Diabetes and Hypertension Physiopathology and Therapeutics: Journal of Human Hypertension May 2000
Diabetes and Hypertension Physiopathology and Therapeutics: Journal of Human Hypertension May 2000
Diabetes and Hypertension Physiopathology and Therapeutics: Journal of Human Hypertension May 2000
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Diabetes mellitus by itself, is a frequent and increasing hyperinsulinaemia and insulin-resistance have been
public health problem. The prevalence in most Western postulated as causes and/or consequences of hyperten-
countries varies between 2 to 5% and it is rapidly sion. Regardless of the type of diabetes, hypertension
increasing in Asiatic countries due to changes in dietary is two to three times more common among diabetics
habits during the last years. The association between compared with non-diabetics. In this paper we propose
diabetes mellitus and hypertension has been described to review the essential physiopathological mechanisms
in 60 to 65% of diabetics. In hypertension we find insulin involved in this association that causes high morbidity
resistance mainly in skeletal muscle involving the con- and mortality rates and increases disability among the
version of glucose to glycogen independently of blood population involved. Journal of Human Hypertension
flow. The degree of resistance is related to the severity (2000) 14, Suppl 1, S26–S31.
of hypertension and varies between races. States of
with hypertension are: increase in thickness of the ing a larger amount of free radicals that inactivates
media in all vessels (large, medium, small and the NO, and damage the coupling of the vasodilator
arterioles), as an adaptive response to the increased to the endothelium receptor.
resistance in the wall of the artery in order to regu- The coexistence of hypertension and diabetes
late the local blood flow, a phenomenon observed enhances the loss of the endothelium-mediated
in the circulatory system as a whole, including large vasodilation, which could be explained by a lower
vessels and even resistance arterioles what amplifies production of NO or by a decrease of the response
and perpetuates arterial hypertension. However, in to the NO in the vascular smooth muscle.8 There are
animal models these structural changes show several degrees and types of endothelial dysfunc-
hypertrophy in the large vessels and hyperplasia in tion: (1) damage to the Galphai proteins; (2) lower
small arteries and arterioles.4 release of NO, prostacyclines and/or endothelium-
In addition to these mechanic changes, the derived hyperpolarizing factor, (EDHF); (3) increase
phenomenon of vascular rarefaction is described, in the release of endoperoxidases; (4) increase in the
consisting of the effective loss of microvascular per- production of oxygen reactive species; (5) increase
fusion units, arterioles or capillaries, leading to a of endotheline 1 (ET-1) production; and (6) decrease
decrease of blood flow to the skeletal muscle. Insu- of the vascular smooth muscle sensitivity to NO,
lin resistance is directly related to low perfusion and prostacyclines, and/or EDHF.
loss of the capillary bed density in the skeletal mus- Different metabolic pathways related to hypergly-
cle. In diabetic subjects structural changes of the caemia are involved in the higher production of free
vessels walls associated to hyperglycaemia have radicals (anion super-oxyde hydroxyl). However,
been described.5 none of the investigations carried out recently have
Today we know that the endothelium mediates shown the limits where blood sugar levels are toxic
the ability of the blood vessels to modify their archi- to the vascular system. When endothelial cells are
tecture in response to haemodynamic changes.5 The incubated in high glucose concentrations there is a
normal endothelium reduces the vascular tonus pro- higher production of advanced glycosilated end-pro-
ducing relaxation of the vascular wall and inhibiting ducts (AGE), that could inactivate NO.
the growth of the smooth muscle, adhesion and Nitrous oxide inhibits platelets adherence and
aggregation of platelets and leukocytes and thus pre- aggregation, reduces the adherence of monocytes to
venting thrombosis. It is easy to understand that an the endothelium, the proliferation of the vascular
alteration of the inhibitory function of the vascular smooth muscle and eliminates the capacity of mono-
endothelium will lead to vasoconstriction with an cytes to oxydize low-density lipoproteins (LDL).
