Guide To The International Patent Classification
Guide To The International Patent Classification
Guide To The International Patent Classification
International Patent
Version 2018
(Version 2018)
Objectives of the IPC; History of the IPC; Reform of the IPC; Assistance in the use of
the Classification
1. The Strasbourg Agreement concerning the International Patent Classification (of 1971),
which entered into force on October 7, 1975, provides for a common classification for patents
for invention including published patent applications, inventors’ certificates, utility models and
utility certificates (hereinafter referred to as “patent documents”). Under Article 1 of the
Agreement, the Special (IPC) Union was established. The International Patent Classification is
hereinafter referred to as “the Classification” or “the IPC”.
2. The Classification is established in the English and French languages, both texts being
equally authentic. Pursuant to Article 3(2) of the Strasbourg Agreement, official texts of the
Classification may be established in other languages.
3. The Internet version of the Classification, available on the WIPO IPC website
( represents the official publication of the IPC. It contains
the complete text of the classification in English and French of the edition/version in force as
well as previous editions/versions.
4. In accordance with Article 4(5) of the Strasbourg Agreement, it has been determined that
the abbreviation “Int.Cl.” of the words “International Patent Classification” may precede the
classification symbols on published patent documents classified according to the Classification.
More details on the presentation of these symbols are given in Section XII, below.
5. [Deleted]
(a) an instrument for the orderly arrangement of patent documents in order to facilitate
access to the technological and legal information contained therein;
(b) a basis for selective dissemination of information to all users of patent information;
(c) a basis for investigating the state of the art in given fields of technology;
(d) a basis for the preparation of industrial property statistics which in turn permit the
assessment of technological development in various areas.
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8. The text of the first edition of the Classification was established pursuant to the provisions
of the European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention of 1954.
Following the signing of the Strasbourg Agreement, the International (European) Classification
of Patents for Invention, which had been published on September 1, 1968, was as of
March 24, 1971, considered and referred to as the first edition of the Classification.
9. The Classification has been periodically revised in order to improve the system and to
take account of technical development.
10. The first edition of the Classification was in force from September 1, 1968 to
June 30, 1974,
10bis. Following the reform of the IPC (see paragraphs 11 to 13, below), for the editions that
were in force from January 1, 2006, to December 31, 2010, the Classification was divided into
core and advanced levels. Each edition of the core level was indicated by the year of entry into
force of that edition. IPC-2006 was in force from January 1, 2006, to December 31, 2008, and
IPC-2009 entered into force on January 1, 2009. Each new version of the advanced level of the
IPC was indicated by the year and the month of the entry into force of that version, for example,
IPC-2008.01. From January 1, 2011, onwards, the division of the Classification into core and
advanced levels was discontinued and each new version of the IPC is indicated by the year and
the month of the entry into force of that version, for example, IPC-2011.01.
11. The Classification was designed, and developed for many years, mainly as a paper-based
information tool. Changes to the structure of the Classification and to methods of its revision
and application were needed in order to ensure its efficient and effective use in the
electronic environment.
12. For this reason, member States of the IPC Union decided, in 1999, to launch a reform of
the Classification and to introduce a transitional revision period during which, in parallel with
revision of the Classification, the changes necessitated by the reform had to be elaborated. The
transitional revision period started in 1999 and in 2005 the basic period of reform
was completed.
13. The following major changes were introduced in the Classification as a result of its reform:
(a) the Classification was divided into a core and an advanced level, in order to better
satisfy the needs of different categories of users;
(b) different revision methods were introduced, respectively, for the core and the
advanced level, namely three-year revision cycles for the core level and continuous
revision for the advanced level;
(c) when the Classification is revised, patent documents are reclassified according to
the amendments to the core and advanced levels;
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(d) additional data illustrating classification entries or explaining them in more detail,
such as Definitions, structural chemical formulae and graphic illustrations, informative
references, were introduced in the electronic layer of the Classification;
(e) general principles of classification and classification rules were reconsidered and
revised when appropriate.
14. However, in view of the complications to maintain two independent levels with different
revision procedures and publication cycles, the IPC Union decided, in 2009, to discontinue the
publication of separate levels of the IPC. In order to satisfy the needs of the users of the core
level, it was decided that these users could classify the patent documents they publish using
main groups (see paragraph 22, below) of the Classification.
15. The Guide attempts to describe in simple terms and by means of examples how the
Classification should be used for the purpose of classifying or retrieving patent documents.
Further assistance in the use of the Classification is provided on the WIPO IPC website
( by:
(a) the supplementary information in the IPC which includes Definitions, chemical
formulae and graphic illustrations (see paragraphs 44 to 51, below);
(b) the Catchword Index to the IPC, which has been established in English and French
as well as in other languages;
(c) the Revision Concordance List which gives information on how subject matter has
been transferred between different places in the Classification as a result of its revision.
(d) [Deleted]
16. [Deleted]
17. Printed versions of the scheme of the IPC may be produced using the PDF files available
on the WIPO IPC website.
19. The Classification represents the whole body of knowledge which may be regarded as
proper to the field of patents for invention, divided into eight sections. Sections are the highest
level of hierarchy of the Classification.
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(a) Section Symbol – Each section is designated by one of the capital letters A
through H.
(b) Section Title – The section title is to be considered as a very broad indication of the
contents of the section. The eight sections are entitled as follows:
(c) [Deleted]
(d) Subsection – Within sections, informative headings may form subsections, which
are titles without classification symbols.
20. Each section is subdivided into classes which are the second hierarchical level of
the Classification.
(a) Class Symbol – Each class symbol consists of the section symbol followed by a
two-digit number.
Example: H01
(b) Class Title – The class title gives an indication of the content of the class.
(c) Class Index – Some classes have an index which is merely an informative
summary giving a broad survey of the content of the class.
21. Each class comprises one or more subclasses which are the third hierarchical level of
the Classification.
(a) Subclass Symbol – Each subclass symbol consists of the class symbol followed by
a capital letter.
Example: H01S
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(b) Subclass Title – The subclass title indicates as precisely as possible the content of
the subclass.
(c) Subclass Index – Most subclasses have an index which is merely an informative
summary giving a broad survey of the content of the subclass.
(d) Guidance Heading – Where a large part of a subclass relates to a common subject
matter a guidance heading indicating that subject matter may be provided at the beginning
of that part.
22. Each subclass is broken down into subdivisions referred to as “groups”, which are either
main groups (i.e. the fourth hierarchical level of the Classification) or subgroups (i.e. lower
hierarchical levels dependent upon the main group level of the Classification).
(a) Group Symbol – Each group symbol consists of the subclass symbol followed by
two numbers separated by an oblique stroke.
(b) Main Group Symbol – Each main group symbol consists of the subclass symbol
followed by a one- to three-digit number, the oblique stroke and the number 00.
(c) Main Group Title – The main group title precisely defines a field of subject matter
within the scope of its subclass considered to be useful for search purposes. Main group
symbols and titles are presented in bold in the Classification.
(d) Subgroup Symbol – Subgroups form subdivisions under the main groups. Each
subgroup symbol consists of the subclass symbol followed by the one- to three-digit
number of its main group, the oblique stroke and a number of at least two digits other
than 00.
Subgroups are ordered in the scheme as if their numbers were decimals of the number
before the oblique stroke. For example, 3/036 is to be found after 3/03 and before 3/04,
and 3/0971 is to be found after 3/097 and before 3/098.
(e) Subgroup Title – The subgroup title precisely defines a field of subject matter within
the scope of its main group considered to be useful for search purposes. The title is
preceded by one or more dots indicating the hierarchical position of that subgroup, i.e.,
indicating that each subgroup forms a subdivision of the nearest group above it having
one dot less (see paragraphs 25 to 28, below). The subgroup title is often a complete
expression, in which case it begins with a capital letter. A subgroup title begins with a
lower case letter if it reads as a continuation of the title of the next higher, less indented
group from which it depends. In all cases, the subgroup title must be read as being
dependent upon, and restricted by, the titles of the groups under which it is indented.
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The title of 3/14 is to be read as: Lasers characterised by the material used as the
active medium.
The title of 3/05 is a complete expression, but owing to its hierarchical position this group
is restricted to the construction or shape of optical resonators of lasers.
23. A complete classification symbol comprises the combined symbols representing the
section, class, subclass and main group or subgroup.
24. The IPC is a hierarchical classification system. The contents of lower hierarchical levels
are subdivisions of the contents of the higher hierarchical levels to which the lower levels
are subordinated.
25. The Classification separates the whole body of technical knowledge using the hierarchical
levels, i.e., section, class, subclass, group and subgroup, in descending order of hierarchy.
26. The hierarchy among subgroups is determined solely by the number of dots preceding
their titles, i.e. their level of indentation, and not by the numbering of the subgroups.
This example shows that three-digit, three-dot subgroup 33/487 is hierarchically superior to the
two-digit, four-dot subgroup 33/49, and the three-digit, two-dot subgroup 33/483 is of the same
hierarchical level as the two-digit, two-dot subgroup 33/50.
