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Minimize Inrush Current in Power Transformers

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Dear Members, pls, give my question answer that how we shall minimize the inrush

current of power transformer?

nemli Katk Salayan
Asif Eqbal, Arun pandey ve 1 kii daha bunu beendi
43 yorum En yeni yoruma atlayn

arash Khoshrou
arash Khoshrou
Founder and Manager by N-S-Aria Eng. Group - analysis of transformer and insulating oil
En nemli Katk Salayan
what kind of transformer? OLTC? rated voltage and application in which transformer in used? why are chasing

Jim Phipps, P.E.

Jim Phipps, P.E.
En nemli Katk Salayan
Two ways:
1) Ramp down the voltage when de-energizing and ramp up the voltage when energizing. This method is not
practical because the voltage in a power system cannot be controlled in this way. My point for stating this first
method is to illustrate that this will minimize the magnetization of the core iron.
2) Use point on wave switching to match the energization voltage (point on wave) to the stored magnetization of
the core. The core magnetization is determine by the flux in the core at the instant when the transformer was last

Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Subodh,
I have already answered your question on the Other Group you asked the same qluesion on.
------I have written a paper about this problem, which I hope to get printed in the Transformer magazine later.. . .
.Although my paper is about the Cause and not the fix I think you are asking.
I believe Transformer Inrush Current is caused by saturation of its core at the time of Switch-On and for up to
some seconds afterwards. . . . .So what can cause this prolonged Saturation, beyond just the first half cycle.

I suspect that it is Harmonics that are causing saturation of the core for up to several seconds, that is many
Based on that. . . . One answer to your question, would be to stop, prevent or absorb the Harmonics immediately
after Switch-On. . . . . . A Soft-start could do this if designed appropriately, or some form of Harmonic filter.

Jim Phipps, P.E.

Jim Phipps, P.E.
En nemli Katk Salayan
For those who are (still) searching to understand transformer inrush, there are numerous technical references that
correctly identify the root cause. Checkout...
Westinghouse T&D Book, Chapter 5, Section XIV. This book is available on Amazon and through ABB.
For a very basic understanding that is not too technical but correctly identifies the root cause, checkout...
For a very technical description of iron magnetization, checkout...

Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Jim,
"1) Ramp down the voltage when de-energizing and ramp up the voltage when energizing. "
You do not necessarily get large surges every time of Switch-On. . . . .But one cause is residual magnetism. . . .
.Ramping down at switch off would eliminate that problem.

" 2) Use point on wave switching to match the energization voltage "
Harder to switch-on at the correct point, 0V if fully de-magnetised, for 3-phase transformer as different timing
required for each phase.
Some switches incorporate Resistance contact first, before the main contact makes . . . . .This will provide a level
of Soft start and reduce the amplitude of the Harmonics.
Perhaps, if the first contact, connected the power via Harmonic Filter, then the main contact could close, having
already blocked the Switch-On Surge Harmonics.

Jim Phipps, P.E.

Jim Phipps, P.E.
En nemli Katk Salayan

Have a look at p.24


Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Jim,
For a very basic understanding that is not too technical but correctly identifies the root cause, checkout...
"A steel core's remanence means that it retains a static magnetic field when power is removed. When power is
then reapplied, the residual field will cause a high inrush current until the effect of the remaining magnetism is
reduced, usually after a few cycles of the applied AC waveform."
If this was totally true, then I would expect the Inrush Current to be normalized within just half a cycle. . . .But
as this says, it can last for a number of cycles. . . .This means that there has to be something else at play here.
That second article is very interesting, but does not help to explain the cause of Switch-On Surge Current in a
Transformer, and certainly not the root Cause.
For a very technical description of iron magnetization, checkout...
Would you agree that the Cause of Switch-On Surge Current is Saturation of the Core. ?
If you agree to this, then I can move on further.
Jim Phipps, P.E.
Jim Phipps, P.E.
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hugh, I don't wish to enter into a debate on inrush with you as I have already gone down that path. I wish you
good luck in you quest to understand.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Jim,
" I don't wish to enter into a debate on inrush with you as I have already gone down that path. "
Shame, because in your earlier message, you did mention, " correctly identify the root cause. "
And that is what I am trying to do.
Without knowing the Root Cause, then attempts to prevent the Problems can only be stabs in the semi-dark.. . .
.Lets find the real Root Cause.
Then perhaps the real answer can be found to how we shall minimize the inrush current of power transformer?

arash Khoshrou
arash Khoshrou
Founder and Manager by N-S-Aria Eng. Group - analysis of transformer and insulating oil
En nemli Katk Salayan
That's true,
there are also some innovative methods that mathematically seams to be applicable. you can first energize one
phase then energize two others with short delay afterward. using a resistor and FACTs on null point u may
minimize inrush current.

