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Hager Et Al (2014)

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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51

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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

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Effects of management and landscape composition on the diversity and

structure of tree species assemblages in coffee agroforests
Achim Häger a, *, Mauricio Fernández Otárola b , Michelle Faye Stuhlmacher c,
Rafael Acuña Castillo b , Agustín Contreras Arias d
The School for Field Studies, Center of Sustainable Development Studies, Apartado 150-4013, Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Biología, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, 11501-2060 San José, Costa Rica
George Washington University, 1922 F Street, NW, Washington DC 20052, USA
Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Mercedes de Montes de Oca, San José 11501-2060, Costa Rica


Article history: Understanding the processes that influence tree species composition in agricultural landscapes is
Received 22 February 2014 essential for conservation of tropical biodiversity outside of protected areas. We analyzed the effects of
Received in revised form 9 August 2014 landscape composition (amount of surrounding forest cover) and farm management (conventional vs.
Accepted 22 August 2014
organic) on the diversity and structure of woody plant species assemblages in Costa Rican coffee
Available online 7 September 2014
agroforestry systems. We utilized information from a GIS land-use database, surveys of 1-ha plots located
in 14 coffee farms and 4 forest fragments, and farmer interviews on management practices. The coffee
farms harbored over 100 tree species, including 19% of the native tree species found in the surrounding
Biodiversity conservation
forests. The majority of tree species on the farms were native (82%) to the study area and originated from
Ecosystem services natural regeneration (73%). Among the tree species that regenerated naturally, 71% were dispersed by
Forest fragmentation animals. On the other hand more than half of the individuals were non-natives (55%) and originated from
Organic agriculture planting, which resulted in low species similarity between farms and forests and a low density for most
Seed dispersal native species on the farms. Forest cover within a 1000 m radius around the farms varied between 4 and
38%. Increasing forest cover around the farms had a significant, positive effect on species richness;
especially on tree species dispersed by animals, and on species similarity between farms and forests. This
suggests that the connection to natural forests increases seed dispersal into adjacent farms. The number
of regenerated species was higher on the organic farms, but tree species richness was not affected by
management type. Although species assemblages on the coffee farms are strongly determined by natural
regeneration, the number of individuals contributed by these processes is low. Tree species conservation
in agricultural landscapes would greatly benefit from protecting remnant forests, from facilitating
natural regeneration processes and promoting native trees on farms, with particular attention to rare
ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Perfecto and Vandermeer, 2008; Philpott et al., 2008; Chazdon et al.,
2009). Agroforestry can act as an intermediary between the
Agriculture is a main driver of habitat destruction, fragmentation, dichotomy of managed ecosystems and natural forests by providing
and loss of biodiversity in the tropics (Harvey et al., 2008; Gibson habitat for forest-dependent species and by increasing connectivity
et al., 2011). Conversely, it has been argued that the future of tropical across altered tropical landscapes (Schroth et al., 2004). It is well
biodiversity depends on the successful integration of rural live- established that agroforestry systems with low management
lihoods with conservation efforts in human-modified landscapes intensities can increase the diversity of plants, vertebrates and
arthropods in managed landscapes, and that agroforests may share a
large proportion of species with adjacent natural forests (e.g.,
Baghwat et al., 2008; Perfecto and Vandermeer, 2008; Philpott et al.,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +506 2446 5558.
2008; Clough et al., 2010; Dawson et al., 2013).
E-mail addresses: ahaeger@fieldstudies.org (A. Häger), maufero@gmail.com
(M. Fernández Otárola), mstuhlma@gwmail.gwu.edu (M.F. Stuhlmacher),
Understanding the processes that mediate diversity patterns in
rafael.asurbanipal@gmail.com (R. Acuña Castillo), etnoarias@gmail.com human-modified landscapes is essential for conservation outside
(A. Contreras Arias). the protected areas. However, very little is known about how

