Distortion and Noise
Distortion and Noise
Distortion and Noise
4, APRIL 2000
Abstract—An adaptive phase-locked loop (PLL) architecture reception condition is provided when the receiver is displaced
for high-performance tuning systems is described. The architec- within different coverage regions. For the system to be effec-
ture combines contradictory requirements posed by different per- tive, the background scanning has to be performed in a trans-
formance aspects. Adaptation of loop parameters occurs contin-
uously, without switching of loop filter components, and without parent (inaudible) way to the listener. A possible but expensive
interaction from outside of the tuning system. The relationship of way to do that is to use two tuners in the receiver, with one of
performance aspects (settling time, phase noise, and spurious sig- them being used for checking on alternative frequencies only.
nals) to design variables (loop bandwidth, phase margin, and loop Single-tuner solutions—which have a much better price/perfor-
filter attenuation at the reference frequency) are presented, and mance ratio—require a tuning system architecture able to do
the basic tradeoffs of the new concept are discussed. A circuit im-
plementation of the adaptive PLL, optimized for use in a multi- frequency hopping in an inaudible way [2]. In other words, a
band (global) car-radio tuner IC, is described in detail. The real- fast-settling-time architecture is required for these applications.
ized tuning system achieved state-of-the-art settling time and spec- Communication systems often pose severe requirements on
tral purity performance in its class (integer- PLL’s): a signal-to- the spectral purity of the tuning system local oscillator (LO)
noise ratio of 65 dB, a 100-kHz spurious reference breakthrough signal. There are two main reasons for this. First, to avoid prob-
signal under 81 dBc, and a residual settling error of 3 kHz after
1 ms, for a 20-MHz frequency step. It simultaneously fulfills the lems with reciprocal mixing of adjacent channels. Reciprocal
speed requirements for inaudible frequency hopping and the heavy mixing decreases the receiver's selectivity and disturbs the re-
signal-to-noise ratio specification of 64 dB. ception of weak signals. Second, because the mixing process,
Index Terms—Adaptive systems, FM noise, frequency synthe- which is used for down-conversion of the radio-frequency (RF)
sizers, phase-locked loops. signals, superposes the phase noise of the LO on the modula-
tion of the RF signal. Hence, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at
the output of the demodulator is a function of LO's phase noise
I. INTRODUCTION level [3].
This paper describes an adaptive tuning system architecture
F AST settling time–frequency synthesizers are essential
building blocks of modern communication systems.
Typical examples are digital cellular mobile systems, which
that combines fast settling time with excellent spectral purity
performance. The architecture was optimized to be used in
employ a combination of time-division duplex (TDD) and a global car-radio tuner IC with inaudible RDS background
frequency-division duplex (FDD) techniques. In these systems, scanning. The integer- frequency synthesizer has an SNR of
the downlink frequencies (base station to handsets) are placed 65 dB and a 100-kHz spurious reference breakthrough under
in different bands with respect to uplink frequencies. In order 81 dBc at the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) ( 87 dBc
to save cost and decrease the size of the handset, it is desirable at the mixer). Residual settling error for a 20-MHz frequency
to use the same frequency synthesizer to generate uplink and step is 3 kHz after 1 ms. These results are similar to those of a
downlink frequencies. Requirements are that the synthesizer fractional- implementation [4]. The complexity of our tuning
has to switch between bands and settle to another frequency system, however, is much smaller. The adaptive phase-locked
within a predetermined time ( 1.7 ms for GSM and DCS-1800 loop (PLL) was integrated in a 5-GHz, 2- m bipolar tech-
systems [1]). nology. The tuning system works with 8.5-V supply voltage for
Car-radio receivers with optimal radio data system (RDS) the charge pumps and with 5 V for the logic functions. Total
performance ask for fast-settling-time tuning systems as well current consumption is 21 mA from the 5-V supply and 12 mA
[2]. The RDS network transmits a list of (nationwide) alterna- from the 8.5-V supply.
tive frequencies carrying the same program. The tuner performs The architecture of the multiband tuner IC is described in
a background scanning of these frequencies, so that optimum Section II. Section III presents relationships of settling time,
phase noise, and spurious signals to the design variables, namely
loop bandwidth, phase margin, and loop filter attenuation at the
reference frequencies. Section IV introduces the adaptive PLL
Manuscript received July 23, 1999; revised November 29, 1999. architecture and discusses the advantages and tradeoffs of the
The author is with Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven 5656 AA The
Netherlands (e-mail: Cicero.Vaucher@philips.com). concept. Section V describes the circuit implementation, and
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(00)02861-4. Section VI presents a summary of measured results.
