Literature in Action Sample Lesson Plan f3 Cefr
Literature in Action Sample Lesson Plan f3 Cefr
Literature in Action Sample Lesson Plan f3 Cefr
Subject English
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. Pre-Lesson 1. Teacher distributes handouts containing pictures of the animals mentioned in the
poem ‘Poison Talk’ and secret codes for them to break which consist of the names
[15 minutes] of the animals.
2. Individually, pupils try to crack the codes in 10 minutes. The first one to complete
the task will receive a reward.
3. Then, teacher generates whole classroom discussion to check on pupils’
responses. (FA)
4. Teacher writes WALT on the board and explains.
ii. Lesson Delivery: Activity 1:
1. Teacher asks pupils to be in groups of 3 or 4 pupils. Then, each group reads the
[15 minutes] poem and discuss how they are going to recite the poem as a group creatively.
2. Each group is also assigned a pupil for them to give feedback to using two stars
and 1 wish. (They focus on voice projection, intonation and creativity) (FA)
Activity 2:
1. Teacher asks the pupils to talk about the poem briefly in pairs. Then the pupils
discuss how they feel about the poem. They need to decide whether they like or
dislike the poem and provide explanation.
2. Then, teacher calls out each pair to share their answers with the whole class.
iv. Post Lesson: 1. Pupils review their learning in this lesson through a BINGO session where the
pupils must fill the boxes in their BINGO cards with the names of the animals in
[15 minutes] the poem.
2. Then, teacher asks questions and pupils cross out their answers in their BINGO
3. The first pupil to cross their BINGO card either horizontally or vertically, will
win the game and receive a reward.
4. Finally, teacher recaps the lesson and WALT.
Teacher’s Reflection