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Behavioral Scientist

A Humanistic Technology
Hyman G. Rickover
American Behavioral Scientist 1965 9: 3
DOI: 10.1177/000276426500900102

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>> Version of Record - Jan 1, 1965

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A Humanistic Technology*
by Hyman G. Rickover

"Humanistically viewed, technology is not an

end in itself but a means to an end, the end
being determined by man." So says Admiral
Rickover in this speech which he gave at George-
town University’s Symposium on Cybernetics
and Society, November, 1964.

BY BORING into the secrets of nature scientists have govern human behavior and human relations in our
discovered keys that will unlock powerful forces which society.
are then put to practical use by technology. The appa- This needs stressing for there is a widespread notion
ratus we have set up to utilize these forces is now so that, since technology has wrought vast changes in our
huge, so complex, so difficult for laymen to understand lives, traditional concepts of ethics and morals are now
that by its very magnitude it threatens to dwarf man obsolete. Why should the fact that technology makes it
himself. The threat does not inhere in the apparatus possible to relieve mankind of much brutal, exhausting
itself-technology is neutral. It lies in ourselves, in the physical labor and boring routine work affect precepts
way we look at technology, for this determines what we that have guided Western man for centuries? This may
do with it. brand me as old-fashioned but I have not yet found
My plea is for a humanistic attitude toward technology. occasion to discard a single principle that was accepted
By this I mean that we recognize it as a product of human in the America of my youth. Why should anyone feel in
effort, a product serving no other purpose than to benefit need of a new ethical code because he has become richer
man-man in general, not merely some men; man in the or healthier or has more leisure? Does it make sense

totality of his humanity, encompassing all his manifold to abandon rules one has lived by because one has ac-
interests and needs, not merely some one particular con- quired more e$icient tools? Tools are for utilizing the
cern of his. Humanistically viewed, technology is not external resources at our disposal; principles are for
an end in itself but a means to an end, the end being marshaling our inner, our human resources. With tools
determined we can alter our physical environment; principles serve
by man.

Technology is nothing but tools, techniques, pro- to order our personal life and our relations with others.
cedures ; the artifacts fashioned by modern industrial The two have nothing to do with each other.
man his powers of mind and body. Marvelous
to increase It disturbs me to be told that technology &dquo;demands&dquo;
as they are, we must not let ourselves be overawed by some action the speaker favors, or that &dquo;you can’t stop
these artifacts. They certainly do not dictate how we progress.&dquo; It troubles me that we are so easily pressured
should use them; nor by their mere existence do they by purveyors of technology into permitting so-called
authorize actions that were not anteriorly lawful. We &dquo;progress&dquo; to alter our lives, without attempting to con-
alone must decide how technology is to be used and trol this development-as if technology were an irrepres-
we alone are responsible for the consequences. In this
as in all our actions we are bound by the principles that Copyright 1964, H. G. Rickover.

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sible force of nature to which we must meekly submit. The methods of science require rigorous exclusion of
If we reflected we might discover that much that is the human factor. They were developed to serve the
hailed as progress contributes little or nothing to human needs of scientists whose sole interest is to comprehend
happiness. Not everything new is eo ipso good, nor the universe; to know the truth; to know it accurately
everything old out-of-date. and with certainty. The searcher for truth cannot pay
Perhaps what makes us receptive to these arguments attention to his own or other people’s likes and dislikes,
is our tendency to confuse technology with science. Not or to popular ideas of the fitness of things. This is why

