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General Chemistry 1 60 MINS

Lesson 3: Measurements
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of measurement and the Lesson Outline
difference between accuracy and precision.
Introduction Communicating Learning Objectives 3
Performance Standards
Motivation Why is Measurement Important? 7
The learners shall be able to:
1. Discuss the need and describe the result of a measurement, in general; Instruction Demonstration 30

2. Differentiate between the accuracy and precision of a measurement; Enrichment Laboratory Experiment 15
3. Point out possible sources of errors in a measurement; and
Evaluation Take-home Activity 5
4. Carry out a measurement and report the results correctly.
Projector, Computer, Flip charts
Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, the learners: th
(1) Chang, R. & Goldsby, K. (2016). Chemistry. (12 ed.). New
1. Explain the need for measurements; York: McGraw-Hill.
2. Describe how to carry out measurements of length, mass, and volume; and
3. Dfferentiate between precision and accuracy (STEM_GC11MT-Ib-13).
INTRODUCTION (3 minutes) Teacher Tip
1. Introduce the following learning objectives using the suggested protocol (Read-aloud): The lesson is essentially a review of some
concepts presented and used in junior high school.
a. I will be able to describe the need for measurement
b. I will be able to carry out simple measurements of length, volume, and mass
c. I will be able to differentiate the accuracy and the precision of a measurement

Teacher Tip
2. Present the keywords for the concepts to be learned: List these keywords on the board or through
a. Measurements PowerPoint slides. Alternatively, you can write
them on flip charts.
b. Units of measurement
c. Accuracy
d. Precision
e. Significant figures
f. Errors

MOTIVATION (7 minutes) Teacher Tip

1. Present to two plastic bottles containing different amounts of water, and ask the learners to Alternatively, a small and a big ball of the same
describe and differentiate the two objects. Make them realize the need to use a number (the color and material can be used. Another option is
volume of the water content or the weight of the bottles and their contents) to describe the to use a small and a long plastic ruler.
objects more clearly and to differentiate them.
Sample Responses
2. Make them realize the need for a quantitative or a numerical description of some properties of a. Measuring the ingredients during cooking (or
matter, and how this is applied in their daily lives. Ask them to cite some situations in daily life baking)
where a measurement is important. b. Measuring the weight of salt being purchased

INSTRUCTION (30 minutes) Teacher Tip

1. After the motivation, they will see the importance of a quantitative description of some It is expected that the learners will use the span of
parameters, such as length, mass, and volume. their fingers, hands, or arms for the measurement.
2. Call two learners separately. Ask each one to measure the length of a table without using a
ruler, meter stick, or tape measure. Make them write their measurements on the board
(number, unit: e.g., 3 hand spans).
3. Ask the class to compare the results and explain for differences or similarities. Ask them to
answer the question: Why is there a need to use a common unit for measurement?
4. Introduce the concept of unit of measurement, which is a means for a quantitative description Teacher Tip
of a property. Highlight the need for a common or universally accepted unit of measurement. The results of the measurements will be different
because of the difference in the length of their
5. Point out that for scientific measurements, a common system has been agreed upon and is
finger, hand, or arms.
used by all scientists anywhere and all the time. Ask them to answer the question: What is the
Make them recall from their Science class in junior
measurement system adopted in scientific measurements?
high school that the International System (or SI) of
6. Post this table on the board and ask them to supply the unit for each property. Measurement is being used in measurements in
• Length – in measuring the height of a person; distances; the size of cloths
• Mass – in measuring the weight of a person; the amount of salt or sugar being bought
• Volume – in measuring the amount of a liquid (e.g. soft drinks)
Mass • Time – in measuring the duration of an event (e.g. to run through a distance)

Volume • Temperature – in measuring the body temperature of a person or of the atmosphere.

8. Ask them to group into pairs. Tell them to measure the length, width, and thickness of a book, and record their results
Temperature on the following table (to be shown on the board).

7. Ask them
to cite
these units
ents are
used in
real life.

It is expected that they will be able to fill up the table, recalling what they have learned from junior high school.

Teacher Tip
The table can PROPERTY SI Units
be presented
PowerPoint Mass
slides projected
on a white Volume
Alternatively, it Time
can be prepared
on flip charts or Temperature
on manila
In case they fail to recall the correct units of measurement, a short discussion might be necessary. Also, refer them to read Chapter 1 of the resource
book (Chang, R. & Goldsby, K., Chemistry).

All pairs should measure the same book.



Teacher Tip
The correct results will include two decimal units.