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27. The dots preceding a group title are also used in place of the titles of its hierarchically
superior (less indented) groups, in order to avoid repetition.
Without the use of hierarchical levels, subgroup H01S 3/094 would require a title such as:
“Processes or apparatus for excitation of lasers using optical pumping by coherent light”.
28. The hierarchical structure relating to the six-dot subgroup H01F 1/053 is shown in the
following example:
Subclass: H01F MAGNETS
Main group: H01F 1/00 Magnets or magnetic bodies characterised by the
magnetic materials therefor
One-dot subgroup: 1/01 • of inorganic materials
Two-dot subgroup: 1/03 • • characterised by their coercivity
Three-dot subgroup: 1/032 • • • of hard-magnetic materials
Four-dot subgroup: 1/04 • • • • Metals or alloys
Five-dot subgroup: 1/047 • • • • • Alloys characterised by their
Six-dot subgroup: 1/053 • • • • • • containing rare earth metals
Group H01F 1/053 actually concerns “magnets of inorganic materials characterised by their
coercivity, comprising hard magnetic alloys specifically containing rare earth metals”.
29. [Deleted]
30. Industrial property offices that do not have sufficient expertise for classifying to a detailed
level have the option to classify in main groups only.
31. [Deleted]
32. [Deleted]
33. [Deleted]
34. In order to facilitate use of the Classification, various elements and indications are
provided in its text in addition to the titles of the hierarchically related classification entries.
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35. The groups in each subclass are arranged in a sequence intended to assist the user. For
newer subclasses, the main groups are generally arranged from the most complex or highly
specialised subject matter to the least complex or least specialised subject matter. A residual
main group (for example, 99/00 “Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this
subclass”), when needed, is placed at the end of the scheme of these newer subclasses.
36. When a plurality of successive main groups within a scheme relate to common subject
matter, a “guidance heading” before the first of such main groups may be provided. The
“guidance heading” is a short underlined statement that indicates the common subject matter
found in all of the main groups it is relevant to (see, for example, the guidance heading
“Ploughs” before group A01B 3/00). The series of groups covered by such a heading extends
to the next guidance heading or to a line in heavy type extending across the column, which is
used when the following group or groups relate to different subject matter for which no guidance
heading is provided (see, for example, the line after group A01B 75/00). In exceptional cases, a
guidance heading may be provided for a single main group.
37. The titles of classification places may indicate their intended content by using a single
phrase or several related phrases linked together (see paragraph 61, below). However, titles
may also indicate their content using two or more distinct parts separated by semicolons. Each
part of such a multipart title should be interpreted as a separate title. This type of title is used
when it is considered desirable to treat together distinct kinds of subject matter which cannot
conveniently be covered by a single phrase.
38. The title of a class, subclass, group, or note (see paragraphs 41bis and 41ter, below) may
contain a phrase in brackets referring to another place in the Classification. Such a phrase,
called a reference, shows that the subject matter indicated by the reference is covered by the
place (or places) referred to.
Functions of References
Limiting references
(i) excludes specified subject matter from the scope of this classification place,
when this subject matter would otherwise fulfil all the requirements of the
classification place and its definition, i.e. would otherwise be covered by that place;
(ii) indicates the place(s) where this subject matter is classified.
Example: A47B 25/00 Card tables; Tables for other games (billiard tables
A63D 15/00)
Indeed billiard tables “fit” a priori under tables for games other than
cards, and yet they are classified in A63D 15/00 instead.
In the Definitions, scope-limitation references are listed in tabular form under the heading
“Limiting references”.
(b) Precedence – A reference stating that another place “takes precedence” is used
when subject matter is classifiable in two places, or when different aspects of the subject
matter to classify are covered by different places, and it is desired that such subject matter
should be classified in only one of those places (see, for example, group A01D 43/00).
Such a precedence reference occurs most frequently at subgroup level; in some cases,
where several groups are similarly affected, it may be replaced by a note at a higher level
(see, for example, Note (2) following the title of subclass A61M).
(i) A precedence reference to a place which is a subset of the place where the
reference stands has the same function as a scope-limitation reference.
(ii) A precedence reference to a place which has partially overlapping scope with
the place where the reference stands also has the same function as a scope-
limitation reference.
(iii) A precedence reference to a place which has no overlapping scope with the
place where the reference stands serves as a classification rule for combination-
type subject matter.
Example (hypothetic):
– The precedence reference from 10/00 to 20/00 has the same function as
a scope-limitation reference saying "(hydraulic means 20/00)". Since hydraulic
means are a type of mechanical means it excludes a subset of the matter
covered by 10/00 and places it in a different place.
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In the Definitions, precedence references are listed in tabular form under the heading
“Limiting references”, using the full description of the excluded subject matter in question,
regardless of which of the three cases above applies.
Non-limiting references
Example: When considering the subject matter of lasers, i.e. devices using
stimulated emission, which are covered by subclass H01S, the following
are application-oriented references:
In the Definitions, application-oriented references are listed in tabular form under the
heading “Application-oriented references”.
(d) Out of a residual place – References appearing in residual places which point to
places which provide for the subject matter under consideration.
Example: When considering the subject matter of light sources, the subclass F21K
is residual to the whole of the IPC, and the following are examples of
references to other places which provide for the subject matter under
In the Definitions, references out of residual places are listed in tabular form under the
heading “References out of a residual place”.
(e) Informative – References indicating the location of subject matter that could be of
interest for searching, but which subject matter is not within the scope of the classification
place where the reference occurs.
Hence an informative reference fulfils both of the following requirements:
(i) the subject matter “does not fit” in the place under consideration, but
(ii) that subject matter is still interesting for searching purposes.
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It is instructive to compare the two conditions above with the two conditions (i) and (ii)
relating to a scope-limitation reference instead.
As an application-oriented reference usually points from a function-oriented place to an
application-oriented place, so an informative reference usually points from an
application-oriented place to a function-oriented place.
In the Definitions, informative references are listed in tabular form under the heading
“Informative references”.
Limiting references are included in the classification schemes and in the Definitions, when
available. To maintain the readability of schemes while increasing the amount of useful
related information provided, non-limiting references are progressively being removed
from schemes and transferred to the Definitions (see also paragraph 48, below).
40. Some points of detail concerning the use and interpretation of references:
(a) A reference is usually placed at the end of the title to which it belongs. If the title
consists of two or more parts, the reference is placed after the last part to which it relates.
Exceptionally, a reference does not relate to all parts preceding it, but in such cases this is
evident from the context.
Example: A47C CHAIRS (seats specially adapted for vehicles B60N 2/00);
SOFAS; BEDS (upholstery in general B68G)
(b) A reference following the title of a subclass or group relates to all the hierarchically
inferior places.
(c) [Deleted]
(d) [Deleted]
(e) Where a group is quoted, it is usually the most relevant group but not necessarily
the only relevant group. In particular, groups hierarchically related to a group quoted
should also be borne in mind.
(f) Where two or more items of subject matter are referred to the same place, they are
separated by a comma, the classification symbols of that place being given only at the
end of that reference.
Example: A01B 77/00 Machines for lifting and treating soil (biocides, pest
repellants or attractants, plant growth regulators A01N
25/00-A01N 65/00; – – –)
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(g) References relating to different items of subject matter referred to different places
are separated by a semicolon and are to be read independently.
An exception is where a substantial part of their wording is the same; in this case, the
common wording is given once and the different symbols are separated by a comma.
41. Notes define or explain specific words, phrases or the scope of places, or indicate how
subject matter is classified. Notes may be associated with sections, subsections, classes,
subclasses or groups.
Examples: F42 This class covers also means for practice or training which may have
aspects of simulation, although simulators are generally covered by
class G09.
Notes apply only to the places concerned, and their subdivisions, and override any general
guidance in case of conflict. For example, Note (1) following the title of subclass C08F
overrides the Note following the title of section C. Any information that is found in notes that are
associated with the section, subsection, or class level of the Classification is also provided
within subclass Definitions (see paragraphs 45 to 47, below) that have their scope impacted by
this information.
41bis. Being a hierarchically arranged system, most places in the IPC have subdivisions.
When a symbol or contiguous range of symbols is cited in a title, reference or note, it is to be
understood that the citation comprises not just the symbols explicitly mentioned but their full
range of hierarchically inferior subdivisions too. For this reason, the IPC does not use
expressions like “... class and its subclasses …”, “... subclass and its main groups …” or
“... group and its subgroups …”. When, for instance, a group is cited, its full set of dependent
subgroups is comprised in the citation also. Similarly, citation of a subclass also comprises its
main groups, and their subgroups, and citation of a class comprises all its subclasses and their
full contents.
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41ter. Accordingly, when any particular contiguous interval of groups is indicated in a title, note
or reference, the end of the interval is identified by the hierarchically highest symbol that covers
the last intended group of the interval without incorporating any groups which are not to be
considered part of the citation. Where a title, reference or note requires the citation of places
which are not contiguous, the title, reference or note will cite each contiguous block separately,
and will not include any citation of a place which is not intended to be part of the title, reference
or note.
