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Optimization of Raw Material Mixing in Rotor Spun Yarn Using Analytical Hierarchy Process

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Optimization Of Raw Material Mixing In Rotor

Spun Yarn Using Analytical Hierarchy Process
Shahriar Raian, Toufiqua Siddiqua, Md. Lutfor Rahman Shanzid, Tanzeena Refat Tumpa

Abstract: Different types of process wastage produced in the cotton textile spinning mill is an important factor to determine overall operating cost and
profitability. One of the major operations to decrease the operating cost, as well as the increase of profit, is proper management of raw materials as it is
associated with highest amount of operating expenses. To make a contribution to the reduction of raw material costs, in the present study the effect of
different ratio of cotton wastage also termed as reused cotton fibers on the quality, such as Imperfections Index (IPI), Hairiness, Tenacity of 10 Ne OE-
rotor yarn and some other parameters related with mill‘s profit such as total operational costing and wastage utilization rate was investigated. Finally, by
using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) a pairwise comparison was done to make the decision of optimum sample.

Index Terms: Operational costs, Process Optimization, Imperfections Index, Hairiness, Tenacity, Open End Yarn and Analytical Hierarchy Process.
——————————  ——————————

1. INTRODUCTION The new spinning technologies such as rotor, air-jet and,

One of the major sectors that scope all over the world is friction spinning have tremendous potential for higher
Textile industry based on consumption level of textile productivity [8]. Depending on the different arrangement of
products have been rising year by year as a consequence fibers in each spinning system, the physical and mechanical
of growth of the world population and improvements of properties of yarns vary [9]. Among them, the best process
living standards [1]. In the last few decades, the scientific of producing better quality yarn from the very poor grade of
and technical progresses influenced the textile industry all cotton and even from wastage is rotor spinning. Rotor
over the world [2]. The rising global competitiveness, high- spinning system is rising due to the considerable reduction
quality and cost-saving kind of spinning method has in space and personnel which gives a new era to produce a
become a major issue in the textile industry [3]. It is more more uniform, fuller and regular cotton yarn. For producing
competitive than ever as innovation is taking place medium to course counts Rotor spinning is very suitable.
regularly. To keep space with manufacturers have to This technology has gained the reputation of being ‗cotton
produce more sophisticated, less expensive, machines with friendly‘ since two-thirds of all fibers used in rotor spinning
higher and higher production rates to make them are cotton [10]. Now a day, the competitive edge of rotor
economically and commercially viable [4]. Though Cotton spinning is reflected in the implementation of faster rotor-
keeps its position as a main raw material for the textile spinning speeds, more sophisticated monitoring, and
industry despite recent improvements of synthetic and control systems, and automatic start-up, doffing, cleaning,
regenerated fibers [5]. The other point of view, the and piecing devices. The strength of Rieter‘s rotor spinning
production level of cotton has fluctuated for recent years, lies not only in its high productivity but also its great
and because of strict relation with the geographical flexibility regarding raw material, and yarn construction.
conditions, it is hard to estimate the production level of Process wastage of different spinning sections is used as
cotton for upcoming years [6]. Spinning is one of the the raw materials of rotor spun yarn and these wastages
most important productions processes in the field of textile can also be used with mixing of raw virgin cotton to reduce
science [7]. The process of converting fibers into yarn is overall operational things, hence, to increase profitability.
complex which requires many investigations and new But there is a contradictory issue here that if use more and
technical & technological solutions, known as spinning. more wastages than quality degrades so much waste
There are many spinning systems are available such as, should be taken to get the optimum balance between
ring spinning, air vortex spinning, friction spinning, disc quality and profit. Different types of Multi-Criteria Decision-
spinning, solo spun spinning, siro spinning, air-jet spinning, Making and logics are used to optimum solutions in
wrap spinning and rotor spinning. industrial engineering for process optimization, but less
importance is given regarding these logics in the textile
———————————————— specially spinning sector. So this is a huge study gap here
 Author name and Corresponding Author to conduct these types of research in this field. Different
 Shahriar Raian, Lecturer, Ahsanullah University of Science studies had been conducted on mixing and blending of
and Technology, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh, Mobile: Rotor Spun Yarn and process optimization for taking
008801765903327, E-mail: s.raianricko@gmail.com different decisions by using different Multi Criteria Decision
 Co-Authors name and Affiliation
 Toufiqua Siddiqua, Assistant Professor, Bangladesh
Making such asHandfield applied AHP to assess suppliers
University of Textiles, Dhaka, Bangladesh. E-mail: based on environmental issues [11]. Ayag and Ozdemir
toufiqua@butex.edu.bd applied AHP to evaluating machine tool alternatives as it
 Md. Lutfor Rahman Shanzid, Instructor, Tetile the improper selection of a machine tool might cause of
Engineering,Ahsanullah Institute of TVET, Dhaka, many problems affecting negatively on productivity [12].
Bangladesh, E-mail: lutfor.shanzid@gmail.com Musa Kilic with others studied on effect of cotton waste and
 Tanzeena Refat Tumpa, Lecturer, Textile Engineering,
European University Of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
spinning parameters on rotor yarn quality [13].
E-mail: tanzeenarefattumpa@gmail.com
M.T. Halimi et al. showed the different spinning cotton
wastage to the quality of the rotor yarn [14].

