Student Support
Logging in
If you have previously registered through oca-uk.com prior to 3rd September 2010, follow these steps to log in the first time:
• Type oca-student.com into your browser’s address bar and press enter/return
• Click on ‘Request new password’ and enter either the username you chose for oca-uk.com or the email address you used to register.
• Check your emails for an email from oca-student.com and follow the instructions to create a new password.
If you are new to the Open College of the Arts and did not register on oca-uk.com prior to 3rd September 2010, follow these instructions
for logging in for the first time; it may take up to seven days for your account to become active on oca-student.com, if it is not active
after seven days of your enrolment date, please contact OCA to resolve the problem. Please also note that you must have supplied the
OCA with a working email address that you can access in order for you to access oca-student.com:
• Type oca-student.com into your browser’s address bar and press enter/return
• Click on ‘Request a new password’ and type your first name immediately followed by your OCA student number (e.g. paul321456)
• Check your emails for an email from oca-student.com and follow the instructions to create a new password.
The Dashboard
On OCA student you will find there is more than one dashboard. If you click on the red ‘Dashboard’ icon in the horizontal
navigation bar, you will find the Community Dashboard, which will tell you what has been happening on oca-student.com.
From here you can also find out which other students and tutors are online and send them private messages. To send a private message,
start typing their name into the field that appears, select their username, and then send them a message. You will receive alerts via email
when replies are posted to your private messages so you don’t have to keep checking your messages page.
In the forums you can start new topics or join existing ones. An anatomy of the forum page is provided at the back of this
The folders are a place to upload your OCA coursework. At present, items can only be added one at a time but this will
be increased in future. When uploading work, select the course and assignment it relates to, so that it is appropriately
categorised for others to find (when selecting, hold down your keyboard’s ctrl key to select both the course and the
assignment, or the ‘apple’ key on an Apple Mac; selecting more than one option makes sure your work is thoroughly categorised, making
it easier to find).
To browse other students’ work, either begin typing their username into the field above the folders and select them from there, or
alternatively, perform a general search to find work by its title.
Key Resources
The key resources section contains documents that have been published by the OCA, such as booklets and forms that
you might needs during, or at the end of, your courses. A key resource can be either a text file, a PDF file, a web link, a
video, or an image.
Communal Resources
Communal resources can be added by any student or tutor of the OCA. These are added the ‘Create Content’ button.
Like the Key Resources, a communal resource can be any number of media types.
Dashboard: The dashboard offers you (and other students and tutors) a
glimpse of your recent activity on the website.
Account Settings: Here, ypu can change your email address and password
(username to come). If you click on the sub-menu ‘Profile from here, you
can also update your personal details which will apear when another user
clicks on your name. By clicking on ‘Picture’, you can upload an image to
represent yourself on the website.
Messages: Here, you can read and reply to private and site-wide messages
that have been sent to you.
Subscriptions: Here, you can update the settings that relate to content
you want to keep track of. If you have previously subscribed to be notified
when a particular content type is created, you can cancel that notification here by clicking ‘drop’ next to it. If you are not
receiving notofications, the usual reason is that you may have a duplicate user account that shares your current email
address, possibly brought over from the old website. Please contact the OCA if there is a problem with your subscriptions
and the issue will be looked into..
You can enter any of the forums by clicking on its title. You will then see a screen that looks like this:
From here, you can either start a new topic or click on an existing topic to read the discussion that has been going on. By clicking on an
existing topic, you will be presented with a page that contains the topic’s initial post; that post may have already been commented on.
The Comment viewing options are there in case you have a different preference for how you wish to read your forum topics. By default,
they are displayed as flat lists, in descending date order (oldest first), with ten comments per page but you may wish to change this to
ascending date order if you prefer to read the most recent comment first and to display more or fewer comments per page.
Next to the body of the reply, you will see the commentor’s username, their picture (if set), whether they are on- or off-line, and how long
they’ve been a member. There is also a button that allows you to send a private message to that user if you wish to.
Simply enter the title and the text of your topic before clicking ‘Save’. You can, if you wish, select a different forum to post the topic into
at this point by clicking on the drop-down menu, but otherwise just click ‘Save’ and the topic will be added to the relevant forum ready
to receive comments.
Creating a folder
To create a folder, click on the ‘Create content’ button from anywhere on the site, and click on ‘Folder’ in the list that spills down.
You should now see something the image below.
Enter the title and description of the folder.
Now, if applicable, click on the subject area
that the folder will relate to. If the folder will
contain media related to just a specific course
or assignment within that subject area, hold
down the ‘Ctrl’ key (Apple on a mac), and left
click on the relevant course and assignment. *
In the messages section, you can read messages that students and tutors may have sent to you through the Private Messages
function. You will be informed of any unread messages via the main Dashboard.
The Notifications section contains all content types, users or content items that you have requested to be notified about when
changes are made to them e.g. when a user comments on a forum post you are interested in. You can also set how you wish to be
notified of changes - by mail or just via the site.
0800 731 2116