The note of subclass B23D, “This subclass covers machines for shearing sheet metal or
other stock material except metal foils workable in a manner analogous to paper, which is
covered by class B26.”, refers implicitly to all subclasses of B26, and all the groups
The title of B23D 29/00, “Hand-held metal-shearing or metal-cutting devices (with nibbling
action B23D 27/02; hand-operated devices for metal-cutting otherwise than by shearing
B26B)”, refers implicitly to B23D 27/02 and its two subgroups, B23D 27/04 and B23D
27/06, as well as to all groups of subclass B26B.
The title of B23D 31/00, “Shearing machines or shearing devices covered by none or
more than one of the groups B23D 15/00-B23D 29/00; Combinations of shearing
machines”, refers implicitly to the main groups in the interval B23D 15/00-B23D 29/00 and
all the groups thereof, so that the actual interval starts with B23D 15/00 and ends with
B23D 29/02.
Indication of changes with respect to previous editions/versions; Supplementary
information in the IPC
42. In order to assist the user, the text of the Classification is presented in such a way as to
give some indication of the kind of changes it has undergone with respect to previous
editions/versions. The following indications are used in the Classification:
(a) Text in italics means that the entry in question, in relation to the previous
edition/version, either
(i) is new, or
(ii) its “file scope” (see paragraph 74bis, below) has been changed, or
In cases (i) or (ii), above, the entry in italics is followed by the version indicator in square
brackets (see under (b) below).
(b) The version indicator gives the edition/version where the corresponding entry was
new or where its “file scope” was modified, for example, [4] or [2008.01].
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(c) One and the same entry may be followed by two or more version indicators in
square brackets. In order to allow a more convenient presentation, only the last version
indicator is displayed while the others are displayed if the user so wishes (for example, by
moving the cursor on the said version indicator).
(d) The symbols of groups that have been deleted appear with an indication in italics of
where the subject matter concerned is transferred to, or where this subject matter is
covered, in the current edition/version.
The symbols of groups which have been deleted in the previous editions/versions do not
appear in the current edition/version.
43. [Deleted]
44. In addition to the Classification scheme, various data illustrating IPC entries or explaining
them more in detail, which are intended to enhance understanding and ease of use of the IPC,
are accessible via its Internet publication.
Classification Definitions
45. Although the scope of classification places can be determined from classification titles
with associated references and notes, which are present in the scheme of the Classification, it is
recommended to use Definitions for clarifying the exact boundaries of the subject matter
appropriate for the classification place. Definitions provide supplementary information in respect
of classification entries and serve for their clarification, but do not change the scope of
classification entries.
46. Definitions are prepared following a structured format, the most important part of which is
the definition statement giving a more detailed explanation of the scope of the classification
place. In the definition statement, relevant words and phrases are used which may be
alternative to those used in the title and which can be found in the patent documents classified
in the classification place. Definitions also contain other parts, such as explanation of limiting
and informative references associated with the title, interpretation of special classifying rules
affecting the classification place and definitions of terms used in the classification place.
47. Definitions are provided only for a limited number of subclasses and groups. In the
course of the further development of the IPC, Definitions will be elaborated for more subclasses,
where needed, and for main groups and subgroups, where appropriate.
Non-limiting References
48. Non-limiting references indicating the location of subject matter that could be of interest
for searching are progressively being introduced into the Definitions. They do not limit the
scope of classification places with which they are associated and are intended only to facilitate
the patent search.
49. In the areas of the IPC relating to general and applied chemistry, chemical structural
formulae that provide a visual representation of the content of the classification place are of
great value. They are introduced in the scheme of the Classification with a limited number of
classification entries when they are necessary for defining their scope or for interpreting the
scope of their subordinated entries (see, for example, main group C07D 499/00).
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50. Many additional chemical structural formulae are introduced in the Definitions. They serve
for illustrating purposes, generally by way of examples, and for facilitating understanding of the
content of the chemical areas of the Classification. The chemical formulae are available for
viewing through hyperlinks provided in the relevant classification entries.
51. Other explanatory graphic illustrations have also been introduced in the Definitions (see,
for example, graphic illustrations under main group F23B 50/00).
52. [Deleted]
Standard expressions; Glossary
53. It has been possible to standardise a limited number of wordings in the IPC. The
explanations of standard expressions used in the text of the Classification follow below.
54. When subject matter is stated to be “covered” by/in a classification place, it means the
subject matter has characteristics enabling it to be classified in that place (see, for example,
group A41F 18/00). The expression “provided for” has the same meaning as “covered” (see, for
example, group B60Q 11/00).
55. The expression “not otherwise provided for”, or similar expressions occurring in a group
title, means “not provided for in any other group in the same subclass or in any other subclass”
(see, for example, group B65D 51/00). This applies similarly where this expression appears in
the title of a class or subclass. However, the use of this expression in a main group title does
not expand the scope of the subclass as specified in paragraph 69, below.
56. Groups worded “... not provided for in groups...” cover subject matter that is not provided
for in the stated groups. Groups worded “Other...” only cover subject matter that is not provided
for in other related groups, for example at the same hierarchical level within a subclass or group
(see, for example, A41F 13/00, B05C 21/00, respectively).
57. Many subclass schemes include a residual main group, which provides for the subject
matter within the scope of the subclass that is not covered by any of the other main groups of
the subclass. Such residual main groups are usually located at the end of subclasses.
58. In a number of subclasses, there are main groups designating subject matter “… covered
by more than one of main groups…” or with similar wording. Such groups only provide for
subject matter which consists of a combination of characteristics not covered as a whole by a
single one of the groups specified, for example, C05B 21/00. Additionally, in a number of
subclasses, there are main groups designating subject matter “… not covered by any single one
of main groups …” or with similar wording. This type of group may provide for both:
– subject matter not covered by any of the groups in the specified range.
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“i.e.”, “e.g.”
59. The expression “i.e.” has the sense of “equals” and the two phrases joined by “i.e.” are to
be considered equivalent, one of the phrases constituting a definition of the other.
60. The expression “e.g.” does not limit the sense of the phrase which precedes it, but simply
explains it by giving one or more examples. This expression is used for the following purposes:
(b) To draw attention to the fact that what is mentioned after “e.g.” is definitely included
within and covered by the preceding wording although this might not be readily apparent
from the wording.
(c) To indicate matter which is covered by a group but for which no dependent
subgroup has been provided.
– “either A or B, but not both” implies the presence of A or the presence of B but not
the presence of both A and B in the same example or embodiment.
62. The expression “in general” is used when indicating things that are considered for their
characteristics, disregarding any specific application, or that are not specially adapted for any
particular use or purpose, as defined in paragraph 85(a), below.
63. The expression “per se” concerns only an item of subject matter itself as opposed to a
combination of which that item is a part.
64. The expression “specially adapted for” is used when indicating “things” that have been
modified or particularly constructed for the given use or purpose, as defined in
paragraph 85(b), below.
65. The expression “or the like” is sometimes used to emphasise that the classification place
in question is not limited to the specific subject matter as specified by the wording but that it also
covers similar subject matter with essentially the same characteristics.
66. A two-part Glossary of terms and expressions is included at the end of the Guide. Its first
part includes classification terms and expressions relating to principles and rules of the
Classification which are often used in this Guide. The second part of the Glossary includes
technical terms and expressions used in the Classification itself.
67. The scope of any classification place must always be interpreted within the scope of all its
hierarchically superior places.
68. The titles of sections, subsections and classes are only broadly indicative of their content
and do not define with precision the subject matter falling under the general indication of the
title. In general, the section or subsection titles very loosely indicate the broad nature of the
scope of the subject matter to be found within the section or subsection, and the class title gives
an overall indication of the subject matter covered by its subclasses. By contrast, it is the
intention in the Classification that the titles of subclasses, taking into consideration any
references, definitions or notes associated therewith, define as precisely as possible the scope
of the subject matter covered thereby. The titles of main groups and subgroups, again subject
to any references, definitions or notes associated therewith, precisely define the subject matter
covered thereby (see the example cited in paragraph 28, above).
68bis. Under certain circumstances, a place can cover more than its explicitly stated scope:
(a) Details or components that are specially adapted for, or used only with, the explicitly
stated subject matter of the place and not provided for elsewhere (see paragraph 99,
(b) Combinations of the explicitly stated subject matter of the place with other subject
matter (see paragraphs 145, 150 and 154, below).
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 18
(c) Subject matter of a category of invention not covered by the place and not covered
elsewhere, but related to the explicitly stated subject matter of the place. For example, if
there is no group for the production of a certain product, the group for the product also
covers production thereof (see paragraphs 92 to 98, below).
(a) The subclass title which describes, as precisely as is possible in a small number of
words, the main characteristic of a portion of the whole body of knowledge covered by the
Classification, this portion being the field of the subclass to which all its groups relate.
