Prefunctional Checklists-Addenda
Prefunctional Checklists-Addenda
Prefunctional Checklists-Addenda
A. This section contains prefunctional checklists. On each checklist, assign responsibility for each
item to the appropriate trade. The checklists do not take the place of the manufacturer’s
recommended checkout and start-up procedures or report. Some checklist procedures may be
redundant of some checkout procedures that will be documented on typical factory field
checkout sheets. Double documenting is required in those cases.
a. Heating Pumps
b. Boiler
c. Domestic Hot Water System
d. Supply fan
e. TAB
f. Building Automation System
Pump tag:
Building: Glacier Valley Elementary School
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for
functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties
having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible
contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of
outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon
completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable
functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Construction checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout,
preparatory to performing test procedures.
• This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and
startup procedures or report.
• If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
• Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see
that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the
exceptions noted below.
Pump 1 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number GPM Head
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Motor Hp Motor Eff RPM
Pump 2 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number GPM Head
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Motor Hp Motor Eff RPM
Pump 3 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number GPM Head
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Motor Hp Motor Eff RPM
Pump 4 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number GPM Head
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Motor Hp Motor Eff RPM
Pump 5 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number GPM Head
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Associated Checklists
Boiler Heating Hot Water BAS
Heat Exchanger VFD Other
Installation Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Installation is per manufacturers instructions
Manufacturers recommended spare parts are provided
Equipment label permanently affixed
Pump lubricated
Pump drive properly aligned
Pump turns freely
Drive guard or shield is properly installed
Pump foundation is level within manufacturer’s tolerances
Pumps in place and properly anchored
Pipes are supported independently of the pump
Vibration isolation devices installed and functional (non-short circuiting)
Addendum No. 3 February 23, 2007
CBJ Contract # 07-138 Section 15998 - 4
Installation Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Seismic anchoring installed and functional where applicable (non-short
Isolation valves and piping specialties installed
Shaft seal is leak free
Pump detail checked against the drawings and all devices gages and
appurtenances are in place
Insulation installed per requirements. Pumps for cold water insulated
to avoid condensation yet allow for service.
Net positive suction head within acceptable range
Installation per manufacturer's requirements and start up instructions
Drive location not subject to excessive moisture or dirt
Drive location not subject to excessive temperatures
Appropriate Volts vs. Hz curve is being used
Drive size matches motor size
Drive mounted on house keeping pad (if applicable)
Cooling air flow path clean and unobstructed
Permanent label affixed and UL stamp approved
VFD interlocked to control system
Unit is programmed with full written programming record on site
Minimum and maximum speed set
Accel time set to __________ and Decel time set to __________
Operation checked in HAND, OFF, and AUTO. As applicable
operation also checked in BYPASS
Where applicable, ensure safeties are active in all modes
Coordinated with BAS for all interface ranges and signal isolation
Restart on Power Failure parameter set to auto
VFD powered (wired to controlled equipment)
Addendum No. 3 February 23, 2007
CBJ Contract # 07-138 Section 15998 - 5
Installation Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Grounding installed for components and unit
Drive min and max speed set to ______ Hz min and 60 Hz max
Security settings set per Owner direction and Password documented
for Owner
Drive response to loss of signal set to __________
Output pulse resolution set to _________ MHz. (This is coordinated
with the application to minimize audible noise and coordinated with
driven bearing allowances.)
Checked the input voltage with drive disconnected
Input of motor FLA represents 100% to 105% of motor FLA rating
Upper frequency limit set at 100%, unless explained otherwise
Installation of system and balancing devices allowed balancing to be
completed following specified NEBB or AABC procedures and contract
Sensor or Actuator Tag Location 1 Gage or Instrument Final Gage or Pass
& Location OK BAS Value Measured Value BAS Value Y/N
Boiler Checklist
Project: Glacier Valley Elementary School Renovations, Phase I
Chiller Tag:
Building: Glacier Valley Elementary School
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for
functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties
having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible
contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of
outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon
completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable
functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Construction checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout,
preparatory to performing test procedures.
• This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and
startup procedures or report.
• If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
• Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see
that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the
exceptions noted below.
