Tips and Tricks For Serving Erzulie Freda
Tips and Tricks For Serving Erzulie Freda
Tips and Tricks For Serving Erzulie Freda
There are a
number of ways
that you can use
the products we
are offer that are
consecrated on
the point of
Vodou love
goddess, Erzulie
Freda. Below is
a list of hints
and thoughts on
how to use the
Before you
use each
product, take
some time to
figure out what
your goal is:
What do you
want to
accomplish by
using these special products?
You can use different products for different goals, even for the same
overall goal, but different aspects of it. For instance, let's say that you
have someone you love but isn't noticing you. If you purchased one of
the Deluxe Packages you could:
First do the Erzulie's Pink Bath™ and petition that you stand out in the
crowd, that the person you are interested in can't help but notice you, that
your true inner beauty and charisma shines so that s/he cannot miss
noticing you!
Then you could use the pink candle magick kit to send him/her warm and
loving thoughts and ask that he return the same to you.
You could wear the Erzulie Marriage Oil™ whenever you would be
around the person. You could also put the oil on the candles and burn
them either one at a time or all at once - you can petition for obstacles to
be removed from between you and the person, or any other petition that
you would like to accomplish. There are really no limits to what you are
asking for, but try to keep things in the realm of possibilities that you feel
can actually happen. Usually simple, straight forward petitioning is best
You could spread out the days that you use the products - picking a
particular number of days that you wish to work on your goal.
You could have a marathon day where you use all the products in one
day - sending out a rush of power towards your goal.
Remember that products for Erzulie, while most often used for love
situations, can be used for other matters - familial love, security and
protection for families and children, helping you to provide for loved ones,
etc. Erzulie is also a mother of the world and is a champion of women,
children, and families. If your family is in turmoil or need, she is there to
help you.
Setting up: (You can do the set up for this ritual at any time you desire,
even days before the actual ritual if you like.) Remember to keep your
intention in mind during the whole set up process. Setting up for the ritual
is an important part of the ritual itself. Keep your goal in mind! Your
intention should be on your mind throughout the ritual.
First cleanse the area you will be using. If you have Florida Water, it is
the perfect thing to use to cleanse the surface you will be using. If not,
just use plain water or any other cleaner that you prefer. Once you feel
satisfied your space is clean, you can begin setting up for your ritual. If
you desire to use an altar cloth, it should be pink, white, gold or any
combination of those colors. Use of an altar cloth is optional. The picture
above is the veve (Vodou symbol) representing Erzulie. You should copy
this onto a sheet of paper while concentrating on drawing in the help and
support of Erzulie. You can make it bigger than the copy above. It is fine
to do it with markers in pink and yellow (to represent gold), or with glitter
and glue, paint, or with just pen and/or pencil. When you are done, place
the veve in the middle of your altar space.
Take the rose petals (If you do not have the kit, you should obtain rose
petals. These should be real, but do not have to be fresh. Dried rose
petals are fine.) and spread them around on top of the veve. Sit the two
teddy bears (facing each other) in the rose petals on top of the veve. (If
you do not have the kit you can use two tiny stuffed animals, or a picture
of you and someone else, or any two small objects that you feel can
represent yourself and a person - even if you have no one in particular in
mind - that you would like to receive love from. The two teddy bears in
the kit represent a loving couple.)
Surround the surface of the outside border of the veve with the love
spangles (little shiny love symbols - hearts, doves, etc.) included in this
kit. (If you do not have the kit you can purchase little shiny, glittery hearts
or other love symbols. These are small and can be found usually in the
craft area of larger stores or in the wedding area of craft stores.) The
rose petals go on top of the veve, the love spangles are not on the veve
but rather surrounding it like a border.
Pour a couple of drops of the All That Glitters Erzulie Love Oil™ (If you
do not have the kit and are a Spellmaker client and already have one of
our love oils, you can use any of them in this ritual. If you have no love oil
of ours, then using a rose-scented oil in this step is appropriate.) in the
palm of your right hand. Using your left hand, rotating the heart candle (If
you do not have the kit and cannot find a heart-shaped candle, use a
pink or white candle.) clockwise in your right hand to cover it in oil. You
can turn the candle over in your hand to cover it completely in the oil.
