broms,
1964b; Reese et al., 1974; Borgard & Matlock, 1980; Fleming et al., 1992). These
methods often produce significantly different values of pult (Zhang et al., 2002). By
analyzing the lateral soil resistance distribution along the width of piles and based on the
test results of model rigid piles in sand collected from the published literature, Zhang et
al. (2002) developed the following expression for calculating pult
where B is the diameter of the shaft; pmax is the maximum normal resistance against the
shaft; τmax is the maximum shear resistance against the shaft; and η and β are the shape
factors to account for the non-uniform distribution of the normal resistance and the shear
Drilled shafts in rock 328
resistance along the width of piles. According to Briaud et al. (1983), η and β can be
respectively taken as 0.8 and 1.0 for round piles. pmax and τmax are calculated by (Zhang et
al., 2002)
The nondimensional displacement uR2m*/H of the shaft head is shown in Figure 9.14, as
a function of parameter Ep/m*R, where
Drilled shafts in rock 330
constructed next to each other and were subjected to identical lateral loads. At the sandy
shale test site, the average unconfined compressive strength σc of the sandy shale is 3.26
MPa (34 TSF) and the average RQD is 55% (Frantzen & Stratten, 1987). To predict the
load-deflection response of the shaft, the deformation modulus Em and the ultimate
resistance pult of the rock mass have to be determined first. Since Em is not given in the
original report, the average deflection of the two shafts at the first recorded load 26.7 kN
[see Fig. 9.15(a)] is used to back-calculate the value of Em, assuming that the shafts
behave elastically at and below this load level. The back-calculated value of Em is 123
MPa. Next the ultimate resistance pult need be calculated. For sandy shale, the material
constant mi can be obtained from Table 4.5 as mi=12. Since GSI is not given in the
original report, it is approximately evaluated using the available information. Using
Bieniawski’s 1989 Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system, GSI can be evaluated by
To evaluate RMR, we have to know the unconfined compressive strength, RQD, the
spacing of discontinuities, the condition of discontinuities, the ground water conditions,
and the discontinuity orientations (see Table 9.1). When evaluating RMR in Equation
(2.8), a value of 15 is assigned to the groundwater rating and the adjustment for the
discontinuity orientation value is set to zero. Since we lack the information about the
spacing and condition of discontinuities for evaluating RMR, we assume the “average”
condition for both the spacing and condition of discontinuities. With this assumption,
RMR and thus GSI can be evaluated as shown in Table 9.1. Using the obtained GSI=
54>25, the material constants mb, s and a can be obtained from Equation (4.69),
respectively, as mb=2.321, s=0.00603 and a=0.5. Assuming that the effective unit weight
of the rock mass is 23 kN/m3, the ultimate resistance pult can be obtained, using the
method in Section 8.3.2, as shown in Figure 9.16(a). Using the deformation modulus and
ultimate resistance of the rock mass estimated above, the shaft head deflection at different
load levels can then be predicted. The comparison of the shaft head deflection obtained
from the field experiment and from the proposed method is shown in Figure 9.15(a). It
can be seen that the predicted deflections are in a reasonable agreement with those
measured. From the relative magnitudes of the predicted and measured deflections at
high load levels, we can clearly see that the shaft surface condition is between smooth
and rough.
Drilled shafts in rock 332
At the sandstone test site, the average unconfined compressive strength of the sandstone
is 5.75 MPa (60 TSF) and it has an average RQD of 45% (Frantzen & Stratten, 1987).
Using the average deflection of the two shafts at load 26.7 kN [see Fig. 9.15(b)], the
value of Em can be back-calculated as Em=170 MPa. GSI is evaluated as shown in Table
9.1. For sandstone, the material constant mi can be obtained from Table 4.5 as mi=19.
Using GSI=50>25, the material constants mb, s and a can then be obtained as mb=3.186,
s=0.00387 and a=0.5. Assuming again that the effective unit weight of the rock mass is
23 kN/m3, the ultimate resistance pult can be obtained as shown in Figure 9.16(b). The
shaft head deflection at different load levels is predicted as shown in Figure 9.15(b). It
can be seen that the predicted deflections are in a reasonable agreement with those
measured, the predicted results for rough socket conditions being closer to the measured
values than those for smooth socket conditions.
The predicted results (Fig. 9.15) show that the socket condition at the sandy shale test
site is somewhere in the middle between the smooth and rough conditions while the
socket condition at the sandstone test site is closer to the rough condition. This is as
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 335
expected because, for the same construction method, the socket in sandy shale should be
smoother than that in sandstone.
Example 9.2
In this example, the method of Zhang et al. (2000) is used to calculate the lateral
displacement of drilled shaft foundations of a planned cable stayed bridge. The geologic
profile is shown in Figure 9.17. The rock is a light brownish-gray to chocolate weathered
and unweathered, fine grained, plagioclase-quartz-biotite granofels and phyllite and it
includes thin beds of quartzite and fine grained schist. Since the geological conditions at
the east pier site are worse than those at the west pier site (see Fig. 9.17), only the east
shaft will be considered.
Due to the magnitude of the expected loads, the drilled shafts are proposed to be
socketed into the unweathered rock. Considering the influence of scour, the overburden
soil layer is ignored in the design and the shaft is assumed to be in a two-layer (weathered
and unweathered) rock mass system. The design parameters are summarized as follows:
1) diameter B and socket length L of the shaft: According to the construction methods
and the axial load design, B=3.0 m and L=4.0 m were selected
2) deformation properties of the shaft: Ep=30 GPa and νp=0.25
3) applied lateral load (i.e., the working load) H and M: The designers used many
different load combinations. For the most critical longitudinal loads acting in the East-
West direction, H=1.38 MN and M=51.1 MNm
4) Properties of the rock mass: RQD, σc, and Er of the weathered rock and the
unweathered rock are respectively as follows:
Weathered rock:
RQD=0 to 27 with an average=7, σc=6.9 MPa and Er=3.1 GPa.
Unweathered rock:
RQD=40 to 93 with an average=76, σc=67.6 MPa and Er=20.7
The effective unit weight γ′ of both the weathered and unweathered rock masses
is assumed to be 13 kN/m3.
Using the Em/Er—RQD relationship presented in Chapter 4, Em of the weathered and
unweathered rock masses can be obtained respectively as follows:
Weathered rock mass:
αE=0.0231(RQD)−1.32 (needs to be≥0.15)
Em=αEEr=0.15×3.1=0.46 GPa
The ultimate resistance pult is obtained, using the method in Section 8.3.2, as shown in
Figure 9.18.