only in popular thinking but even among well-informed science is the very antithesis of &dquo;humanistic,&dquo; despite the
persons the two are not always clearly distinguished. fact that historically modern science developed out of
Characteristics pertaining to science are often attributed and parallel to the humanism of the Renaissance.
to technology. The etymology of the word may have What scientists discover may shock or anger people-
some bearing on this confusion. Its suffix lends to tech- as did Galileo’s discovery that the earth circles the sun,
nology a false aura-as if it signified a body of accumu- or Darwin’s theory of evolution. But even an unpleasant
lated, systematized knowledge-when in fact the term truth is worth having; besides one can always choose not
refers to the apparatus through which knowledge is put to believe it! It is otherwise with technology. Science,
to practical use. The difference is important.
being pure thought, harms no one; it need not therefore
Science, as I hardly need tell this audience, has to do be humanistic. But technology is action, and thus poten-
with discovering the true facts and relationships of
tially dangerous. Unless it adapts itself to human inter-
observable phenomena in nature, and with establishing
ests, needs, values, and principles, i.e., unless it is
theories that serve to organize masses of verified data
humanistic, technology will do more harm than good.
concerning these facts and relationships. Julian Huxley For by enlarging man’s power of mind and body, it en-
said that scientific laws and concepts are &dquo;organized hances his ability to do harm even as it enhances his
creations of the human mind, by means of which the
ability to do good. Never in all his long life on earth
disorderly raw material of natural phenomena presented has man possessed such enormous power to injure fellow
to crude experience is worked into orderly and manage-
human beings and society. Neither public opinion nor
able forms.&dquo;
the law have caught up with his new destructive poten-
Because of the extraordinary care with which scientists
verify the facts supporting their theories, and the readi- tial, which is why perpetrators of technological damage
ness with which they alter theories when new facts prove
often as not escape with impunity.
an old established theory to be imperfect, science has That a humanistic technology is within the bounds of
immense authority. What the scientific community ac- the attainable is proved by medicine. The practicing
cepts as proven is not debatable; it must be accepted. No physician’s technology is permeated by the humanistic
one argues that the earth ought to attract the moon, or
spirit; it is centered on man. No one is allowed to prac-
that atomic fission ought not to produce energy. tice medicine who has not given proof of his technical
Technology cannot claim the authority of science. It competence. The profession operates under a code of
is properly a subject of debate, not only by experts in ethics which requires physicians to place the human
the field but by the public as well. In every field of needs of patients above all other considerations. On
knowledge, application to human use of scientific theories graduation from medical school they swear an oath in-
and axioms has proved anything but infallibly beneficial;
in fact much harm has been done. We have yet to devise corporating this ethical code-an oath formulated two
methods for testing the safety and usefulness of a given and a half millennia ago by the Greek physician Hip-
technology that would in any way be comparable to the pocrates.
methods by which science tests its hypotheses.
The forces put to work by technology should be han- Tension Within the Altruistic Ideal
dled with greater care than is presently the case. We
have been remiss in failing to insist that no one be al- We to Greece the noble idea that knowledge
lowed to manage a technology who does not have the ought be
to used humanistically, instead of for personal
requisite competence. Further, anyone making a faulty aggrandizement or power, or as a means of extracting
decision which causes damage to others should be held maximum gain from people who are in need of the
responsible. As it is, many are now making technological services of men possessing special knowledge. It was a
decisions who are not capable-even if they would-of
novel idea at the time, and remains unknown to this day
assessing the consequences of their decisions. Too often in many regions of the world-witness the fear in which
these are made on the basis of short-range, private in-
terests with no regard for the interests of others or the
medicine men are commonly held because of their notori-
ous abuses of power. Even among the people of Western
possibilities of harmful long-range side effects. A certain
ruthlessness is encouraged by the mistaken belief that to civilization, the precept is rarely followed outside medi-
disregard human considerations is as necessary in tech- cine and a few other professions. Most human affairs are
nology as it is in science. The analogy is false. conducted on the old Roman maxim of caveat emptor.