The concept of significant figures has been

presented in junior high school, but it might not
9. When the pairs have completed the measurements and recorded their results on the table, have been fully understood. Therefore, reviewing
ask them to answer the question: How many significant figures did you use in reporting your it would be worthwhile. For the guidelines for
measurements? using significant figures, see Chapter 1 of the
resource book (Chang, R. & Goldsby, K.,
10. Explain that based on the calibration of the ruler, the measurement is certain until the first
Let them examine the ruler they used.
decimal unit and that the result can include one insignificant or uncertain figure.
At the end of this short activity, you should
! address misconceptions that they have on the
concepts presented.

The concepts of accuracy and precision have been

presented in junior high school. It would be worth
reviewing these concepts.

Point out that the closeness of the results of a

11. Ask them to examine the results of the three measurements that they made on the length, measurement to each other is expressed by its
width, and thickness of the book. precision.

It is not suggested that they should be made to

Ask them to answer the following questions: quantify precision in terms of standard deviation.
This will be done in their course on Mathematics
a. Are the results of each measurement (length, width or thickness) close to each other?
(or Statistics).
b. Were the measurements accurate or precise?

12. Write the actual length, width, and thickness of the book on the board, and ask them to
compare their results with this value.
Ask them to answer the following questions: Answer Key
It is likely that:
a. Are the results of each measurement (length, width, or thickness) close to the true value?
a. The results will be close to the true value;
b. Were the measurements accurate or precise? b. The measurements were accurate

Point out that the closeness of the results of a

13. Let them recall the difference between accuracy and precision. Then, state the definitions of measurement to the true value is expressed by its
accuracy and precision as used in measurement. accuracy.

14. Evaluating the accuracy of a measurement will require the true value. However, the true value
for the dimensions of the book is not available. Point out that if twenty or more measurements
were done, the mean value can be taken as the true value. This is an assumption in statistics.
15. Draw the following dot plots on the board, and explain that each dot is the result of a
measurement whose value is indicated in the horizontal (or x-) axis. Tell them that the plot Teacher Tip
presents the results of six measurements of the weight of a pebble whose true weight is 8.0 g. The dot plot can be drawn on a manila paper
before class, or presented through a PowerPoint
Ask them to determine whether each measurement is accurate or inaccurate, and precise or

Answer Key
(A) Accurate and precise
(B) Accurate and imprecise
(C) Inaccurate and imprecise
(D) Inaccurate and precise
16. Highlight that the measurement they made could have errors, which could:
I. Cause the result to be far from the true value (low accuracy). These errors are known
as systematic errors.
II. Cause the results to be different from each other (low precision). These errors are known
as random errors.
Teacher Tip
Point out that the errors could be due to the
Ask them to answer the question: What possible errors did the person who made the
measuring instrument or due to the person doing
measurements commit to lower the accuracy of the results? To lower the precision of the results? the measurement

ENRICHMENT (15 minutes) Teacher Tip

Make the learners perform a laboratory experiment on the determination of density. This activity
Refer to the Teacher’s Guide for this laboratory
will reinforce the concept of measurements, the units used, and the concept of significant figures. activity.

EVALUATION (5 minutes)
1. Assign them to read the labels of some canned or bottled goods in the kitchen, and report
the mass or volume of the contents.

2. Let them classify the following measurement data as high precision or low precision:
3 3 3 3
a. Volume of a liquid: 11.0 cm , 11.3 cm , 10.9 cm , 11.1 cm
b. Mass of a solid: 25.0 g, 23.0 g, 20.0 g, 28.0 g
General Chemistry 1 120 MINS

Lesson 4: Measurements (Laboratory)

Content Standard

The learners demonstrate understanding of basic measurement skills. Lesson Outline

Introduction State the Objectives of the Experiment 5
Performance Standard

The learners shall be able to: Motivation Application of Density Data 5

1. Carry out a measurement and report correctly the results.
Instruction Experiment 90

Learning Competency Enrichment Discussion of the Interpretation of the 20

At the end of the lesson, the learners:
1. determine the density of a liquid (STEM_GC11MT-Ib-14). Evaluation Report
Simple laboratory glassware or low-cost alternatives

(1) Laboratory experiment in Annex 1
Teacher Tip
INTRODUCTION (5 minutes)
A laboratory experiment sheet has to be prepared
1. State the objective of the experiment that the learners will be performing.
and distributed to the learners. The experiment
2. Ask them to recall the definition of density and the formula for calculating it. found in the Annex makes use of low-cost
3. Review the methods for measuring weight and volume. materials.
Density is used as a means to obtain
MOTIVATION (5 minutes) the concentration of a solution.
1. Point out some application of density data in industry.