0167-8809/ ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
44 A. Häger et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51

species assembly is determined by processes such as dispersal, 2008 and April 2011. Forest fragments were assessed between
species sorting across different habitat types, or management November 2011 and April 2013. Elevation at the study sites ranged
practices in tropical agroforestry systems (Chazdon et al., 2009; from 800 to 1250 m a.s.l. Farms varied in size from 1.4 to 24.5 ha.
Livingston et al., 2013). Forest fragments varied between 10 and 80 ha in size and consisted
One of the factors that affect species composition in of mature secondary forest with patches of old growth forest.
agroecosystems is the surrounding landscape mosaic. Forest Annual rainfall ranges between 2000 and 2500 mm, with a distinct
fragments may represent sources for biological diversity in dry season from December to May. All study sites were located
agricultural landscapes. In addition, the proximity of natural either in premontane wet forest or in the tropical moist (transition
forests determines the abundance and diversity of important to premontane) forest according to the Holdridge Life Zone
functional groups including mammals, birds and classification (ITCR, 2008).
arthropods – which act as predators, seed dispersers or pollinators Organic farms were chosen first, due to their limited number
(Ricketts, 2004; Tscharntke et al., 2008; Clough et al., 2010; within the study area, and then 7 topographically similar
Livingston et al., 2013). Few studies have analyzed the relation- conventional farms were selected. All farms had coffee crop areas
ships between landscape composition and tree species present in >1 ha with a cover of shade trees. Farms had been cultivating coffee
agroforests (e.g., Faria et al., 2007; Sonwa et al., 2007; Dawson for at least 15 years and previous land uses included forests, annual
et al., 2013), although such relationships are well established for crops (maize, beans, plantains, tobacco) or pastures. All organic
more mobile organisms. For instance, Tscharntke et al. (2008) and farms were certified for at least 7 years prior to the time of the
Clough et al. (2010) reported that the diversity and composition of study. Forest fragments were selected based on local land use maps
birds and different insect taxa in tropical agroforestry systems (scale 1:10,000) from 1991 and 2008 (IGNCR, 1991; IGNCR, 2008).
were significantly altered by increasing distance to surrounding These maps were based on imagery from 1989 and 2005,
forests and by management intensification. Despite their interde- respectively. We selected forest fragments located within the
pendence, plant species similarity between agroforests and natural Rio Grande watershed that were found within the same elevation
forests is often lower, compared to animals (Baghwat et al., 2008). range as the farm sites, and had a minimum area of at least 10 ha on
This is partially due to the fact that trees are more directly both the historic and current land use maps.
subjected to farmers’ management decisions, such as planting,
pruning or removal of individuals. 2.2. Data collection
Organic management may further enhance ecological benefits
of agroforestry systems such as shade grown coffee farms Forest cover was determined within a 1000 m radius around
(Philpott et al., 2007). Organic farming limits the use of each farm based on the assumption that most trees have the ability
agrochemicals like herbicides that can disrupt the natural to disperse within this range (Corlett, 2009). The amount of forest
regeneration of native tree species in conventional agricultural cover around the farms was extracted from a revised land-use
systems in the tropics (Esquivel et al., 2008). In addition, organic database, provided by the Costa Rican Geographic Institute
farmers rely more directly on services provided by trees – such as (IGNCR, 2008) using ArcGIS 10.0 (ESRI, 2011) (Fig. 1).
erosion prevention, watershed protection, pest control, or Structured interviews with farmers on farm history and
nitrogen fixation – benefits that may encourage organic farmers management were conducted between 2008 and 2013. Interview
to plant or maintain certain tree species along with their crops questions focused on previous land use, time since land conversion
(Muschler, 2000; Perfecto et al., 2007). to coffee, time since organic certification, and means of tree
This study aimed to understand the effects of landscape establishment on each farm. The owners of all 14 farms were
composition (the amount of forest cover within a 1000 m radius interviewed, with one exception. In the case of the remaining farm,
around each farm) and management practices (conventional vs. information was obtained from the owner of the neighboring
organic) on tree species assemblages in Costa Rican coffee coffee farm who indicated that he was thoroughly familiar with the
agroforestry systems. We utilized information on landscape management and history of the property. A list of all tree species
composition from a GIS land-use database, field data on found within 1 ha on each farm (see details on methods below) was
tree species diversity from 14 coffee farms and 4 nearby forest presented to the respective land owner. To compile these lists, local
fragments, farmer interviews on farm history and management, as common species names were used. Common names for less known
well as information on seed dispersal mechanisms. It was expected tree species were taken from León and Poveda (2000). If a common
that tree species diversity and species similarity between farms name applied to several species, as for instance in the case of Inga
and forests will increase with increasing forest cover around the spp., or in the case of less known species, images from plant
farm and that organic farms will show higher diversity and identification books (Zamora-Villalobos and Pennignton, 2001;
similarity with forests than conventional farms. It was also Zuchowski, 2005; Condit et al., 2011) were used to clarify
expected that farms surrounded by forest will show a higher uncertainties. Farmers were asked to indicate if a given species
number of naturally regenerated species and a higher proportion was remnant, planted or regenerated naturally on their coffee
of animal dispersed tree species in comparison with more isolated farm. All farmers were readily able to determine which species
farms. Finally it was hypothesized that the utility of a given tree were planted or large remnant trees from previous land uses. In the
species would determine its frequency across the farms, as farmers vast majority of the cases they were also able to indicate which tree
should prefer tree species with higher perceived utility. species had regenerated naturally on their coffee farm. Across all
14 agroforests, farmers classified the origin of tree species in
2. Methods 291 out of 307 cases (each case being the presence of a given
species on a specific farm, coming from a total of 100 species).
2.1. Study site There were only 16 cases (14 species) in which farmers indicated
that they were not aware of the presence of a species that was
This study was conducted between 2008 and 2013 in the previously identified during data collection in their coffee agro-
Western Central Valley of Costa Rica. Data were collected on forests. These species were assumed to have regenerated naturally.
14 coffee farms (7 conventional and 7 certified organic) and 4 A 1-ha plot was established at the approximate center of each
forest fragments located within the Rio Grande watershed (9.98 N, farm. Farm plots were usually 100 m  100 m. In some cases plot
84.40 W, Fig. 1). The farms were assessed between November shape varied in order to fit a 1-ha study area within the perimeter
A. Häger et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51 45

