PPAR (Alpha) Its Role in The H
PPAR (Alpha) Its Role in The H
PPAR (Alpha) Its Role in The H
The metabolic syndrome now well recognized that obesity, insulin resistance
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause and the compensatory state of hyperinsulinemia
of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and has promote many metabolic abnormalities that occur
become a true epidemic [1,2]. Obesity [3,4] and together commonly enough to be identified as a
Type 2 diabetes [5,6] are associated with an ‘syndrome’ [21]. These interrelated metabolic
increased risk for the development of CVD, both abnormalities have been referred to by a variety of
of which are also increasing in epidemic propor- names, including ‘syndrome X’, ‘insulin-resistance
tions globally [7–12]. These trends can be expected syndrome’, the ‘deadly quartet’, ‘syndrome X plus’,
to translate into even greater prevalence of cardio- ‘metabolic cardiovascular syndrome’ and, more
vascular disease in the future. Insulin resistance is a recently, ‘metabolic syndrome’ [22–24]. Indeed, met-
fundamental defect of Type 2 diabetes [13–15], abolic syndrome has emerged as a clustering of risk
Keywords: adipose tissue,
whereas obesity is now recognized as a strong risk factors (Figure 1; Box 1) that, in the aggregate,
cardiovascular disease,
dyslipidemia, fatty acids,
factor for the development of both insulin resist- sharply increase the risk of CVD [25–31]. Thus,
glucose metabolism, heart, ance and Type 2 diabetes [11,16,17]. Moreover, metabolic syndrome may be an earlier indication
insulin resistance, lipid hyperinsulinemia associated with insulin resistance of increased risk for the development of Type 2
homeostasis, liver, obesity,
pancreas, skeletal muscle,
appears to be an independent risk factor for cardi- diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease [29,31–33].
triglycerides, Type 2 diabetes ovascular disease [18,19]. Recent evidence suggests The metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in
part of
that up to one-third of the American population is the USA as well as in other developed and devel-
insulin resistant [20], and approximately 90% of oping countries [29,34–36]. The Third National
individuals with Type 2 diabetes are obese [11]. It is Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
10.2217/17460875.2.1.31 2007 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1746-0875 Future Lipidol. (2007) 2(1), 31–53 31
SPECIAL REPOR T – Azhar & Kelley
Table 1. Chronology of observations that led to identification of the syndrome as a clustering of key
metabolic and clinical abnormalities that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.
Year Syndrome name and/or description Ref.
1921 Karl Hitzenberger and Martin Richter-Quittner made clinical observations linking metabolic [62]
abnormalities with hypertension and diabetes.
Eskil Kylin described the clinical implications of clustering hypertension, hyperglycemia and [63,64]
diabetes mellitus.
1922 Gregorio Marañon also reported an association between hypertension, hyperglycemia and [65]
diabetes mellitus.
1923 Kylin added high uric acid levels as a component of the syndrome. He referred to this syndrome as [66]
‘hypertension–hyperglycemia–hyperuricemia syndrome’.
1936 Sir Harold Himsworth defined the basis for two clinical forms of diabetes: insulin-sensitive (Type 1 [67]
diabetes) and insulin-insensitive (Type 2 diabetes).
1947 and 1956 Jean Vague established that ‘android obesity’ (i.e., upper body adiposity) was associated with the [68,69]
development of diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.
1965 Albrink and Meigs emphasized the importance of regional fat distribution by demonstrating an [70]
association between dyslipidemia and upper body (abdominal) skin fold thickness.
1966 Camus described a ‘metabolic trisyndrome’ consisting of gout, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. [71]
Welborn and colleagues provided a potential link between hyperinsulinemia, hypertension and [72]
peripheral vascular disease.
1967 Avogaro and Crepaldi describe the clustering of obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia in patients with [73]
hypertension and cardiovascular disease. They named this syndrome ‘plurimetabolic syndrome’.
1968 Mehnett and Kuhlmann linked the increased prevalence of plurimetabolic syndrome with the rich food [74]
and lifestyle habits of the Western world. They renamed this syndrome the ‘syndrome of affluence’.
1981 Hanefield and Leonhardt first coined the term ‘the metabolic syndrome’ to describe the clustering of [75]
obesity, hyperlipoproteinemia, diabetes, gout and hypertension together with increased incidence of
ischemic cardiovascular disease, fatty liver and cholelithiasis.
1982 Kissebah and colleagues found that females with predominantly upper-body fat were prone to glucose [78]
intolerance and hyperinsulinemia.
1983 Per Bjorntorp and associates introduced the waist-to-hip circumference ratio as an index of [76,77]
abdominal obesity.
1985 Modan and colleagues proposed insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia syndrome as a central [79]
pathophysiologic entity accounting for the common occurrence of obesity, glucose intolerance, Type 2
diabetes and hypertension.
1988 Reaven proposed that the combination of insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia [83]
predisposes the individuals to hypertension, dyslipidemia characterized by an elevated plasma TG and
low HDL-C and Type 2 diabetes. He named this constellation of risk factors ‘syndrome X’.
1989 Norman Kaplan, used the term ‘deadly quartet’ to describe an association between upper-body obesity, [84]
glucose intolerance, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension, in which hyperinsulinemia was suggested
as being central to the pathogenesis.
1991 DeFronzo and Ferrannini used the name ‘insulin-resistance syndrome’ to refer to the syndrome [85]
consisting of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Zimmet identified the syndrome as ‘syndrome X plus’ to refer to a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors [86]
that included the components of syndrome X plus upper-body adiposity, hyperuricemia, physical
inactivity and aging.
1992 Hjerrman suggested the presence of atherogenic small, dense LDL-C, low HDL-C and [87]
elevated triglycerides and prothrombotic state as additional components of the syndrome.
