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Fruit Color Preference by Birds and Applications To Ecological Restoration

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05115 Original Article

Fruit color preference by birds and applications

to ecological restoration
B. L. Gagettia,b, A. J. Piratellib* and F. C. M. Pia-Rodriguesb
Laboratrio de Ecologia e Conservao, Programa de Ps-graduao em Conservao de Fauna,
Universidade Federal de So Carlos UFSCar, Rodovia Joo Leme dos Santos, Km 110,
Itinga, CEP 18052-780, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil
Laboratrio de Ecologia e Conservao, Departamento de Cincias Ambientais,
Universidade Federal de So Carlos UFSCar, Rodovia Joo Leme dos Santos, Km 110,
Itinga, CEP 18052-780, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil
*e-mail: piratelli@ufscar.br

Received: March 26, 2015 Accepted: October 1, 2015 Distributed: November 30, 2016
(With 3 figures)

Ecological restoration aims to retrieve not only the structure but also the functionality of ecosystems. Frugivorous
birds may play an important role in this process due to their efficiency in seed dispersal. Color perception in these
animals is highly developed, and then the colors of fleshy fruits may provide important clues for choosing plant
species for restoration plans. This study aims to integrate bird color preferences and restoration of degraded areas,
with an objective to evaluate the potential attractiveness to birds by colored fruits. We carried out an experiment with
384 artificial fruits made of edible modeling clay with the following colors: black, blue, green and red, with 96 fruits
of each color in six sites, including four restored areas and two second-growth forest fragments. We also tested the
possible effect of light intensity on fruit consumption by color. A total of 120 (38.6%) were assumed to be consumed
by birds, and the fruit consumption varied in response to the location and light incidence. Consumption of black and
blue fruits was not related to site by chance. Notwithstanding, red and black fruits were consumed significantly more
than any other colors, emphasizing bird preference to these colors, regardless of location. Enrichment with shade
tolerant shrubs or forest species with black or red fruits may be an alternative way to manage established restorations.
In recently established or new restorations, one may introduce pioneer shrubs or short-lived forest species which have
blue fruits, but also those having black or red ones.
Keywords: artificial fruits, Atlantic Forest, frugivory, ecological succession, color perception.

Preferncia de cor de frutos por aves e aplicaes restaurao ecolgica

A restaurao ecolgica tem a finalidade de recuperar no apenas a estrutura, mas tambm a funcionalidade dos
ecossistemas, e as aves frugvoras podem desempenhar um papel importante neste processo devido sua eficincia na
disperso de sementes. Como a percepo da cor nestes animais altamente desenvolvida, a cor dos frutos carnosos
pode ser uma caracterstica importante na escolha de espcies de plantas para os reflorestamentos. Este estudo tem
como foco integrar a preferncia de cor de frutos por aves e a recuperao de reas degradadas, objetivando determinar
a atratividade potencial de aves por frutos de cores diferentes. Foi realizado um experimento com 384 frutos artificiais
feitos com massa de modelar comestvel nas cores preta, azul, verde e vermelha, com um total de 96 frutos em cada
cor em seis locais, incluindo quatro reas restauradas e dois fragmentos de floresta secundria. Tambm foi testado o
possvel efeito da intensidade de luz sobre o consumo de frutos conforme as cores. Um total de 120 (38,6%) frutos foi
considerado consumido pelas aves, e o consumo variou em resposta aos locais e incidncia de luz. O consumo de frutos
pretos e azuis foi significativamente relacionado com o local. Os frutos vermelhos e pretos foram significativamente
mais consumidos do que as outras cores, enfatizando a preferncia aves por essas cores, independentemente do local.
O enriquecimento com espcies tolerantes sombra com frutos pretos ou vermelhos pode ser uma alternativa para
manejo de restauraes j estabelecidos; enquanto nos recentemente criados podem ser introduzidas espcies pioneiras
ou florestais de vida curta com frutos azuis, pretos ou vermelhos.
Palavras-chave: frutos artificiais, Mata Atlntica, frugivoria, sucesso ecolgica, percepo de cores.

Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966 955

Gagetti, B.L., Piratelli, A.J. and Pia-Rodrigues, F.C.M.