Each group should be provided with different

concentrations so that the relationship between
INSTRUCTION (90 minutes)
density and concentration can be shown. Sugar
1. Provide each group with a salt solution of a given concentration.
solution can be used instead of salt solution.
2. Ask them to follow the procedure in the experiment sheet.
This relationship can be used as a means to
ENRICHMENT (20 minutes) determine the concentration of a solution.
1. Discuss the interpretation of the graph between density and the concentration of the solution. Point out that this relationship is used in industry
2. Assign them internet research on the density of the following: to monitor the concentration of some solutions.
a. Regular soda in can
The different drinks contain different
b. Light soda in can
concentrations of sugar, so their density will vary.
c. Soda with aspartame in can
3. Ask them to explain the difference in density of these soft drinks.
They could be provided with a worksheet that they
have to fill up. It could include some questions.
1. Ask them to submit a report on the experiment.
The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
i. performed the experiment i. performed the experiment i. performed the experiment i. did not do the assigned
correctly; correctly; correctly; task.
ii. described the results ii. described the results correctly; ii. described the results correctly;
correctly; and and but
iii. discussed the results of the iii. discussed the results of the iii. did not discuss the results of
experiment very well. experiment well. the experiment.

Density is an important property of matter. It expresses the weight of a unit volume of a substance, is used to characterize substances, and can
provide a means for the identification of a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

In this experiment, the density of an aqueous solution will be determined by measuring the weight of different volumes of these solutions.
Several solutions containing different concentration of a solute will be assigned to different groups, and the variation of the density of the
solutions with the solute concentration will be studied. The behavior that you will observe has important applications in industrial and in health

1. NaCl solution, in 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% concentrations
2. Digital balance
3. Syringe, 1 mL
4. Plastic mini tray

1. Place the plastic mini tray on the stage of the digital balance and measure its weight.
2. Measure 1 mL of the test solution into the syringe, making sure that no air bubbles are trapped.
3. Slowly transfer the liquid in the syringe onto the mini tray. Measure the weight of the tray with the solution in it.
4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 to provide a duplicate measurement. This will be used to check the repeatability of the results.
5. Repeat the whole procedure using 2 mL and 3 mL of the solution.
Treatment of results
1. Record the weight of the mini tray at the beginning of the experiment. Record the weight after each addition of 1 mL, 2 mL, and 3 mL of
the sample solution.


Weight of empty container

Weight of empty container + 1 mL solution

Weight of empty container

Weight of empty container + 2 mL solution

Weight of empty container

Weight of empty container + 3 mL solution

2. From the data above, calculate the weight of each of the different volumes that you have added to the plastic mini tray by subtracting the
weight before the addition from the weight after the addition. Calculate the average value of the measured weights.


Weight of 1 mL solution

Weight of 2 mL solution

Weight of 3 mL solution
3. From the data in the previous table, calculate the density of the solution. Calculate the average value of the density.


Based on 1 mL solution

Based on 2 mL solution

Based on 3 mL solution

4. Obtain the results from the other groups who used different concentrations of the solution. Tabulate the density of the various solutions

CONCENTRATION 5% 10% 15% 20%%

Density, g/mL

5. Plot the concentration of the solution (in the x-axis) against its density (in the y-axis). Infer how the density varies based on the concentration
of the solution.
General Chemistry 1 160 MINS

Lesson 5: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Content Standard Lesson Outline
The learners demonstrate understanding of the structure of an atom and the
Introduction Presentation of Learning Objectives and 5
formula and the name of compounds.
Important Keywords
Performance Standards
Motivation The Particles that Make Up an Atom 5
The learners shall be able to:
1. Describe the structure of an atom of an element; Instruction The Laws of Chemical Changes 120
2. Recognize and differentiate atoms, molecules, and ions; and Enrichment Laboratory Session 10
3. Write the formula and give the name of simple compounds.
Evaluation Check Up Quiz 20
Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, the learners: Projector, Computer, Flip charts
1. Explain how the basic laws of matter (Law of Conservation
of Mass, Law of Constant Composition, and Law of Multiple th
Proportion) led to the formulation of Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1) Chang, R. & Goldsby, K. (2016). Chemistry (12 ed.). New
York: McGraw-Hill.
2. Describe Dalton’s Atomic Theory (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-16);
3. Differentiate among atomic number, mass number, and
isotopes, and which of these distinguishes one element from 7. Represent compounds using chemical formulas, structural
another (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-17); formulas, and models (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-21);
4. Write isotopic symbols (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-18); 8. Give the similarities and differences between the empirical
5. Recognize common isotopes and their uses formula and molecular formula of a compound
(STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-19); (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-22); and
6. Differentiate among atoms, molecules, ions, and give examples
9. Name compounds given their formula and write formulas given
the name of the compound (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-23).
Teacher Tip
INTRODUCTION (5 minutes)
Display the objectives prominently on the board,
1. Introduce the following learning objectives using the suggested protocol (Read-aloud):
so that the learners can track the progress of their
a. I will be able to describe and discuss the basic laws of chemical change learning.
b. I will be able to discuss how Dalton’s Atomic Theory could explain the basic laws of
chemical changes
c. I will be able to give the information provided by the atomic number and mass number of
an atom and its isotopes
d. I will be able to differentiate atoms, molecules, and ions
e. I will be able to write the chemical formula of some molecules
f. I will be able to differentiate a molecular formula and an empirical formula
g. I will be able to give the name of a compound, given its chemical formula
Teacher Tip
2. Present the keywords for the concepts to be learned:
List these keywords on the board. They will be
a. Law of Conservation of Matter asked to complete a concept map based on words
b. Law of Definite Proportion on this list.

