Pre-Feasibility Study: High School (Franchise)
Pre-Feasibility Study: High School (Franchise)
Pre-Feasibility Study: High School (Franchise)
3rd Floor, Building No. 5TH Floor, Bahria Ground Floor Bungalow No. 15-A
3, Aiwan-e-Iqbal Complex II, M.T. Khan State Life Building Chaman Housing
Complex, Egerton Road Road, The Mall, Peshawar. Scheme
Lahore, Tel: (042) 111- Karachi. Tel: (091) 9213046- Airport Road,
111-456 Tel: (021) 111-111-456 47 Quetta. Tel: (081)
Fax: (042) 36304926-7 Fax: (021) 5610572 Fax: (091) 286908 831623, 831702 helpdesk- helpdesk- Fax: (081) 831922 helpdesk-
August 2015
Table of Contents
1 DISCLAIMER......................................................................................................3
2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................4
3 INTRODUCTION TO SMEDA.............................................................................4
4 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT.......................................................................5
5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT & PRODUCT.........................................5
5.1 INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL CAPACITIES......................................6
6 CRITICAL FACTORS.........................................................................................6
7 GEOGRAPHICAL POTENTIAL FOR INVESTMENT........................................7
8 POTENTIAL TARGET CUSTOMERS / MARKETS...........................................7
9 PROJECT COST SUMMARY.............................................................................7
9.1 PROJECT ECONOMICS...........................................................................7
9.2 PROJECT FINANCING..............................................................................8
9.3 PROJECT COST......................................................................................................................8
9.4 SPACE REQUIREMENT............................................................................9
9.5 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT......................................10
9.6 FURNITURE & FIXTURES REQUIREMENT...........................................10
9.7 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT..................................................11
9.8 HUMAN RESOURCE REQUIREMENT...................................................11
9.9 UTILITIES AND OTHER COSTS.............................................................12
9.10 REVENUE GENERATION.......................................................................12
10 CONTACT DETAILS.........................................................................................13
10.1 SCHOOL FURNITURE SUPPLIERS.......................................................13
11 USEFUL WEB LINKS.......................................................................................13
12 ANNEXURES....................................................................................................15
12.1 INCOME STATEMENT..........................................................................................................15
12.2 BALANCE SHEET.................................................................................................................16
12.3 CASH FLOW STATEMENT..................................................................................................17
13 KEY ASSUMPTIONS........................................................................................18
13.1 OPERATING COST ASSUMPTIONS..................................................................................18
13.2 REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS..................................................................................................18
13.3 FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS.................................................................................................18
This information memorandum is to introduce the subject matter and provide a
general idea and information on the said matter. Although, the material included in
this document is based on data/information gathered from various reliable
sources; however, it is based upon certain assumptions, which may differ from
case to case. The information has been provided on as is where is basis without
any warranties or assertions as to the correctness or soundness thereof. Although,
due care and diligence has been taken to compile this document, the contained
information may vary due to any change in any of the concerned factors, and the
actual results may differ substantially from the presented information. SMEDA, its
employees or agents do not assume any liability for any financial or other loss
resulting from this memorandum in consequence of undertaking this activity. The
contained information does not preclude any further professional advice. The
prospective user of this memorandum is encouraged to carry out additional
diligence and gather any information which is necessary for making an informed
decision, including taking professional advice from a qualified consultant/technical
expert before taking any decision to act upon the information.
For more information on services offered by SMEDA, please contact our website:
Document Control
The proposed capacity of High School (Franchise) is 480 Students in one year.
Initial capacity utilization is estimated at 60% with a growth rate of 15% per
annum. This production capacity is estimated to be economically viable and
justifies the capital as well as operational cost of the project. However,
entrepreneur’s knowledge of education industry, experienced management,
qualified faculty and location of franchise are key factors for the success of this
Total project cost is estimated as Rs. 5.801 million with capital investment of Rs.
5.121 million and working capital Rs. 0.680 million. Given the cost assumptions
IRR, Payback and Net Present Value are 33%, 3.62 years and Rs. 4.526 million
respectively. The project will provide employment opportunities to 27 people
including owner CEO. The legal business status of this project is proposed as
‘Sole Proprietorship’.
