InTouch10ForSysPlatRevA EntireManual PDF
InTouch10ForSysPlatRevA EntireManual PDF
InTouch10ForSysPlatRevA EntireManual PDF
Training Manual
Revision A
October 2007
Part Number 11-GM-10002
© 2007 by Invensys Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in
or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Invensys
Systems, Inc. Except where noted, the companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail
addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious and no association with any real
company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or
should be inferred.
Invensys and the author(s) assume no responsibility for errors or omissions and no liability is assumed for
damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Use of the Invensys software described
in this document is subject to the terms of the applicable Wonderware Corporation or Invensys Systems, Inc.,
license. These terms include provisions that limit your rights such as use restrictions, disclaimers of
warranties and limitations of Wonderware and Invensys liability. A copy of the applicable license will be
displayed upon initial installation of the software. If a copy of the license is not displayed or you require an
additional copy of the license, you may obtain one from Invensys' Wonderware business unit upon request by
calling 1.949.727.3200 or by sending an e-mail to
Table of Contents
Module 1 Introduction .................................................................................1-1
Section 1 – Course Introduction......................................................................... 1-3
Section 2 – Wonderware System Platform Review ......................................... 1-15
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy................................................. 1-17
Section 3 – ArchestrA Visualization ................................................................. 1-27
Lab 2 – Creating a New InTouch Application ............................................ 1-29
Section 4 – System Requirements, Licensing and Support............................. 1-35
Wonderware® Training
Module 1
Section 1 – Course Introduction 1-3
Section 2 – Wonderware System Platform Review 1-15
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy 1-17
Section 3 – ArchestrA Visualization 1-27
Lab 2 – Creating a New InTouch Application 1-29
Section 4 – System Requirements, Licensing and Support 1-35
1-2 Module 1 – Introduction
Module Objectives
z Review Course Agenda
z Review fundamentals of ArchestrA™ and Wonderware Application Server
z Introduce the InTouch® visualization component
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Course Introduction 1-3
Section Objectives
z Welcome participants
z Familiarize participants with the Course Objectives and agenda for the InTouch 10.0 for
System Platform Course
z Review Wonderware® Products
This section identifies the objectives and agenda for the InTouch 10.0 for System Platform Course.
Course Description
The InTouch 10.0 for System Platform Course is a three-day instructor-led course designed to
teach the basic principles of how Wonderware® Application Server 3.0 provides visualization of
your plant galaxy data using ArchestrA® Symbols within the InTouch 10.0 for System Platform
The focus of this course is to illustrate the use of visualization tools in the System Platform to
provide a Human Machine Interface (HMI) utilizing connectivity to the galaxy, graphic symbols,
animations and scripting features and functionality found in InTouch WindowMaker, ArchestrA
Symbols, the ArchestrA Symbol Editor, and QuickScript.NET.
This course will also provide you with a fundamental understanding of how to utilize the alarm
controls for alarm visualization, ActiveFactory™ controls for history visualization, and how to
secure the application.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
z Create new InTouch Managed Applications
z Create new ArchestrA Symbols
z Work with the alarm controls for alarm visualization
z Apply the ActiveFactory controls for real-time and history trending
z Use ArchestrA security in an InTouch Managed Application
Engineers, application developers, system integrators, and other individuals whose jobs include
creating and/or maintaining HMI applications for use with the Wonderware System Platform.
The prerequisites for this course are:
z Attendance of the Wonderware System Platform - Part 1 course to obtain knowledge of
the Wonderware Application Server
z Attendance of the Wonderware System Platform - Part 2 course is recommended to
obtain knowledge of the ActiveFactory software
z Manufacturing industry experience
z Some graphical design experience helpful
Module 1 – Introduction
Section 1 – Course Introduction
This section identifies the objectives and agenda for the InTouch 10.0 for System Platform
Section 2 – Wonderware System Platform Review
This section describes the Wonderware System Platform and reviews the fundamental
concepts and uses of the Wonderware System Platform.
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy
Section 3 – ArchestrA Visualization
This section introduces ArchestrA Graphics and creation of a managed InTouch application.
Lab 2 – Creating a New InTouch Application
Section 4 – System Requirements, Licensing and Support
This section provides a detailed explanation of the system requirements necessary for System
Platform, discusses Licensing details and covers Support services.
Module 2 – InTouch
Section 1 – Development Environment
This section will identify features of WindowMaker, the Classic View and Project View panes,
and the development environment, including defining toolbars and buttons in the
WindowMaker interface.
Section 2 – ArchestrA Symbols
This section discusses how to embed ArchestrA Symbols found in the ArchestrA Symbol
Library in an InTouch window.
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout
Section 3 – Runtime Environment
This section discusses runtime customization, deployment of a managed InTouch Application,
the InTouch Application Manager, and the InTouch runtime environment: WindowViewer.
Lab 4 – Deploying an InTouch Application
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Course Introduction 1-5
This section covers the creation and manipulation of graphic objects, lines and outlines, text
objects, images and bitmaps using the ArchestrA Symbol Editor.
Section 2 – Animation
This section introduces animation concepts and applications.
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol
Section 3 – Custom Properties
This section describes configuration of Custom Properties.
Lab 6 – Using Custom Properties
Section 4 – Scripts
This section will explain the script types that can be associated with ArchestrA Symbols.
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter
Section 5 – Advanced Features
This section describes the Anchor, Dynamic Size Change, and Client Controls features of
ArchestrA Graphics.
This section reviews the concepts of historization covered in the Wonderware System
Platform 3.0 Part 1 course.
Section 2 – ActiveFactory Controls
This section introduces the ActiveFactory .NET controls available for use in ArchestrA
Lab 13 – Building a History Display
Module 7 – Security
Section 1 – ArchestrA Security Review
This section provides a brief review of ArchestrA Security.
Lab 14 – Security
Section 2 – Bulletproofing the Application
This section covers customization of the runtime environment to bulletproof the application.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Course Introduction 1-7
Functional Capabilities
The Wonderware System Platform contains an integral core set of capabilities and services to
support sustainable production and operations performance improvements via a comprehensive
set of six capability areas:
z Industrial domain services for industrial computing functions that are not provided by
commercial operating systems or products
z Software and device connectivity services for easy communication to any plant or
business information source
z Information and data management services for management of real-time and historical
z Information-delivery and visualization services for functions that provide information to
the right user at the right time, and in the form in which they expect it
z Application development services that provide easy and intuitive development of
modular industrial software solutions that are easily changed to meet future needs
z System management and extensibility services that provide easy management,
expansion, and modification of the application or host computing architecture
3rd Party
Wonderware Clients
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Course Introduction 1-9
Wonderware Clients
Modules Wonderware System Platform
Device Integration
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Course Introduction 1-11
Product Offerings
The Wonderware Production and Performance Management Software Solutions consist of a
variety of products:
z Wonderware System Platform providing a core set of service capabilities as a
foundation for application development, operations, and information delivery
z InBatch™ flexible batch management software
z Manufacturing Execution Module (formerly known as InTrack™) resource and WIP
tracking software
z Equipment Operations Module for formula management including product definitions
and equipment setups, and for capturing and storing information from production events
including product and production history and genealogy
z Equipment Performance Module (formerly known as DT Analyst™) equipment
downtime tracking and performance management software
z QI Analyst™ for using real-time and historical data to monitor, analyze, and predict
potentially harmful process variations, allowing for online adjustments for improved
production quality and consistency
Product Offerings
The Wonderware Supervisory HMI Software Solutions consist of a variety of products:
z Wonderware System Platform providing a core set of service capabilities as a
foundation for application development, operations, and information delivery
z InTouch human-machine interface (HMI) software for process visualization and control
z InControl™ real-time control software
These solutions offer several unique features that can greatly benefit companies looking to
implement a new SCADA solution or upgrade an existing system.
z The easiest and most efficient, open software solution for SCADA
z Highly available, reliable, and scalable SCADA applications
z Single-click software redundancy
z Leverages ArchestrA architecture for easy configuration and management of operational
and system security that is compatible with existing IT security capabilities
z Empowers users to design, build, deploy, and maintain standardized SCADA applications
z Lowest total system lifecycle costs
Product Offerings
The Wonderware Geo-SCADA Software Solutions consist of a variety of products:
z Wonderware System Platform providing a core set of service capabilities as a
foundation for application development, operations, and information delivery.
z InTouch human-machine interface (HMI) software for process visualization and control
z SCADAlarm™ event notification software for real-time alarm notification, data acquisition,
and remote control from telecommunication devices to industrial automation software
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Course Introduction 1-13
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Wonderware System Platform Review 1-15
Section Objectives
z Explain what components comprise the Wonderware System Platform
z Review the benefits of an integrated ArchestrA architectural environment
This section describes the Wonderware System Platform and reviews the fundamental concepts
and uses of the Wonderware System Platform.
The Wonderware System Platform is a strategic industrial application platform built on ArchestrA
technology which uses Wonderware Application Server as its foundation. Designed to suit the
needs of industrial automation and information personnel, the Wonderware System Platform
provides a single platform for Geographically Distributed SCADA (Geo-SCADA), Supervisory HMI,
and Production and Performance Management. The System platform is a unified bundle of
previously available Wonderware software products, including: Wonderware Application Server,
Wonderware Historian, Wonderware Information Server and Device Integration products.
When used together, InTouch and the System Platform provide an industrial software solution set
which is significantly greater than the sum of their parts:
z The application server infrastructure provides InTouch developers with all of the
capabilities and benefits of true object-oriented application development in addition to
the traditional tag-based development capabilities of classic InTouch versions.
z The shared IDE (Industrial Development Environment) between InTouch and
Application server provide a single consistent environment for developing applications
and graphics.
z The shared IDE in combination with ArchestrA graphics capabilities provide a radically
new look for the powerful, yet previously inconspicuous features of application server,
allowing them to be brought to the forefront of the solution set.
z The ability to embed ArchestrA graphics objects into Application Server objects
provides, for the first time, the ability to encapsulate visualization and functionality into
the application server environment providing enormous time savings and benefits for
all user audiences within the customer base, and providing exciting new opportunities
to demonstrate previously somewhat academic capabilities of Application Server
The ArchestrA technology that the System Platform is built on is a comprehensive plant
automation and information architecture designed from the outset to extend the life of legacy
systems by leveraging the latest software technologies. Offerings built upon this architecture
empower decision-makers to achieve their business goals, without abandoning prior investments
in automation systems, production processes or intellectual property.
In the ArchestrA environment, software applications can be rapidly assembled rather than
programmed. New applications also can be created simply through the reassembly of existing
Wonderware® Training
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy 1-17
Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Create a Galaxy
z Import Automation Objects
z Configure imported Automation Objects to be used on a local computer
z Deploy the Galaxy
Object Attribute
Inlet1_001 PV
Inlet2_001 PV
LIT_001 PV
Outlet_001 PV
Pump1_001 PV
Pump2_001 PV
TT_001 PV
Wonderware® Training
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy 1-19
Create a Galaxy
1. Start the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) by selecting Start / All Programs /
Wonderware / ArchestrA IDE.
Upon initial start of the IDE you are prompted for a Galaxy connection. This will display the
Connect to Galaxy dialog box.
The GR Node Name field will reflect the name of your computer.
2. Click the New Galaxy button to create a new Galaxy.
This will bring up a dialog box that indicates the new Galaxy is being created.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy 1-21
12. Expand the MixerGalaxy in Model view. (Hint: Press the * key on the number keypad.)
The imported Galaxy displays:
Wonderware® Training
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy 1-23
15. Click the Save and Close button to check in the object.
16. When you are prompted for Check In comments, enter a Comment and click OK.
17. Open the TAppEngine for editing.
18. Check the Enable storage to historian checkbox. The Enable Tag Hierarchy checkbox
becomes checked by default.
19. In the Historian field, enter the name of your local computer.
20. Click the Save and Close button to check in the object.
24. Rename the Mixer_XX0 instance to match your student number, where XX = student # {01,
02, 03…}. In the next figure Mixer_XX0 is renamed Mixer_010, and Mixer_XX1 is renamed
Change XX to your
student number
Wonderware® Training
Lab 1 – Creating and Deploying a Galaxy 1-25
30. Right-click on Inlet1_001 and select View in Object Viewer to view the object attributes in
Object Viewer.
31. Expand the objects.
32. Add the following attributes to the Watch Window to test the object and verify that the values
are changing. Click and drag each Attribute to the AttributeReference column in the Attribute
Monitoring section of Object Viewer.
Object Attribute
Inlet1_001 PV
Inlet2_001 PV
LIT_001 PV
Outlet_001 PV
Pump1_001 PV
Pump2_001 PV
TT_001 PV
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – ArchestrA Visualization 1-27
Section Objectives
z Describe managed InTouch applications
This section introduces ArchestrA Graphics and creation of a managed InTouch application.
InTouch provides the tools to develop interactive and animated graphical displays - "InTouch
applications". The behavior of those displays, including the animation and visual representations,
can be associated with properties of industrial processes and equipment through real-time data
provided by the Wonderware System Platform. InTouch provides multiple user interface
capabilities including keyboard, mouse, tablet and touch screen inputs as well as multi-screen
outputs. InTouch offers a host of capabilities that provide value for Engineering, Operations and IT
ArchestrA Graphics: ArchestrA Graphics are developed through the ArchestrA IDE and allow
you to customize graphical representations of your processes in virtually any permutation desired.
ArchestrA Graphics are embedded within Application Server objects, so everything about a given
object is defined within it - alarms, history, logic, graphics, and so on, allowing greater flexibility.
This allows:
z Object re-use: Objects can be derived from templates and pre-configured to work
within the environment they are embedded to reference the desired object attributes
z Centralized development of equipment including graphical representation
What is InTouch for System Platform?
InTouch for System Platform is configured and licensed to be used as a visualization client in
conjunction with the Wonderware System Platform, displaying data from objects defined in a
Wonderware Application Server galaxy.
What is a managed InTouch Application?
A managed InTouch Application is one that is created from within the ArchestrA IDE, and deployed
as an object in the Wonderware Application Server application. Creating a managed Application
allows use of ArchestrA Symbols. A managed InTouch Application exhibits the same kind of
behavior as other objects in the IDE, such as the ability to check out and check in, but opens in an
external development environment called WindowMaker, described next, and in detail in
Module 2, “Development Environment,”page 2-3.
InTouch Components
InTouch consists of three main components:
WindowMaker: The InTouch development environment, where object-oriented graphics are used
to create animated, click-sensitive display windows. You can embed ArchestrA graphics in
InTouch windows.
WindowViewer: The Runtime environment used to display the graphic windows created in
Application Manager: Organizes the applications you create.
d. Click the InTouchView application checkbox. This will confine data usage to those objects
defined in a Wonderware Application Server galaxy.
e. Click Next.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 2 – Creating a New InTouch Application 1-29
Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Create a new managed InTouch Application for System Platform
General Steps
a. From the ArchestrA IDE, derive a new $InTouchViewApp template named
b. Assign the $MixerApplication template to the Training Objects toolset.
c. Open the $MixerApplication template to create a new InTouchView application named
MixerApplication. (Be sure to check the InTouchView application checkbox).