c. Law of Multiple Proportion

d. Dalton’s Atomic Theory
e. Atomic number
f. Mass number
g. Isotope
h. Atom
i. Molecule
j. Ion
k. Chemical formula
l. Molecular formula
m. Empirical formula
Teacher Tip
MOTIVATION (5 minutes)
The law might have been presented in the Science
1. Call one of the learners to the front and give him/her a piece of paper. Ask him/her to cut the
course in junior high school. In this case, ask a
paper in half, and then cut one of the halves again in half, and again and again. Let him/her learner to state the law.A PowerPoint slide can be
proceed as long as s/he can cut a piece into half. prepared for this part.
2. Ask him/her the question: Can you go on cutting the paper into half?
3. Tell him/her that though the cutting can go on and on mentally, there is a physical limit to this
process. It is impossible to cut the paper into half forever. There is a limit – a point where the
piece can no longer be divided.
4. Highlight that the limit is an indivisible piece, which was called by the Greek philosopher
Democritus as the atom.
5. However, beginning in the late 1800s, experiments have indicated that atoms are made up of
smaller particles.
6. Ask them the question: What are these particles that make up the atom?
7. Point out that the science of chemistry is based on the concept of the atom and molecules.
Knowledge of the atoms and molecules in the environment and in biological systems has
provided an understanding of the changes occurring in them. It has also allowed the
prediction of their behavior and the solution to any problem observed in their behavior.

INSTRUCTION (120 minutes)

1. Present the laws of chemical changes. These laws were inferred from several
experiments conducted during the 18 century using a balance for the measurements:
a. Law of Conservation of Mass
b. Law of Definite Proportion
c. Law of Multiple Proportion
2. Introduce the Law of Conservation of Mass: In a chemical reaction, no change in mass
takes place. The total mass of the products is equal to the total mass of the reactant.
3. Antoine Lavoisier, a brilliant French chemist, formulated this law by describing one of his
experiments involving mercuric oxide. He placed a small amount of mercuric oxide, a red
solid, inside a retort and sealed the vessel tightly.
He weighed the system, and then subjected it to high temperature. During the heating, the red Teacher Tip
The law might have been presented in the Science
solid turned into a silvery liquid. This observation indicated that a chemical reaction took place.
course in junior high school. In this case, ask a
After which, the setup was cooled and then weighed. The weight of the system was found to be learner to state the law.A PowerPoint slide can be
the same as before heating. prepared for this part.

Illustrate an application of this law through the following problems. Ask them to solve the
problems in their seats, and ask one learner to write his/her solution on the board:

a. How many grams of water will be formed if 1.00 g hydrogen gas reacts with 8.00 g
oxygen? The reaction can be represented by the following word equation:

hydrogen + oxygen  water

b. 5.58 g iron reacted with 3.21 g sulfur. How many grams of iron (II) sulfide were produced?
The reaction involved was:

iron + sulfur  iron(II) sulfide

c. Magnesium burns in air to form magnesium oxide, as represented by the following word

magnesium + oxygen  magnesium oxide

When 2.43 g magnesium was burned, 4.03 g magnesium oxide was produced. How many
grams of oxygen reacted with the magnesium?

d. Ammonia is produced by the reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen:

nitrogen + hydrogen  ammonia

How many grams of nitrogen combined with 50.0 g hydrogen is needed to yield 283.3 g Teacher Tip
The law might have been presented in the Science
course in junior high school. In this case, ask a
learner to state the law.
4. State the Law of Definite Proportion: A compound always contains the same constituent
elements in a fixed or definite proportion by mass. This experiment can be best described using a
PowerPoint slide. A picture of the burning
magnesium can be included in the slide.
If water samples coming from different sources are analyzed, all the samples will contain the
same ratio by mass of hydrogen to oxygen.