0018–9200/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE
II. MULTIBAND TUNER ARCHITECTURE AM DIV dividers, which are set in between the VCO output
and the RF mixers. Table I presents the VCO frequency and
The block diagram of the global tuner IC with inaudible back- tuning system parameter settings for various reception bands,
ground scanning is shown in Fig. 1. The receiver and tuning including the American Weather Band. By dividing the VCO
system architectures have been defined such that all reception output, the tuning resolution is 1 kHz in AM mode and 50 kHz in
bands can be accessed with a single VCO and a single loop filter, FM mode, despite the fact that reference frequencies are 20 kHz
without changes to the application. Mapping the frequency of and 100 kHz, respectively.
the VCO to the different input bands is achieved by dividing its Combining the different reception bands in one single appli-
output frequency by different ratios, depending on the band to cation—the same VCO and same loop filter—complicates the
be received. The division is accomplished in the FM DIV and design of the tuning system. A reception band with worst case
A. Settling Time, Loop Bandwidth, and Loop Phase Margin Fig. 3. Setting transient for different values of , normalized for f t. (a)
1( )
Setting error (represented as f f t =f ) versus f t. (b) Setting error
Bode diagrams are a powerful tool for designing PLL tuning (represented asln( 1 ( )
j f f t j=f ) ) versus f t.
systems [7], [8] because they enable direct assessment of the
loop's phase margin and open-loop bandwidth (0-dB fre-
reaching a minimum for values of around 50 . Increasing
quency ). Accurate and reliable results for and are ob-
the phase margin further leads to a sharp increase in the settling
tained with ease to implement behavioral models [9] and with
fast ac simulation runs. In spite of the advantages of the “ac
The relationship of settling time and phase margin, displayed
method,” design equations relating the settling performance of a
in Fig. 4, can be understood with the help of Fig. 5. It presents
type-2, third-order charge-pump PLL1 [6] to its open-loop band-
the pole and zero locations of the closed-loop transfer function
width and phase margin have, to the best of our knowledge, not
of a third-order loop with different values of phase margin (Bode
yet been published in the open literature.
plots presented in Fig. 2). The real part of the dominant (com-
Fig. 2 presents Bode plots of a type-2, third-order loop for
plex) poles approach for values of of about 50 . When
different values of phase margin . Fig. 3(a) displays the tran-
equals 53 , all three poles lie at . That is the location
sient response of such a loop for three different values of phase
with the fastest damping of the transient error. The fastest re-
margin. The responses are plotted as , normalized
sponse, however, is obtained with 51 . The complex parts of the
for . is the remaining frequency error with respect to
poles “speed up” the settling transient a bit further (25%). For
the final value and is the amplitude of the frequency jump.
higher values of phase margin, the dominant real pole moves to
Fig. 3(b) presents the responses as , so that
the right on the real axis. This pole is responsible for the slowing
the impact of on the “long-term” transient response is easily
down of the PLL response for values of 53 . Fig. 5
shows that the dominant pole, for 60 phase margin, lies at about
The influence of the phase margin on the settling time, ob-
0.4 . Hence, it may be concluded that the usual practice of
tained with transient simulations similar to those of Fig. 3, is
designing critically damped loops—which have a phase margin
presented in Fig. 4. The figure shows the time necessary for
of about 70 [5]—is not appropriate for fast-settling-time appli-
the value of to reach a numerical value of
10. The settling time decreases with increasing phase margin,
Let us consider Fig. 3(b) again. One sees that the (envelope
1The most widely used configuration in synthesizer applications. of the) curves can be approximated by straight lines. The ap-
Fig. 4. Setting time as function of the phase margin for f =f =e . ( ) for a 1(ln( )) of ten.
Fig. 6. Average values of 1
In (3):
locking time(s);
amplitude of the frequency jump (Hz);
maximum frequency error (Hz) at ;
can be read from Fig. 6.
