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: Four new and five overlooked records of vascular plants from puna grasslands of the southern Peruvian Andes
Steven P. Sylvester
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Geography, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, United Kingdom
Mitsy D. P. V. Sylvester
Universidad Nacional del San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco, Perú
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Michael Kessler
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Presentamos 4 nuevos registros y 5 revisiones de registros de especies de plantas vasculares
para Perú de pastizales de puna de gran altitud en las cordilleras de Urubamba y Vilcabamba, del
sur de Perú. Los nuevos registros de especies son: Lasiocephalus lingulatus (Asteraceae); Cardamine
vulgaris (Brassicaceae); Lupinus herzogii, Lupinus soratensis (Fabaceae). Otros registros de especies:
Calamagrostis sclerantha, Festuca soukupii (Poaceae); Aphanes parvula, Lachemilla tanacetifolia (Rosaceae),
y Valeriana mandonii (Valerianaceae), que son mencionados en la literatura para Perú, pero que no
han sido reconocidos por el Checklist de Perú o por el Catálogo de las angiospermas y gimnospermas
del Perú, están también incluidos. El conocimiento previo sobre la distribución de estas especies está
en discusión.
Palabras clave: registros, plantas vasculares, puna, Andes del sur peruano.
to this (Vásquez et al., 2002; Ulloa Ulloa et TYPE: CHILE. Philippi s.n. (Holotype: B).
al., 2004; Smith et al., 2005; Rodríguez et
Peruvian specimen examined: Dpto.
al., 2006; Salvador et al., 2008; Linares et al.,
Cusco, prov. La Convencion, distrito Santa
2010; Huamantupa et al., 2014; Gonzáles et
Teresa, grazed slopes, nestled in-between
al., 2011, 2016; Sylvester et al., 2016a), and
rocks, in the central Phacchaq valley on
the online checklist for Peru (W3TROPICOS-
the east side of the river, Yanama, 4245 m,
Peru Checklist, 2017).
13°15’40.2”S, 72°50’18.5”W, 4-V-2012, S. P.
Results Sylvester 1545 (CUZ!, MO!, Z!).
Results: New species records for Peru Notes: Previously known from
Argentina and Chile (Zuloaga & Morrone,
The 4 new species records for Peru 1997). TROPICOS.ORG (2017) also lists
belong to the genera: Lasiocephalus the specimen Sagástegui et al. 12095 for
(Asteraceae), Cardamine (Brassicaceae) and the region of Cajamarca, prov. Celendin.
Lupinus (Fabaceae). This species was found infrequent in open
ASTERACEAE grazed puna grassland.
Fig. 1. Photographs of the news species records for Peru. a. Lasiocephalus lingulatus, S.P. Sylvester 1880. b. Cardamine
vulgaris, S.P. Sylvester 1545. c-d. Lupinus herzogii, S. P. Sylvester 1966. e-f. Lupinus soratensis, S. P. Sylvester 1448.
Oesterr. Bot. Z. 52 (3): 108. 1902. Soreng et al., 2003 and onwards). As the
only Peruvian specimen, Bradley C. Bennett
TYPE: ARGENTINA. Salta, Nevado
2494 (MO), was collected from Dpto. Puno,
del Castillo, 19-23-III-1873, Hieronymus &
prov. Sandia, our specimen from Dpto.
Lorentz 60 (Holotype: G; Isotypes: B, IT-
Cusco extends the westerly distribution of
BAA4417 (photo ex B), LIL (fragm.), US-
this species ca. 400 km.
1127175 (fragm. ex B), US-3048361, W).
Festuca soukupii Stančík, Folia Geobot.
Peruvian specimens examined: Dpto.
Phytotax. 39 (1): 103–104, f. 2, 1–5. 2004.
Cusco, prov. La Convención, distrito
Vilcabamba, grazed slopes towards the top TYPE: ECUADOR. Imbabura. Munic.
of the Totora-Purkay valley, 3 km east of the Cayambe, Volcán Cayambe, 78°55.6’W,
Totora-Purkay village, 4159 m, 13°10’51.1”S, 00°31.6’N, swamps below the refuge with
73°03’34.2”W, 8-V-2013, S. P. Sylvester 1977 Loricaria sp., Festuca glumosa, Distichia
(LPB!, USM!, Z!). muscoides etc., 4450 m s.m., 20-X-2000,
Stancík 4162 (Holotype: PRC; Isotypes:
Notes: Found locally common in grazed
puna grassland at the one site in distrito
Vilcabamba where it was encountered. This Peruvian specimens examined: Dpto.