1. Introduction Therefore, the aim of this study was to integrate fruit

color preference by birds and restoration of degraded
Humans have converted large areas of tropical, native
areas, in order to evaluate the potential attractiveness of
vegetation into landscapes of mixed crops, pastureland,
birds by colored fruits in different sites. Our premise is
and frequently isolated remnants of native vegetation
that birds are generally attracted and consume fruits that
(Laurance and Bierregaard, 1997; Steffenetal., 2011).
Such mosaics have led to an impoverishment in tropical are more conspicuous, considering that the choice of fruit
biodiversity (Fahrig, 2003) and losses of functionality also depends on the environment and light intensities.
and ecosystem services, as pest and diseases control and Wepredict that in recently restored areas, fruits would be
plant recruitment (Classenetal., 2014; Gray and Lewis, more detected and consumed due to the high luminosity of
2014; Molenetal., 2014). these open areas. Then we discuss the use of plant species
Ecological restoration aims to assist the recovery of whose fruits would be more attractive in each situation,
a degraded ecosystem (SER, 2004) within a functional which would increase seed dispersal and accelerate the
perspective, allowing goals of increasing ecosystem process of ecological succession.
sustainability and their services (Suding, 2011; Stanturfetal.,
2014). These processes may be accelerated by enhancing 2. Material and Methods
plant-animal networks (Pia-Rodriguesetal., 2009).
2.1. Study area
Plants and animals have multiple relationship levels, such
as predation, pollination and seed dispersal (Menzetal., We performed fieldwork near the city of Itu in the
2011; Nuismeretal., 2013), and these interactions represent state of So Paulo, Southeastern Brazil (see Figure1a) in
opportunities to establish a continuous regeneration, since a 526-ha area (lat 231415.18S; long 47243.29W).
animals may be considered as natural sowers and planters The regional predominant physiognomy is the seasonal
(Coleetal., 2010; McConkeyetal., 2012). Likewise, the semidecidual Atlantic Forest with a transition to Cerrado,
maintenance of species diversity is considered an important which is characterized by its climatic seasonality (Velosoetal.,
regulating ecosystem service (Isbelletal., 2011). 1991). The climate is temperate humid with dry winters
Zoochory is the most common way of seed dispersal and hot summers. The average rainfall is 160mm for the
in tropical forests (Barcelosetal., 2012; Gonalvesetal., rainy period and 56mm for dry season (Cepagri, 2015).
2015 and references therein). Animal-dispersed fruits are The area is a 400 ha of abandoned pasture and
usually fleshy berries or drupe, or dehiscent capsules that croplands inserted in a restoration program (Martins, 2011).
expose the seeds involved with an aril, which contains Wedefined three habitat-types (recent, old-restored areas,
sources of carbohydrates and lipids (Fleming and John and natural fragments), where we selected six study sites:
Kress, 2011). two 3-year old areas (0.91 and 1.30-ha; from now RN1
Birds are the main frugivorous in the Neotropics and and RN2), two 6-year-old restored sites (0.25 and 1.20-ha;
are efficient seed dispersers because they are very mobile from now RO1 and RO2) and two forest fragments with
and have high metabolism that requires constant energy
9 and 23 ha (hereinafter F1 and F2). The study sites were
consumption (Whelanetal., 2008; Gonalvesetal.,
mainly surrounded by pastures of Urochloa decumbens
2015). They also show color sensitivity (Hart, 2001) and
L. (Poaceae) (Figure2).
well developed brain and vision, which allow for learning
The restorations were planted in 2005 (RO1 and RO2)
(Martin, 1993). Color preferences and fidelity have been
and 2008 (RN1 and RN2), according to the filling and
reported in previous studies (e.g. Puckey et al., 1996;
Whitney, 2005); however, this may be transient and strongly diversity methodology (Nave and Rodrigues, 2007).
depend upon the environment (Schmidtetal., 2004). Then, Fillspecies include those faster grow that provide shade
we may predict a non-random variation in fruit choice, to the others, and the diversity consists of those that
based not only by colors but also due to the contrast that increase the area diversity. The local seedling nursery
each color has in different background, which varies in produces 189 native tree species, mainly from initial
areas having different luminosities. (pioneers and early secondary) successional stages. About
Many frugivorous birds are able to use human-modified 49.2% of the species are abiotically dispersed and 50.8%
environments (such as crop fields and forest edges) and/or of the species are animal-dispersed (Appendix A). Species
move across open areas and forest fragments (Gomesetal., were randomly planted in alternating rows of pioneers
2008), thus increasing seed dispersal along their route and and non-pioneers species, keeping 2 x 3 m between rows.
acting as mobile links (Lundberg and Moberg, 2003; After three years, the dominant species were Schinus
Pia-Rodriguesetal., 2009). In this scenario, ecological terebinthifolius Raddi, Cytharexyllum myrianthum Cham.,
restoration of degraded land also has the function of making Guazuma ulmifolia Lam., Machaerium nyctitans (Vell.)
this area more permeable and bird-friendly, reestablishing Benth, Luehea divaricata Mart. and Cedrela fissilis Vell.
links among isolated forest remnants and allowing gene
flow and increasing biological and functional diversity 2.2. Fruit color preference
(Cavalleroetal., 2012). Thus, if appropriate species are We carried out an experiment in November 2011 with
used in a given restored area, forest enrichment with 384 artificial fruits made of odorless edible clay (Wennersten
attractive species may increase functional processes such and Forsman, 2009). We made 2-cm spherical fruits, dyed
as seed dispersal. in either black, blue, green or red, with 96 fruits of each

