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J. Health Inform.

2014 Abril-Junho; 6(2): 46-52 Artigo Original

Nursing students’ attitudes towards computers in health care: a

comparative analysis
Atitudes dos estudantes de enfermagem para os computadores nos cuidados de saúde: uma análise
Actitudes de los estudiantes de enfermería hacia los equipos de atención de la salud: un análisis
Poreddi Vijayalakshmi 1, Ramachandra2, Suresh Bada Math3

Keywords: Attitudes; The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of basic computer course related to Nursing Students’
Computer technology; attitudes towards usage of computers in health care. Cross sectional descriptive design was adopted among purposively
Nursing students; Health selected undergraduates (n=161) to complete self reported questionnaires. Students that completed computer course
informatics were found to have positive attitudes as they agreed that “computers are great solving tools” (÷2 = 9.663, p < .047),
and “computers are natural to use in health care” (÷2 = 11.623, p < .020) than the participants who have not
undergone formal instruction in computer course. Contrary to these findings the participants who did not undergo
computer training were felt that “Computers are frustrating to use” (÷2 =9.930, p < .042) and they become restless
when they think of using computer” (÷2 = 15.149, p < .004). The findings suggest that integration of informatics
throughout curriculum with increasing levels of difficulty is needed.

Descritores: Atitudes; O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a eficácia do curso de informática básica realcionado com as
Informática; Estudantes atitudes dos alunos de enfermagem no uso de computadores na área da saúde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo
de enfermagem; transversal onde foram selecionados propositadamente graduandos (n = 161) para completar o questionário. Os
Informática em saúde resultados mostram que alunos que completaram o curso de informática tiveram atitudes positivas e concordaram que
“os computadores são grandes ferramentas de resolução “ ( ÷2 = 9,663 , p < .047 ), e “ os computadores são naturais
para uso em cuidados de saúde” ( ÷2 = 11,623 , p < 0,020 ) comparados aos alunos que não tiveram instrução formal
em curso de informática. Contrariamente a estes resultados os participantes que não realizaram treinamento em
informática afirmaram que os computadores são frustrantes de usar (÷2 = 9,930 , p < 0,042 ) e que tornam-se
inquietos ao ter que usar o computador ( ÷2 = 15,149 , p < .004). Pode se concluir que é necessário haver a integração
da informática em todo currículo com níveis crescentes de dificuldade.

Descriptores: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la efectividad del curso realcionado equipo básico con las
Actitudes; Tecnología actitudes de los estudiantes de enfermería en el uso de computadoras en la asistencia sanitaria. Se trata de un estudio
informática; Estudiantes descriptivo de corte transversal que se seleccionaron deliberadamente estudiantes ( n = 161 ) para completar el
de enfermería; cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes que completaron el curso de informática tenían actitudes
Informática salud positivas y acordaron que “ las computadoras son una gran herramienta para la resolución “ ( ÷2 = 9,663 , p < 0,047
), y “ las computadoras son para uso en el cuidado natural de la salud “ ( ÷2 = 11,623 , p < 0,020 ) en comparación
con los estudiantes que no han recibido instrucción formal en curso de informática . Contrariamente a estos resultados,
los participantes que no se sometieron a la formación informática dijo que las computadoras son frustrantes para
usarse ( ÷2 = 9,930 , p < 0,042) ; volverse inquietos al tener que utilizar el ordenador “( ÷2 = 15,149 , p < 0,004 )
. Por consiguiente, se puede concluir que es necesario que haya integración de las tecnologías de la información a través
del currículo con el aumento de los niveles de dificultad.

RN, RM, BSN, MSN, Clinical instructor, College of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, (Deemed University), Bangalore,
Karnataka, Índia.
RN, RM, MSN,PhD , Additional Professor, Department of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, (Deemed University), Bangalore,
Karnataka, Índia.
MD, DNB, PGDMLE, Additional Professor, Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, (Deemed University),
Bangalore, Karnataka, Índia.