Boiler 1 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number Capacity GPM
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Boiler 2 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number Capacity GPM
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Boiler 3 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number Capacity GPM
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Associated Checklists
Heating Hot Water Pump Heating Hot Water BAS
VFD Other Other
Installation Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
General appearance good, no apparent damage
Installation is per manufacturer’s instructions
Seismic restraints in place
Pipe fittings and accessories complete
Hydronic system flushing complete and strainers cleaned
Test plugs (P/T) installed near all control sensors and as per spec
Flow switch installed as required
Equipment labels affixed
Tube pull and access door space adequate and to code
Combustion air supply installed
No leaking apparent
Hydronic piping complete, including blowdown system, makeup water
piping and safety reliefs
Piping supported independently of the Boiler
Hydronic system flushing complete and strainers cleaned
Isolation valves and balancing valves installed
Piping type and flow direction labeled on piping
Chemical treatment system or plan installed
Unions installed to allow for easy removal of control valves
Installed per manufacturers instructions
Sloped toward boiler
Clearance to combustibles per code
Protection in place to prevent burning hazard
Discharge is protected from rain and blockage
Provisions in place for expansion compensation
Addendum No. 3 February 23, 2007
CBJ Contract # 07-138 Section 15998 - 10
Installation of system and balancing devices allowed balancing to be
completed following specified NEBB or AABC procedures and
contract documents
Operational Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comments
Measure line to line voltage phase imbalance for all three-phase
(%Imbalance = 100 x (avg. - lowest) / avg.)
Record imbalance of compressor. Imbalance less than 2%?
Record full load running amps for all three-phase motors:
_____rated FL amps x ______srvc factor = _______ (Max amps).
Running less than max?
Sensor or Actuator Tag Location 1 Gage or Instrument Final Gage or Pass
& Location OK BAS Value Measured Value BAS Value Y/N
Building: Glacier Valley Elementary School
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for
functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties
having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible
contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of
outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon
completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable
functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Construction checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout,
preparatory to functional testing.
• This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and
startup procedures or report.
• If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
• Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see
that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the
noted below.
Associated Checklists
Plumbing Piping Plumbing Fixtures Domestic Water Booster
Other Other Other
Installation Checks
Check if Acceptable; Provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Installation is per manufacturers instructions
Manufacturers recommended spare parts are provided
Equipment label permanently affixed
Pump lubricated
Pump turns freely
Addendum No. 3 February 23, 2007
CBJ Contract # 07-138 Section 15998 - 14
Installation Checks
Check if Acceptable; Provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Pumps in place and properly supported
Pipes are supported independently of the pump
Seismic anchoring installed and functional where applicable (non-
short circuiting)
Isolation valves and piping specialties installed
Pressure / temperature relief valves installed per specification
Shaft seal is leak free
Pump detail checked against the drawings and all devices, gages and
appurtenances are in place
Insulation installed per requirements
Sensor or Actuator Tag Location 1 Gage or Instrument Final Gage or Pass
& Location OK BAS Value Measured Value BAS Value Y/N
AHU Tag:
Building: Glacier Valley Elementary School
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for
functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties
having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible
contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of
outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon
completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable
functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Construction checklist items are to be completed as part of startup and initial checkout,
preparatory to functional testing.
• This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and
startup procedures or report.
• If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
• Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see
that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the
exceptions noted below.
SF Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number Capacity CFM
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Components Included
Supply Fan Economizer Cooling Coil
Return Fan Air Blender Pre-Heat Coil
Exhaust / Relief Fan Filter(s) Heating Coil
VFD(s) Humidifier Other
Associated Checklists
Chilled Water Pump Heating Hot Water Pump BAS
Chilled Water Piping Heating Hot Water Piping Other
Steam Piping Condensate Piping Other
Installation Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Cabinet and general installation
Permanent labels affixed, including for fans
Casing condition good: no dents, leaks, door gaskets installed
Access doors close tightly - no leaks
Connection between duct and unit tight and in good condition
Vibration isolation equipment installed & released from shipping locks
Maintenance access acceptable for unit and components
Sound attenuation installed
Thermal insulation properly installed and according to specification
Instrumentation installed according to specification (thermometers,
pressure gages, flow meters, etc.)
