Chapter01 2
Chapter01 2
Chapter01 2
LO1 Describe the four When communicating accounting information, Accounting The process of identifying,
assumptions made when accountants assume that the activities of a company measuring, and communicating economic
communicating accounting can be separated from those of the owners, information to permit informed judgments and
information. that economic information can be effectively decisions.
communicated in rupees over short periods of Asset An economic resource that is objectively
time, and that the business will continue into the measurable, results from a prior transaction, and
foreseeable future. will provide future economic benefit.
Balance sheet A financial statement that
LO2 Describe the purpose and An income statement reports a company’s revenues reports a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity
structure of an income and expenses over a period of time. A revenue is an at a specific point in time
statement and the terms and inflow of resources from providing services, while an Comparability The ability to use accounting
principles used to create it. expense is an outflow of resources from providing information to compare or contrast the financial
services. Revenues are recorded when they are activities of different companies.
earned (revenue recognition principle), and expenses Conceptual framework of accounting
are recorded when they are incurred (matching The collection of concepts that guide the manner
principle). When revenues exceed expenses, a in which accounting is practiced.
company generates net income. Conservatism The manner in which
accountants deal with uncertainty regarding
LO3 Describe the purpose and A balance sheet reports a company’s assets, economic situations.
structure of a balance sheet liabilities, and equity accounts at a point in time.
and the terms and principles An asset is a resource of a business. A liability is an Consistency The ability to use accounting
information to compare or contrast the financial
used to create it. obligation of a business. Equity is the difference
activities of the same entity over time.
between assets and liabilities. Assets are recorded at
their costs (cost principle). Assets are always equal to Contributed capital The resources that
liabilities plus equity. investors contribute to a business in exchange for
ownership interest
LO4 Describe the purpose and A statement of retained earnings reports the change in Cost principle The principle that assets
structure of a statement of a company’s retained earnings balance over a period of should be recorded and reported at the cost paid
retained earnings and how it time. The statement links the income statement and to acquire them.
links the income statement the balance sheet. Net income reported on the income Dividends Profits that are distributed to
and the balance sheet. statement is used to calculate the retained earnings owners.
balance reported on the balance sheet. Economic entity assumption
Accountants assume that the financial activities
LO5 Describe the purpose and A statement of cash flows reports a company’s of a business can be separated from the financial
structure of a statement of sources and uses of cash over a period of time. Cash activities of the business’s owner(s).
cash flows and the terms and inflows and outflows are categorized into operating, Equity The difference between a company’s
principles used to create it. investing, or financing activities. assets and liabilities, representing the share of assets
that is claimed by the company’s owners.
LO6 Describe the qualitative Accounting information is useful only if it possesses
Expense A decrease in resources resulting from
characteristics that make several qualitative characteristics. It should the sale of goods or provision of services.
accounting information be understandable, relevant, reliable, easily
useful. comparable, and consistent across time. Going concern assumption Accountants
assume that a company will continue to operate into
the foreseeable future.
LO7 Describe the conceptual The conceptual framework is the collection of
framework of accounting. concepts that guide the practice of accounting. It Income statement A financial statement
includes the principles followed, the assumptions that reports a company’s revenues and expenses
made, and the terms and statements used to over a specific period of time.
communicate accounting information. It also Liability An obligation of a business that results
includes the qualitative characteristics that make the from a past transaction and will require the sacrifice
information useful. of economic resources at some future date.
Chapter 1: Financial Accounting
Part 00: Part Title
Key Definitions (continued) Key Formulas
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P ls as en snti sn ga nadn dI n D
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