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Approach Development For Surveillance Assistance: Spinning Mill Application

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Volume 7, Issue 2, Fall 2011

Approach Development for Surveillance Assistance: Spinning Mill Application

Walid Chaouch*1,2, Mohamed Ben Hassen1 and Faouzi Sakli1

Textile Research Unit, High Technology Institute, Ksar-Hellal, Tunisia
Textile Research Unit, High Technology Institute, Ksar-Hellal, Tunisia
Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textile Université
de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse cedex, France


Monitoring the state and the efficiency of cleaning and carding equipment is a good
method of determining if the equipment is operating properly to get a better understanding about
the actual machine performance. The paper attempts to develop and prove different empiric
formulas to determine the partial efficiency index of spinning machines (machines of blowroom
and cards) such as: Cleaning efficiency, Nep increase efficiency, Nep removal efficiency, Percent
short fiber efficiency, Tenacity efficiency and Length efficiency. The implicit goal is to be able to
evaluate the global efficiency index of various spinning machines by taking into account these
different partial efficiency indexes. In addition, we proposed establishing an approach "Dynamic
Method put in Scale (DMS)" which is an attempt to combine two techniques: objective reasoning
and mathematical formulas to solve many complex system problems, especially when a system is
difficult to model and control by a human operator or expert. We used the DMS to determine the
global index efficiency, in order to solve a spinning problem by evaluation of the cleaners and
simulating the efficiency for the different process stages during the treatment.

Keywords: Spinning, Blow room, Card room, Global efficiency, Dynamic Method with Scale

I. Introduction more intensively in order to achieve an

equal visual level of cleanliness [1-8].
Since the industrial revolution and the
Consequently, many complications
factory systems for the manufacture of
can occur during the spinning. Therefore, it
cotton yarns and fabrics more than 200 years
is important to understand in details what
ago, there has been need to describe the
happens throughout the machines efficiency
quality of the raw material and the global
in order to improve the quality of yarn [2, 9-
efficiency of machines. In the meantime,
10]. So, the spinner must be in a position to
cotton production had been increasing
follow the state of machines, particularly
considerably since mechanical harvesting
with the intention of forecasting the
had been introduced, and the production of
spinnability of the fibre and the specified
ginning machines and spinning plants was
yarn quality without waiting for results on
increased accordingly. Thus, the spinner had
finished products [6].
to clean the cotton more aggressively and
Article Designation: Refereed 1 JTATM
Volume 7, Issue 2, Fall 2011
Although, various methods found in processed and the number fuzzy variables
the literature are very interesting, the global associated with each parameter. One of
efficiency index of various spinning consequences of this subjectivity is the risk
machines are not fully understood [3-6, 11- of no-convergence of the defuzzification
12]. Therefore, these previous studies are algorithm the undefined unforeseen measure
considered insufficient and unable to give a [15].
total description of machine results because We need to develop another method to
of the other parameters such as raw emulate our ability to reason and make use
materials have not been assessed [12]. For of approximate data to find precise
such high levels of complexity, fuzzy logic solutions. In this paper, we present an
could be used. Indeed, the fuzzy logic approach "Dynamic Method with Scale
provides an alternative solution to non-linear (DMS)" based on the techniques of fuzzy
control since it simulates reality better. Non- subsets. The DMS makes it easier to
linearity is handled by rules, membership conceptualize and implement control
functions, and the inference process systems and enable engineers to configure
resulting in improved performance, simpler systems quickly without extensive
implementation, and reduced design costs experimentation. This method was applied
[13-16]. to determine the global efficiency index in
Nevertheless the fuzzy logic suffer order to estimate the behaviour of cottons at
from some limitations with respect to the cleanliness for a better follow-up of the
sensitivity. The primary difficulty in using cleaners, and to avoid complaints formulated
fuzzy logic is that the programmer must first in the reception of the finished article. For
thoroughly understand the intricacies of and this, it is necessary to determine the input
be able to precisely define a problem, and variable (partial efficiency index) and output
then must be able to evaluate and fine-tune variable (global efficiency index).
the results [17]. So; fuzzy logic systems are
not entirely analytic and thus involve fine- II. Presentation of the machines
tuning, are unstable. Because of the rule-
based operation, although defining the rule Spinning industry is composed of
base quickly becomes complex if too many different rooms (in our study, we are
inputs and outputs are chosen for a single interested of the blowroom and card room).
implementation since rules defining their Blowroom installation (each cleaning line)
interrelations must also be defined [14]. The contains three cleaners connected in series to
number and complexity of rules depends on obtain the desired cleaning result (Figure 1).
the number of input parameters that are to be

