End Suction Frame Mounted Pumps: Series F
End Suction Frame Mounted Pumps: Series F
End Suction Frame Mounted Pumps: Series F
Series F
Repair Instructions
Before attempting to repair this pump. For installation and and may also result in bodily injury as well as property
operation refer to instruction bulletin 2880549. Properly damage.
installed, your Peerless pump will give you satisfactory, This bulletin is intended to be a permanent part of your pump
dependable service. We urge that you read carefully these installation and should be preserved in a convenient location
step-by-step instructions to simplify any problems of for ready reference. If these instructions should become soiled
installation, operation or repair. obtain a new copy from Peerless Pump. Include pump model
and/or serial number with your request.
Failure to read and comply with installation and operating
instructions will void the responsibility of the manufacturer
New Equipment manufactured by Seller or Service supplied Seller's liability for breach of these warranties (or for breach of
by Seller is warranted to be free from defects in material any other warranties found by a court of competent
jurisdiction to have been given by Seller) shall be limited to:
and workmanship under normal use and service for a period (a) accepting return of such Equipment FCA Plant of
of one year from date of shipment. In the case of spare or Manufacture (CPT under Incoterms 2000), and
replacement parts manufactured by Seller, the warranty (b) refunding any amount paid thereon by Purchaser
period shall be for a period of twelve months from shipment. (less depreciation at the rate of 15% per year if
Seller's obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing Purchaser has used Equipment for more than
thirty [30] days), and canceling any balance still
or replacing, at its option, any part found to its satisfaction to owing on the Equipment.
be so defective, provided that such part is, upon request, (c) in the case of Service, at Seller's option, redoing the
returned to Seller's factory from which it was shipped, Service, or refunding the purchase order amount of
transportation prepaid. Parts replaced under warranty shall the Service or portion thereof upon which such
be warranted only from date of repair. This warranty does liability is based.
not cover parts damaged by decomposition from chemical These warranties are expressly in lieu of any other warranties,
action or wear caused by abrasive materials, nor does it express or implied, and Seller specifically disclaims any
cover damage resulting from misuse, accident, neglect or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
from improper operation, maintenance, installation, purpose, and in lieu of any other obligation or liability on the
modification or adjustment. This warranty does not cover part of the Seller whether a claim is based upon negligence,
breach of warranty, or any other theory or cause of action. In
parts repaired outside Seller's factory without prior written no event shall Seller be liable for any consequential,
approval. Seller makes no warranty as to starting incidental, indirect, special or punitive damages of any kind.
equipment, electrical apparatus or other material not of its
manufacture. If Purchaser or others repair, replace, or For purposes of this Section, the Equipment warranted shall
adjust Equipment or parts without Seller's prior written not include equipment, parts, and work not manufactured or
approval, Seller is relieved of any further obligation to performed by Seller. With respect to such equipment,
Purchaser under this section with respect to such parts, or work, Seller's only obligation shall be to assign to
Equipment or parts, unless such repair, replacement, or Purchaser the warranties provided to Seller by the
adjustment was made after Seller failed to satisfy within a manufacturer or supplier providing such equipment, parts or
work. No Equipment furnished by Seller shall be deemed to
reasonable time Seller's obligations under this Paragrap h. -
be defective by reason of normal wear and tear, failure to
resist erosive or corrosive action of any fluid or gas,
Purchaser's failure to properly store, install, operate, or
maintain the Equipment in accordance with good industry
practices or specific recommendations of Seller, including,
but not limited to Seller’s installation and operation
manuals, or Purchaser's failure to provide complete and
accurate information to Seller concerning the operational
application of the Equipment.
Do not operate this pump at any pressure, flow rate, the consent of Peerless Pump or its authorized
or liquid temperature other than those for which the representatives. Disregard of this warning can result
pump was originally purchased. Do not pump any in pump failure and serious personal injury or deat h.
other liquid than the one for which the pump was
originally purchased without
4845749 2
Before starting disassembly of the Shut down pump. Disconnect power to the pump driver before
WARNING pump, it is recommended that a set of starting any repairs. Refer to Bulletin No. 2880549 for the
spare parts be obtained. Peerless procedure to follow.
Pump does not recommend reuse of gaskets, O-rings, packing
rings, or ball bearings.
PUMP DISASSEMBLY________________________________________________ _
Disassemble pump in the following manner: 8. Carefully push floating seat (65A) from adapter, avoiding
scratching or other damage to lapped surface. Use narrow,
NOTE: The pump may be either packed or with a mechanical
flat screwdriver to lift and work O-ring (65B) from seat.
seal. Procedures for the two types of sealing differ slightly.
Store seat with remaining mechanical seal parts with
1. Remove any seal piping (tubing) that may be present lapped surface up and covered.
between pump discharge and stuffing box of adapter (71, 9. Remove gland (17) packing (13) and lantern ring (29) (if
Figure 1). furnished) from adapter (for packed pump).
1. Take out all screws and remove casing (1) and casing 10. Slide shaft sleeve (14) and deflector (40) from shaft.
gasket (73A). If necessary, lightly tap with plastic hammer Remove a-ring (130) from shaft sleeve or gasket (3 8) from
at several places to loosen casing from adapter. shaft.