Wonderware® Training
Lab 2 – Creating a New InTouch Application 1-31
5. Double-click $MixerApplication.
6. Accept the default: Create new InTouch application and click Next.
7. Check the InTouchView application checkbox to create an InTouch for System Platform
application, enter a Description, and click Next.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 2 – Creating a New InTouch Application 1-33
Wonderware® Training
Section 4 – System Requirements, Licensing and Support 1-35
Section Objectives
z Describe the necessary system requirements for a successful installation
z Discuss Licensing requirements
z Discuss Support services
This section provides a detailed explanation of the system requirements necessary for System
Platform, discusses Licensing details and covers Support services.
Note: There are Online Seminars available for the Installation of Wonderware Software. To
register, visit or call 1-866-WW-TRAIN (1-866-998-7246) or
email Wonderware Training at
Hardware Requirements
The following list shows the recommended hardware requirements to install InTouch 10.0 for
System Platform in conjunction with Wonderware Application Server 3.0.
ArchestrA and InTouch Development:
z Dual core PC with 2 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor clock speed, or single core PC
with 2 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor clock speed (dual core processor
recommended for optimal performance)
z 2 gigabytes (GB) or more of RAM. (1 GB minimum supported; may limit performance of
some features) The Galaxy Repository locks the SQL Server maximum memory usage to
65% of the physical memory.
z 4 gigabytes (GB) or more of available hard disk space
ArchestrA Runtime:
z PC with 2 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor clock speed
z 1 gigabyte (GB) or more of RAM
All Systems (IDE, GR, Runtime):
z 30 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space
z Super VGA (1024 x 768) or higher resolution video adapter and monitor
z CD-ROM or DVD drive to read Wonderware installation media
z Keyboard
z Mouse or compatible pointing device
The Windows Vista operating system imposes hardware requirements that may exceed the
minimum requirements for Application Server version 3.0. If you intend to run Application Server
3.0 with Windows Vista, see the following Microsoft web site for hardware requirements:
Software Requirements
This section describes the operating system and other software requirements to install InTouch
10.0 for System Platform in conjunction with Wonderware Application Server 3.0.
Operating System
The following table lists the supported operating systems that can be installed on computers
running server, client, and run-time components.
Application Server Components
ArchestrA Run Galaxy
Operating Systems ArchestrA IDE
Time Repository
Windows Vista Business (See Vista Restrictions) 5 5 5
Windows Vista Enterprise (See Vista Restrictions) 5 5 5
Windows Vista Ultimate (See Vista Restrictions) 5 5 5
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 5 5 5
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 5 5 5
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition R2 SP2 5 5 5
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition R2 SP2 5 5 5
Windows XP Professional SP2 5 5 5
Windows XP Tablet 2005 5
z Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows 2000 Advanced Server
are not supported operating systems for Application Server version 3.0. If you attempt to
install or upgrade Application Server on a computer running one of these operating
systems, an error message appears.
z Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 is the recommended operating system to run
server components.
z Windows XP Professional SP2 is the recommended operating system to run client
z If you plan to run Application Server version 3.0 on computers running Windows Vista, all
editions except for Home Basic and Home Premium are supported. The Business Edition
is recommended.
z Windows XP Professional SP2 and Windows Vista may be used on a Galaxy Repository
Node for only single-node solutions.
The Bootstrap, IDE, and Galaxy Repository are supported on the following language versions of
Microsoft operating systems: English, Japanese, Chinese, German, and French. The Galaxy
Repository is also supported in English, Japanese, Chinese, German, and French versions of
Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
Wonderware® Training
Section 4 – System Requirements, Licensing and Support 1-37
Note: The Microsoft SQL Server login for BUILTIN\Administrators group must be present and
Note: Application Server 3.0 requires installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005. You cannot use
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with this version. You also cannot install and use Application Server on
a computer that has both Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 installed.
Vista Restrictions
z Application Server version 3.0 can run under Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista
Business, or Windows Vista Ultimate. The Windows Vista Home Basic and Home
Premium editions are not supported.
z Users must log on as a Windows Vista administrator to run Application Server version 3.0.
You cannot run Application Server as a Windows Vista standard user or power user.
z You can run Wonderware 32-bit software only with a 32-bit version of Windows Vista.
Running Wonderware 32-bit software with a 64-bit version of Windows Vista on 64-bit
hardware is not supported
z The Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) must be disabled when running
Application Server. Refer to Microsoft Windows Vista documentation for instructions to
disable UAC.
z When you disable Windows Vista UAC, you must restart the computer before attempting
to install the ArchestrA IDE or Wonderware Application Server. A Galaxy connection error
occurs if you attempt to install the ArchestrA IDE or Wonderware Application Server and
you did not restart the computer after you disabled the UAC.
z Windows Vista does not support a traditional Application Server 3.0 single-node
configuration that includes Wonderware Historian (formerly IndustrialSQL Server).
z A Vista Platform cannot be configured to be an alarm provider and also have InTouch
WindowViewer on the same computer configured to generate alarms. Only one of the two
will function properly as an alarm provider.
z Windows Vista does not support NetDDE. ArchestrA graphics make use of the client layer
when accessing InTouch tags, and appear as a third-party client trying to access
WindowViewer as a data server. As a result, ArchestrA symbols cannot communicate with
InTouch tags. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Pro still support NetDDE.
z Application Server 3.0 cannot be configured to run as a service under Windows Vista.
Windows Vista security prevents started Windows services from interacting with desktop
objects. When Application Server 3.0 is installed on a computer running Vista, scripts do
not run correctly if they include the InTouch ActivateApp() and SendKeys() functions.
These functions interact with desktop objects by starting Windows programs and sending
keystrokes to these programs.
z The Galaxy Repository is only supported on Vista for single-node systems. For multiple-
node Galaxies, Windows Server 2003 is the preferred operating system for the Galaxy
Repository node.
Using Multiple Network Interface Cards with Vista
If you are using multiple network interface cards (NICs), you must configure certain settings for the
firewall or else a remote Vista node cannot connect to a Galaxy Repository node.
A connection in Vista is a term used to define a network interface card (NIC), its settings and the
settings of whatever the NIC is connected to. Under certain circumstances, the connection on your
computer can change if, for example, the IP address on the computer to which you are connected
changes. Your computer's connection can be affected by external factors. During boot, and each
time a connection changes, Vista goes through an "Identifying" process to determine which profile
should be assigned to the connection.
A profile is a collection of firewall settings that can be applied to a connection. There are three
profiles currently defined in Vista: “Domain”, “Public” and “Private”.
z The Domain profile is assigned automatically to a connection if a domain controller for the
domain to which the computer is a member is found on the connection.
z The Public profile is designed to keep the computer from being visible to other computers
on the network. Network discovery is turned off for the Public profile.
z The Private profile is used for a more trusted environment. Network discovery is turned on
for a Private profile. Firewall exceptions and rules can be created on any or all of these
This is important because the OS Configuration utility and the Vista Firewall utility apply their
firewall exceptions to the Domain and Private profiles only.
As previously noted, you can specify which profile you want assigned to a connection as long as
that connection is not a Domain connection. This is done through the "Network and Sharing
Center". Click on the Network icon in the right-hand side of the task bar and then click on one of
the networks that is displayed. You can change a connection from a Public profile to a Private
profile. The firewall calls these settings "Profiles" but the network calls them "Location types".
On computers using dual NICs, the first NIC is normally connected to the domain and is assigned
the Domain profile automatically. The second NIC is typically assigned the Public profile.
The first issue is that your entire computer (all connections) is restricted to the most restrictive of
the profiles assigned to any connection. So if the second connection was assigned a profile of
Public, none of the firewall exceptions set by the OS Configuration or Vista Firewall utilities will be
allowed. The exceptions were set for Domain and Private only, not Public. You must set the
second connection to the Private profile for any of the firewall exceptions to work.
The second issue is that it appears that a re-boot of your computer, or even a re-boot of a
computer to which you are connected, can change your connection back to the Public profile.
Once again the firewall exceptions will not be effective. You'll have to change the connection back
to the Private profile after each re-boot or a re-boot of the connected computer.
To avoid these NIC issues and prevent the “Identifying” process from taking place on a connection
and changing the assigned profile, certain items must be present in the definition of the
connection. Follow the rules below:
1. If you have only one NIC, no action is required. The profiles and firewall rules are automatic.
Wonderware® Training
Section 4 – System Requirements, Licensing and Support 1-39
Term Description
Galaxy This refers to the total Application Model that resides in a Galaxy repository.
Also the single Namespace.
Platform Count Number of PCs in the Galaxy (note each InTouch needs a platform to be part
of the Galaxy Namespace).
I/O Count Number of I/O points being accessed into the Galaxy.
ArchestrA IDE Integrated Development Environment (the editing environment for Application
Server). Only available as part of the ArchestrA Development License.
Note: If a license expires while you are using the ArchestrA IDE, you are not allowed to connect to
the Galaxy the next time you open the ArchestrA IDE.
To check your current license, expiration date (if any) and limitations (if any), double-click the
License icon at the bottom of the ArchestrA IDE Main Window
For more information on licensing requirements, please contact your local distributor.
Product Support
Wonderware provides responsive, award-winning teams of specialists committed to delivering
world-class customer support, training, and consulting services. For information on the various
customer support programs, contact your local distributor or access the Wonderware Technical
Support site online at
You will find a variety of information on the Technical Support site including the Expert Knowledge
Base, Documentation, FAQs, Tech Alerts, Tech Articles, Tech Notes, and Tech Support Forums.
When you first enter the site, you will have limited access. To gain access to the different areas
and services, you must first register.
Also on the Technical Support site is the Technical Support Policies, Terms & Conditions guide
which provides information on how to contact Technical Support, information on the support
policies and procedures, and much more.
Wonderware® Training
Module 2
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-3
Section 2 – ArchestrA Symbols 2-21
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-25
Section 3 – Runtime Environment 2-39
Lab 4 – Deploying an InTouch Application 2-45
2-2 Module 2 – InTouch
Module Objectives
z Introduce the InTouch Development Environment, WindowMaker
z Explain and demonstrate window configuration in WindowMaker
z Use WindowMaker to create and manipulate objects
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-3
Section Objectives
z Identify the features of the InTouch Development Environment, WindowMaker and the
Application Explorer
z Identify WindowMaker Interface elements
This section will identify features of WindowMaker, the Classic View and Project View panes, and
the development environment, including defining toolbars and buttons in the WindowMaker
The WindowMaker Interface
The WindowMaker user interface (UI) adheres to Windows XP standards. WindowMaker supports
features including (but not limited to) such features as right-click mouse support, floating and
docking toolbars, pull down menus, and context-sensitive help. Right-click menus provide quick
access to frequently used commands and a customizable color palette that provides 16.7 million
color support (limited only by your video display).
The WindowMaker development environment is configurable. When you initially open
WindowMaker, most of the available elements are automatically displayed including all toolbars,
the Application Explorer, and the status bar. You can show or hide any or all of these elements.
You can move the toolbars and the Application Explorer to any location within the WindowMaker
window. You can also display the optional ruler and turn the visible grid on and off.
The following figure shows the elements of the WindowMaker development environment using the
Conveyor Window in the ReactorDemo application that comes with Application Server 3.0. When
you create a new application and run WindowMaker for the first time, its program elements will
automatically appear in the default configuration as shown.
The WindowMaker Application Explorer views (Classic and Project) provide a hierarchical
graphical view of the windows and items you have configured in your application and provides
easy access to them. It also provides quick access to many of WindowMaker's most commonly
used commands and functions.
Additionally, the Tools pane of the Application Explorer displays all installed add-on programs such
as SQL Access Manager, SPCPro, and Recipe Manager. It also provides you with a customizable
application launcher.
Windows and other InTouch elements can be created and configured from the Application
Note: You can configure the Tools pane of the Application Explorer to launch a Windows program.
This powerful feature allows you to quickly switch between your HMI configuration, I/O Server
configuration, and other control configurations.
Warning: Do not add WindowViewer (view.exe) to the Application Explorer. The proper way to
launch WindowViewer is by executing the WindowViewer command on the File menu, or by
clicking the Runtime fast switch in the WindowMaker menu bar.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-5
an Application Explorer panel by selecting its handle and dragging it to the desired location.
c. Expand a pane in the Application Explorer panel by clicking the right arrow, or click the down
arrow to collapse a pane:
You can expand or collapse the groups listed in the panes within each Application Explorer panel.
For example, if you double-click on a group, the icon expands and displays the group's members.
When you double-click on a member, it will open that member. All groups that contain members
are preceded with a plus sign . Click to expand the group and view its members, or click the
to collapse the group and hide its members.
WindowMaker Toolbars
The buttons on the WindowMaker toolbars are grouped by common functionality. For example, the
Arrange toolbar contains tools that you can use to quickly apply most of the commands found on
the Arrange menu.
When you hover your cursor over a button, a Tool Tip appears displaying the tool name:
General Toolbar
The General toolbar consists of buttons that execute most of the window commands found on
the File menu. The toolbar also includes the Microsoft Windows clipboard tools found in the
Edit menu.
Button Description
Executes the New Window command on the File menu to open the Windows Properties
dialog box to create a new window.
Executes the Open Window command on the File menu to open the Windows to Open
dialog box listing the names of existing windows that you can select to open.
Executes the Close Window command on the File menu to open the Windows to Close
dialog box listing the names of all currently open windows that you can select to close.
Executes the Save Window command on the File menu to open the Windows to Save
dialog box listing the names of all currently open windows that have been modified since they
were last saved.
Executes the Save All Windows command on the File menu to save all currently open
windows that have been modified since they were last saved. This tool does not ask for
confirmation on a per window basis. It saves all modified windows automatically.
Executes the Duplicate command on the Edit menu to duplicate the currently selected
object(s) in the window.
Executes the Cut command on the Edit menu to cut the currently selected objects(s) from the
window and copies them to the Windows Clipboard.
Executes the Copy command on the Edit menu to copy the currently selected objects(s) and
copies them to the Windows Clipboard. (Copied objects are not erased from the window.)
Executes the Paste command on the Edit menu to paste any object that has been cut or
copied to the Windows Clipboard. (The cursor changes to the paste mode. Click in the
window to paste the copied or cut object.)
Executes the Undo command on the Edit menu to reverse (undo) the last action or command
applied to an object.
Executes the Redo command on the Edit menu to reverse (redo) the last undo action or
command applied to an object.
Executes the Print command on the File menu to open the WindowMaker Printout dialog
box used to print database and window information and QuickScripts.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-7
Wizards Toolbar
The Wizards toolbar contains the tools used to embed ArchestrA Graphics, access the
Wizard Selection dialog box. You can add any installed wizard or ActiveX control to the
toolbar using the Wizard Selection / Add to toolbar feature.
Button Description
Displays the Wizard Selection dialog box used for selecting wizards to paste into your
Executes the Embed ArchestrA Graphic command on the Edit menu used for selecting
ArchestrA Symbols to place into your application.
SmartSymbols are superseded by ArchestrA Graphics in managed InTouch applications.
Format Toolbar
The Format toolbar is grouped with tools that execute most of the text object formatting
commands found on the Text menu. It also contains the tools used to access the color palette
to select line, fill, text, window background and transparent object color.