Yuksel and Dagdeviren used the analytic network process Reflectance Index (Rd) % 76.7
(ANP) to SWOT analysis of a textile firm[15]. Yellowness (+b) 8.8
Dagdeviren and Yüksel developed a fuzzy analytic Trash Content 10.51
hierarchy process (AHP) model for behavior-based safety
management within an effective manufacturing organization Table: Contains of Wastage Cotton Bale
Types of Waste Amount
Halimi et al. researched on a quantitative and qualitative Sliver 10%
assessment of cotton waste recycling [17]. Dropping 1 15%
Saaty showed a way to measure intangibles in relative Dropping 2 23%
terms for taking the decision for the decision-maker using Flat Strip 23%
AHP [18]. Noils 17%
Cebeci used Fuzzy AHP to select ERP systems in the Pneumafill waste 12%
textile industry by using a balanced scorecard [19].
Total 100%
Sun used fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods to
evaluate the performance in a fuzzy environment where the
vagueness and subjectivity are handled with linguistic A Brief of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM)
values parameterized by triangular fuzzy numbers [20]. MCDM is a discipline that involves in selecting the best
Torfi, Farahani and Rezapour applied Fuzzy AHP and alternative from several potential alternatives in a decision-
Fuzzy TOPSIS to determine the relative weights of making process to draw a certain conclusion. Actually it
evaluation criteria and rank the alternatives respectively helps a decision-maker to choose the optimal solution. As
[21]. in real life situation decision making process involves with
Wang and Chin applied Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: A some conflicts or dissatisfaction. Analytical Hierarchy
logarithmic fuzzy preference programming methodology Process in one kind of MCDM [28].
[22]. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) AHP is a multi-criteria
Pourghasemi et al. applied AHP to study on the landslide decision making (MCDM) method that helps a decision-
susceptibility mapping at Haraz watershed, Iran [23]. maker facing a complex problem with various conflicting
Kannan et al. used integrated fuzzy multi-criteria decision- and subjective criteria to reach a decision [29].
making method and multi-objective programming approach The first reference AHP was found in 1972 by Thomas L.
for supplier selection, and order allocation in a green supply Satty [30].
chain [24]. In 1977 this method was precisely described in a paper of
Heidari et al. showed the use of Analytic Network Process Journal of Mathematical Psychology 31].
(ANP) in a SWOT analysis for the development of tourism This paper provides a vast direction in methodological
destinations in Kish Island [25]. developments and the scope of further research in this
Kilic et al. conducted research on the effect of recycled various sectors.
cotton usage on properties of OE-rotor yarns and knitted Like other MCDM, AHP is based on four steps like as
fabrics [26]. modeling of the problem, setting up priorities (weights) of
Putra used FAHP method to determine the quality of each criterion, consistency check and develop overall
gemstones [27]. priorities.
The first part of this paper covers introductory and literature Fundamental Scale for pair-wise comparisons among each
review. Then the second part covers material and criterion and sub criterion
methodology with detail of AHP followed by calculation to AHP‘s main strength is the possibility to evaluate both
the next part. Final part covers results and discussion with quantitative as well as qualitative criteria and alternatives
the conclusion and future scope. which can be numerical, verbal (Table 1) or graphical. This
response is very appealing, user-friendly and very common
in our everyday lives than numbers. A scale is used o make
MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY comparisons which indicate a criterion is how many times
Raw Materials Details
more important or dominant over another criterion,
Fibre used: Cotton
Brand name: Shankar
Country of origin: India
Table: Scale Used in AHP [32]
Types of Mixing Used: The intensity of Definition
Sample A: 50%virgin cotton+ 50%wastage, importance
Sample B: 35%virgin cotton+ 65%wastage, 1 Equal important
Sample C: 30%virgin cotton+ 70%wastage, 3 Moderate important
Sample D: 20%virgin cotton+ 80%wastage, 5 Essential or strong important
7 Very strong important
Table: Properties of Raw Cotton
Properties Values 9 Extreme important
Micronaire Value (MIC) 4.61 2, 4, 6, 8 Intermediate values between two
Upper Half Mean Length (UHML) in mm 29.88 adjacent judgment
Uniformity Index (UI) % 83.5
Short Fiber Index (SFI) 7.8
Maturity Ratio (MR) 0.90
Strength (gm/tex) 32.1
Elongation % 6.7