Fig. 1. Map of the study area showing the location of the 14 sampled coffee farms and land-use within a 1000 m radius around each farm. The smaller white circles indicate the
location of the 4 sampled forest fragments. All study sites are located within the Rio Grande Watershed in the Western Central Valley of Costa Rica.

of the farm. For the forests, the 1-ha study area was established Dispersal mechanisms for species that regenerated naturally
with transect lines that were 10 m wide. Transect lines varied across farms were compiled from the literature when available or
between 50 and 250 m in length and were evenly based on personal observations of the authors. References were
spaced throughout the forest, according to the shape of the Janzen (1982), Hartshorn (1991), Athiê and Dias, (2011), Kunz et al.
fragment. ArcGIS 10.0 (ESRI, 2011) was used to create a 50 m buffer (2011). Tree species were usually found to be dispersed either by
zone around the inner perimeter of each forest fragment. No more than one animal group (e.g., birds or mammals), or by wind
transects were placed within the buffer to avoid edge effects when and gravity. Consequently, all tree species were classified in two
sampling. broader groups, as dispersed by animals or dispersed by
Within the 1-ha plots, each woody plant with a diameter at breast wind/gravity. Of the 73 species that were found to regenerate
height (DBH, at 1.3 m from the ground) 5 cm was identified to the naturally, one species was omitted, because dispersal mechanisms
lowest taxonomic level possible. Woody monocots such as Dracaena could not be determined.
fragrans,Yucca guatemalensis or palms were included. If a plant was In addition, growth forms and potential uses for each woody
unidentifiable, it was treated as a morpho-species. Unidentified plant species were compiled from the following sources:
plants that could not be assigned an unequivocal morpho-species Poveda-Alvarez and Sanchez-Vindas (1999), Zamora-Villalobos
(i.e., no plant material was accessible for identification), were and Pennington (2001), Cordero and Boshier (2003), Flores-Vindas
omitted from the analysis. On the farms 9 trees were excluded and Obando-Vargas (2003), Zuchowski (2005), OTS (2009), Condit
(0.2% of the total individuals found) and in the forest fragments et al. (2011), INBio (2013), STRI (2013). The following uses were
92 trees were omitted (2.2% of the total individuals). Data on species taken into account: shade (excludes shrubs), nitrogen fixing,
abundance from the 4 forest fragments were pooled into a single timber/firewood, fruits, living fence/wind breaks, medicinal uses,
dataset, for comparison with species composition on each farm. biological control, apiculture, ornamental, and animal forage.
46 A. Häger et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51