The load-displacement and load-rotation relations of the shaft head, for both smooth
and rough shaft surface conditions, can be obtained as shown respectively in Figures 9.19
and 9.20. It is noted that at the working load H=1.38 MN and M=51.1 MNm, the shaft-
rock mass system yields slightly for the smooth shaft surface condition and acts
elastically for the rough shaft surface condition. The displacement and rotation of the
shaft head at the working load H=1.38 MN and M= 51.1 MNm are as follows:
For the smooth shaft surface condition:
u=3.703×10−3m, θ=1.713×10−3 rad
The obtained displacement and rotation can then be checked against the allowable
design values.
Randolph (1981) and Carter and Kulhawy (1992) used the finite element method (FEM)
to generate the parametric solutions for the load-displacement relations of laterally loaded
piles/shafts and, based on these solutions, they developed the closed-form expressions as
described in Section 9.3.1. The finite element method can also be used for analysis of
important structures and for study of the effect of important factors on the performance of
drilled shafts. Zhang (1999) used the finite element code ABAQUS (1998) to study the
effect of anisotropy of jointed rock mass on the deformation behavior of laterally loaded
drilled shafts in rock.
Drilled shafts in rock 340
The discrete element method (DEM) is widely used in studying problems related to
fractured rock masses. Alfonsi et al. (1998) used the UDEC (Universal Distinct Element
Code) software to analyze drilled shafts in fractured rock masses. UDEC is a 2D discrete
element program specially designed to solve the discontinuous problem in which the
mechanical behavior of discontinuities can be directly simulated (Cundall, 1980).
Figure 9.21 shows the drilled shaft in a horizontal rock mass studied by Alfonsi et al.
(1998). There are two sets of discontinuities in the rock mass. The first set is vertical and
the second set has a dip angle of α (α=0° in Fig. 9.21). The intact rock elements are
assumed elastic with deformation modulus Er=10 GPa and Poisson’s ratio νr=0.25. The
discontinuities are assumed elasto-plastic with cj=0 kPa and . Assuming a
constant axial load of Q=2.5 MN, Alfonsi et al. (1998) obtained the lateral load-
displacement curves for three different values of α as shown in Figure 9.22. It can be seen
that α=0 (the second set of discontinuities are horizontal) provides much higher lateral
failure load than a =10° or 20° (the second set of discontinuities are inclined). This is
because the rock mass cannot fail by sliding along the discontinuities when α=0 (see Fig.
Alfonsi et al. (1998) also analyzed drilled shafts in fractured rock slopes containing
two sets of discontinuities: the first set of discontinuities are persistent and have a dip
angle a, and the second set of discontinuities are non-persistent and perpendicular to the
first set. Keeping a constant axial load of Q=55 MN and increasing the lateral load H,
Alfonsi et al. (1998) obtained the failure modes for three different discontinuity
orientations (expressed by α) as shown in Figure 9.24. When the persistent discontinuity
set dips down with α= 60° [see Fig. 9.24(a)], no clear rupture line is formed and the
maximum lateral load obtained is 4.5 MN. When the persistent discontinuity set is
horizontal (α=0°) [see Fig. 9.24(b)], sliding occurs along the persistent discontinuities
and the maximum lateral load obtained is only 3.5 MN. When the persistent discontinuity
set dips up with α=30° [see Fig. 9.24(c)], a stair-shape rupture line is formed and the
maximum lateral load obtained is very high, i.e., 18.5 MN.
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 341
It should be noted that the results shown in Figures 9.22 to 9.24 are from the 2D analyses.
The actual 3D performance of drilled shafts in fractured rock masses will be affected by
the third discontinuity set (Alfonsi et al., 1998, 1999). As shown in Figure 9.25, the rock
mass volume moved depends on the pattern of the third discontinuity set.
Numerous methods exist for analyzing laterally loaded pile groups in soil, some of which
can be applied to drilled shaft groups in rock and are briefly described in the following.
where uG is the horizontal deflection of the pile group; uav is the horizontal deflection of a
single pile at the average load level of a pile in the pile group; and Ru is the group
deflection ratio for a pinned-head pile group.
For fixed-head piles, the group deflection is
where uav is as above; and RF is the group deflection ratio for a fixed-head pile group.
For piles which are rigidly attached to the pile cap, but the pile cap can rotate, the
response of the pile group is dependent on both the lateral and axial characteristics of the
piles. However, for such groups, the lateral group deflection is found to be only slightly
greater than that for a fixed-head group, so that, for practical purposes, Equation (9.65)
may be used.
The values of Ru and RF for different soil profiles can be found in Poulos (1979) for a
variety of group configurations, pile spacings and relative stiffnesses. These values may
be used with the single shaft deflection computed in Section 9.3 to estimate the deflection
of a drilled shaft group in rock. However, since the values of Ru and RF are obtained
specifically for piles in soil, they can only be used in the very preliminary design. For the
final design of major projects, it is desirable, when feasible, to conduct lateral load tests
on groups of two or more drilled shafts in rock in order to confirm the Ru and RF values of
Poulos (1979) or to derive new, site-specific values.
Lateral deformation of drilled shafts in rock 345
where ρ is the p-multiplier. This factor reflects a dominant physical situation that
develops within a laterally loaded group of drilled shafts: The shafts in the leading row
push into the rock in front of the group. The rock reacting against any drilled shaft in this
“front row” is relatively unaffected by the presence of other drilled shafts in the group
and only a minor adjustment needs to be made to the p-y curves. However, the shafts in
the rows that “trail” the front row obtain resistance from rock that is pushed by the shafts
into the voids left by the forward movement of the shafts in front of them. This
phenomenon causes the value of rock resistance p on a p-y curve to be reduced at any
given value of lateral deflection y
Therefore, it is desirable, when feasible, to conduct lateral load tests on groups of two or
more drilled shafts in rock for major projects in order to confirm the p-multipliers in
Table 9.2 or to derive new, site-specific values.
Table 9.2 Common p-multiplier recommendations
at 3 diameter center-to-center spacing.
Recommendation FHWA (1996b) Rollins et al. (1998)
Lead row 0.8 0.6
2nd row 0.4 0.4
3rd row 0.3 0.4
Software that uses p-y curves to analyze laterally loaded drilled shafts allow the user to
input values of the p-multiplier, based on the recommendations in Table 9.2 or based on
other information, such as site-specific load tests. When using a single-shaft computer
code to analyze a group of identical, vertical, laterally loaded drilled shafts subjected to a
shear load at the elevation of the shaft heads and a concentric axial load, it is advisable to
use the lateral displacement rather than the lateral load (applied shear at the shaft head) as
a head boundary condition (O’Neill & Reese, 1999). The head restraint condition (free,
fixed or intermediate restraint) is used as the other head boundary condition, depending
upon how the shaft is connected to the cap. A typical front row shaft is analyzed using the
p-multiplier for the front row. This analysis gives the head shear, moment and rotation, as
well as the deflected shape of the shaft and the shear and moment distribution along the
shaft for the front-row shafts. This analysis is repeated for a typical drilled shaft on a
trailing (back) row applying the same value of head deflection and using the value of p-
multiplier for shafts on back rows to modify the p-y curves. Similar output is obtained.
