Mining Human Movement Patterns For Big Data For Healthcare Applications in Smart Home
Mining Human Movement Patterns For Big Data For Healthcare Applications in Smart Home
Mining Human Movement Patterns For Big Data For Healthcare Applications in Smart Home
Ishwaramma, Prof. Mohamed Rafi
Department off Studies in Computer Science & Engineering, University BDT College of Engineering
(A Constuent College of VTU, Belagavi), Davangere, Karnataka,, India
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 2171
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
homes to support independent living. The posited Fig. 1. Model: Mining Frequent Patterns and Activity
system uses data classification techniques to detect Predictions for Health care Applications in Smart
anomalies in behaviour through personal energy usage Homes
patterns in the home. Our results show that it was
possible to obtain an overall accuracy of 99.17% with Figure (1) represents the proposed model. It starts by
0.989 for sensitivity, 0.995 for specificity and an cleaning and preparing the data and then applying
overall error of 0.008 when using the VPC Neural frequent pattern mining for discovering appliance-to-
Network classifier. appliance associations, i.e., determining which
appliances are operating together. Then, it uses cluster
PROPOSED SYSTEM analysis to determine applianceto- time associations.
With these two processes, the system is able to extract
In this paper, we propose a model that utilizes smart the pattern of appliance usage which is then used as
home big data as a means of learning and discovering input to the Bayesian network for short-term and
human activity patterns for health care applications. long-term activities prediction. The output of the
We propose the use of frequent pattern mining, cluster system is utilized by specific health care applications
analysis and prediction to measure and analyze energy depending on the intended use. For example, a health
usage changes sparked by occupants’ behavior. Since care provider might only interested in knowing
people’s habits are mostly identified by everyday activities related to cognitive impairment where
routines, discovering these routines allows us to tracking the sequence of daily activities is crucial for
recognize anomalous activities that may indicate reminding the patient when abnormal behavior is
people’s difficulties in taking care for themselves, detected. Next subsection explains such processes and
such as not preparing food or not using shower/bath. briefly outlines the theoretical background. We
Our work addresses the need to analyze temporal propose a human activity pattern mining model based
energy consumption patterns at the appliance level, on appliance usage variations in smart homes. The
which is directly related to human activities. For the model which utilizes FP-growth for pattern
evaluation of the proposed mechanism, this research recognition and k-means clustering algorithms is
uses the UK Domestic Appliance Level Electricity capable of identifying appliance-to-appliance and
dataset (UK-Dale) - time series data of power appliance-to-time associations through incremental
consumption collected from 2012 to 2015 with time mining of energy consumption data. This is not only
resolution of six seconds for five houses with 109 important to determine activity routines, but also,
appliances from Southern England. The data from when utilized by health care application, is capable of
smart meters are recursively mined in the detecting sudden changes of human activities that
quantum/data slice of 24 hours, and the results are require attention by a health provider. We apply a
maintained across successive mining exercises. The Bayesian network for activity prediction based on
results of identifying human activity patterns from individual and multiple appliance usage. This is
appliance usage are presented in details in this paper significant for health applications that incorporate
along with accuracy of short and long term reminders for patients to perform certain activities
predictions. based on historical data. For added accuracy of the
system, the prediction model integrates probabilities
ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM of appliance-to-appliance and appliance-to time
associations, thus recognizing activities that occur in
certain patterns more accurately.
• Protect people’s privacy from being shared .
• To understand and predict their activities that could
indicate health issues.
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 2172
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@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 2173