2.3. Data analysis Entsminger, 2001). Pairwise Sørensen Indices were calculated using
PAST 2.10 (Hammer et al., 2001). ANCOVA, linear regression analysis
Randomized species accumulation curves were calculated for and ordinal regressions were performed using JMP 10 (SAS, 2012).
farms and forests to assess if species composition was represented Mantel tests, with 10,000 matrix permutations, were performed in R
exhaustively by the sampled plots. (R Core Team, 2012), using the ‘vegan’ community ecology package
Following Magurran (2004), the Sørensen Index (CS) was used (Oksanen et al., 2013), for the detection of spatial autocorrelation.
for pairwise calculation of presence/absence similarity in species
composition between each coffee farm and the combined dataset 3. Results
from the 4 forest fragments:
CS = (2a)/2a + b + c,where a = number of species occurring in In total we identified 5091 woody plants on the 14 coffee farms
both samples, b = number of species occurring only in sample 1 and and 4126 woody plants in the 4 forest fragments (see also
c = number of species occurring only in sample 2. Appendix A and B). A total of 310 different species were identified,
An ANCOVA was used to analyze the effect of management 255 in the forest and 104 on the farms. On average 1032  145
(conventional, organic) and amount of surrounding forest area on (average  standard deviation) woody plants were found per ha in
the floristic similarity between farms and forests (Sørensen Index). the forests, belonging to 96  13 different species. On the
ANCOVA were also used to determine the effects of management conventional farms stem density was 249  152 trees and
and surrounding forest area on species assemblage on each farm non-coffee shrubs per ha, with 19  7 species. Organic farms
(number of tree species present, number of tree species had 478  130 woody plants per ha, belonging to 25  9 species.
regenerated naturally, number of naturally regenerated tree Species accumulation curves indicate that species composition for
species that are dispersed by animals or by abiotic means). In both forests and farms are well presented by the samples (Fig. 2).
all cases the covariate forest area was log transformed – to achieve In total, 63 different species were identified on all conventional
a linear relationship with the dependent variables. Furthermore, farms and 86 species on the organic farms (Fig. 2, Table 1). There
the relationship between the number of species regenerated were 19 exotic species, of those 10 were present on the
naturally on a given farm and its similarity with the surrounding conventional farms and 17 on the organic farms. The exotic
forests was analyzed by a linear regression. species accounted for a substantial proportion of the total
The utility of each tree species identified on the farms was individuals; on average they contributed 60  21% to the trees
divided in 2 categories, based on the information found in the found on conventional farms and 55  18% on the organic farms.
literature. ‘Low’ utility was assigned to species with 0–2 known The most common exotic woody plant species included
uses. Utility of species with 3 known uses was classified ‘high’. Dracaena fragrans, Erythrina poeppigiana, Juglans olanchana, Citrus
We used ordinal logistic models to assess if farm management spp. and Yucca guatemalensis, together they comprised 49% of all
(conventional, organic) and utility level affect the frequency of a individuals on the 14 farms. Five exotic species were found in the
given tree species to be found planted, regenerated or remnant forests, including Syzygium jambos, Inga edulis, Dracaena fragrans,
across the 14 farms. For this analysis the total number of species Carica papaya and Coffea arabica. Of the 251 native species present
found on the farms was reduced from 104 to 98, because in the forests, the conventional farms shared 32 (13%) and the
4 morpho-species were removed and 3 species from the family organic farms 44 (18%). In total all coffee farms harbored 48 native
Fabaceae were combined. species (19%) that were also present in the forests.
In order to explore potential effects of spatial autocorrelation on Across all farms, most species (73%) originated from natural
tree species composition and diversity in the agroforests, Mantel regeneration and less than half were planted (46%). Remnant trees
tests were performed between pairwise Sørensen Indices (CS) and only contributed 16% of all species found (Table 1). However, tree
geographic distances (see Legendre and Legendre, 1998), as well as species could belong to more than one category on a given farm
between the pairwise differences in species richness and and in these cases farmers could not reliably estimate proportions.
geographic distances among all coffee farms. For the Mantel test, Thus, it is not possible to indicate the exact number of individuals
CS was converted into a distance measure, by using 1–CS. planted, regenerated or remnant on each farm. In general, it can be
Randomized species accumulation curves, with 1000 iterations of stated that the majority of trees on the coffee farms originated
sample aggregation, were created with EcoSim 7 (Gotelli and from planting. The number of trees that can unambiguously be
classified as planted was 3248 across all farms, accounting for 64%
of the total number of individuals. Some of the most abundant
species, such as Dracaena fragrans, Juglans olanchana or Citrus spp.
were exclusively planted. However, the number of planted
individuals is greatly underestimated, because other highly
abundant trees (e.g., Erythrina spp. and Inga spp.) originated from
both planting and natural regeneration on many farms. Erythrina
spp. was planted on 13 farms, among those Erythrina also
regenerated naturally on 8 farms. Erythrina spp., Dracaena fragrans,
Inga spp., Juglans olanchana and Citrus spp. alone accounted for 72%
of all trees (see also Appendix A).