The shear load that must have been applied to the group to produce the assumed lateral
head deflection is then equal to the head shear on a front row shaft times the number of
shafts on the front row plus the head shear on a back row shaft times the number of shafts
in the group that are not on the front row. If this shear is not equal to the applied shear, a
different head displacement is selected and the process is repeated until the computed
head shears of all of the shafts in the group sum to the applied group shear. The moment
and shear distributions for the shafts in the front row will be different from those for the
shafts not on the front row; therefore, different steel schedules will often be appropriate
among the shafts in the various rows within the group (O’Neill & Reese, 1999).
Drilled shaft are frequently installed in rock slopes, for example, the foundations for
power poles and bridges. In many cases, drilled shafts are also used to stabilize rock
slopes. Because rock masses often contain discontinuities, it is important to check the
stability of rock blocks or wedges formed by the discontinuities.
Blocks formed by discontinuities may fail in different modes (Hoek & Bray, 1981).
Figures 10.1(a) to (c) show respectively the planar sliding failure on a single
discontinuity, the wedge sliding failure on two intersecting discontinuities, and the
toppling failure of toppling blocks. In weathered or highly fractured rock masses, the
failure surface is less controlled by single through-going discontinuities. In this case, an
approximately circular failure surface may develop in a similar manner to failures in soil
[Fig. 10.1(d)]. To be general, the drilled shafts in Figure 10.1 are subject to not only axial
load but also lateral load. The failure surface may cut through the shaft or pass through
below the shaft base.
When discontinuities are approximately parallel to and dip out of the slope face, a planar
sliding failure may be formed along the discontinuities as shown in Figure 10.2. The
stability of the block is defined by the relative magnitude of two forces acting parallel to
the potential sliding surface: the driving force F acting down the surface, and the resisting
force R acting up the surface. The factor of safety (FS) of the block is simply defined by
For potential sliding along a persistent discontinuity as shown in Figure 10.2(a), the total
driving force F acting down the sliding surface can be calculated by:
Drilled shafts in rock 350
where cj and are respectively the cohesion and internal friction angle of the
discontinuity; and l and b are respectively the length and width of the sliding surface. The
that is, the limiting condition occurs when the dip of the sliding surface equals the friction
angle of the discontinuity.
For non-persistent discontinuities as shown in Figure 10.2(b), the failure surface will
also pass through rock bridges. For this case, the method of Einstein et al. (1983) can be
extended to calculate the stability of the block. The principle of this method is illustrated
in a simplified form in Figure 10.3: the slope overlying the failure path is partitioned into
a series of vertical slices, bounded at their bottom end by discontinuities or intact rock.
Drilled shafts in rock 352
The total driving force F can be calculated by summing slice contributions and the forces
acting on the shaft head:
where α is the angle between the discontinuity and the horizontal plane; Q and H are
respectively the axial and lateral loads acting on the shaft head; and Wi is the weight of
the ith slice. For the slices containing the drilled shaft, it is important to include the
weight of the shaft.
Stability of drilled shaft foundations in rock 353
where Ri is the shear resistance mobilized by the portion of path underlying that slice.
The ith portion of the path may be jointed or consist of intact rock. The calculation of Ri
for those two cases is described in the following.
For the ith portion of the path along a discontinuity, Ri can be simply calculated by
where cj and are respectively the cohesion and internal friction angle of the
discontinuity; li and b are respectively the length and width of the ith portion of the path
along the discontinuity; and σai is the effective normal stress on the discontinuity plane,
which can be simply calculated by
For the ith portion of the path through the intact rock, Ri need be calculated in two ways
based on the failure modes of the rock bridges. For in-plane or low-angle out-of-
plane transitions (βi<θt, see Fig. 10.4 for βi and Fig. 3.7 for θt), the intact-rock
resistance Ri can be calculated by
where di is the “in-plane length” of the rock bridge (Fig. 10.4); and τai is the peak shear
stress mobilized in the direction of discontinuities which can be obtained by
where σt is the tensile strength of the intact rock; and σai is the effective normal stress on
the discontinuity plane, which can be simply calculated using Equation (10.8).
For high angle transitions (βi>θt, see Fig. 10.4 for βi and Fig. 3.7 for θt), the intactrock
resistance Rican be calculated by
where Xi is the distance between discontinuity planes that define the bridge (Fig. 10.4).
In Figure 10.2, the drilled shaft is above the potential sliding surface. If the drilled
shaft penetrates through the sliding surface as shown in Figure 10.5, the contribution of
the drilled shaft to the stability of the block need be considered in the stability analysis.
One simple way is to include the shear resistance of the drilled shaft in the resisting force
R. It is important to note that the bending and shear capacity of the drilled shaft should be
checked so that no structural failure will occur for the drilled shaft itself. The lateral load
Drilled shafts in rock 354
capacity provided by the portion of the shaft below the sliding surface should also be
Example 10.1
A row of drilled shafts of diameter 0.61 m is to be installed in a rock slope (Fig. 10.6).
The properties of the drilled shafts and the rock mass are as follows:
Spacing of the drilled shafts in the longitudinal direction, b=3.0 m
The gross cross-sectional area of the drilled shaft is Ag=0.257π×0.612=0.292 m2.
Assuming that the drilled shaft has the same unit weight as the rock mass the weight
Drilled shafts in rock 356
of the rock block including the drilled shaft can be estimated as follows:
W=[0.5×14.4×14.4×0.5×tan(30°)×3.0+0.292×4.0]×23=2,092 kN
Using equation (10.2), the total driving force acting down the discontinuity surface is
F=2,092×sin(30°)+2,500×sin(30°)+100×cos(30°)=2,383 kN
Using equation (10.3), the total resisting force acting up the discontinuity surface is
R=[2,092×cos(30°)+2,500×cos(30°)−100×sin(30°)]×tan(31°)=2,359 kN
which is below 1, meaning the rock slope will slide along the discontinuity. It is noted
that the factor of safety of the rock slope without the drilled shafts is
which is above 1, meaning the rock slope is stable. So the installation of the drilled shafts
without passing through the discontinuity plane decreases the factor of safety of the rock
slope because of the lateral load at the shaft head.