increase of the peripheral vascular resistance and a The activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldos-
rise of blood pressure, stimulation of the growth of terone system also has an important role in the gen-
the vascular smooth muscle and elevation of the esis of endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive indi-
adhesion and platelet aggregation, altogether leading viduals. Levels of bradykinin and angiotensin II
to thrombogenic accidents. inside the endothelial wall are controlled by the
Many studies demonstrate that nitric oxide (NO) angiotensin- converting-enzyme (ACE). ACE breaks
produced by the endothelium largely contributes to down bradykinin to produce angiotensin II. Brady-
this vascular remodelling participating actively as a kinin stimulates the endothelial cell to release vaso-
negative regulator of the proliferation of vascular dilating substances. The action of kinines is main-
smooth muscle in response to stimulation.6 A dys- tained in spite of endothelial dysfunction except in
functional endothelium loses not only the capacity very severe arterial injuries. Angiotensin II could be
to regulate vascular tone, but also its anti-thrombotic partly responsible for endothelial dysfunction
and anti-aggregation properties for leukocytes and because it induces resistance to the vasodilatory
platelets.7 effect of the NO, so that by stopping the production
Thromboxane A2, produced by the platelets, is of angiotensin II the direct and indirect vasocon-
the most important agent producing vasoconstric- strictive effects of this peptide are blocked.9
tion, is increased in diabetics, and the smooth mus- Another possible contribution of DM to endo-
cle of the vessels has a higher susceptibility to it. thelial dysfunction is the impairment of the lipid
Other agents are endothelin-1, a vasoconstrictor profile; it has been demonstrated that hypercholest-
stimulated by hyperglycaemia. In these subjects the erolaemia accelerates the deficit of intracellular argi-
concentrations of NO are low; this is the reason for nine, reducing the activity of the NO synthetase,
the alterations of the endothelium-dependent lowering the production of NO and increasing endo-
phenomenon. Among the vasodilating substances thelin secretion predominating the vasoconstrictive
prostacycline is an endothelium agent, produced in response. It is important to remark that the develop-
lower amounts in diabetics and exhibiting a contra- ment of the atherosclerotic process begins with an
dictory vasoconstricting action mediated by throm- initial injury produced either by a metabolic trauma
boxane A2.4 like diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia, smoking,
In diabetics NO is blocked by the products of infections, ischaemia, etc; or by a physical trauma
advanced glycosilation in a time-dependent way such as hypertension and percutaneous coronary
beginning during the first 2 weeks and reaching a angioplasty.4
maximum peak within 2 months. In that manner
glycosilated haemoglobin reduces the endothelium- Insulin and atherosclerosis
dependent relaxation mediated by NO. Diabetic There is a relationship between the decrease of
patients show an elevated oxidative stress produc- sensitivity to the effect of insulin, secondary hyper-
insulinism and predisposition to atherosclerosis. associated vascular complications are linked by
High levels of insulin are related to elevated concen- another mechanism: the non-enzymatic glycosil-
trations of plasminogen type I inhibitor (PAI-1), due ation of proteins, which include the serum lipopro-
to an apparent direct effect of insulin on the PAI- teins. Non-enzymatic protein glycosilation is related
1 producing hepatocytes. Therefore, the atherogenic to several processes promoting atherosclerosis.11
effect of insulin is mediated partly by high levels of The binding of glucose to proteins produces insol-
PAI-1 with the ensuing inhibition of fibrinolysis. uble complexes called advanced glycosilated end
PAI-1 is proportionally related to the triglycerides products (AGE),12 which are synthesized in higher
levels in patients with ischaemic cardiopathy but in amounts in hyperglycaemia. The effects of the AGE
addition it is found in high concentrations in the proteins include the following: (1) procoagulant
atheromatous lesion. Obese patients with type II DM changes on the surface of endothelial cells and
show high levels of PAI-1 associated with hyper- higher oxydative stress due to binding to endothelial
insulinism and hypertriglyceridaemia. cells; (2) a greater endothelium permeability because
Resistance to insulin could be defined as a of inhibition of the association of heparinsulphate
decrease to the response or to the sensitivity of the to the extracellular matrix; (3) alteration of the endo-
effectors to the hormone action. Insulin effectors thelium-dependent vasodilation as a result of nitric
include principally, muscle cells, adipocytes, hepa- oxide depletion; (4) proliferation of smooth muscle
tocytes and also the beta cells of the pancreatic cells induced by cytokines resulting from binding of
islets.10 Resistance to insulin could be divided in: AGE-bounded proteins to specific macrophages
(1) decrease of the sensitivity to the hormone (post- receptors; (5) a higher secretion of platelet-derived
receptor failure); (2) decreased biological response growth factor (PDGF) and a pronounced enhance-
to insulin; and (3) decreased sensitivity and ment of circulating monocytes chemotaxis.