5. Illustrate the application of this law using the previous example of magnesium reacting with
a. Describe an experiment wherein different amounts of magnesium powder are heated
in air.
b. Magnesium burns brightly in air and reacts with oxygen. During the reaction, the gray
powder turns into a white substance. The reaction causes the weight of the solid to
c. The following data were collected:

WEIGHT OF RATIO OF MASS Magnesium Product Oxygen Ratio

3.00 7.56 4.56 1.52
5.00 12.60 7.60 1.52
7.00 17.64 10.64 1.52




d. Ask them to complete the third column by applying the Law of Conservation of Mass.
e. Ask them to fill up the fourth column by dividing the mass of oxygen (third column) by
the mass of the magnesium (first column).

6. Ask them to solve the following problems: Teacher Tip

Ask them to solve the problem in their seats. Call
a. In the first problem given earlier, it was given that 1.00 g hydrogen combines with 8.00 g
one learner to write his/her solution on the board.
oxygen. How many grams of hydrogen will react with 10.00 g oxygen?
b. In the previous set of problem, it was seen that 5.58 g iron reacted with 3.21 g sulfur. Answer Key
1. 1.25 g
Based on this information, calculate how many grams of iron will combine with 80.0 g
2. 139 g

7. Present the Law of Multiple Proportions: If two elements can combine to form more than
one compound, the masses of one element that will combine with a fixed mass of the other
element are in a ratio of small whole numbers.
8. Illustrate the application of this law using the example of carbon which reacts with oxygen to The law might have been presented in the Science
course in junior high school. In this case, ask a
form carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
learner to state the law.
a. In carbon monoxide, 1.00 g carbon combines with 1.33 g oxygen; whereas, in carbon
dioxide, 1.00 g carbon combines with 2.66 g oxygen. Pictures or meta cards with chemical formulas
may be posted on the board and used to facilitate
b. It can be seen that the ratio is 1:2.
discussion. It is highly encouraged to use pictures
of actual substances.
9. Remind them that laws are derived from experimental results. A theory is formulated to
provide an explanation to the laws.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory, proposed by John Dalton, can be used to explain the laws of chemical Teacher Tip
change. This theory is based on the following set of postulates: Draw atoms to clarify each postulate, particularly
Postulates 2, 3, and 4.
1. Elements are made up of very small particles known as atoms.
Drawing the Dalton symbols for the element will
2. All the atoms of an element are identical in mass and size, and are different from the atoms
facilitate the understanding of Postulates 2 and 3.
of another element. Dalton used the different shapes or figures to represent different
elements, as follows:

Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon Nitrogen Sulfur Phosphorus

3. Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one element, combined in definite ratios
with whole number values.

Carbon Carbon Nitric

monoxide dioxide oxide

4. During a chemical reaction, atoms combine, separate, or rearrange. No atoms are created
and no atoms disappear.

Carbon Oxygen

5. Ask them which postulate could provide an explanation for the: Answer Key
a. Postulate 4
a. Law of Conservation of Mass
b. Postulate 3
b. Law of Definite Proportion
6. Remind them that during the time of Dalton, the atom was believed to be the smallest
particle comprising substances. However, before the end of the 19 century, experiments
provided proof of the existence of smaller particles within the atom.
7. Ask them to recall the particles contained in an atom (or the subatomic particles) and Teacher Tip
differentiate the particles in terms of location, charge, and relative mass by filling up the This has been presented in the Science course
in junior high school.
following table:

PROTON Nucleus +1 1

ELECTRON -1 0.0006

NEUTRON Nucleus 0 1
Ask them to recall the information about the composition of an atom provided by the
following: As enrichment, assign them to read and make a

a. Atomic number report on the discovery of the existence of the

electron, proton, and nucleus.
b. Mass number
The concepts of atomic number and mass number
have been presented in the Science course in
Confirm that the above numbers are defined by the following equations: junior high school.
a. Atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons in a neutral atom
The table can be presented through PowerPoint
b. Mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons slides projected on a white board. Alternatively, it
can be prepared on a flip chart or on manila paper.

8. To apply these concepts, ask them to fill up the following table:

ATOMIC MASS NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF Atomic Mass Number of Number of Number of
Number number Protons electrons neutrons
4 9 4 4 5
4 9
14 28 14 14 14
14 28
8 7 8 8 9
8 9
11 23 11 11 12
11 12
24 52 24 24 28
52 24
19 39 19 19 20
19 20
9. Introduce the concept of isotopes – atoms of an element having the same atomic number Teacher Tip
but different mass number. The existence of isotopes was shown by mass spectroscopy For better understanding of the concept of
isotopes, they can be assigned to read about mass
experiments, wherein elements were found to be composed of several types of atoms, each
spectroscopy. Make them refer to General
with different masses. Chemistry books instead of the internet, because
a. The atomic number identifies an element. The atoms of isotopes of an element have the latter might lead them to complicated
the same number of protons and electrons. description of this technique.

b. The atoms of isotopes of an element differ in the number of neutrons. Ask them to answer the following questions
1. What does a mass spectrometer do?
10. To apply the concept of isotopes, ask them to complete the following table containing 2. How does the mass spectro-meter separate
information about the isotopes of hydrogen: isotopes of different masses?