Two points about the present treatment of the transient re-
sponse need further explanation. First, the presented results are
based on a linear continuous-time model for the discrete-time
charge-pump PLL. It is known in the literature [6] that the
continuous-time approach is a good approximation for the
discrete-time PLL if the reference (sampling) frequency
of the loop is at least a factor of ten higher than its open-loop
bandwidth . Therefore, the value of , calculated with (3),
has to be checked against the loop's reference frequency . If
Fig. 5. Position of the closed-loop poles and zeros of a third-order PLL the target ratio is smaller than ten, then actual settling
corresponding to different values of , as displayed in Fig. 2.
behavior will deviate from the calculations.
The second point is that usual implementations of the phase
proach proposed here takes into account with the help of an frequency detector have a limited linear phase error detection
effective damping coefficient . By so doing, we arrive at range, namely, from 2 to 2 [9]. When the instantaneous
the following approximation for the envelope of the curves of phase error becomes larger than 2 , the PFD interprets
Fig. 3(b): the error information as 2 . This effect leads to a
longer settling time than predicted with (3). The maximum value
(1) of , denoted , was found to obey the following rela-
tionship: , where is the main di-
Numerical estimations for can be obtained from tran- vider ratio and is a fitting factor for the influence of the
sient simulations with the help of the following expression: phase margin on . Numerical values for , obtained
from transient simulations, lie in the range [0.7,0.8]. Hence, the
maximum phase error is contained in the interval 2 , when
(2) 2 . If this condition is satisfied, then the
(discrete-time) transient response is accurately predicted by the
The settling time results presented in Fig. 4 leads to the nu- continuous-time linear model.
merical values for displayed in Fig. 6. These values rep- Inaudible RDS background scanning requires settling times
resent an average value for , as they are obtained from a of 1 ms, defined as a residual settling error of 6 kHz for a
of ten. 20-MHz frequency jump. The nominal loop phase margin is set
Manipulation of (1) results in an equation describing the min- to 50 , which corresponds to a of five. On the other
imum loop bandwidth required to achieve given settling speci- hand, it is appropriate to use a lower value for in the
fications and calculations (e.g., 2.5), to provide enough margin for variations
in the nominal values of loop bandwidth and phase margin.
Solving (3) for these settling specifications leads to a nominal
value of 3.2 kHz for the loop bandwidth .
Fig. 7. FM noise density and residual FM for loop bandwidths of 800 Hz and 3 kHz.
The loop bandwidth that satisfies different settling require- the simulated frequency noise (FM noise) power density and the
ments can be calculated with the help of (3). Settling specifica- residual FM, which is plotted as function of , with fixed at
tions, however, often require loop bandwidths that are not op- 20 Hz. The FM noise density and the residual FM are plotted for
timal with respect to spectral purity performance, as will be- values of loop bandwidth of 800 Hz and of 3 kHz. For 3 kHz,
come clear in the next subsection. the residual FM amounts to 40 Hz rms, which is 12 dB higher
than the specification. A loop bandwidth of 800 Hz, on the other
B. Phase Noise Performance and Loop Bandwidth hand, leads to a residual FM of 8 Hz rms, which satisfies the
The dependency of the total phase noise of a PLL tuning SNR requirement.
system on the phase noise of the loop components is well known The contributions of different noise sources to the total fre-
in the literature [3], [5], [10]. The phase noise of the VCO is sup- quency noise density, in the case of an 800-Hz loop bandwidth,
pressed inside the loop bandwidth, whereas the (phase) noise are displayed in Fig. 8. The contribution of the VCO to the
from the other building blocks is transferred to the VCO output, residual FM equals that of the other synthesizer building blocks.
multiplied by the closed-loop transfer function of the PLL: a This is a good compromise, and 800 Hz was chosen as the nom-
low-pass function that suppresses their noise contribution out- inal loop bandwidth for in-lock situations.
side the loop bandwidth. There is a “crossover point” for the The settling specification requires a bandwidth of 3.2 kHz.
loop bandwidth, where the noise contribution from the dividers The SNR constraint, on the other hand, asks for 800 Hz. These
and charge pump becomes dominant with respect to the noise conflicting requirements can be combined when the loop band-
from the VCO. width is made adaptive as a function of the operating mode: fre-
For terrestrial FM reception, the LO signal residual frequency quency jump or in-lock.