Table 1
Number of tree species found within 1-ha plots on 14 coffee farms (7 conventional
and 7 certified organic), according to their origin. Tree species may belong to more
than one category on a given farm.

Farm type Planted Remnant Regenerated Total speciesa

Conventional farms 27 10 40 59
Organic farms 40 9 61 86
Fig. 2. Species accumulation curves for woody plants (DBH > 5 cm) sampled within All farms 46 16 73 100
1-ha plots on 14 coffee farms and 4 forest fragments. Error bars show 95%
confidence interval; ORG: organic farms, CON: conventional farms. Excluding 4 morpho-species.
A. Häger et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51 47

Table 2
Number of naturally regenerated tree species, found within 1-ha plots on 14 coffee farms, according to their dispersal mechanisms.

Farm type Dispersal mechanism

Animals Wind, gravity

Conventional farms 24 15
Organic farms 42 18
All farms 50 22

Table 3
ANCOVA results for analyzing the effects of surrounding forest cover and management type (conventional, organic) on different aspects of the tree species assemblages found
within 1-ha plots on 14 coffee farms. Significant P-values are in bold.

Y–variable F2,11 R2 adj. Whole model P Farm management P Surrounding forest area P
Number of species/ha 7.302 0.492 0.0096 0.0594 0.0070
Number of species regenerated 8.140 0.523 0.0068 0.0441 0.0054
Number of species regenerated, dispersed by animals 10.982 0.606 0.0024 0.0155 0.0026
Number of species regenerated, dispersed by wind or gravity 2.005 0.134 0.1810 0.4501 0.0863

Among the tree species that regenerated naturally on the farms, surrounding forest area and the number of regenerated species
over two thirds were dispersed by animals (Table 2). The most dispersed by wind or gravity (Table 3).
common of the naturally regenerated species, however, were all The floristic similarity between farms and forests was low
dispersed by wind. These species included Cordia alliodora overall, for both organic (average CS = 0.10  0.04) and conventional
(regenerated on 12 farms), Cedrela odorata (11 farms), Diphysa farms (0.08  0.03). Farm management and surrounding forest
americana (10 farms) and Tecoma stans (8 farms), which together area explained over 40% of the variation in similarity between
comprised 13% of all trees found on the farms. farms and forests (whole model R2adj. = 0.412, F2,11 = 5.560,
The amount of forest within a 1000 m radius around each farm P = 0.0215). Within the model, farm management did not influence
varied between approximately 12 and 120 ha, representing 4% to the similarity between tree species in the farm and forest
38% of the total area within that radius (Fig. 1). Both, farm (P = 0.1355), but surrounding forest area did have a positive effect
management (conventional, organic) and surrounding forest area on the floristic similarity (P = 0.0120) (Fig. 4). Furthermore, there
showed significant relationships with aspects of tree species was a highly significant relationship between the number of
assemblage across the farms: the combined effect of farm type and species regenerated on the farms and their floristic similarity to the
surrounding forest area explained nearly 50% in the variation of surrounding forests (R2 = 0.897, d.f. = 13, P < 0.0001) (Fig. 5).
species richness among farms. Within this model the surrounding Of the 98 species that were present on the farms and could be
forest area had a positive effect on the species richness within the assigned a utility level, 65 were classified as ‘high’ (see Appendix A).
coffee farms, but no significant differences were found between Utility level was an important explanatory variable for the frequency
organic and conventional farms (Table 3). Farm management and at which a given species was planted across the 14 farms (x2 = 19.84,
surrounding forest area both had a significant effect on the number d.f. = 1, P < 0.0001), whereas management type did not have a
of species regenerated naturally on the farms (Table 3). The highest significant effect (x2 = 0.65, d.f. = 1, P = 0.4191). On the other hand,
significance was found for the relationship between farm neither utility level nor farm management type showed a significant
management, surrounding forest area, and the number of relationship with the frequency that a tree species regenerated
regenerated species dispersed by animals (Table 3, Fig. 3). There naturally across farms (utility: x2 = 0.15, d.f. = 1, P = 0.6995; farm
was no significant relationship between farm management, type: x2 = 0.02, d.f. = 1, P = 0.8851) or the frequency a tree species