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) was
established in October 1998 with an objective to provide fresh impetus to the
economy through development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
With a mission "to assist in employment generation and value addition to the
national income, through development of the SME sector, by helping increase the
number, scale and competitiveness of SMEs", SMEDA has carried out ‘sectoral
research’ to identify policy, access to finance, business development services,
strategic initiatives and institutional collaboration and networking initiatives.
Apart from carefully studying the whole document one must consider critical
aspects provided later on, which form basis of any investment decision.
The franchise networks advertise their business on national print and electronic
media for brand recognition. These advertisements provide a competitive edge to
the franchise over the single branch schools. Keeping in view the industry
situation, it is suggested to buy the rights of a franchise instead of open a school
with new brand name.
This pre-feasibility study describes investment opportunity for setting up of a high
school (franchise) in any small city of Pakistan to provide education to the children
of middle and lower middle-income group. The school will start its operation by
starting classes from Nursery to Matriculation (Secondary school). Providing
education from primary level onwards ensures consistent quality of education from
an early stage.
By offering quality education and modern facilities, the school is expected to earn
early recognition and parent’s trust and preference. The school can be opened in
major cities across Pakistan. The area should be selected near the residents of
middle-income group. The proposed project will provide employment generation to
27 peoples including owner himself as CEO of the business. The legal status is
proposed to be ‘Sole Proprietorship’.
Good working relations with Parent company for on time official work.
Experienced and well-qualified school-teachers are the most important
factor for success.
Proactive administration department is necessary in order to do all
administrative work.
Effective marketing campaign of franchise through different media like local
newspapers, cable networks and social media.
Campus location is key to success. If the location of campus is not easily
reachable for target market; franchise won’t be able to achieve sales
Interior of school campus and friendly behaviour of admission office staff
are critical as it gives the first impression to parents and students.
Continuous extra-curricular activities play a vital role in student growth &
development and parent’s optimism on school.
Regular parents-teacher meetings regarding students’ performance will
provide confidence to parents.
The following table shows internal rate of return, payback period and net present
value of the proposed venture.
Table 2: Project Economics
Description Details
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 33%
Payback Period (Yrs.) 3.62
Net Present Value (Rs.) 4,526,588
Description Details
Total Equity (50%) Rs. 2,900,771
Bank Loan (50%) Rs. 2,900,771
Markup to the Borrower (%age / annum) 16%
Tenure of the Loan (Years) 5
Calculations SMEDA
Income Statement
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Revenue 6,654,960 9,170,496 12,123,859 13,147,192 14,461,911 15,908,102 17,498,913 19,248,804 21,173,684 23,291,053
Cost of sales
Operation costs 1 (direct labor) 3,636,000 3,999,600 4,399,560 4,839,516 5,323,468 5,855,814 6,441,396 7,085,535 7,794,089 8,573,498
Operating costs 3 (direct electricity) 580,618 638,680 702,548 772,803 850,083 935,092 1,028,601 1,131,461 1,244,607 1,369,068
Total cost of sales 4,216,618 4,638,280 5,102,108 5,612,319 6,173,551 6,790,906 7,469,997 8,216,996 9,038,696 9,942,566
Gross Profit 2,438,342 4,532,216 7,021,750 7,534,873 8,288,360 9,117,196 10,028,916 11,031,808 12,134,988 13,348,487
General administration & selling expenses
Administration expense 1,512,000 1,663,200 1,829,520 2,012,472 2,213,719 2,435,091 2,678,600 2,946,460 3,241,106 3,565,217