Autor Coorespondente: PoreddiVijayalakshmi Artigo recebido: 01/07/2013

e-mail: pvijayalakshmireddy@gmail.com Aprovado: 26/01/2014
Vijayalakshmi P, Ramachandra, Math SB. 47

INTRODUCTION Nursing students.

Science has bestowed health care delivery system with MATERIALS AND METHODS
excellent technological innovations. One such innovation is
the computerization of the entire health care delivery system. The study was carried out among under graduate nursing
Computerization of health care delivery includes students at a College of Nursing, South India in the year
computerization of the medical records known as the 2011. A non-probability convenience sample with
Electronic Medical Record System (EMR), Electronic quantitative descriptive method was used. Selection criteria
Prescriptions, Personal Digital Assistants, telemedicine, for participants included nursing students who are studying
Computer Automated Cancer Detection and Computerized 1st year, 2nd and 3rd year of their course and were willing
Theatre Management Applications. Integration of computer to participate. There were no exclusion criteria apart from
technology into a nursing curriculum is essential to ensure not willingness to participate. One hundred-seventy students
success throughout the education and career of were enrolled in the study. However, 9 questionnaires were
contemporary nursing students (1). However, research discarded as these were incomplete. Hence, 161
findings indicate that an individual’s attitude is the essential questionnaires were analyzed for this study.
factor that determines the successful implementation of
computer instruction is users’ attitudes toward computers(2). Following instruments were employed to capture data
Similarly, nursing students’ attitudes toward technology Demographic Data Survey Instrument:
(ATT) may influence their successful adoption of The demographic form consists of five items to seek
information competencies, willingness to learn computer the background of the participants in the study that includes
systems, and ultimately, the use of technology to improve age, education, monthly family income, residence.
patient safety(3).
The importance of informatics competency in nursing Pretest for Attitudes Toward Computers in Healthcare,
practice is well supported throughout the literature; the last (PATCH Assessment Scale(10)):
20 years, technology usage in nursing education has grown This scale is a valid and reliable, self- report measure of
exponentially. The American Association of Colleges of attitudes towards computers in health care was administered
Nursing suggested introductory level nursing informatics to students along with a brief demographic form. The
competencies for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) PATCH section has 50 items (25 items were negatively
curriculum (1). Likewise, in India, it is mandatory for worded) and measures the attitude toward computers in
undergraduate nursing students to take formal instruction health care. Respondents were given the choice of five
course related to computers at 1st year level (theory-15 hrs& response categories to tick based on their feelings from agree
practical 30hrs). However, the literature review suggested strongly to disagree strongly (agree strongly = 2, agree = 1.5,
integration of informatics throughout a curriculum with not certain = 1, disagree = 0.5, disagree strongly = 0)
increasing levels of difficulty is essential to contemporary accordingly. The total score ranges between 0 – 100. The
nursing profession(4). score interpretation as follows 0-17 indicates cyber phobia,
Nursing graduates possessing a good sense of computer 18-34- unsure of usefulness of computers in health care, 35-
technology will be better prepared to interact with clinical 52- limited awareness of applications of computer
information systems and clinical decision support systems(5). technology in health care, 53-69- has a realistic view of current
There is substantial evidence suggesting that integrating computer capabilities in health care, 70-86 enthusiastic view
computer technology into the nursing curriculum will provide of the potential of computer use in health care and 87-100-
computer skills as they need throughout their education and positive view of computer use in health care.
in their practice as nurses(6-7). Further, computer skills help The test-retest reliability of items of Pretest for Attitudes
nurses to work around complex health information toward Computers in Healthcare Assessment Scale was
technology(8). On the other hand, a study reported a paucity 0.20-0.77, for the total scale was 0.85. For internal consistency,
of computer-assisted instruction and formal education in IT Scale’s item total correlation was 0.06-0.68 and Cronbach’s
(EIT) for nursing students(9). In addition, advancement in Alpha was 0.92. Concurrent validity was examined with
technology will have a definite impact for the future of health correlation between Attitudes toward Computers Scale and
care providers with the goal of providing a low cost service Pretest for Attitudes Toward Computers in Healthcare
in a safe effective way for the patients. Assessment Scale scores and was positively significant
Studies have been conducted in the United States and correlated (r=0.66, p<0.01)(11). However, this questionnaire
other western industrial countries about students’ attitudes was validated in Turkish version. In the present study, the
toward computers. However, current research regarding questionnaire was validated by experts to find the suitability
nursing students’ attitudes relative to the use of computers in Indian context, subsequently pilot study was carried out
in health care is lacking. Hence, the present study was aimed among group of students and found that this tool was
to determine the effectiveness of basic computer course feasible. Thus no major changes were done. English version
related to the attitudes of under graduate nursing students of the tool was administered in the current study.
towards use of computers in health care. In the present
study, Basic computer course is defined as formal Procedure
Instruction in computers at 1st year level (theory-15 hrs& The above set of measures was distributed to each batch
practical 30hrs) and it is mandatory for undergraduate of students separately at various times, in a group setting in