Fig. 3. Effects of the amount of surrounding forest cover and farm management on
the number of regenerated tree species, which are dispersed by animals on each Fig. 4. Effects of the amount of surrounding forest cover and farm management on
farm. Full circles represent conventional farms; hollow circles represent certified the floristic similarity between farms and forests. Full circles represent
organic farms. conventional farms, hollow circles represent certified organic farms.
48 A. Häger et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51

between farms and forests. The logarithmic relationships between

forest cover and species composition suggest that tree diversity, as
well as floristic similarity between farms and forests, declines
rapidly in landscapes with <15% forest cover in the study area. To
date there is not much quantitative information available on the
relationships between landscape composition and tree species
diversity in agroforestry systems; although Sonwa et al. (2007)
reported that higher tree diversity of cocoa agroforests in
Cameroon was paralleled by increasing forest cover around farms,
with the highest diversity found in areas with roughly 20–60%
primary forest.
In addition, the spatial structure of tree species diversity and
composition across the coffee farms was taken into account to
better understand species assemblages within the landscape. Most
ecological variables show a certain degree of spatial autocorrela-
tion as a result of interdependent spatial patterns in the physical
Fig. 5. Relationship between the number of species that regenerated naturally on
environment and biological processes (Legendre and Legendre,
14 coffee farms and the floristic similarity of each farm with the surrounding forests
(Sørensen Index). 1998). Differences in tree species richness on the coffee farms did
not show a significant relationship with geographic distances
between these sites. At the same time there were strong
relationships between tree species diversity, the amount of forest
remained on the farm from previous land uses (utility: x2 = 0.39, cover around the farms, and management practices. These findings
d.f. = 1, P = 0.5330; farm type: x2 = 1.13, d.f. = 1, P = 0.2888). suggest that the variation in species richness, which is not
Regarding the potential patterns of spatial autocorrelation in explained by the amount of surrounding forest cover and
species diversity and composition, there was no relationship management practices, may not be due to unaccounted spatial
between differences in species richness and geographic distances factors. On the other hand it was found that floristic similarity
among coffee farms (r = 0.029, P = 0.399). On the other hand, a weak among farms increased with geographic proximity. Spatial
positive correlation was detected between species dissimilarity autocorrelation of species composition was considerably weak
(1–CS) and geographic distance (r = 0.253, P = 0.041). and could at least be partially due to biological processes, such as
seed dispersal.
4. Discussion
4.2. Seed dispersal mechanisms
4.1. Tree species assemblage
Our results are in agreement with theoretical considerations
Both, anthropogenic factors and natural processes can influ- about migration dynamics and dispersal limitation as well
ence the vegetation composition in tropical farmlands. We found as with findings for other organisms, such as arthropods or
that tree species assemblages in coffee agroforests were deter- birds (Tscharntke et al., 2008; Clough et al., 2010). Forest cover
mined by interacting factors: the amount of forest cover within around the farms had a positive effect on both the number of
the surrounding landscape, management type of the farm naturally regenerated species present on farms, and on the
(conventional or organic) and seed dispersal mechanisms. In floristic similarity between farms and forests. This implies that
addition, the utility of a given tree species affected the frequency the surrounding forests are an important source for seed
at which it was planted across the farms. Tree species richness on dispersal into the farms, i.e., that mass effects play a role in
farms was 40% that found in the surrounding forests. This is less shaping species composition at the coffee farms. This is further
than the average proportion of 64%, reported by Baghwat et al. supported by the strong linear relationship between the
(2008) for tropical agroforestry systems around the world. number of species regenerated on each farm and the similarity
Floristic similarity between coffee farms and forests was very between farms and forests. Furthermore, increasing forest cover
low, as most individuals on the farms were planted (>60%) and around the farms had a positive effect on the number of
exotic (55%). The coffee farms only shared 19% of the native tree naturally regenerated species that were dispersed by animals.
species with surrounding forests, which is similar to the These findings confirm that the connection to natural
proportion found by Pinard et al. (2014) for coffee agroforestry habitats increases the activity of important functional groups,
systems in Kenya. such as seed dispersers in agricultural landscapes (Tscharntke
On the other hand, most of the species present on farms were et al., 2008; Clough et al., 2010). In turn, the number of
native to the study area (82%) and originated from natural naturally regenerated species that are dispersed by wind or
regeneration (73%). Albertin and Nair (2004) reported a similar gravity on a given farm was not affected by surrounding forest
proportion (69%) of shade tree species that were established cover. Similarly, Mayfield et al. (2005) argued that plant
naturally on coffee farms in North-Western Costa Rica. Among the communities in deforested areas have more abiotic dispersal
naturally regenerated trees on the farms, most individuals were mechanisms in comparison to forests.
dispersed by wind, but the majority of species were dispersed by
animals, most importantly birds. The results show that species 4.3. Farm management
diversity on the coffee farms is strongly determined by natural
regeneration; however, the number of individuals contributed by In agroecosystems plants are directly affected by management
these processes is low. decisions (e.g., Lopez-Gomez et al., 2007; Clough et al., 2010), thus
The most important variable for shaping tree species assemb- farm management represents an obvious filter for the establish-
lages was the amount of forest cover within a 1000 m radius ment of tree species either by planting, natural regeneration or
around each farm. Increasing forest cover around the farms had a from remnant individuals. It is well established that increasing
positive effect on tree species diversity and floristic similarity management intensity (for instance higher crop plant density,
A. Häger et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51 49