He suggested renaming the syndrome the ‘metabolic cardiovascular syndrome’ or the
‘atherothrombogenic syndrome’.
2000–Present Syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome or atherothrombogenic syndrome is now more popularly
referred to as ‘the metabolic syndrome’.
HDL-C: High-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C: Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG: Triglyceride.
(NHANES III) conducted between 1988 and with stress and involves stress hormone and corti-
1994 indicated that approximately 24% (47 mil- sol through the activation of the hypo-
lion) of the adult US population had metabolic thalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (the stress
syndrome [37]. A more recent analysis of response) [50,51]. Although the molecular pathways
NHANES III established that approximately leading to such a wide spectrum of defects involv-
44% of Americans above 50 years of age have the ing metabolic abnormalities, including insulin
metabolic syndrome [29,36,38]. Surprisingly, resistance, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance,
NHANES III also demonstrated that approxi- inflammatory components and a prothrombotic
mately 4% of all adolescents and 29% of over- state, have been difficult to understand, it appears
weight adolescents fell within the modified Adult that the pathogenesis of the syndrome has multi-
Treatment Panel III criteria for the metabolic ple origins. Among these, obesity [29,30,52] and die-
syndrome [39,40]. tary components (i.e., excessive caloric intake [53]
The syndrome is characterized by hyper- as a result of increased consumption of refined
insulinemia, central (abdominal) obesity but also carbohydrates that contain high levels of fructose
generalized obesity, insulin resistance with or with- and processed food products with a high fat con-
out hyperglycemia, hypertension and atherogenic tent [52,54–56], increased portion sizes [53], seden-
dyslipidemia [25–31]. Atherogenic dyslipidemia tary lifestyle [57] and unknown genetic factors
consists of a battery of circulating lipoprotein [58,59]) clearly interact to produce the syndrome.
abnormalities, including elevated high triglycer- Moreover, in recent years, studies have indicated a
ides and apolipoprotein (Apo)B levels, small, strong role for adipose tissue in this syndrome,
dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and a particularly in the development of insulin resist-
reduced level of low high-density lipoprotein ance through local as well as systemic effects,
(HDL)-cholesterol [26,27,29,31,41]. Metabolic syn- mediated by the augmented production of proin-
drome is associated with both a proinflammatory flammatory adipokines and free fatty acids, along
state and a prothrombotic state [26,27,29,31,41]. with diminished secretion of the ‘protective
There is also evidence to suggest that nonalcoholic adipokines’, adiponectin and leptin [41,60,61].
steatohepatitis (or fatty liver) is an important fea-
ture of this syndrome [42,43]. In addition, it is clear Brief historical overview
that lipid accumulation (lipotoxicity) in the heart, Although Gerald Reaven has been rightfully
skeletal muscle, pancreas, liver and kidney plays an credited for popularizing syndrome X [21,31],
important role in the pathogenesis of obesity, dia- insulin-resistance syndrome or the metabolic
betes and CVD [44–49]. More recent evidence now syndrome, the concept of this type of syndrome
suggests that the metabolic syndrome is associated has been in existence for approximately 80 years
(Table 1) [22–25,62–79]. The reviewers provide a brief
Box 1. Conditions and factors associated with the chronology in Table 1 detailing the historical
metabolic syndrome*. developments and the evolution of the nomen-
• Insulin resistance clature of the field [80–100]. This table also serves
• Obesity as an illustration of some of the current contro-
• Impaired glucose tolerance and/or Type 2 diabetes mellitus versy as to how to define and treat a hetero-
• Hypertension genous disorder, which is discussed further in the
• Sleep disordered breathing next section.
• Endothelial dysfunction
• Inflammation: increased C-reactive protein and other Definitions of the metabolic syndrome
inflammatory markers In recent years, several national and international
• Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease professional societies as well as the WHO have
• Hyperinsulinemia developed definitions for the metabolic syn-
• Dyslipidemia
drome that include somewhat different compo-
• Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
nents and cut-off levels (Table 2). For a more
• Certain forms of cancer
• Polycystic ovary syndrome comprehensive review, the readers may consult
• Renal dysfunction references [25,29,30,33,88,97,101–108]. Table 2 illus-
• Hypercoagulation: increased fibrinogen and plasminogen trates that it is quite apparent that there is no
activator inhibitor-1 consensus about the appropriate clinical defini-
• Stress: hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis tion that could aid in the diagnosis and develop-
*Modified from [29]. ment of preventive and therapeutic strategies for
this syndrome. In a recent joint statement, the
American Diabetes Association and the European functionally and structurally related to retinoid,
Association for the Study of Diabetes have, in steroid and thyroid-hormone receptors [109–113].
fact, questioned the very diagnosis of the meta- They play major regulatory roles in the func-
bolic syndrome as a cluster of risk factors when tional expression of key genes involved in lipid
they stated, “metabolic syndrome has been impre- metabolism, adipogenesis and carbohydrate
cisely defined, there is lack of certainty regarding homeostasis and energy consumption
its pathogenesis, and there is considerable doubt [109,110,112–114]. More recent evidence suggests
regarding its value as a CVD risk marker” [23]. that PPARs are also involved in the events con-
Regardless, they caution clinicians that ‘until nected with inflammation [115–117] and athero-
much needed research is completed, they should sclerosis [118–120], as well as in the regulation of
evaluate and treat all CVD risk factors without several key components of the metabolic syn-
regard to whether a patient meets the criteria for drome [121–124]. To date, three mammalian sub-
diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome’ [23]. types, PPAR (NR1C1), PPAR/ (NR1C2)
and PPAR (NR1C3), have been described, each
Peroxisome proliferator-activated being coded for by a distinct gene [109,111–113].