Frantz St. Phar, P.E.

Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
System Operation
Simple, De-magnetized the core. If you can figure how to do so you'll be rich. I remember reading in one of
these forum sites a smart breaker that can "learn" the correct timing to close/open/close the contacts of the
breaker to minimize inrush current.
Also inrush current is rich in 2nd harmonic current due to core magnetization/saturation.

Raymond Lee
Raymond Lee
Senior Field Service Technologist at Magna IV Engineering
You can use remanace flux relay. It only works after a controlled trip of a circuit breaker and not a protection
The breaker must be single pole type.
The relay controls each pole closing and tripping similar to a point on wave relay.
ABB makes one and can reduce o'er unit inrush to less than 3pu and possibly to less than 2pu.

Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Frantz,
" Also inrush current is rich in 2nd harmonic current due to core magnetization/saturation. "
Thank you.
Yes, I believe Inrush Current is due to Saturation of the Core.
And I believe that is due to the Harmonics, including 2nd, 3rd etc.
But how and why do they continue for many cycles, even seconds in some cases. ?
Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
System Operation

Decay of the inrush current is based on the time constant which is L/R. So remember L is non-linear and L
typically is larger than R so the decay can possibly last a couple of cycles to even seconds.
paneendra kumar [CEng]
paneendra kumar [CEng]
Senior electrical engineer at Petrokon,
En nemli Katk Salayan
I think By closing the breaker at Zero voltage
Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
System Operation
Also inrush is mainly 2nd harmonic current but as we know from advance mathematics a function is a
composition of sinusoidal waves of different harmonic frequencies. So yes you'll see 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc but they'll
be small in content compared to the 2nd harmonic.
I believe someone stated earlier that there are % differential relays which are set to all the system ride through
magnetizing inrush currents (energization, recovery, and sympathetic inrush currents)
paneendra kumar [CEng]
paneendra kumar [CEng]
Senior electrical engineer at Petrokon,
En nemli Katk Salayan
Inrush of transformer is not a problem as long as you coordinate the relay properly.
Please explain why is inrush a problem for you , why do you want to restrict.
wayne wilson
wayne wilson
Qa inspector electrical
well as you know you are dealing with 2 different curents. 1 is your magnetic field or addy curents on start up
.and 2 the actual curent the transfolmer draws all the time . So by instaling a bank of capacitors close as posible
to the transfolmer will asist with that of overcomming that your cable and sircuit braker supplying that
transfolmer does not have to deal with that curent at that moment and only deals with your actual curent. Other
way is have a braker that will get you over the first half of the sine wave. So to speak over the cammels back
once it pased the half way mark .the curent drops down to only what you drawing at the transfolmer . It is done
by setting the time you alow the the braker to see those start up curents.but it has to be worked out properly
otherwise you can make big dramas like melting your supply cable .
Rodney Hughes
Rodney Hughes
Managing Director at Rod Hughes Consulting Pty Ltd
This is all a bit confused - lets go back to some basics that might help visualise some complex theorems and
A transformer has two coils wound around a common lump of iron. (or 3 sets for three phase)
As such it is initially "just a resistance" based on the diameter of the wire and the length of the wire.
When we switch voltage onto this lump of wire, current starts to flow based on Ohms Law I = V/Z with Z at
switch-on simply the resistance R of the wire.
As current flows, it starts to create flux in the iron core, but that lags the current - i.e. it builds up over time.
As the flux is established it links to the second winding.
As the flux in the second winding builds up, so does its voltage output and so does its current output if load is
i.e. these two coils and lump of iron have to "learn" that they are in fact a transformer.
Of course throughout the cycle, voltage and current vary and so the core flux builds up and then dies down - it is

this varying flux that makes transformers work.