(b) Any limiting references which follow the subclass title or its class title. These
references indicate certain parts of the field described by the title which are covered by
other subclasses and are therefore excluded. These parts may constitute a substantial
part of the field described by the title and, thus, the limiting references are in some
respects as important as the title itself. For example, in subclass A47D – FURNITURE
SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CHILDREN – a considerable part, namely school benches
or desks, of the subject matter covered by the title is excluded in view of a reference to
particular groups of subclass A47B, thus considerably altering the scope of
subclass A47D.
(c) Any limiting references which appear in groups of a subclass and which refer
subject matter to another class or subclass also restrict the scope of the subclass in
question. For example, in subclass B43K – IMPLEMENTS FOR WRITING OR
DRAWING – writing points for indicating or recording apparatus are referred out of
group 1/00 to group 15/16 of subclass G01D, thereby reducing the scope of the subject
matter covered by the title of subclass B43K.
(d) Any notes appearing under the subclass title or its class, subsection or section title.
Such notes may define terms or expressions used in the title, or elsewhere, or clarify the
relation between the subclass and other places.
Examples: (i) The Notes following the title of the subsection “ENGINES OR
PUMPS”, embracing classes F01 to F04, which notes define the terms
or expressions used throughout the subsection.
(ii) Note (1) following the title of subclass F01B, which defines its
scope in relation to subclasses F01C to F01P.
(iii) The Note following the title of section C which defines groups of
The titles of subclasses sometimes do not embrace the titles of all main groups under them.
However, the scope of a subclass should always be understood to include all subject matter
specifically stated in the titles of its main groups.
70. A more detailed explanation of the scope of a subclass is provided by its definition, where
it is available. In particular, the exact boundaries of any subject matter added to the scope of
the subclass by its main group titles are specified.
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page 19
71. The scope of a main group is to be interpreted only within the scope of its subclass (as
indicated above). Subject to this, the scope of a main group is determined by its title as
modified by any relevant references or notes associated with the main group. For example, a
group for “bearings” in a subclass whose title is limited to a particular apparatus must be read as
covering only features of bearings peculiar to that apparatus, for example, the arrangement of
bearings in the apparatus. A more detailed explanation of the scope of a main group is
provided by its definition, where it is available.
71bis. Attention is drawn to the fact that guidance headings are intended to be only informative
and, as a rule, do not define nor modify the scope of the groups covered by them.
72. The scope of a subgroup is likewise to be interpreted only within the scope of its subclass,
main group and of any subgroup under which it is indented. Subject to this, the scope of a
subgroup is determined by its title as modified by any relevant references or notes
associated therewith.
(a) Main group 5/00 must be read within the scope of the subclass title, i.e., as
“stabilising surfaces of aeroplanes or helicopters”. Moreover, the reference following the
title of subclass B64C (air-cushion vehicles B60V) indicates that all subject matter
concerning air-cushion vehicles is classified in subclass B60V, so that, in relation to main
group 5/00 and all its subgroups, stabilising surfaces of air-cushion vehicles are classified
in subclass B60V. Furthermore, the reference in main group 5/00 (attaching stabilising
surfaces to fuselage 1/26) indicates that all subject matter concerned with attaching
stabilising surfaces to fuselages is classified in subgroup 1/26.
(b) Subgroup 5/06, which is indented under main group 5/00, must be read as
“aeroplane or helicopter stabilising surfaces in the form of fins”. Moreover, the reference
following the title of subgroup 5/06 (specially for wings 5/08) indicates that fins designed
specially for wings are classified in subgroup 5/08.
(c) Similarly, subgroup 5/08, which is of the same one-dot indentation under main group
5/00 as subgroup 5/06, must be read as “aeroplane or helicopter stabilising surfaces
mounted on, or supported by, wings”, and subgroup 5/10 as “adjustable stabilising
surfaces of aeroplanes or helicopters”.
(d) Subgroup 5/12 is indented under subgroup 5/10 and must be read within the scope
thereof, i.e., as “adjustable stabilising surfaces of aeroplanes or helicopters for retraction
against or within fuselage or nacelle”.
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page 20
73. A subgroup covers only a particular part of the subject matter covered by the group under
which it is indented. Therefore, a group may have only one subgroup or many. Each subgroup
is devised to cover a portion of the subject matter that can serve as a self-contained field of
search. A group is thus used for classifying subject matter which falls within its scope but is not
covered by a subgroup.
74. The scope of any subgroup in comparison with its hierarchically higher group is
determined by the presence of one or more essential characteristics, specified in the title of the
subgroup. Two cases may arise:
(a) The essential characteristics are not expressed in the title of the hierarchically
higher group.
(b) The essential characteristics are already expressed in the title of the hierarchically
higher group.
74bis. As subject matter that belongs to a subgroup should not be classified in its parent group,
there is a difference between the complete scope of a parent group (i.e. including its subgroups)
and the subject matter that should actually be classified in it. The subject matter that should
actually be classified in a group is called the file scope. For a group that has no subgroups, the
scope and the file scope are identical. When a group gets new subgroups, its scope remains
unchanged, but the file scope is reduced. The file scope of a group can be understood as the
residual subject matter classified in the group itself, but not in its subgroups.
75. The primary purpose of the Classification is to facilitate the retrieval of technical subject
matter. It is therefore devised, and has to be used, in such a way that one and the same
technical subject is classified in, and thus can be retrieved from, one and the same place within
the Classification; this place being the one most relevant to be searched for that subject.
76. Two types of information may be found in patent documents. These are “invention
information” and “additional information”. The meaning of these expressions is explained in
paragraphs 77 to 80, below. The rules of selection of classification symbols are the same for
both types of information (see also chapter XI, below). Although in the Guide reference is often
made only to inventions or technical subjects of inventions, it is to be understood that the
remarks made in the Guide apply equally to technical subjects which are covered by the
additional information.
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page 21
77. Invention information is technical information in the total disclosure of a patent document
(for example, description, drawings, claims) that represents an addition to the state of the art.
The invention information is determined in the context of the state of the art, using guidance
provided by the claims of the patent document, with due regard given to the description and
the drawings.
78. “Addition to the state of the art” means all novel and unobvious subject matter specifically
disclosed in a patent document, which subject matter does not represent part of the prior art,
i.e., the difference between the subject matter in a patent document and the collection of all
technical subject matter that has already been placed within public knowledge.
79. Additional information is non-trivial technical information which does not in itself represent
an addition to the state of the art but might constitute useful information for the searcher.
80. The additional information complements the invention information by identifying, for
example, the constituents of a composition or mixture, or elements or components of a process
or structure, or use or applications of classified technical subjects.
81. Technical subject matter may represent processes, products, apparatus or materials (or
the way these are used or applied). These terms, usually referred to as categories of subject
matter, should be interpreted in their widest sense, as indicated in the following examples:
82. It should be noted that an apparatus can be regarded as a product, since it is produced by
a process. The term “product”, however, is rather used to denote the result of a process
regardless of the subsequent function of the product, for example, the end-product of a
chemical or manufacturing process, whereas the term “apparatus” is associated with an
intended use or purpose, for example, apparatus for generating gases, apparatus for cutting.
Materials in themselves may constitute products.
83. The Classification is designed to ensure that any technical subject with which an invention
is essentially concerned can be classified, as far as possible, as a whole and not by separate
classification of constituent parts.
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page 22
84. However, constituent parts of a technical subject of invention may also constitute
invention information if they themselves represent an addition to the state of the art, i.e. they
represent novel and unobvious subject matter.
85. The technical subjects of inventions dealt with in patent documents concern either the
intrinsic nature or function of a thing or the way a thing is used or applied. The term “thing” is
used in this context to mean any technical matter, tangible or not, for example, process, product
or apparatus. The above is reflected in the design of the Classification. It provides places
for classifying:
(a) a thing “in general”, i.e., characterised by its intrinsic nature or function; the thing
being either independent of a particular field of use or technically not affected if
statements about the field of use are disregarded, i.e., it is not specially adapted for use in
the field.
(b) A thing “specially adapted for” a particular use or purpose, i.e., modified or
particularly constructed for the given use or purpose.
Example: A61F 2/24 is the place for a mechanical valve specially adapted for
insertion into a human heart.
Example: B60G has provision for the incorporation of a leaf spring into the
suspension of a vehicle wheel.
86. Places of category (a), above, are referred to as “function-oriented places”. Places of the
above categories (b) to (d) are referred to as “application-oriented places”.
87. Places, for example, subclasses, are not always exclusively function-oriented or
application-oriented in relation to other places in the Classification.
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page 23
Example: Although F16K (valves, etc.) and F16N (lubricating) are both function-oriented
subclasses, F16N includes application-oriented places for certain valves
specially adapted for lubrication systems (for example, F16N 23/00—special
adaptations of check valves), while, conversely, F16K includes
application-oriented places for lubricating features of gate valves or sliding
valves (see, for example, F16K 3/36—features relating to lubrication).
Example: F02F 3/00 concerns pistons for combustion engines in general and is
therefore more function-oriented than F02B 55/00, which is specifically
directed to rotary type pistons in combustion engines, but is less
function-oriented than F16J, which relates to pistons in general.
87bis. There are also places in the IPC which should be considered for classification if and only
if no other place of the IPC provides for the subject matter under consideration. Such places
are referred to as “residual places”.