956 Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966

Fruit color preference by birds

Figure 1. (a) Location of the study area in the state of So Paulo, Brazil; (b) Location of the study area and schematic
illustration of the sampling design used in the experiment on the preference of fruit color. F1 and F2 = forest fragments;
RO1and RO2 = restoration of 6 year-old; RN1 and RN2 = restoration of 3-year old).

color. As the edible clay consisted of flour, butter and Fruits that were removed or that had beak marks were
gelatin, we dyed the artificial fruits using food coloring. considered as consumed (see Figure2). We disregard
These colors were selected because they are closer of our analysis those fruits that were dropped and/or
to those of naturally bird-dispersed fruits (Cazettaetal., damaged by ants and/or mammals. We did not replace
2009) and this technique controls variables as the number either predated or bird-consumed fruits. If mammals are
and size of fruits and position in vegetation (Alves-Costa mainly guided by the sense of smell (Mungeretal., 2009),
and Lopes, 2001). In each site we set four groups of four then they would prefer fruits having odor (Barcelosetal.,
fruits (one of each color), from now on called plots in 2012). Furthermore, tropical fruits are thought to have a
16 trees (chosen at random), hanging in branches at about strong dichotomy of colors; fruits consumed by mammals
1.5m high with approximately one meter between them, are often orange, yellow or brown, while bird-dispersed
totaling 64 fruits per site (see Figure1b). We checked the fruits would be predominantly red or black (Willson
experiment two times, once after 24 and again after 48 hours. and Whelan, 1990). Thus, this set of characteristics may

Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966 957

Gagetti, B.L., Piratelli, A.J. and Pia-Rodrigues, F.C.M.

Figure 2. Examples of artificial fruits having pecking marks.