Article Designation: Refereed 2 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
Figure 1. Presentation of the machines

Pot: Stocking of the card sliver

The cleaners MSR, Axiflo and CVT4, while increasing short fiber content and
eliminate impurities and increase the neps. Carding and combing reverse this by
number of neps in the cotton (Cotton fiber removing a percentage of the short fibers
neps are defined to be entanglements of and neps. The basic purpose of this study is
several fibers, are not a genetically to use the AFIS (To measure the neps we
occurring property in seed cotton). Cotton used the USTER® AFIS neps (cnt/gr)) and
processing machines that mechanically work the HVI to improve performance of the
the cotton fiber from bale to yarn are spinning process. Since the various
designed with the intent of minimizing fiber mechanical processes modify the state of the
damage. Thus the material is passed over fibers, we must first determine the different
several rolls, each of them running at a partial efficiency index of spinning
higher speed and having finer clothing. machines.
Passage from one cleaner to the next takes
place in the transfer mode ensuring a gentle III. Determination of the global index
treatment of the fibers. Due to the increasing
speed the material is subjected to ever- The raw materials and the
higher centrifugal forces, i.e. the cleaning technological process influenced the final
and opening efficiency increases from yarn quality. With machine settings and
cleaner to cleaner. Impurities can be speeds optimized, a comparison of the fiber
extracted from the fiber stock at the mote properties of stock-in compared with stock-
knives, provided on the periphery of the out provides valuable information for
rolls [11]. achieving further optimization. However the
Nevertheless, opening, cleaning and yarn quality is improved when the cotton is
blending equipment shorten the staple length easy to clean (good cleanability) and when

Article Designation: Refereed 3 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
the cleaning efficiency of the machine is cleanability (C)) and\or if the machine has a
improved. Therefore, the spinners are lower cleaning efficiency. However the
generally confronted to the problems of degree of cleaning Dcl is improved when the
evaluation of the state and the efficiency of cotton is easy to clean (good cleanability
their machines without waiting for finished (C)) and\or when the cleaning efficiency of
products result. The variation of the cleaning the machine is improved (equation 1) [12,
results do not limit itself to the influence of 18].
the impurities elimination efficiency
according to the machine’s types and work Dcl 10 C T Mcl
conditions such as quality of card’s clothing, Equation 1
speeds, regulations, etc. Thus, it is very Dcl Ttotal
interesting to determine characteristic that
informs on the easiness or the difficulty to Ti: Percentage of eliminated impurities.
rid trash from cotton in order to foresee his Ttotal: Percentage of impurities at the input of
future behavior in cleaning and offer a machine.
preview on the cleaning efficiency of
machines, to predict the results of cleaning “High cleaning efficiency” is regarded
processes [12]. as a positive attribute, so, 100% say a goal
We needed the global index to give an (100%) of zero resultant impurities (Ti =
idea about the state of functioning of Ttotal), therefore 0% announces that there is
different machines. This global index is no elimination of impurities, so Ti = 0%)
influenced by several fiber properties and [18]. Another important factor is the trash
often solved by considering the different content T of the cotton at the input of
partial efficiency index of spinning machine, the degree of cleaning for dirty
machines such as: Cleaning efficiency, Neps cotton is more elevated than clean cotton on
increase efficiency, Neps removal the same machine and in the same
efficiency, Percent short fibers efficiency, conditions.
Tenacity efficiency and Length efficiency.
III-2: Neps increase efficiency and Neps
III-1: Cleaning efficiency (Mcl) removal efficiency (MNi and MNr)