receptor These isoforms are differentially expressed in
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors select tissues, with expression levels depending on
(PPARs) are ligand-activated transcription factors cellular processes (Table 3) [109,111–113]. PPAR is
of the nuclear hormone superfamily, which are now considered to be a master regulator of
not appear to have a marked effect on activity. fibrate treatment leads to a reduction of coronary
The synthetic pharmacological ligands include the events and delays progression of coronary artery
fibrate group of hypolipidemic drugs and other disease [122,137,138]. Recently, several more potent
experimental compounds (Figure 4) [111,134–136]. and specific PPAR agonists, such as ureidothio-
Fibrates, such as fenofibrate, gemfibrozil and ben- isobutyric acid, GW-9578 and LY518674, have
zafibrate, although showing low affinity for been reported (Figure 4) [111,134]. A nonfibrate,
PPAR, are currently used to treat hypertriglyceri- dodecanoic acid analog, K-111 or BM 17.0744,
demia and mixed dyslipidemia [137]. They are with a relatively high affinity and potency for
highly effective in lowering elevated plasma trig- PPAR, was reported to enhance insulin sensi-
lyceride levels and LDL-cholesterol, and increas- tivity, reduce plasma triglyceride levels and cause
ing HDL-cholesterol levels. A number of clinical a reduction in body weight [139,140]. Another,
trials, including the Helsinki Heart study, Benzaf- nonfibrate compound, NS-220, with greater
ibrate Infarction Prevention (BIP) study and the than 500-fold affinity for PPAR compared with
Veterans Affairs High-density lipoprotein Inter- other PPAR isoforms, was also reported to be
vention Trials (VA-HIT), have established that effective in lowering plasma triglygerides and
increasing HDL-cholesterol in experimental
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the functional domains rodents [134].
Currently, there are two PPAR agonist classes of
of PPARs and the mechanism of action of PPAR.
drugs available for treating metabolic diseases, the
PPAR agonist fibrates and the potent PPAR
A/B C D E/F PPAR isoforms agonists thiazolidinediones, such as pioglitazone,
troglitazone and rosiglitazone. PPAR agonists
1 101 166 244 468
markedly reduce insulin resistance and improve
AF1 DBD AF2LBD PPAR insulin action in peripheral tissues, attenuate
hyperinsulinemia and reduce circulating lipid lev-
1 72 137 215 441 els, as well as improving dyslipidemia [137,141].
DBD PPAR Unfortunately, PPAR agonists also lead to weight
AF1 LBD 70% AF2
83% gain, which is obviously undesirable in these
patients. Currently, new classes of drugs are being
1 110 175 251 447 clinically tested that are dual agonists of both
AF1 DBD LBD 70% AF2 PPAR PPAR and PPAR. The theory behind this new
paradigm is to receive the potent insulin-sensitiz-
ing benefit of PPAR without the weight gain asso-
ciated with the PPAR-specific drugs. Moreover,
since insulin resistance and dyslipidemia are major
components of the metabolic syndrome and asso-
PPAR ligands
9-cis-retinoic acid ciated Type 2 diabetes, the dual specificity drugs
Fatty acids
may provide broader metabolic improvements. To
Synthetic PPAR date, there are several dual PPAR/ agonists, such
agonists as MK-0767, ragaglitazar, harglitazar, navaglitar,
tesaglitazar and muraglitazar among others, which
PPAR RXR are either under different stages of development or
undergoing clinical trials. For more comprehensive
information, please see the following reviews and
references therein [135,141].
PPAR RXR PPAR & regulation of lipid metabolism
Gene transcription
Hepatic lipid metabolism
Target gene
5´ -A (A/T) CT (A/G) GGNCAAA (G/T) GTCA - 3´ The liver plays a central role in the maintenance
3´ -T (T/A) GA (T/C) CCNGTTT (C/A) CAGT - 5´
PPRE of systemic lipid homeostasis. It coordinates syn-
thesis of fatty acids, esterification of fatty acids to
AF: N-terminal transactivation domain; DBD: DNA-binding domain; produce triacylglycerides and their packaging into
LBD: Ligand-binding domain; PPAR: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor;
very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) for export
PPRE: Peroxisome proliferator response element; RXR: 9-cis-retinoic acid receptor.
Modified from [114,196].
to peripheral adipose tissue for storage during the
fed state, while during fasting it controls the rates
of fatty-acid -oxidation and ketogenesis. Thus, Increased levels of hepatic fatty acids activate
under normal physiological conditions, by bal- PPAR, which, in turn, transcriptionally acti-
ancing these processes, the liver handles large vates the fatty-acid transport proteins (discussed
amounts of fat without accumulating triacyl- below) and enzymes involved in mitochondrial,
glycerol and causing peripheral tissue lipotoxicity. peroxisomal and microsomal fatty-acid oxida-
PPAR is essential for high rates of fatty-acid tion systems. The first step in fatty-acid meta-
catabolism in the liver [126,127]; it regulates virtu- bolism is the activation of fatty acids into acyl-
ally every gene that participates in hepatic - and CoA thioesters, catalyzed by acyl-CoA synthase
-oxidation of fatty acids in addition to genes (ACS), which itself is induced by PPAR.
involved in fatty-acid uptake and intracellular Depending on the chain-length, the activated
transport (Figure 5). Indeed, PPAR acts as a gen- fatty acyl-CoAs are then either transported into
eral sensor of overall hepatic fatty-acid load, mitochondria or peroxisomes for further
inducing coordinated changes in gene expression metabolism to acetyl-CoA via the -oxidation
of proteins and enzymes involved in fatty-acid process; mitochondria preferentially oxidize
transport and oxidation in an effort to prevent short- (C4–C6), medium- (C8–C12) and long-
excessive triglyceride accumulation in the liver chain fatty acids (C14–C20), while pero-
(and other tissues), and subsequent development xisomes primarily utilize very long chain fatty
of obesity, insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. acids (>C20).
