LAB 2: Staining and Streaking: Series of Stains and Chemical Reagents To Increase Contrast and Reveal Information About
LAB 2: Staining and Streaking: Series of Stains and Chemical Reagents To Increase Contrast and Reveal Information About
LAB 2: Staining and Streaking: Series of Stains and Chemical Reagents To Increase Contrast and Reveal Information About
Protocols for Simple stain, Gram Stain, Streak Plate Technique and Culture Maintenance
Stains, or dyes, are salts in which one of the ions is colored. In a basic stain, the
color is in the positively charged ion. In an acidic stain the color is in the negatively
charged ion. Bacterial surfaces have a slight negative charge. Thus, there is an affinity
between a positively charged color ion and the negatively charged bacterial cell. In the
Direct or Positive Staining Procedure a cell takes up a positively charged dye and
becomes stained. Methylene blue, crystal violet, and safranin, are all basic dyes. In the
Indirect or Negative Staining Procedure, a cell is immersed in a negatively charged
dye. As the cell will repel the dye, the cell appears clear in a background of color.
Nigrosine is an example of an acidic stain.
Staining procedures that use one dye to increase contrast between specimen and
background are simple staining procedures. Complex staining procedures employ a
series of stains and chemical reagents to increase contrast and reveal information about
the specimen. Any staining procedure that allows differentiation of one type of bacterium
from another is a differential staining procedure.
For all staining procedures, it is first required that cells be fixed to the slide. In
light microscopy fixing is completed through heating. In electron microscopy, fixation is
accomplished using chemical fixatives. All fixatives kill cells. But their function in
microscopy is to preserve bacterial structures while enhancing adherence of cells to the
The Gram stain, the most widely used staining procedure in bacteriology, is a
complex and differential staining procedure. Through a series of staining and
decolorization steps, Bacteria are differentiated according to cell wall composition.
Gram-positive Bacteria have cell walls that contain thick layers of peptidoglycan (90%
of cell wall). These stain purple. Gram-negative Bacteria have walls with thin layers of
peptidoglycan (10% of wall), and high lipid content. These stain pink. This stain is not
used for Archeae or Eukaryotes as both lack peptidoglycan.
In the Gram stain, after heat fixing cells are stained with the first or primary
stain, crystal violet. Both Gram-negative and Gram-positive cells bind this initial
positive stain which forms large complexes inside the cell wall. After washing, a
mordant, Gram's iodine, is added. Mordants increase the binding affinity of stains.
Iodine binds with the crystal violet to form large CV-I2 complexes within the cell wall. A
decolorizing agent, alcohol, is added next. This is the crucial, differentiating step. The
dehydrating effect of the alcohol causes the peptidoglycan-rich cell wall of the Gram
positive cells to shrink, holding the crystal violet-iodine complexes in the cells. The
alcohol dissolves the lipid in the Gram-negative cell walls, leaving the walls porous.
Crystal violet-iodine complexes leak out of the Gram-negative cells leaving them without
color. At this point the Gram positive cells are purple and the Gram negative cells are
clear. A counterstain, safranin, is added to allow visualization of the Gram negative
Learn theory of staining bacterial cells.
Learn to prepare a bacterial sample for staining.
Learn to recognize bacterial shapes and arrangements.
Learn to complete the Simple Stain Protocol effectively.
Learn to complete the Gram Stain Protocol effectively.
Learn to recognize Gram Positive from Gram Negative bacteria.
Understand the role of the Gram Stain as an important differential stain.
Learn the usefulness of a a simple stain vs a differential stain
1. Label slide: use permanent marker to write name of sample on one end of the
4. Hold slide carefully. Pass the slide through the upper most portion of a Bunsen
burner flame. Do this three times to heat fix.
Protocol: Simple Stainn a straining tray, flood slide with a positive stain such as crystal
violet. Allow stain to remain on culture for one minute.
1. Place slide into the interior of a blotting paper tablet. Close tablet. Apply
pressure to blot. Do not rub. The slide should be completely dry before
microscopic examination.
Practice the Simple Stain technique with one of the control cultures. Compare your work
to your lab partners. Controls are used to demonstrate positive and negative results for a
The Simple Stain will allow you to see size, shape and arrangement of bacterial cells.
Can you determine that you have three cell types in your environmental isolate by using
the simple stain procedure?
What are the general shapes of bacterial cells?
What are the names for bacterial arrangements?
What are the shapes of the cells in your mixed culture?
Protocol: Gram Stain
Prepare slide as described above. But for this stain you will add two samples to the slide.
Place the samples in distinct locations on the slide. The samples should not mix or over
lap. The first sample will be a Gram stain control culture and the second sample will be
your test sample. After air drying, heat fix the slide.
6. Place slide in staining tray, flood with crystal violet. Stain for 30 seconds
8. Flood the slide with Gram's iodine. Let stand for 10 seconds to one minute.
10. Flood slide with 95% alcohol for 30 seconds or until stain no longer washes from
the slide when held at an angle.
12. Flood slide with safranin. Allow stain to remain for 30 seconds.
14. Blot slide within a pad of blotting paper. Do not rub. The slide should be
completely dry before microscopic examination.
16. Check the Gram Stain control. Focus on an area of the slide where individual cells
can be seen clearly. Gram positive cells will stain purple, Gram negative cells
will stain pink. If you have achieved the expected result with the Gram stain
control, observe your test culture. If the Gram stain control does not stain as
expected, repeat the procedure on a freshly prepared slide.
What additional information does the use of this stain give you with respect to your
environmental isolate?
The Gram stain is a pivotal stain in microbiology.