species is mentioned to occur in Argentina, Cusco, prov. La Convención, distrito
Bolivia and Peru in the Catalogue of New Vilcabamba, forest towards the top of the
World Grasses (Soreng & Greene, 2003; Totora-Purkay valley on the north side of
the river, 3 km east of the Totora-Purkay of this species comes from Peru, TROPICOS.
village, 4171 m, 13°10’50.2”S, 73°03’33.0”W, ORG (2017) only provide distribution
7-V-2013, S. P. Sylvester 1955 (LPB!, USM!, information for Bolivia (Jørgensen et al.,
Z!). 2014, 2015 and onwards). Romoleroux
(1996) also mentions this species to occur in
Notes: Found locally common in open
Peru but does not cite specimens.
Polylepis pepei B. B. Simpson woodland
intermixed with grazed puna grassland at Lachemilla tanacetifolia Rothm., Notul.
the one site in distrito Vilcabamba where it Syst. (Paris) 7: 9. 1938. Fig. 2b.
was encountered. Previously known from
TYPE: COLOMBIA. “pic Tolima
Ecuador and Colombia (Stančík, 2003).
Lomas”, 1844 Goudot 3 (Lectotype: P).
Stančík & Peterson (2007) mention this
species for northern Peru citing numerous Peruvian specimens examined:
specimens from the region of Cajamarca. Dpto. Cusco, prov. Urubamba, distrito
Our specimens from southern Peru extends Ollantaytambo, Abra Malaga, 1km
the latitudinal distribution of this species southwest of Abra Malaga church nestled
900 km further south. in a ravine on the other side of the ridge
close to the main path leading along
the mountainside from the church, 4429
Aphanes parvula Gutte, Wiss. Z. Karl- m, 13°08’40.2”S, 72°18’14.7”W, 31-IX-
Marx-Univ. Leipzig, Math.-Naturwiss. 2010, S. P. Sylvester 208 (CUZ!, LPB!, Z!);
Reihe 34 (4): 455. 1985. Fig. 2a. distrito Urubamba, Area de Conservacion
Protegida Mantanay, 10 km up the valley
TYPE: PERU. Dpto. Junin, prov. Youli,
from Yanahuara, by the side of Laguna
La Oroya oberhalb Chancayllo, Berg mit
Manalloqsa in the small valley 3 km east
Puya rairnondii, 3680 m, 5.4.1974, Gutte
of Laguna Ipsaycocha, 20 m south of
2289ab (Holotype: LZ).
Laguna Manalloqsa on rocky slope, 4638
Peruvian specimens examined: Dpto. m, 13°12’00.9”S, 72°08’42.0”W, 6-II-2011,
Cusco, prov. Calca, distrito Calca, grazed S. P. Sylvester 572 (CUZ!, Z!); prov. La
ground below the southwest facing crags Convención, distrito Vilcabamba, large
of the Laguna Yanacocha 1.5 km east of prominent ledge on the south facing cliff at
Cancha Cancha village, Huarán, 4310 m, the end of the Totora-Purkay valley, 4 km
13°14’25.4”S, 72°01’16.1”W, 25-III-2011, S. east of the Totora-Purkay village, 4522 m,
P. Sylvester 905 (CUZ!, Z!); distrito Calca, 13°11’00.3”S, 73°03’08.5”W, 1-V-2013, S. P.
the northwest facing slope found to the Sylvester 1873 (LPB!, USM!, Z!).
immediate north of the prominent tower
Notes: This species was found to be very
known by locals as “Kontorqayku” 5 km
common in grazed puna grassland and
northeast of Huarán, 4311 m, 13°16’02.8”S,
open Polylepis woodland intermixed with
72°01’13.1”W, 27-IV-2011, S. P. Sylvester
Festuca and Calamagrostis tussock grasses.
1186 (CUZ!, LPB!, Z!).
Previously known from the paramos
Notes: This species was found to of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador
be common to very common in grazed (Romoleroux, 1996; Jørgensen & León-
puna grassland and rocky open Polylepis Yánez, 1999; Luteyn, 1999). Luteyn (1999)
woodland, amongst vegetation found in and Romoleroux (1996) mention this species
damp cracks. Although the type specimen to occur in the northern paramos of Peru
but do not cite specimens. The specimens Sylvester 549 (CUZ!, F!).
cited here thus represent the most southerly
Notes: Found in a variety of habitats
distribution records for this species.
including rocky ground, heavily grazed
VALERIANACEAE puna grassland, tussock grassland, and
Polylepis forest. Weberling (2005) cites
Valeriana mandonii Britton, Bull.
the specimen Stork 10227 (F) for the Dpto.