support our decision to consider the removed fruits as Then, we performed a Spearman rank-correlation index
consumed by birds. using percentage of light intensity and mean of consumed
We also tested the possible effect of light intensity fruits by plot in order to evaluate the relationship between
on the fruit consumption by birds, assuming that the light light and color preference by birds; next, we carried out a
intensity affect fruit conspicuousness (Schmidtetal., Kruskall-Wallis One-way AOV and Dunns all-pairwise
2004). We measured each plot in the morning, choosing comparisons to evaluate TFC by habitat-type.
individual plants and taking photographs with the lens We used a general analysis of variance (General-AOV)
facing upward in the same place where the fruits were to check for the simultaneous effects of light incidence and
hung. Next, we calculated the luminosity (%) using the fruit color consumption by site, with light as the covariate
Adobe Photoshop CS5 software, following Engelbrecht and colors as dependent variables (n= 4) and sites (n= 6) as
and Herz (2001) with some adaptations. Each photo was a model statement. In order to compare means, we applied
converted to grayscale, dividing the image into two colors a pairwise comparison using LSD to report homogeneous
(black and white) and the percentage of white, which is sites by fruit color and T-paired for each color using the
equivalent to light intensity, was seen through the image fruit consumption by plot. All statistical analyses were
histogram. In each area, we calculated the weighted average performed in Statistix 10.0 (Analytical Software, 2013).
of the four plots.
2.3. Statistical analyses 3. Results
The total fruit consumed (TFC) was calculated by adding A total of 73 (19%) of the 384 exposed fruits were
the fruit consumed by color in the four plots at the six sites found fallen (n=31) and/or were predated by mammals
(n = 24). As the TFC did not show normality based on the (n=27) and/or ants (n=15), and were not included in our
Shapiro-Wilk Test (p<0.01), we transformed data using log analyses. From the 311 remaining fruits, 120 (38.6% of
(x+0.5), and log [(x+0.5)/100] to light intensity. We tested the total) were assumed to be consumed by birds (Table1).
light intensity in the six sites using analysis of variance The incidence of light was heterogeneous within the
(AOV) followed by Tukey HSD to compare means, and study area; sites F1 and RN1 were the most homogeneous
a box-plot to assess the light homogeneity among them. in terms of the plots light incidence, while RN2 and RO2

958 Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966

Fruit color preference by birds

had the highest heterogeneity (as shown in Table1; see Only the general consumption of red fruits was
Figure3). Across sites, only F1 was different from the slightly correlated (r= 0.59; p <0.05) to light intensity.
others, and probably due to this, the habitat-types diverge Despite this, when we evaluate each site, the light did not
in light intensity (F= 5.74; p=0.0103). Although new influence fruit consumption of red (Fred= 0.96; p>0.05),
and old restorations did not differ between themselves probably due to the high variation of light between plots
(Xnew= 52.512.6%; Xold= 40.615.0%), the new-restorations (see Figure3). The light incidence also did not affect fruit
were significantly different and more open than fragments consumption of the other colors (Fblack= 1.40; Fblue= 1.11;
(Xfragment= 25.514.3%). Fgreen= 1.02; p>0.05).

Table 1. Study sites, light intensity (%) and total of fruit consumed by color near the city of Itu in the state of So Paulo,
Fruit color
intensity (%) Total
Habitat TFC
Sites Black Blue Green Red X
F1 12 ( 4.3)B 30B 1B 0C 3 7 31.71 11BC
F2 39 (20.2) A
5AB 3B 5 6 52.21 19AB
RO1 44 (30.0)A 42AB 6A 8A 1 6 52.99 21ABC
RO2 37 (14.4)A 6AB 4B 6 5 50.96 21BC
RN1 54 (8.8)A 48A 12A 10A 10 13 112.7 45A
RN2 51 (48) A
1B 0C 1 1 10.95 3C
Total (TFC) - - 31ab 25b 26b 38a 120
Fvalue 5.96 0.11 3.50 11.51 2.19 2.53 2.85
P 0.0020 Z=2.34 0.0219 0.000 0.1010 0.066 0.0455
Values are replicate plot means (SD) n =64 for each study site. Means with the same capital letter (A, B, C) are not significantly
different across study sites (mean differentiation using LSD, = 0.05, and habitat-types by Dunns z value). Means with the
same lower case letter (a, b) are not significantly different across fruit colors (mean differentiation using T-paired = 0.05).
F1 and F2 = forest fragments; RO1 and RO2 = restoration of 6 years-old; RN1 and RN2 = restoration of 3-years old. TFC= total
of fruit consumption.

Figure 3. Box plot - median and quartiles (quartile method interpolation) - for light intensity in six studied sites in the state of
So Paulo, Brazil. F1 and F2 = forest fragments; RN1 and RN2 = restoration of 3-years old, and RO1 and RO2 = restoration
of 6 years-old.

Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966 959

Gagetti, B.L., Piratelli, A.J. and Pia-Rodrigues, F.C.M.