noise (residual FM) determines the ultimate receiver's SNR per- Adapting the value of the loop bandwidth during frequency
formance. The SNR specification for the application is 64 dB, jumps is easily accomplished by switching the nominal value of
defined for a reference level of 22.5-kHz peak deviation with the charge-pump current [6], [13]. This method, however, often
50- s deemphasis. Complying to the specification requires the causes disturbances in the VCO tuning voltage—the so-called
residual FM in the LO signal to be less than 10 Hz rms. secondary glitch-effect—at the moment the current is switched
The frequency (FM) noise density of the LO signal from high to low values. These disturbances are highly unde-
is linked to its phase noise power density sirable, as they have to be corrected by the loop in small band-
by [5]. equals width mode. What is more, the “secondary glitches” may cause
2 , the single-sideband noise-to-carrier ratio, so that audible disturbances in analog systems and increase the bit error
. Finally, the residual FM can be calcu- rate in digital systems.
To provide stability for a small bandwidth loop requires a
transfer function zero located at low frequencies (large time con-
(4) stant). A low-frequency zero, however, is undesirable for oper-
ation in high bandwidth mode. It causes the phase margin to be
The integration limits and in (4) depend on the signal “too” high, which increases the settling time. Note that the ef-
bandwidth of the application [3]. For terrestrial FM reception, fective damping coefficient decreases for high values of
the lower limit is 20 Hz and the higher is 20 kHz. Fig. 7 presents phase margin (see Fig. 6).
Fig. 8. Contributions from different noise sources to the total FM noise density and residual FM (20 Hz–20 kHz) with 800-Hz loop bandwidth.
Therefore, for optimal settling time and phase noise, one has
not only to switch the value of the loop bandwidth but also to
change the location of the zero in the transfer function.
offset frequency from the carrier (Hz);
amplitude of ac current component with frequency
impedance of the loop filter at (V/A);
VCO gain (Hz/V).
The value of is twice the value of the loop-filter
dc leakage current [12] in loops operating with well-designed
charge pumps. In cases where the charge pump has charge-
sharing problems and/or charge injection into the loop filter,
may become dominated by these second-order effects.
The imperfections can lead to spurious components with (much)
higher amplitudes than would be expected based on the leakage
current alone. Fig. 10. Loop-filter configuration, charge-pump currents, and component
values used in the global car-radio tuner IC.
Rearranging the above equation leads to a formula that relates
the required filter attenuation at to the specified maximum
level of spurious signals , to the dc leakage The relevant values of equal and its harmonics in a
current , and to the VCO gain standard PLL operating with a reference frequency of Hz.
Therefore, the required loop-filter (trans)impedance for these
frequencies can be readily calculated. The VCO gain, the spu-
rious specification, and the expected (maximum) leakage cur-
rent are known.
Fig. 11. Bode plots of the adaptive loop during frequency jumps and in-lock.
An important conclusion to be taken from the above equations creases the loop phase margin and increases the settling time in
is that the amplitude of the spurious signals is not dependent on high-bandwidth mode.
the absolute value of loop bandwidth. Instead, it is determined Therefore, to provide optimal settling, low-power dissipation,
by the (trans)impedance of the loop filter. This means that, at and good spurious performance, one has not only to switch the
least in principle, “any” spurious specification can be achieved value of the loop bandwidth but also to bypass (some) RC sec-
simply by decreasing the impedance level of the loop filter. In tions of the loop filter. The PLL architecture presented here
practice, this is not a viable option because the PLL loop band- complies with these requirements.
width is proportional to the value of the loop-filter resistor and
to the charge-pump current [6].
For a constant value of the loop bandwidth, a decrease of IV. ADAPTIVE PLL ARCHITECTURE
the loop-filter impedance level requires a proportional increase
A. Basic Architecture
of the nominal charge-pump current. This leads to difficulties
in the charge-pump design and to higher power dissipation. To The basic idea is to have two loops working in parallel, as
avoid these difficulties, more RC sections are added to the basic depicted in Fig. 9. Loop 1, built around PFD1 and CP1, is di-
loop-filter configuration, so that the filter attenuation at higher mensioned for in-lock operation. Loop 2, built around PFD2,
frequencies is increased. Additional RC sections, however, in- DZ, and CP2, is dimensioned for fast settling time. Loop 1 op-
evitably cause phase lag at lower frequencies. The phase lag de- erates all the time, whereas Loop 2 is only active during tuning
actions. Loop 1 and Loop 2 share the crystal oscillator, the ref-
erence divider, and the main divider.