Expressions in the titles like:
– “not otherwise provided for”,
– “not provided for in ...”,
– “not covered by ...”
clearly designate residual places.
The residual nature of the place can be relative to other subgroups, other main groups of the
same subclass, other subclasses or even to the whole of the IPC. Main groups 99/00,
throughout the whole of the IPC, are special residual places.
G06Q 99/00 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this
General Observations
88. It is of great importance to identify accurately the technical subject(s) with which each
invention is essentially concerned. Therefore, consideration should be given to the thing
involved as set out in paragraphs 81 to 85, above, in order to determine the appropriate place in
the Classification.
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page 24
89. Often, the invention information relates only to a particular field of use, and the
application-oriented places are intended to cover completely the classification of such matter.
The function-oriented places embrace a wider concept in which the constructional or functional
characteristics of a subject are applicable to more than one field of use, or in which the
application to a particular field of use is not considered invention information.
(b) If the essential technical characteristics of the subject relate both to the intrinsic
nature or function of a thing and to its particular use, or its special adaptation to or
incorporation into a larger system, classification is made in both the function-oriented
place and the application-oriented place, if available.
(c) If guidance indicated in subparagraphs (a) and (b), above, cannot be used,
classification is made in both the function-oriented place and the relevant
application-oriented places.
91. When classifying a larger system (combination) as a whole, attention should be given to
parts or details whenever they are novel and unobvious. Classification of both the system and
these parts and details is necessary.
Example: When a document is concerned with the incorporation of a given thing, for
example, a leaf spring, into a larger system, for example, a vehicle wheel
suspension, it is therefore concerned with the larger system and should be
classified in the place for this system (B60G). If the document is also
concerned with the thing itself, i.e., the leaf spring as such, and it is novel and
unobvious, it is also necessary to classify the document in the place for the
thing itself (F16F).
92. It is apparent from paragraphs 81 and 82, above, that the technical subject of an invention
may be expressed as different categories of subject matter. If for one of these categories, no
distinct place has been identified by the titles of the Classification for a particular technical
subject, the most appropriate place existing for the other categories is used for classifying (see
paragraphs 93 to 99, below, for specific situations). In these situations, even though the titles of
those places do not directly indicate that this category of subject matter is appropriate there, this
may be indicated by other means such as references, notes, definitions, or the provision for
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 25
similar subject matter in other groups of their scheme. Definitions, where present, should
provide specific information about the appropriate classification places for related categories of
subject matter not specified in classification titles.
92bis. In all sections of the IPC, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, the Periodic
System of chemical elements referred to is the one with eight groups as represented in the
table below. For example, group C07F 3/00 “Compounds containing elements of Groups 2
or 12 of the Periodic System” refers to the elements of columns IIa and IIb.
Chemical Compounds
93. When the subject of the invention concerns a chemical compound per se (organic,
inorganic or macromolecular), it is classified in section C according to its chemical structure.
When it also concerns a specific field of use, it is also classified in the place provided for that
field of use, if such field of use constitutes an essential technical characteristic of the subject.
However, when the chemical compound is known and the subject of the invention concerns only
the application of the compound, it is classified in the place covering the field of use as invention
information while the chemical structure may also be classified in the place for the chemical
compound per se as additional information.
94. When the subject of the invention concerns a chemical mixture or composition per se, it is
classified in a place according to its chemical composition if such a place exists, for example,
C03C (glass), C04B (cements, ceramics), C08L (compositions of organic macromolecular
compounds), C22C (alloys). If such a place does not exist, it is classified according to its use or
application. If the use or application also constitutes an essential technical characteristic of the
subject of the invention, a mixture or composition is classified according to both its chemical
composition and its use or application. However, when the chemical mixture or composition is
known and the subject of the invention concerns only its use, it is classified in the place
covering the field of use as invention information while the mixture or composition may also be
classified in the place for the chemical mixture or composition per se as additional information.
95. When the subject of the invention concerns a process of preparation or treatment of a
chemical compound, it is classified in the place for the process of preparation or treatment of the
compound concerned. If such a place does not exist, it is classified in the place for the
compound. When the compound resulting from the preparation process is also novel, the
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 26
Apparatus or Processes
96. When the subject of the invention concerns an apparatus, it is classified in the place for
the apparatus if such a place exists. When such a place does not exist, the apparatus is
classified in the place for the process performed by that apparatus. When the subject of the
invention concerns a process for making or treatment of products, it is classified in the place for
the process performed. When such a place does not exist, the making or treatment of products
is classified in the place for the apparatus performing the process. If no place exists for the
manufacture of a product, the manufacturing apparatus or process is classified in the place
covering the product.
Articles of Manufacture
97. When the subject of the invention concerns an article, it is classified in the place for the
article. If no place exists for the article itself, it is classified in the appropriate function-oriented
place (i.e., according to the function performed by the article) or, if this is not possible, according
to the field of use.
98. When the subject of the invention concerns a multistep process or an industrial plant that
consists, respectively, of a combination of process steps or apparatus, it is classified as a
whole, i.e., in a place provided for such combination, for example, subclass B09B. If no such
place exists, it is classified in the place for the product obtained by the process or plant. When
the subject of the invention concerns also an element of the combination, for example, an
individual step of the process or machine of the plant, the element is also separately classified.
99. When the subject of the invention concerns constructional or functional details or parts of
subject matter, for example, of apparatus, the following rules apply:
(a) Details or parts only applicable to, or specially adapted for, one kind of subject
matter are classified in the details places of this kind of subject matter, if such places
(b) If such places do not exist, these details or parts are classified in the place for the
subject matter in question.
(c) Details or parts applicable to more than one of different kinds of subject matter are
classified in the details places of more general nature, if such places exist.
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page 27
(d) If such places of more general nature do not exist, these details or parts are
classified according to all of the kinds of subject matter to which they explicitly apply.
Example: In subclass A45B, groups 11/00 to 23/00 cover the various kinds of
umbrellas, while group 25/00 covers details of umbrellas applicable to
more than one kind of umbrella.
100. Large sets of related chemical compounds are often expressed or claimed using general
formulae. The general formulae are presented in the form of a chemical compound genus with
at least one component of the formula being a variable selected from a specific collection of
alternatives (for example, “Markush”-type compound claims). The use of general formulae
causes classification problems when an enormous number of compounds are within their scope
and are separately classifiable in a large number of classification places. When this situation
occurs, only the individual chemical compounds most useful for searches are classified. If
chemical compounds are specified using a general chemical formula, the following classifying
procedure is applied:
Step 1: Classification should be given to all “fully identified” compounds that are novel
and unobvious if they are:
Step 2: If no “fully identified” compounds are disclosed, e.g. in the situation of compounds
derived from computer-generated models and which have not undergone actual
experiments, classification should only be given to compounds with exact
chemical name or developed chemical formula. Classification should be limited
to a single or a very small number of groups.
Step 3: When only the general Markush formula is disclosed, classification is made in the
most specific group(s) that cover(s) all or most of the potential embodiments.
Classification should be limited to a single or a very small number of groups.
When classification of all the “fully identified” compounds into their most specific classification
places would lead to a high number of classification symbols (for example, more than twenty),
the classifier may reduce the number of symbols. This may only be done when classification of
the “fully identified” compounds would lead to the assigning of a large number of subgroups
under a single group at the next hierarchically higher level. Classification of these compounds
may then be made in the higher group only. Otherwise, classification of the compounds is
made in all of the more specific subgroups.
Combinatorial Libraries
102. The primary purpose of the Classification is to facilitate search. Depending on the content
of a patent document, the information disclosed therein may require more than one
classification symbol to be applied.
103. Multiple classification of documents is needed, for example, when different categories of
subject matter, i.e., processes, products, apparatus or materials, for which special places are
provided in the Classification, constitute invention information. Another example of multiple
classification may represent classifying in function-oriented places and application places when
essential technical characteristics of the subject of the invention are concerned with both types
of places.
104. Multiple classification or classification in combination with indexing (see paragraphs 108
to 112, below) is also recommended, but is not obligatory, for indicating additional information in
a patent document when it is of interest for search.
106. Places in the IPC where multi-aspect classification is especially desirable are indicated by
a note. Depending on the nature of the subject matter concerned, such a note prescribes
obligatory classification of the subject matter according to the indicated aspects or contains a
recommendation for multi-aspect classification if it is desirable for increasing the efficiency of
the patent search.
107. [Deleted]
108. In specific areas of the Classification, hybrid systems have been introduced in order to
improve the effectiveness of the Classification.
109. Each hybrid system consists of a classification scheme and an associated complementary
indexing scheme. The indexing scheme specifies aspects that are not covered by the
classification places. When classifying within a hybrid system, all classification symbols
appropriate to the technical subjects are first assigned. Then any appropriate indexing codes
from indexing schemes associated with one or more of these classification symbols may be
added, if they identify elements of information which are useful for search purposes.