response. The immediate results of insulin-resist-
ance is the compensating increment of pancreatic 
cell secretion, which leads to hyperinsulinism, with
Insulin’s theory for hypertension
high serum insulin concentrations without hypogly- It was Reaven, who first associated cardiovascular
caemia.10 accidents, obesity and intolerance to glucose using
Insulin has direct and indirect atherogenic effects. the term X Syndrome, called later on Metabolic Syn-
It acts directly as a mitogenic factor for the smooth drome. At present Assmann13 has proposed the term
muscle cells contributing to their proliferation. Metabolic Cardiovascular Syndrome and estab-
Additionally it acts as a migratory factor of the lished defining diagnostic criteria that include: (1)
smooth muscle cells from the media to the intima. resistance to insulin with hyperinsulinaemia and
Also it increases the tubular sodium reabsorption in decreased glucose tolerance; (2) dislipidaemia, hy-
the kidney and the sympathetic activity, all of which pertriglyceridaemia and decrease of HDL-col; (3)
could contribute to the development of arterial thrombogenicity due to increase of coagulation fac-
hypertension. Indirectly, insulin has a large influ- tor VII and to the inhibitor of the plasminogen activ-
ence in the lipid profile acting on the catabolism of ating factor (PAI-1); (4) hypertension with sympath-
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins increasing the concen- etic hyperactivity; (5) trunk obesity accompanied by
tration of strongly atherogenic remnants. Insulin increase of free fatty acids (FFA) in the portal vein;
participates in different processes of lipid catab- (6) hyperuricaemia.
olism. So, it is known that a low insulin efficiency Different direct findings could explain the pres-
leads to a higher amount of strongly atherogenic gly- ence of hypertension in insulin-resistant diabetic
cosilated LDL particles, the precursors of the foam patients, such as: (1) increase of sodium and water
cells. Insulin also increases the number and activity reabsorption in the proximal renal tubuli increasing
of the cell receptors for LDL stimulating the HMG- the intravascular volume. (2) Activation of the sym-
CoA reductase, and regulates the synthesis of intra- pathetic nervous system with the ensuing rise in the
cellular cholesterol. In the high-density lipoprotein concentration of catecholamines, leading to an
(HDL) receptor insulin modulates the lecitin-choles- increase of the heart rate, myocardial contractility
terol-acil transferase. Hyperinsulinaemia also and cardiac output. It has been reported higher tone
increases the liver production of very low-density of the great veins as well as vasoconstriction of the
lipoproteins (VLDL), causing hypertriglyceridaemia resistance vessels together with an increment of tub-
since insulin resistance reduces the removal of tri- ulo-renal sodium reabsorption and renin liber-
glycerides.10 In addition it should be mentioned that ation;2,4 (3) Alteration of the function of the insulin-
hyperinsulinaemia might decrease the levels of dependent transmembrane ionic pumps, which is
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in men. expressed in: (a) increase of the sodium-proton
Recently it has been established that acute hyper- pump activity, what causes a great deal of hydrogen
insulinaemia strongly reduces protein degradation ions to leave the cells and rising of intracellular pH.