Now since the winding is a coil of wire it will have inductance, but the impedance of inductance is frequency
dependant as 2.Pi.f.L
When there is no voltage there is no frequency so the impedance component due to inductance is zero so at the
instant of switch-on the entire impedance of the winding is simply its resistance.
Over time after switch-on, the voltage will be seen to have some frequency.
It is only as the rate of change of the voltage (dv/dt) is determined that we know what the frequency is.
So the inductive impedance component starts to increase and so does the total impedance of the transformer
winding becomes Z = R + j2PifL.
Since the impedance increases the current will decrease.
Hence we can see that inrush is basically the fact that initially the TF impedance is R
Then after a while the L and flux builds up and the impedance becomes R + j2PifL and so the current dies
Amongst all of that is some additional effects due to remanance flux which change the way the flux builds up
initially increasing from the remanance value or decreasing from it depending on the residual magnetism and the
point on wave of switch-on.
Hence what is seen on the secondary and also the shape of the primary half cycle current waveshape gets quite
complex in the detailed modelling but we know it
a) has a dc decaying offset
b) potentially has some periods of zero current
Now I know we are jumping between instantaneous theory vs RMS theory in all that but it hopefully gives
enough of the idea to visualise some of the physics
Hence the only way to reduce the peak inrush currents in those first few cycles is to reduce the voltage and/or
add in some impedance in the supply to the winding (which is the same as reducing the voltage presented to the
winding. As mentioned above, in a grid, neither of these is feasible.
If you have a generator-transformer station, you potentially could do that prior to connecting the transformer to
the grid. Practically I don't know if it achieves much in doing that. Why do you NEED to reduce the inrush - it
may well be 6-8 times rated current but only lasts for say 100ms or so
Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
System Operation
Rodney I disagree with adding impedance especially if L>R. Remember the time constant is e^-(t/[L/R]). Is it's
greater on the R side it will quickly dampen out the inrush current but if L becomes larger then the inrush current
will last for a couple of cycles, even a minute. The system that I am an operator for have a couple of networks in
which inrushes take a minute to a minute and a quarter to die out.
Other than that you explaination was well explained and easy to visualize if the person is an electrical engineer.
That being said, if you want eliminate inrush completely from your system two thing could be done and if you
figure out how you'll be a very wealthy person:
1. Completely de-magnetized the core which will reduce the probability of getting those high ranging inrushes
(10x value people talk about) so remenance flux will not be a contributing factor.
2. As other members stated find the correct closing angle every time the transformer is de-energized.
Do those two things and inrush nuisance will not be an issue anymore. Other than that like what Rodney stated
just learn to live with it and set your protection accordingly.

Frantz St. Phar, P.E.

Frantz St. Phar, P.E.
System Operation
Also here is the technology I was talking about called "point on wave". An intelligent breaker that operates on
the principle of machine learning.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Frantz,
" Decay of the inrush current is based on the time constant "
There is no such thing as a Time Constant in this situation.. . ..
The time Surge Currents can last, will not be constant. . . .They will vary considerably, depending on so many
different things, like last residual magnetism, point of wave at switch-on, not only Secondary Loads, but even
circuits and loads further back on the Primary supply side, nothing to do with the Transformer etc. and many
details within the transformer its self. . . . So there is no fixed pattern or constant.

Yes : " so the decay can possibly last a couple of cycles to even seconds. "
Which is what makes the Root Cause interesting, because basic residual magnetism and point of wave at switchon, should otherwise normalize within half a cycle.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Frantz,
Actually yes, there are some other complex Time constants involved, that react with the Harmonics.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Frantz,
Yes . Also inrush is mainly 2nd harmonic current but as we know from advance mathematics a function is a
composition of sinusoidal waves of different harmonic frequencies.
I suspect some may not be considering the Even harmonics, but yes they can be there. . . ... Residual magnetism
at the moment of switch-on and point on Wave at switch-on, can certainly give rise to very large 2nd Harmonic,
this could even be considerably larger initially, than even the fundamental supply Voltage.. . . . .As a very rough
rule of thumb, the higher order a Harmonic is, the lower its amplitude will be. .. But in practice, these will be
very variable and random at each Switch-on.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Rodney,

This is all a bit confused - lets go back to some basics that might help visualise some complex theorems and
THANKS. . . .At long last some real physics.
The problem is that your explanation here is very, very, very short on some aspects of the Causes of Switch-on
Surge.. . :-)
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Frantz ,
Remember the time constant is e^-(t/[L/R]). Is it's greater on the R side it will quickly dampen out the inrush
current but if L becomes larger then the inrush current will last for a couple of cycles, even a minute.
Yes. . . .But the Time constants you have to consider are not for the Fundamental frequency, but for the 2nd,
3rd,4th,5th Harmonics etc.
And the L, C & R components are not only those inside the Transformer, and not only the transformer and its
switchgear and any Secondary Load if switched on. . . .But also includes L, C & R components, up stream of the
Supply to the Transformer.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Frantz,
Rodney ......... you explanation was well explained and easy to visualize if the person is an electrical engineer.
Yes I would agree. .. Thanks Rodney. . . . . But it also helps to understand much higher frequency Electronics
and even Radio, to more fully appreciate what Harmonics can do.