If the drilled shafts pass through the discontinuity plane, the shear resistance of the
drilled shafts will increase the stability of the rock slope. Assuming a concrete strength of
f′c=28,000 kPa, the limiting concrete shear stress can be estimated from Equation (8.2) as
Stability of drilled shaft foundations in rock 357
νc=2.63×(1+25,000/13,780/0.292)×(28,000)0.5=714 kPa
The area of the drilled shaft resisting shear along the discontinuity plane is estimated as
Av=0.95Ag/cos(α)=0.95×0.292/cos(30°)−0.32 m2
So the shear resistance of the drilled shaft along the discontinuity plane is approximately
Vu=νcAv=714×0.32=229 kN
The factor of safety of the rock slope with drilled shafts passing through the discontinuity
which is above 1.
It is important that the drilled shafts be extended long enough below the sliding plane
to provide sufficient lateral load capacity. The structural resistance of the drilled shafts
should also be checked.
A wedge failure is formed by two intersecting discontinuities dipping out of but aligned
at an oblique angle to the slope face, the slope face and the upper slope surface [Fig.
10.1(b)]. The general failure mode is by sliding parallel to the line of intersection of the
two discontinuities. The method of stability analysis of wedge blocks follows the same
principles as that of the planar blocks, except that it is necessary to resolve forces on both
of the sliding planes. For the detailed procedure for calculating the factor of safety of
three-dimensional wedge blocks, the reader can refer to Hoek and Bray (1981) and
Wyllie (1999). In the analysis, it is important to include the influence of the drilled shaft,
including the size and location of the shaft and the applied axial and lateral loads at the
shaft head. The drilled shaft may cause a stable wedge block to slide due to the loads at
the shaft head or stabilize an unstable wedge block by extending beyond the potential
sliding planes.
Toppling failure may occur where discontinuities dip into the face and form either a
single block, or series of slabs, such that the center of gravity of the block falls outside
the base (Wyllie, 1999). The analysis of toppling failure of drilled shaft foundations can
be conducted by examining the stability conditions of each block in turn starting at the
top of the slope, following the procedure of Goodman and Bray (1976) and Wyllie
(1999). In the analysis, it is important to include the influence of the drilled shaft,
including the size and location of the shaft and the applied axial and lateral loads at the
shaft head. The drilled shaft may cause a stable block to topple or stabilize an unstable
block, depending on the size and location of the shaft and the applied axial and lateral
loads at the shaft head.
Drilled shafts in rock 358
Drilled shafts are frequently used in karstic formations. The challenges to using drilled
shafts in karstic formations involve the highly irregular nature of the rock-overburden
interface and the cavities in the bearing rock. The erratic nature of the bearing rock
surface may require drilled shafts of different length be used. Two “depth of bedrock”
borings cannot be simply connected by a straight line when inferring the rock surface
from borings. An existing cavity underlying a drilled shaft may collapse after the building
is in service. In blanketed active karst, new sinkholes may form and lead to collapse of
drilled shafts.
Drilled shafts in karstic formations may fail in different modes as shown in Figure 1.3.
Since large structural load is supported by each drilled shaflt the failure of any one shaft
may cause critical damage to the entire structure. Therefore, special care must be taken
for drilled shafts in karstic formations.
Approximately one-fourth of the earth’s land surface is underlain by rocks which are
susceptible to solutioning activity (Cooper & Ballard, 1988). These rocks include
limestone, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, and salt (halite) formations. Karst terrain
develops through continuous erosion of soluble rock minerals over a long period of time.
When rainwater falls onto the ground surface and percolates downward into cracks
and fissures, it gradually dissolves the rock and leaves insoluble materials such as chert
and clay behind. Since the weathering resistance of rocks is variable, areas of least
weathering develop high rock pinnacles and areas of severe weathering develop deep
slots and cavities. This results in an extremely irregular rock and overburden interface
such as that shown in Figure 11.1.
Rock solution can also result in enlargement of interparticle porosity, decreasing the
rock strength and increasing the compressibility. Continuing solution enlargement of the
interparticle porosity can result in coalescence of voids to form cavities.
Drilled shafts in rock 360
moderate-sized caves.
Western Wyoming, north Isolated small areas, primarily on tops and flanks of
mountains western Utah, Nevada, ridges, and some area in valleys; primarily in folded and
western Montana, tilted Palaeozoic and Mesozoic limestone; large caves,
Idaho, Washington, some with great vertical extent, in Wyoming, Utah,
Oregon, California Montana, and Nevada; small to moderate-sized caves
elsewhere; dolines and shafts present; karren developed
Design of drilled shafts in karstic formations is generally based on end bearing resistance
in the hard rock (Brown, 1990). Because it is difficult to form a clean socket in massive
rock, the side friction of the rock socket is usually ignored or assigned an extremely
conservative value. In areas where fault zones or other geological features have produced
Drilled shafts in karstic formations 363
deep slots that have virtually no sound rock, drilled shafts may be designed for side
friction only (Brown, 1990).
In karstic formations, it is essential that the foundation rock below the bottom of each
drilled shaft be explored for defects. The defects include cavities that could allow the
rock below the drilled shaft to crush or break under the future foundation load or clay-
filled seams that would allow the foundation to subside as the clay consolidates or
extrudes outward under the concentrated foundation load. Inspection of the bearing rock
below the bottom of a drilled shaft is performed both by inspecting the bearing surface
and by drilling one or more probe holes to a depth of at least two shaft diameters below
the bearing surface (Fig. 11.2). The walls of the probe holes can be probed to find any
small open seams or cavities that would compress or allow the rock to fracture under load
transferred by the shaft. This is done with a steel tube or rod fitted with a small,
horizontal wedge-shaped tip that is pressed against the hole wall as it is lowered into, or
pulled out of, the probe hole. The tip can find open seams less than 1 mm thick and clay
seams as thin as 1 to 2 mm.
Table 11.2 Boring and sampling techniques for
foundation exploration in karstic formations (after
Sowers, 1996).
• Percussion drilled holes to identify soil-rock interface. The observed drilling rate is an indicator
of rock hardness and rock discontinuities such as fissures and voids. This requires recording the
rate of penetration for short intervals of drilling: minutes per foot or per meter, as well as visual
examination of the drill cuttings. However, it is difficult to differentiate between a large boulder,
a pinnacle, and the upper surface of continuous rock.
• Test borings with intact split-spoon samples and Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) in soillike
materials, particularly in the soft zone immediately above rock and in the soil in cavities within
the rock after drilling into the rock. The boreholes are made by augers or rotary cutters using air
or drilling fluid to remove the cuttings. Any loss of drilling fluid is measured as an indication of
the size and continuity of rock fissures and cavities. Laboratory tests of the samples provide data
for accurate classification of the soils and for estimating some of the engineering characteristics
such as hydraulic conductivity and response to loading.