Clean up of equipment completed per contract documents
Filters installed and replacement type and efficiency permanently
affixed to housing--construction filters removed
Operational Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comments
Supply fan rotation correct (If VFD, check rotation in bypass and VFD
Inverter mode)
Supply fan has no unusual noise or vibration
Inlet vanes aligned in housing, actuator spanned, modulate smoothly
and proportional to input signal and EMS readout
Specified point-to-point checks have been completed and
documentation record submitted for this system
Sensor or Actuator Tag Location 1st Gage or Instrument Final Gage or Pass
& Location OK BAS Value Measured Value BAS Value Y/N
Building: Glacier Valley Elementary School
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for
functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties
having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible
contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of
outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon
completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable
functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
performing test procedures.
• This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout or
procedures in standards referenced in the specifications, but is intended to augment them.
• If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
• Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see
that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
Approvals. This completed checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the
exceptions noted below.
Associated Systems
Air Side Water Side – Heating Water Side – Chilled
Hot Water Water
General Objectives.
¾ The purpose of this checklist is to verify that necessary components of the TAB Plan
have been included.
¾ A checkmark indicates that item is included in Plan. If deficient, identify issue in
Comment section.
Review Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comments
Specified qualifications and certifications of parties performing
TAB work submitted and approved
TAB contractor has reviewed drawings and walked through
the site and verified that there are sufficient balancing
dampers and valves, isolation dampers and valves and test
ports installed to perform TAB per spec. Any deficiencies in
design or installation that will adversely affect or preclude
proper TAB have been reported.
TAB contractor has reviewed the construction documents and
the systems with the design engineers and contractors to
sufficiently understand the design intent for each system
Prior to plan, TAB contractor had planning meeting with
controls contractor to discuss using BAS for TAB
All field checkout sheets and logs provided as part of plan
Final test report sheets to be used provided as part of plan
Review Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comments
Field and final test report sheets list each piece of equipment
to be tested, adjusted and balanced with the data cells to be
gathered for each
Discussion of what notations and markings will be made on
the duct and piping drawings complete
List of all air flow, water flow, sound level, system capacity and
efficiency measurements to be performed and provide a
description of specific test procedures, parameters, formulas
and test instrument type to be used for the measurements
Sample forms have been included
Detailed step-by-step procedures for TAB work include:
terminal flow calibration (for each terminal type), diffuser
proportioning, branch / submain proportioning, total flow
calculations, rechecking, etc. Similar for water side
Details of how total flow will be determined (Water: pump
curves, circuit setter, flow station, ultrasonic, etc.)
Specific procedures that will ensure (and which can be
verified) that both air and water side are operating at the
lowest possible pressures
The identification and types of measurement instruments to be
used and their most recent calibration date submitted
Details of any TAB work to be done in phases (by floor, etc.),
or of areas to be built out later
Details regarding specified deferred or seasonal TAB work
Details of any specified false loading of systems to complete
TAB work
Plan for hand-written field technician logs of discrepancies,
deficient or uncompleted work by others, contract
interpretation requests and lists of completed tests (scope and
Plan for formal progress reports (scope and frequency)
Plan for formal deficiency reports (scope, frequency and
Building: Glacier Valley Elementary School
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for
functional testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties
having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible
contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of
outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon
completion of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable
functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Construction checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout,
preparatory to performing test procedures.
• This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and
startup procedures or report.
• If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
• Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see
that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the
exceptions noted below.
Equipment Verification.
Installation Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Terminal Interface and Sub-Panel Checks
General appearance good, no apparent damage
Equipment labels affixed
Layout and location of control panels match drawings
Areas or equipment panels served clear in control drawings
Installation Checks
Check if acceptable, provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Wiring labeled inside panels (to controlled components)
Controlled components labeled/tagged
BAS connection made to labeled terminal(s) as shown on
Shielded wiring used on electronic sensors
110 volt AC power available to panel
Compressed air available to panel (if applicable)
Battery backup in place and operable
Surge suppression in place and operable
Panels properly grounded
Environmental conditions according to manufacturer’s
System date and time correct
1. [Wire] Verify that the wiring is correct to each point.
2. [Actu] If the device is or has an actuator, verify full free movement through its full range.