Button Description
Executes the Font command on the Text menu to open the Font dialog box used to select
the font, its style and size.
Executes the Bold command on the Text menu to apply bold styling to single or multiple
text string selections and numeric value fields.
Executes the Italic command on the Text menu to apply italic styling to single or multiple
text string selections and numeric value fields.
Executes the Underline command on the Text menu to apply underline styling to single or
multiple text string selections and numeric value fields.
Executes the Reduce Font command on the Text menu to reduce the point size of a
sizeable font. Apply this command by selecting the text string(s) and clicking on the tool.
Executes the Enlarge Font command on the Text menu to enlarge point size of a sizeable
font. This command can be applied by selecting the text string(s) and clicking on the tool.
Executes the Left Justified command on the Text menu to align the left edge of single or
multiple text string selections and numeric value fields.
Executes the Centered command on the Text menu to center single or multiple text string
selections and numeric value fields.
Executes the Right Justified command on the Text menu to align the right edge of single
or multiple text string selections and numeric value fields.
Opens the color palette used to select the color for a line object or an object's outline.
Button Description
Opens the color palette to select a transparent color for a bitmap object.
Drawing Toolbar
The Drawing toolbar is grouped with all the tools used to draw both simple graphic objects
(rectangles, ellipses, lines, or text objects) and complex objects (real-time trends, historical
trends, bitmaps, and 3-dimensional buttons with labels).
Button Description
Selector mode used to select objects in the window.
Rounded rectangle tool used to draw rectangles or squares with rounded corners.
Bitmap tool used to draw a bitmap container for pasting a bitmap directly from the Windows
Clipboard or one of the following file types: .BMP, .JPG, .JPEG, .PCX or .TGA.
Real time trend tool used to draw real time trend objects. (Not applicable to InTouch for
System Platform applications)
Historical trend tool used to draw historical trend objects. (Not applicable to InTouch for
System Platform applications)
Button tool used to draw a 3-dimensional button with a label.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-9
View Toolbar
The View toolbar is grouped with tools that execute most of the window commands found in
the View menu. These commands are used to control the state of the WindowMaker window.
Button Description
Executes the Classic View command from the View toolbar to show/hide the Application
Explorer Classic View.
Executes the Project View command from the Edit toolbar to show/hide the Application
Explorer Project View.
Toggles the Hide All command on the View menu on and off to hide/show all docked
When the hide all mode is active, the overall size of WindowMaker remains the same. To
return to normal mode, click the Hide/Restore All tool on the floating View Toolbar or click
on the View / Hide All command.
In the hide all mode, all floating toolbars remain visible and the View Toolbar automatically
floats on top of WindowMaker. If any of the floating toolbars are docked in the hide all
mode, the mode is automatically terminated.
Toggles Full Screen command on the View menu on and off to switch the display mode
from normal view to full screen.
To return to normal mode, click the Full Screen tool on the floating View Toolbar or click on
the View / Full Screen command.
In the full screen mode, all WindowMaker program elements are hidden except any open
windows and floating toolbars. The Restore Toolbar automatically floats on top of
In the full screen mode, the coordinates of the client area will remain the same. For
example, the top left is 0,0. The full screen mode automatically sets the coordinates after it
maximizes the client area, hides the Title Bar and menu bar and adjusts the client area to
mimic View's full screen mode.
Toggles the Snap to Grid command on the Arrange menu on and off to show/hide the
visible grid used to align objects. It works with the Arrange / Snap to Grid command.
If the Snap to Grid option in the WindowMaker Properties dialog box is not selected, this
tool will have no effect.
Turns the Ruler command on the View menu on and off to show/hide the ruler.
The Show/Hide ArchestrA Graphic Anchor Points toggles the on/off displays of the
anchor that allows you to fasten an ArchestrA symbol to a specific position/location for the
purposes of animation. Only available for managed InTouch Applications.
Snap to Grid
Click the Snap to Grid tool on the View toolbar to turn snap to grid on and off.
When you are arranging objects in your windows, turning on the grid will cause your graphic to
snap at the upper left pixel interval on the grid. If you select multiple objects, the snapping will be
applied to the upper left corner of the first object selected in the group.
With Snap to Grid on, you may use the arrow keys to move an object the number of pixels
between grid coordinates (10 by default). Select an object and hold down the SHIFT key, press an
arrow key (up, down, right, or left) in order to move an object twice the number of pixels between
grid coordinates (20 by default), or the CTRL key to move the object 4 times the number of pixels
between grid coordinates (40 by default).
If Snap to Grid is off, you may select an object and hold down the SHIFT or CTRL key, press an
arrow key (up, down, right, or left) in order to move an object in 10-pixel increments (SHIFT) or 50-
pixel increments (CTRL). Use the arrow keys alone to move an object 1 pixel at a time. These
features can be useful when making fine alignment and location adjustments.
Note: By default, the grid is set to 10 pixels and visible when you initially start WindowMaker. You
can configure the pixel interval for the grid through the WindowMaker Properties dialog box,
described later in this section.
The WindowMaker ruler can be used to do precision alignment of the objects in your windows,
and when determining the movement of an object during an animation sequence.
The small tick marks are spaced 5 pixels apart. The medium tick marks are spaced 10 pixels apart.
The numbered large tick marks are spaced 50 pixels apart.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-11
Button Description
Zoom out from the area where you click.
Rubber Band Zoom uses the mouse to select a specific area to zoom in on.
Show / Hide thumbnail of your window on which you can drag a red box around to
pan or resize the red box to zoom in and out.
Pan moves the position of the viewing area.
Use the Zoom Entry Box to select or enter a magnification level. Note that not all
items can be zoomed. Zooming over 100% will display graphics placeholders in place
of ArchestrA Graphics. For more information please see the product documentation.
If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can hold down the Ctrl key and scroll forward to zoom in and
scroll backward to zoom out.
Arrange Toolbar
The Arrange toolbar is grouped with tools that execute most of the object arranging
commands found on the Arrange menu. Most of the arrange toolbar elements buttons are
activated if more than one object is selected.
Button Description
Executes the Align Left command on the Arrange / Align submenu. Aligns the left edge
of all selected objects with the left edge of the left most selected object.
Executes the Align Center command on the Arrange / Align submenu. Aligns the vertical
centerline of all selected objects with the centerline of the group of objects selected.
Executes the Align Right command on the Arrange / Align submenu. Aligns the right
edge of all selected objects with the right edge of the right most selected object.
Executes the Align Top command on the Arrange / Align submenu. Aligns the top edge
of all selected objects with the top edge of the top most selected object.
Executes the Align Middle command on the Arrange / Align submenu. Aligns the middle
of all selected objects with the middle of the group of objects.
Executes the Align Bottom command on the Arrange / Align submenu. Aligns the bottom
edge of all selected objects with the bottom edge of the lowest selected object.
Executes the Align Centerpoints command on the Arrange / Align submenu. Aligns the
centerpoint of all the selected objects with the centerpoint of the group of selected objects.
Executes the Send to Back command on the Arrange menu to place all selected objects
behind all objects that are not selected.
Executes the Bring to Front command on the Arrange menu to place all selected objects
in front of all objects that are not selected.
Executes the Space Horizontal command on the Arrange menu to evenly space all
selected objects horizontally between the left most and right most selected objects.
Executes the Space Vertical command on the Arrange menu to evenly space all selected
objects vertically between the top most and bottom most selected objects.
Executes the Make Symbol command on the Arrange menu to combine multiple objects
into a single unit called a symbol.
Executes the Break Symbol command on the Arrange menu to break a symbol into its
individual components.
Executes the Make Cell command on the Arrange menu to combine multiple selected
objects into a single unit called a cell. When combining cells, each cell will be retained.
When the combined cell is broken, the original cells are restored.
Executes the Break Cell command on the Arrange menu to break a selected cell. When
combining cells, each cell will be retained. When the combined cell is broken, the original
cells are restored.
Executes the Rotate Clockwise command on the Arrange menu to rotate selected
objects clockwise 90 degrees.
Executes the Rotate CounterClockwise command on the Arrange menu to rotate
selected objects counter clockwise 90 degrees.
Executes the Flip Horizontal command on the Arrange menu to flip selected objects
Executes the Flip Vertical command on the Arrange menu to flip selected objects
Executes the Reshape Object command on the Edit menu to reshape a polygon or
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-13
When multiple objects are selected, the status bar displays the width and height for the entire
When a blank area of a window is clicked, the status bar displays the X and Y coordinates for the
current location of the cursor in the window.
Note: You must press the ENTER key to accept and apply manual positioning and sizing entries.
Tip: Hold the Shift key down while drawing rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ellipses to
constrain the height and width and to create exact squares and circles.
WindowMaker Properties
Using the WindowMaker Properties dialog box, you can configure preferences and options
affecting the behavior of WindowMaker. The WindowMaker Properties dialog box can be accessed
through the Special / Configure / WindowMaker menu option or through the WindowMaker
option found in the Tools pane (Classic View) under Configure.
In the WindowMaker Properties window you can:
z Change the title bar text
z Show the folder name of the open application in the title bar
z Display the grid or turn off the grid
z Change the spacing between the pixels on the grid
z Show the tag count (Not useful in an InTouch for System Platform application)
z Set an option to close WindowMaker when switching to WindowViewer
z Set an option to pick through hollow objects
z Enable fast switch from WindowMaker to WindowViewer
z Set the precision for line selection
z Set the number of undo levels
z Change the default fonts for text and buttons
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-15
Window Properties
g. In the Dimensions area, specify the window location and dimensions. Do the following:
z In the X Location box, type the number of pixels between the left edge of the design area
and the left edge of the window being defined.
z In the Y Location box, type the number of pixels between the top edge of the design area
and the top edge of the window being defined.
z In the Window Width and Window Height boxes, type the window width and height in
h. Click OK.
Duplicating Windows
i. To create copy of an existing window, open the window to be duplicated and select File / Save
Window As in the main WindowMaker menu. Name the window and click OK.
Adding Applications to the Application Explorer
One of the most powerful features of WindowMaker’s Application Explorer is its ability to launch
other ArchestrA and third-party Windows applications from within WindowMaker.
For example, you can run/configure an I/O Server program and develop your application
simultaneously. You can launch third-party Windows programs that you frequently use such as
Windows Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Paint, among others. You
can also configure the Application Explorer to open a specific document or spreadsheet in a
Note: The InTouch add-on programs, SQL Access, SPC Pro, and Recipe Manager are
automatically added to the Application Explorer once they are installed.
b. In the Name field of the Application Properties dialog box, enter the name to be displayed in
the Application Explorer. For this example, enter Notepad.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-17
e. Click the Start Style drop-down list to select how the application will appear when it is started
from within WindowMaker.
f. Click OK.
The application is added to the Application Explorer under the Applications icon. You can
now run the application at any time from WindowMaker.
a. Click the Button tool found in the Drawing toolbar to draw a button in a WindowMaker
b. Move the cursor over the window. The cursor changes to a crosshair (+).
c. Click on the window and draw a button (click and hold the left mouse button and drag it down
and to the side). Release the mouse button when the size is adequate.
d. Right-click the new button and select Substitute / Substitute Strings to change the button
e. Double-click the button to add animation.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – Development Environment 2-19
g. Select a window to display when the button is pushed in runtime and click OK.
d. Select a window to hide when the button is pushed in runtime and click OK.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – ArchestrA Symbols 2-21
Section Objectives
z Explain how to embed ArchestrA Symbols in an InTouch window
This section discusses how to embed ArchestrA Symbols found in the ArchestrA Symbol Library in
an InTouch window.
d. The insertion icon appears if the mouse is over the InTouch window.
e. Click in the InTouch Window to place the ArchestrA Symbol.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – ArchestrA Symbols 2-23
How to create ArchestrA Symbols from scratch will be discussed in Module 3, “ArchestrA
Wonderware® Training
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-25
In the last lab you created a new managed InTouch application. In this lab you will create InTouch
windows in that application. You will use a combination of ArchestrA Symbols and InTouch buttons
to create a menu bar, a navigation bar that will allow you to open different windows in the
application in Runtime, and a set of ArchestrA Symbols to display system information. Later in the
class you will add more graphics to the menu window to display system information and interact
with ArchestrA security. This lab is designed for a screen resolution of at least 1280 x 1024.
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
z Create and configure InTouch windows
z Add and position ArchestrA Symbols in a window
z Add and position InTouch buttons in a window
z Use InTouch buttons and InTouch Show Window animation links to create a navigation bar
Wonderware® Training
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-27
Note: To select the Frame Style: None radio button, first uncheck the Title Bar and Size
Controls checkbox.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-29
5. Create two more windows: Alarms and History, using the same settings as the Mixer
window. Notice the Window Properties settings default to the last known configuration.
9. In WindowMaker, the cursor will change to the Paste Wizard cursor. Click anywhere in the
Menu window.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-31
10. With the symbol selected, use the Status Bar to configure it at the 0, 0 location (X, Y) with a
300, 150 size (Width, Height). Press Enter after each numerical entry.
Note: If you prefer, you can configure the symbol using the mouse and the symbol’s handles.
11. Create a copy of the symbol by right-clicking on the symbol and selecting Duplicate.
12. Change the location of the new symbol to be at the 300, 0 location (X, Y), maintaining the
original size.
13. Click the Embed ArchestrA Graphic button on the Wizards/ActiveX Toolbar to open the
Galaxy Browser.
14. In the Graphic Toolbox pane navigate to ArchestrA Symbol Library / Panels and select the
PanelBrushed symbol.
15. Click OK to paste the selected symbol in a window.
16. In WindowMaker, the cursor will change to the Paste Wizard cursor. Click anywhere in the
Menu window to paste the symbol.
17. With the symbol selected, use the Status Bar to configure it at the 600, 0 location (X, Y) with a
680, 150 size (Width, Height).
The Menu window should now look similar to the following:
Wonderware® Training
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-33
21. The Substitute Strings… dialog box displays. Enter Mixer in the New String field and click
22. With the button selected, use the Status Bar to configure it at the 100, 20 location (X, Y) with
a 100, 40 size (Width, Height).
The first panel in the Menu window should now look similar to the following:
Note: If you prefer, you can configure the button using the mouse and the button’s handles.
23. Double-click on the Mixer button to display the Animations dialog box.
24. In the Touch Pushbuttons section, click the Show Window button.
The Windows to Show when touched … dialog box displays a list of all the windows in the
25. Check the Mixer window and click OK.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-35
The Animations dialog box indicates the presence of a Show Window animation because a
checkmark is displayed in the Show Window checkbox.
26. Click OK to accept the configuration.
27. Create a copy of the Mixer button by right-clicking on the button and selecting Duplicate.
28. Right-click on the new button and select Substitute / Substitute Strings… to change the
caption of the button.
29. Enter Alarms in the New String field and click OK.
30. Arrange the new symbol to be at the 30, 90 location (X, Y). Keep the original size.
The first panel on the left in the Menu window should now look similar to the following:
31. Double-click on the Alarms button to display the Animations dialog box.
32. In the Touch Pushbuttons section, click the Show Window button.
33. The Windows to Show when touched … dialog box displays a list of all the windows in the
application. The last known configuration is displayed. Check the Alarms window, uncheck
the Mixer window and click OK.