Raw cotton contains various One of the main problems of yarn

impurities as leaf, bark, and seed coat quality is its neppiness. Neppiness
particles. Impurities content from bale to influences the appearance of yarn, and
silver should decrease through the opening. consequently the quality of fabrics
Indeed, the requirements of sliver quality especially dyeing uniformity [2,11-12].
impose that the cotton must be intensively Neps are created by the mechanical handling
cleaned during ginning, spinning mill and and cleaning of the cotton fiber, neps
carding [2-8]. On the other hand, the amount increase throughout the ginning, opening
of these contaminations is useful and cleaning process. Although there is a
information for finding more efficient decrease during carding and combing, both
cleaning processes and predicting the quality are designed to align fibers and remove
of the finished products. imperfections such as neps [19-21]. It is a
The degree of cleaning Dcl is recognized, however, that certain cottons
influenced not only by the lint tend to nep more easily than others when
characteristics in intermediate products, but they are mechanically handled under
also by the mechanical handling of the fiber, identical conditions. Degree of increasing
because cotton has a lower degree of (blowroom) of neps DNi, can be defined by
cleaning Dcl if it is difficult to clean (poor the following formula [21]:

Article Designation: Refereed 4 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
CN i Equation 2
DN i
MN i

Nbn ep so u t Nbn ep sin

DN i 100 ; Nbneps out ≥ Nbneps in
Nbn ep sin

CNi: increase ability of neps

CNr: removal ability of neps
Nbneps in: number of neps per gram at the input of machine
Nbneps out: number of neps per gram at the output of machine

In the case of blowroom we note an neps (Nbneps out = Nbneps in). According to
increase of neps. The Degree DNi gives an Uster [22], it is possible to classify the
idea on the neps increasing, thus, 0% of DNi degree of neps increasing, determined by
(is regarded as a positive attribute) equation (2), as indicated in Table 1[21].
significant zero increase in corresponding

Table 1. Classification of DNi%

Class (%) Interpretation

≥ 80 Very bad
60-80 Bad
40-60 Average
20-40 Good
≤ 20 Very good

Thus, the more cotton has a tendency less there is a formation of neps. So DNi is
toward the formation of neps (CNi is big) the reduced (blowroom) [21]. Degree of
more DNi is raised. But the better the removal (card room) of neps DNr, can be
conditions of the machine (MNi is big), the defined by the following formula [21]:

DN r MN r CN r
Equation 3

Nbnepsin Nbneps out

DN r 100 ; Nbneps out ≤ Nbneps in
MNi: neps increase efficiency
MNr: neps removal efficiency

In the case of card room we note a Nbneps in). According to Uster [22], it is
decrease of neps, 100% say a goal (100%) possible to classify the degree of neps
of zero resultant neps (0 announces that removal, determined by equations (3), as
there is no elimination of neps, so Nbneps out = indicated in Table 2 [21].

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Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
Table 2. Classification of DNr%