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Pursuant to the Greek ideal, the tradition in Europe getting a lighter-weight reactor plant was worth risking

has been to restrict the practice of medicine to persons the health of personnel. It was not possible to make him
who not only are competent in their specialty but who see that such a concept could not be accepted; that,

are also broadly or humanistically educated. Hence the moreover, where radiation is involved, we are dealing
requirement that before they begin their medical studies not just with the lives of present day individuals but
future physicians must obtain the baccalaureate that with the genetic future of all mankind. His attitude was
comes at the end of the exacting course of a classical or that we did not know much about evolution and if we
semiclassical gymnasium or lycee-a course deemed to raised radiation exposures we might find the resulting
nurture better than any other those qualities of breadth mutations to be beneficial-that mankind might &dquo;learn to
of mind and depth of character that are prerequisites of live with radiation.&dquo;
a humanistic attitude. In a humanistic technology the desire to obtain maxi-
mum benefits is subordinated to the obligation not to
This, of course, prolongs the time it takes to become
a physician and increases the cost. During the past cen- injure human beings or society at large. Technological
tury it was widely felt in our country that this was decisions must be made by competent and responsible
&dquo;undemocratic.&dquo; So young men were allowed to enter persons who know that nature will strike back if her
medical school directly from high school. But eventually categorical imperatives are disregarded. We need, for
we followed the example of Europe, realizing that if technology as a whole, a system comparable to the one
medicine is to be of greatest service to mankind it must in medicine which guards against practices that, while
be practiced as a humanistic profession. Since we have doubtless profitable to the practitioner, would be harmful
to those who suffer the consequences; in other words, we
nothing in our public school system comparable to the
humanistic gymnasium or lycee, we require that before need professionalization of the decision-making process.
being admitted to medical school students obtain a bach-
elor’s degree from a liberal arts college-the nearest Amer-
ican equivalent to the European baccalaureate. Increasing Organization
I should like to see a similar requirement set up by Most technological decisions are made by large or-
engineering schools. They are now, in most cases, mere ganizations. Their custom of exalting the &dquo;pure&dquo; adminis-
trade schools-though often excellent in their narrow trator above the technical expert, even in technical
field. Even schools that find room in their crowded cur- matters, needs to be changed. For in our country we do
riculum for humanities courses cannot make up for the not make it mandatory that administrators have technical
deficiencies in the American high school. We have no competence; their m6tier is to rule organizations. Living
alternative but to demand completion of a liberal arts in hierarchies, they are accustomed to giving and obey-
college course if we want future professionals to be ing orders; they expect, and they give, unquestioned
broadly and liberally educated before they specialize for obedience to superiors. This offers little room for per-
their particular career. sonal judgment based on knowledge and expertise. Pro-
I have long believed that engineering should be prac- fessional persons, the other hand, are trained to act
ticed as a humanistic profession, that engineers should in professional matters
on their own judgment, no matter
be humanistically or liberally educated persons. This what their position in the organization. They also place
would bring us appreciably closer to a humanistic tech- the ethical code of their profession above the interests
nology, not only because it would broaden the engineer’s of their employer. We would be well advised to ponder
vision but because it would raise his professional status. whether we ought not insist on professionals participat-
This is particularly important today when most engineers ing on an equal basis in the decision making process
work in large bureaucratic organizations-private and whenever a technology is potentially dangerous.
public-where professional judgment has difficulty mak- This brings me to a final and important question: Can
ing itself felt against the autocratic fiat of higher ad- we handle technology in such a way that it will not dis-
ministrative officials. If the technical advice of engineers tort our free society? Does our political system provide
is to count, they must attain a professional status com- means to control the new power complexes that have
parable to that of physicians. arisen as a consequence of technology? Can we make
I speak of this with feeling. As you know, my work is certain that these do not diminish the autonomous indi-
in one of the new technologies-one that is dangerous vidual on whom our system pivots; that they do not by
unless properly handled. I am frequently faced with the reason of their overwhelming power pervert the demo-
difficulty of convincing administrative superiors that it cratic process?
is not safe for them to overrule their technical experts. This is so large a subject that I can only touch upon a
Here is a case in point: few aspects that seem to me important. Let me say at
A superior once asked me to reduce radiation shielding once that if ours is to remain a society of free men, tech-
in our nuclear submarines. He said the advantage of nology must be made humanistic. Men will not retain