3. [Addr] Verify that the software address is correct.
4. [Load] For devices with a controller, verify that current software program with proper setpoints has
been downloaded.
5. [DevCal] Device stroke/range calibration. This applies to all controlled valves, dampers, fans, pumps,
actuators, etc. Simulate maximum and minimum transmitter signal values, verify minimum and
maximum controller output values, and positively verify each and every control device minimum and
maximum stroke and capacity range. Follow procedure below.
6. [SensLoc] Verify that all sensor locations are appropriate and away from causes of erratic operation.
7. [SensCal] Sensor calibration. Calibrate or verify calibration of all sensors and thermostats, including
temperature, pressure, flow, current, kW, rpm, Hertz, etc. Verify that the sensor readings in the control
system are within the sensor accuracies specified in this section, using hand-held or other external
measuring instruments. Follow procedure below.
8. [OperCk] For controlled devices (dampers, valves, actuators, VAV boxes, etc.), after mechanical
equipment control becomes operational, perform an operational test of each control loop. Follow
procedure below. Operational checks are preparatory to the later test procedures.
Other Abbreviations:
[BAS] ...... Building automation system or gage-read value.
[Instru] .... Instrument (calibrated) read value.
[Ofset]..... Offset programmed into the point to correct the calibration.
Similar checkout and calibration requirements are found on the equipment construction checklists.
Redundant documentation is not required. Cross reference, by name and form number, to other forms
that contain documentation left blank on the current form.
Each control point will be verified to be commanding, reporting and controlling according to their intended
Every analog and digital input and output in the central control system shall be verified to be functioning
properly. Points within and controlled by packaged equipment controllers do not require a point-by-point
checkout except for actuator positions or other points listed in the specifications or manufacturer’s start-
up and checkout procedures. For each output, commands will be initiated and verified to be functioning
by visually observing and documenting the status of the controlled device (e.g., command cooling coil
valve to full open, or command heating water pump off). For each input, the system or conditions will be
perturbed to initiate the input response being tested and the response in the control system observed and
recorded (e.g., high duct static pressure alarm). Sensors and actuators will also be calibrated according
to the sections below.
Sensor Calibrating Required
Instrument Calibration
Accuracy (+/-) Tolerance (+/-)
Cooling coil, chilled and condenser water temps 0.25F 0.4F
AHU wet bulb or dew point 1.0F 2.0F
Hot water coil and boiler water temp 1.0F 1.5F
Outside air, space air, duct air temps 0.25F 0.4F
Combustion flue temps 2.0F 5.0F
Relative humidity 2% RH 5% RH
Watthour, voltage & amperage 2% of reading 1% of design
Pressures, air, water and gas 2% of reading 3% of design
Building differential pressure 1% of full span 0.01 in. WC
Variable frequency drive 2 Hz 2 Hz
Flow rates, water 4% of reading 4% of design
CO2 monitor 5% of reading 50 ppm
CO monitor 3% of span 0.6 ppm / deg C
Natural gas & oil flow rate 2% of reading 1% of design
Steam flow rate 2% of reading 3% of design
Flow rates, air 3% of reading 10% of design1
Air velocity rates 3% of reading 10% of design
Relative Sensor Calibration. This procedure makes sure that sensors are accurate relative to each other
in a given piece of equipment. Sensors calibrated in this way, do not need separate calibration as given in
Procedures A-D. For example, for a heating water system all the sensors in the fluid stream would be
checked at one time, e.g., boiler entering and leaving temperatures, bypass, building supply and return
temperatures. This would include building automation sensors, equipment panel readouts and gages. For
an air handler it may include the return air temperature, coil temperatures and supply air temperatures.
Calibrating sensors with this method is preferable to calibrating them each separately.