in the myocardium of patients with cardiovascular This has an easy vascular reactivity to noradrena-
disease and resistance to the peripheral action of line, angiotensin II and to salt overload and stimu-
insulin. This kind of antiproteolitic response rep- lates the cell proliferation of the arteriole smooth
resents a potential mechanism through which hy- muscle; (b) reduction of the activity of the sodium-
perinsulinaemia contributes to the development of potassium-ATPase insulin-dependent pump with
myocardial hypertrophy in patients with cardio- the subsequent increase of sodium and decrease of
vascular disorders.4 potassium concentrations inside the cell; (c)
Hyperglycaemia, atherosclerosis and diabetes increased reactivity of smooth muscle due to cito-
solic Ca2+ increase as the Ca-ATPase becomes resist- since insulin acts as its major regulator and
ant to insulin. (4) Enhancement of arteriolar vaso- increases the activity of the liver lipase, which
constriction because of greater sensitivity to accelerates the synthesis and secretion of hepatic
vasoconstrictor and lower sensitivity to vasodilator VLDL rich in triglycerides,16 producing hypertrigly-
stimuli. The impairment of the Na-K-ATPase insu- ceridaemia, reduction of HDL-cholesterol, changes
lin-dependent pump disappears slowly by addition in the composition of the LDL generating dense and
of L-arginine, the precursor for NO. The synthesis of short LDL particles and accumulation of VLDL rem-
NO is directly correlated to the sensitivity to insulin nants and chylomycrons, all of these factors con-
in healthy patients.4,7 Additionally, acute hyper- tributing to the genesis and persistence of hyperten-
insulinaemia increases endothelin concentrations so sion in the diabetic patient.
that diabetics show a higher response to noradrena-
line and angiotensin II. (5) Activation of insulin-
dependent growth factors (protooncogene e-myc,
Pharmacological treatment
IGF-1 and IGF-2) producing more hypertrophy of the The high rate of patients with DM forces us upon
vessel wall. Recent studies have established that maintaining an adequate level of metabolic control
such growth factors have an effect on the glucose and reduction of other cardiovascular risk factors
transporters of muscle and fat cells causing trans- such as the lipid profile, arterial hypertension and
location of the transporter GLUT-4, the main glucose tobacco habits. This is the case of patients
transporter and insulin-dependent situated princi- presenting DM and hypertension, two morbid con-
pally in skeletal muscle, heart and adipocytes.14 ditions that together are present in 50% of patients
with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is known
that cardiovascular diseases are present in 75% of
Abnormalities of lipids all deaths associated with DM.17 Diabetes mellitus
Insulin, a classic anabolic hormone, has a high meta- and hypertension are closely related and predispose
bolic activity in the adipose tissue, which promotes the individual to arteriosclerosis and kidney failure.
the deposit of triglycerides in the adipocytes by dif- The object of blood pressure control in diabetic
ferent mechanisms: (a) induces the production of patients is to reduce as much as possible the number
lipoprotein lipase, which is bounded to the endo- of deaths and disabled people. The optimal level of
thelial vascular cells of the adipose tissue, breaking blood pressure in diabetic patients is still not estab-
down the circulating lipoproteins; (b) increases the lished but the statements of the VI JNC show that
glucose transport into the fat cell augmenting the 130/85 mm Hg should be the values searched for.18
use of alpha-glycero-phosphate for the esterification The efficiency of a hypertension treatment should
of free fatty acids; (c) inhibits the intracellular be measured not only by the reduction of blood
lipolisis. pressure but also by a lower excretion rate of urinary
Glycosilation of lipoproteins elevates its athero- albumin, the nephroprotective effect. The choice of
genic potential. Glycosilated LDL, not detected by an antihypertensive drug ought to be based not only
the classic LDL receptors, increases the synthesis of on the reduction of blood pressure alone but also
cholesterol esters and the accumulation of macro- on a better control of glycaemia, lipid profile and
phages. The formation of foam cells through captur- thrombotic disorders.19
ing of lipids by macrophages as well as cell prolifer- According to the literature control of blood press-