Coenzyme A
Regiosomers of nitrated oleic acid (OA-NO2) NO2
date only a bonafide PPRE has been identified to PPRE elements in the promoter region of
and characterized in the medium-chain acyl-CoA these genes. These genes include the rate limiting
dehydrogenase (MCAD) gene [145]. The acetyl- enzyme acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) [146,147], enoyl
CoA generated in mitochondria as a byproduct CoA hydratase/dehydrogenase multifunctional
of -oxidation (i.e., through acyl-CoA oxidation enzyme (HD) [148], keto-acyl-CoA thiolase [149]
followed by hydration, oxidation and thiolysis) is and CYP4A1 [150].
also utilized for the production of ketone bodies, The pivotal role of PPAR in the regulation
which serve as an important source of energy for of fatty-acid -oxidation is further established
the peripheral tissues, such as the brain, renal by studies involving the use of mice gene-
cortex, heart and skeletal muscle. The mitochon- ablated for PPAR. Mice deficient in PPAR
drial 3-hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, a exhibit low rates of hepatic -oxidation, express
central enzyme in ketone bodies formation, is decreased expression of fatty-acid oxidation
also directly activated by PPAR [146]. genes and do not respond to PPAR agonists in
All three enzymes involved in peroxisomal upregulating the -oxidative pathway [151–153].
-oxidation have been demonstrated to be Furthermore, the loss of PPAR function leads
directly activated by PPAR through its binding to elevated serum cholesterol levels in young
Fenofibric acid O
Clofibric acid
Bezafibrate WY-14643
GW-9578 O
(CH2)10 CI
K-111 (BM-17.0744)
mature mice and increased serum triglycerides acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase
and steatosis in aging mice [154]. Other studies (FAS) genes, are upregulated in the liver in
have provided evidence that prolonged starva- response to fructose feeding, while lipolytic
tion of PPAR-null mice leads to severe genes, such as acetyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) and
hypoglycemia in association with elevated CPT-I, are suppressed. Importantly, PPAR
plasma free fatty acid levels along with hepatic which is critical in controlling fatty-acid oxida-
and cardiac stetosis, and hypoketonemia, con- tion, is suppressed upon high-fructose feeding.
sistent with the impaired ability of mice to ade- Thus, at the genetic level, the balance of lipid
quately upregulate hepatic fatty-acid oxidation homeostasis is shifted towards lipogenesis by
and gluconeogenesis in response to fasting high levels of dietary fructose. Treatment of
challenge [151–153,155,156]. fructose-fed animals with a fibrate drug
PPAR also plays a regulatory role in the -oxi- increased the expression of lipogenic genes and
dation of fatty acids and eicosanoids [126]. The normalized the metabolic dysfunction, includ-
cytochromes P450 (CYP) 4A are the key enzymes ing insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, associ-
involved in this process and, at least in rodents, ated with a high-fructose diet [161]. The
PPAR was demonstrated to directly upregulate dysregulation of lipid homeostasis or the altera-
the expression of hepatic CYP4A1 through a well- tion of genetic profiles associated with the high
conserved PPRE [126,157]. Although theoretical, fructose diet, particularly that of PPAR, inevi-
alteration of the metabolic processing of eico- tably leads to hepatic insulin resistance and also
sanoids could be one mechanism through which augmentation of genes associated with inflam-
suppressed PPAR activity leads to an increased matory pathways, such as c-Jun N-terminal
inflammatory state. kinase and activator protein (AP)-1 [162,163].
Activation of these genes, in addition to
Hepatic lipid synthesis increased triglycerides, stabilized ApoB and
In addition to its critical role in lipid metabolism, higher levels of microsomal triglyceride transfer
the liver is the central organ responsible for lipo- protein leads to greater assembly of VLDL parti-
genesis. By balancing gluconeogensis, glycolysis, cles [164]. Increased production of VLDL may be
lipogenesis and lipolysis, the liver acts as a pri- the mechanism by which high-fructose diets
mary regulator of energy homeostasis. Lipogene- induce systemic insulin resistance, despite the
sis occurs when excess nutrients, predominantly fact that fructose is not readily metabolized by
carbohydrates, are available and not immediately muscle and other tissues.