simplified vegetation structure or agrochemical use) reduces the than 0.1 mature individuals per ha may face a high risk of local
diversity of different taxa, such as trees, birds, amphibians, reptiles extinction from agricultural landscapes. In addition Livingston
or invertebrates in tropical agroforestry systems (e.g., et al. (2013) pointed out that the static character of most
Lopez-Gomez et al., 2007; Philpott et al., 2007, 2008; Perfecto studies on diversity in agroecosystems is problematic, as
and Vandermeer, 2008; Clough et al., 2010; Wanger et al., 2010). species richness and similarity with surrounding forests tend
Our study found only limited evidence for the effect of farm to decline over time after conversion to agriculture. For this
management type on tree species composition. Whereas the reason tree species conservation in tropical agricultural land-
number of naturally regenerated species (especially those dis- scapes needs to focus on facilitating natural processes, such as
persed by animals) was significantly higher on the organic farms, pollination and seed dispersal from remaining forests across
tree species diversity and the similarity between farms and forests agroforestry systems. Thus, the protection of existing forest
were not affected by management type. Our results suggest that fragments and the promotion of native trees on the farms, with
organic management may facilitate natural regeneration, for specific attention to species present at low densities should
instance by eliminating herbicides. Furthermore, the average stem have priority. Dawson et al. (2013) suggested that more
density of non-coffee woody plants on organic farms was almost research is needed on the ideal configuration of planting
twice as high as on the conventional farms. Thus, the vegetation different tree species to ensure gene-flow across the landscape.
structure may provide more suitable habitats or corridors for seed The successful maintenance of tree species diversity across
dispersing animals, such as birds. agroforests offers important synergies for conservation, as high
plant diversity is directly associated to higher diversity of
animals by increasing the permeability and suitability of the
4.4. Species utility
agricultural matrix for many taxa, which in turn ensure the
maintenance of natural processes such as pollination, seed
The utility of a given tree species clearly influenced the
dispersal and regulation of biotic interactions (Schroth and
frequency at which it was planted across the farms. Accordingly,
Harvey, 2007; Perfecto and Vandermeer, 2008; Philpott et al.,
Dawson et al. (2013) argued that a tree species’ usefulness to
2008; Tscharntke et al., 2008; Koh and Ghazoul, 2010).
farmers should at least partially determine the density of this
Although there is an agreement on the importance of
species in an agricultural landscape. The composition of planted
maintaining existing forests and increasing plant diversity for
trees found by our study reflects similar preferences as those
the conservation of overall biodiversity in tropical agricultural
reported by Albertin and Nair (2004), who studied farmers’
landscapes, farmers may be reluctant to accept management
preferences for shade trees in Costa Rica. They reported that
prescriptions that could interfere with crop production or imply
farmers predominantly select fruit trees, such as Citrus spp., timber
additional expenses (Schroth and Harvey, 2007; Philpott et al.,
species (e.g., Cedrela odorata or Cordia alliodora) or shade trees that
2008; Tscharntke et al., 2011; Kumaraswamy and Kunte, 2013). In
can be pruned and fix nitrogen (e.g., Erythrina spp. and Inga spp.).
this context, more research and education on the utility of native
At the same time the majority of these farmers were indifferent
tree species is needed. We found over 60 species in the forests that
towards the origin of a given tree species (native vs. exotic).
had high utility levels (3 or more known uses such as timber,
The utility of a given tree species did not seem to interfere
fire wood, soil improvement, medicinal uses, among others), but
significantly with the number of farms on which a species
were absent from the farms, indicating a potential underuse of the
regenerated naturally, indicating that farmers do not entirely
tree resources present in local forests.
eliminate or tolerate these trees based on their potential uses. It
Kumaraswamy and Kunte (2013) proposed a framework of
can be concluded that farmers will likely maintain a tree
incentives and policy measures that target the implementation of
species, at least at low densities, as long as it does not directly
sustainable agricultural practices which simultaneously secure
compete with the coffee crop. Similarly, remnant trees were
livelihoods, conserve biodiversity and provide ecosystem services,
maintained regardless of their utility level. The studied farms
such as carbon storage. In the specific case of Costa Rica, current
did not include rustic systems with a canopy of remnant forest
forestry laws protect remaining forests and riparian tree cover, and
trees (sensu Moguel and Toledo, 1999), for this reason large
establish a payment for ecosystem services program for land-
remnant trees (e.g., Ficus spp., Anacardium excelsum, Enter-
owners. These laws are applicable to forest management and
olobium cyclocarpum) were very rare. It appears that most of
conservation and incentivize planting trees in agroforestry
them were retained on the farms due to their large size.
systems. The application of these instruments can be optimized
by stringent enforcement of existing regulations and by linkage of
4.5. Coffee agroforestry and tree diversity conservation local incentive programs to international financial mechanisms for
greenhouse gas mitigation and forest conservation.
While most of the species on the farms were established by
natural regeneration, the number of individuals contributed by 5. Conclusions
these natural processes was very low, which lead to a high
number of rare species across the 14 farms. Within the This study shows that species richness on the studied coffee
104 species found, 67% were represented by less than farms is mostly maintained by natural regeneration. We present
10 individuals and almost half of the species (45%) occurred evidence for the importance of surrounding forest cover as a
only once or twice, indicating a density <0.15 individuals per source of seed dispersal into coffee agroforestry systems. Shade
ha. Similarly, Pinard et al. (2014) reported that planted, exotic grown coffee farms, particularly under organic management,
tree species were dominant on Kenyan coffee farms, whereas provide corridors that facilitate the reproduction, dispersal, and
most native species occurred at low abundances. Dawson et al. survival of native tree species across tropical altered landscapes.
(2013) emphasized the consequences of rare species for the On the other hand, most individuals in coffee farms belonged to
long-term conservation value of agroforestry systems. The planted, exotic tree species and the number of trees contributed
authors argued that low density implies restrictions for by natural processes was relatively low. Natural regeneration
regeneration, especially cross-pollination and an increased processes on farms are restricted by a sequence of filters:
vulnerability to management interventions. According to availability of seed sources (determined by amount surrounding
Dawson et al. (2013) native tree species with a density of less forest cover and tree species present on the farms), limitations
50 A. Häger et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199 (2015) 43–51

