MDD 2-3
MDD 2-3
MDD 2-3
MDD Standards 2- 3
The teacher candidate sets learning goals that are meaningful for the pupils and
coherent with the national or school curriculum framework.
The teacher candidate designs each class session, identifying resources and
learning activities that are appropriate for these pupils’ attainment of the learning
The teacher candidate designs an assessment plan to monitor pupil learning
before, during, and after instruction, including multiple modes and approaches
which are aligned with the learning goals and activities, and considers adaptations
for pupils with special needs.
1. Lesson 1 Topic:
1.2 Lesson 1 Learning Goals: Define what you expect students to know and be able to
do at the end of the lessons. The learning goals should be specific, observable,
challenging and varied. Learning goals should describe what your students will learn
and be able to do by the end of the lesson, and not simply what activities they will do
during the lesson.
Al terminar la clase los estudiantes serán capaces de hablar sobre
actividades relacionadas con vocabulario de “chocolate” utilizando el pasado
Los planes y programas del Ministerio de Educación indican que los estudiantes de 6°
básico deben expresarse oralmente a través de monólogos y diálogos breves y simples, para
identificad y familiarizarse con los sonidos propios del idioma, com, Ch/sh. Ademas,
demostrar conocimiento y uso del vocabulario aprendido; vocabulario temático, palabras
de uso frecuente y expresiones de uso común. Sin embargo, las unidades no son las que
estipula el ministerio, debido a que el colegio posee su propio programa en relación a la
asignatura de Inglés.
1.1.2. Justification: Explain how these learning goal(s) are relevant, challenging,
and appropriate. Consider their importance to previous and succeeding topics
covered in the class, the student's future in the class and school, to state and
national curriculums, and skills needed in the everyday world.
1.3 Analysis of Pre-Assessment Data: Discuss what students already know and can do
regarding your goals before you began your lessons. Pre-assessments may include
your mentor teachers´ descriptions of past assessments and activities.
1.4 Learning Resources: List all of the materials or technology you will need to
implement the activities.
1.6 Motivation for learning: Describe how you will motivate student learning at the
beginning of the lesson. Consider what you will say and what you will do to motivate
student learning
Al comienzo de la clase voy escribir Yesterday, I was_______. Y describiré
lo que hice el día anterior, utilizando la estructura. Luego al momento de pasar
la lista les preguntarles a cada uno que hicieron hecho ayer, esperando que
utilicen la estructura que esta en la pizarra.
1.7 Activities: Include descriptions of the activities you plan to use in the lesson. Your
activities should be designed to support your learning goals and should be clearly
described and carefully sequenced. Actively engaging students in learning also gives
you an opportunity to assess their understanding. Make sure you take advantage of
this opportunity by coordinating your activities with your assessment plan.
a. What will students do? (For how long? Alone or in groups? Using what
resources?, etc
3. Reflection:
After each session (class or tutoring), write in your journal a reflection that
addresses the following questions:
o What knowledge, skills and/or dispositions are needed to help a student
learn? What are you learning about what it means to be a teacher?
Desde mi punto de vista, la característica mas importante que debe tener un
profesor es conocer bien a los estudiantes, que este preocupado de ellos, que tenga
la cercanía, para que los estudiantes no tengan miedo de preguntar; También cabe
destacar que en la vida de los estudiante, son los profesores quienes pasa gran
tiempo con ellos, es por ello que como docente debemos establecer una buena
relación y un ambiente de confianza y seguridad.
Based on the implementation of your plan or your interactions with the students, what do
you think you need to improve, do differently or maintain for the next session?