That being said, if you want eliminate inrush completely from your system two thing could be done and if you
figure out how you'll be a very wealthy person:
1. Completely de-magnetized the core which will reduce the probability of getting those high ranging inrushes
(10x value people talk about) so remenance flux will not be a contributing factor.
2. As other members stated find the correct closing angle every time the transformer is de-energized.
Most certainly they would almost eliminate the problem. . ..But there is a 3rd option.
3. Provide, or include Total Harmonic filtering, blocking or absorbing.
Asif Eqbal
Asif Eqbal
Manager (Engineering) at Alstom Grid
When transformer is initially energised there is sudden inrush of primary current. Maximum value attained by
flux is over twice the normal flux. Magnetising current required for producing such a large flux may be 10-12
times the normal magnetising current. This can be understood mathematically as (symbols have their usual

Voltage applied to primary = V1 = Vmsin(wt + alpha) here alpha is angle of voltage at time of switching.
suppose we neglect core losses and primary resistance then:
V1 = N1d(phi)/dt
this gives d(phi)/dt = some function of sin(wt + alpha)
Entire calculation with proper symbols cannot be shown here so finally solving as differential equation for phi
we will see that the flux or Phi consist of steady state component Phi(steady state) and Phi(transient). Now
Phi(Transient) has further two parts Phi(residual i,e flux remained in core after last de-energisation) and
Phi*Cos(alpha). Now if transformer is switched on Alpha =0 that is when Voltage is at zero then cos(alpha) = 1
and under this condition total flux will be more than twice the normal flux. To decrease the total flux you need to
control the transient flux which can become zero only if cos(alpha) becomes zero which is only possible if alpha
= n*(pi)/2 in other words if transformer is connected to supply line near a positive or negative voltage maximum,
inrush current can be minimised. So switching plays a very important role in transformer inrush. Hence to
minimise the inrush current you need to switch a transformer at a predetermined time which is only possible by
controlled switching. Many utility now started to use CSD (controlled switching device) for transformers and
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Asif,
Have you read the last 20 postings. ?
From your mathematics. . ..How do you explain why the Inrush or Surge Current can last for More than half a
cycle. ?
Herivelto Bronzeado
Herivelto Bronzeado
Experienced Engineer on Power System Engineering & Power Quality Solutions
Please, read the paper you can find in
H. S. Bronzeado, S. O. Pinto, Per Jonsson, J. C. de Oliveira and M. L. R. Chaves, Transformer Inrush is Over:
An Experience with a 100MVA, 230/138 kV Three-phase Transformer Controlled Energizing, International
Conference on Power Systems Transients, IPST 2009, Kyoto, Japan, June 2009.
Stephen Sedio
Stephen Sedio
Senior Development Engineer at Foxconn and Owner, Valley Center Wireless
Turn off the voltage to a transformer at zero crossing at the end of the + half of the sine wave, Br is at max.
Turn the transformer on at the same place, so the next half of the sine wave is -, no inrush.
Turn the transformer on at the zero crossing before the + half of the sine wave, the gauss starts at Br and
increases to saturation. Current increases, voltage drop across the winding and source wiring increase.
At the next zero crossing, the Br is still higher that the initial turn off condition, so the - half of the sine wave
doesn't fully reset the core. The next + sine wave you go into saturation again, but not as hard.