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Acknowledgements Harvey, C.A., Komar, O., Chazdon, R., Ferguson, B.G., Finegan, B., Griffith, D.M.,
Martínez-Ramos, M., Morales, H., Nigh, R., Soto-Pinto, L., Van Breugel, M.,
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We would like to thank CoopeAtenas and APROCAFE for their conservation in the Mesoamerican hotspot. Conserv. Bio. 22, 8–15.
friendly cooperation throughout this study. John DeLeo provided IGNCR, 1991. Hoja 3345-IV-2Cuajiniquil, Hoja 3346-III-18Hornos, Hoja 3346-III-22.
critical technical support and Lyndon State College provided funding Morazan, Hoja 3346-III-23 Eulalia. Instituto Geográfico Nacional de Costa Rica, San
for building the GIS land-use database. Luis Poveda Alvarez helped us IGNCR, 2008. Hoja 3345-IV-2Cuajiniquil, Hoja 3346-III-18Hornos, Hoja 3346-III-22.
with the identification of numerous plant samples from the forest Morazan, Hoja 3346-III-23 Eulalia (digital versión, ESRI shape file). Instituto
fragments and José Esteban Jiménez revised the final plant list. We Geográfico Nacional de Costa Rica, San José.
INBio 2013. Especies de Costa Rica. Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad. http://
would further like to thank Gerardo Avalos and two anonymous darnis.inbio.ac.cr.
reviewers for their comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. ITCR, 2008. Costa Rica Atlas 2008. Escuela de Ingeniera Forestal, Laboratorio de
I am especially grateful for the invaluable assistance from Clair Fox, Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica,
Rosy Cohane-Mann and the SFS students who helped in the field. We
Janzen, D.H.,1982. Natural history of guacimo fruits (Sterculiaceae: Guazuma ulmifolia)
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