The table can be presented in PowerPoint slides

PROTIUM projected on a white board. Alternatively, it can
(Hydrogen) be prepared in flip charts or on manila paper.

Atomic Number 1 1 1
Mass number 1 2 3 Atomic
1 1 1
Number of protons Number

Number of electrons 1 2 3
Number of neutrons Number of
1 1 0
The common hydrogen atom is protium, while deuterium is found in heavy water. protons

Number of
Ask them to recall the difference between the following particles: 1 1 1
a. Atom Number of
1 1 2
b. Molecule neutrons
c. Ion
Let them complete the following concept map showing the relationship of these particles: Assign them to find information from the internet
on useful isotopes. These concepts might have
been presented in the Science course in junior
Atoms high school.

Gain of Loss of Answer Key:

electrons electrons

? ?

11. Emphasize that each element has a characteristic atom.

The concepts of characteristic atoms and ions
a. Dalton differentiated the elements and their atoms through drawings. might have been presented in the Science course
b. However, in present day, elements are differentiated and represented through symbols. in junior high school.

i. Many symbols are abbreviations derived from the name of the element.
ii. Some symbols are derived from their Latin names. Gain of Loss of
electrons electrons

Call five or more learners to write some elements and their names and symbol on the board. CATIONS ANIONS
Make them recall that the difference between an ion and an atom is the presence of charges. (Positive Ions) (Negative Ions)

The simple ions are derived from atoms through the gain or loss of an electron.

Let them complete the following concept map showing the relationship of these particles: An alternative diagram could be:

Ions can be made up of only one atom (monoatomic) or more than one type of atom
12. Monoatomic ions are named based on the element. Teacher Tip
The naming of the compound or molecule will be
a. For cations, the name of the element is unchanged. If an element can form two ions of
discussed later.
different charges, the name, which is usually derived from its Latin name, is modified by
the suffix –ic for the ion with the higher charge, and –ous for that with the lower charge.
b. For anions, the name of the element is modified by the suffix –ide.

Answers for Number 13

13. Ask them to name the following cations: a.
Zn – zinc ion
2+ b. Mg – magnesium ion
a. Zn +
c. K – potassium ion
b. Mg d.
Fe – ferrous ion or iron (II) ion
+ 3+
c. K e. Fe – ferric ion or iron(III) ion
d. Fe Answers for Number 14
3+ a. Br – bromide ion
e. Fe 2-
b. S – sulfide ion
c. O – oxide ion
14. Ask them to name the following anions: d. I – iodide
a. Br Teacher Tip
2- Provide them with a list of the common anions,
b. S
2- together with their names.
c. O
d. I-

Several anions are polyatomic and are named based on the atomic constituents and the
suffix – ide.

15. The most common examples are:

a. OH- – hydroxide ion
b. CN – cyanide ion
16. A number of polyatomic anions containing oxygen atoms are named based on the root word
of the central (or non-oxygen) atom and the suffix –ate for the one with more oxygen atoms
and –ite for the one with less oxygen atom.
a. NO3 – nitrate ion
b. NO2 – nitrite ion
c. SO3 – sulfite ion
d. SO4 – sulfate ion
e. PO4 – phosphate ion

17. Some anions have common names ending with the suffix –ate.
a. C2H3O2 – acetate ion
b. C2O4 – oxalate ion
Teacher Tip

Point out that the composition of a molecule or an ion can be represented by a chemical They might be able to recall some compounds that
have been presented in the Science course in
formula. The formula consists of the symbols of the atoms making up the molecule. If there junior high school, such as sodium chloride and
is more than one atom present, a numerical subscript is used. Examples are the following: carbon dioxide.
a. O2 – oxygen gas
b. H2O – water
c. NaOH – sodium hydroxide (liquid Sosa)
d. HCl – hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)

