Effects of Online Store Attributes On Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions
Effects of Online Store Attributes On Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions
Effects of Online Store Attributes On Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions
38,7 Effects of online store attributes
on customer satisfaction
and repurchase intentions
Ruby Roy Dholakia
College of Business Administration, The University of Rhode Island,
Received May 2009
Revised February 2010 Kingston, Rhode Island, USA, and
Accepted March 2010 Miao Zhao
Gabelli School of Business, Roger Williams University, Bristol,
Rhode Island, USA
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify website characteristics that affect customer
evaluations and satisfaction with online stores at two interaction points – when the order is placed and
after the order has been fulfilled.
Design/methodology/approach – Using data collected by bizrate.com, data collected from
customers of thousands of online stores, the analysis focuses on the changes in the relationships
between website characteristics and customer ratings. Data for two-time periods, 15 months apart, are
used to determine the stability in the observed relationships.
Findings – Order fulfillment variables, particularly on-time delivery, dominate the effects on overall
customer evaluations and satisfaction. The statistical significance of other online store attributes,
however, changes as differences are observed between 2003 and 2004.
Research limitations/implications – The online environment is dynamic and the paper captures
some of the changes in the relationships between website attributes and customer satisfaction. This
requires continuous monitoring of the online environment. Since the paper relies on secondary data
collected by bizrate.com, the research is limited by specific website attributes and measures of
customer satisfaction adopted by a commercial enterprise.
Practical implications – Online retailers must be strategic about fulfillment variables. When online
stores compete with each other, it is easier to copy certain attributes like “shipping options” than other
attributes such as “on-time delivery.” This suggests that the most creative, interactive, and vivid
online site will not compensate for weak fulfillment and customer support capabilities.
Originality/value – No other paper has looked at these data, collected from real customers making
purchases at actual merchant sites, over two time periods. The results provide insights regarding
stability of findings.
Keywords Internet shopping, Customer satisfaction, Consumer behaviour, Repeat buying
Paper type Research paper
Conceptual foundation
A website consists of multiple attributes and several attempts have been made to list
and categorize these attributes. The early attempts aimed at building a list of attributes.
For instance, Emerick (1995) identified several attributes adopted by internet presence
sites (IPSs) while Marrelli (1996) specifically analyzed the Zima website (www.zima.
com) and emphasized the role of operational attributes such as e-mail feedback loop to
build a highly interactive IPS. Continuing this stream of research, Ghose and Dou (1998)
listed 23 attributes used by IPSs and further classified them into five groups: customer
support, marketing research, personal-choice helper, advertising/promotion/publicity,
and entertainment while Lii et al. (2004) listed eight attributes, termed operational
factors, including content, attractiveness, ease of use, personalization, interactivity,
online community involvement, security, and maintenance level.
Research soon followed to differentiate attributes along various dimensions.
Zeithaml et al. (2002) differentiated attributes critical in the online environment from
those important in offline shopping. The focus of Dou et al. (2002) was to identify
attributes more relevant for communication sites as distinct from those more relevant
IJRDM for transactional sites. Burke (2002) organized 31 website features into four groups and
38,7 used consumer surveys to list “must have” and “should have” attributes.
Given the large number of possible attributes as well as the changing nature of
technology that makes new attributes increasingly possible, it is not surprising that
there is a lack of consensus regarding “must have” and “optional” attributes. Using
Ghose and Dou’s (1998) classification of website attributes, Table I lists potential
484 attributes across four different types of websites – communication, entertainment,
information, and transaction (online store). An “X” indicates that a specific attribute is
more likely to be included in corresponding type(s) of websites; however, a blank does
not mean that the attribute cannot be included in a specific type of website. For example,
the attribute “games” is more likely to be included in an entertainment website; however,
some information websites such as www.electrolux.com also offer several games that
can be related to the firm’s products, even though “games” is not a typical attribute for an
information site.