Being the gauss is lower on the resetting half of the sine wave, there is less load on the source voltage, which,
over time, allows the core to re-center (assuming a perfectly balanced source voltage, if the source is an inverter
- may not be the case).
The second (and other even) harmonic is a result of lower voltage on the saturation side of the cycle than the
resetting side (measure the harmonics from a one diode rectifier). The odd harmonics come from the distortion
of the waveform during saturation. I see them as an effect, not a cause.
Inductors tolerate offset currents by introducing a gap. The energy stored in the gap resets the core, lowering Br.
Butt stacking the core may reduce inrush by lowering Br, but at the cost of higher steady state magnetization
Ir. Agung Firmansyah
Ir. Agung Firmansyah
Principal Electrical Engineer
Long duration inrush normally occurs when the transformer is connected to a very long transmission line/cable
and the grid is very weak. In this case, the system is naturally having resonance frequencies below 5 times the
system fundamental frequency.
When a transformer is energized, its harmonics can excite the system resonance points. This situation can cause
overvoltage and long duration inrush.
Cesar Rosa-Delgado
Cesar Rosa-Delgado
Owner at Cesar Tech Services
I meant Bloch and not Block.
Cesar Rosa-Delgado
Cesar Rosa-Delgado
Owner at Cesar Tech Services
The only best way is by design. The Block walls need to have the direction thus minimizing the magnetic flux to
"hit" them. This is why transformer manufacturer spend so much time to laminate as thin as possible sheets of
iron superimposed/stacked upon another.
Nick de Lange
Nick de Lange
Transformer maintenance Engineer / specialist transformator onderhoud en beheer at Liandon
We often see inrush currents up to 10-14 the nominal current (much higher than the 6-8 times that is considered
as normal). Then the protective relays sometime will trip... Although we know that this is not an issue we like to
prevent endless discussions with clients and therefore we can demagnetize the saturated core after service (and
diagnostic measurements). This is done with a simple device using DC Current and it will take only several
minutes to perform.
Asif Eqbal
Asif Eqbal
Manager (Engineering) at Alstom Grid
Hi Hugh sir, yes I have read all previous postings. Mathematics was to illustrate the importance of switching
instant in inrush current and to minimise this needs to be at voltage maximum and not voltage zero crossing as
mentioned in one of the comments. Now coming to duration of inrush current. Magnitude of inrush current can
be expressed as a function of time as well as other parameters like applied voltage, impedance (system +
transformer), switching instant alpha, time for core to saturate, transformer time constant. Rate of decay is
calculated as time required for to decay to 1/e of the peak value. This may be more than half a cycle or few
cycles depending upon transformer time constant (which depends upon transformer size).
All the discussion and valuable comments above is about energisation inrush only and not recovery inrush and

sympathetic inrush. It will be useful if anybody throw some light on remaining two types of inrush and their
impact on power system.
subodh Biswas
subodh Biswas
En nemli Katk Salayan
How you will filtering the Harmonic current?
which equipment you are using, what is the name of that equipment?
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Stephen,
The second (and other even) harmonic is a result of lower voltage on the saturation side of the cycle than the
resetting side (measure the harmonics from a one diode rectifier). The odd harmonics come from the distortion
of the waveform during saturation. I see them as an effect, not a cause.
Should a Transformer, when working normally, ever go into Saturation. ?
If not, then why should it go into Saturation at Switch-On. ?
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Stephen,
Inductors tolerate offset currents by introducing a gap. The energy stored in the gap resets the core, lowering
Br. Butt stacking the core may reduce inrush by lowering Br, but at the cost of higher steady state magnetization
I dont think that is quite right.
We used to Gap Inductors, to REDUCE their Inductance value.
Actually the reason for that was that when you manufacture high Q Inductors, you will get variations in their
values. . .By Gapping them and reducing the inductance, their value in Henries, was more easily controlled to
a fixed, consistent intended value
I do agree, that if you were to Gap a Transformer, then yes, you could reduce the large Switch-On Surge, that
sometimes occurs. . . And yes the Magnetization current would be higher, OR you could make the Irons Larger,
to get back to the same working magnetic core, and keep the Magnetization current down to the previous figure.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Ir. Agung,
Long duration inrush normally occurs when the transformer is connected to a very long transmission line/cable
and the grid is very weak. In this case, the system is naturally having resonance frequencies below 5 times the
system fundamental frequency.
When a transformer is energized, its harmonics can excite the system resonance points. This situation can cause

overvoltage and long duration inrush.

Thank you. . . .This is what I have been trying to get across for a long time, but my words have been ignored or
But it is not just , resonance frequencies below 5 times the system fundamental frequency , but the various
Harmonics, can use that line Before the Transformer, to Resonate at some of their frequencies. . . .. .
That is how and why Inrush Currents can continue for more than cycle.
Thanks Agung
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Cesar,
This is why transformer manufacturer spend so much time to laminate as thin as possible sheets of iron
The Transformer Core is made from thin iron sheets to reduce the Eddy Current losses. . . . .To improve the
overall efficiency of the transformer. . . .Nothing or little to do with the transformer walls.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi subodh,
" How you will filtering the Harmonic current? "
I am talking about the theory. . . .
It is up to you to design suitable Harmonic Filters.
If you want, I can give some guidance.
Hugh Leyton
Hugh Leyton
Electrical & Telecommunications Engineer
En nemli Katk Salayan
Hi Asif,
All the discussion and valuable comments above is about energisation inrush only and not recovery inrush and
sympathetic inrush. It will be useful if anybody throw some light on remaining two types of inrush and their
impact on power system.
But with all that mathematics, how are you going to explain Inrush Currents, lasting longer than cycle. ?

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