The habitat-types did not affect the overall consumption (e.g. Wheelwright and Janson, 1985). For black and blue
of fruits (TFC) (F= 0.11; p>0.05); and the variation within fruits there was a potential site preference by birds to these
each site was higher than between them (F= 1.08; p< 0.05), fruit colors, independent of habitat type.
suggesting that sites, not habitat-types, influenced fruit In our restored areas few species had black (n=22; ~11%)
consumption. Indeed, fruit consumption was significantly or red (n=22; ~11%) fruits, while none were blue, and
higher in RN1 and differed across sites (Table1). The two about 93 (~49%) species were unattractive to birds (mainly
newer restorations (RN1 and RN2) differed in relation to wind-dispersed) (see Appendix A), which are diverging
fruit consumption, which did not occur when comparing to tropical forests, where red and black fruits represent
the older restorations (RO1 and RO2). 50~70% of all fleshy fruits (Wheelwright and Janson, 1985).
The consumption of black and blue fruits was related In restored areas, animal seed dispersion is an
significantly to sites, but not for red (F= 2.53; p> 0.05) or ecosystem ecological functionality that is expected to be
green (F= 2.19; p> 0.05). Notwithstanding, the red fruits were recovered and managed (SER, 2002). For attracting birds,
consumed significantly more than other colors regardless an appropriate species selection and management of the
the site, with black being the only exception. However, the area is required. Adaptive management is a challenge for
consumption of black and blue fruits differed between the restorers as it depends on research and science as key
two new-restorations and they were intensively pecked in elements for restoration decisions (Failingetal., 2013),
RN1. Although black (31 fruits) and blue (25fruits) did and interference in a restoration process is necessary to
not differ in relation to the total amount of fruit consumed, establish objectives and to adjust future management
only few black and none of the blue fruits were pecked actions (LoSchiavoetal., 2013).
by birds in the sites F1 and RN2. In our study, new restored sites were potentially more
attractive to birds than fragments, especially for blue and
4. Discussion black fruits, suggesting that plant species selection needs
to consider these fruit colors. The re-establishment of
We found no influence of light exposition on fruit ecosystem functionality and services is one of the most
consumption by birds, even though this may affect important goals in restoration ecology and often exhibits
color conspicuousness (e.g. Cazettaetal., 2009). This is divergent and unpredictable pathways (Chazdon, 2008).
probably due to the light heterogeneity within each site. Enrichment with shade tolerant shrubs or forest species
This heterogeneity in the recovered sites is probably a with black and/or red fruits may be an alternative way to
consequence of the filling and diversity methodology, manage established restorations. On the other hand, in
which mix species with wider and sparser canopies used recently established or new restorations, the introduction
to foster sucessional processes (Rodriguesetal., 2009). of pioneer shrubs or short-lived forest species having blue
Species composition and arrangement affected light fruits would be more appropriate, but also those having
heterogeneity only for new restorations, that also differed black or red ones might be considered.
in fruit consumption. This suggests that fruit consumption Adaptive practices may be used to manage forest
by birds may be more affected by sites mainly in their restoration, by selecting pioneers with blue (e.g. Psychotria
early stages. Confirming that, in the forest fragments fruit suterella Mll. Arg. and Miconia affinis DC) or black
consumption was not affected, and the spatial heterogeneity (e.g.Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
of light incidence may be explained both by the expected and Dendropanax cuneatus (DC.) Decne. & Planch.) fruits
stratification in understories of semidecidual forests, and and secondary or climax species with more conspicuous
by their relatively small size (see study area) and the fruits such as red (e.g. Cabralea canjerana (Vell.) Mart. and
consequent degradation process. Cordia ecalyculata Vell.) or black (e.g. Cupania vernalis
In general, we observed a higher consumption of Cambess. and Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez).
blue and black fruits in the restored areas than in the Our results suggest that fruit color should be taken
fragments, and the consumption of red and green were into account when selecting the species to be used in
site-independent (Table1). Color conspicuousness may reforestation programs, whether planting or enrichment.
be relative and influenced by factors such as the type of This could speed up the process of ecological succession
environment and luminosity (Arrudaetal., 2008), and the and optimize the recovery of degraded areas.
contrast between the fruit and the foliage in the background
(Schmidtetal., 2004; Cazettaetal., 2009). Thus, different Acknowledgements
colors may be more or be less conspicuous depending on
the conditions of a given area. Galettietal. (2003) observed We thank Aretha Medina and all the staff of Centro de
a strong trend towards a higher consumption of red and Experimentos Florestais de Itu/SOS Mata Atlntica, for
black fruits in relation to white ones in large fragments, their support during the fieldwork. We also thank Mariana
whereas this difference was less pronounced in smaller de Castro, Marina Maximiano and Leandro Moraes for
and more fragmented areas. their help in the field, Fiorella F. M. Capelo for suggestions
Our study is consistent with the premise that red and of some species having blue fruits and two anonymous
black fruit displays are an evolutionary trait associated with referees for their revisions, which have significantly
the reported preference of tropical birds to these colors improved this manuscript.