Class (%) Interpretation

≥ 90 Very good
80-90 Good
70-80 Average
60-70 Bad
≤ 60 Very bad

The more the neps are easily To give a total description, it would be
eliminated (CNr is big) and the card is good interesting to analyze the changes of
because it eliminates more neps (MNr is big), physical properties for the successive
the more DNr is better. Therefore, yarn spinning process machines. In order to
nepiness is a result of quality, processed raw express the degree of physical properties Di
materials and the technological process [21]. (percent short fibers efficiency (Dfs),
Although, the global efficiency depends tenacity efficiency (Dte) and length
essentially on the cleaning and neppiness efficiency (Dle), the theoretical relation
results, we have to do a complete global between the cotton ability and machine
efficiency study of spinning machines efficiency by analogy with the equation (1),
(machines of blowroom and cards) to know concerning the elimination of impurities was
what physical properties modification could derived.
arise to the cotton. These physical properties
are translated at the tenacity, short fibre The following formulas can be defined:
count and length.
Dfs Qfs Mfs Equation 4
III-3: Percent short fibers efficiency,
Tenacity efficiency and Length Dte Qte Mte Equation 5
efficiency (Mfs, Mte and Mle) Dle Qle Mle Equation 6
Despite technology, rigorous
mechanical processing remains a necessity Dfs: Degree of percent short fibers.
in order to successfully open and clean, Dte: Degree of tenacity.
because the removal of impurities and neps Dle: Degree of length
(case of the card room) is usually Qfs: Quality index of percent short fibers.
accompanied by shortening of the length Qte : Quality index of tenacity.
distribution, fibre breaking, fibre failure and Qle: Quality index of length.
other damages (increasing of short fibers,
decreasing of tenacity and decreasing III-3-1: The degrees (Dte, Dle and Dfs)
length) [9-10]. Therefore, all mechanical
processing is a compromise between quality These parameters provide measures of
improvement (disentanglement and cleaning degradations in fiber quality during the
of fibres) and damage, which is defined as cleaning treatment. The result of the
degradations of fibre’s quality. This is physical property variations, defined by Di
necessary in order to establish a spinning (Percent short fibers, tenacity and length),
mill’s benchmark data. can be calculated by the following formulas:

Dfs SFCoutput 100 ; SFC output ≥ SFC input

SFC input (SFC output): Percentage of short fibers at the input (output) of machine.

Article Designation: Refereed 6 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
“High Degree of percent short fibers” is obtained. Also, the greater the efficiency of
regarded as a positive attribute, so 100% of machines (Mi) and the quality of raw
Dfs significant zero materials (Qi) are bad, the more cotton has a
increase in corresponding short fibers (SFC tendency toward the formation of short
input = SFC output). Therefore, more the fibers (Dfs is low) after cleaning (Equation
Dfs is low, the more short fibers are 4).

Tenacity (length) input IV. Principle of “Dynamic Method put

Dte ( Dle) Tenacity (length)output
100 in Scale (DMS)”

Tenacity (length) output ≤ Tenacity (length) IV-1: General Presentation

DMS can control any types of linear
It becomes 100% when there is no decrease systems that would be difficult or impossible
in corresponding tenacity, or when Tenacity to model mathematically. This method
(length) output = Tenacity (length input. When enables engineers to make use of
the cotton has a lower tenacity, Dte, (or information from expert human operators
length Dle), if it is difficult to clean or the who have been performing the task
machine has a lower efficiency (Mi) manually. The DMS method can be
(Equations 5 and 6). decomposed in three steps: classification,
inference and valorisation.
III-3-2: The qualities (Qte, Qle and Qfs) The basic idea consists to increasing
the fuzzy subsets permitting to achieve
Give an idea about the future behavior of the stages of classification and valorisation. This
raw material (Qi: Tenacity, length and increase permits a better precision of the
percent short fibers) during the mechanical output set evolution according to input sets.
treatment. Also, the using of level-headedness
coefficient provides a simple way to arrive
Qi = R x C at a definite conclusion based on input
R: The tenacity value in the input machine
C: Cleanability IV-2: Classification Stage

The more the cotton is easy to clean IV-2-1: Determine the control system
(good cleanability : C is big) and\or the input
tenacity is good (R is big), the more the
quality (Qi) is better after cleaning. With DMS the first step is to
Because all these factors usually vary understand and characterize the system
simultaneously, it is very difficult to assess behaviour. The primary objective of this
their individual influences on the spinning construct is to map out the universe of
process. In order to get meaningful results of possible inputs (classification) while
the functioning state of different cleaners, it keeping the system sufficiently under
is important to develop a method to estimate control. The classification function (Ki) is a
the global efficiency index and by taking graph of the participation magnitude of each
into account the different partial efficiency input. It associates a degree of membership
index of spinning machines such as: factor (µ) (degree of influence) with each of
Cleaning efficiency, Neps increase the inputs that are processed in order to
efficiency, Neps removal efficiency, Percent define functional overlap between inputs.
short fibers efficiency, Tenacity efficiency
and Length efficiency. Note: Ki Є [1, n]