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their liberty unless their society is totally committed to one could say that the individual in our society is a per-
the belief that &dquo;man is the measure of all things&dquo; son with private rights and public duties; he safeguards

(Protagoras) and to the maxim that &dquo;man is an end in his private liberties by conscientiously attending to his
himself&dquo; and must not be used &dquo;as a mere means for public responsibilities.
some external purpose&dquo; (Kant). The fundamental tenets of our political system are to
In essence, what we face is a modern version of an be found in the Declaration of Independence, the ma-
age-old problem that keeps reappearing: how to recon- chinery putting them into effect in the Constitution.
cile liberty and civilization. We shall understand the Familiarity with these great documents, and with the
present-day version better if we know something about Federalist which elucidates their meaning, is as essential
the 18th century version which occupied the thoughts of to a strong democratic faith as is the Bible to religious
the Founding Fathers. This is how they saw it and ulti-
mately solved it brilliantly-for their time:
They were men of the Enlightenment-that last phase
of the Renaissance when men turned once more for in-
spiration to the classical world as they mounted an attack
on every custom and institution that shackles the mind
of man or arbitrarily restrains his action-from supersti-
tion to class privilege, from tyranny by an established
church to tyranny by an absolute monarch. The central
problem agitating the thinkers of the Age of Reason was
how to limit power so that men may be free. They saw
more clearly than anyone before or since that it was
civilization-life in civilized society-which created the
problem. Savages knew how to remain free, but when
men lived in civilized society their social needs generated

power which in the end suppressed their liberties.

Though separated by the Atlantic from the center of
all this intellectual ferment, the founders of our nation
were a part of it. Unlike the European philosophers,
who were merely theorizing about a possible resolution
of the antithesis between individual liberty and organ- faith. We must know them well enough to be able to
ized society, the Founding Fathers were looking for a distinguish clearly between tenet and technique, between
practical solution; they were first-rate thinkers, but also principle and procedure. For in order to preserve our
experienced politicians. Their great achievement was to free society we have to adjust techniques and procedures
have recognized that on this rich, empty, newly colonized to changes in the conditions of life in order that they
American continent a new type of self-reliant man, a new may be kept effective, while holding on to the basic
type of basically egalitarian society had come into being, tenets or principles that make ours a free, democratic
and that a unique opportunity thus offered itself to estab- society.
lish here the Utopia the philosophers were dreaming The Declaration of Independence enumerates three
about: a country where all men would be free to manage fundamental principles in the following order of pre-
their personal lives, where the law recognized no special cedence : first, men are born equally endowed with cer-
privilege or handicap, where government would be the tain rights that are &dquo;inalienable&dquo;; second, governments
servant, not the master of the people. With consummate are established to &dquo;secure&dquo; these rights; and third, gov-
skill they devised a political system combining maximum ernment derives its &dquo;just powers&dquo; from the consent of the
protection of individual liberty with adequate provision
for the proper governance of a civilized society. Hamil- governed. Clearly the intent of the founders was that
Americans were to be forever secure in the rights that
ton called the Constitution a happy mean between &dquo;the
make men free and, being free, capable of exercising
energy of government and the security of private rights.&dquo;
control over their government; that never would they be
ruled by anyone who had not received a public mandate
and was not accountable to the people for his actions.
Private Rights and Public Duty The founders were well aware that democracy is the
The founders achieved their purpose by making con- most difficult form of government. They knew that to
sent of the people indispensable to the functioning of make a success of it, a people must have political
government-in other words, by associating the citizen sagacity as well as what the ancients called &dquo;public
with the business of governing. In an oversimplified way, virtues&dquo;-a combination of independence, self-reliance