960 Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966

Fruit color preference by birds

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962 Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966

Fruit color preference by birds

Appendix A. Plant species available in the nursery or planted in the Centro de Experimentos Florestais, in the region of Itu,
state of So Paulo, with colors of fruits/diasporas and dispersal syndrome (biotic or abiotic).
Taxon Seed dispersal*
Acacia caven Molina Brown Abiotic
Acacia polyphylla DC. Black/Yellow Abiotic
Aegiphila sellowiana Cham. Orange Biotic
Albizia polyphylla E. Fourn. Brown Abiotic
Allophylus edulis (A. St.-Hil., A. Juss. & Cambess.) Hieron. ex Niederl. Red Biotic
Allophylus petiolulatus Radlk. Red Biotic
Aloysia virgate (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. White Abiotic
Anadenanthera falcate (Benth.) Speg. Brown Abiotic
Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan Brown Abiotic
Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg. Brown Abiotic
Annona cacans Warm. Green Biotic
Annona coricea Mart. Green Biotic
Apeiba tibourbou Aubl. Green Abiotic
Aspidosperma parvifolium A.DC. Beige Abiotic
Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Mll. Arg. Brown Abiotic
Aspidosperma ramiflorum Mll. Arg. Brown Abiotic
Astronium graveolens Jacq. Brown Abiotic
Balfourodendron riedelianum (Engl.) Engl. Yellow Abiotic
Bastardiopsis densiflora (Hook. & Arn.) Hassl. Green Abiotic
Bauhinia forficata Link Brown Abiotic
Byrsonima sericea DC. Yellow Biotic
Cabralea canjerana (Vell.) Mart. Red Biotic
Calophyllum brasiliensis Camb. Green Biotic
Campomanesia eugenioides (Cambess.) D. Legrand ex L.R. Landrum Green Biotic
Campomanesia neriiflora (O. Berg) Nied. Green Biotic
Campomanesia xanthocarpa Mart. Ex O. Berg Yellow Biotic
Capsicodendron dinisii (Schwacke) Occhioni Red Biotic
Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze Beige Abiotic
Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze Beige Abiotic
Casearia gossypiosperma Briq. Yellow/Green Biotic
Casearia sylvestris Sw. Red/Black Biotic
Cassia ferruginea (Schrad.) Schrader ex DC. Brown Abiotic
Cassia leptophylla Vogel Brown Abiotic
Cecropia hololeuca Miq. Brown Biotic
Cecropia pachystachya Trcul Green Biotic
Cedrela fissilis Vell. Brown Abiotic
Cedrela odorata L. Brown Abiotic
Ceiba speciosa (A. St.-Hil.) Ravenna Green Abiotic
Centrolobium tomentosum Guillemin ex Benth. Brown Abiotic
Chorisia glaziovii (Kuntze) E. Santos Green Abiotic
Chorisia speciose A. St.-Hil. Green Abiotic
Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart. & Eichler ex Miq.) Engl. Yellow Biotic
Citharexylum mirianthum Cham. Red Biotic
Citharexylum solanaceum Cham. Orange Biotic
Colubrina glandulosa Perkins Black Biotic
Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. Orange/Black Biotic
Cordia americana (L.) Gottschling & J.S. Mill. Brown Abiotic
Cordia ecalyculata Vell. Red Biotic
Source: *Resoluo SMA - 8/2008 (So Paulo, 2008). **unknown.

Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966 963

Gagetti, B.L., Piratelli, A.J. and Pia-Rodrigues, F.C.M.