Table I suggests that online stores are “attribute rich” – potentially containing the
maximum number (16) of the 25 specific attributes. With so many website attributes
Website type
Attribute Information Entertainment Transaction (e-tail) Communication
Empirical investigation
An empirical study was designed to test whether online retail attributes affect users’
satisfaction with and repurchase intentions from the website. Secondary data, collected
at the online store level, were compiled directly from www.bizrate.com which collects,
analyzes, and reports real customers’ ratings of online stores. Bizrate combines
consumer feedback from two different customer groups – directly from online
customers as they make purchases; as well as from a panel of Bizrate members who have
volunteered to rate online stores – to create comprehensive store ratings. After
purchasing at a Bizrate affiliated website, each customer is asked to rate the website
twice: first, immediately after completing the online transaction, a store’s customer Effects of online
is asked to evaluate his/her attribute-level shopping experience (after check-out). Second, store attributes
as a “post-delivery” follow-up, the customer is again asked to rate the remaining
shopping experience attributes, overall shopping experience and revisit intentions. An
online store’s ratings are publicly reported only when at least 30 customers have rated
the store. Each rating is the weighted average of evaluations from both customers and
Bizrate members during the past 90 days. 487
The major advantage of using the Bizrate data is that it collects data twice –
immediately after placing the order and again after receipt of the ordered merchandise.
As reviewed earlier, the influence of website attributes depends on the decision-making
stage (Koo, 2005; Otim and Grover, 2006; Posselt and Gerstner, 2005). The external
validity of the data is assumed to be high since the store ratings are collected from real
customers making purchases at actual merchant sites for a large number of product
There are several limitations to the data as well. The universe of online stores
changes regularly as older stores die or opt out of the Bizrate measures and new ones
join. Although all customers are asked to complete the merchant rating two times, not
all customers choose to respond both times. The set of attributes selected by
bizrate.com does not correspond exactly with the existing literature. Finally, the second
rating does not exactly replicate the first set of attributes used in the post-order
measures. Despite these disadvantages, the Bizrate data were considered to be quite
Data collection
Data were collected at different points of time – once in August 2003 and again in
December 2004. Both datasets were compiled directly from www.bizrate.com and
collected at the online store level. By December 2004, the number of stores included in the
Bizrate database had grown from 1,079 online stores to 1,242 stores for which data were
available. All available data for each time period were collected – 1,079 (2003) and 1,242
(2004) ratings.
Rating attributes and their explanations from www.bizrate.com are listed in Table II.
Shoppers and panel members rate online stores on eight attributes after checkout,
including “overall look and design of site” and on seven attributes post-delivery,
including satisfaction and repurchase intentions. Each item is rated on a 1-10 scale.
Regression analysis
The first analysis focused on the effects of individual attributes on site design. In both
2003 and 2004, the two most important attributes were “ease of finding what you
are looking for” and “clarity of product information” (Table IV); “product selection”
was not a significant contributor to the evaluation of site design. Similarly “clearly
stating charges before order submission” and “variety of shipping options” were
more important than “shipping charges” per se. Overall, the relationship between the
measured attributes and overall site design improved between the two years.
The primary analysis focused on the effects of individual online store attributes on
customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions (Table V). Both satisfaction and
repurchase intentions were measured post-delivery although consumers also rated
the online store soon after checkout. We find that satisfaction is impacted most by
“on-time delivery,” “product meeting expectations,” and “customer support.” “Product
availability” was also important. “Ability to track orders until delivered,” however,
Effects of online
Factor 1 Factor 2
“post-delivery” “post-order” store attributes
2003 2004 2003 2004
did not contribute to the measure of customer satisfaction. All these attributes were
measured at the same time as satisfaction.
“Shipping charges,” “clarity of product information” and “variety of shipping
options” also contributed positively to satisfaction; “charges stated clearly before order
submission” was negatively related. All these attributes were measured post-checkout
and were therefore temporally separated from the measure of satisfaction.
When we examine the effect of online store attributes on repurchase intentions, all
attributes except “prices relative to other online merchants” make a significant impact.