34. Click OK to accept the configuration.
35. Repeat the steps needed to create a History button of the same size located at the 170, 90
location (X, Y) that shows the History window.
The first panel on the left in the Menu window should now look similar to the following:
39. In WindowMaker, the cursor will change to the Paste Wizard cursor. Click anywhere in the
Menu window to paste the symbol.
40. With the symbol selected, use the Status Bar to configure it at the 1210, 50 location (X, Y).
Keep the original size.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 3 – Building the Application Layout 2-37
Note: The symbol will be relocated all the way to the right side of the window outside of your field
of view. You can verify the location by switching to full screen mode by clicking the Full Screen
button in the View Toolbar, or use the bottom scrollbar to scroll to the right.
41. Click the Embed ArchestrA Graphic button on the Wizards/ActiveX Toolbar to open the
Galaxy Browser.
42. In the Graphic Toolbox navigate to ArchestrA Symbol Library / Clocks and select the
ClockWonderware symbol. Click OK to paste the selected symbol in a window.
43. In WindowMaker, the cursor will change to the Paste Wizard cursor. Click anywhere in the
Menu window to paste the symbol.
44. With the symbol selected, use the Status Bar to configure it at the 990, 10 location (X, Y) with
a 140, 145 size (Width, Height). The symbol will be relocated all the way to the right side of the
window outside of your field of view.
45. Switch to full screen mode by clicking the Full Screen button in the View Toolbar.
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Runtime Environment 2-39
Section Objectives
z Introduce the managed InTouch Application Runtime Environment
This section discusses runtime customization, deployment of a managed InTouch Application, the
InTouch Application Manager, and the InTouch runtime environment: WindowViewer.
Note: Stand Alone InTouch applications are not managed, cannot use ArchestrA Symbols and
are not intended to be used with the System Platform.
When a managed application is selected, several toolbar buttons are grayed out: WindowMaker,
DBLoad, and DBDump. These functions are not available for managed InTouch applications.
A managed InTouch application can be run by selecting it in the Application Manager and clicking
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Runtime Environment 2-41
Resolution at Runtime
WindowViewer provides the run-time environment for InTouch applications. When an application is
started in WindowViewer, the windows that are configured to open by default are started in runtime
unless WindowViewer is "called" from WIndowMaker (testing the application), in which case the
windows opened in WindowMaker will be opened in WindowViewer. Information displayed in
WindowViewer is real-time application data from the plant floor. Processes can then be controlled
by the operator by clicking items on the screen.
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Runtime Environment 2-43
Wonderware® Training
Lab 4 – Deploying an InTouch Application 2-45
In the last lab you created windows in a managed InTouch application. You used a combination of
ArchestrA Symbols and InTouch buttons to create a menu bar, a navigation bar that will allow you
to open different windows in the application in runtime, and a set of ArchestrA Symbols to display
system information. In this lab you will create an instance of the application, distribute the
application, and run the deployed application. This lab is designed for a screen resolution of at
least 1280 x 1024.
Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Create an $InTouchViewApp instance for your application
z Use the $ViewEngine object to distribute your InTouch applications
z Use InTouch Application Manager to run your deployed managed InTouch applications
Wonderware® Training
Lab 4 – Deploying an InTouch Application 2-47
2. Assign the newly created $TViewEngine template to the Training Objects toolset.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 4 – Deploying an InTouch Application 2-49
9. In Model view, assign the new MixerApplication instance to the ControlSystem area.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 4 – Deploying an InTouch Application 2-51
14. If this is the first time the InTouch Application Manager has been run, a dialog box will
display prompting you to search for existing applications. Click Next.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 4 – Deploying an InTouch Application 2-53
17. Select the Menu and Mixer checkboxes in the Windows to Show... dialog box and click OK.
19. Use the buttons you built previously to display different windows.
The InTouch window titlebar will change accordingly, between Mixer and Alarm and History.
Wonderware® Training
Module 3
ArchestrA Symbols
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-3
Section 2 – Animation 3-19
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-41
Section 3 – Custom Properties 3-61
Lab 6 – Using Custom Properties 3-65
Section 4 – Scripts 3-73
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-79
Section 5 – Advanced Features 3-93
3-2 Module 3 – ArchestrA Symbols
Module Objectives
z Introduce ArchestrA Graphics
z Introduce ArchestrA Symbol Editor
z Introduce the topic of Custom Properties in an ArchestrA Symbol
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-3
Section Objectives
z Describe the need for and uses of a custom Graphic Toolset
z Demonstrate the features of the ArchestrA Symbol Editor to create new ArchestrA
This section covers the creation and manipulation of graphic objects, lines and outlines, text
objects, images and bitmaps using the ArchestrA Symbol Editor.
One of the most powerful features of InTouch for System Platform is the ability to graphically
represent your processes using ArchestrA Graphics. For more information please see the
Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User’s Guide.
Organizing Symbols in the Toolbox
In the Graphic Toolbox, you can organize your symbols by creating a folder hierarchy as you would
with files and folders in Microsoft Windows Explorer. You can move symbols around within the
folder hierarchy. These folders are called Graphic Toolsets.
a. To create a toolset, in the Graphic Toolbox, right-click on your galaxy and choose New /
Graphic Toolset.
The toolset is created and you are prompted to rename the toolset:
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-5
Elements Categories
Status bar Summary
Tools Panel
The Tools panel contains elements you can select to draw your symbol on the canvas.
Elements List
The Elements List is a list of all elements on the canvas.
The Elements List is particularly useful for selecting one or more elements that are visually hidden
by other elements on the canvas. You can use the Elements List to:
z See a list of all elements, groups of elements, embedded symbols and client controls on
the canvas
z Select elements or groups of elements to work with them
z Rename an element or a group of elements
Caution: If you rename an element or a group, the animation references to it are not automatically
updated. You must manually change all animation links referencing the old name.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-7
Properties Editor
You can use the Properties Editor to view and set properties for the selected element or group of
elements, such as size, location, color and fill style, and runtime behavior. You can also use the
Properties Editor to view and set properties for the ArchestrA Symbol itself.
Animation Summary
You can use the animation summary to review, select and configure the animation behavior of a
selected element on the canvas.
The canvas is your drawing area. You use it as you would in other image editing software by
drawing elements and changing them to your requirements.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-9
Drawing Buttons
You can draw a button on the canvas. You can configure a button with a text label or an image.
a. Click the button tool in the Tools panel.
b. Click the canvas and drag the shape of the button element.
c. Release the mouse button.
The button text appears in edit mode.
d. Type a text label for the button and then press Enter.
e. You can edit the up and down images of the button.
Placing Text
The text element has no border and no background fill. The text does not wrap. When you type the
text, the size of the Text element expands. You can also drag the handles of the Text element to
resize it.
a. Click the Text button in the Tools panel.
b. Click the canvas where you want to place the text.
c. Type the single line of text you want.
d. When you are done, do one of the following:
z Press Enter to type a new line of text.
This new line is a new element.
z Click the canvas outside the text element.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-11
Tip: You can also use the Substitute String command on strings that are included in a symbol
and to change the label on buttons drawn with the Button tool.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-13
Note: The Properties Editor not only supports values, but also allows input of color, font, and
file information in the respective dialog boxes.
Properties are organized in categories so you can find them more easily. The following table
shows the categories:
Selecting Elements
You can select one or more elements by:
z Clicking on them with the mouse
z Dragging the lasso around them with the mouse
z Selecting them in the Elements List
When you select an element, it appears with handles that give you control over its size and
When you select multiple elements, the last selected element is the primary element. All other pre-
viously selected elements are secondary elements. To select multiple elements, press Shift + click
or drag the lasso around all the elements.
To change the primary element, simply click on the desired element.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-15
Rotating Elements
You can rotate elements to any orientation (0 - 359 degrees):
Create a Group
Grouping lets you relate elements together as a unit. Groups can contain elements and other
groups. Groups are shown in the Elements List with a default name, such as Group1. Groups can
be renamed just as you rename elements.
They are shown as a branch in the element hierarchy.
Select the elements you wish to group and use the Group button to group them.
c. Edit the element with the Properties Editor, by mouse or by menu according to your
Path Graphics
Path graphics are elements that combine selected open elements, such as lines, H/V lines,
polylines, curves and arcs to a single closed graphic element.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Symbol Editor 3-17
The Path Graphic has the same properties as a rectangle, ellipse or polyline. It loses these
properties when you break the path.
Any shape with 2 open points can be joined using the path button , or break a path graphic
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-19
Section 2 – Animation
Section Objective
z Introduce animation concepts and applications
Note: Not all animations are available for all element types, as some do not make logical sense,
such as line style with a text element. You are not able to select or copy these invalid
Edit Animations
The ability to add, remove, and view animations for an element is available in the Edit Animations
window by selecting the element and clicking the Edit Animations button .
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-21
Use the Validate button to validate the currently selected animation and see possible errors
Errors include for example:
z Animation is disabled.
z Syntax errors, such as data mismatches.
z Required values not specified.
z Specified values out of valid range.
Connecting Animations with an ArchestrA Object’s Attributes
You can connect the element behavior and appearance with an ArchestrA Object’s attributes. The
ArchestrA Object’s attribute provides values at run time that control the behavior and appearance
of the element.
You can use the Browse button to browse all of an ArchestrA Object’s Attributes and Element
Properties with the Galaxy Browser. Attributes can be accessed in the Attribute Browser tab.
You can use the Browse button to browse the properties of all elements on the canvas with
the Galaxy Browser. Elements can be accessed in the Element Browser tab.
Note: You cannot connect animations to properties of elements that are part of an embedded
symbol on the canvas, only to Custom Properties (more on this later) of the embedded symbol
You can use the Browse button to browse the custom properties of all elements on the
canvas with the Galaxy Browser.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-23
Note: For more information about animation, see the Creating and Using ArchestrA Graphics
User Guide.
Visualization Animations
Use the Visibility animation to specify a Boolean expression that determines if an element will be
visible or not at Runtime.
Use the Fill, Line or Text Style animations to specify an expression that determines the fill style of
an element at runtime, based on a Boolean condition or a Truth Table of values.
The Fill, Line or Text Style animations can specify the interior fill style of:
z Selected elements on the toolbar.
z Style properties in the Properties Editor.
z Nested style properties, such as just one color of a multi-colored gradient.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-25
Use the Blink animation to specify a Boolean expression that determines the blink behavior of an
element at Runtime. You can specify:
z The blinking speed: slow, medium or fast
z If the element should blink invisibly or if it should blink with specified colors
Use the %Fill Horizontal animation to specify an Analog Expression or Reference that determines
the horizontal fill percentage and direction (left to right or right to left) of an element at Runtime.
Use the %Fill Vertical animation to specify an Analog Expression or Reference that determines
the vertical fill percentage and direction (bottom to top or top to bottom) of an element at Runtime.
You can also specify:
z Unfilled Color: the style of the background when the element has 0% filling
z Fill Orientation: if the filling is in relation to the element or to the screen
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-27
Use the Location Vertical animation to specify an Analog expression that determines the vertical
offset of the element’s position at Runtime.
Use the Location Horizontal animation to specify an Analog expression that determines the
horizontal offset of the element’s position at Runtime.
Use the Width animation to specify an Analog expression that determines the width (increased or
decreased) of an element at Runtime.
Use the Height animation to specify an Analog expression that determines the height (increased
or decreased) of an element at Runtime.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-29
Use the Orientation animation to specify an Analog expression that determines the orientation of
an element at Runtime.
You can also:
z Specify a different orientation origin
z Ignore or accept the design-time orientation of the element on the canvas
z Preview the orientation at run time with a slider
Value Display
Use the Value Display animation to specify a Discrete, Analog, String, Time or Name expression
to display at Runtime.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-31
Use the Tooltip animation to specify an Expression, Reference or Static String to display as a
tooltip when the mouse is moved over the element at Runtime.
Interaction Animations
Use the Disable animation to specify a Boolean expression or reference that determines if an
element's interaction animations (animations that execute a task when the object is touched with
the mouse) are disabled at Runtime.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-33
User Input
Use the User Input animation to specify an Analog, Boolean, String, Time or Name Reference that
is assigned to an attribute or property at Runtime.
You can also provide a keypad for the user. When the user clicks the object in runtime the input
Keyboard is presented. A numeric keypad will display if the reference is Analog.
Use the Slider Horizontal animation to allow the run-time user to drag the element left or right and write
back the offset to an analog attribute or property.
Use the Slider Horizontal animation to allow the run-time user to drag the element up or down and write
back the offset to an analog attribute or property.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-35
Use the Pushbutton animation to write predetermined values to an Analog, Boolean or String
attribute or property when the run-time user clicks on the element.
Action Scripts
Use the Action Scripts animation to run an action script when the user performs the defined
Trigger on the element at Runtime (Click, Double-Click, Key Equivalent and so on). Action Scripts
are covered in more detail Section , “Action Scripts,” page 3-76.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-37
Element-Specific Animations
Some elements have their own unique animation type that can only be used for that element type.
You cannot remove their unique animation, but depending on the element you can add and
remove other common animations.
The elements with specific animations are:
z Status Graphic (discussed in Section 3, “Quality and Status Display.”)
z Windows Common Controls, such as Radio Button Group, Check Box, Edit Box, Combo
Box, Calendar, DateTime Picker and List Box Client Controls (more on this later)
You can configure a Windows Common Control to write the data either:
z Immediately when it is selected in the control at run time.
z When a specified boolean expression becomes true.
Note: The boolean expression is a trigger that determines when the value is written from the
control to the tag or attribute. If the value changes in the tag or attribute, then the value is
written to the control, regardless of the trigger setting or condition.
Check Box
The Check Box animation is only used by the Check Box element. You can set the caption of the
check box at run-time, with the Override caption at Runtime.
Combo Box
The Combo Box animation is only used by the Combo Box element. You can use Combo Box-
specific methods in scripting to perform various functions at run time. You can browse these
methods in the Galaxy Browser with the Combo Box selected.
You can either create a:
z Static Combo Box - uses static captions and values that you define in the configuration
z Array Combo Box - uses captions and values that are contained in an Automation object
z Enum Combo Box - uses captions and values that are contained in an enum data type of
an Automation object.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Animation 3-39
Edit Box
The Check Box animation is only used by the Check Box element. You can set the caption of the
check box at run-time, with the Override caption at Runtime.
You can determine the configuration of the edit box:
z Multiline to wrap the text in the edit box.
z Read-Only to use the edit box to only show text and not allow text input.
z Maximum Length to limit the maximum numbers of characters you can type in the edit
box control. You can specify the maximum number in the Characters box.
Calendar Control
The Calendar Control animation is only used by the Calendar Control element. The Calendar
Control date format depends on the regional settings of the operating system.
DateTime Picker
The DateTime Picker animation is only used by the DateTime Picker element.
List Box
The List Box animation is only used by the List Box element.
You can either create a:
z Static List Box - uses static captions and values you define in the configuration panel.
z Array List Box - uses captions and values contained in an Automation object array.
z Enum List Box - uses captions and values contained in an enum data type of an
Automation object.
You can also use List Box-specific methods in scripting to perform various functions at run time.