A smooth takeover from Loop 1, after a frequency jump,
avoids “secondary glitch” effects. The high-current charge
pump CP2 is only active during tuning. CP2 is controlled by the
dead-zone (DZ) block. DZ generates a smooth transition into a
well-defined dead zone for CP2 when lock is achieved, so that (a) (b)
sudden disturbances of the VCO tuning voltage are avoided.
Additional freedom for optimization of the loop parameters
is obtained by using two separate charge-pump outputs and by
applying the charge-pump currents to different nodes of the loop
filter. In this way, the location of the zeros for frequency jumps
and in-lock can be set in a continuous way, without switching
of loop components—which is a source of “secondary glitch”
problems. Furthermore, the path from Icpl to Vtune may con-
tain additional filtering sections for, e.g., attenuation of spurious (c)
signals and/or fractional- quantization noise [14]. These filter
sections may be bypassed by Icph to increase the phase margin Fig. 13. Shift in locking position as function of VCO tuning voltage.
in high-bandwidth mode.
in-lock duty cycle. The processed up and dn signals are then ap-
B. Loop-Filter Implementation plied to low-pass filters and slicers, whose function is to prevent
The ideas described above are demonstrated with the help pulses that have too small a duty cycle from reaching CP2. The
of Figs. 10 and 11. Fig. 10 presents the loop-filter configura- cutoff frequency of the low-pass filters, the discrimination level
tion and component values used in the global tuner IC (Fig. 1). of the slicers, and the turn-on time of CP2 determine the size of
Fig. 11 shows the optimized Bode diagrams of the adaptive PLL the dead zone around the lock position s.
(in FM mode) with the loop filter of Fig. 10. A tradeoff among settling performance, circuit implementa-
During frequency jumps both CP1 and CP2 are active; the tion, and robustness arises, when the magnitude of the dead zone
loop filter zero frequency is 1/2 RbCa and lies at a high fre- has to be determined. Let us start discussing circuit aspects.
quency, matching the 0-dB open-loop frequency. It enables sta- The dead zone of charge pump CP2 should be centered
bility and fast tuning to be achieved. The nominal loop band- around the locking position of the loop for optimum settling and
width in this mode is 3.2 kHz, and the phase margin is 50 . After spectral purity performance. The locking position, however, is
the frequency jump only CP1 is active. The zero of the loop filter a function of the output voltage of charge pump CP1. The effect
moves to a lower frequency (1/2 Ra Rb Ca), without the is depicted in Fig. 13. One sees that, as the tuning voltage Vtune
switching of loop-filter components. The low-frequency zero in- increases, there is a shift of the locking position to positive
creases the phase margin in-lock. values of . The reason lies in the finite output resistance
When the loop is in-lock, an extra pole is introduced of the active element used in CP1. Different current gains in
(1/2 RcCc), which increases the 100-kHz reference sup- CP1's UP and DOWN branches need to be compensated by up
pression by about 20 dB. During frequency jumps, these and dn signals with different duty cycles at the locking point.
elements are bypassed by CP2, increasing the phase margin in Different duty cycles are accomplished by a shift in the loop's
high-bandwidth mode. If the loop bandwidth were increased locking position.
by simply switching the amplitude of CP1, one would end up Fig. 13 shows situations where the gain in the UP branch of
with an unstable loop, because of a phase margin of less than the pump decreases as Vtune increases. The ideal operating situ-
10 in high-bandwidth mode. ation is depicted in Fig. 13(a). Situation (b) is still allowed from
the point of view of spectral purity but has asymmetrical settling
C. Dead-Zone Implementation performance. Finally, (c) depicts a situation that should never
The new element in the adaptive PLL architecture is the com- happen: the locking position shifts so much that the high-cur-
bination of the DZ block with the high-current charge pump rent charge pump CP2 becomes active and degrades the in-lock
CP2. The function of DZ is to provide CP2 with a well-de- spectral purity. Therefore, increasing the size of CP2's dead zone
fined dead zone of s. The dead zone is centered symmet- ( s) eases the design of charge pump CP1 and increases the
rically around the locking position of charge pump CP1 [see robustness of the system.