Torrey Bot. Club 18: 264. 1891. Fig. 2c.
Junin, prov. Huancayo of Peru under the
TYPE: BOLIVIA. Sorata, Rusby 874 name Valeriana mandonii subsp. andina
(Holotype: ?; Isotypes: K, NY, MICH, MO) (Britton) Weberl. TROPICOS.ORG (2017)
Peruvian specimens examined: Dpto. also mention the specimen Percy Núñez
Cusco, prov. Calca, distrito Calca, prominent V. 10064 (MO) for the Santuario Histórico
ledge situated on the southwest facing cliff Machu Pichu, Lluhuchayor, between
face 1.5 km south (170°) of Cancha Cancha Huayllabamba and Warmihuañusca.
village, Huarán, 4522 m, 13°14’35.2”S, S. P. Sylvester 905. b. Lachemilla
72°01’14.1”W, 21-III-2011, S. P. Sylvester 816 tanacetifolia, specimen uprooted, S. P.
(Z!); distrito Calca, grazed ground below Sylvester 572. c. Valeriana mandonii, S. P.
the southwest facing crags of the Laguna Sylvester 549.
Yanacocha 1.5 km east of Cancha Cancha
village, Huarán, 4310 m, 13°14’25.4”S,
72°01’16.1”W, 25-III-2011, S. P. Sylvester
885 (CUZ!, Z!); distrito Calca, the grassy
grazed land found to the immediate east
of the prominent tower known by locals as
“Kontorqayku” 5 km northeast of Huarán,
4255 m, 13°16’08.4”S, 72°01’06.6”W, 23-IV-
2011, S. P. Sylvester 1138 (CUZ!, Z!); distrito
Calca, the northwest facing slope found to
the immediate north of the prominent tower
known by locals as “Kontorqayku” 5 km
northeast of Huarán, 4324 m, 13°16’03.2”S,
72°01’13.3”W, 27-IV-2011, S. P. Sylvester
1179 (Z!); distrito Calca, the southwest
facing slope found to the immediate east
of the prominent tower known by locals as
“Kontorqayku” 5 km northeast of Huarán,
4223 m, 13°16’13.2”S, 72°01’05.7”W, 11-V-
2011, S. P. Sylvester 1234 (CUZ!, Z!); prov.
Urubamba, distrito Urubamba, Area de
Conservacion Protegida Mantanay, 10 km
up the valley from Yanahuara, by the side of
Laguna Manalloqsa in the small valley 3 km
east of Laguna Ipsaycocha, directly below
crags 250°W of Laguna Manalloqsa, 4645 m,
13°12’01.1”S, 72°08’48.4”W, 5-II-2011, S. P.
Fig. 2. Photographs of some of the overlooked species records for Peru. a. Aphanes parvula,
This study was supported by The Huamantupa, I.; R. Vásquez; R. Foster; M. Cuba &
G. Calatayud. 2014. Adiciones de angiospermas
Leverhulme Trust, UK, the University a la Flora del Perú procedentes de los bosques
of Zurich, and the SNSF [grant Andino Amazónicos del sur peruano. Revista Pe-
P2ZHP3_161988]. We thank Colin Hughes, ruana de Biología 21 (2): 163–170. http://dx.doi.
Ihsan Al-Shehbaz, Juan C. Ospina, org/10.15381/rpb.v21i2.9819
Nick Hind, Simon Pfanzelt, and Xenia Jørgensen, P. M. & C. Ulloa Ulloa. 1994. Seed plants of
Villavicencio for species determination the high Andes of Ecuador—A checklist. AAU Rep.
34: 1–443.
or confirmation. ECOAN Peru and
Washington Galiano are thanked for their Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez (eds.). 1999. Cat-
alogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador. Monogr.
logistical support during fieldwork in
Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: i–viii, 1–1181.
Peru. The CUZ, LPB and USM herbaria are
thanked for allowing revision of specimens. Jørgensen, P. M.; M. H. Nee & S. G. Beck (eds.). 2014.
Cat. Pl. Vasc. Bolivia, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri
Bot. Gard. 127(1–2): i–viii, 1–1744. Missouri Bo-
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