You can browse these methods in the Galaxy Browser with the List Box selected.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-41
In the last lab you created an instance of your InTouch managed application, distributed the
application, and ran the deployed application. In this lab you will create a new Thermometer
ArchestrA Symbol for use in your application. The detailed steps for this lab do not contain exact
specifications such as width, height, X or Y coordinates. These details are at your discretion,
therefore your resulting graphic will differ slightly from the following example:
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
z Use the ArchestrA Symbol Editor to create a new symbol from scratch
z Use graphic elements provided with the ArchestrA Symbol Editor
z Use the animations to bring your symbols to life
z Link your symbols to instances in the Galaxy
This lab contains several intricate parts that are not easily summarized.
Please refer to the Detailed lab Instructions on the next page.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-43
Note: The detailed steps for this lab do not contain exact specifications such as width, height, X or
Y coordinates. These details are at your discretion, therefore your resulting graphic will differ
slightly from the example on page 3-41.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-45
9. On the toolbar click the Fill Color drop-down arrow and select More Gradients...
12. On the toolbar click the Line Weight drop-down arrow and select No Line.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-47
17. On the toolbar click the Line Weight drop-down arrow and select No Line.
18. Click on the new Bottom element to display the element’s sizing handles.
19. Use the sizing handles to make the height of the Bottom element slightly more than half the
height of the Background element.
20. Use the sizing handles to make the width of the Bottom graphic slightly more narrow than the
width of the Background graphic.
21. Position the Bottom element on top of the Background element as shown.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-49
22. On the toolbar click the Duplicate button to duplicate the Bottom element.
23. Rename the new element Top.
24. Use the Rotate Clockwise button in the Arrange Toolbar to rotate the new Top element
180 degrees.
25. Position the new Top element on top of the Bottom and Background elements as shown.
26. Select both the Top and the Bottom elements (press the Shift key while selecting each
27. On the toolbar click the Group button to group the two elements.
28. Rename the group Plate.
The items in your Elements pane should now look similar to the following:
29. Select the Plate group and the Background element and click the Align Centers button .
30. Use the 3 Point Arc button to draw an arc in the canvas area to the right of the Plate and
Background elements.
31. Rename the new arc element Top.
32. Use the Line button to draw a line below the Top element. Draw the line the same width
as the arc.
33. Rename the new line element Bottom.
34. Select both elements and click on the Path Combine button to form the temperature
indicator portion of the thermometer.
35. Rename the resulting element Body.
Note: If the connecting lines cross over each other, you might need to right-click on either the Top
or Bottom element (from within the Elements pane) and select Path / Swap End Points to shape
the graphic properly.
36. Use the Fill Color drop-down arrow to configure the new Body element Fill Color as follows:
z Colors: One
z Color 1: Green
z Dark-Light: 100
z Direction: Horizontal
z Variants: Color 1 to Light to Color 1 (3rd Variants option from the left)
z Color Distribution Shape: Triangular
z Peak: 35
z Falloff: 100
37. Click OK when finished.
38. In the Tools pane click the Line Weight drop-down arrow and select No Line.
39. In the Tools pane click the Ellipse button to draw a circle that is slightly wider than the
Body element.
40. Rename the new circle element Bottom.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-51
41. Use the Fill Color drop-down arrow to configure the new Bottom element Fill Color as
z Colors: One
z Color 1: Green
z Dark-Light: 100
z Direction: Radial
z Center Location Horizontal: -20
z Center Location Vertical: -20
43. On the toolbar click the Line Weight drop-down arrow and select No Line.
44. Position the circle as follows:
47. Click the Browse Galaxy button in the Expression Or Reference pane.
48. Select Show Hierarchical Name in the Galaxy Browser and select the Mixer_XX0.TT.PV
attribute, substituting your student number for XX.
49. Click OK.
50. Continue configuration of the Fill Vertical pane of the Edit Animations window as follows,
substituting your student number for XX. Be sure to clear the contents of the field before using
the Browse Galaxy button to select an object.
z Value At Min Fill: Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMin
z Value At Max Fill: Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMax
z Fill Color: do not modify
51. In the Gradient tab, click the Unfilled Color button in the Fill Vertical pane and configure
it as follows:
z Colors: One
Color 1: Black
Dark-Light: 100
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-53
z Direction: Horizontal
z Variants: Color 1 to Light to Color 1 (3rd Variants option from the left)
z Color Distribution Shape: Triangular
z Peak: 35
z Falloff: 100
z Transparency: 0%
52. Click OK to close the Select Unfilled Color for Percent Fill Animation window.
53. Click OK again to close the Edit Animations dialog box.
54. Group the Body and Bottom elements and rename the group Fill.
The Elements pane should now look similar to the following:
60. With the LabelValue element selected, click the Edit Animations button to add animation
to the LabelValue element.
61. Click the Plus button and select Value Display.
62. Click the States: Analog button
63. Use the Browse Galaxy button to select the Mixer_XX0.TT.PV attribute.
64. Click OK to close the Edit Animations dialog box.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-55
74. Position the LabelValue and LabelUnits elements side-by-side at the bottom of the
background as follows:
Note: Create one of the lines, change the Line Weight and then use the Duplicate feature.
77. Position the three new line elements at the right-side of the Fill.Body element as shown in the
screenshot below and group them.
Note: Use the Align Center and the Make Vertical Spacing Equal buttons.
81. Position the text elements at the right-side of the corresponding Ticks as shown in the next
82. Group the text elements and rename the group Scale.
83. Click the Embed Graphic button to open the Galaxy Browser - MixerGalaxy window.
84. Expand the ArchestrA Symbol Library in the Graphic Toolbox.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-57
Your new Thermometer ArchestrA graphic should now look similar to the following:
Note: There is no need to close the editor before testing the symbol.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 5 – Creating a new ArchestrA Symbol 3-59
94. Click the Runtime fast switch to run WindowViewer to see the symbol
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Custom Properties 3-61
Section Objectives
z Introduce the topic of Custom Properties in an ArchestrA Symbol
z Describe how to link Custom Properties to External Sources
Custom properties allow you to make the most use of your symbols by making them customizable
when embedded. You can use custom properties to extend the functionality of a symbol. A custom
property can contain:
z A value that can be read and written to
z An expression that can be read
z An ArchestrA attribute that can be read and written to if the attributes allow
z A property of an element or symbol
z A custom property of a symbol
Custom properties can be set to either be Private or Public:
z Private: Property is not exposed when the symbol is embedded
z Public: Property can be customized when the symbol is embedded
Custom properties can also have Absolute or Relative references:
z Absolute: A reference to an attribute that is fully defined (Tank1.InletValve.PV)
z Relative: A reference that goes up the hierarchy to parent objects (Me.InletValve.PV)
Note: When you edit the custom properties of a symbol embedded from the ArchestrA Symbol
Library, each property listed has a default value data type, default value, default visibility, and
default description. The description is useful because it indicates what the symbol can do and to a
degree how to configure it.
You can see the name of the symbol and the custom property in the header of the right side of
the dialog box.
Note: For additional information see Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User’s Guide -
Chapter 10 Using Custom Properties - Configuring Custom Properties.
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Custom Properties 3-63
d. In the Data Type list, select the data type of the custom property.
You can select one of the following:
Elapsed Time
e. In the Default Value box, type a literal value, reference or expression or browse for a
reference using the Browse icon.
f. If the selected data type is String, Time or Elapsed Time, you can:
z Select the T icon to indicate that the default value is a static value.
z Select the label icon to indicate that the default value is a reference to a value.
g. In the Visibility box, select either:
z Public, so that the custom property is visible and can be used in a parent symbol if the
symbol is embedded or inserted.
z Private, so that the custom property is not visible outside of the defining symbol and
cannot be used if the symbol is embedded or inserted.
h. In the Description box, type a meaningful description for the custom property.
Note: For more information, see the Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User’s
Guide and the InTouch ArchestrA Integration Guide.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 6 – Using Custom Properties 3-65
In the last lab you created a new Thermometer ArchestrA Symbol for use in your application. In
this lab you will modify your thermometer symbol to include custom properties and link animations
to them. This will allow you to reuse the symbols with as many temperature transmitters as
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
z Add custom properties to your symbols
z Animate your symbols through custom properties
z Use custom properties to assign references to your symbols
c. Select all elements and Substitute References as follows (substituting your student number
for XX) and Save the symbol:
Old New
Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMax Max
Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMin Min
Mixer_XX0.TT.PV Value
Mixer_XX0.TT.PV.EngUnits EngUnits
Wonderware® Training
Lab 6 – Using Custom Properties 3-67
5. Click the OK button when you are finished adding Custom Properties to the Thermometer
The Custom Properties category in the Properties panel should look like the following:
6. In the menu bar click Edit / Select All (or press F2).
7. In the menu bar click Special / Substitute References (or press Ctrl+E).
8. In the Substitute References dialog box, change the existing references as follows:
Old New
Mixer_XX0.TT.PV.EngUnits EngUnits
Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMax Max
Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMin Min
Mixer_XX0.TT.PV Value
Wonderware® Training
Lab 6 – Using Custom Properties 3-69
Note: You can use the ellipsis button on each one of the references to open the Galaxy Browser.
Select Thermometer in the Element Browser tab to see a list of the custom properties for that
Note: There is no need to close the editor before testing the symbol.
16. In the Galaxy Browser dialog box click on the Show Hierarchical Name button and
select the Mixer_XX0.TT.PV.EngUnits reference.
17. Click the OK button to return to the Edit Custom Properties window.
18. Configure the remaining custom properties as shown, substituting your student number for
z Max: Galaxy:Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMax
z Min: Galaxy:Mixer_XX0.TT.EngUnitsMin
z Value: Galaxy:Mixer_XX0.TT.PV
Wonderware® Training
Lab 6 – Using Custom Properties 3-71
Wonderware® Training
Section 4 – Scripts 3-73
Section 4 – Scripts
Section Objective
z Explain and define the various script types that can be associated with ArchestrA
This section will explain the script types that can be associated with ArchestrA Symbols.
Scripting capabilities allow you to execute commands and logical operations based on specified
criteria being met, such as when a key is pressed, a symbol is displayed, or a value changes.
ArchestrA Symbols use the same scripting engine as ArchestrA Objects: QuickScript .NET. All
QuickScript .NET functions and capabilities found within ArchestrA Objects are available here.
There are three types of scripts that can be used with ArchestrA Symbols: Symbol, Action, and
Symbol Scripts
Symbol scripts are associated with the ArchestrA Symbol itself. Access Symbol scripts through the
Runtime Behavior category of the Properties Editor or by right-clicking the canvas and selecting
Scripts.... There are two types of Symbol Scripts: Predefined and Named.
Predefined Scripts are executed when the specific built-in condition is triggered. Every ArchestrA
Symbol has three built-in trigger types available:
z On Show: Executes one time when the symbol is shown or opened.
z While Showing: Executes periodically while the symbol is showing. The period (in
milliseconds) indicates how often the script executes.
z On Hide: Executes one time when the symbol is hidden or closed.
Wonderware® Training
Section 4 – Scripts 3-75
Named Scripts are executed when a specific condition is met by evaluating an expression against
a specific trigger type. You can add as many named scripts as you need to any ArchestrA Symbol.
There are five different trigger types available:
z WhileTrue: Executes if the Expression is still true since the last execution. The Period
(in milliseconds) indicates how often the expression is evaluated.
z WhileFalse: Executes if the Expression is still false since the last execution. The Period
(in milliseconds) indicates how often the expression is evaluated.
z OnTrue: Executes when the Expression transitions from false to true.
z OnFalse: Executes when the Expression transitions from true to false.
z DataChange: Executes when the Expression value and/or quality changes.
Action Scripts
Action Scripts are associated with elements within the ArchestrA Symbol, and are added as
animations through the Edit Animations dialog box.
Action scripts are triggered in runtime by user interaction with a mouse; although every action
script can be associated with a key combination that will trigger the execution of the script as well.
There are fifteen different trigger types available:
z On Left Click/Key Down to activate the action script when the primary mouse button or a
specific key is pressed
z While Left Click/Key Down to activate the action script when the primary mouse button
or a specific key is pressed and held
z On Left Click/Key Up to activate the action script when the primary mouse button or a
specific key is released
z On Left Double Click to activate the action script when the primary mouse button is
z On Right Click to activate the action script when the secondary mouse button is pressed
z While Right Down to activate the action script when the secondary mouse button is
pressed twice held
z On Right Up to activate the action script when the secondary mouse button is released
z On Right Double Click to activate the action script when the secondary mouse button is
z On Center Click to activate the action script when the center mouse button is pressed
z While Center Down to activate the action script when the center mouse button is pressed
and held
z On Center Up to activate the action script when the center mouse button is released
z On Center Double Click to activate the action script when the center mouse button is
z On Mouse Over to activate the action script when the mouse pointer is moved over the
z On Mouse Leave to activate the action script when the mouse pointer is moved out of the
z While Mouse Over to activate the action script while the mouse pointer is over the
Wonderware® Training
Section 4 – Scripts 3-77
Note: Client Controls will be covered in more detail in Section 5, “Advanced Features.”
Wonderware® Training
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-79
Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Use the scripting engine to create custom animation and calculations within ArchestrA
z Trigger action scripts as animations for the graphic elements within ArchestrA symbols
Mouse over symbol:
Wonderware® Training
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-81
4. Use the Embed Graphic button to embed an AnalogMeterRound symbol from the
ArchestrA Symbol Library (found in ArchestrA Symbol Library/Analog Meters).
5. Rename the new symbol AnalogMeter.
6. Edit the Width and Height properties to make the element square in proportion.
7. Change the TreatAsIcon property to True (found in the Properties Panel, Runtime Behavior
Wonderware® Training
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-83
8. Right-click on the canvas and select Custom Properties... in the context menu.
9. Add the following Custom Properties to the AnalogMeterResize symbol:
Wonderware® Training
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-85
Wonderware® Training
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-87
20. Right-click on the canvas and select Scripts... in the context menu.
21. Select On Show in the Trigger type drop-down box.
22. Enter the following script:
'Get the inital size of the symbol
InitialSize = AnalogMeter.Width;
'Reposition element
Dim displacement As Integer;
displacement = (InitialSize - AnalogMeter.Width) / 2;
AnalogMeter.X = InitialX + displacement;
AnalogMeter.Y = InitialY + displacement;
'Reached desired size. Cancel resize
GrowMe = False;
Wonderware® Training
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-89
'Reposition element
Dim displacement As Integer;
Displacement = (InitialSize - AnalogMeter.Width) / 2;
AnalogMeter.X = InitialX + displacement;
AnalogMeter.Y = InitialY + displacement;
'Reached original size. Cancel resize
ShrinkMe = False;
33. Click OK to close the Edit Scripts window.
36. Use the Embed ArchestrA Graphic button to embed the AnalogMeterResize symbol in
the Mixer window.
37. Double-click the AnalogMeterResize embedded graphic to configure its Custom Properties
as follows:
z AnalogMeter.Max: Galaxy:Mixer_XX0.LIT.EngUnitsMax
z AnalogMeter.Min: Galaxy:Mixer_XX0.LIT.EngUnitsMin
z AnalogMeter.Value: Galaxy:Mixer_XX0.LIT.PV
38. Click OK to close the Edit Custom Properties dialog box.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 7 – Creating a Resizable Analog Meter 3-91
Wonderware® Training
Section 5 – Advanced Features 3-93
Section Objectives
z Describe the Anchor, Dynamic Size Change, and Client Controls features of ArchestrA
This section describes the Anchor, Dynamic Size Change, and Client Controls features of
ArchestrA Graphics.