48 J. Health Inform. 2014 Abril-Junho; 6(2): 46-52

a common place such as the lecture halls. On introduction, percentage) and inferential statistics (Chi-square test) was
verbal explanation of the research aims and methods used to interpret the data. The results considered
provided by the researcher (primary author) to all statistically significance if the p value is < 0.05.
participants. Those who consented to participate formed
our final sample. It was explicitly explained to the students RESULTS
that their responses would have no influence on their
semester exams. The participants could complete both The sample comprised of 161 undergraduate students
questionnaires in about 30-40 minutes. of whom 45.3% (n=73) of the participants have not
Permission was obtained from the administrators of undergone basic computer course. Mean age of the
the college where the study was conducted. Participants participants was 18.64± 1.03(M±SD; range, 17-22 years).
were introduced to the aims and procedures of the study A vast majority (n=131, 81%) of the participants were
to decide if they would like to participate. After they belonged to Christian community. A significant difference
agreed to participate verbally, the researcher gave them was observed among nursing students who have not
the confidential questionnaire. Data collection tools undergone computer course (1st years) and the students
contained no identifying information and therefore kept who had undergone computer basic course (2nd and 3rd
the individual responses confidential. year students)) in terms of their residence (÷2 = 14.035,
p < .001). More number of the participants (n=54, 61.3%)
Statistical analysis who have undergone computer course were from rural
Responses of the negatively worded items were back ground). The average income of the participants
reversed before data analysis. The data were analyzed using was (Rs/- in thousands) 1.170± 1.24(M±SD).
appropriate statistics and results were presented in The results of comparative analysis are listed in Table
narratives and tables. Descriptive (frequency and 1. A significant association was observed between the both