Article Designation: Refereed 7 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
n: Number of classes corresponds to the membership (µ) is determined by plugging
input variable (Vi) (for example in the selected input parameter into the
Figure 2, n=100) horizontal axis and projecting vertically to
the upper boundary of the classification
IV-2-2: Stage of inference function (Figure 2).

Inference is a process that combines real By knowing, the two classes (Ki-1(Vi) and
values (Vi) (e.g., partial efficiency index of Ki(Vi)) and their classification functions (µ
cleaner machine) with stored classification (Vi, Ki-1(Vi)) and µ(Vi, Ki(Vi)) (Figure.2),
function data and a degree of membership to we can determine the input scaled value R
produce scaled input values. The degree of (Vj) as follows:

R (Vj) = Ki (Vi) µ(V i , Ki(Vi)) + K i - 1 (Vi) µ(V i , Ki - 1(Vi)) Equation 7

j Є [1, m]
m: number of input variable
Vi Є [Min, Max]
Min; Minimum value of input variable
Max: Maximum value of input variable

Figure 2. The features of a classification function

IV-2-3: Stage of valorisation

Equation 8
In the last stage the valorisation Z R(Vj ) b(Vj )
combines all its inputs, by using a formula, j 1
to obtain an output response Z. Indeed, the
formulas use the level-headedness m: number of input variable
coefficient b(Vj), determined from the
expert human, as weighting factors to
determine their influence on the final output
conclusion. Once the input scaled value
R(Vj) and the level-headedness coefficient
b(Vj) associated to every input variable are
defined, the output response Z can be
defined by the following formula:

Article Designation: Refereed 8 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
IV- 3: Mathematical development conditions are in their domain, whereas wide
triangles provide looser control (Figure 2).
We suggest a general mathematical
reasoning from the DMS method to define Then, the division D was calculated by the
the equation of: following equation:
 Every line segment, which delimits
a corresponding elementary subset. Max Min
 A real value (R) put in scale after D
Min; Minimum value of input variable
IV-3-1: Presentation
Max: Maximum value of input variable n:
In order to apply DMS to a particular Number of classes corresponds to the input
system, the programmer must first make a variable (Vi) ( Figure 2). For every value Vi
"classified model," a set describing the Є [Min, Max] there is a projection on an
system and how to handle it. Making such a increasing segment and another decreasing.
model involves analyzing a problem and
setting up the proper degree of membership IV-3-2: Equation of the increasing
to define it, a process called valorisation. segments (ΔK)
The steps in building our system consists of
graphical triangles that can help visualize For K Є [1, n], ΔK: y = a x + bK:
and compute the input-output action.
Figure 2, illustrates the features of the This is the general increasing segment
triangular classification function, which is equation (these line segments have the
used due to its mathematical simplicity. same sloping because they are parallel)
These functions work fine and are easy to (Figure 3).
work with [17]. Indeed, narrow triangles
provide tight control when operating


Therefore: a 1

Or, y1 = a x1 + bK bK = y1 - a x1


K - 1 D Min Min
bK = 0 - 1 K

For, K Є [1, n]

ΔK : x Min x Min Equation 10

y 1 K - 1 K
For, x Є [ (K-1) × D + Min , K× D + Min]

Article Designation: Refereed 9 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
Figure 3. The increasing (ΔK) decreasing segments (▼K)

IV-3-3: Equation of the decreasing segments (▼K)

For K Є [0, n-1]

▼K: y = a x + bK :

This is the general decreasing segment equation (these segments have the same sloping because
they are parallel) (Figure 3).
y2 - y1 0 1
So a
x2 - x1 K 1 D Min K D Min