Administration benefits expense 45,360 49,896 54,886 60,374 66,412 73,053 80,358 88,394 97,233 106,957
Building rental expense 720,000 792,000 871,200 958,320 1,054,152 1,159,567 1,275,524 1,403,076 1,543,384 1,697,722
Electricity expense 145,155 159,670 175,637 193,201 212,521 233,773 257,150 282,865 311,152 342,267
Water expense
9,000 9,900 10,890 11,979 13,177 14,495 15,944 17,538 19,292 21,222
Education Department Fee
15,120 16,632 18,295 20,125 22,137 24,351 26,786 29,465 32,411 35,652
Travelling expense
15,120 16,632 18,295 20,125 22,137 24,351 26,786 29,465 32,411 35,652
Communications expense (phone, fax, mail, internet, etc.) 15,120 16,632 18,295 20,125 22,137 24,351 26,786 29,465 32,411 35,652
Office expenses (stationary, entertainment, janitorial services, etc 199,649 275,115 363,716 394,416 433,857 477,243 524,967 577,464 635,211 698,732
Promotional expense 33,275 45,852 60,619 65,736 72,310 79,541 87,495 96,244 105,868 116,455
Professional fees (legal, audit, consultants, etc.) 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124
Depreciation expense 98,661 98,661 98,661 98,661 98,661 - - - - -
Amortization of pre-operating costs 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700
Amortization of legal, licensing, and training costs
Subtotal 3,253,283 3,589,014 3,964,838 4,300,356 4,676,044 4,990,639 5,445,220 5,945,260 6,495,304 7,100,352
Operating Income (814,941) 943,202 3,056,912 3,234,517 3,612,317 4,126,557 4,583,696 5,086,548 5,639,685 6,248,136
Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (814,941) 943,202 3,056,912 3,234,517 3,612,317 4,126,557 4,583,696 5,086,548 5,639,685 6,248,136
Interest on short term debt 51,762 51,762 - - - - - - - -
Interest expense on long term debt (Project Loan) 388,529 326,501 253,936 169,046 69,737 - - - - -
Interest expense on long term debt (Working Capital Loan) 51,586 43,350 33,716 22,445 9,259 - - - - -
Subtotal 491,877 421,613 287,652 191,491 78,997 - - - - -
Earnings Before Tax (1,306,818) 521,588 2,769,260 3,043,025 3,533,320 4,126,557 4,583,696 5,086,548 5,639,685 6,248,136
Tax - 12,159 414,815 483,256 605,830 760,467 897,608 1,048,464 1,214,405 1,409,347
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX (1,306,818) 509,430 2,354,446 2,559,769 2,927,490 3,366,091 3,686,087 4,038,084 4,425,280 4,838,789
Balance brought forward (1,306,818) (797,389) 1,557,057 4,116,826 7,044,317 10,410,407 14,096,494 18,134,578 22,559,858
Total profit available for appropriation (1,306,818) (797,389) 1,557,057 4,116,826 7,044,317 10,410,407 14,096,494 18,134,578 22,559,858 27,398,646
Dividend - - - - - - - - - -
Balance carried forward (1,306,818) (797,389) 1,557,057 4,116,826 7,044,317 10,410,407 14,096,494 18,134,578 22,559,858 27,398,646
August 2015 15
12.2 Balance Sheet
Calculations SMEDA
Balance Sheet
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Current assets
Cash & Bank 500,000 - 50,059 2,326,299 4,579,885 7,153,643 10,822,106 14,796,321 19,106,862 23,787,363 29,329,287
Accounts receivable 546,983 650,361 875,110 1,038,536 1,134,621 1,248,083 1,372,891 1,510,180 1,661,198 1,827,318
Pre-paid building 180,000 198,000 217,800 239,580 263,538 289,892 318,881 350,769 385,846 424,431 -
Total Current Assets 680,000 744,983 918,220 3,440,989 5,881,959 8,578,155 12,389,070 16,519,981 21,002,888 25,872,992 31,156,605
Fixed assets
Building Security 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000
Machinery & equipment 185,500 166,950 148,400 129,850 111,300 92,750 74,200 55,650 37,100 18,550 -
Furniture & fixtures 1,656,240 1,490,616 1,324,992 1,159,368 993,744 828,120 662,496 496,872 331,248 165,624 -
Office equipment 1,559,500 1,403,550 1,247,600 1,091,650 935,700 779,750 623,800 467,850 311,900 155,950 -
Total Fixed Assets 3,581,240 3,241,116 2,900,992 2,560,868 2,220,744 1,880,620 1,540,496 1,200,372 860,248 520,124 180,000
Intangible assets
Pre-operation costs 493,303 394,642 295,982 197,321 98,661 - - - - - -
Legal, licensing, & training costs 1,047,000 942,300 837,600 732,900 628,200 523,500 418,800 314,100 209,400 104,700 -
Total Intangible Assets 1,540,303 1,336,942 1,133,582 930,221 726,861 523,500 418,800 314,100 209,400 104,700 -