• Undisturbed sampling of the stiff overburden at representative intervals and, if possible, of the
soft soil overlying the rock and filling slots and cavities. The size of the sample tube is
determined by the boring diameter. Laboratory tests of the samples provide quantitative data for
engineering analyses of the soil hydraulic conductivity and response to loading.
• Cone penetration tests in soil, particularly in the soft soil zone and in soil in the rock (after core
drilling or percussion drilling exposes the soil seams). The usual cone point and sleeve resistance
can be supplemented by pore water pressure sensors using a piezocone.
• Core boring preferably with triple tube diamond bits in rock. When the rock is so weak or
closely fractured that the core recovery is less than approximately 90%, larger diameter cores, 4
to 6 in (100 to 150 mm), are preferred.
• Oriented core drilling to determine the dip and dip azimuth of the strata and of fissures.
• Large diameter drill holes that permit human access to examine the exposed materials directly,
particularly at the soil-rock interface. The minimum diameter is approximately 30 in (760 mm);
holes of 36 in (900 mm) or larger are preferred. Direct access requires casing in the hole for
Drilled shafts in rock 364
safety, which means alternating drilling, setting casing, and making the observations. This is
often impractical below the groundwater level.
• Test pits or test trenches to check the rock surface, exposing both slots and pinnacles. This
requires either flat slopes or bracing to prevent cave-ins and to provide safety. It is often
impractical below the groundwater level despite heroic pumping to dewater the bottom.
Moreover, pumping could trigger sinkhole activity. Pits and trenches make it possible to view
the stratification, the orientation of fissures, as well as the geometry of the soil-rock interface in
three dimensions.
• Borehole photography or video imaging of the borehole walls.
If there exist caves below the shaft, different remedial measures can be taken based on
the size and location of the caves and the condition of the rock. If the roof of the cave is
thin, the drilled shaft can be extended through the roof and cave and into the sound rock
in the cave floor (Fig. 11.7). Casing is required for the shaft through the cave. If the roof
of the cave is thick and the rock is sound, the drilled shaft can be used as a side shear
only shaft [Fig. 11.8(a)]. In some cases, drilling may break through into the cave at the
depth where drilling would normally terminate [Fig. 11.8(b)]. To use the hole for a shaft
without extending it through the cave and into the rock in the cave floor, a wood plug can
be inserted into the bottom of the hole before casting concrete. Obviously, the shaft with
the wood plug will only provide side shear resistance. If the cave below the shaft is small,
drilling can be extended through into the cave so that the cave can be filled with concrete.
This will minimize subsidence and prevent catastrophic collapse.
This example is from Erwin and Brown (1988). It shows the problems and the
corresponding solutions to them for drilled shaft foundations in karstic formations.
Since 1962, active limestone sinkholes had been causing problems and affecting the
operation of the access railroad to the Military Ocean Terminals, Sunny Point, North
Carolina (MOTSU). Many springs and sinkholes developed in areas close to the MOTSU
access railroad (Fig. 11.9). Two sinkholes that developed in October 1984 following
extensive rainfall caused all traffic to be stopped. To reactivate railroad traffic, a 450 ft
(137.2 m) bypass alignment was selected based on a ground penetration radar (GPR)
survey. An 8,500 lb (3,855 kg) concrete weight was dropped from a 30 ft (9.14 m) height
every 15 ft (4.57 m) along the alignment. No sinkholes were activated by dropping the
weight. Two potential sinkholes identified by the GPR survey were grouted. The two
sinkholes were encircled with 6,500 ft3 (184.0 m3) of sanded grout, excavated 8 to 10 ft
(2.44 to 3.05 m) deep, compacted by dropping concrete weight, and backfilled with
compacted sand.
The stratigraphy along the MOTSU access railroad consists of the following materials
in descending order:
1. Sand and silt of Pleistocene age that are loose and noncemented: 10 to 40 ft (3.05 to
12.2 m) thick.
2. Silt, clayey sand, shell hash, and shell layers of the early Pleistocene/Pliocene age
Waccamaw formation up to 30 ft (9.14 m) thick.
3. Limestone of the Castle Hayne formation of upper to middle Eocene age: 5 to 33 ft
(1.52 to 10.1 m) thick.
4. Limestone, sandstone, sand, and silt of the Cretaceous age Pee Dee formation: 5 to 10
ft (1.52 to 3.05 m) thick.
Extensive subsurface investigations indicated that there is a set of southeast-northwest
trending joints that appear to connect to a lake upstream of the railroad.
In January 1985, a 4,055 ft (1.24 km) land bridge was selected as a permanent solution
to the sinkhole problems for the MOTSU access railroad. Drilled shafts socketed into
rock were selected to support the bridge. For areas of known sinkhole activity, it was
assumed that 20 ft (6.10 m) of overburden could be lost in two consecutive bents from
sinkhole formation (see Fig. 11.10). For areas of no known foundation problems, it was
assumed that no more than 15 ft (4.57 m) of overburden could be lost. In the Allen Creek
area, it was assumed that there was no overburden available for lateral support but that at
least 10 ft (3.05 m) of good rock existed.
Cavity locations had a direct impact on the location of shaft size step-downs, cased or
uncased shaft design and final tip elevations. The criteria used to offset the effect of
cavities was to allow no shaft tip to be founded with less than 5 ft (1.52 m) of rock
Drilled shafts in rock 370
Drilled shafts cannot be readily inspected once they are constructed. On the other hand,
the performance of drilled shafts is highly dependent on the local geology and on the
construction procedure followed by the drilled shaft contractor. Hence it is not easy for
engineers to be assured that the constructed shafts comply with the design specifications.
Loading tests of drilled shafts are therefore highly desirable when it is feasible to perform
Loading tests of drilled shafts are conducted for two general purposes:
1. to check the integrity of the test shaft and to prove that it is capable of sustaining the
applied loading as a structural unit;
2. to gain detailed information on load bearing and deformation characteristics of the
soil/rock and shaft system.
In the first instance the drilled shaft is constructed in the same manner as the production
shafts. The test shaft should sustain a load that is customarily at least twice the working
load without excessive displacement. In the second instance, the test shaft is instrumented
and usually loaded to failure by an appropriate definition. The instrumentation allows the
measurement of load and displacement along the length of the shaft. Such data allows
analyses to be made to obtain information on soil or rock resistance as a function of the
shaft displacement as well as the structural performance of the drilled shaft itself.
Loading tests of drilled shafts are expensive, and the cost should be carefully weighed
against the reduction in risk and assurance of satisfactory behavior that the loading test
provides. The extent of the test program depends on the availability of experience in
designing and constructing drilled shafts in a particular geological environment and the
capital cost of the works. A loading test of drilled shafts is most cost-effective when one
or more of the following conditions are present:
• Many drilled shafts are to be constructed, so even small savings on each shaft will
significantly reduce the overall construction cost.