required to support the energetic requirements of
the organism. It is now appreciated that the West- Cardiac lipid metabolism
ernized diet, which is high in both carbohydrates The mammalian heart is highly metabolically
and fat, significantly contributes to lipogenesis active and relies on fatty-acid oxidation for a
and hence obesity. One of the critical carbo- large percentage of its energy. Fatty-acid oxida-
hydrates responsible for increased lipogenesis is tion provides approximately 60–90% of energy
fructose, which is almost exclusively metabolized in the form myocardial ATP, while the remain-
by the liver. Fructose is absorbed primarily in the ing 10–40% of energy is derived from oxidative
jejunum and is transferred into the portal circula- metabolism of glucose and lactate [165] . Similar
tion where it is delivered to the liver [158]. Fructose to the liver, fatty-acid catabolism in the heart
is incorporated into fatty acids at a greater rate primarily occurs in the mitochondrial matrix
than glucose [159], and its consumption has been by the -oxidation process, whereas pyruvate
demonstrated to increase adiposity in mice [160]. generated from either glucose via glycolysis or
Recent epidemiological data have linked the con- lactate is oxidized by the mitochondrial pyru-
sumption of high-fructose corn syrup with the vate dehydrogenase complex. The acetyl-CoA
increasing prevalence of obesity in the USA [56]. produced as a result of fatty acid, glucose and
Fructose is metabolized by fructokinase and lactate oxidation is subsequently metabolized
aldolase to yield dihydroxyacetone phosphate via the Krebs cycle to generate nicotinamide
and D-glyceraldehyde, two metabolic intermedi- adenine dinucleotide and 5,10-methylenetet-
ates that are utilized in triglyceride synthesis. rahydrofolate reductase 2, which, in turn, are
Dietary models utilizing high levels of fructose used to generate ATP through an oxidative
demonstrate that genes and transcription factors phosphorylation process. Although fatty-acid
associated with lipogenesis, such as sterol-regula- oxidation is the principal source of energy
tory-element binding protein (SREBP)-1, production in cardiac tissue, the heart has a
very limited fatty-acid storage capacity under resistance in the heart and liver and show
normal physiological conditions. Therefore, the reduced expression of genes involved in cardiac
heart has evolved multiple carrier/transport pro- glucose utilization (Figure 5) [171–173]. It is interest-
tein-mediated fatty-acid shuttling systems (see ing to note that two major metabolic conditions
below) for the rapid delivery of fatty acids to car- observed in this transgenic model, such as
diac cells and the mitochondrial matrix [126,165]. increased cardiac lipid oxidation and reduced
Extensive evidence demonstrates that both myo- glucose utilization, are also shared by the diabetic
cardial fatty-acid uptake and oxidation are heart [173].
tightly linked, and in this association allows car- PPAR-regulated fatty-acid metabolism is
diac tissues to continuously maintain a high rate also greatly altered under various pathophysio-
of fatty-acid oxidation. logical conditions. In hypertrophied hearts, the
PPAR being a lipid sensor, plays a critical expression and activity levels of PPAR are sub-
role in the regulation of cardiac lipid and stantially reduced, leading to a corresponding
energy metabolism [166]. Recent evidence based loss of fatty-acid oxidation capacity and
on genetic strategies has clearly demonstrated increased rates of glucose utilization [174,175].
that PPAR regulates virtually every gene Likewise, the functional expression of both
involved in fatty-acid metabolism, including PPAR and its heterodimer partner RXR is
fatty-acid uptake, thioesterification to fatty greatly reduced in cardiac myocytes in response
acyl-CoA, translocation to mitochondria and to hypoxia [176,177]. By contrast, the activity of
mitochondrial fatty-acid -oxidation [165]. Con- PPAR and the metabolic functions of its down-
stitutive expression of genes facilitate cardiac stream target are considerably increased in dia-
fatty-acid uptake (CD36/fatty acid transporter betic hearts, resulting in enhanced rates of fatty-
and fatty acid transport protein), fatty acyl-CoA acid uptake and -oxidation [178]. It is not clear
synthase-1 proteins involved in the trans- whether enhanced diabetic heart -oxidation
location of fatty acids to mitochondria (CPT I would lead to the cardiomyopathy described for
and II), and -oxidation (MCAD, very long- transgenic mice overexpressing heart-specific
chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, short-chain acyl- PPAR [170,172].
CoA dehydrogenase, short-chain L-3-hydroxy
acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and trifunctional Lipoprotein metabolism
protein ) [167,168]. As discussed above, the fibrate class of synthetic
Evaluation of transgenic animals with either PPAR agonists are widely used as effective
eliminated PPAR or overexpressed PPAR in drugs in lowering plasma triglycerides, triglycer-
heart tissue have been used to study the role of ide-enriched ApoB-containing VLDL-TG par-
this PPAR isoform in heart metabolism and ticles and LDL-cholesterol and raising HDL-
pathogenesis. In PPAR-/- mice, myocardial cholesterol [113,135–137]. These agents promote
long-chain fatty-acid uptake rates are substan- triglyceride catabolism by enhancing the expres-
tially reduced in the heart [168,169]. Further- sion of genes involved in fatty-acid uptake and
more, fasting leads to hypoglycemia and oxidation, resulting in increased channeling of
increased cardiac triglyceride accumulation in fatty acids to the -oxidative pathway. This
PPAR-/- mice in contrast to wild-type mice, causes the decreased availability of fatty acid
which exhibit rapid induction of cardiac -oxi- CoA-thioesters for triglyceride synthesis and,
dation enzyme genes [165,170]. Also, PPAR-/- thus, reduction in triglyceride levels [114,122]. In
mice develop cardiac fibrosis, myofibrillar frag- addition, fibrates inhibit hepatic ApoCIII pro-
mentation and mitochondrial ultrastructural duction, a potent inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase
abnormalities with advancing age (Figure 5) [168] . (LPL), leading to enhanced LPL-mediated
Gain-of-function genetic studies have demon- catabolism of VLDL particles [113,122]. Recently,
strated that mice with heart-specific over- a newly identified Apo, termed ApoA-V [179],
expression of PPAR (myosin heavy chain has gained attention as a regulator of triglycer-
[MHC]-PPAR) exhibit increased rates of car- ides through loss- and gain-of-function studies
diac fatty-acid uptake and oxidation along with in genetically altered mice; transgenic expres-
the transcriptional activation of genes that par- sion of human ApoA-V in mice decreased circu-
ticipate in fatty-acid utilization [171–173]. lating triglyceride levels by 50–70%, whereas
Importantly, MHC-PPAR mice develop deletion of the mouse ApoA-V gene resulted in
cardiomyopathy with enhanced sensitivity to an approximately fourfold increase in plasma
myocardial ischemic insult, exhibit insulin TG levels [179,180]. Furthermore, it has been
Figure 5. Metabolic actions of PPAR in liver, heart, skeletal muscle, pancreas and cardiovascular system.