“Customer support” is most important followed by “product meeting expectations” and
“on-time delivery.” “Availability of product wanted” and “order tracking” are also both
significant but not as important as other attributes rated at the same time (after
delivery). Among the attributes rated after checkout, “shipping charges,” “selection of
products,” and “clarity of product information” are most important.
In order to eliminate the temporal co-variance of measurement, a second set of
regression analysis was conducted with only the first set of attributes rated after
checkout. The overall variance explained is significantly lower (adjusted R 2 ¼ 0.42) but
“charges stated clearly before submission” “clarity of product information” and “variety
of shipping options” remain significant for both satisfaction and repurchase intentions
Satisfaction Repurchase intentions
38,7 Combined 2003 2004 Combined 2003 2004
At checkout attributes
Ease of finding what you are
looking for 0.028a * 20.01 0.041 2 0.053 * * 2 0.076 * 2 0.044
490 Selection of products 0.008 20.01 0.020 0.061 * * 0.049 * 0.064 *
Clarity of product information 0.065 * * 0.013 0.096 * 0.071 * * 0.018 0.105 *
Prices relative to other online
merchants 0.001 0.019 20.018 2 0.007 0.008 2 0.032
Shipping charges 0.062 * * 0.035 * 0.073 * 0.048 * * 0.005 0.073 *
Variety of shipping options 0.031 * * 20.014 0.055 * 0.024 * 2 0.013 0.045 *
Charges stated clearly before order
submission 20.124 * * 0.032 * 20.191 * 2 0.089 * * 0.049 * 2 0.146 *
Overall look and design of site 0.002 0.024 20.017 0.036 * 0.035 * 0.034
After delivery attributes
Availability of product you wanted 0.111 * * 0.105 * 0.128 * 0.073 * * 0.048 * 0.097 *
Order tracking 0.005 0.038 * 20.013 0.039 * 0.061 * 0.020
On-time delivery 0.416 * * 0.398 * 0.424 * 0.323 * * 0.266 * 0.353 *
Table V. Product met expectations 0.221 * * 0.241 * 0.206 * 0.224 * * 0.286 * 0.189 *
Effects of online store Customer support 0.280 * * 0.245 * 0.292 * 0.334 * * 0.338 * 0.328 *
attributes on customer Adjusted R 2 0.906 0.942 0.886 0.864 0.902 0.845
satisfaction and
repurchase intentions Notes: Significant at: *, 0.05 and * *,0.01; aSTD b
(Table VI). “Selection of products” and “site design” emerge as significant predictors of
repurchase intention but lose their significance for satisfaction.
IV Satisfaction Repurchase intentions
All variables F(14, 2,293) ¼ 13.93, p , 0.001 F(14, 2,293) ¼ 11.60, p , 0.001 Table VII.
Checkout variables F(9, 2,303) ¼ 4.19, p , 0.001 F(9, 2,303) ¼ 4.22, p , 0.001 Chow test – comparing
After delivery variables F(6, 2,309) ¼ 8.66, p , 0.001 F(6, 2,309) ¼ 9.55, p , 0.001 2003 data and 2004 data
IJRDM managers about the impact of an attribute or a set of attributes on customer satisfaction
38,7 and loyalty. Our literature review had suggested that there is no consensus regarding
online store attributes and how they affect customer satisfaction and loyalty. Based on
the analysis of this rather large data set of customer ratings, we can draw some
conclusions regarding the influence of online store attributes on satisfaction and repeat
purchase intentions:
492 .
First of all, fulfillment attributes dominate satisfaction and repurchase intention
judgments. Fulfillment variables are the biggest challenge to all non-store
retailing, including online retailing. Our analysis found “on-time delivery” to be
the most important attribute impacting satisfaction; its impact on repurchase
intentions increases in 2004. “Customer support” is next in importance. “Order
tracking” is less important and loses its significance in 2004. Otim and Grover
(2006) had also found fulfillment attributes to dominate the relationship with
customer loyalty but order tracking was significant in their study but not in this
analysis. While our results are consistent with Posselt and Gerstner (2005) who
had also looked at 2004 Bizrate data, our analysis is able to report on the stability
of importance ratings over a period of two years.