• The soil/rock conditions are erratic or unusual.
• The structure is especially important or especially sensitive to displacements.
• The engineer has little or no experience in the project area.
Nearly all large drilled shaft projects should include at least one full-scale loading test.
However, it is not practical to test every shaft, even for the largest and most important
projects. Therefore, we can only test representative drilled shafts and extrapolate the
results to other shafts at the site. Table 12.1 lists the guidelines suggested by Engel
(1988) for determining the required number of pile load tests for typical projects.
Loading test of drilled shafts in rock 373
0–6,000 0–1,800 0
6,000–10,000 1,800–3,000 1
10,000–20,000 3,000–6,000 2
20,000–30,000 6,000–9,000 3
30,000–40,000 9,000–12,000 4
The Osterberg cell test method offers a number of potential advantages over the
conventional loading test methods (Schmertmann & Hayes, 1997):
1. Economy: The Osterberg cell test is usually less expensive to perform than a
conventional static load test despite sacrificing the Osterberg cell. Osterberg cell tests
are typically 1/3 to 3/2 the cost of conventional tests, with the comparative cost
reducing as the test load increases.
2. High load capacity: especially for rock sockets.
3. Separation of side shear and end bearing components: The Osterberg cell test
automatically separates the side shear and end bearing components. It also helps
determine if construction techniques have adversely affected each component.
4. Improved safety: The test energy lies deeply buried and there is no overhead load.
5. Reduced work area: The work area required to perform an Osterberg cell test is much
smaller that that required by a conventional load system.
6. Over-water or battered shafts: Although often difficult to test conventionally, testing
over water or on a batter poses no special problems for the Osterberg cell load test
7. Static creep and setup (aging) effects: Because the Osterberg cell test is static and the
test load can held for any desired length of time, information about the creep behavior
of the side shear and end bearing components can be obtained. The aging effects at
any time after installation can also be measured conveniently.
The Osterberg cell test method also has some limitations compared to the conventional
loading test methods. These include (Schmertmann & Hayes, 1997):
1. Advance installation required: The Osterberg cell must be installed prior to
construction of the shaft.
2. Balanced component required: An Osterberg cell test usually reaches the ultimate load
in only one of the two resistance components. The test shaft capacity demonstrated by
the Osterberg cell test is limited to two times the capacity of the component reaching
ultimate. Also, once installed the Osterberg cell capacity cannot be increased if
inadequate. To use the Osterberg cell efficiently the engineer should first analyze the
expected side shear and end bearing components and either attempt to balance the two
to get the most information from both or unbalance them to ensure the preferred
component reaches ultimate first. The introduction of multi-level Osterberg cell test as
discussed earlier can mitigates this limitation, allowing the engineer to obtain both
ultimate end bearing and ultimate side shear values in cases where the end bearing is
less than the side shear.
3. Equivalent top load curve: Although the equivalent static top load-displacement curve
can be estimated with conservatism, it remains an estimate.
4. Sacrificial Osterberg cell: The Osterberg cell is normally considered expendable and
not recovered after the test is completed. However, grouting the cell after completion
of the test allows using the tested shaft as a load carrying part of the foundation.
Loading test of drilled shafts in rock 381
During a test, a high-speed data acquisition system scans and records the load cell,
displacement transducers, accelerometers and embedded strain gauges. The test
measurements provide a high degree of resolution fully defining the shaft load and
displacement response with up to 100,000 data points recorded during a typical ½ second
test. Because the measured Statnamic force includes some dynamic forces, some
interpretation of the data is necessary, as illustrated in Figure 12.6(b). Since the duration
of the axial Statnamic test is adequately longer than the natural period of the drilled shaft,
the entire drilled shaft remains in compression and a simple model can be used to
determine the static load acting on the shaft as follows (AFT, 2002):
where Qstatic is the derived static load acting on the shaft; QSTN is the measured Statnamic
force; Ws(as/g) is the inertia force; cνs is the damping force; Ws is the weight of the drilled
shaft; c is the damping coefficient of the drilled shaft and soil/rock system; and as and νs
are respectively the measured acceleration and velocity of the drilled shaft. c is the only
unknown in Equation (12.1) and can be determined using the principles of the Unloading
Point Method (UPM) (Middendorp et al., 1992; Brown, 1994).
Statnamic load test appears to offer a number of advantages over other types of tests,
including (AFT, 2002):
Loading test of drilled shafts in rock 383
12.2.3 Instrumentation
strain gauge. The vibrating wire transducer has the advantage that it tends to be stable
over longer periods of time than an electrical resistance transducer because the later is
quite sensitive to the invasion of moisture. However, electrical resistance transducers are
more adaptable to data acquisition systems than vibrating wire transducers.
Sister bars of both types are currently the most popular instruments for measuring load
distribution along the length of drilled shafts. The electrical output can be converted to
strain in the steel rebar through an appropriate calibration factor, which can then be
assumed to be equal to the strain in the concrete section. The internal load in the shaft can
then be obtained by multiplying the axial stiffness of the test shaft by the strain obtained
at the depth of interest.
It is important to place sister bars at opposite ends of diagonals at any level so that the
averaged readings cancel any bending effects that may occur. It is recommended that two
or four gauges be placed at each level at which load is to be measured.
Mustran cells. The Mustran cell is mounted on the rebar cage before inserting it into the
borehole, in a manner similar to that for sister bars. Because of its electrical circuitry, the
Mustran cell indicates strains that are larger than, but proportional to, the actual strains in
the concrete. This feature is advantageous for testing large-diameter drilled shafts
subjected to relatively small loads. Data from Mustran cells are collected and interpreted
in a manner very similar to that for sister bars. As with sister bars, it is good practice to
place Mustran cells at opposite ends of diagonals at any level so that the averaged
readings cancel any bending effects that may occur.
Telltales. Telltales are unstrained metal rods that are inserted into one or more tubes that
prevent them from bonding to the concrete in the shaft. The telltales extend to a series of
depths along the length of the shaft. The shortening of the test shaft over a particular
length can be found by using displacement transducers to measure the difference in the
movement of the shaft head and the top of the unstrained rod. Such measurements must
be made for each of the telltales and for each of the applied loads.
Again, to cancel any unintended bending effects, it is important to install telltales in
pairs, at opposite ends of diagonals at each depth. For a particular applied load, the
average deformation measured at each depth can be used to plot a compression of the
shaft versus depth curve. Differentiation of this deformation versus depth curve with
respect to depth will yield the strain of the shaft as a function of depth. The internal load
in the shaft can then be obtained by multiplying the axial stiffness of the test shaft by the
strain obtained at the depth of interest.