Decreased: Atherosclerosis,
inflammatory response, monocyte
recruitment, thrombosis
Increased: reverse cholesterol transport
Endothelium (RCT; cholesterol efflux) Endothelium
Liver Heart
Decreased: VLDL (TG) production, ApoC-III, Decreased: Glucose oxidation,
HL, LCAT, acute-phase reactants, inflammation, cardiomyopathy, glucose uptake
amino acid metabolism and glucose transporter gene
Increased: Fatty acid (FA) uptake (FATP, FAT/CD36, expression (heart-specific PPAR
L-FABP), FA oxidation (mitochondrial -oxidation, transgenic mice)
peroxisomal -oxidation, microsomal -oxidation), Increased: FA uptake, FA oxidation,
fatty acid activation (LCAS), ApoA-I, lipolysis, ApoA-II, cardiomyopathy, lipotoxicity and insulin
ApoA-V, RCT, ketogenesis, gluconeogenesis, cholesterol resistance (heart-specific PPAR transgenic mice)
catabolism, TG clearance, phospholipid secretions
ABCA1: ATP-binding cassette A1; AP: Activator protein; Apo: Apolipoprotein; CE: Cholesteryl ester; eNOS: Endothelial nitric oxide
synthase; ET: Endothelin; FABP: Fatty acid binding protein; FAT: Fatty acid transporter; FATP: Fatty acid transport protein; IB: Inhibitory
protein B; iCOX: Inducible cyclooxygenase; IL: Interleukin; iNOS: Inducible nitric oxide synthase; LCAS: Lipoprotein and Coronary
Atherosclerosis Study; LCAT: Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase; LXR: Liver X receptor; MCP: Monocyte chemoattractant protein;
MMP: Matrix metalloproteinase; NF-B: Nuclear factor-B; PG: Prostaglandin; PPAR: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor;
SOD: Superoxide dismutase; SR-A: Scavenger receptor class A; SR-BI: Scavenger receptor class B, type I; TF: Tissue factor; TG: Triglyceride;
TNF: Tumor necrosis factor; UCP: Uncoupling protein; VCAM: Vascular cell adhesion molecule.
As PPAR agonists, fibrates increase the levels Genetic and nutritional models demonstrate
of HDL and stimulate the synthesis of its constit- a modest effect of PPAR on insulin sensitivity,
uent proteins ApoA-I and A-II [113]. PPAR reg- consistent with PPAR’s main role in lipid
ulates reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) homeostasis. Mice that are deleted for the
through increased transcriptional activation of PPAR gene display no gross abnormalities in
the hepatic ApoA-I [136]. PPAR also promotes terms of insulin sensitivity [191] , however, pro-
HDL remodeling by upregulating the expression longed (24 h) fasting leads to hyperinsulinemia
of phospholipid transfer protein [136]. Several and the insulin-resistant state [192]. Experimen-
other proteins involved in lipoprotein metabo- tal evidence based on the data obtained with
lism, such as scavenger receptor (SR)-BI or its various models of insulin resistance, glucose
human homolog CLA-1, hepatic lipase, lecithin intolerance and diabetes, such as the high-fat
cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) and ATP- fed rat (nutrition model), Zucker obese fa/fa rat
binding cassette (ABC)A1 are also regulated by (genetic), A-ZIP/F-1 (lipoatrophic model),
PPAR [113,121,122,126,136]. OLETF rat (insulin resistant obese) and db/db
mice (Type 2 diabetic), suggest that PPAR is
-cells insulin secretion & an important regulator of insulin sensitivity
insulin sensitivity [191,193–196]. PPAR agonist treatment dramati-
PPAR plays a complex role in the regulation of cally improves insulin resistance (i.e., insulin
both glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and sensitivity) and hyperglycemia in Type 2 dia-
tissue insulin sensitivity (Figure 5). It may betic db/db mice and OLETF rats [139,195,196].
directly modulate insulin secretion by altering Chronic dietary administration of PPAR ago-
the relative levels of glucose and fatty acid sen- nists, such as fenofibrate, reduced high-fat
sors [183–185] or indirectly by controlling the induced hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and
-cell fatty-acid oxidation and/or glucose leads to increased adipose tissue mass in
homeostasis [121,126,186]. Furthermore, condi- C57BL/6 mice [191]. Likewise, administration
tions which downregulate the PPAR expres- of another PPAR activator, ciprofibrate, as
sion in -cells lead to a corresponding reduction part of the diet improved hyperinsulinemia
in insulin secretory rates. For example, Zhou without causing any glucose intolerance during
and colleagues reported that expression of an intravenous glucose tolerance test, indicat-
PPAR and enzymes of -oxidation is markedly ing enhanced insulin sensitivity [191]. Similarly,
reduced in the fat (TG)-laden, -cell-dysfunc- ciprofibrate treatment decreased the body-
tional islets of obese, prediabetic Zucker dia- weight gain as well as epididymal adipose tissue
betic fatty (fa/fa) rats with mutated leptin weight [191]. Furthermore, PPAR activation by
receptors (OB-R) [187]. Overexpression of nor- the WY14,643 agonist lowers muscle lipids and
mal OB-R in islets of fa/fa rats corrected these increases insulin sensitivity in high-fat-fed rats
abnormalities and raised the possibility that [193]. Another study suggests that WY14,643
PPAR is an OB-R-regulated factor required treatment improves hepatic and muscle steato-
for normal lipid homeostasis and -cell func- sis and reverses insulin resistance in
tion [188]. In another study, chronic exposure of lipoatrophic A-ZIP/F-1 mice [194]. More
islets or the INS(832/13) -cell line to high glu- recently, it has been demonstrated that the
cose levels resulted in a 60–80% reduction in PPAR agonist fenofibrate prevents the progres-
PPAR mRNA expression and downregulation sion of diabetes in insulin-resistant obese
of PPAR target genes along with elevated lev- OLETF rats [195,196], and that fenofibrate and
els of malonyl-CoA and altered rates of insulin another potent agonist (GW7647) improve
secretion [186,188]. Likewise, islets isolated from insulin sensitivity in LDL-receptor deficient
the PPAR-/- mice demonstrated an approxi- mice [197,198]. Interestingly, agonist-mediated
mate 50% reduction in fatty-acid oxidation, PPAR activation attenuates glucose-stimu-
but normal glucose usage and enhanced glu- lated insulin secretion in vivo by enhancing
cose-induced insulin secretion [189]. Recently, insulin sensitivity [199]. These various studies
Ravnskjaer and colleagues provided evidence support the notion that PPAR plays an obliga-
for PPAR subtype specificity in -cell function tory role in regulating insulin sensitivity in vivo,
by demonstrating that PPAR potentiates, and that its activation by specific agonists may
whereas PPAR attenuates, glucose-stimulated alleviate insulin resistance and slow down the
insulin secretion by pancreatic -cells [190]. onset and progression of Type 2 diabetes.