Fig. 13(a)]. On the other hand, the size of CP2's dead zone influences the
The logic diagram of the DZ/CP2 combination is depicted in settling performance of the adaptive loop. The influence of
Fig. 12. The figure shows how the different logic functions in- on the transient response was simulated with behavioral models.
fluence the duty cycle of the up and dn signals from the phase The results are displayed in Fig. 14, together with the settling
frequency detector (PFD2). At the input of DZ, the up and dn requirements that ensure inaudible background scanning func-
signals have a finite duty cycle, even for an in-lock situation tionality. Table II presents the settling time for different settling
. The finite duty cycle eliminates dead-zone problems accuracies and different values of . A dead-zone value of
in CP1. The XOR and AND gates are used to cancel the finite infinity corresponds to the situation where only CP1 is active
(nonadaptive loop). Table II shows that by using the adaptive Fig. 15. Micrograph of the tuner IC.
loop architecture, it is possible to combine fast settling time with
good SNR in-lock. Increasing leaves more “residual” phase
(and frequency) error to be corrected by the small bandwidth
loop. The closer one comes to the locking point in high band-
width mode, the shorter the total settling transient will be. A
dead-zone value of 15 ns is a good compromise for the in-
tended application.
A die micrograph of the total tuner IC is displayed in Fig. 15.
The adaptive PLL has been integrated with the other functional
blocks of Fig. 1 in a 5-GHz, 2- m bipolar technology [15].
Fig. 16. Architecture of the main programmable divider.
A. Programmable Dividers
The architecture of the main divider is depicted in Fig. 16. current routing logic techniques (CRL) [12], [16]. The low-fre-
The high-frequency part of the programmable divider is based quency part of the main and reference dividers operate with low
on the programmable prescaler concept described in [12] and current levels to limit total power dissipation. To decrease the
consists of a chain of 2/3 divider cells. The modular architecture phase noise of the reference signal going to the phase detectors,
enables easy optimization of power dissipation and robustness this signal is reclocked in a high-current D-flip-flop (D-FF). The
for process variations. The division range of the basic prescaler clean crystal signal is used to clock the D-FF. The total main di-
configuration is extended by the low-frequency programmable vider current consumption is 5 mA. The first 2/3 cell consumes
counter. The logic functions of the PLL were implemented with 2.1 mA.
B. Oscillators
The LC VCO uses an external tank circuit. It can be tuned
from 150 to 250 MHz, with a voltage tuning range from 0.5
to 8 V. The VCO phase noise is 100 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz, for
a carrier frequency of 237 MHz. The VCO core consumes
1.5 mA. The 20.5-MHz reference crystal oscillator operates
in linear mode, to avoid harmonics interfering in the FM
reception bands. Quadrature generation for the image rejection
FM mixers (see Fig. 1) is accomplished in a divider-by-two
(FM DIV), with the exception of reception in the American
Weather Band (WX). In that case, I/Q signals are generated
with a RC-CR network directly from the VCO. This avoids the
need to have the VCO operating at 346 MHz, and a change in
the LC VCO tuned circuit during WX reception.
C. Charge Pumps
Fig. 17 shows the simplified circuit diagram of the low-cur-
rent charge pump CP1. The up and dn signals from the phase Fig. 19. Settling transient for a 20-MHz tuning step.
Fig. 20. Spectral purity measurements in FM mode: (a) reference spurious breakthrough and (b) close to the carrier.
detector drive the input differential pairs, which set the currents back arrangement provided by Q3 and Q4. This prevents asym-
in the PNP current switches Q1 and Q2 on and off. The collector metry in the source and sink currents, ensuring good centring of
outputs of Q1 and Q2 are kept at equal dc levels by the dc feed- the charge-pump characteristics for all tuning voltages. Q5 and
Fig. 21. Evaluation of the FM channel—VCO purity determines SNR for V > 300 V. Fin = 97:1 MHz, AF freq = 1 kHz. SNR meas.: FMdev = 22:5
kHz; 26 dB = 2:0 V. THD meas.: FMdev = 75 kHz.