The following advanced features of ArchestrA Graphics will be discussed in this section:
z Anchor: Indicates the point in a symbol around which size changes are propagated to the
embedded instances
z Dynamic Size Change: control the way that size changes of the source symbol are
propagated to its embedded instances
z Client Controls: .NET control(s) embedded in a symbol
The anchor indicates around which point in a symbol embedded instances will resize when
changes that affect the size are made to the source symbol. By default the point of origin is in the
center point of all the elements in the canvas. You can change the position of the anchor point:
z Numerically by typing the absolute or relative anchor point position values in the
Properties Editor
z Graphically by dragging the anchor point on the canvas
When using the Properties Editor, type values for the position (X, Y) of the anchor for:
z AbsoluteAnchor property, where the position is relative to the top left corner of the
canvas 0,0.
z RelativeAnchor property, where the position is relative to the center point of all elements
on the canvas.
Two symbols embedded in an InTouch Window: The same two symbols after adding an element:
Anchor in
center of
Anchor on
left edge of
Wonderware® Training
Section 5 – Advanced Features 3-95
When either the AbsoluteAnchor or RelativeAnchor property is modified, the other one gets
updated accordingly. Regardless of how the anchor point is relocated, when you make changes to
the symbol that affects its size, the AnchorFixedTo property determines if the absolute position
or relative position of the anchor point is recalculated. This property can have following values:
z Absolute: The absolute anchor point position is unchanged, and the relative anchor point
position is recalculated.
z Relative: The relative anchor point position is unchanged, and the absolute anchor point
position is recalculated.
After adding an
element to the
symbol, the
absolute anchor
position remains
unchanged and
the relative anchor
position is
because the
property is set to
After adding an
element to the
symbol, the
absolute anchor
position is
recalculated and
the relative anchor
position remains
because the
property is set to
= True
= False
Wonderware® Training
Section 5 – Advanced Features 3-97
Client Controls
Client controls allows you to take advantage of any .NET control that might be at your disposal by
embedding them in ArchestrA Symbols.
Note: Some .NET controls require a license. Check the corresponding .NET control
documentation for more information on how to use that specific control.
Before embedding client controls in your symbols, it is necessary to import the .NET control
assembly (.dll file) into the galaxy using the ArchestrA IDE Galaxy menu and selecting Import /
Client Control. Client controls will be added to the Graphic Toolbox with the ArchestrA Symbols.
Note: You can find the Microsoft .NET Framework controls in your local Windows folder. By
default, the file is located at
You embed client controls within ArchestrA Symbols using the Galaxy Browser from the
ArchestrA Symbol Editor just as you do when embedding other ArchestrA Symbols.
All the properties, methods and events from the .NET control are exposed through the client
control when it's embedded in an ArchestrA Symbol.
Client control properties are accessible through:
z The Properties panel under the Misc category for direct editing.
z The Galaxy Browser under the Element Browser tab when browsing the galaxy for an
z The Edit Animations dialog box under the pre-built Data Binding animation, which
allows you to bind any client control property to an attribute reference within the galaxy, a
custom property of the symbol or any embedded symbol, a property of an element, or a
property of another client control.
Client control methods can be called from within scripts in your ArchestrA Symbol. Methods are
accessible through the Galaxy Browser when browsing the galaxy from within a script.
Wonderware® Training
Section 5 – Advanced Features 3-99
Event scripts are associated with Client Controls within an ArchestrA Symbol. Event scripts are
configured as pre-built animations through the Edit Animations dialog box where a list of all the
events exposed by the client controls are listed.
Event scripts are triggered in runtime when the client control triggers the corresponding event.
Each client control exposes its own particular list of events. These are an example of some com-
mon events found in most client controls:
z Click
z DoubleClick
z Enter
z Leave
z KeyDown
z KeyPress
z KeyUp
You can then use the symbol containing the embedded client control in an InTouch application.
Wonderware ActiveFactory is one example of a software product that contains client controls.
Wonderware® Training
Module 4
Module Objectives
z Explain how to integrate ArchestrA Objects and Symbols together
z Discuss advanced editing techniques
z Explain the Data and Quality Status graphic
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Objects and Symbols 4-3
Section Objectives
z Explain how to include a symbol as part of an ArchestrA object
z Discuss the proper way to include symbols in a containment relationship
z Explain how to work with symbols included in an ArchestrA object
This section describes how to include ArchestrA Symbols into ArchestrA Objects and how to
properly use this feature when working on a containment relationship.
ArchestrA Symbols can be included directly in Automation Objects, templates or instances,
through the Graphics tab in the configuration editor of the object. Symbols added to object
templates will be inherited by any derived object just like script and UDAs. Any changes made to a
symbol included in an object template will be propagated to all derived objects as soon as the
template is checked in.
Just as you will do when adding scripts or extensions to an object, when an ArchestrA Symbol is
added to an automation object, all references within the symbol should be done using relative
reference (Me.PV) to fully encapsulate the functionality of the symbol within the object, instead of
using absolute reference (InletValve1.PV). This way, when working with object templates, all
derived instances will have their inherited symbols properly configured.
When working in a containment relationship, all contained objects should have their own symbols
added to them (device-specific symbols), and the container object symbols (system-wide symbols)
will have the symbols from its contained objects embedded in them. This way, all relative
references will be handled properly by the software without any extra configuration.
Use the Graphics tab in an Automation Object's configuration editor to add a new symbol,
give it a valid name and type an optional description.
The names must be unique. Valid characters for symbol names include alphanumeric characters,
$, #, and _ (underscore). Symbol names cannot include spaces and the symbol name cannot
begin with the $ character.
To edit a newly created symbol or to make changes to an existing one, select the ArchestrA
Symbol under the Local Graphics list and click the Open button to open the symbol in the
ArchestrA Symbol Editor.
Symbols under the Inherited Graphics list are inherited from a template up the derivation
hierarchy. The symbol name will show with the name of the template the symbol comes from in
square brackets appended to it. Attempting to open an inherited symbol will result in a read-only
editing session with the ArchestrA Symbol Editor.
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Objects and Symbols 4-5
select either the Template Toolbox button to embed a symbol from a template, or the
Instances button to embed a symbol from an instance. Either way, the Galaxy Browser will
only display the objects (templates or instances) that have ArchestrA Symbols. Selecting an object
will display all the symbols that object includes.
When embedding a symbol in WindowMaker from an object template, you will be prompted for the
name to create a new instance our of the selected template. The name needs to be unique since
the software will attempt to create a brand new instance in the Galaxy. If the intent is to add a
symbol from an existing instance, then select the instance instead.
Note: You cannot use this function with ArchestrA Symbols that originate from the Graphic
Toolbox, as they are not part of any object.
To access this feature from the ArchestrA Symbol Editor you can do one of the following:
z Select the embedded symbol, go to the Edit menu and select Embedded Symbol /
Select Alternate Symbol
z Right-click the embedded symbol and select Embedded Symbol / Select Alternate
To access this feature from WindowMaker you can do one of the following:
z Select the embedded symbol, go to the Edit menu and select ArchestrA Graphic
“<graphic name>” / Select Alternate Symbol
z Right-click the embedded symbol and select ArchestrA Graphic “<graphic name>” / Select
Alternate Symbol
The Galaxy Browser will display symbols belonging to the same instance from which you can
select an alternate symbol:
If the alternate symbol is a different size than the original symbol, a message appears prompting if
you want to keep the size of the currently inserted ArchestrA Symbol. Yes will keep the current
size of the selected ArchestrA Symbol while No will update the size of the selected ArchestrA
Symbol to the size of the new ArchestrA Symbol.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-7
In this lab you will create a new symbol that commands a $DiscreteDevice object to its Passive
state and First Active state.The new symbol will be configured to use relative references and will
be embedded in automation objects. A graphic showing the resulting symbol is shown below.
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
z Transform and work with custom enumeration data types within ArchestrA Symbols
z Configure ArchestrA Symbols with relative references to be embedded in automation
z Embed ArchestrA Symbols within automation objects
When each button is depressed the center moves slightly, creating a 3-D effect:
This lab contains several intricate parts that cannot easily be summarized.
Please refer to the Detailed lab Instructions on the next page.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-9
PushedOn Boolean False Private Flag to indicate that the green (ON) button has been
Cmd Integer Me.Cmd Private Needed to cast the custom enumeration to an integer
Note: Because the symbol is being created outside of an object, relative references are not
available, so you will not be able to select Me.Cmd in the Galaxy Browser, but instead will need to
type it in.
7. Use the Fill Color drop-down arrow to change the Fill Color as shown:
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-11
8. Use the Line Color drop-down arrow to change the LineColor options as shown:
The new Background element should now look similar to the following:
11. Use the Line Color drop-down arrow to change the LineColor options of the BezelOuter
element to match the Fill Color options above.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-13
12. Use the Ellipse button to draw another circle named Bezel slightly smaller than BezelOuter.
13. Use the Fill Color drop-down arrow to change the Fill Color of the Bezel element as shown:
23. Double click the Green.Inner.Label graphic element in the Elements panel.
24. Add a Text Style animation and configure it as follows:
z States: Boolean
z Expression or Reference: PV <> 1
z Values - True, 1, On
z Color: checked, Gray
z Font: unchecked
z Values - False, 0, Off
z Color: unchecked
z Font: unchecked
25. Click OK when finished configuring animations for the Green.Inner.Label graphic element.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-15
26. Double click the Green.BezelOuter graphic element in the Elements panel.
27. Add an Action Scripts animation configured as follows:
Trigger: On Left Click/Key Down
'Raise flag
PushedOn = True;
28. Change the Trigger to On Left /Key Up and enter the following script:
'Reset flag
PushedOn = False;
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-17
The Animations panel for the Green.BezelOuter element should now look similar to this:
Old New
36. Right-click the Red group and select Substitute / Substitute change the
button references as follows. Click OK when finished.
37. Click the Red.BezelOuter element in the Elements panel to select it.
38. Use the Fill Color down-arrow to change the Gradient Fill Color 2 to Red.
39. Click OK, then OK again.
40. Use the Line Color down-arrow to change the Gradient Fill Color 2 to Red.
41. Click OK, then OK again.
42. Click the Red.Inner.Bezel element in the Elements panel to select it.
43. Use the Fill Color down-arrow to change the Gradient Fill Color 2 to Light Red.
44. Click OK, then OK again.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-19
47. Double-click the Red.BezelOuter element in the Elements panel and change the animation
as follows:
z Animation: Disable
z Expression Or Reference: PV == 1
z Animation: Action Scripts
z Change the last two lines of the script to:
'Command the Passive state (1).
Cmd = 1;
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-21
66. Click the Add Symbol button to create a new symbol named CmdControl.
67. With CmdControl selected, click the Open button.
68. Use the Embed Graphic button to embed the DiscreteDeviceCmd symbol.
73. Select the Instances and Show Hierarchical Name buttons in the toolbar.
74. Select the Mixer_XX0.Inlet1 instance.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 8 – Creating a $DiscreteDevice Two-State Command 4-23
Wonderware® Training
Lab 9 – Creating the Mixer Display 4-25
In the last lab you created a new symbol that commanded a $DiscreteDevice object to its Passive
state and First Active state. The new symbol was configured to use relative references and was
embedded in automation objects. In this lab you will create a symbol to display your mixers by
embedding the ArchestrA Symbols you created in previous labs into a new ArchestrA symbol in a
containment relationship.
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
z Configure and use embedded ArchestrA Symbols in a containment relationship
Wonderware® Training
Lab 9 – Creating the Mixer Display 4-27
Template New Symbol Name Symbol to embed embedded Custom Properties Configuration
$Pump Display PumpCentrifugal Pump z Set all to Private
from ArchestrA z Value Property Default Value set to
Symbol Library Me.PV.IsActive1
$Motor Display PumpVert from Motor z Set all to Private
ArchestrA Symbol z Value Property Default Value set to
Library Me.PV.IsActive1
$Totalizer Display AnalogMeterResize Meter z Set all to Private except ResizeFactor
(from Training z Change the Default Values for the Custom
Symbols) Properties as follows:
zAnalogMeter.Max: Me.EngUnitsMax
zAnalogMeter.Min: Me.EngUnitsMin
zAnalogMeter.Value: Me.PV
j. Embed the following symbols to create a $Mixer.Display similar to the figure shown next:
z Me.Agitator.Display
z Me.Inlet1.CmdControl
z Me.Inlet1.Display
z Me.Inlet2.CmdControl
z Me.Inlet2.Display
z Me.Outlet.CmdControl
z Me.Outlet.Display
z Me.Pump1.Display
z Me.Pump2.Display
z Me.Total1.Display
z Me.Total2.Display
z Me.Total3.Display
z Me.TT.DisplayTemperature
Wonderware® Training
Lab 9 – Creating the Mixer Display 4-29
Note: Use graphic elements or symbols from the ArchestrA Symbol Library, like the
PanelPolishedBrass to emphasize the mixer name.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 9 – Creating the Mixer Display 4-31
Template New Symbol Name Symbol to embed embedded Custom Properties Configuration
$Pump Display PumpCentrifugal Pump z Set all to Private except InletActive
from ArchestrA z Value Property Default Value set to
Symbol Library Me.PV.IsActive1
$Motor Display PumpVert from Motor z Set all to Private
ArchestrA Symbol z Value Property Default Value set to
Library Me.PV.IsActive1
$Totalizer Display AnalogMeterResize Meter z Set all to Private except ResizeFactor
(from Training z Change the Default Values for the Custom
Symbols) Properties as follows:
zAnalogMeter.Max: Me.EngUnitsMax
zAnalogMeter.Min: Me.EngUnitsMin
zAnalogMeter.Value: Me.PV
Wonderware® Training
Lab 9 – Creating the Mixer Display 4-33
24. Continue to embed symbols to create a $Mixer.Display similar to the figure shown next:
z Me.Agitator.Display
z Me.Inlet1.CmdControl
z Me.Inlet1.Display
z Me.Inlet2.CmdControl
z Me.Inlet2.Display
z Me.Outlet.CmdControl
z Me.Outlet.Display
z Me.Pump1.Display
z Me.Pump2.Display
z Me.Total1.Display
z Me.Total2.Display
z Me.Total3.Display
z Me.TT.DisplayTemperature
Note: Use the Pipes from the ArchestrA Symbol Library to connect all symbols.