Inflammation, Type 2 diabetes mellitus • Foam cell formation (SR-BI and SR-BIor
& atherosclerosis CLA-1 [212]);
Considerable evidence now suggests that • RCT (LXR and ABCA1 [216,218]);
inflammation may contribute to the patho-
physiology of insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes • Thrombogenicity (tissue factor) (Figure 5)
and associated cardiovascular complications
[5,6,18,19,200,201] . Inflammation, similarly to insu- PPAR also modulates atherosclerosis
lin resistance and dyslipidemia, is an important through its anti-inflammatory actions. Staels
component of the metabolic syndrome and colleagues, have demonstrated that PPAR
[26,27,29,31] , and atherosclerotic cardiovascular inhibits expression of interleukin-6, prosta-
disease itself is now viewed as both a disorder of glandin and inducible cyclooxygenase-2 in aor-
lipid metabolism and a chronic inflammatory tic smooth muscle cells [208]. These anti-
disease [202–204]. Emerging evidence now sup- inflammatory actions occur as a consequence of
ports a beneficial role for PPARs, especially PPAR inhibition of signaling by the proinflam-
PPAR in inflammation, Type 2 diabetes and matory mediator nuclear factor (NF)-B and
the atherosclerosis triad [115,200,204,205]. induction of apoptosis [210]. In addition, IB
The pathogenesis of atherosclerotic disease levels (endogenous inhibitor of NF-B activity)
represents a complex process initiated by the are induced in vascular smooth muscle cells by
recruitment of monocytes into the arterial wall fibrates, thereby demonstrating another poten-
and their differentiation into macrophages. tial anti-inflammatory mechanism for PPAR
The causal relationship between atherosclerosis agonists [219]. Moreover, other studies have dem-
and inflammation is not clear. In atherosclero- onstrated that PPAR activation inhibits both
sis, macrophages take up atherogenic oxidized AP-1 and NF-B inflammatory-cytokine signal-
LDL [206] , resulting in their transformation ing pathways [220,221]. Furthermore, the PPAR
into lipid-loaded macrophages or foam cells agonist, fenofibrate, lowered plasma levels of
(Figure 5). The formation of foam cells and con- cytokines interferon- and tumor necrosis fac-
comitant activation of the different vascular tor- in patients with atherosclerosis and hyper-
cell types leads to a chronic inflammatory lipoproteinemia IIb [222]. Fenofibrate is also
process [208] . known to upregulate the expression and activity
In recent years, several clinical trials, includ- of the endothelial type nitric oxide synthase
ing the BEnzafibrate Coronary Atherosclerosis (eNOS) [223]. Its reaction product, nitric oxide,
Trial (BECAT), the Helsinki Heart study, the is an important mediator of the events involved
BIP study, the BEnzafibrate Coronary Athero- in cardiovascular protection [224] and possesses
sclerosis Intervention Trial (BECAIT) and the anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic proper-
VA-HIT have demonstrated that hypolipidemic ties [225]. Interestingly, this stimulation of eNOS
fibrates have favorable effects of slowing the expression does not occur through effects on
progression of atherosclerosis and reducing the eNOS gene promoter activity, but rather
risk of coronary artery disease in high-risk through increases in mRNA stability [223].
patients (for review see [122,137,138]). PPAR is In contrast to the protection offered by
expressed in the cardiovascular system, includ- PPAR agonists against the development of
ing the heart [109,118,119,133,178], vascular atherosclerosis, the ‘reverse’ translational stud-
endothelial cells [207], vascular smooth muscle ies aimed at delineating the beneficial action of
cells [208] and circulating monocytes/macro- PPAR on the progression of atherosclerosis in
phages [209], and in atherosclerotic plaques [210], rodent models of atherosclerosis have yielded
where it exerts direct anti-atherogenic and anti- conflicting information [119,226]. PPAR-null
inflammatory actions [115,116,118,133]. It is likely mice exhibit a greater inflammatory response
that PPAR influences inflammation by the when challenged with bacterial lipopoly-
regulation of genes affecting: saccharide [220,227,228]. Surprisingly, double
• Monocyte recruitment (monocyte chemotactic knockout mice lacking both ApoE and PPAR
protein-1 [211]; endothelin [212]); (ApoE-/-/PPAR-/-) mice exhibited more
atherosclerosis than mice gene-ablated for
• Adhesion molecules (vascular cell adhesion ApoE (ApoE-/-) alone (control) [229], suggesting
molecule-1) [213,214]; a proatherogenic function of PPAR. Further-
• Transmigration proteases (matrix metallo- more, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and
proteinase-9) [215] ; ApoAI and AII levels were higher in PPAR
null mice, but were shown to be more insulin diseases are major causes for morbidity and
sensitive and less hypertensive compared with mortality, the urgency for better understanding
wild-type controls [130]. Another study con- of these complex systems and the transcription
ducted on atherosclerosis-prone ApoE-/- mice factors that regulate them is readily appreciated.
