Spanvorm 1
Spanvorm 1
Spanvorm 1
I will provide my own yes/no If yes – I will arrange my own and be on time every day.
I hereby acknowledge and agree that my child / learner can participate in the SAJCC 2010 during
11-16 Dec’10 at University of Johannesburg at part of NC Chess Team.
…………………………………………… ……………………………….
Name Signature
Please confirm your information and send back BEFORE/ ON - 10 SEPT 2010
Associated with
South African Junior Chess Association &
Chess South Africa
TOTAAL (R 770)
I hereby agree to payment of amounts and dates as indicated on the attached form.
…………………………………………… ……………………………….
Name Signature
President: J Conradie 071 149 9714
Executive Dir L Mare 083 780 7863
Secretary D v d Walt 083 2005 664
Treasurer: E Deetlefs 082 5510 232
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Bank details: ABSA BANK Reference – NAAM + VAN (Fax Deposit Slip)
Type: Tjek rekening Branch: 500902 Account nr: 4 0 6 2 1 3 2 7 6 2
Contact person - Treasurer - Mrs. Elmarie Deetlefs 082 5510 232