The procedure is as follows. 1) Record all current sensor calibration offsets. 2) Remove all sensor
calibration offsets. 3) Put the system in a mode that will offer constant flow of water or air past the
sensors, e.g., turn off boilers; turn on pumps, or turn on air handler and close outside air dampers and
heating and cooling coil valves, etc. 4) Check with the reference instrument that the temperatures across
coils and dampers are equal indicating that there is no leak-by. 5) With the reference instrument record
the temperature rise across fans. 6) Use the entering fluid temperature to the system as a reference by
inserting a reference measuring instrument there. 7) Compare the sensor readings with the reference
reading. Take into account temperature rises across fans and pumps. 8) Install offsets or replace sensors
and gages as required so sensor readings, compared to the reference, are within the tolerances given in
Section E above. 9) Record all conditions, readings and offsets and submit. 10) Return systems to
C. BAS Readout and Stroke. For all valve and damper actuator positions checked, verify BAS address
and the actual position against the BAS readout and verify that the valve or damper strokes fully and
that “normal” position is correct.
Set pumps or fans to normal operating mode. Command valve or damper closed, visually verify that
valve or damper is closed and adjust output zero signal as required. Dampers shall be adjusted to
provide a tight positive closure. Command valve or damper open, verify position is full open and
adjust output signal as required. Command valve or damper to a few intermediate positions. If actual
valve or damper position doesn’t reasonably correspond, replace actuator or add pilot positioner (for
pneumatics). Remove the control signal to the valve or actuator from the BAS. Observe that the
failure mode (current position, open, closed) is as per specifications.
D. Closure for heating coil valves (NO): Set heating setpoint 20°F above room temperature. Observe
valve open. Remove control air or power from the valve and verify that the valve stem and actuator
position do not change. Restore to normal. Then, for pneumatic actuators only: Set heating setpoint
to 20°F below room temperature. Observe the valve close. Override in the BAS, increase pressure
to valve by 3 psi (do not exceed actuator pressure rating) and verify valve stem and actuator position
does not change. Restore to normal.
Option 1. Test Across Coil--for valves that are tight against AHU cabinet or valves that are away from
the cabinet. Turn off air handler fans, close OSA dampers; keep pump running and valve open. Fix the
supply water temperature setpoint. Place one sensor in moving supply water stream P/T plug or use
existing thermometer, else strap-on sensor and insulate. Place one sensor on the return side of the
coil, but not in the main return stream from other coils, ideally in a P/T plug, or strap-on and insulate.
Sensor on the valve side of the coil must be on the far side of the valve from the coil. Verify that
temperatures on both sides of the coil read the same. If not the same, record differences and
compensate in the next part of the test.
Close the valve by software command. After 10 minutes observe water delta-T across coil or valve. If
delta-T is not greater than 2°F, leakage is probably occurring. If leaking, reset valve stroke to close
tighter. Repeat test until in compliance.
Option 2. Test Just Across Valve—for valves more than 4 feet from the coil. Command the valve
closed and measure the temperature difference with one sensor in the moving water stream on one
side of the valve and one in the dead water at least 3 ft. from both the valve or the coil if the fan is on,
if the fan is not on it can be closer to the coil than 3 ft. After 10 minutes observe water delta T across
valve. If it is not greater than 2°F, leakage is probably occurring.
B. Method 2--Air Temperature With 2 or 3-Way Valve. Calibrate air temperature sensors on each side of
coil to be within 0.2°F of each other. Change mixed or discharge air setpoint, override values or bleed
or squeeze bulb pneumatic controller to cause the valve to close. Air handler fans should be on. After
5 minutes observe air delta T across coil. If it is greater than 1°F, leakage is probably occurring.
Reset valve stroke to close tighter. Repeat test until compliance. Water leak-by less than 10% will
likely not be detected with this method.
C. Method 3--Coil Drain Down for Terminal Units (not for 3-way valves). Put systems in normal mode. If
cooling coil valve, remove all call for cooling or if heating coil valve put system in full cooling. Close
isolation valve on supply side of coil, open air bleed cap, open drain-down cock and drain water from
coil. Water should stop draining, else there may be a leak through the control valve. Return all to
normal when done.
Isolation Valve or System Valve Leak Check (for valves not by coils)
A. Method 1--Ultra-sonic flow meter. With full pressure in the system, command valve closed. Use an
ultra-sonic flow meter to detect flow or leakage.
(See documentation forms on following pages)
BAS Point to Point Verification Sample Form
(Static Testing) Duplicate form as necessary
Sensor or Actuator Tag Location 1 Gage or Instrument Final Gage or Pass
& Location OK BAS Value Measured Value BAS Value Y/N
CCV = cooling coil valve, HCV = heating