TOTAL ASSETS 5,801,543 5,323,041 4,952,794 6,932,078 8,829,563 10,982,275 14,348,366 18,034,453 22,072,536 26,497,816 31,336,605
Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities
Accounts payable - - - - - - - - - -
Short term debt - 609,477 - - - - - - - - -
Total Current Liabilities - 609,477 - - - - - - - - -
Other liabilities
Security (Refundable) 632,500 846,225 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,18 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,18
Long term debt (Project Loan) 2,560,771 2,195,596 1,768,392 1,268,625 683,967 7 - - - - 7
Long term debt (Working Capital Loan) 340,000 291,515 234,794 168,438 90,812 - - - - - -
- -
Total Long Term Liabilities 2,900,771 3,119,611 2,849,411 2,474,250 1,811,966 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,187 1,037,187
Shareholders' equity
Paid-up capital 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771 2,900,771
Retained earnings (1,306,818) (797,389) 1,557,057 4,116,826 7,044,317 10,410,407 14,096,494 18,134,578 22,559,858 27,398,646
Total Equity 2,900,771 1,593,953 2,103,383 4,457,828 7,017,598 9,945,088 13,311,179 16,997,266 21,035,349 25,460,629 30,299,418
TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 5,801,543 5,323,041 4,952,794 6,932,078 8,829,563 10,982,275 14,348,366 18,034,453 22,072,536 26,497,816 31,336,605
Pre-Feasibility Study High School
Calculations SMEDA
Cash Flow Statement
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Operating activities
Net profit (1,306,818) 509,430 2,354,446 2,559,769 2,927,490 3,366,091 3,686,087 4,038,084 4,425,280 4,838,789
Add: depreciation expense 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124 340,124
amortization of pre-operating costs 98,661 98,661 98,661 98,661 98,661 - - - - -
amortization of training costs 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700 104,700
Accounts receivable (546,983) (103,378) (224,749) (163,426) (96,084) (113,462) (124,808) (137,289) (151,018) (166,120)
Pre-paid building rent (180,000) (18,000) (19,800) (21,780) (23,958) (26,354) (28,989) (31,888) (35,077) (38,585) 424,431
Cash provided by operations (180,000) (1,328,317) 929,736 2,651,401 2,915,870 3,348,537 3,668,463 3,974,215 4,310,542 4,680,501 5,541,924
Financing activities
Project Loan - principal repayment (365,175) (427,204) (499,768) (584,658) (683,967) - - - - -
Working Capital Loan - principal repayment (48,485) (56,721) (66,355) (77,626) (90,812) - - - - -
Short term debt principal repayment - (609,477) - - - - - - - -
Security Refundable 632,500 213,725 190,962 - - - - - - -
Additions to Project Loan 2,560,771 - - - - - - - - - -
Additions to Working Capital Loan 340,000 - - - - - - - - - -
Issuance of shares 2,900,771 - - - - - - - - - -
Cash provided by / (used for) financing 5,801,543 218,839 (879,677) (375,161) (662,284) (774,779) - - - - -
Investing activities
Capital expenditure (5,121,543) - - - - - - - - - -
Cash (used for) / provided by investing (5,121,543) - - - - - - - - - -
NET CASH 500,000 (1,109,477) 50,059 2,276,240 2,253,586 2,573,758 3,668,463 3,974,215 4,310,542 4,680,501 5,541,924
Cash balance brought forward 500,000 - 50,059 2,326,299 4,579,885 7,153,643 10,822,106 14,796,321 19,106,862 23,787,363
Cash available for appropriation 500,000 (609,477) 50,059 2,326,299 4,579,885 7,153,643 10,822,106 14,796,321 19,106,862 23,787,363 29,329,287
Dividend - - - - - - - - - -
Cash balance 500,000 (609,477) 50,059 2,326,299 4,579,885 7,153,643 10,822,106 14,796,321 19,106,862 23,787,363 29,329,287
Cash carried forward 500,000 - 50,059 2,326,299 4,579,885 7,153,643 10,822,106 14,796,321 19,106,862 23,787,363 29,329,287
August 2015 17
Pre-Feasibility Study High School (Franchise)
Description Details
Growth in Sales Price 10%
Days Operational / Year 330
Maximum Operational Capacity 480 Students
Production Capacity in First Year 60%
Percentage Increase in Production Capacity every
Year 15%
Maximum Production Capacity 90%
Student Drop Out ratio 05%
Description Details
Debt 50%
Equity 50%
Interest Rate on Debt 16%
Debt Tenure 5 Years
Debt Payment / Year 4
August 2015 18