Therefore, a 1
Or: y2 = a x2 + bK bK = y2 - a x2 So:

K 1 D Min Min
bK = 0 =1 K

For, K Є [0, n-1]

▼K : x Min Min - x Equation 11
y= - +1+K+ = +1+K
For, x Є [K × D + Min, (K+1) × D + Min]

IV-3-4: Equation of the value put in scale after projection (R)

For every value V Є [Min, Max],

V - Min
KΔ = E ( )+1 and

Article Designation: Refereed 10 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
V - Min
K▼ = E ( ) E is the integer part
KΔ and K▼ are the classes associated to the real value V

Thus, the value put in scale R (V) can be calculated according to the following equation
(Equation 7):
V Min Min V
R (V) = KΔ × ( 1 KΔ) + K▼ × ( 1 K▼)

ΔK(V) ▼K(V)
V - Min
For S = ,

R (V) = E (S) + 1 × S + 1 - E (S) + 1 + E (S) × 1- S + E (S)

After simplification

V - Min V Min Equation 12

R (V ) so R(V ) n
D Max Min

DMS is a very suitable method to summarizes the different partial efficiency

estimate the cleaning efficiency of index of spinning machines (cleaners and
machines. In accordance with equations (8 cards) and limits for each value (maximal
and 12), it is possible to quantify the global value and minimal value) as well as their
index of spinning machines. Table 3 level-headedness.

Table 3. Different partial efficiency indices

Minimal Maximal Level-
Input variable Symbol Equation Room
value value headedness
Cleaning blowroom 0,1 2
Mcl Dcl = 10 ×C ×T × Mcl (7) 0,35
efficiency Carding 2 8

Neps increase CN i
MNi DN i (8) blowroom 3 0,3
efficiency MN i ,3

Neps removal Carding 1

MNr DNr = MNr × CNr (9) 4 0,3
Percent short blowroom
Mfs Dfs = Mfs × Qfs (10) 2 5 0,15
fibers efficiency Carding
Tenacity Dte = Mte × Qte (11) blowroom
Mte 3 4,5 0,1
efficiency Carding
Length Dle = Mle × Qle (12) blowroom
Mle 3 4,5 0,1
efficiency Carding

Article Designation: Refereed 11 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010
The coefficient attached to a partial efficiency of cleaner and even a cleaning
efficiency index as its weight in the line.
determination of global index involving In the present paper we determined
weighting. The basis for proposing the the global efficiency index by taking into
weighting coefficients are data on the final account the different partial efficiency index
yarn quality. So, this level-headedness of spinning machines, while using the
enables us to make use of information from proposed empiric formulas, in order to get a
expert human operators (spinner) who have better understanding about the actual
been performing the task manually. machine performance. Then, the correlation
This research was carried out in between the partial and global efficiency of
SITEX Company (Industrial Society of different cleaners were determined by using
Textiles in Tunisia), thus these level- the DMS method.
headedness are proposed by the expert DMS a powerful new way is used in
spinner of this company. The spinners give system control and design analysis, because
more importance to: cleaning (0.35) and the it shortens the time for engineering
rate of neps (Neps increase efficiency (0.3) development. It is, however, best applied to
in the case blowroom and Neps removal systems with uncertainties:
efficiency (0.3) in the case of card room) With DMS we can describe the output as a
than physical properties (tenacity (0.1) , function of any number of inputs linked with
short fibre count (0.1) and length (0.1)) level-headedness coefficient. This method
These coefficients can be exchanged provides a way to approach a control
according to the requirements of the problem. To make the data analysis easier
spinning mill. for the operator, we developed, in the further
In the following, the authors present studies, software, which enable the
the results of the mechanical processing for calculation of both partial and global
different levels of mill cleaning, in order to efficiencies of every spinning machine.
judge and compare the efficiency of
different cleaners and cleaning lines. VI. Reference
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Machine Design, 64, P46. handbook, Zellweger Uster, Inc, 2001.

Article Designation: Refereed 13 JTATM

Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2010

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