Note: Use graphic elements or symbols from the ArchestrA Symbol Library, like the
PanelPolishedBrass to emphasize the mixer name.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 9 – Creating the Mixer Display 4-35
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Advanced Editing 4-37
Section Objectives
z Identify and explain advanced animation techniques
Show Symbol
A Show Symbol animation pops-up a specified symbol independent of any InTouch Window at a
specified position when the run-time user clicks on the element. In the Edit Animations window
for the element, add the Show Symbol animation and configure the options:
z The symbol that will appear in the new window when the element is clicked on
z If the new window has a title bar and if so what the name is
z What type of window the symbol will display in
z In what position the window will display
z The window size (set width and height or a scale relative to the symbol or desktop)
z Identify a shortcut key to Show the symbol, if any
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Advanced Editing 4-39
Hide Symbol
In the Edit Animations window for the element, add the Hide Symbol animation and configure
the options:
z The symbol that will close, either the one that was shown by the element, or a symbol that
was shown by a specified element
z Identify a shortcut key to close the symbol, if any
Please see the Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User’s Guide for additional information
The Owning Object property of a symbol is a runtime property that is used to dynamically change
the references within a symbol from one instance to another. The Owning Object property can be
used as the ArchestrA object reference to replace all "Me." references in expressions and scripts.
The object name can be set either using the tagname or hierarchical name of an
Wonderware® Training
Lab 10 – Switching between Mixers using a Tabbed Display 4-41
In the last lab you created a symbol to display your mixers by embedding the ArchestrA Symbols
you created in previous labs into a new ArchestrA symbol in a containment relationship. In this lab
you will modify the $Mixer symbol to include a tabbed display as shown below, allowing you to
display data from different mixers.
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
z Use the Owning Object property of a symbol to dynamically change the references within
a symbol from one instance to another
m. Switch to WindowViewer to try the symbol in Runtime. Click on each of the tabs to see the
data from both mixers.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 10 – Switching between Mixers using a Tabbed Display 4-43
12. Right-click on the canvas and select Scripts to add the following script to the
$Mixer.TabbedDisplay symbol:
z Name: SwitchMixer
z Expression: Tabs.SelectedTab
z Trigger: DataChange
z Deadband: 0.0
z Code text:
Mixer.OwningObject = Tabs.SelectedTab;
Wonderware® Training
Lab 10 – Switching between Mixers using a Tabbed Display 4-45
Wonderware® Training
Lab 10 – Switching between Mixers using a Tabbed Display 4-47
23. Switch to WindowViewer to try the symbol on runtime. Click on each one of the tabs to see
the data from both mixers.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 11 – Creating a Popup Symbol 4-49
In the last lab you modified the $Mixer symbol to include a tabbed display allowing you to display
data from different mixers. In this lab you will create and configure a symbol that will display a
popup status window (another symbol) when activated by the user.
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
z Use the Show Symbol animation to make one ArchestrA Symbol cause another ArchestrA
Symbol to display in a popup dialog box.
Optional step:
k. Repeat all the previous steps to create a display symbol with a popup faceplate for the
$InControl template.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 11 – Creating a Popup Symbol 4-51
Wonderware® Training
Lab 11 – Creating a Popup Symbol 4-53
22. Repeat all the previous steps to create a display symbol with popup faceplate for the
$InControl template.
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Quality and Status Display 4-55
Section Objectives
z Describe the application of the Status element
This section describes the Status element and its application in monitoring data status and quality
in runtime.
The Status element can be found along with the other graphic elements in the Tools panel of
the ArchestrA Symbol Editor. To add a Status element to you symbol, just select it and draw it in
the canvas like you will do with any other element. More than one Status element can be added to
a single ArchestrA Symbol.
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Quality and Status Display 4-57
A Legend displays all the icons and overrides that will display in runtime:
Status elements are configured through the Edit Animations dialog box in a pre-built DataStatus
animation. You can associate the Status element to:
z Graphics tab: References and/or expressions in other graphic elements in the symbol. A
Status element can only monitor graphic elements that are at the same hierarchical level.
If there is a need to monitor graphic elements in different hierarchical levels (groups or
paths), a dedicated Status element must be added for that level (group or path).
Wonderware® Training
Section 3 – Quality and Status Display 4-59
z Expression tab: specific references and/or expressions from your application, including,
but not limited to: references to an attribute in the galaxy, custom properties for the
symbol, properties of embedded symbols, and expressions.
Wonderware® Training
Module 5
Alarm Visualization
Section 1 – ArchestrA Alarming Review 5-3
Section 2 – Alarm View Controls 5-7
Lab 12 – Building an Alarm Display 5-11
5-2 Module 5 – Alarm Visualization
Module Objectives
z Review the basics about alarm generation in ArchestrA
z Explain and demonstrate alarm suppression
z Introduce the Alarm ActiveX Object
z Use the Alarm Database Logger Utility to store information about alarms
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Alarming Review 5-3
Section Objectives
z Review the concept of alarms and events
z Review how ArchestrA handles alarms and events
This section provides a brief review of the concept of alarms and events and how ArchestrA
handles them.
What is an Alarm/Event
The alarm and event capabilities in the system provide for users to automate the detection,
notification, historization and viewing of either application (process) alarms and events or system/
software alarms events. Alarms and events occur in the runtime system. Events and alarms are
different and the system distinguishes between the two. An event is simply an occurrence of a
condition at a certain point in time. Alarms represent the occurrence of a condition that is
considered abnormal (generally bad) in nature and requiring immediate attention from a user.
Examples of alarms include:
z A process measurement has exceeded a predefined limit, such as a high temperature
z A process device is not in the desired state, such as a pump that should be running has
Examples of events include:
z The system engineer has changed the runtime system configuration; for example,
deployment of a new AutomationObject.
z A platform has come back online after it had a failure or shutdown.
The following items are not considered alarms or events:
z Configuration actions within the Galaxy Repository; for example import or check-out.
z A message sent to the system logger (SMCLogger). Note, sometimes certain software
events may log a message in addition to generating an event, but this is ancillary. Logger
messages are not events.
ArchestrA field InTouch Dist Alarms Mapping
Timestamp of alarm event Time
Tagname Name
Common message text string. Comment
Area Alarm group
Common name for alarm primitive Alarm Type (string)
(e.g. “PV.HiAlarm”)
New alarm state (ack, rtn, etc.) State
Priority = 1-999 Priority
Value (mxValue) Value
Limit (mxValue) Limit
Category Class
Category SubClass
Alarm Enable/Disable
The InTouch Alarm Client can enable/disable alarming on any AutomationObject. The platform
receives the enable request and forwards it to the target AutomationObject’s AlarmMode attribute.
Security is used as part of this set (it is a UserSetAttribute).
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Alarming Review 5-5
System Events:
Distributed Alarm subsystem
ArchestrA field
Type (or Category) = System Type = SYS
Timestamp Time
Tagname Name
Tag description Comment
Area Alarm group
System event description Event Type – if string, or use
(“started”, “stopped”) Comment field
N/a State = none (preferred) or
N/a Priority = 1
N/A Provider = Galaxy
N/A Event Class = EVENT
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Alarm View Controls 5-7
Section Objective
z Introduce the InTouch ActiveX Alarm controls
In this section you will learn about the Real-time and Historization alarm ActiveX controls available
in InTouch.
InTouch provides four ActiveX Controls used to visualize Real-time and Historization alarms:
z Alarm Viewer Control
z Alarm Database View Control
z Alarm TreeView Control
z Alarm Pareto
These controls have properties, methods, and events that can be modified while an application is
running to change the behavior of the control.
Once the control format has been designed, a user may have the ability to make the following
adjustments to manipulate the data they are viewing during Runtime, such as sorting and resizing
columns, updating the display, and running a query.
For detailed information on how to configure these controls please see the InTouch Alarms and
Events Guide.
Note: Real-time alarms are recorded in a database using the Alarm DB Logger utility.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Alarm View Controls 5-9
Note: Real-time alarms are recorded in a database using the Alarm DB Logger utility.
Using WindowMaker, in the Wizards/ActiveX Toolbar, click the Wizards button to display
the Wizard Selection dialog box giving you access to the ActiveX Controls category where all
the alarms ActiveX controls are pre-installed. Selecting the desired ActiveX control and then
clicking the OK button will allow you to paste the control in the Window similar to pasting
embedded symbols in a Window.
Note: ActiveX controls can only be used directly within WindowMaker. ArchestrA Symbols cannot
use ActiveX controls.
Resize the control, and double-click it to access configuration options detailed in the InTouch
Alarms and Events Guide.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 12 – Building an Alarm Display 5-11
Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Use and configure the InTouch alarm ActiveX controls to visualize real-time and history
Note: Be sure to add a space in the above Alarm Query between the m and the \.
b. Place the AlarmTreeViewerCtrl control in the Alarms window to the left of the
AlarmViewerCtrl and configure it as follows:
z ControlName: AlarmTreeViewer
z Alarm Query: \Galaxy
c. Add a Click Event named FilterAlarms to AlarmTreeViewerCtrl with the following script:
query = #AlarmTreeViewer.GetAlarmQueryFromSelection();
IF query <> "" THEN
#AlarmViewer.AlarmQuery = query;
d. Add the following buttons and animate them as shown:
Animation Animation Script
ACK All Touch Pushbuttons / #AlarmViewer.AckAll( "Acknowledge ALL alarms in
Action the client control." );
View Touch Pushbuttons / #AlarmViewer.QueryType = "Summary";
Summary Action
View Touch Pushbuttons / #AlarmViewer.QueryType = "Historical";
Historical Action
Note: Configure the Alarm DB Logger Manager utility to record all alarms in your Galaxy. Use
your local SQL Server and the default database name of WWALMDB. (Your instructor will provide
you with the password for the sa account).
e. Place the AlmDbViewCtrl control near the bottom-left corner of the Alarms window.
f. Configure it as follows, and test the connection:
z ControlName: AlarmDbView
z Server Name: (local)
Wonderware® Training
Lab 12 – Building an Alarm Display 5-13
Wonderware® Training
Lab 12 – Building an Alarm Display 5-15
5. Double-click the new AlarmViewerCtrl to open its properties window and configure it as
z In the Control Name tab:
z ControlName: AlarmViewer
Note: Be sure to add a space in the above Alarm Query between the m and the \.
Click the OK button when you are finished configuring the AlarmViewer properties.
6. Click the Wizards… button in the Wizards/ActiveX Toolbar.
7. Select the AlarmTreeViewerCtrl control from the ActiveX Controls category and click the
OK button.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 12 – Building an Alarm Display 5-17
8. Place the control in the Alarms window to the left of the AlarmViewerCtrl.
9. Double-click the control to open its properties window and configure it as follows:
z In the Control Name tab:
z ControlName: AlarmTreeViewer
z In the Query tab:
z Alarm Query: \Galaxy
z In the Events tab:
z Click: FilterAlarms (click the OK button to create the script)
10. Type the following script in the ActiveX Event Scripts window:
query = #AlarmTreeViewer.GetAlarmQueryFromSelection();
IF query <> "" THEN
#AlarmViewer.AlarmQuery = query;
11. Click the OK button to close the ActiveX Event Scripts window.
13. Use the Button tool in the Draw Object Toolbar to draw a button below the AlarmViewer
Wonderware® Training
Lab 12 – Building an Alarm Display 5-19
14. Right-click on the button and select Substitute / Substitute Strings… and replace Text with
Ack All.
15. Double-click on the Ack All button to add animation.
16. In the Touch Pushbuttons section, click the Action button.
17. Enter the following script in the Touch -> Action Scripts window:
#AlarmViewer.AckAll( "Acknowledge ALL alarms in the client control." );
18. Click the OK button to close the window.
19. Click the OK button to close the animations dialog box.
20. Using the previous steps, Duplicate the Ack All button and create two more buttons as
Animation Animation Script
View Touch Pushbuttons / #AlarmViewer.QueryType = "Summary";
Summary Action
View Touch Pushbuttons / #AlarmViewer.QueryType = "Historical";
Historical Action
Note: Please refer to the note at the end of this lab if you need assistance with configuration of
the Alarm DB Logger Manager utility.
23. In the Alarms window in WindowMaker, click the Wizards… button in the Wizards/ActiveX
24. Select the AlmDbViewCtrl control from the ActiveX Controls category and click the OK
25. Place the control near the bottom-left corner of the Alarms window.
26. Double-click the control to open its properties window and configure it as follows:
z In the Control Name tab:
z ControlName: AlarmDbView
z In the Database tab:
z Server Name: (local)
z Database Name: WWAlmDb
z User: sa
z Password: (your instructor will provide this information)
z Auto Connect: checked
27. Click the Test Connection button to verify the configuration.
Note: If you receive an error message, check your configuration and/or ask your instructor for
Wonderware® Training
Lab 12 – Building an Alarm Display 5-21
33. Double-click the control to open its properties window and configure it as follows:
z In the Control Name tab:
z ControlName: AlarmPareto
z In the Database tab:
z Server Name: (local)
z Database Name: WWAlmDb
z User: sa
z Password: (your instructor will provide this information)
z Auto Connect: checked
34. Click the Test Connection to verify the configuration.
Note: If you receive an error message, check your configuration and/or ask your instructor for
Wonderware® Training
Module 6
History Visualization
Section 1 – ArchestrA Historization Review 6-3
Section 2 – ActiveFactory Controls 6-7
Lab 13 – Building a History Display 6-15
6-2 Module 6 – History Visualization
Module Objectives
z Review the basics about historical data generation in ArchestrA
z Introduce the ActiveFactory.NET controls
z Explain and demonstrate historical data retrieval from the Historian
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Historization Review 6-3
Section Objectives
z Familiarize you with the background concept of Historization
z Discuss details of historizable configuration
This section reviews the concepts of historization covered in the Wonderware System Platform 3.0
Part 1 course.
Historization Background
The history system supports historization of process data in distributed history architecture.
One or more Historian products can be installed on the same network as the Application Server
Galaxy. The Galaxy can be configured to store history data into one or more of those Historians.
Since the Engines use push technology to historize, the Historian box does not have any
ArchestrA software requirements.
Each Engine in the Galaxy is configured with the location of the Historian storage node to which its
history data is to be sent. This configuration is stored in an attribute within the Engine.
Wonderware Historian requires a Historian tag to be configured in its database for each attribute to
be historized by an AutomationObject. Thus, there is a one-to-one relationship between a
historized object and a tag in Wonderware Historian.
When an AutomationObject starts up it registers its configuration data with Historian using a
Historian supplied interface. If the Historian tag already exists, it means this object has been
previously registered. If the Historian tag does not exist, it is created automatically. In either case,
the object receives back a unique identifier (handle) for that tag. This is a push-style configuration
model, meaning the configuration data for each historized property of an object is dynamically, and
automatically, pushed to Historian.
For storage, the story is similar. When an object decides to store a new VTQ to Historian, it pushes
that storage update message, with the new VTQ, to Historian using a Historian supplied interface.
The history primitive uses the previously-returned unique identifier for the Historian tag that
corresponds to the historized property to identify the tag being stored.
History Configuration
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Historization Review 6-5
NaN Handling
For Float and Double attributes, a potential value is the IEEE NaN encoding for the float or double
representation. NaN values can be generated for attributes that are to be historized. These NaNs
will be accompanied by a Bad OPC Data Quality. In any case, NaN is a valid value that can be
generated for floats and doubles. Unfortunately, Historian clients do not handle NaN properly.
Therefore, ArchestrA will convert the NaN value to a Null value representation just prior to sending
to Historian.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – ActiveFactory Controls 6-7
Section Objectives
z Introduce the aaHistClientTrend, aaHistClientQuery, aaHistClientTagPicker,
aaHistClientTimeRangePicker, aaHistClientActiveDataGrid, and
aaHistClientSingleValueEntry Controls
This section introduces the ActiveFactory .NET controls available for use in ArchestrA Symbols.