Pressure cells. Pressure cells placed at the bottom of the cage can be used to measure the
base resistance directly. Pressure cells are accurate because they do not require the
assumption of a value for the Young’s modulus of the concrete. Since stresses across
drilled shaft bases are generally uniform, the base resistance can be simply obtained by
multiplying the average pressure from the cells with the contact area of the shaft base.
maintained. The reference beams should be long enough so that they can be supported by
firm foundations well away from the test shaft and reaction shafts. If possible, adjacent
drilled shafts at least four shaft diameters from the test shaft and reaction shafts can be
used as the support foundations. It is noted that a compromise must frequently made
between a long beam prone to vibration and temperature-induced displacements, and a
shorter beam with support foundations in the zone of influence of the test shaft or
reaction shafts.
Optical leveling may also be used to measure the head displacement of the test shaft.
The accuracy of an optical leveling system may be poorer than that of dial gauges by a
factor of at least 10. However the absolute accuracy of the system may be of a similar
order to that of dial gauges, particularly in situations where it is difficult to establish a
stable reference beam. With an optical system it is easy to arrange for the instrument and
reference point to be well away the zone of disturbance (Fleming et al., 1992).
When tests are run to obtain information on load transfer in side shear and end bearing
resistance, telltales as described earlier can be used to measure the displacement of the
test shaft from point to point along its length.
of this test, like the CRP test, is that it can be completed in less than one working day.
Unlike the CRP test, however, no special loading equipment is required.
For particular projects special loading paths may be called for, to simulate repeated
loading for example. Such loading paths my easily be arranged but careful supervision is
necessary. Short-period, cyclic or sinusoidal loading requires the use of sophisticated
servo-controlled equipment.
The loading procedure for the conventional load test method can be easily applied to
the Osterberg cell load test method.
It is essential to record all the relevant data throughout the test, including the load,
displacement, time, problems, and unexpected occurrences.
For a Statnamic test, the Statnamic curve can be corrected to obtain the equivalent static
load-displacement curve as described in Section 12.2.2.
The following method has often been used by the U.S. Corps of Engineers
and has merit: determine the load that causes a plastic displacement of
0.25 in (6 mm); determine the load that corresponds to the point at which
the load-displacement curve has a significant change in slope; and
determine the load that corresponds to the point on the load-displacement
curve that has a slope of 0.01 in per ton (0.25 mm per 10 kN). The
average of the three loads determined in this manner would be considered
the ultimate axial capacity of the pile. If one of these three procedures
yields a value that differs significantly from the other two, judgment
should be used before including or excluding this value from the average.
A suitable factor of safety should be applied to the resulting axial pile
Loading test of drilled shafts in rock 389
Axial uplift loading tests are similar to axial compressive loading tests, and maintained
load or constant rate of uplift procedures may be used. Figure 12.10 shows a loading
system for uplift loading tests. To avoid bending the test shaft, two jacking points on
either side of the test shaft are used and care is required to load the jacks evenly.
conducting a lateral load test can be the ASTM Standard D 3966 (1995) or Eurocode 7
(1994) modified to satisfy the specific project requirements.
need be noted that, however, the stress and strain conditions in the rock for the lateral
Osterberg cell test, in which the halves of the socket are jacked apart, are different from
those for a drilled shaft that translates laterally within the rock without splitting.
12.4.3 Instrumentation
The procedures for conducting lateral loading tests are given in the ASTM Standard D
3966 (1995) and Eurocode 7 (1994). Like the axial loading tests, two principles should
guide the testing procedure: (1) The loading (static, repeated with or without load
reversal, sustained, or dynamic) should be consistent with that expected for the
production shafts; and (2) The testing arrangement should allow deflection, rotation,
bending moment, and shear at the ground line or at the point of load application to be
measured or computed.
where y is the lateral deflection; Mis the bending moment; EpIp is the flexural rigidity of
the shaft; and z is the depth from the ground line. To determine the deflection accurately,
the deflection and slope at the ground line have to be measured accurately and it is
Drilled shafts in rock 400
helpful if the shaft is long enough so that there are at least two zero-deflection points
along the shaft.
The resistance of the soil/rock can be obtained by two differentiations of the bending
moment curves:
The presence of any defects in a drilled shaft, such as cracks, waists or voids, may cause
a serious decrease of load capacity and an increase of displacement. It is, therefore,
important to conduct integrity test to detect the defects in drilled shafts. Many forms of
integrity test have been developed to detect flaws in deep foundations (Fleming et al.,
1992), two of which are frequently used for drilled shafts: the low strain integrity test
using the Pile Integrity Tester (PIT) and the cross-hole sonic logging test.
The low strain integrity test utilizes one-dimensional wave propagation. A small hand
held hammer impacts the top of the shaft, and an accelerometer attached to the top of the
shaft measures the impact and resulting reflections (Fig. 12.19). The measurement is then
analyzed for relevant reflections from the shaft toe or major shaft anomalies. A record
that shows a clear reflection from the shaft toe and no major reflections from intermediate
points indicates a sound shaft. Generally, shafts that contain anomalies show a significant
wave reflection from a shorter length and no toe reflection.
The low strain integrity test using the PIT can be applied to practically every shaft on
site due to its low cost and minimal shaft preparation. It is often the first alternative when
questions of shaft acceptability arise after the installation is completed. The low
Loading test of drilled shafts in rock 401
strain integrity test using the PIT is useful for selecting shafts for further testing. If it
determines obviously good or obviously bad shafts, the solution is clear. For tests
indicating marginal conditions further testing of another type may be desired. The low
strain integrity test using the PIT is described in detail in ASTM standard D5882.
The cross-hole sonic logging test measures sound velocity along the shaft between an
emitting sensor and a receiving sensor lowered down two tubes (Fig. 12.20). If the
measured velocity decreases rapidly from the sound velocity of homogeneous concrete
(about 4000 m/s), defects such as soil inclusion, cracks or segregation may exist. The
cross-hole sonic logging test requires that tubes be installed in the shaft prior to
Table 12.3 lists the advantages and disadvantages of the two integrity test methods.
Table 12.3 Advantages and disadvantages of low
strain integrity test using PIT and cross-hole sonic
logging test.
