Impact of Piecing Index On Combed Yarn Quality
Impact of Piecing Index On Combed Yarn Quality
Impact of Piecing Index On Combed Yarn Quality
Volume 6 Issue 7, November-December 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The comber machine is used to produce medium and necessary for piecing operation in order to overlap
finer yarns and enables to improve the primary yarn new combed web into already combed web.
characteristics of evenness, strength, cleanliness,
Fast forward motion of detaching roller is necessary
visual appearance, and handle. In addition, comber is
for fast emerging of pieced web towards outside.
used to improve the working behaviour of yarn in
Normal forward motion of detaching roller is
downstream processing. To achieve, these
necessary for delivering continuous web sheet to table
requirements, the comber must perform the
calendar roller to make a sliver. These forward and
operations such as elimination of short fibres,
backward motions of steel detaching rollers are
impurities and neps. Parameters influencing the
achieved by means of a differential gear unit at the
combing operation are raw material, lap preparation,
headstock in the modern combers. The delivery
factors associated with the machine, machine setting
during forward movement is larger than the backward
and ambient conditions. After combing operation is
movement so that an effective take-off is achieved. In
completed, the detaching rollers feedback a part of
Rieter E7/5 comber, delivery length of web during
the previously formed web. The nippers swing
forward and backward movements are 81mm,
forward and lay the just-combed fringe onto the web
49.5mm respectively and net delivery length of web
portion projecting from the detaching rollers. This is
during each combing cycle is 31.5mm. The cross-
called piecing of web in comber machine. When the
sectional view of combing elements are shown in
detaching rollers rotate in the web take-off direction
figure 1.
again, they draw the just-combed fibres through the
top comb and a new web section is formed. In order Top detaching rollers are generally rubber rollers and
to carry out the piecing operation, the detaching pneumatically weighted. A horizontal flat link is
rollers is used which two pairs of rollers and have provided above neck of detaching rollers. Pressure
three types of movement in comber. i.e. Backward guide plates and flat link are completely enclosed in a
motion, fast forward motion and normal forward housing and therefore protected from dust and fly.
motion. Backward motion to detaching roller is Pressure on top detaching roller can be varied by
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52536 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1117
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
means of reduction valve. Normally the pressure exhibits periodic thick and thin variations. Based on
applied on top detaching roller is 3 – 5 kg/cm2. hand book of uster tester, The wave length of
Piecing is a distinct source of faults in the operation variation = Piecing distance x total draft. These
of comber, but it is system related due to the variations can be visualized in spectrogram of
discontinuous combing operation. The sliver combed sliver at wavelength range of 30 to 75 cm.
produced in this way has a wave like structure, i.e. it
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52536 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1118
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The sliver and yarn samples were collected and tested for unevenness in Uster eveneness tester 4. The yarn
samples were also tested for classimat faults in Uster classimat tester and listed in table 2.
Table 2: Test results of various samples
Yarn imperfections / Km – Offline classimat
Sample Piecing Sliver 60 Ne faults /300 KM
Comber Make
No. index U% Thin Thick Neps + Long
-50% +50% 200% thin
1 Rieter E75 0 2.7% 1.0 21.0 75.5 48.7 2.7
2 Rieter E75 -0.2 2.76% 2.3 28.8 25.0 31.5 1.0
3 Rieter E75 -0.4 3.13% 1.5 79.5 86.8 56 4.3
4 Cherry VC 250 3.9 3.12% 1.0 21.5 53.8 92.7 10.7
5 Cherry VC 250 4.2 2.71% 4.3 32.5 71.5 62.7 9.3
6 Cherry VC 250 4.5 2.72% 3.5 34.8 63.5 88.7 8
The sliver U% of samples 1,2,5 & 6 were found lower and sample 3&4 were found higher. This may be because
of improper length of piecing in the combed web. Piecing index is a good indicator to achieve lower combed
sliver unevenness%.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52536 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1119
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
In Rieter comber, sample 2 shows minimum classimat faults when compared to 1 & 3. Though there is a small
variation in the above trial, the classimat faults are increased in the range of 55 – 77%. Similarly sample 2 shows
less number of long thin faults. In Cherry combers, sample 5 shows minimum classimat faults when compared to
sample 4 & 6. Though there is a small variation in the above trial, the classimat faults are increased in the range
of 42 – 48%. Similarly, sample 6 shows less number of long thin faults compared to sample 4 & 5. It is varied
only about 13 – 16%, so it is not a major variation in a mill.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52536 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1120