Table1 - Responses of the participants to Pretest for Attitudes Toward Computers in Healthcare (PATCH)
Variables Response Group A Group B
N=73 N=88 χ2- df
value value
n % n %
1. The computer is a powerful enabling tool. Agree strongly/agree 73 100 85 96.6
Not Certain - - - - 1.615 2 .446
Disagree/disagree strongly - - 5 5.6
2. In healthcare, computers could save a lot Agree strongly/agree 73 100 83 94.3
of paperwork. Not Certain - - 4 4.5 4.664 3 .198
Disagree/disagree strongly - - 1 1.1
3. Machines and I don't mix. Agree strongly/agree 25 34.2 28 31.8
Not Certain 30 41 47 53.4 5.253 4 .262
Disagree/disagree strongly 18 24.6 13 14.8
4. I feel I am a skilled typist. Agree strongly/agree 14 19.2 20 22.7
Not Certain 29 39.7 39 44.3 5.598 3 .133
Disagree/disagree strongly 30 41 29 32.9
5. I feel alarmed when I think of using a Agree strongly/agree 26 35.6 29 32.9
computer. Not Certain 29 39.7 39 44.3 .702 4 .951
Disagree/disagree strongly 18 24.6 20 22.7
6. I have excellent finger dexterity. Agree strongly/agree 15 20.5 21 23.9
Not Certain 25 34.2 45 51.1 11.378 4 .023*
Disagree/disagree strongly 33 45.2 22 25
7. I regularly use a computer at home. Agree strongly/agree 18 24.6 18 20.4
Not Certain 2 2.7 20 22.7 12.399 4 .015*
Disagree/disagree strongly 53 72.6 50 56.8
8. I would love to be a proficient user of Agree strongly/agree 63 86.3 55 62.5
computers. Not Certain 9 12.3 18 20.4 12.064 4 .017*
Disagree/disagree strongly 1 1.3 15 17
9. Bedside computers will irritate patients. Agree strongly/agree 38 52 41 46.6
Not Certain 17 23.2 25 28.4 1.835 4 .766
Disagree/disagree strongly 18 24.6 22 25
10. I will never feel relaxed about using a Agree strongly/agree 17 23.2 29 32.9
computer. Not Certain 21 28.7 22 25 7.191 4 .126
Disagree/disagree strongly 35 47.9 37 42
11. Computers can help me to be creative. Agree strongly/agree 67 91.8 65 73.9
Not Certain 3 4.1 14 15.9 8.545 4 .074
Disagree/disagree strongly 3 4.1 9 10.2
12. I would enjoy learning course work using Agree strongly/agree 66 90.4 70 79.5
a computer program. Not Certain 6 8.2 9 10.2 6.670 4 .154
Disagree/disagree strongly 1 1.3 9 10.2
13. Computers are frustrating to use. Agree strongly/agree 21 28.7 12 13.6
Not Certain 27 37 41 46.6 9.930 4 .042*
Disagree/disagree strongly 25 34.2 35 39.8
Vijayalakshmi P, Ramachandra, Math SB. 49