18. Discuss that there are two types of chemical formulas:

a. Molecular formula – gives the composition of the molecule, in terms of the actual
number of atoms present. Examples are the following:
i. C6H12O6
ii. K3PO4
iii. Na2C2O4
b. Empirical formula – gives the composition of the molecule, in terms of the smallest ratio
of the number of atoms present. Examples are the following:
i. CH2O
ii. NaCO2
Answers for Number 19 i.
NaI – sodium iodide
19. The naming of compounds follows a set of rules. ii. MgCl2 – magnesium chloride
Start the lesson with the rule of naming of binary compounds. Binary compounds – made iii. FeS – iron (II) sulfide
up of two elements. Discuss the rules for naming in two groups of binary compounds: iv. K2O – potassium oxide

a. Ionic compounds – made up of a cation and an anion. They are named by giving the
name of the cation first, followed by the name of the anion. Ask them to name the
following compounds:
i. NaI
ii. MgCl2
iii. FeS
iv. K 2O
Answers for Number 20
b. Molecular compounds – made up of two non-metals. They are named by giving the name i. HCl – hydrogen chloride
ii. CO2 – carbon dioxide
of the first nonmetal and then that of the second nonmetal modified by the ending - ide.
iii. SO3 – sulfur trioxide
Molecular compounds are usually gases. Ask them to name the following compounds:
i. HCl
ii. CO2
iii. SO3

20. After they have learned how to name binary compounds, discuss the rules for naming
ternary compounds – made up of three elements. The naming of ternary compounds
follows the same rule as that of the binary ionic compound: the name of the cation is given
first, followed by the name of the anion.
Answers for Number 20
i. NaNO3 – sodium nitrate
Ask them to name the following compounds: ii. BaCrO4 – barium chromate
i. NaNO3 iii. K2SO4 – potassium sulfate

ii. BaCrO4
iii. K2SO4
Answers for Number 21.a
i. HCl – hydrochloric acid
21. Discuss next the naming of acids. Acids – yield hydrogen ions in aqueous solutions. ii. H2S – hydrosulfuric acid
iii. HI – hydroiodic acid
a. Binary acids – composed of hydrogen and another element, usually a nonmetal. The first
part of the name starts with the prefix hydro- followed by the name of the element,
modified by the ending –ic. The second part consists of the word ‘acid’. Name = hydro-
(root name of element) -ic + acid

Ask them to name the following binary acids:

i. HCl
ii. H2S
iii. HI
Answers for Number 21.b
i. HNO3 – nitric acid
b. Ternary acids – made up of hydrogen and an anion, usually containing oxygen. The first ii. HNO2 – nitrous acid
part of the name consists of the root word of the name of the element, modified by the iii. H2SO4 – sulfuric acid
ending –ic. The second part consists of the word ‘acid’. If there is another acid with the iv. H2SO3 – sulfurous acid
v. H3PO4 – phosphoric acid
same atoms, the suffix –ous is used to denote the one with less number of atoms. Name =
(root name of element) -ic (or –ous) + acid

Ask them to name the following ternary acids:

i. HNO3
ii. HNO2
iii. H2SO4
iv. H2SO3
v. H3PO4
Answers for Number 22
i. Silver nitrate – AgNO3
22. After they have become familiar with the naming of compounds, it would be easy to write the ii. Potassium iodide – KI
formula of the compound. Emphasize that in writing the formula, the total positive charges of iii. Nitrogen dioxide – NO2
the cations should be equal to the total of the negative charges of the anion. The net charge iv. Barium chloride – BaCl2
v. Hydrobromic acid – HBr
should be zero.

Ask them to write the formula of the following compounds, given the name of the
i. Silver nitrate
ii. Potassium iodide
iii. Nitrogen dioxide
iv. Barium chloride
v. Hydrobromic acid
Teacher Tip
Refer to the laboratory teaching guide of this
ENRICHMENT lesson as well as the Formula Writing and Naming
1. Conduct a laboratory session on the naming of compounds and on formula writing. of Compounds data table.

EVALUATION (20 minutes)

Check-up Quiz
Choose the best answer from among the choices given:
1. In one experiment, 0.558 g element X was found to react with 0.320 g element Y to form
only one product, compound Z. How many grams of compound Z were formed?
A. 0.238 g C. 0.558 g
B. 0.320 g D. 0.878 g

2. When 24.3 g magnesium reacts completely with 16.0 g oxygen, exactly 40.3 g magnesium
oxide is formed. Which of the following laws is illustrated by this observation?
A. Law of Definite Proportion C. Law of Conservation of Mass
B. Law of Multiple Proportion D. Law of Conservation of Energy
3. Which of the following statements is consistent with Dalton’s Atomic Theory?
A. The atoms of element A are identical with the atoms of another element D.
B. The atoms of element A have the same mass as the atoms of another element D.
C. The atoms of element A are different from the atoms of another element D.
D. The atoms of element A have the same properties as the atoms of another element D.

4. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, which of the following is involved in a chemical

A. The conversion of one atom into another C. The formation of a new atom
B. The combination of atoms D. The disappearance of an atom
5. Which of the following subatomic particles has the smallest mass?
A. Electron C. Proton
B. Neutron D. Nucleus

6. In which of the following quantities will two isotopes of an element have different values?
A. Atomic number C. Number of protons
B. Mass number D. Number of electrons

7. Which of the following information on the number of protons (p), electrons (e) and neutrons
(n) is correct for 92 U ?
A. 92 p, 92 n, 92 e C. 238 p, 146 n, 238 e
B. 92 p, 146 n, 92 e D. 146 p, 82 n, 92 e

8. What is the mass number of an atom which has 11 protons, 11 electrons, and 12 neutrons?
A. 11 C. 22
B. 12 D. 23
9. Which of the following data is correct for the Mg ion (atomic number = 12)?
A. 12 protons and 13 electrons C. 14 protons and 12 electrons
B. 12 protons and 10 electrons D. 12 protons and 14 electron

10. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the element tin?

A. Ti C. Pb
B. Zn D. Sn

11. Which of the following takes place when a monovalent cation is formed from an atom?
A. One electron is gained. C. Two electrons are gained.
B. One electron is lost. D. Two electrons are shared.

12. Which of the following anions is polyatomic?

A. Iodide C. Sulfide
B. Nitrite D. Bromide

13. Which of the following is the correct formula of copper (II) nitrate?
A. CuNO3 C. Cu(NO3)2
B. Cu2NO3 D. Cu2(NO3)2

14. Which of the following is a binary compound?

A. Sodium nitrate C. Sodium hydroxide
B. Sodium oxide D. Sodium carbonate
General Chemistry 1 90 MINS

Lesson 6: Atoms, Molecules,

and Ions (Laboratory) Lesson Outline
Content Standard Introduction Review 15
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the formula and the name of Motivation Names and Formulas of Compounds 5
Practice Activity 70
Performance Standard
Enrichment Discussion of Answers
The learners shall be able to:
1. Write the formula and give the name of simple compounds.
Exercise sheets

Learning Competency Resources

(1) Chang, R. & Goldsby, K. (2016). Chemistry (12 ed.). New
At the end of the lesson, the learners:
York: McGraw-Hill.
1. Write the chemical formulas of ionic compounds and name ionic
compounds from their formulas (STEM_GC11AM-Ic-e-24).
Teacher Tip
Point out that the formula gives qualitative and
quantitative information about the composition of a
INTRODUCTION (15 minutes) compound. It shows what elements make up the
1. Reiterate to the learners the importance of the names and formulas of compounds. Make compound (qualitative information) and the mole
them recall the basic rules involved in formula writing and chemical nomenclature. ratio of the elements (quantitative information).

2. Review the symbols of the common elements encountered in compound. Call the learners one by one and ask him/her to
3. State the objective of the exercise that they will work on for the laboratory period. give the symbol of an element which you will

Teacher Tip
MOTIVATION (5 minutes) The exercise worksheet given in Annex 1 could be
1. Point out that the names and formulas of compounds will be needed in the succeeding adopted or revised.
lessons, particularly in writing chemical equations.
Each learner will work independently. It might be
best to keep the exercise as a closed-book activity,
PRACTICE (70 minutes) and discourage them from consulting one another.
1. Provide each of them a copy of the exercise worksheet, and ask them to answer the exercise. At the end of the exercise, let them check the
answers of their fellow learners who are seated
away from them.
1. Ask them to identify where they committed mistakes. Discuss the correct answers.

The learner answered more than The learner answered 70% to 89% The learner answered less than The learner did not answer any
90% of the items correctly. of the items correctly. 70% of the items correctly. item correctly.
Section 1: Ion names Section 2: Ions from formulas
Complete the table by writing the name or formula of the ionic Complete the chart by writing the formula of the ions and of the
species. compounds.


+ KCl
2+ Ba(NO3)2
magnesium ion FeSO4
manganese (II) ion Li2CO3
Fe Na2O
chromium (III) ion (NH4)2SO4
Ba Al(OH)3
phosphate ion
chromate ion
permanganate ion
Section 3: Writing formulas from chemical names Section 4: Chemical names from formulas
Write the formula of the ions expected from the following Write the chemical name of the ions expected from the following
compounds. compounds.


Calcium ZnCl2
chloride Cu(NO3)2

Tin (IV) oxide
Lead iodide
Bismuth (NH4)2C2O4


Section 5: Binary covalent compounds Section 6: Acids and bases
Complete the table below by filling up the missing formula or Complete the table below by filling up the missing formula or
chemical name. chemical name.

NO2 hydroiodic acid

phosphorus trichloride potassium hydroxide

carbon monoxide HClO

SbBr5 H 2S

sulfur tetraiodide perchloric acid

hydrogen peroxide Zn(OH)2

P2O5 H3PO4
silicon dioxide nickel(II) hydroxide

nitrogen trifluoride sulfuric acid



carbonic acid

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