Q6 provide means for stabilization of currents and for speeding VII. CONCLUSION
up the switching of Q1 and Q2. The reset circuits monitor the
This paper described an adaptive PLL architecture for
currents in Q1 and Q2 and generate the reset signals RST Up
high-performance tuning systems. The relationships of per-
and RST Dn. These signals are fed back to reset the phase de-
formance aspects to design variables were presented. It is
tectors. The high-current charge pump CP2 is a scaled-up ver-
demonstrated that design for spectral purity performance
sion of the CP1 circuit, without the reset circuits.
often leads to suboptimal settling performance, because of
different requirements on the loop bandwidth and on the
location of the zeros and poles of the closed-loop transfer
The measured charge-pump currents as a function of the function. The adaptive architecture described here resolves
time difference between the phase detector inputs are shown these contradictory requirements, without the necessity of
in Fig. 18. Good centering of the two charge-pump outputs switching circuit elements in the loop filter. The adaptation of
is observed, and there is enough margin for variations in loop bandwidth occurs continuously, as a function of the phase
the in-lock position of CP1. The measured settling transient error in the loop, and without interaction from outside of the
response is displayed in Fig. 19. The settling performance tuning system. During frequency jumps, high bandwidth and
complies to the settling requirements and enables inaudible high phase margin are obtained by bypassing filter sections.
background scanning in single-tuner RDS applications. When the loop is locked, the architecture allows heavy filtering
The frequency spectrum of the VCO in FM mode is presented of spurious signals. The implementation of the dead-zone
in Fig. 20(a) and (b). Fig. 20(a) shows the spurious reference block was presented, and the basic tradeoffs of the concept
breakthrough at 100 kHz to be under 81 dBc. There is yet a were discussed. The adaptive PLL was optimized for use in a
6-dB improvement in noise and spurious breakthrough before multiband (global) car-radio tuner IC, which features inaudible
the VCO signal reaches the FM mixers, due to the division by background scanning. Design and architecture of the PLL
two in the FM DIV divider (see Fig. 1). Fig. 20(b) displays the building blocks were discussed, and measurement results were
phase noise spectrum close to the carrier. Spectrum measure- presented. The integrated adaptive PLL tuning system achieved
ments done in AM mode showed a reference spurious break- state-of-the-art settling and spectral purity performance in its
through of 57 dBc, at an offset of 20 kHz from the carrier. For class (integer- PLL’s). It fulfills simultaneously the speed
AM, the improvement in phase noise and spurious performance requirements for inaudible frequency hopping and the heavy
amounts to 26 dB, due to the division by 20 in between the VCO SNR specification of 64 dB.
and the AM mixers.
Finally, the SNR and THD of the total FM receiver chain are
displayed in Fig. 21 as a function of the antenna input signal
level . For low values of , the noise is dominated by RF The author wishes to thank D. Kasperkovitz for technical sup-
input noise and by the quality of the building blocks in the signal port during the project, K. Kianush for his tireless disposition
processing chain: low-noise amplifier, mixers, and demodulator. in bringing the car-radio project to a successful end, H. Verei-
For high values of ( 300 V), the dominant noise source jken for the optimization and layout of the synthesizer building
becomes the LO signal. The excellent measured FM sensitivity, blocks, B. Egelmeers for the implementation and evaluation
2.0 V for 26-dB SNR, and the ultimate SNR of 65 dB verify of the concept in a bread-board functional model, and G. van
the spectrum purity of the tuning system and of the RF channel. Werven for the measurements.
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[6] F. M. Gardner, “Charge-pump phase-lock loops,” IEEE Trans. Cicero S. Vaucher (M’98) was born in São Fran-
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[8] F. M. Gardner, Phase-Lock Techniques. New York: Wiley, 1979. He joined the Integrated Transceivers group
[9] B. Razavi, Ed., Monolithic Phase-Locked Loops and Clock Recovery of Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven,
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[11] C. S. Vaucher, “Synthesizer architectures,” in Analog Circuit Design, R. for low-noise/high-tuning-speed applications, and
J. van de Plassche, Ed. Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1997. on CAD modeling of PLL synthesizers.