Place the candle in whatever type of holder you plan to burn it in. Place
the candle behind the veve so that as you face your ritual set up, the
candle is further from you than the veve.
Place whatever drink offering you have for Erzulie to the right of the veve
(as you face the altar). Place your food offering to the left of the veve.
Your kit contains three incense cones and three gold rings. (If you do not
have the kit, use any incense that has a rose, vanilla, cherry, or
strawberry scent. The three gold rings do not have to be real gold, these
can be "toy" or "costume" jewelry rings.) These need to be placed on
something fireproof like a pie tin, metal plate, or heavy plate or
(preferably) a small dish with sand in it. The three rings should be placed
flat in the dish and then one incense cone is placed inside each gold ring
so that the gold ring surrounds the incense cone. The incense should be
placed in front of the veve.
Optional: (You don't have to do this part, only if you desire.) Feel free to
decorate your altar with things representing love and passion to you. To
please Erzulie, make whatever decorations you use very much
concerned with love, frilly things, etc. Again, if you use something like
Valentine's Day decorations, you will be on the right track! Feel free to set
the mood with romantic music or burn other candles if you desire.
(Again, remember to keep your intention in mind.)
Hold your drink offering up to the East, then the West, then the
North, then the South. Say, "Mistress Erzulie Freda, please come
drink with me. Light my path to love and romance." Take a sip of the
drink and then place it back on the altar. Repeat this process with
your food offering saying instead, "eat with me." Place the food
offering back on the altar.
Light your three incense cones. You may need to blow gently on
them to keep them burning.
If you feel comfortable singing, you can sing a song to Erzulie or,
alternatively, play a romantic song that you really like. Sing along
with it if you can. Choose one song that you really like and play it
over a few times until you feel very warm and immersed in the
feelings of love that this song brings up. You may feel like crying
and that is okay. Remember, Erzulie cries the tears of the world and
so crying can be natural within this ritual. However, try not to get too
wrapped up in feeling bad about broken love affairs, or lost loves. If
you need to cry a cleansing cry, that is fine, but it is important to
move on with the rest of the ritual.
Write your petitions: Start to write down your needs from this ritual.
It can be as simple as, "I (or we) need love." Use this time to write
down how you might accomplish your needs, what scenarios might
need to happen for you to acquire the love, passion, and romance
you desire. If you are working towards wanting someone in
particular to love you or return to you, write out how that might
happen. If you are working on the behalf of others that you know,
include their names in your writing. If you are working with the
group mind, simple write about all those that you don't know but
you are all helping each other. If you can, read your petitions aloud.
Once you are satisfied with your petitions:
Give thanks: In your own words, thank Erzulie Freda for coming to
help you, ask her to go forth and work for you and all those who
need her help.
Close the gate: Ask Papa Alegba to, "please close the gate now,
Papa. Thank you for your assistance."
Let any candles you are using burn out on their own if possible.
Please take all fire precautions.
The food offerings for Erzulie can be taken outside the next day
and left by a tree if at all possible. If this is not possible, wrap it up
in a brown paper bag and throw it in a trash that is not your own.
The teddy bears and love spangles represent you and the person
you already or will love. The three gold rings represent the three
husbands of Erzulie Freda. These things may be kept together and
used to call upon Erzulie at any time. You can repeat this ritual at
any time using candles and incense you have or purchase.
You can use the remaining All That Glitters Erzulie Love™ oil in a
bath or to anoint yourself or any items that you desire.
Traditionally, you would burn the Erzulie veve and the paper(s) that
you wrote your petitions on after the ritual to set your petitions
"free" to go work for you. However, if this is not safe for you to do,
you can either keep the veve to use again (especially if you have
done an elaborate job at reproducing it), or you can dispose of it in
some other way. However, if at all possible, and it is safe for you to
do so, burn the veve and your petitions. Please use all fire
All of the items that you used that belong to you (the glass, plates,
candleholders, etc.) can all be cleaned and used again for other
End of Ritual: Please click on the heart candle below if you desire
to buy the ritual pack for the above ritual.