Pharmacognosy Notes
Pharmacognosy Notes
Pharmacognosy Notes
2. GPAT Discussion Center
• Cassia oil only contains cinnamic aldehyde. So it only give brown colour
• Ferric chloride + cinnamic aldehyde Brown colour
3. GPAT Discussion Center
a. Cinnamon chips: untrimmed bark so it is distinguished from genuine drug by presence of abundant cork
b. Java cinnamon: bark is double quill and medullary contains small tubular calcium oxalate crystals
while genuine drug has acicular calcium oxalate crystals.
D. Clove:
a. Hypanthium is surrounded by 4 thick acute divergent sepals surrounded by dome shaped corolla
b. Epidermis have large anomocytic stomata, ellipsoidal schizolysigenous oil glands,
c. Cluster of calcium oxalate crystals and no starch.
• Mother cloves: contains starch and very low content of volatile oils
• Clove stalks: contain only 5 % oil and are detected by prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate and
isodiametric sclerides. Authentic cloves should not contain more than 5 % of stalks to pass pharmacopeial
• Exhausted cloves: cloves from which oil has been removed by distillation. Exhausted cloves float on
water while authentic clove is heavier than water.
• Blown cloves: they are not bud but these are expanded flowers of clove of tree. Stamens are generally get
E. Coriander:
1. Orthospermic fruit. The fruits are in the form of mericarps usually separated and free from pedicel. While
Indian dill contains whole cremocarps.
2. European dill has main chemical constituent carvone and dihydrocarvone while Indian dill has dilla-pole.
3. Mesocarp contains reticulated parenchyma.
1. Orthospermic fruit
2. Anomocytic stomata
3. Trichomes and starch grains are absent.
4. Rosette crystals of calcium oxalate
5. Parquetry arrangement of cells on the inner epidermis of Pericarp.
Glucose + Safranal
J. TAXUS (Taxus Brevifolia): give Taxol which is a diterpenoid that stimulate α and β tubulin which
polymerise to give microtubules and for these process microtubules associated protein (MAP) and GTP is
necessary. Taxol brings the polymerization in the absence of MAP and GTP. Due to enhanced microtubules
can detrimental effects on dividing cells which leads to blockage of cell cycle.
10-deacetyl baccatin III is converted to Taxol by tissue culture.
True alkaloids: contain heterocyclic Nitrogen which is derived from amino acid and always basic in nature due
to presence of lone pair of electrons on nitrogen.
Proto alkaloids: are simple amines in which Nitrogen is not heterocyclic. E.g. ephedrine, Colchicine, mescaline
Pseudo alkaloids: they are not derived from amino acids but they show positive test for alkaloids. E.g. purines
(caffeine), steroidal and terpenoidal alkaloids Conessine, solanidine, protoveratrine, aconine.
• Some of proto and pseudo alkaloids show higher solubility in water e.g. Colchicine, caffeine, quinine HCl
are freely soluble in water. So solubility of alkaloid is also employed for extraction procedures.
Chemical test:
i. Mayer’s reagent test (K+ mercuric iodide solution) Cream colored ppt
ii. Dragendroff’s reagent (K bismuth iodide solution) Red brown ppt
iii. Wagner’s reagent (iodine K iodide solution ) Red brown ppt
iv. Hager’s reagent (Picric acid) Yellow colored ppt
v. Picrolonic acid Yellow colored ppt
A. Ergot:
Ovary of rye plant infected by ascospores (sexual spores) of the fungus Claviceps Purpurea. Sclerotium stage
contains maximum amount of pseudo parenchyma used for production of lysergic acid derivatives. There are six
pairs of alkaloids; levo form is medicinally active while dextro is inert.
• Ergometrine and ergometrinine are water soluble remaining are water insoluble.
• Ergometrine gives blue florescence in water.
• Ergotamine used for treatment of migraine
• Ergometrine is used as oxytocic and used to enhance labour pains in delivery cases and also to prevent
post partum hemorrhage.
• LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide): Posses psycho mimetic action and used in psychiatry but its use is
• Methyl sergide: is lysergic acid which is used as prophylactic for migraine
B. Nux-Vomica:
1. Seeds are disc-shaped and have concavo-convex surface. Nux vomica contains
glycoside loganin.
2. Epidermis with collapsed cells
3. lignified covering trichomes
4. Calcium crystals and starch grains are absent
5. Plasmodesmata
• Manddin’s reagent (ammonium vanadate + sulphuric acid) endospermic cells give purple color due to
• Endospermic cells with concentrated nitric acid give yellow color due to presence of Brucine.
Brucine is 1/6 potency as compared to strychnine like increased in B.P, stimulation of respiratory and CVS. But
Brucine is 4 times bitterer than strychnine.
C. Rauwolfia:
a. Cork is stratified
b. Sclerenchyma, stone cells, phloem fibers are absent.
c. Prismatic calcium oxalate crystals.
7. GPAT Discussion Center
Vinblastine contains a indole alkaloid part called as cathranthine and dihydroindole alkaloid is called as vindoline.
Vinblastine is anti neoplastic drug and act by causing the mitosis arrest or by interfering with amino acid
metabolism. It is mostly used in treatment of Hodgkin’s disease and lymphomas.
E. Opium: Dried latex obtained by incision from unripe capsules of Papaver somniferum. Largest
production is in Afghanistan. In India its cultivation is restricted to M.P, U.P and Rajasthan. Narcotine /
Noscapine was the first alkaloid reported in opium. Capsules incised vertically with ‘Nushtar’ which is
needle like apparatus penetrates up to 2 mm in afternoon. Opium factor in India is at Ghazipur. The best
climate conditions for opium is soil pH 7, rich in organic matter, cool whether without freezing temp.
Chemical test:
1. Opium extract + FeCl3 Reddish purple color (Due to presence of meconic acid )
2. Morphine + HNO3 Orange red color while codeine donot respond
3. Morphine + K3 Fe (CN6) Bluish green while codeine do not respond
4. Papaverine + HCl + K3 Fe (CN6) lemon yellow color
Thebaine is convulsant
Morphine on removal of water molecule gives apomorphine which is a strong emetic and used to treat poisoning
by giving subcutaneous route.
• The other varieties of opium / poppy that does not contain morphine are P.bracteatum, P. argemone.
These are rich in Thebaine.
F. Curare: (South American arrow root poision) obtained from chondrodebdron tomentosum and main
chemical constituent is benzylisoquinoline derivative (+) Tubocurarine used as neuromuscular blocker
or skeletal muscle relaxant and in myasthenia gravis.
Emetine in smaller doses used as expectorant while in higher dose as emetic. Emetine is also used as antiprotozoal
i.e. Entamoeba histolytica is sensitive in very low conc. 1 in 6 millions. Cephaeline has more emetic and less
expectorant action as compared to emetine.
Chemical tests:
Powdered drug + HCl +H2O . Shake well and filter. To filtrate + KCLO4.
Yellow color is obtained changing to Red due to presence of emetine.
Emetine + H2SO4 + Molybdic acid Green color
They are biosynthesized in root and then migrate to leaves. Atropine is racemic form of hyoscyamine. L-
Hyoscine or scopolamine which has an epoxide ring is used in preanesthetic medication in surgery and motion
sickness. Tropane alkaloids give + ve test to Vitali-Morin reaction.
c. Hyoscyamus (Henbane):