14. Listening to people using computer Agree strongly/agree 27 37 21 23.9

jargon intimidates me. Not Certain 25 34.2 46 52.2 5.470 4 .242
Disagree/disagree strongly 21 28.7 21 23.9
15. Computers will someday put health Agree strongly/agree 29 39.7 35 39.8
professionals out of a job. Not Certain 12 16.4 24 27.2 4.018 4 .404
Disagree/disagree strongly 32 43.8 29 32.9
16. I am in control when I use a computer. Agree strongly/agree 53 72.6 59 67
Not Certain 10 13.7 15 17 2.015 4 .733
Disagree/disagree strongly 10 13.7 14 15.9
17. I relate well to technology and machines. Agree strongly/agree 32 43.8 44 50
Not Certain 25 34.2 32 36.3 4.639 4 .326
Disagree/disagree strongly 16 21.9 12 13.6
18. I feel confident that I can master using a Agree strongly/agree 30 41 33 37.5
computer. Not Certain 18 24.6 33 37.5 4.878 4 .300
Disagree/disagree strongly 25 34.2 22 25
19. I can let my creativity flow when writing Agree strongly/agree 43 58.9 41 46.6
using a computer Not Certain 12 16.4 29 32.9 5.015 4 .286
Disagree/disagree strongly 18 24.6 18 20.4
20. Computers in healthcare will create more Agree strongly/agree 18 24.6 18 20.4
work for nurses. Not Certain 9 12.3 17 19.3 2.262 4 .688
Disagree/disagree strongly 46 63 53 60.2
21. Computers can be great problem-solving Agree strongly/agree 58 79.4 62 70.4
tools. Not Certain 3 4.1 19 21.6 9.663 4 .047*
Disagree/disagree strongly 12 16.4 7 7.9
22. Computers are too complicated for me Agree strongly/agree 19 26 27 30.6
to learn well. Not Certain 15 20.4 15 17 1.552 4 .817
Disagree/disagree strongly 39 53.4 46 52.2
23. Computers are impersonal and Agree strongly/agree 15 20.4 16 18.1
dehumanizing. Not Certain 29 39.7 39 44.3 5.795 4 .215
Disagree/disagree strongly 29 39.7 33 37.5
24. The future promise of computers in Agree strongly/agree 55 75.3 57 64.8
healthcare excites me. Not Certain 12 16.4 20 22.7 2.260 4 .688
Disagree/disagree strongly 8 10.9 11 12.5
25. I feel restless and confused when I think Agree strongly/agree 15 20.5 15 17
of using a computer. Not Certain 12 16.4 29 32.9 15.149 4 .004*
Disagree/disagree strongly 46 63 44 50
26. I don't intend to own a home computer. Agree strongly/agree 12 16.4 12 13.6
Not Certain 15 20.4 38 43.1 10.260 4 .036*
Disagree/disagree strongly 46 63 38 43.1
27. I feel a computer course in nursing is Agree strongly/agree 6 8.2 11 12.5
totally unnecessary. Not Certain 3 4.1 11 12.5 4.163 4 .384
Disagree/disagree strongly 64 87.7 66 75
28. People who like computers are Agree strongly/agree 6 8.2 14 15.9
introverted and antisocial. Not Certain 18 24.6 25 28.4 2.496 4 .645
Disagree/disagree strongly 49 67.1 49 55.7
29. I know more about computers than most Agree strongly/agree 12 16.4 16 18.1
faculty or administrators do. Not Certain 10 13.6 31 35.2 11.586 4 .021*
Disagree/disagree strongly 51 69.8 41 46.6
30. Working with computers is boring and Agree strongly/agree 0 0 11 12.5
tedious. Not Certain 19 26 19 21.6 8.050 4 .090
Disagree/disagree strongly 54 74 58 65.9
31. I can easily master the content of a Agree strongly/agree 21 28.7 43 48.9
computer lesson. Not Certain 33 45.2 25 28.4 9.096 4 .059*
Disagree/disagree strongly 19 26 20 22.7
32. I feel ambivalent about computers and Agree strongly/agree 21 28.7 24 27.2
technology. Not Certain 40 54.8 54 61.3 2.328 4 .676
Disagree/disagree strongly 12 16.4 10 11.3
33. Computers are everywhere, it is natural Agree strongly/agree 64 87.6 59 67
for them to used in healthcare. Not Certain 1 1.3 18 20.4 11.623 4 .020*
Disagree/disagree strongly 8 10.9 11 12.5
34. I like to use the Internet to research Agree strongly/agree 68 93.1 74 84
health and nursing information. Not Certain 4 5.4 7 7.9 5.055 4 .282
Disagree/disagree strongly 1 1.3 7 7.9
35. It takes longer to chart on the computer Agree strongly/agree 24 32.8 36 40.9
than on paper. Not Certain 10 13.6 24 27.2 14.407 4 .006*
Disagree/disagree strongly 39 53.4 28 31.8
36. I enjoy using technology to communicate Agree strongly/agree 59 80.8 64 72.7
with colleagues (email, etc.) Not Certain 13 17.8 11 12.5 7.573 4 .109
Disagree/disagree strongly 1 1.3 13 14.7