Reciprocals If activity x has one of the above ns

numbers assigned to it when Hairiness 0.5 1 1 2 2
compared with activity q, then q has
the reciprocal value when compared Tenacity 0.33 1 1 3 3
with x. Costings 0.25 0.5 0.33 1 1
Wastages 0.5 0.5 0.33 1 1
Sum 2.58 5 5.66 7.25 9
Table: Technical Settings of Rotor Frame
Parameters Values Sub steps 2: Setting up normal vector and priority weight
Count 10/OE vector to the criteria
TPM 722.09 Priority
Feed roller diameter 35 mm Criter
A B C D E weight
Feed roller speed 1.35 m/min ia
Opening roller diameter 80 mm
0.387596 0. 0.5300 0.0344 0.2222 0.3148674
9 4 35 83 22 43
Opening roller speed 8200 m/min 0.193798 0. 0.1766 0.2758 0.2222 0.2137122
45 2 78 62 22 37
Rotor RPM 65000 0.127906 0. 0.1766 0.4137 0.3333 0.2503423
98 2 78 93 33 72
Rotor diameter 40 mm 0.096899 0. 0.0583 0.1379 0.1111 0.1008490
22 1 04 31 11 51
0.193798 0. 0.0583 0.1379 0.1111 0.1202288
Navel type Spiral E
45 1 04 31 11 96
Delivery Speed 90.01 m/min
Sum 1 1 1 1 1 1
Draft 98
Number of head 240
Winding Angle 37.1
Sub steps 2: Calculation of Largest Eigen Value
Package Weight 2.012 kg Largest Eigen Value= 5.111073
Shape of the Package Cylidrical Step 3: consistency check
Consistency Index (CI) = 0.027768
Step by Step Procedure of AHP Here Random Consistency index (RI) = 0.9 (For number of
Step 1: Modeling of problem criteria= 5)
Goal (Level Criteria (Level 1) Alternatives (Level Consistency Ratio (CR)= 3.09%
0) 2) As Consistency Ratio (CR) is OK as it less than 10%
IPI Sample A
Hairiness Sample B
Step 4: develop overall priorities
Optimum Tenacity Sample C
raw material Table: Alternatives to each criterion
mixing Criteria IPI Hairin Tena Costi Wastag
Costings (BDT Sample D Alternatives ess city ngs es
per lbs) (BDT Utilizati
Wastages per on (%)
Utilization (%) lbs)
Sample A 260 3.22 13.5 200 50
Sample B 255 3.25 13.45 100 65
Sample C 300 3.7 11.84 90 70
Sample D 500 4.86 10.1 80 80

Alternatives to Each Criterion

It consists of several sub steps
Criteria IPI Hairines Tena Costi Wastag
Alternatives s city ngs es
(BDT Utilizati
per on (%)
Sample A 1 1 1 0.4 1
Sample B 1.0 0.99076 0.996 0.7692
1 9231 296 0.8 31
Sample C 0.8 0.87027 0.877 0.888 0.7142
6 027 037 889 86
Sample D 0.5 0.66255 0.748
2 144 148 1 0.625

Sub steps 1:
The results showed below the weights of different samples
Develop a priority matrix
and highest weight, obtained for sample so decision-maker
Criteria Imperfectio Hairine Tenacit Costing Wastag
ns ss y s es should give priority for sample B.
Imperfectio 1 2 3 0.25 2 Table 5: Weights of Each Sample


Alternative Weights of each Alternative Waste. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 14 (3),
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[11] Handfield, R., Walton, S. V., Sroufe, R., and
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Sample B 0.85395344 criteria to supplier assessment: A study in the
Sample C 0.668611715 application of the Analytical Hierarchy
Process. European journal of operational
research, 141(1), 70-87.
CONCLUSION [12] Ayag, Z., and Ozdemir, R. G. (2006). A fuzzy AHP
In above table IPI, Hariness and Tenacity are the quality
approach to evaluating machine tool
parameters and our aim is to increase the level of quality alternatives. Journal of intelligent
which increases with the increase of the percentage of
manufacturing, 17(2), 179-190.
virgin cotton fiber but if we use waste of cotton fibers in [13] Halimi, M. T..Hassen, M. B., and Sakli, F., Cotton
various section then the total raw material costing waste recycling: Quantitative and qualitative
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parameters and profitability of a spinning mill. Finally by the
[14] Halimi, M. T., Hassen, M. B., Azzouz, B., and Sakli,
above calculation shows that sample B has more weights
F. (2007). Effect of cotton waste and spinning
so it should give more priority to get the optimum outcome. parameters on rotor yarn quality. Journal of the
FUTURE RECOMMENDATION Textile Institute, 98(5), 437-442.]
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other Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDN) with more analytic network process (ANP) in a SWOT
criteria-sub criteria and alternatives. analysis–A case study for a textile firm. Information
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