Burner Calculation
Burner Calculation
Burner Calculation
1) Input Fuel characteristics 6) Once the barrel is complete, adjust the tip cross sectional areas
2) Input kiln production data Ultimate target is Is = 1.8 and Sw = 0.15, by adjusting the tip dimensions.
Change the tip cross sectional areas by adjusting the axial holes
3) Determine (goal seek) transport air flow rate : 5 kg/m3 for blower, 7 kg/m3 for pump diameter and the width of groove for the swirl.
- vary the transport flowrate - Nm3/h
- note that blowers cannot take the higher material density rate 7) Optimise static pressures at tip, tip cross sectional area and all other
constraints. Obtain the best balance for:
4) Obtain optimum or target flow rates values (swirl & axial) Target of Is = 1.8 and Sw = 0.15,.
For a first calculation, start with static pressures of 40.000 Pa for axial, and Optimum flow rates
25.000 Pa for swirl - 10% primary air; 7% axial + transport (in case that no swirl
is used). Use solver, changing the groove width, the axial holes diameters, the axial and 8) Confirm choice of fan or blower for swirl air based on static
the swirl static pressures. Add constraints on the axial pressure (35.000-60.000 Pa), pressure in the tip - choice effects bias coefficient
and to the swirl pressure (>18.000 Pa if fan, 20.000-30.000 Pa if blower).
9) Determine range for blowers: maximum for (Is,Sw)=(1.8,0.15), and
Note the optimum flow rates as well as cross section areas (mm2) minimum for (0.9,0.05). Check that , doing this, we stay in the range
Ultimate target is Is = 1.8 and Sw = 0.15. of 7 to 12% primary air.
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TIP CROSS SECTION AREAS Diameters : % cross section reduction Dext : 540.0
(mm) thk : 8 524
AXIAL AIR 523.0 8.5 76,694 Pa
Holes 1, Vanes 2 : 1 ### m/s 471.0 77.5% Err:511 m/s Err:511 Nm3/h
9123 mm2 Dext : 470.0
446.0 12.5 thk : 12 446
TRANSPORT AIR 23 m/s 387.0 23.2 m/s Dext : 387.0
38600 mm2 thk : 12.5 362
343.0 22 17,839 Pa
SWIRL AIR ### m/s 311.6 47.1% Err:511 m/s Err:511 Nm3/h
7000 mm2 Dext : 298.5
265 23.3 thk : 7.1 284.3
DETAILS OF THE TIP Swirler Number slots groove width radial gap radius
angle (o) of vanes width(mm) (mm) vanes(mm) raccord.
Swirl 35 16 33.0 27.0 0.5 1
Axial (if vanes) -
Kiln TYPE : NP Production (t kk/d) : 3660
GEOMETRY Axial Swirl Transport
Height of spacers/blades (mm) 15.2 -
Width de fraise d'usinage (mm) 27.0 -
Width of blades in front (mm) 34.2 -
Surf. masquée par les raccords 7 -
Surf. apparente de sortie (mm2) 9123 8546 -
Exit effective area (mm2) 8849 6790 38600
gyration radius(mm) - 164 -
Thermal power of the burner (Pth) = Pofen * Qofen * (100 - SF) / 24 / 100000 117.2115 GJ/h
Qnax = Qmeax * (101325 +100* Pax) / 101325 * 273 / (273 + Tax) 1961.0 Nm3/h
Qnrot = Qmerot * (101325 +100* Prot) / 101325 * 273 / (273 + Trot) 1093.0 Nm3/h
Qax = = Qnax * 1,293 / ROax1 2523.5293 m3/h
Qrot = = Qnrot * 1,293 / ROrot1 1191.6246 m3/h
Qtran = Qtran0 * (273 + Ttran) / 273 3824 m3/h
Qmax = Qax * ROax1 / 3600 0.704 kg/s
Qmrot = Qrot * ROrot1 / 3600 0.393 kg/s
Qmtran = Qtran * ROtran / 3600 1.078 kg/s
MED =2 * Wurzel ((Qmax + Qmrot + Qmtran) * (Qax + Qrot + Qtran) / 3600 / Pi / Gaxial) 0.239 m
Sometimes the PDL system is not able to calculate y = x^0,7
In this case we will make a mathematical transformation
Y = EXP( 0,7 * LN( X))
Radial air
Axial air
Constant values
Effectiver exit area Axial (Aa)
Effectiver exit area Radial (Ar)
Effectiver exit area Transport (At)
Blade angle
gyration radius (Rg)
Transport air (Qtran0) Calculation
Percent of heat at back-end (SF)
Temperature burner inlet Axial (Tax) Is Sw
Temperature burner inlet Radial (Trot)
Temperature burner inlet Transport (Ttran)
X/TPP/Rt/ALLGEBERE/393694230.xls/Sketch 08/03/2018
Data logging system
Kiln feed
{kiln output (Pofen)}
X/TPP/Rt/ALLGEBERE/393694230.xls/Sketch 08/03/2018
Fuel Charac
% 0% 100% 100%
%C 64 91.3 91.30
%S 0.71 1.88 1.88
%H 3.05 3.69 3.69
%O 6.9 1.64 1.64
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