50 J. Health Inform. 2014 Abril-Junho; 6(2): 46-52

37. Computers help me to keep up to date Agree strongly/agree 65 89 72 81.8

with nursing issues, knowledge, research. Not Certain 8 10.9 11 12.5 4.373 4 .358
Disagree/disagree strongly 0 0 5 5.6
38. Computers are just another object that Agree strongly/agree 11 15 20 22.7
takes me away from my patients. Not Certain 21 28.7 24 27.2 3.033 4 .552
Disagree/disagree strongly 41 56.1 44 50
39. I resent the thought of having to use Agree strongly/agree 44 60.2 41 46.6
computers in my nursing practice. Not Certain 21 28.7 35 39.8 7.038 4 .134
Disagree/disagree strongly 8 10.9 12 13.6
40. Using technology in practice interferes Agree strongly/agree 30 41 36 40.9
with my ability to be caring to my patients. Not Certain 20 27.3 25 28.4 1.105 4 .893
Disagree/disagree strongly 23 31.5 27 30.7
41. Patients should not look for health and Agree strongly/agree 20 27.3 20 22.7
illness information on the Internet. Not Certain 20 27.3 20 22.7 3.211 4 .523
Disagree/disagree strongly 33 45.2 48 54.5
42. Social media tools enrich health care Agree strongly/agree 53 72.6 63 71.6
professional communication and Not Certain 18 24.6 15 17 6.316 4 .177
collaboration. Disagree/disagree strongly 2 2.6 10 11.3
43. I use health care apps on my cell phone Agree strongly/agree 29 39.7 44 50
or SMART phone. Not Certain 9 12.3 20 22.7 7.977 4 .092
Disagree/disagree strongly 35 47.9 24 27.2
44. Nursing related online groups, forums, Agree strongly/agree 6 8.2 15 17
and email discussion lists are a waste of time. Not Certain 10 13.6 15 17 5.654 4 .226
Disagree/disagree strongly 57 78 58 65.9
45. Electronic charting restricts how nurses Agree strongly/agree 24 32.9 27 30.7
record patient care. Not Certain 19 26 36 40.9 6.789 4 .147
Disagree/disagree strongly 30 41 25 28.4
46. Personalized Electronic Health Records Agree strongly/agree 37 50.6 43 48.9
streamline access to information and Not Certain 18 24.6 35 39.8
9.805 4 .044*
interdisciplinary communication about Disagree/disagree strongly 18 24.6 10 11.3
47. Online support groups are a waste of Agree strongly/agree 4 5.4 21 23.8
time and have no value for patients. Not Certain 15 20.5 18 20.4 11.286 4 .024*
Disagree/disagree strongly 54 74 49 55.6
48. Computers are great tools for patient Agree strongly/agree 64 87.6 61 69.3
education. Not Certain 4 5.4 15 17 9.711 4 .046*
Disagree/disagree strongly 5 6.8 12 13.6
49. Hand written charting is much more Agree strongly/agree 23 31.5 44 50
complete than electronic documentation. Not Certain 20 27.3 19 21.6 7.336 4 .119
Disagree/disagree strongly 30 41 25 28.4
50. Nurses should be involved in the Agree strongly/agree 67 91.8 67 76.1
planning of national Electronic Health Not Certain 3 4.1 15 17 6.023 4 .197
Records. Disagree/disagree strongly 3 4.1 6 6.8
Significance at P<0.05 level; Group A – Participants without; Computer Instruction; Group B - Participants without computer

groups to the item related to “using the computer regularly at lesson” (÷2 = 9.096, p < .059), they also felt that it “takes
home” (÷2 = 12.399, p < .015). More of the participants longer time to chart on computer than on paper” (÷2 = 14.407, p
those who have not undergone the computer course were < .006). Nonetheless majority of the participants from
not using regularly computers (n= 53, 72.6%) comparing both groups (n=64, 87.6%, n=59, 67%) felt that “computers
to the participants who have under gone computer course are natural to use in health care” (÷2 = 11.623, p < .020).
(n=50, 56.8%) who found to have “excellent finger dexterity” Nearly one fourth of the participants who have not under
(÷2 = 11.378, p < .023). However, majority of the gone computer course (n=18, 24.6%) disagreed to the
participants from both groups (86.3% and 62.5% not item “Personalized Electronic Health Records streamline access to
undergone and undergone respectively) agreed that they information and interdisciplinary communication about patients”
“love to be a proficient user of computers” (÷2 = 12.064, p < (÷2 = 9.805, p < .044). However, majority of the
.017). Similarly, more number of participants from not participants from both groups agreed (n=64, 87.6%,
under gone computer course (n=21, 28.7%) felt that n=61, 69.3%) that “computers are great tools for patient
“Computers are frustrating to use” (÷2 =9.930, p < .042) as education” (÷2 = 11.286, p < .024) and “online support groups
well they disagreed that “computers are great solving tools” (÷2 have value for patients” (÷2 = 9.711, p < .046).
= 9.663, p < .047). Majority of the participants who have
not undergone computer course (n=46, 63%) than students DISCUSSION
who have completed their computer course (n=44, 50%)
expressed that they feel “restless and confused when they think It was hypothesized that students those who have
of using computer” (÷2 = 15.149, p < .004) and not “intend completed computer course would have significantly
to own a home computer” (÷2 = 10.260, p < .036). A significant positive attitudes towards computers in health care than
difference also found to the item related to “knowing more students who just enrolled in to the nursing education.
about computers than most faculty or administrators do” (÷2 = Likewise, the present study was successful in showing that
11.586, p < .021). Although, more number of participants there were significant differences between Nursing
who have undergone computer course (n=43, 48.9%) were students who are studying 2nd and 3rd year of their
confident that they can “easily master the content of a computer course comparing to the 1st year students. The outcome
Vijayalakshmi P, Ramachandra, Math SB. 51