Test Method Advantage Disadvantage
Low strain • No special preparation • Test interpretation limited if toe cannot be
integrity test needed seen due to excess length or multiple
using PIT section changes
• Quick, simple and
• Yields information on major
variations of quality or size
Cross-hole sonic • Works on drilled shafts of • Inspection tubes installed during shaft
logging test unlimited size or length construction
• Clear identification of • Tube debonding sometimes prevents wave
defects even at great depth transmission
• Need to wait for concrete hardening
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caissons 1
calcite 10, 12
axial 189–225
lateral 251–262
carbonatite 17
casing 321, 323
cast-in-place pile 1
cave 321, 323
cavity 6, 7, 315, 316, 318, 324
chalk 13, 16, 124
charnockite 131
chert 13, 128
Christensen-Huegel method 159
circular disks 42
Index 425
allowable 8
allowable differential 8
deformation modulus 86–116, 149
density 14, 16, 165
design load 6
design stress 190
diabase 13, 15–18, 130, 217, 233
diamond drilling 157
dielectric property 175
dilatancy 245, 258
dilation 196, 204, 245
dilation law 245
dioritell, 16, 17, 124, 131
dip direction 36
direct shear test 176, 178
direction cosines 54
aperture 46, 47
apparent cohesion 77
basic friction angle 77
circular disks 42
cohesion 77
deformability 73–76
ellipse 43
filling 47
frequency 33, 36, 57
internal friction angle 77
orientation 20, 33, 36, 48–56, 60, 64, 67, 68, 159–161
persistence 37–42
persistence ratio 38–42
roughness 44–46
roughness coefficient 78–85
roughness profile 79–82
sampling 153–164
set 54
shape 42–44
size 37, 63–68
spacing 20, 36, 57
stiffness 73–75
strength 73, 76–85
trace length 58–63
wall compressive strength 78, 82–84
discontinuum method 261, 262
discrete element method (DEM) 262, 298
axial 227–250
lateral 263–305
normal 73–76, 142, 245
shear 245
dolerite 11, 124, 128, 130
dolomite 10, 12, 15, 16, 130, 131, 315
dolostone 17, 166
Index 427
drilled caissons 1
drilled piers 1
drilled shafts 1, 189, 227, 251, 263, 307, 315, 327
clay core barrel 159
diamond 157
directional 157
integral sampling 159
large diameter 157
dunite 11, 16
durability 6, 8
eclogite 16
effective roughness angle 77
elastic continuum 234, 269
elastic modulus 14, 17
electrical resistivity 174, 175
ellipse 43
empirical relations
deformation modulus 87–93
end bearing capacity 209–220
side shear resistance 192–198
empirical rock mass strength criterion 123–131
end bearing resistance 191, 204–220
engineering geology 34
equal-angle projection 50
equal-area projection 50
equivalent continuum approach
deformability 93–116
strength 132–139
equivalent pier 248–250
exploratory tunnel 164
exponential distribution 57, 59, 64, 65, 67, 68
halite 315
hardness 10
hardpan 217
hematite 10
hemispherical projection 48
equal-angle 50
equal-area 50
great circle 48, 49
histogram 57
Hoek-Brown strength criterion 123, 211, 258
Hong Kong 206, 209
hornblende 10–12
hornfels 12, 84, 124, 143
hydraulic jack 329, 337, 346
rotation 270–272
intact rock 9
integral sampling method 195
integrity test
cross-hole sonic logging test 352, 353
low strain integrity test using PIT 352, 353
interface cohesion 245
interface friction 245
internal friction angle 77, 132
ironstone 12
joint 35
joint element
nodal displacement 117
relative nodal displacement 120
joint roughness coefficient (JRC) 78–85, 143
obsidian 124
olivine 10, 11
orientation of discontinuities
dip 36
distribution 56
mean 55, 56
plunge 54–56
sampling bias 55
strike 36
trend 54–56
polar stereonet 51, 52
orthoclase 11
orthoclase feldspar 10
orthoclase porphyries 11
Osterberg cell 330–335, 346, 347
Index 431
P-wave 165
P-wave velocity 29, 165, 166
p-y curve 263, 264, 266–269, 303, 350–352
pendulum orientation method 159
peridotite 11, 13, 16,
persistence of discontinuities 37–42
persistence ratio 38–42
photographic mapping 156
phyllite 12, 13, 17, 124, 294
picrite 11
piers 1
piles 1
Pile Integrity Tester (PIT) 352, 353
plagioclase 11
plagioclase feldspar 10
plagioclase porphyries 11
planar sliding failure 307–312
plane strain 245
plate bearing test 184–186
plunge 54–56
point load index 13, 209
point load test 13, 176
Poisson’s ratio 14, 18, 165
polar stereonet 51, 52
porosity 176
potash 13
pressure cells 339
pressure wave 165
pressuremeter 178, 206
primary wave 165
probability distribution
discontinuity orientation 56
discontinuity spacing 57
discontinuity trace length 59
PVC casing 171
pyroxenite 16
displacement 245
radial jacking 188
stress 245
Rayleigh wave 165, 171
reconnaissance 151, 152, 174
reinforcement 189, 190, 253, 254
residual friction angle 77
Index 432
end bearing 191, 204–220
lateral 254–262
side shear 191–204
resisting force 308
resistivity survey 174
rhyolite 11, 13, 124, 130
RMR-Q relation 29
bridge 40–42, 310, 311
core boring 157
igneous 10, 11, 166, 175
metamorphic 10, 11, 166, 175
sedimentary 10, 11, 166
weathered 166
weathering 11
rock mass 14
rock mass rating (RMR) 20–23, 29, 31, 90–92, 125
rock quality designation (RQD) 14, 16, 18–21, 87–91
rotation 270
rotation influence factor 270–272
angle 77
coefficient 78–85, 143
discontinuity 44–46
factor 195, 196
height 195, 198, 200, 201
interface 196
number 23
profile 79–82, 195, 199
shaft 195–200
S-wave 165
salt 13, 131, 315
bias 54, 58, 59, 154–156
photographic mapping 156
scanline 153–155
window 155, 156
sand 16, 166, 175, 248
sandstone 5, 12, 13, 15–18, 43, 77, 87, 124, 128, 130, 131, 166, 175, 177, 192, 194, 199, 203, 210,
217, 218, 291–294
scale effect 82–84, 144–149
circular 155
straight 153–155
scanline sampling 153–155
schist 12, 13, 15–18, 124, 146
scour 189, 295
seam 319–322
seismic survey 165
Index 433
strike 36
structural geology 34, 151
subgrade reaction approach
linear 265
nonlinear 266
syenite 16, 17
unconfined compressive strength 14, 17, 20, 91–93, 123, 127–131, 144, 176–178, 192–203, 209–
211, 215–220
uniaxial compressive strength, see unconfined compressive strength
universal distinct element code (UDEC) 298
load 222–225
test 344, 345
vector 54, 68
Index 435
water 166
weathering 11, 315
wedge sliding failure 307, 308, 314
window sampling 155, 156,
deflection factor 278
rotation factor 278
strength 190, 251–253
yielding 264, 278
Young’s modulus 165