“Ease of finding what you are looking for” and “clarity of product information” are
the two most important attributes for generating positive ratings of overall look
and design of the site. This is consistent with other researchers who have focused
on the content and presentation of product and service information (Park and Kim,
2003). As Baker et al. (2002) conclude, design cues are the most significant and
consistent influence on shopping experience and e-stores have to pay attention to
design factors such as appearance and layout of home pages. This is particularly
important at the search stage (Koo, 2005).
The analysis also suggests how an online attribute is implemented makes a
difference. For instance, while price/cost-related attributes may be implemented in
various ways, “charges stated clearly before order submission” is very important;
it influences “overall look and design of site” as well as satisfaction and loyalty.
“Prices relative to other online merchants,” on the other hand, did not impact any
of the measures. For shipping-related attributes – both “variety of shipping
options” and “shipping charges” – which gained significance in 2004 needed to be
included for favorable satisfaction and repurchase intention judgments.
When there is a time gap between interacting with a site and making evaluative
judgments, not all dimensions of the interactions persist in their impact.
As Posselt and Gerstner (2005) noted, the importance of fulfillment variables may
be attributed to “the recency effect” accentuated by the proximity of measurement.
We had attempted to tease out this issue by analyzing the influence of attributes
measured after checkout separately (Table VI). It is clear that “charges stated
clearly before order submission” is very important – it is significant when we look
at its impact on site design (measured concurrently), and on satisfaction and
repurchase (measured later). “Clarity of product information” and “variety of
shipping options” are significant for both satisfaction and repurchase intentions
only when the set of attributes measured after checkout is considered; this
suggests that their salience gets drowned by other attributes measured
concurrently with satisfaction and repurchase intentions. “Ease of finding
what you are looking for” and “selection of products” (site design factors) have Effects of online
different relationships to satisfaction and repurchase intentions suggesting that store attributes
recall of these attributes follows a path different from the other attributes. This
may explain why Otim and Grover (2006) did not find impact of pre-purchase
attributes on customer loyalty.
It is not surprising that fulfillment variables such as “on time delivery,” “product
met expectations” dominate ratings after product delivery. This is consistent with 493
Wolfinbarger and Gilly’s (2003) prediction of e-tail quality, and matches the
findings from 2004 Bizrate data analyzed by Posselt and Gerstner (2005) as well as
research conducted by Otim and Grover (2006).
These fulfillment variables are significantly different for all non-store retailing,
including catalog and online retailing. In offline stores, customers can touch and
examine products before they buy, which assures them of product meeting expectations
(Peck and Childers, 2003). Buyers usually take possession immediately after a purchase;
so on-time delivery is not an issue. Similar haptic information, however, is not available
online; neither is immediate possession. Therefore, on-time delivery is very important.
Furthermore, when online stores compete with each other, it is easier to copy certain
attributes like “shipping options” than other attributes such as “on-time delivery” which
requires distinct organizational and logistical capabilities. These results suggest that
the most creative, interactive, vivid online site will not compensate for weak fulfillment
and customer support capabilities. To satisfy online buyers and attract them to
repurchase, a website should control out-of-stock conditions, enable customers to track
orders online, deliver on time, ensure that the descriptions on the site actually match the
product, and offer timely support to customers with questions and problems.
The changes from 2003 to 2004 uncovered by our analysis hint at the learning taking
place in the online environment. The shifts capture some of the dynamics of the online
environment as e-tailers learn from each other and their own experiences and improve
existing attributes and introduce new ones. As individual attributes become more
standard or commonplace, their importance in predicting customer satisfaction and
repurchase intentions also change. They become necessary but not sufficient conditions
of satisfaction. This dynamic situation requires continuous monitoring of the online
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Further reading
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a conceptual model and implications”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 54 No. 2,
pp. 177-84.