110. Indexing codes have a format similar to classification symbols. Within subclasses having
classification schemes, indexing schemes are placed after the classification scheme and their
numbering starts, as a rule, with the number 101/00. Some subclasses are used only for
indexing purposes, in association with classification symbols from one or more classification
subclasses; this is indicated in their titles. Indexing subclasses usually employ the same
numbering system used in the indexing schemes of classification subclasses (see subclasses
F21W and F21Y), but sometimes their numbering systems may include numbers (for example,
1/00) similar to those normally associated with standard classification symbols (see subclasses
C10N, C12R, B29K, B29L).
111. Indexing codes can only be applied in association with classification symbols. Each place
in the Classification where indexing codes may be used is indicated by a note. Similarly, a note,
title or heading before each indexing scheme indicates with which classification symbols those
indexing codes are associated.
112. Whenever possible, the layout of the indexing schemes is hierarchical, facilitating their
presentation. The numbering of some of the schemes is such that truncation of the indexing
codes is feasible when carrying out database searching.
113. Indexing codes may be applied when it is desirable for search purposes to identify
elements of information about a technical subject of the invention already classified as such.
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 30
114. In an indexing scheme, the hierarchically higher group is only to be used in a residual
manner, i.e., to record a specific feature not provided for in any of its subdivisions. When
indexing two or more elements of information about a technical subject which are useful for
search purposes, for each such element the hierarchically lowest indexing group which provides
for this element should be applied. Indexing of residual matter in main groups of indexing
schemes should be limited to cases where this is of use for searching. Indexing should not be
made in main groups of very wide or general scope, which are mainly used as
informative headings.
Example: A welding process for attaching flanges is described as being applicable to the
manufacture of railway rails, structural beams and rail vehicle wheels. In this
case, B23K 101/26 and 101/28 should be applied for rails and beams,
respectively. Although rail vehicle wheels are broadly covered by B23K
101/00, this code should not be applied as it is too general and would give no
information of use for searching. See the following excerpt of the indexing
scheme referred to:
Obligatory Classification
118. According to Article 4(3) of the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent
Classification, in classifying a patent document, the competent authorities of the countries of the
Special Union shall indicate “the complete symbols of the Classification applied to the invention
to which the patent document relates”. This means that it is an obligation on the part of the said
authorities to allot the classification symbols which represent the invention information.
119. It is desirable that any additional information be classified or indexed, since it could be
useful for search purposes. In specific classification places, recommendations can be present
in order to assist the classifier in the use of non-obligatory classification or non-obligatory
indexing. However, such recommendations do not affect the discretionary nature of this
classification or indexing.
120. All invention information in a patent document as described in paragraph 77, above,
should be classified. Depending on the stage of the examination procedure in which a
document is classified, the precise invention information may not have been fully determined.
Paragraphs 121 to 130, below, outline procedures for determining the best approximation of this
invention information for the purpose of classifying principal types of patent documents (granted
patents, searched published applications, unsearched published applications).
121. All subject matter covered by the claims of a patent document must be classified as
invention information along with any novel and unobvious constituents or components
(subcombinations) of the claimed subject matter. Classification should be based on the subject
matter of each claim as a whole and on each inventive embodiment within a claim.
122. Any unclaimed subject matter in the disclosure that is novel and unobvious must also be
classified as invention information.
123. It is desirable to classify or index any additional information complementing the invention
information, mentioned in the claims or in the unclaimed disclosure, if it is useful for search
Classification of searched but unexamined patent documents, for example, patent applications
124. All claimed subject matter that appears to be novel and unobvious in view of the search
results must be classified as invention information along with any novel and unobvious
constituents or components (subcombinations) of the claimed subject matter.
125. Any unclaimed subject matter in the disclosure that appears to be novel and unobvious in
view of the search results must be classified as invention information.
126. It is desirable to classify or index any additional information complementing the invention
information, mentioned in the claims or in the unclaimed disclosure, if it is useful for
search purposes.
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page 32
127. All claimed subject matter that is potentially novel and unobvious in the opinion of the
classifier who is an expert in the art must be classified as invention information along with any
potentially novel and unobvious constituents or components (subcombinations) of the claimed
subject matter.
128. Any unclaimed subject matter in the disclosure that is potentially novel and unobvious in
the opinion of the classifier who is an expert in the art must be classified as
invention information.
129. For classifiers who are not experts in the relevant technical field, all the claims must be
used for determining the subject matter to be classified.
130. It is desirable to classify or index any additional information complementing the invention
information, mentioned in the claims or in the unclaimed disclosure, if it is useful for
search purposes.
General observations
131. Patent documents should not be classified as a single entity, but all different inventive
things, claimed or disclosed within the patent document, should be identified and separately
classified. Such different inventive things are represented, for example, by different claims,
alternative variants or different categories of subject matter (for example, a product and a
method of its production).
131bis. If two or more inventive things in a document separately are covered by the same
group, the classification symbol of that group is allotted only once. If an inventive thing is
appropriate for invention information classification in a certain group and another thing in the
same patent document is appropriate for additional information classification in the same group,
only the invention information classification is allotted.
132. Unclaimed subject matter representing invention information does not need to be
classified when fully identified in the classification of a related published application of the same
patent office, for example, in the parent of a published divisional application.
133. Where a classifier determines that no invention information is present within a patent
document, at least one classification symbol must still be assigned to the patent document as
an invention information symbol. In these circumstances, the classification should be based on
that portion of the total disclosure that the classifier determines as most useful for
search purposes.
Selecting a subclass
136. Since the IPC is a hierarchical classification system, a systematic approach using its
hierarchical structure can be used and followed step by step for determining the appropriate
subclass for classification of the subject of the invention. The relevant section can first be
identified, then the appropriate subsection and class, and, under the selected class, the
subclass which most satisfactorily covers the subject in question can be identified. When
following this approach, it should be remembered that titles of sections, subsections and
classes only give a broad indication of their scope.
137. Alternative methods of determining the relevant subclass can often be more efficient.
These alternative methods may consist in:
(c) reviewing the classification symbols of patent documents most related to the subject
in question, for example by statistical analysis of documents found during a text search
using relevant technical terms. However, care must be taken when using the
classifications of other documents for determining relevant subclasses, since the
classification of documents can be based on different parts of their disclosures.
Although these alternative methods may lead to determination of a more specific place than a
subclass, the relevance of that place must always be verified by checking its scope in the light
of its hierarchically superior places and the classification rules in that particular area of the IPC.
138. After identification of a subclass using the methods described above, it is necessary to
check whether its scope (see Chapter VII “SCOPE OF PLACES”, above) is wide enough to
cover the technical subject to be classified. For this purpose, the references and notes
appearing after the subclass title and its definition, if available, should be consulted.
Selecting a group
139. After selection of the appropriate subclass, the procedure using the hierarchical structure
of the IPC should be followed for determining the relevant main group and subgroup in the
identified subclass. Before applying this procedure, it is necessary to check which of the three
general classification rules, described below (the common rule, the first place priority rule and
the last place priority rule), is used in the selected subclass and whether any special
classification rules are applied. In some subclasses, different general classification rules are
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 34
used in different parts. For example, if only one main group in a scheme uses the last place
priority rule and the other main groups use the common rule, the main group is selected using
the common rule and a subgroup is selected according to the rule applied within the relevant
main group.
140. While the paragraphs below indicate the differences between the general classification
rules, it is important to remember that the general rules share the following essential features:
(a) many technical subjects are completely covered by only one group in the subclass
scheme; in this situation, the subject is classified in that group regardless of the general
classification rule used in the subclass;
(b) if two or more subjects of the invention are disclosed in the patent document, the
general rule used in the subclass is separately applied for classifying each subject;
(c) if a subcombination of the subject of the invention is novel and non-obvious itself, it
is separately classified according to the general rule used in the subclass.
It is only in situations where the technical subject is covered by two or more of groups of the
subclass (i.e., some groups have potentially overlapping scope or groups are only available for
subcombinations of the subject and not for the subject itself) that the general classification rule
used in the subclass is important for determining a relevant group or groups.
141. The common rule is the “default” classification rule in the IPC and it is applied in all areas
of the IPC where priority classification rules or special classification rules are not specified. It is
based on the principle of devising the Classification in such a way that one and the same
technical subject can be classified in one and the same place in the Classification (see
paragraph 75, above). This principle assumes that classification places in the IPC are mutually
exclusive. When this is not the case, the principles of paragraph 144(b), below, should
be applied.
142. As opposed to the first and last place priority rules described in paragraphs 146 to 154,
below, no general priority rules apply in the common rule areas of the IPC. Classification should
be made in all appropriate places (see, for example, paragraphs 88 to 91, above). However,
the following principles of priority can be applied to limit unnecessary multiple classification and
to select groups that most adequately represent the technical subject to be classified:
(a) Groups for more complex matter take priority over groups for less complex matter.
For example, groups for combinations take priority over groups for subcombinations and
groups for “whole things” take priority over groups for “details”
(b) Groups for more specialised subject matter take priority over groups for less
specialised subject matter. For example, groups for unique types of matter or groups for
matter with means for solving particular problems take priority over more general groups.
