Circ04 - 2013 Philhealth
Circ04 - 2013 Philhealth
Circ04 - 2013 Philhealth
No. C:OJ 4 s. 2013
The clear intention in the initial version of the Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR) of the
National Health Insw:ance Act of 1995 (Republic Act 7875) as contained Section 32(d) thereof
provides that, " [a] member who failed to pay the required contributions during the membership
year may be allowed to reactivate his membership. Provided, that he pays all arrears in
contribution with the corresponding interest thereon reckoned from the last month of payment
to the month of reactivation." Pursuant to tlus IRR, PhilHealth Board Resolution No. 279,
s.1999 was issued to strictly implement the imposition of interest and sw:charges on late
payments of premium contributions. Correspondingly, PhilHealth Circular No. 70, s.1999 was
issued pwviding for the imposition of two percent (2%) interest on delinquent payments, which
was further reiterated and clarified by PhilHealth Circular No. 023, s.2000. In 2002, PhiJHealth
Circular No. 15 was then issued providing for the procedw:e on the settlement of premium
arrears relaxing the strict imposition of the aforementioned 2% monthly interest.
Title III Rule 1, Section 6(e) of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of th e National
Health Insurance Act of 1995 (R.A. 7875 as amended by R.A. 9241) mandates PhilHealth to
"establish an efficient prenuum collection mechanism." Along tlUs line, PhilHealth Board
Resolution No. 1669, s. 2012, was issued reiterating the Corporation's authority to impose
interest on delayed and/ or non-remittance of premium contributions. The re-imposition of
interest aims to furtl1er enhance collection of premium contributions geared on the actuarial
sustainability of tl1e National Health Insurance Program (NHIP).
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'Ibis Circular covers aJJ Emplqyers as defined under Section 15 of the Revised Implementing
Rules and R egulations of the National Health Insurance Act (R..A. 7875, as amended by R.A.
The following shall be observed in the imposition of interests on employers' n on - and/ or late
1. Section 20(b) of Title III Rule III of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of the
National Health Insurance Act (R.A. 7875, as amended by R.A. 9241) states that " the
monthly premium contribution of employed members shall be remitted by the employer on
or before the tenth (10'h) calendar day of the m onth following the applicable m onth for
which the payment is due and applicable".
2 . P hilHealtl1 Circular No. 27, series of 2010, mentions that in case the deadline for tl1e
payment of premium contribution falls on a Saturday or Sunday, or has been declared a
regular/ special or a non-working holiday, p ayment shall be made on the next working day.
3. All premium contribution p aym ents beyond the aforementioned shall automatically be
ch arged two percent (2%). monthly interest to be computed as follows:
30 d ays
4. In the computation of interest, the number of days delayed is arrived at through counting
from the day immediately after the deadline to the actual date of remittance, inclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays and non-working holidays;
5. In case o f remittances made prior to the deadline but were later found to be insufficient, the
balance or deficit amount sh all be charged with interest;
6. Premium remittance made after the due date sh all be made at the nearest PhilHealth
Office/Local Health Insurance Office (IJ-IIO) subject to the imposition of the applicable
interests. Settlement for interests shall be made separately and directly to the PRO/ LHIO
that manages the accounts of the employers. A sep arate Official Receipt shall be issu ed to
acknowledge paym ent of interest.
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4. ' • "
7. In cases where the premium arrearages exceeds one million (PhPt,OOO,OOO) pesos, the
defaulting employer may request in writing before the Corporation for d1e payment of such
arrearages including the imposable interests d1ereto in the following instalhnent options
subject to the following additional mo nthly surcharges to be imposed on the total arrearages
inclusive o f the imposable interest due:
a. 13 to 24 monthly installments - 1%
b. 25 to 36 monthly installments - 2%
c. 37 to 48 monthly installments- 3%
d. 49 to 60 monthly instalbnents - 4%
Request for n ovation o f p ayment of premium arrearages into installment arrangements sh all
be subject to the approval by Phill-lealth's Office of the President & CEO.
All other issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with d1e provisions o f this Circular are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
If any part, section or provision of this Circular is declared void or invalid by competent
Court, the o ther parts, sections or provisions hereof not affected thereby shall remain in
force and in effect.
Tlus Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a newspaper of general
circulation and three (3) certified true copies ftunished the National Administrative Register
(ONAR) of the UP Law Center.
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