indicated that treatment with the PPAR ago-
nist ciprofibrate accelerated the high-fat diet Future perspective
induced hyperlipidemia and significantly The highly complex regulatory mechanism that
increased the extent of atherosclerosis [230]. By PPAR plays in an organism sometimes makes
contrast, studies reported by Claudel and col- interpretation of direct effects versus indirect
leagues [231] and Duez and colleagues [232] sug- effects difficult to dissect. Understanding the
gest that although the PPAR agonist interplay of metabolic, inflammatory and
fenofibrate exerted very little antiatherogenic hypertensive systems will require evaluation of
actions in ApoE-/- mice, it exhibited a very genetic pathways using gene chip/multigene
robust effect in ApoE-/- transgenic mice carrying arrays. In fact, this approach is already bearing
a fenofibrate–inducible human ApoA-I trans- significant results in identifying genes that are
gene. Two more recent studies further con- under PPAR control (directly or indirectly).
firmed that activation of PPAR by specific However, since these different systems may indi-
agonists (fenofibrate and GW7647) reduced the rectly affect one another, it is likely that full
extent of atherosclerosis by approximately 50%. understanding of PPAR regulation will only be
Interestingly, treatment of hypercholesterolemic achieved in the context of multigene arrays eval-
mice with GW7647, a highly specific and uated from experiments conducted under
potent PPAR agonist, also blocked the forma- in vivo conditions. Evaluation of in vitro experi-
tion of macrophage foam cells in the peritoneal ments alone is not likely to address the critical
cavities of mice [178,206]. aspects connecting the interdependence of the
metabolic and inflammatory systems. Fortui-
Conclusions tously, there are safe and effective PPAR drugs
PPAR is a master regulatory transcription fac- available to conduct in vivo analysis at both the
tor controlling lipid homeostasis and has been preclinical and the clinical levels. It stands to
demonstrated to regulate genes related to lipid reason that future clinical studies using PPAR
transport, packaging, synthesis and metabolism. will utilize gene chips with arrays that are
Its role in regulating fatty-acid oxidation has known, or suspected to be, PPAR responsive as
been confirmed in the liver, heart, skeletal mus- a mechanism to correlate clinical outcomes to
cle and the pancreas; it is highly likely that genetic control.
PPAR controls fatty-acid oxidation in other tis- As we further understand and/or confirm the
sues as well. Owing to its role in lipid homeo- role of PPAR in both energy homeostasis as
stasis, PPAR plays a major role in energy well as regulation of inflammation and arthero-
homeostasis, which can be observed by the sclerosis, it is likely that development of more
effects of PPAR on insulin secretion and insulin potent -agonists will be warranted. The fibrate
sensitivity. More recently, the PPARs, including class of drugs was developed to combat dyslipi-
PPAR, have exhibited direct and indirect demia without an understanding of their broader
effects on atherosclerosis and inflammatory sys- importance. Fortuitously, these drugs were iden-
tems. Concomitantly, with the understanding of tified as PPAR agonists and have greatly facili-
the diverse effects of PPAR, there is a growing tated our appreciation of the potential of PPAR
appreciation for the inter-relatedness of dyslipi- agonists as clinically useful medicines. Currently,
demia, insulin resistance, hypertension, chronic much of the focus is on diabetes with dual
inflammation and atherosclerosis. This has made PPAR/ agonists being developed. In this para-
the PPARs, and PPAR in particular, the subject digm, PPAR is seen as a secondary player to
of intense drug development in search of new PPAR, since the main thrust of these drugs is to
drugs that can both treat the immediate meta- improve insulin sensitivity. Given a better under-
bolic disorder, such as diabetes, and prevent the standing of the complex interplay of inflamma-
long-term consequences of metabolic disease, tion, metabolic function and cardiovascular
such as cardiovascular disease. Since the preva- disease, it is highly likely that drug development
lence of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular efforts will refocus on development of new
disease are at epidemic proportions and these PPAR drugs.
Executive summary
• Peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor- (PPAR ) is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that includes other PPAR
isoforms (PPPAR/, PPAR) and the estrogen, androgen and glucocorticoid receptors.
• PPAR is a master transcription factor that regulates genes involved in lipid metabolism, glucose homeostasis, inflammation and
atherosclerosis, and is the principal regulator of energy homeostasis.
• Fibrates are hypolipidemic drugs that are weak ligands for PPAR . The lipid (triglyceride)-lowering actions of this class of drugs are
mediated by modulation of lipid metabolism through molecular actions of PPAR .
• Fibrates and other PPAR ligands also exert anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic actions in the constituent cells of the vessel
wall. Thus, PPAR agonists interfere with the progression of atherosclerosis by modulating the function of various components of
metabolic syndrome through their anti-inflammatory properties.
• In recent years, several clinical trials, including the BEnzafibrate Coronary Atherosclerosis Intervention Trial (BECAIT), the Helsinki
Heart study, the Benzafibrate Infraction Prevention (BIP) study, the BECAIT and the Veterans Affairs High-density lipoprotein
Intervention Trial (VA-HIT), have demonstrated that hypolipidemic fibrates have favorable effects on slowing the progression of
atherosclerosis and reducing the risk of coronary artery disease in high-risk patients.
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