143. When classifying subject matter characterised by several aspects or when assigning
additional classification symbols representing useful information for searching, principles of
multiple classification apply (see paragraphs 102 to 106, above).
144. After selection of the appropriate subclass, the following procedure is applied for
identifying a detailed classification place at each hierarchical level, starting at main group level:
Guide to the IPC (2018)
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(a) Determining, by reviewing all of the groups, if only one of them provides for the
technical subject to be classified. If this is the case, step (c) should be applied for
this group.
(b) If it is determined that two or more groups provide for the technical subject to be
classified, then the principles described in paragraph 142, above, should be used
as guidance.
(i) If these principles indicate a priority between the groups, the group given
priority must be selected. Other groups with a lower priority may also be selected
for classification if they are considered to be useful for search purposes, for
example, for performing Boolean searching. Step (c) should then be applied
separately for each selected group.
(ii) If priority between the groups cannot be determined by these principles, then
step (c) should be applied separately for each group.
(c) Repeat step (a) and, if necessary, step (b) at each subsequent hierarchical level
until none of the subgroups at the next hierarchical level provides for the technical subject.
145. If no specific place for a combination is provided in an area of classification where the
common rule applies, it is classified according to its subcombinations, following the principles
described in paragraph 142, above. Subcombinations not selected for classification according
to these principles should be considered for classification as additional information.
146. In certain areas of the Classification, priority classification rules are applied. The purpose
of these rules is to improve consistency of classifying. As opposed to the common rule, the
priority rules give general priority rules between all groups in the given area. In order to enable
this, the schemes have been specially adapted for the particular rule. Even though general
priority rules apply, multiple classification is possible in these areas, for example, when it is
necessary to classify different aspects of subject matter or when the subject matter contains
additional information which is desirable to be classified. The areas where priority classification
rules are applied are clearly marked by a note appearing before the first place of the area
covered by such classification rules or at a hierarchically higher place.
147. In some parts of the Classification, the first place priority rule is used. Where this rule
applies, it is set out in a note of the type: “In this subclass / main group(s) / group(s), the first
place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the
contrary, classification is made in the first appropriate place.” For example, see the relevant
notes in G03F 1/00 or H04W. According to this rule, a technical subject of the invention is
classified by successively, at each indentation level, locating the first group covering any portion
of the technical subject, until a subgroup is selected for classification at the deepest appropriate
indentation level. When several particular technical subjects are disclosed in a patent
document, the first place priority rule is separately applied to each of them.
148. Classification schemes where the first place priority rule has been introduced contain a
standardised sequence of groups. This standardised sequence follows the principle of
proceeding from more complex or specialised subject matter at the top of the scheme to less
complex or less specialised subject matter located lower in the scheme.
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 36
149. After selection of the appropriate subclass for the subject of the invention, the following
procedure is applied for identifying a detailed classification place:
(a) determining the first main group in the subclass which provides at least in part for
the subject of the invention;
(b) determining, under this main group, the first one-dot subgroup which provides at
least in part for this subject of the invention;
(c) repeating the procedure of the previous step through successive indentation levels
of subgroups until the first subgroup at the deepest subgroup level (i.e., with a maximum
number of dots) which provides for the subject of the invention is determined.
150. If the matter to be classified relates to a combination of things covered in an area where
the first place priority rule applies and no specific place for the combination is provided, the
combination is classified in the first group that provides for at least one of its subcombinations.
Any other subcombinations which are determined to be novel and non-obvious must also be
separately classified following the first place priority rule procedure. Subcombinations which are
considered to represent information of interest for search may be classified as
additional information.
151. In some parts of the Classification the last place priority rule is used. Where this rule
applies, it is set up in a note of the type: “In this subclass / main group(s) / group(s), the last
place priority rule is applied, i.e. at each hierarchical level, in the absence of an indication to the
contrary, classification is made in the last appropriate place.” For example, see the relevant
notes in A61K, C08G, C10M. According to this rule, a technical subject of the invention is
classified by successively locating at each indentation level the last group covering any portion
of the technical subject until a subgroup is selected for classification at the deepest appropriate
indentation level. When several particular technical subjects are disclosed in a patent
document, the last place priority rule is separately applied to each of them.
152. In classification schemes where the last place priority rule has been introduced, a
sequence of groups is not formally standardised. However, the sequence of groups frequently
follows the principle of proceeding from less complex or more general subject matter at the top
of the scheme to progressively more complex or specialised subject matter located lower in the
153. After selection of the appropriate subclass, the following procedure is applied for
identifying a detailed classification place:
(a) determining the last main group in the subclass which provides at least in part for
the subject of the invention;
(b) determining, under this main group, the last one-dot subgroup which provides at
least in part for this subject of the invention;
(c) repeating the procedure of the previous step through successive indentation levels
of subgroups until the last subgroup at the deepest subgroup level (i.e., with a maximum
number of dots) which provides for the subject of the invention is determined.
154. If the matter to be classified relates to a combination of things covered in an area where
the last place priority rule applies and no specific place for the combination is provided, the
combination is classified in the last group that provides for at least one of its subcombinations.
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 37
Any other subcombinations which are determined to be novel and non-obvious must also be
classified following the last place priority rule procedure. Subcombinations which are
considered to represent information of interest for search may be classified as additional
155. In a limited number of places in the Classification, special classification rules are used. In
these places, these rules override the general classification rules. Wherever special rules are
used, they are clearly specified in notes at the places concerned, for example, C04B 38/00,
C08L, G05D. For example, Note 2(b) following the title of subclass C08L (“Compositions of
macromolecular compounds”) specifies that, in this subclass, compositions are classified
according to the macromolecular constituent or constituents present in the highest proportion; if
all these constituents are present in equal proportions, the composition is classified according to
each of these constituents.
157. Classification symbols and indexing codes are presented in tabular form in one or more
columns, with only one symbol or code on each line of a column. The order specified in
paragraph 156, above, should be followed the first column downwards, then the second column
downwards, and so on.
158. The version indicator of the IPC has to be placed in round brackets after the abbreviation
“Int.Cl.”, if the document is classified, at least partly, in main groups only. Most offices classify a
given document in either the full IPC or main groups only (see Examples (a) and (b) in
paragraph 161, below). When classifying in the full IPC, the version indicator of each IPC
symbol (see paragraph 42(b), above), is placed in round brackets after the symbol. It should
however be noted that all version indicators earlier than (2006.01) should be replaced
by (2006.01).
158bis. For previous editions, up to the seventh edition of the IPC, the Classification edition was
generally indicated by means of a superscript Arabic numeral, printed immediately after the
abbreviation. Thus, for a document classified in accordance with the fifth edition, the
abbreviation was: Int.Cl.5, etc. However, when it was in accordance with the first edition, no
superscript Arabic numeral was shown, the indication being merely Int.Cl.
159. When classifying in main groups only, IPC symbols are printed or displayed in regular font
style (i.e., non-italics), and when classifying in the full IPC, IPC symbols are printed or displayed
in italics.
160. The invention information symbols are printed or displayed in bold font style and the
additional information symbols are printed or displayed in regular font style (i.e., non-bold).
Guide to the IPC (2018)
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161. Sample representations of IPC classification symbols and indicators are given below for
the same document when classified in the full IPC, in main groups only or both in the full IPC
and in main groups.
B28B 5/00 (2006.01)
H04H 20/12 (2008.01)
H01H 33/65 (2009.01)
B28B 5/00 indicates invention information (bold font style) classified in the full
IPC (italics font style);
H04H 20/12 indicates invention information (bold font style) classified in the full
IPC (italics font style);
H01H 33/65 indicates additional information (regular font style, i.e., non-bold)
classified in the full IPC (italics font style).
B28B 5/00 indicates invention information (bold font style) classified in main
groups only (regular font style, i.e., non-italics);
H04H 20/00 indicates invention information (bold font style) classified in main
groups only (regular font style, i.e., non-italics);
H01H 33/00 indicates additional information (regular font style, i.e., non-bold)
classified in main groups only (regular font style, i.e., non-italics).
(c) When invention information is classified in the full IPC and additional information in
main groups only:
B28B 5/00 indicates invention information (bold font style) classified in the full
IPC (italics font style);
H04H 20/12 indicates invention information (bold font style) classified in the full
IPC (italics font style);
H01H 33/00 indicates additional information (regular font style, i.e., non-bold)
classified in main groups only (regular font style, i.e., non-italics).
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 39
163. When the invention information in a patent document is not adequately covered by any of
the subclasses of the most appropriate section, the invention information is classified in the
special residual main group of that section. Each special residual main group is designated by
“99Z 99/00” preceded by its section symbol. All of the special residual classes, subclasses and
main groups have the same title.
A99Z 99/00 Subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section
Each of the special residual subclasses has the following standard note:
“This subclass covers subject matter that (a) is not provided for, but is most closely
related to, the subject matter covered by the subclasses of this section, and (b) is
not explicitly covered by any subclass of another section.”