of this study indicates that the nursing students who had advancing well-being for all people. Thus, in this context
under gone basic computer course during their first year it can be hypothesized that integration of nursing
held more positive attitudes towards use of computers informatics in nursing education and practice will provide
in health care. vast opportunities for lifelong learning and practicing
Over the centuries, nursing profession remained as evidence-based nursing care. However, in two surveys
female dominated profession for various reasons. Similarly, of nurse executives and deans and directors of
most of the sample in the present study consisted of undergraduate and graduate programs, the nursing
females. In general, previous studies have found that executives reported that new graduate nurses needed to
students’ level of confidence with technology has increased be familiar with nursing-specific software such as
as a result of practice and experience(12-15). Further, in a computerized medication-administration systems and
study, it was confirmed that students who had access to recommended improving incorporation of these skills
computers at home reported more positive attitudes into nursing curricula(20-21). Further, nursing students in a
toward computers than those without access to a study reported that they had little formal education in
computer at home. The present study also reflects these using technology applications (Maag, 2006) as they were
findings. Thus, it can be inferred that earlier exposure to not routinely exposed to computerized systems(22-23).
computers suggests a more positive attitude toward the
technology and a greater understanding of its usefulness Limitations
in education and nursing practice. The study generalizability was limited because of
In line with previous studies, the participants those who convenience sampling technique and small
have not undergone the basic computer course expressed sample size. Future research needs to focus on to
the computer anxiety in terms of lack of finger dexterity, identifying the factors affecting attitudes towards computer
frustrated to use computers, becomes restless and confused in health care (i.e., age, gender, socio economic status etc.)
when they think of computers. Furthermore, they were and this study should be replicated across the country.
not intended to own a computer. Few studies also have Despite of these limitations, the findings of the present
shown that negative attitudes of students towards the use study would be helpful to the nurse educators and
of computers, make them to avoid and continue to learn administrators to develop effective computer educational
from models with which they are familiar(16-17). Indeed, programs.
these individuals will not benefit from the science and
technology that computers offer in knowledge and skills CONCLUSION
acquisition and in delivering health care(18).
On the other hand, several studies concluded that actual The findings of the present study suggested that
computer experience reduced computer anxiety(19). The undergoing basic computer course is found to be helpful
present study mirrors these findings as the participants to decrease the computer anxiety and ensures
who have under gone computer course felt that they know strengthening of computer knowledge and skills.
more about computers than the faculty and administrators Subsequently, participants that undergone basic computer
and were confident that they can easily master the content course demonstrated more positive attitudes towards
of a computer lesson. Further, they also expressed that usage of computer technology in health care practice.
computers are natural to use in health care as well they However, researchers strongly recommend that integration
opined that computers are great tools for patient of informatics throughout nursing curriculum with
education. However, the participants who have undergone increasing levels of difficulty is crucial to prepare future
basic computer course were overwhelmingly positive nurses to become more competent in the era of electronic
towards using of electronic health records as they believed health care delivery to promote safe, evidence-based
that these records streamline access to information and nursing care.
interdisciplinary communication about patients. Besides,
Electronic Health Records allows nurses and other ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
healthcare providers to share vital information across
health systems and provides immediate access to clinical The authors thank all the nursing students who
data that will reduce and eliminate medical errors, participated in the present study for their valuable
improving the efficiency of healthcare delivery, and contribution.

1. American Association of College of Nursing. The essentials Conference; 2005 Apr 6; Baltimore. [cited 2005 Aug 20].
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