This stain should be repeated when pure cultures are isolated.
Lab 2b: Introduction to Streaking and Culture Maintenance
The immediate objective of the streak plate is to produce well separated colonies
of bacteria from a concentrated suspension of cells. To achieve this result the bacterial
stock is streaked with an inoculating loop onto solid media in a series of steps. Each
streaking step is followed by a flaming step. As bacteria are streaked from one area of
the plate to the next, a dilution occurs. At the last streak, the number of cells on the loop
should be small. As these small number of cells are spread across the remaining area of
the plate, the cells are physically separated. Each isolated cell will divide. As the
dividing cells accumulate in the local region of the original isolated cell, a distinct
mound of cells becomes visible. This mound of cells is a colony. All cells in a colony
are descendants of one cell from the original sample.
The use of the streak plate technique requires knowledge of rules of aseptic
technique . Whenever working with a culture, the microbiologist must proceed with care
to ensure that the culture is not contaminated during the manipulations, and with caution
that no culture escapes into the environment. In addition it is important that all culture
vessels and laboratory media are free from bacteria - sterile. Sterilization procedures
include treatment with high temperature and irradiation. Some culture media are filtered
to remove all bacteria. Inoculating loops are exposed to a flame for sterilization.
When working with a mixed culture, the streak plate is used to isolated colonies
of each individual culture in the mix. Once isolated, each colony can be re-streaked to
prepare pure cultures. To maintain a pure culture, there are a number of options. Many
cultures will survive in the refrigerator for short periods of time. The time will vary from
weeks to months ( some will last years). Refrigeration is thus used for short term storage
of cultures. Long term storage employs the use of -70o C freezers and lyophilization (see
your text book). For cultures frequently used in the lab, one may maintain the culture
safely by a combination of refrigeration and sub culture. For sub- culture, on a regular
basis, refrigerated cultures are streaked on fresh media, grown and then replaced in the
At this point you are working with a mixed culture containing three organisms.
For the next labs it will be useful to isolate the three distinct bacterial types. To do this, a
physical isolation procedure - the streak plate technique - is suggested.
Learn to complete the Streak Plate method effectively.
Learn to recognize a bacterial colony.
Learn to recognize a pure culture.
Learn methods for culture maintenance: subculture.
Learn the role of aseptic technique in bacterial culture.
1. Light the Bunsen burner and do all work near the flame. Tie up loose hair and
2. The inoculating loop should be heated to bright red, holding the loop straight
down into the flame so the loop and lower part of the handle is heated. This will
destroy all living organisms on the loop. After flaming, hold loop briefly in the
air to allow cooling.
3. Hold culture tube in the left hand (or right hand, if left-handed) at an angle and
remove the cap with the fourth and fifth fingers of the right hand that is holding
the loop. Never lay a cap down. Keep the tube at a near horizontal angle to
prevent dust, etc. from falling into the mouth of the tube.
4. Flame the mouth of the tube. This will kill organisms on the lip of the tube and
create outward convection currents that will decrease the chance of
5. Insert the loop into the tube and remove a drop of broth.
6. Flame the mouth of the tube again and replace the cap.
7. After transferring the loopful of inoculum to another tube or to a plate, flame the
loop. Care must be taken not to create a culture aerosol during the flaming. First
bring the loop into the cool portion of the flame to heat the wet culture. Now
move the loop to the hottest inner cone of the flame and heat the loop till red hot.
After loop is heated, hold briefly in the air to allow cooling. Replace the loop in
When transferring cultures from plate to plate, use a similar method of aseptic technique
as demonstrated by your TA. Work quickly to discourage contamination of plates with
airborne microbes. ˜ Figure 4.54.
Protocol: Streak Plate
Day 1
1. Label bottom of plate with your name, date, and name of culture.
3. Invert plates and incubate. (Most cultures that we will use in BSCI 223 should be
incubated at 37 0 C for 48 hours).
Day 2
4. Observe streak plates. Record observations. Are isolated colonies visible?
Observe colony morphology. Is this a mixed culture or a pure culture?
/ Assignment 1 Check Point
Day 1: Each person can streak one plate from the group’s mixed culture. All
environmental isolates should be incubated at 37o C for 48 hours.
Day 2: After observation of plates use the group’s three plates to isolate colonies and re-
streak. Each person should streak one plate. The goal will be to isolate three
cultures, eventually one group member will work with one culture and everyone
will observe results of all the group work.
One Day 2 use Skim milk plates for the streak plate. Bacteria that form protein
capsules will use the protein in the milk to grow and form capsules for the
Capsule Stain used in Lab 3.
Be sure to label the plates appropriately (eg. Unknown 1, Unknown 2, and
Unknown 3 along with your name and the date).
Once you have a pure culture, repeat your Gram stain until your are confident of
the result for each organism. Gram stain results should also help confirm the
purity of your cultures.
IF you find that you do not have three pure cultures. Use cultures provided by
your TA. Gram stain these cultures and proceed with these as your isolates.
Can you begin to recognize characteristics of your three organisms? (Gram reaction?
Shape? Colony morphology?) Are they beginning to be identifiable to you? Record your
data carefully.
˜ Chapters 2, 3, and 4
Exercise 2___________________________________Laboratory Report Questions
Draw observations:
1. While performing a streak plate, you forget to flame the loop between streaks.
Draw the predicted result.
2. While performing a Gram stain, you forget to decolorize. If the organism was a
Gram negative cell, what result do you predict? Why?
3. Draw the Gram negative cell wall. Label all of the structures. Show how the
mordant acts to increase the binding of crystal violet in the Gram stain procedure.
differential stain