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and readiness to assume civic responsibilities. But they in want; and a substantial percentage are so poorly edu-
felt that Americans possessed these qualities; that, in- cated that we can find no jobs they are able to fill.
deed, the conditions of life in America developed just the With the closing of the frontier a way of life came to
type of man who would know how to make democracy an end which was simple and uncomplicated and there-
work. fore comprehensible to everyone. To make the wilder-
ness habitable took a vast amount of rough work, so
Among the advantages favoring a workable democ-
racy, the founders counted the fact that Americans were there was always demand for the kind of labor most
for the most part independent farmers, artisans and mer- people are able to perform. One needed little book
chants. Being used to managing their own business, such learning to be successful in life. Men were scarce so
men would, they felt, know how to manage the nation. they felt needed and therefore important. Public issues
A scarce population and the immense wealth of the could be understood by ordinary men; de Tocqueville
country in land and other resources would prevent for- was astounded by the lively interest in politics he found
mation of a propertyless class dependent on others for here. &dquo;If an American were condemned to confine his
employment. The political equality basic to our system activity to his own affairs, he would be robbed of one
of government would thus be firmly supported by real half of his existence,&dquo; he wrote in the 1830’s.
equality among our people. The founders were con- What changed all this was technology. The technical
vinced there would be free land for generations and level of a society always determines the range of occu-
generations to come; they could not have envisioned a pational skills that are in demand. In pre-industrial
hundredfold population increase in but two centuries. America, this range corresponded closely to the actual
That seventy per cent of our people now live in urban capabilities of our people. Today it is at odds with what
conglomerations would have horrified them; they judged one might call the natural range of competences. While

Europe’s propertyless urban masses unfit to govern them- men worked much harder in the past to earn a living,
selves ! To them America’s unique advantages were a they needed much less formal schooling. Many people
guarantee of success for their political experiment. They find it difficult or impossible to meet educational require-
felt that the land, the people and the political system ments that are indispensable at the present level of tech-
were made for each other. nology. The minimum now is a high school diploma.
These special advantages are nearly all gone now. Though this is a modest level of education, nearly half
They began to disappear with the coming to our shores our youth fail to achieve it. Yet it is not too much to
of the Industrial Revolution roughly a century ago; we ask; it is no more than is asked of workingmen in other
are losing them at an accelerated rate since the full im- advanced industrial countries.
pact of the Scientific Revolution hit us about two decades To function properly in his environment a worker now
ago. Directly or indirectly it has been the new technol- needs to be a human being with a good basic education;
ogy these revolutions brought into being that altered the he must certainly be wholly literate and what the English
pattern of national life in ways that are detrimental to call numerate. Uneducated workers are a positive men-
the democratic process. The many benefits we gain ace in complex industrial installations. Time and again

through technology come at a cost. I have seen production schedules delayed, countless
Let me briefly run over some of the advantages we hours of labor by highly skilled scientists and engineers
have lost. Free land is gone and we now have an excess, brought to nothing, thousands of dollars’ damage done
not a scarcity, of people as measured by available jobs. by a single careless act of an uneducated worker.
The self-employed have dwindled to ten per cent of the
working population and grow fewer each year; the solid Conclusion
and real property, which once gave Americans what
Socrates called a &dquo;private station&dquo; from which to exer- Though we save ourselves much unpleasant labor by
cise their rights as citizens, has been replaced by masses means of technology, we have to exert ourselves more
of possessions being paid for on the installment plan. It than in the past to reach the competencies required of
was Kenneth Galbraith, I believe, who noted that the all who are involved with technology. If, as I said be-
average family is three weeks from bankruptcy, should fore, decision makers now should have a liberal educa-
the breadwinner lose his job. tion as well as professional competence, so must workers
Early visitors to America were amazed that we had have a basic education in addition to their specific voca-
neither paupers nor very rich men; we now have both. tional skill. This is the price we have to pay for the
The richest one per cent of our population owns twenty- many good things technology can provide.
eight per cent of the national wealth; the poorest ten But the raising of educational levels is not limited to
per cent owns but one per cent. The gap is greater here job requirements. It is also essential to the discharge of
than in many democracies abroad. We have some of the our responsibilities as democratic citizens. Where in the
worst slums; one fourth to one fifth of our people live past, life itself developed in most Americans the wisdom

