Approach Development For Surveillance Assistance: Spinning Mill Application
Approach Development For Surveillance Assistance: Spinning Mill Application
Approach Development For Surveillance Assistance: Spinning Mill Application
Monitoring the state and the efficiency of cleaning and carding equipment is a good
method of determining if the equipment is operating properly to get a better understanding about
the actual machine performance. The paper attempts to develop and prove different empiric
formulas to determine the partial efficiency index of spinning machines (machines of blowroom
and cards) such as: Cleaning efficiency, Nep increase efficiency, Nep removal efficiency, Percent
short fiber efficiency, Tenacity efficiency and Length efficiency. The implicit goal is to be able to
evaluate the global efficiency index of various spinning machines by taking into account these
different partial efficiency indexes. In addition, we proposed establishing an approach "Dynamic
Method put in Scale (DMS)" which is an attempt to combine two techniques: objective reasoning
and mathematical formulas to solve many complex system problems, especially when a system is
difficult to model and control by a human operator or expert. We used the DMS to determine the
global index efficiency, in order to solve a spinning problem by evaluation of the cleaners and
simulating the efficiency for the different process stages during the treatment.
Keywords: Spinning, Blow room, Card room, Global efficiency, Dynamic Method with Scale
The cleaners MSR, Axiflo and CVT4, while increasing short fiber content and
eliminate impurities and increase the neps. Carding and combing reverse this by
number of neps in the cotton (Cotton fiber removing a percentage of the short fibers
neps are defined to be entanglements of and neps. The basic purpose of this study is
several fibers, are not a genetically to use the AFIS (To measure the neps we
occurring property in seed cotton). Cotton used the USTER® AFIS neps (cnt/gr)) and
processing machines that mechanically work the HVI to improve performance of the
the cotton fiber from bale to yarn are spinning process. Since the various
designed with the intent of minimizing fiber mechanical processes modify the state of the
damage. Thus the material is passed over fibers, we must first determine the different
several rolls, each of them running at a partial efficiency index of spinning
higher speed and having finer clothing. machines.
Passage from one cleaner to the next takes
place in the transfer mode ensuring a gentle III. Determination of the global index
treatment of the fibers. Due to the increasing
speed the material is subjected to ever- The raw materials and the
higher centrifugal forces, i.e. the cleaning technological process influenced the final
and opening efficiency increases from yarn quality. With machine settings and
cleaner to cleaner. Impurities can be speeds optimized, a comparison of the fiber
extracted from the fiber stock at the mote properties of stock-in compared with stock-
knives, provided on the periphery of the out provides valuable information for
rolls [11]. achieving further optimization. However the
Nevertheless, opening, cleaning and yarn quality is improved when the cotton is
blending equipment shorten the staple length easy to clean (good cleanability) and when
In the case of blowroom we note an neps (Nbneps out = Nbneps in). According to
increase of neps. The Degree DNi gives an Uster [22], it is possible to classify the
idea on the neps increasing, thus, 0% of DNi degree of neps increasing, determined by
(is regarded as a positive attribute) equation (2), as indicated in Table 1[21].
significant zero increase in corresponding
Thus, the more cotton has a tendency less there is a formation of neps. So DNi is
toward the formation of neps (CNi is big) the reduced (blowroom) [21]. Degree of
more DNi is raised. But the better the removal (card room) of neps DNr, can be
conditions of the machine (MNi is big), the defined by the following formula [21]:
DN r MN r CN r
Equation 3
In the case of card room we note a Nbneps in). According to Uster [22], it is
decrease of neps, 100% say a goal (100%) possible to classify the degree of neps
of zero resultant neps (0 announces that removal, determined by equations (3), as
there is no elimination of neps, so Nbneps out = indicated in Table 2 [21].
The more the neps are easily To give a total description, it would be
eliminated (CNr is big) and the card is good interesting to analyze the changes of
because it eliminates more neps (MNr is big), physical properties for the successive
the more DNr is better. Therefore, yarn spinning process machines. In order to
nepiness is a result of quality, processed raw express the degree of physical properties Di
materials and the technological process [21]. (percent short fibers efficiency (Dfs),
Although, the global efficiency depends tenacity efficiency (Dte) and length
essentially on the cleaning and neppiness efficiency (Dle), the theoretical relation
results, we have to do a complete global between the cotton ability and machine
efficiency study of spinning machines efficiency by analogy with the equation (1),
(machines of blowroom and cards) to know concerning the elimination of impurities was
what physical properties modification could derived.
arise to the cotton. These physical properties
are translated at the tenacity, short fibre The following formulas can be defined:
count and length.