ation in the smooth muscle is higher when ure must be sufficient in order to reduce the velocity
glycosilated LDL bind to the macrophage recep- and the extent of damage to kidney function. Among
tors.11 the different antihypertensive drugs, the inhibitors
In 1988 Randle et al15 proposed that the increase of the angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACEI) are
of the free fatty acid oxidation limits the glucose recommended by the VI JNC. The ACEI delay the
consumption in the muscle due to alteration of the progression of microalbuminuria and could reduce
oxidation-reduction potential of the cell and to the the percentage of patients showing terminal renal
inhibition of many glycolisis enzymes. When large failure. Comparative studies between ACEI and cal-
amounts of fatty acids are oxidized acetylCoA cium channel blockers such as the Appropriate
accumulates in the cell, a powerful inhibitor of the Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes (ABCD), in
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. This complex is which enalapril was compared with nisoldipine, a
activated when pyruvate is being used for the forma- calcium channel blocker with long half-life, demon-
tion of acetyl-CoA. The activation is produced by strating after 5 years that cardiac infarction was sig-
dephosphorylation of the inactive form of the nificantly reduced in the group treated with enalap-
enzyme catalysed by the pyruvate phosphatase I and ril. In another study using fosinopril and
II, which at the same time are stimulated by the Ca2+ amlodipine, the Fosinopril and Amlodipine Cardiac
and Mg2+ levels of the cell and by the binding of Events Trial (FACET) proved that cardiacaccidents
insulin to its receptors. The results of these bio- were duplicated in patients treated with calcium
chemical disorders include the inhibition of insulin- channel blockers, but blood pressure was higher
induced glucose processing increasing the free fatty using ACEI.18,20 This study suggested also that the
acid concentration and promoting in that way oxi- combined use of calcium channel blockers and an
dation of fats.10 ACE inhibitor was effective in the treatment of
The consequence of all these biochemical hypertension, as supported by the findings of the
phenomena is a decrease of the synthesis and Systolic Hypertension meeting in Europe (Syst-
activity of the adipocyte lipoprotein lipase (LPL) Eur).21
More recently, the study Hypertension Optimal There are other drugs such as the thiazolindine-
Treatment (HOT) also demonstrated that the com- diones (Troglitazone) that does not only have an
bined use of calcium channel antagonists with ACEI improving effect in the peripheral sensitivity to
make a rational therapeutic choice for patients insulin but also in improving lipid profile, it does
presenting hypertension and diabetes.22 not affect insulin secretion and blocks the release of
Other studies have established that the kidneys of ␣-tumor-necrosis-factor and produces vasodilation
type 2 diabetics were structurally heterogeneous by blocking calcium movement.31,32
with less than one-third of them showing typical Other possibilities of new antihypertensive drugs
changes of diabetic nephropathy a decrease of kid- could be Urapidil, a postsynaptic and peripheral
ney function only in those patients with typical alpha-1 antagonist with central agonist effect on the
structural changes.23 serotoninergic 5-HT1A receptors that does not affect
Additional comparative studies with ACEI and glucose and lipid metabolism.33
beta-blockers, such as the United Kingdom Prospec- Likewise, the hypolipidic treatment with statins
tive Diabetes Study (UKPDS), found no difference in and aspirin have been shown to be effective and
the rate of cardiovascular or diabetic complications, promise a better prognosis for diabetic patients with
not even in the microalbuminuria or proteinuria in cardiovascular disease. The efficacy of aspirin at low
patients treated with captopril or atenolol, and they dose (81–325 mg/day), was demonstrated by the
conclude that both drugs are equally effective and Anti-Platelet Trialists (APT), in which a reduction
safe, and could be used with great benefit for the of vascular accidents in diabetic and non-diabetic
treatment of uncomplicated hypertensive type 2 dia- patients was observed, corroborated by the Early
betic patients.19,24 Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS).34,35
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