ActiveFactory Controls
ActiveFactory provides some of its applications and functionality as .NET controls. Using the Client
Controls functionality of ArchestrA, ActiveFactory .NET controls can be imported into the galaxy as
Client Controls to be embedded into ArchestrA Symbols.
The installation of ActiveFactory will automatically install the .NET controls available. Using the
ArchestrA IDE, the .NET controls can be imported into the Galaxy from the following default
location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArchestrA.
For more information about Client Controls and how to import them, see Module 3, “Advanced
Features,” Section 5, “Advanced Features.”
The following are the only ActiveFactory .NET controls supported:
z aaHistClientTrendControl
z aaHistClientQueryControl
z aaHistClientSingleValueEntryControl
z aaHistClientTagPicker
z aaHistClientTimeRangePicker
z aaHistClientActiveDataGridControl
The aaHistClientTrend control allows you to run the ActiveFactory Trend program (or a functional
subset) from within the Wonderware InTouch HMI software or a .NET container like Visual Basic
.NET or Internet Explorer.
Trend is a client application that allows you to query tags from a Historian database and plot them
on a graphical display. Trend supports two different chart types: a regular trend curve and an XY
scatter plot.
After you add tags to a trend chart, you can manipulate the display in a variety of ways, including
panning, zooming, and scaling. You can customize any trend by configuring display options and
set general options for use with all trends.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – ActiveFactory Controls 6-9
The aaHistClientQuery control allows you to run the ActiveFactory Query program (or a functional
subset) from within the Wonderware InTouch HMI software or a .NET container like Visual Basic
.NET or Internet Explorer.
Query is a client application that allows you to retrieve data from a Historian database or any SQL
Server database and return the results in a table format. If you are querying the Historian
database, you can choose from a number of predefined query types and easily select the options
for each type, eliminating the need to know SQL syntax. The SQL query is created for you.
You can also write custom queries if you know SQL syntax and the schema of database you are
The aaHistClientTagPicker control allows you to view the hierarchy of objects in the Wonderware
Historian database (for example, tags, InTouch nodes, events, and so on) in a hierarchical format.
Unlike the other ActiveFactory controls, the aaHistClientTagPicker control does not provide a user
interface to select and connect to a Historian. A programmatic interface needs to be added to
allow this functionality.
The following code can be used in a script to allow a user to log on to the Historian located in the
aaTagPicker1.Servers.Add( "localhost" );
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – ActiveFactory Controls 6-11
The aaHistClientTimeRangePicker control allows you to select a time duration based on a start
time, duration and/or end time.
aaHistClientActiveDataGrid Control
The aaHistClientActiveDataGrid control can execute any SQL query from any Wonderware
Historian or Microsoft SQL Server database and return the results in a grid.
Note: The aaHistClientActiveDataGrid does not support data definition or data manipulation
Unlike the other ActiveFactory controls, the aaHistClientActiveDataGrid control does not provide a
user interface to select and connect to a SQL Server or specify the query that will feed data to the
grid. A programmatic interface needs to be added to allow this functionality.
The following code can be used in a script to connect to the localhost Historian as aaUser and
query history data for the SysTimeSec tag:
aaTagPicker1.Servers.Add( "localhost" );
aaHistClientActiveDataGrid1.ServerName = "localhost";
aaHistClientActiveDataGrid1.UserName = "aaUser";
aaHistClientActiveDataGrid1.Password = "pwUser";
aaHistClientActiveDataGrid1.DatabaseName = "Runtime";
aaHistClientActiveDataGrid1.SQLString = "SELECT * FROM History
WHERE Tagname = 'SysTimeSec'";
aaHistClientActiveDataGrid1.Connected = 1;
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – ActiveFactory Controls 6-13
aaHistClientSingleValueEntry Control
Use the aaHistClientSingleValueEntry control to manually add a tag value to the Wonderware
Historian database.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 13 – Building a History Display 6-15
In this lab, you will import an ActiveFactory trending .NET control, create a new symbol using the
imported .NET control, and use the new symbol in the History window to display history production
data as shown below.
Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Import and use .NET controls within ArchestrA symbols
z Use ActiveFactory Trend as part of an HMI application
Tab1 Mixer 1
Tab2 Mixer 2
g. Embed an aaTrendControl client control under the Tabs element named aaTrend.
h. Configure the Trend symbol with the following Trigger type: On Show script:
aaTrend.TagPickerVisible = False;
Tabs.DefaultTabNr = 1;
i. Add a new script named AddMixerTags configured as follows:
z Expression: Tabs.SelectedTabNr
z Trigger: DataChange
z Deadband: 0.0
If Tabs.SelectedTabNr == 1 Then
ElseIf Tabs.SelectedTabNr == 2 Then
j. Embed the Trend symbol in the History window, switch to runtime and test the tabs.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 13 – Building a History Display 6-17
4. After the .NET control has been imported, click the OK button.
11. Right-click the Tabs element and select Substitute / Substitute Strings.
12. Rename as follows:
Tab1 Mixer 1
Tab2 Mixer 2
Wonderware® Training
Lab 13 – Building a History Display 6-19
22. Open the History window in WindowMaker.
23. Use the Embed ArchestrA Graphic button to embed the new Trend symbol from the
Training Symbols toolset.
24. Switch to WindowViewer to try the symbol in runtime.
25. Click on each of the tabs to see data from each mixer.
Wonderware® Training
Module 7
Section 1 – ArchestrA Security Review 7-3
Lab 14 – Security 7-9
Section 2 – Bulletproofing the Application 7-17
7-2 Module 7 – Security
Module Objectives
z Review the ArchestrA security model
z Explain applying customized security options to an application
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Security Review 7-3
Section Objectives
z Review ArchestrA Security concepts
ArchestrA-Based Security
The ArchestrA security system is a global function that applies to every object in the Galaxy
database. It is a relationship-based security system between users and the objects and functions
of the Galaxy. ArchestrA security is designed to allow system administrators to easily define users
and assign the operations they are allowed to perform. The security permissions are defined in
terms of the operations the users can perform using automation objects.
Key Points
ArchestrA-based security is based on security roles (configuration, system administration, and
run-time permissions) and security groups, which determine a particular security role’s run-time
permissions on an object-level basis.
When you configure a node to use ArchestrA security, the InTouch HMI uses methods and dialog
boxes from Application Server for logon and logoff operations. Users are configured on the
Application Server IDE.
ArchestrA-based security includes advanced security mechanisms that also affect InTouch, such
z Secured Write: writing data to a Galaxy attribute from InTouch requires operators to re-
enter their passwords to complete the writeback.
z Verified Write: writing data to a Galaxy attribute from InTouch requires operators to re-
enter their passwords and also authorization of a second operator to complete the
For more information, see the InTouch® HMI Application Management and Extension Guide.
AttemptInvisibleLogon() Function
The AttemptInvisibleLogon() function can be used in a script to log on a user to InTouch using the
supplied credentials. The user is not required to enter a password or user ID.
If the logon attempt succeeds, then TRUE is returned and the, $OperatorName, $AccessLevel,
and $Operator system tags are updated accordingly.
If the log on attempt fails, then FALSE is returned, and the currently logged on user (if any)
continues to be the current user.
The Domain argument must be an empty string. If the ArchestrA security mode is using operating
system-based security, the UserId argument should contain the fully qualified user name with
domain name or computer name.
ChangePassword() Function
Shows the Change Password dialog box, allowing the logged on operator to change his/her
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Security Review 7-5
InvisibleVerifyCredentials() Function
The InvisibleVerifyCredentials() function can be used in a synchronous QuickScript to verify the
credentials of the given user without logging the user on to the InTouch HMI. If the supplied
combination of user, password, and domain are valid then the corresponding access level
associated with the user is returned as an integer. Otherwise, -1 is returned.
This function does not change the currently logged on user. The Domain argument must be an
empty string. If the ArchestrA security mode is using operating system-based security, the UserId
argument should contain the fully qualified user name with domain name or computer name.
LogonCurrentUser() Function
Logs on to InTouch with the user account that is currently logged on to the Windows operating
system. Use this function only for operating system-based security. Returns -1 and no change to
the values assigned to $Operator, $OperatorName and $AccessLevel if the logon fails.
PostLogonDialog() Function
Shows the InTouch Logon dialog box and returns TRUE.
Note: For more information on how to configure security, see the Application Server User’s
Wonderware® Training
Section 1 – ArchestrA Security Review 7-7
Wonderware® Training
Lab 14 – Security 7-9
Lab 14 – Security
In this lab, you will establish security in the application by creating specific user accounts and roles
and applying scripting to them.
Upon completion of this lab you will be able to:
z Use InTouch system tags and built-in script functions to interact with ArchestrA security.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 14 – Security 7-11
Test Security
o. Switch to WindowViewer and try to interact with the mixers to test security.
p. Log in as TUser and interact with the mixers again.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 14 – Security 7-13
Note: You can double-click the text box to display the Select Tag dialog box to select the
tagname instead of typing it.
Note: You will need to clear the contents of the text box first, then double-click the text box to
display the Select Tag dialog box.
Wonderware® Training
Lab 14 – Security 7-15
Test Security
47. Switch to WindowViewer and try to interact with the mixers to test security.
48. Log in as TUser and interact with the mixers again.
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Bulletproofing the Application 7-17
Section Objective
z Explain applying customized security options to an application
This section covers customization of the runtime environment to bulletproof the application.
General tab
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Bulletproofing the Application 7-19
Menus area allows you to show or hide different menu options within WindowViewer. Take special
note on the following items:
Menu Bar: Prevents the menu bar from appearing.
WindowMaker: Prevents the operator from being able to switch to the WindowMaker program
(Selecting this option does not affect the fast switch to WindowMaker).
Logic: Prevents the operator from starting and stopping all QuickScript execution during
You can use the system tagname $LogicRunning to allow the operator to start and stop all
Wonderware® Training
Section 2 – Bulletproofing the Application 7-21
Note: If the Allow CTRL-Break to stop scripts option is selected, the operator will be able to
stop all QuickScripts from executing, regardless of whether or not the Logic menu is
Note: You cannot change the title bar if you are using a "Promotional License."
Show Application Directory in Title Bar: Include the path to the application's directory in the
title bar. For example: ABC Company, Paint APP1 - C:\DEMOAPP1
Hide Title Bar: Hide the application's title bar in runtime.
Miscellaneous area
Impossible to Close: Prevent the operator from closing WindowViewer.
Note: You must clear the Control Menu option (also called the System menu) in order to hide
the close (X) box in the upper right hand corner of the application.)
Allow CTRL-Break to stop scripts: Allow the operator to press the CTRL + BREAK key
sequence and stop the execution of all QuickScripts whenever necessary during runtime.
Asynchronous QuickFunctions that are currently executing cannot be stopped. However, new
asynchronous QuickFunctions can be prevented from executing.
Enable Fast Switch to use the “fast switch” to toggle between WindowMaker and
Disable ALT key to disable the ALT key and prevent the operator from executing menu
commands by using the ALT + accelerator key. For example, ALT + FX to exit the application.
Hide Cursor to prevent the cursor from being displayed during runtime (if a touch-screen will
be used).
Disable CTRL-ESC key to prevent the operator from accessing the Windows Start menu to
close and/or switch applications.
Disable WIN key to prevent the operator from accessing the Windows Start menu to close
and/or switch applications.
Always Maximize to keep the WindowViewer program maximized at all times.
Note: The home windows selections have no effect when you use the fast switch to start
WindowViewer. Home windows are automatically opened when you start WindowViewer
directly from either its icon or its menu command.
The Managed Application tab was discussed on page 2-39 of this manual.
Wonderware® Training
Module 8
Module Objective
z Explain how to configure a second language for an InTouch Application
z Describe how to wwitch back and forth between the two languages in Runtime.
Wonderware Training
Section 1 – Runtime Language Switching 8-3
Section Objective
z Configure a second language for an InTouch Application.
z Switch back and forth between the two languages in Runtime.
This section describes how to configure a second language for an InTouch Application, and how to switch
languages in Runtime.
InTouch is not limited to the available InTouch languages. InTouch has the capability of building
applications that can switch to different language interfaces during Runtime. Multiple language
interfaces in one application are supported. This means that a developer can develop an InTouch
application for customers in multiple countries or for a customer whose operators speak multiple
languages. The developer configures the application with more than one language and then the
text strings shown at Runtime can be easily switched to any specified language.
After translation, Runtime Language Switching is controlled either by changing the value of the
system tag $Language to correlate with the international Locale ID, choosing the language from
the Language option of the Special pull-down menu at Runtime, or by using the QuickScript
function SwitchDisplayLanguage.
All static strings in an application can be configured for different languages, including:
z Text Labels and Button Text
z Discrete (on/off) Messages
Scripts are NOT translated: they are not accessed in Runtime. Text within ArchestrA Symbols are
also NOT translated. In this context, ArchestrA Symbols are a separate entity outside the reach of
the Runtime Language Switching functionality.
Fonts can be configured separately for each language, which may be necessary when the text
strings in one language are longer than another and do not fit within the space provided. InTouch
has the ability to mix single and multi-byte fonts in an application. In most languages, a single-byte
of data can represent a character in a font family. However, in some languages, such as Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean, two or more bytes are required to represent each character uniquely.
To enable an application for Runtime language switching, a developer defines which languages
the application will support, adds Runtime language switching trigger (such as a button that using
an Action script, when clicked, switches to a different language), and then exports an XML file of
all the text strings in the application. This file is sent for translation, where the translator can use a
common tool such as Microsoft Excel to enter the translated words and phrases. Then the
translated file is imported back into the application.
b. Enter the translation in the Translation column to the right of the corresponding Phrase in the
primary language.
Wonderware Training
Section 1 – Runtime Language Switching 8-5
Note: If no translation or translation criteria is defined, the application will retain the primary
language and its settings.
Warning: Use the Save As command. Select the file format XML Data! Do NOT same the file
as an XML Spreadsheet or Excel will alter the schema and InTouch will not recognize the data.
e. Click Save.
The following warning appears:
f. Click Continue.
g. Close the Excel file without saving.
The file is now ready for use.
Note: You can use graphics instead of buttons for a visual clue. You might want to use the
country’s flag or a map for quick recognition of the language to switch to.
d. Create a Touch Pushbutton – Action link for the button to trigger new language and enter
the following script:
$Language=xxxx; {Use the number for the corresponding language}
For example, switching to Italian would use the following script:
$Language=1040; {Set to Italian}
e. Create a Touch Pushbutton – Action link for the button to return to the primary language and
enter the following script:
$Language=xxxx; {Use the number for the corresponding language}
For example, switching to American English would use the following script:
$Language=1033; {Set back to English}
You can also use the SwitchDisplayLanguage Miscellaneous script function. This script function
switches the display of visible, static texts in a desired language for which translated strings are
The syntax is SwitchDisplayLanguage(LocaleID);
LocaleID specifies the language in which static text strings should be displayed at runtime.
The following is an example of a script using this script function:
DIM German as INTEGER;
where German is the language to be displayed at runtime.
Wonderware Training
Section 1 – Runtime Language Switching 8-7
Wonderware Training