Appendix 1. Continued...
Taxon Seed dispersal*
Cordia sellowiana Cham. Yellow Biotic
Cordia superba Cham. White Biotic
Cordia trichotoma (Vell.) Arrb. Ex Steud. Green Abiotic
Couroupita guianensis Aubl. Yellow Biotic
Coutarea hexandra (Jacq.) K. Schum. Green Abiotic
Croton floribundus Spreng. Green Abiotic
Croton urucurana Baill. Green Abiotic
Cryptocarya aschersoniana Mez Yellow Biotic
Cupania vernalis Cambess. Black/Red Biotic
Curatella americana L. Red Biotic
Cyclolobium vecchi A. Samp. Ex Hoehne Beige Abiotic
Dendropanax cuneatum Decne. & Planch. Green Biotic
Dictyoloma vandellianum A. Juss. Beige Abiotic
Dilodendron bipinnatum Radlk. Black Biotic
Diospyros inconstans Jacq. Purple Biotic
Diplokeleba floribunda N.E. Br. Brown Abiotic
Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong Black Abiotic
Enterolobium timbouva Mart. Black Abiotic
Eriotheca gracilipes (K. Schum.) A. Robyns Green Abiotic
Erythrina speciosa Andrews Brown Abiotic
Erythrina crista-galli L. Brown Abiotic
Erythrina falcate Benth. Brown Abiotic
Erythrina velutina Willd. Green Abiotic
Erythroxylum deciduum A. St.-Hil. Red Biotic
Erythrina verna Vell. Brown Abiotic
Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl. Green Abiotic
Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. Red/Black Biotic
Eugenia cerasiflora Miq. Red Biotic
Eugenia candolleana DC. Black Biotic
Eugenia dysenterica DC. Yellow Biotic
Eugenia glazioviana (Kiaersk.) D. Legrand Yellow Biotic
Eugenia involucrata DC. Red/Black Biotic
Eugenia luschnathiana (O. Berg) Klotzsch ex B.D. Jacks. Yellow Biotic
Eugenia pyriformis Cambess. Yellow Biotic
Eugenia uniflora L. Orange/Red Biotic
Ficus enormis (Mart. Ex Miq.) Mart. Red/Purple Biotic
Ficus guarantica (Chodat) Green Biotic
Ficus insipida Willd. Green Biotic
Ficus luschnathiana (Miq.) Miq. Red/Purple Biotic
Ficus obtusifolia Kunth Yellow/Orange Biotic
Gallesia integriflia (Spreng.) Harms Beige Abiotic
Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi Yellow Biotic
Genipa Americana L. Green/Brown Biotic
Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera White Abiotic
Guapira graciliflora (Mart. Ex J.A. Schmidt) Lundell Black Biotic
Guarea kunthiana A. Juss. Brown Biotic
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Black Biotic
Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex A. DC.) Mattos Green Abiotic
Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos Brown Abiotic
Source: *Resoluo SMA - 8/2008 (So Paulo, 2008). **unknown.