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and experience they needed to reach intelligent opinions
on public issues and to choose wisely among candidates
for public office, we must today acquire this competence
largely through studies that many people do not find
particularly congenial. Yet unless one understands the
world he lives in, including issues requiring political
solutions, he is not a productive, contributing member of
society. Uneducated citizens are potentially as danger-
ous to the proper functioning of our democratic institu-
tions as are uneducated workers when they handle
complicated machinery.
Paradoxically, liberal education which at one time we
tended to regard as &dquo;aristocratic&dquo; is the very kind of
education we now need most to preserve our &dquo;demo-
cratic&dquo; way of life. Since it seeks to develop all the
potentialities of the individual, not merely those he
needs to earn a living, liberal or humanistic education the ABS program
shapes or forms him into a more capable, a more ob- I. Information
servant, a more discriminating human being. This he 1. To report social and behavioral science research as
needs to be if he is to cope with the huge public and it occurs around the world.
private power conglomerates that now dominate our so- 2. To describe and evaluate the newest literature of
the social sciences, with regard particularly to its
ciety and interpose themselves between the American
people and the men elected to public office, making it methodology.
3. To report and criticize the operations of universities,
increasingly difficult for the popular will to assert itself foundations, professional groups, and governments
whenever it goes counter to the interests of large insofar as they deal with or impinge upon the study
organizations. of man.
This is particularly serious when the people find they 4. To carry the annals of research and report the opera-
must call on their government to protect them against tions of research agencies and organizations.
misuse of technology by one or another of these large 5. To help develop the sciences of information, classi-
organizations. So great is the power of these organiza- fication, coding, storage, retrieval, supply, and re-
tions that normally the interest of the sovereign people
cycling of communication.
in getting protective laws enacted and enforced does not
li. Methodology
6. To suggest theories, methods, and subjects for new
carry as much weight as the interest of organizations in researches in the social sciences.
continuing their harmful practices. Often something in 7. To extend the use of operational and logico-empiri-
the nature of a catastrophe which causes a public outcry cal theory in the study of man.
will alone get action. The tragic case of the Thalidomide 8. To redescribe the world of nature in human terms,
babies comes to mind. One could cite numerous exam- as an alternative and supplemental language to the
ples of delayed or emasculated legislation and of inade- languages of the natural sciences.
quate enforcement of existing laws-for instance, against 9. To promote the quantity and quality of creativity
sale of foods and drugs containing ingredients not prop- and social invention in free society.
erly tested for side effects; against dangerous pesticides 10. To humanize the social sciences and introduce sci-
ence into the humanities.
and weed killers which poison fish, plants and wildlife,
and upset the ecological balance of nature; against air 11. To develop the science of public policy, and gen-
and water pollution, etc. erally the technique of applied science.
Ill. Integration
The problem of how to limit power so men may be
12. To integrate the sciences to the optimal degree for
free is perennial and cumulative. No sooner is society
scientific utility and wholesome comprehension.
organized to control one kind of power, than new ones 13. To analyze the ideologies of science, particularly
appear, ranging themselves alongside the old power. The the social sciences.
founders of our nation solved the problem as it then 14. To instill in the public an acceptable ideology of
existed, i.e., they limited the power wielded by govern- natural and social science.
ment. Our problem is additionally to prevent the power
15. To help the world intelligentsia achieve its com-
of bureaucratic organizations from being used in ways
munity, its mission, and an acceptable level of in-
that diminish individual liberty and undermine the fluence over public policy.
democratic process. If we succeed in this we shall benefit 16. To defend and extend the necessary liberties of all
from technology without having to sacrifice our precious scientists.
heritage-freedom. Alfred de Grazia, PUBLISHER & EDITOR

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