Dfs Qfs Mfs Equation 4
III-3: Percent short fibers efficiency,
Tenacity efficiency and Length Dte Qte Mte Equation 5
efficiency (Mfs, Mte and Mle) Dle Qle Mle Equation 6
Despite technology, rigorous
mechanical processing remains a necessity Dfs: Degree of percent short fibers.
in order to successfully open and clean, Dte: Degree of tenacity.
because the removal of impurities and neps Dle: Degree of length
(case of the card room) is usually Qfs: Quality index of percent short fibers.
accompanied by shortening of the length Qte : Quality index of tenacity.
distribution, fibre breaking, fibre failure and Qle: Quality index of length.
other damages (increasing of short fibers,
decreasing of tenacity and decreasing III-3-1: The degrees (Dte, Dle and Dfs)
length) [9-10]. Therefore, all mechanical
processing is a compromise between quality These parameters provide measures of
improvement (disentanglement and cleaning degradations in fiber quality during the
of fibres) and damage, which is defined as cleaning treatment. The result of the
degradations of fibre’s quality. This is physical property variations, defined by Di
necessary in order to establish a spinning (Percent short fibers, tenacity and length),
mill’s benchmark data. can be calculated by the following formulas:
Dfs SFCoutput 100 ; SFC output ≥ SFC input
SFC input (SFC output): Percentage of short fibers at the input (output) of machine.
The more the cotton is easy to clean IV-2-1: Determine the control system
(good cleanability : C is big) and\or the input
tenacity is good (R is big), the more the
quality (Qi) is better after cleaning. With DMS the first step is to
Because all these factors usually vary understand and characterize the system
simultaneously, it is very difficult to assess behaviour. The primary objective of this
their individual influences on the spinning construct is to map out the universe of
process. In order to get meaningful results of possible inputs (classification) while
the functioning state of different cleaners, it keeping the system sufficiently under
is important to develop a method to estimate control. The classification function (Ki) is a
the global efficiency index and by taking graph of the participation magnitude of each
into account the different partial efficiency input. It associates a degree of membership
index of spinning machines such as: factor (µ) (degree of influence) with each of
Cleaning efficiency, Neps increase the inputs that are processed in order to
efficiency, Neps removal efficiency, Percent define functional overlap between inputs.
short fibers efficiency, Tenacity efficiency
and Length efficiency. Note: Ki Є [1, n]
Inference is a process that combines real By knowing, the two classes (Ki-1(Vi) and
values (Vi) (e.g., partial efficiency index of Ki(Vi)) and their classification functions (µ
cleaner machine) with stored classification (Vi, Ki-1(Vi)) and µ(Vi, Ki(Vi)) (Figure.2),
function data and a degree of membership to we can determine the input scaled value R
produce scaled input values. The degree of (Vj) as follows:
j Є [1, m]
m: number of input variable
Vi Є [Min, Max]
Min; Minimum value of input variable
Max: Maximum value of input variable
Therefore: a 1
Or, y1 = a x1 + bK bK = y1 - a x1
K - 1 D Min Min
bK = 0 - 1 K
For, K Є [1, n]
▼K: y = a x + bK :
This is the general decreasing segment equation (these segments have the same sloping because
they are parallel) (Figure 3).
y2 - y1 0 1
So a
x2 - x1 K 1 D Min K D Min
Therefore, a 1
Or: y2 = a x2 + bK bK = y2 - a x2 So:
K 1 D Min Min
bK = 0 =1 K
V - Min
KΔ = E ( )+1 and
Thus, the value put in scale R (V) can be calculated according to the following equation
(Equation 7):
V Min Min V
R (V) = KΔ × ( 1 KΔ) + K▼ × ( 1 K▼)
ΔK(V) ▼K(V)
V - Min
For S = ,
After simplification
Neps increase CN i
MNi DN i (8) blowroom 3 0,3
efficiency MN i ,3