964 Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966

Fruit color preference by birds

Appendix 1. Continued...
Taxon Seed dispersal*
Handroanthus impetiginosus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos Brown Abiotic
Heliocarpus popayanensis Kunth Beige Abiotic
Hexachlamys edulis (O. Berg) Kausel & D. Legrand Yellow Biotic
Hymenaea courbaril L. Green Biotic
Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd. Green Biotic
Inga marginata Willd. Green Biotic
Inga uruguensis Hook. & Arn. Green Biotic
Inga vera Willd. Green Biotic
Jacaranda micranta Cham. Black Abiotic
Jacaratia spinosa (Aubl.) A. DC. Yellow Biotic
Lafoensia glyptocarpa Koehne Green Abiotic
Lafoensia pacari A. St.-Hil. Brown Abiotic
Leucochloron incuriale (Vell.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Yellow Abiotic
Lonchocarpus campestres Mart. ex Benth. Green Abiotic
Lonchocarpus cultratus (Vell.) A.M.G. Azevedo & H.C. Lima Green Abiotic
Lonchocarpus muehlbergianus Hassl. Brown Abiotic
Luehea divaricata Mart. Green Abiotic
Luehea grandiflora Mart. Green Abiotic
Mabea fistulifera Mart. Green Abiotic
Machaerium hirtum (Vell.) Stellfeld Brown Abiotic
Machaerium stipitatum (DC.) Vogel Brown Abiotic
Machaerium villosum Vogel Brown Abiotic
Machaerium brasiliense Vogel Green Abiotic
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. Green Biotic
Miconia cabucu Hoehne Yellow Biotic
Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) Kuntze Brown Abiotic
Mimosa scabrella Benth. Brown Abiotic
Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemo Black Abiotic
Myrciaria floribunda (H. West ex Willd.) O. Berg Red Biotic
Myrciaria glazioviana (Kiaersk.) G.M. Barroso ex Sobral Yellow Biotic
Myroxylon peruiferum L.f. Beige Abiotic
Myrsine umbellata Mart. Black Biotic
Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez Black Biotic
Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees Black/Red Biotic
Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms Orange/Black Abiotic
Parapiptadenia rgida (Benth.) Brenan Brown Abiotic
Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub. Beige Abiotic
Persea pyrifolia (D. Don) Spreng. Green Biotic
Phytolacca dioica L. Yellow Abiotic
Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J.F. Macbr. Green Abiotic
Piptocarpha axillaris (Less.) Baker ** Abiotic
Piptocarpha rotundifolia (Less.) Baker ** Abiotic
Platypodium elegans Vogel Beige Abiotic
Plinia edulis (Vell.) Sobral Yellow Biotic
Poecilanthe parviflora Benth. Brown Abiotic
Posoqueria acutifolia Mart. Yellow Abiotic
Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk. Yellow Abiotic
Prunus sellowii Koehne Purple Biotic
Psidium cattleianum Sabine Yellow Biotic
Source: *Resoluo SMA - 8/2008 (So Paulo, 2008). **unknown.

Braz. J. Biol., 2016, vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 955-966 965

Gagetti, B.L., Piratelli, A.J. and Pia-Rodrigues, F.C.M.

Appendix 1. Continued...
Taxon Seed dispersal*
Psidium guajava L. Green/Red Biotic
Psidium longipetiolatum D. Legrand Purple Biotic
Psidium rufum DC. Green Biotic
Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq. Red Biotic
Pterocarpus violaceus Vogel Beige Abiotic
Pterogyne nitens Tul. Beige Abiotic
Rapanea ferrugnea (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez Black Biotic
Rapanea gardneriana (A. DC.) Mez Black Biotic
Rauvolfia sellowii Mll. Arg. Black Biotic
Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reissek Red Biotic
Sapium glandulatum (Vell.) Pax Red Biotic
Schefflera morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin Brown Biotic
Schinus molle L. Red Biotic
Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi Red Biotic
Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) S.F. Blake Beige Abiotic
Seguieria langsdorffii Moq. Black Abiotic
Senna alata (L.) Roxb. Black Abiotic
Senna macranthera (DC. ex Collad.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Black Abiotic
Senna multijuga (Rich.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Brown Biotic
Senna pendula (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Green Abiotic
Simira sampaiona (Standl.) Steyerm. Green Abiotic
Solanum erianthum D. Don Yellow Biotic
Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dunal ** Biotic
Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil. Green/Yellow Biotic
Solanum pseudoquina A. St.-Hil. Yellow Biotic
Sparattosperma leucanthum (Vell.) K. Schum. Beige Abiotic
Strychnos brasiliensis (Spreng.) Mart. Yellow Biotic
Styrax pohlii A. DC. Black Biotic
Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman Yellow Biotic
Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb. Green Abiotic
Tabebuia ochracea A.H. Gentry Green Abiotic
Tabebuia roseo alba (Ridl.) Sand. Green Abiotic
Tabernaemontana hystrix Steud. Red Biotic
Terminalia argentea Mart. Beige Abiotic
Terminalia brasiliensis Spreng. Yellow Abiotic
Trema micranta (L.) Blume Red Biotic
Vantanea compacta (Schnizl.) Cuatrec. Yellow Biotic
Vitex montevidensis Cham. Black Biotic
Vochysia tucanorum Mart. Green Abiotic
Xylosma glaberrima Sleumer ** Biotic
Zanthoxylum caribaeum Lam. Purple Biotic
Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam. Purple Biotic
Zeyheria tuberculosa (Vell.) Bureau ex Verl. Brown Abiotic
Source: *Resoluo SMA - 8/2008 (So Paulo, 2008). **unknown.

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