164. Whenever invention information is covered by a subclass, but is not covered by any of its
groups with specific titles, the invention information is classified in a residual main group of that
subclass. To facilitate locating these main groups, such residual main groups, where they are
necessary, are placed at the end of the subclass scheme and designated by the standard group
symbol 99/00 whenever possible. Before classifying in a residual main group, classification in
another subclass or in other main groups of the same subclass should be thoroughly
considered. Due respect should be given to the scope of such places as explained in
paragraphs 92 to 99, above, which describe some situations where subject matter is classified
in places whose titles do not explicitly provide for it. Combinations of subject matter covered by
two or more different main groups should not be classified in a residual main group, unless
indicated otherwise. The normal procedures for classification of combination-type subject
matter are described in paragraphs 145, 150 and 154, above.
165. If for specific invention information no residual main group exists in the appropriate
subclass, classification is made in the special residual main group of the appropriate section
(see paragraph 163, above).
166. Nearly all published patent documents are provided with IPC symbols. The IPC may be
used for various kinds of search in paper documentation or in electronic databases, such as:
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 40
(a) Novelty Search – The object of a “Novelty Search” is to determine the novelty or
lack of novelty of the invention claimed in a patent application. The aim of the search is to
discover relevant prior art in order to establish whether an invention has or has not
already been disclosed at a date earlier than the reference date for the search.
167. Before making a search, it is essential to establish clearly the technical subject of the
search. For certain types of search, for example, a “Patentability Search”, it may be necessary
to search for more than one technical subject. Having formulated a clear statement of the
technical subject to be searched, the searcher has to identify the proper place for this subject in
the IPC. Consideration of the technical subject in question will allow to identify a word or words
(technical terms) which cover broadly or specifically the field of technology with which this
subject is clearly concerned.
168. Having identified technical terms relating to the technical subject, it is advisable to
approach the system by using the Catchword Index to the IPC or the term searching of the
electronic publication, enabling to search for technical terms in the text of the IPC itself or in the
Catchword Index to the IPC. The Catchword Index may indicate to the searcher a precise
group of the IPC, but often there can only be an indication of the main group or possibly the
subclass of the IPC. The Introduction to the Catchword Index includes a suggested mode of
use. It should be noted that the Catchword Index in no sense replaces any part of the IPC and
must not be read as modifying the effect of anything in the latter.
169. If the use of the Catchword Index or term search in the electronic publication does not
lead to a pertinent field of search, the searcher should scan the eight sections of the IPC,
selecting possible subsections and classes by title. Then it would be necessary to turn to the
selected class and subclass titles thereunder and note those subclasses which appear to
include the subject in question. The subclass which most satisfactorily covers the subject
should be selected.
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page 41
171. After selection of the appropriate subclass, it is necessary to check the references and
notes appearing in the selected subclass title for a more precise indication of the subclass
contents and for identifying borderlines between related subclasses, which in turn may indicate
that the location of the desired subject is elsewhere. If a definition is available for the selected
subclass, it should be studied in detail because Definitions give the most precise indication of
the scope of subclasses.
172. At the next step, all main groups in the subclass should be scanned to locate the most
appropriate main group, in the light of its title and any existing notes and references. For a
quick navigation in the subclass, the subclass index appearing at the beginning of the subclass
may be used.
173. Having determined the appropriate main group, the searcher should scan its one-dot
subgroups and identify the group which seems most appropriate to the subject in question. If
this one-dot group has subordinate groups with two or more dots, the group to be selected for
search is the most appropriate group which is most indented (i.e., has most dots).
174. If the chosen group includes a precedence reference to another group, for example, if the
chosen group is in the form “7/16 ….. (7/12 takes precedence)”, it may be necessary to search
the group taking precedence as well as the chosen group, i.e., in the example the group 7/12 as
well as 7/16, since documents including in addition to the subject of group 7/16 that of group
7/12 will be classified in the latter. If, on the other hand, the subject in question includes that of
group 7/12 as well as that of group 7/16, it is not generally necessary to search group 7/16.
175. If the chosen group is in a subclass, or a part thereof, governed by an overall precedence
rule, for example, a last place priority rule, special attention should be given to the scope of
groups taking precedence or priority, in order to identify other groups possibly covering aspects
of the technical subject to be searched.
176. After completing the search in the chosen group, the searcher can consider hierarchically
higher groups (i.e., having fewer dots) under which it is indented, since a wider subject which
includes the subject in question may be classified there.
177. In the areas of the IPC, where multiple classification or indexing is applied, it is
recommended to use for searching first a combination of classification symbols or classification
symbols and indexing codes associated therewith so as to make a search query more specific.
For obtaining complete search results, the search query could be broadened afterwards by
using the most pertinent classification symbols alone.
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 42
178. Failure to retrieve pertinent documents may indicate that the proper place in the IPC has
not been located. In such a case, the technical subject in question should be expressed
differently and the procedure of defining the field of search should be reconsidered.
179. The Master Classification Database (MCD) is a database storing all bibliographic data
elements (such as IPC symbols, applicant and inventor names, titles, abstracts and priorities for
family information) of patent documents at their various publication levels. The database stores
in principle all collections as far as made available for inclusion in the MCD. The database also
contains family information.
180. During the reform of the IPC this database was established for the storage of the IPC
symbols allotted to patent documents as well as for the management of the updating of these
symbols after each revision of the IPC. The documents included in the MCD are classified
according to the current version in force of the IPC. This means that patent searches can be
conducted using only the current version of the Classification and eliminates the need to rely on
superseded IPC editions. During revision of the schemes, the work distribution for offices
participating in the reclassification of relevant files is done using the database. The principles of
the operation of the MCD are explained in the “Concept of Operations (CONOPS)”.
181. The MCD is a management database to which public access is not possible. Copies of
the database can be provided for updating the content of other databases; indirect access is
therefore possible via databases incorporating MCD data via the Internet sites of WIPO and
other intellectual property offices and via commercial hosts.
182. [Deleted]
Classification terms and expressions; Technical terms and expressions used in the
183. This part of the glossary presents a list of terms or expressions relating to principles and
rules of the Classification, as requiring some explanation of their meaning and use.
addition to the state of the = the difference between the subject matter in question and
art the state of the art.
basic subject matter of a = the subject matter explicitly stated as covered by the title
classification place and definition of a classification place, i.e., the subject
matter itself as opposed to a combination of which it is
a part.
file scope of a group = the subject matter which falls within the scope of a group
and is not specified in any subgroup indented thereunder.
For a group that has no subgroups, the scope and the file
scope are identical. When a group gets new subgroups, its
scope remains unchanged, but the file scope is reduced.
The file scope of a group can be understood as the residual
subject matter classified in the group itself, but not in its
Guide to the IPC (2018)
page 44
Considering “inorganic compounds” as a genus, “inorganic
salts” or “sodium salts” would be a “subgenus” or “species”,
and “sodium chloride” would be an “ultimate species”.
H01S 3/00 Lasers
3/09 • Processes or apparatus for excitation, e.g.
3/091 • • by optical pumping
3/094 • • • by coherent light
invention information (in a = all novel and unobvious subject matter in its total disclosure
patent document) (for example, description, drawings, claims) that represents
an addition to the state of the art in the context of the state
of the art (for example, a solution to a stated problem).
“Invention information” should usually be determined using
the claims of the patent document for guidance.
inventive thing = means any part of the invention information which is novel
and unobvious in itself.
parallel groups (coordinate = groups that depend from the same immediate classification
groups) place (i.e., “parent” subclass or group) and are at the same
hierarchical (indentation) level.
residual main group = a main group, within a subclass scheme, that is not defined
by any technical features and that provides for the subject
matter not covered by any of the other main groups of the
the state of the art = the collection of all technical subject matter that has already
been placed within public knowledge.
184. This part of the Glossary presents a list of technical terms or expressions selected from
those used in the Classification, as requiring some explanation of their meaning and use, for
example, because of a need for choice between alternative meanings or when the terms are
used in a more precise or restricted manner than their common usage. The explanations given
in the Glossary should not be regarded as rigid definitions. The meaning of a term or an
expression should always be considered in the context of the technical matter dealt with.
185. Attention is drawn to the definitions of certain words and expressions which are set forth
earlier in the Guide, for example, in paragraphs 53 to 65, above.
186. Any definitions given in the Classification override, for the places concerned, the
explanations given in this Glossary.
control; controlling = affect a variable in any way, e.g. changing its direction or its
(in contexts where a value (including changing it to or from zero), maintaining it
variable as defined below, constant or limiting its range of variation. Control does not
for example a speed or a need to be automatic and does not need to involve any
voltage, is affected) measuring or testing. See also the meaning of “regulation”.
feature = any attribute of a thing, for example, its shape, its purpose,
its manner of use, any part or quality.
variable (n) = a measurable quantity or property which may, but need not,
change, for example, length, speed, voltage, colour. Since
such a quantity or property may, for a given entity or in
given circumstances, remain constant in value, means for
measurement of a variable are in general the same as for
measurement of a constant of the same nature, and
reference to “a variable” must be interpreted accordingly
(see Note to section G).