1. Insert a rod of suitable diameter into a passage of impeller
(2) and hold while loosening impeller lock screw (26). 11. Remove screws and slide outboard bearing cover (37)
from shaft. Push outboard bearing cover seal (49) from
Remove lock screw and impeller washer (24A).
1. Slide impeller from end of shaft (6) and remove impeller
key (32). If impeller is hard to remove, use a small wood 12. Push shaft (6) with bearings (16, 18) from frame (19).
block against adapter and pry carefully at several points Push in direction of motor coupling or belt pulley.
around impeller to loosen.
1. For the mechanical seal pump , very carefully remove seal 13. Carefully push inboard grease retainer (51) from frame
parts (80A thru 80D). Be particularly careful not to scratch
or damage lapped surface of sealing washer (80D). Store 14 If bearings (16, 18) are to be removed from shaft, tem-
seal parts in suitable container; lapped surface of sealing . porarily install impeller key (32) and impeller (2) on shaft.
washer must be up and covered. With rod inserted into impeller passage, restrain shaft
2. For the packed pump, loosen both gland bolts (17B) and while loosening bearing lock nut (22). Remove lock nut,
pull gland (17) out slightly to relax packing (13). impeller and key from shaft. Support bear ings on inner
races and press shaft out. The bearing retaining ring (18A,
3. Remove screws and slide adapter (71) off from shaft. Figure 3) on the shaft of the F3 frame in the outboard
Use care not to scratch shaft sleeve (14). bearing journal need not be removed unless damaged,
loose or worn.
*80A Spring Retainer 80B 80D Sealing Washer "Some pumps have a step turned on
Spring 65A Floating Seat the impeller hub to accept the spring
80C Seal Bellows 65B Seat Ring and therefore do not have or use a
Assembly spring retainer.
Thread Depth for Suction Flanges:
2-1/2 to 4 Inch flange 5/8" UNC thread - 0.75" Deep
5 to 8 Inch Flange 3/4" UNC thread - 0.88" Deep
1 Casing
2 Impeller
6 Shaft
7 Casing Ring
13 Packing
14 Shaft Sleeve
16 Bearing, Inboard
17 Gland
178 Gland Bolt
18 Bearing, Outboard
19 Frame
22 Bearing Lock Nut
24A Impeller Washer
26 Impeller Lock Screw
27 Adapter Ring
29 Lantern Ring {optional)
32 Impeller Key
37 Bearing Cover, Outboard
38 Shaft Sleeve Gasket
40 Deflector
46 Coupling Key
49 Bearing Cover Seal, Outboard
51 Grease Retainer, Inboard
53 Case Support
Mechanical Seal, Stationary
71 Adapter
73A Casing Gasket
Figure 1, Type F1 and F2 END SUCTON PUMPS
Mechanical Seal, Rotating
4845749 4
Visually inspect and replace parts that are damaged and 4. Inspect shaft sleeves (14) for excessive wear. Replace
affecting the serviceability or sealing. Emphasize inspection sleeves that are worn. Replace gasket, if used.
of mating parts having relative motion - casing rings for 5. Inspect lapped surfaces of sealing washer and floating
example. Perform detailed inspections as follows: seat for chipping, gouges, nicks, scratches or other dam -
age. These surfaces must be free from any defect. If
1. Check O-rings, gaskets and seals for shrinkage, cracks, lapped surfaces are damaged, replace the entire seal.
nicks or tears.
6. Mount the shaft between lathe centers. Check the eccen-
2. Check packing rings for excessive compression, fraying
tricity throughout the entire length-with a dial indicator to
or shredding, embedded particles (dirt or metal). Re-
be not more than 0.003 inch total indicator reading.
place if defective in any way.
Surfaces on which bearings mount must be smooth,
3. Examine impeller passages for cracks, dents, gouges or have a finish not less than 32 micro-inches and the
embedded material. shoulders square and free from nicks.
5 4845749
When ordering repair parts, give the complete pump name- the casing ring should be 0.008" to 0.012" larger than
plate data (nameplate on the pump casing) plus the name the impeller skirt diameter.
and item number of the part shown on sectional view. 2. Normally, when the pump is completely disassembled,
Remove burrs, nicks and scratches from non-critical areas all gaskets, O-ring and seals (grease retainer) should be
with a fine stone or crocus cloth. replaced at reassembly. If the O-rings for the floating
seat of the mechanical seal or shaft sleeve are not dam -
1. Impeller and Casing Wear. If the pump capacity falls off aged, they may be reused with the other satisfactory
due to wear on the impeller and casing ring, repair is
seal parts.
made by replacing the casing ring. The inside diameter
Reassemble pump in the following manner: end of frame (19). Push shaft so that shoulder of pump end
bearing contacts shoulder in frame bore. Install snap ring
1. If bearings (16, 18) were removed from shaft (6), support
(16A) in proper groove in frame bore.
shaft and press bearing on, applying force only against
the inner race. Be sure that inner races bottom on shaft 8. Install deflector (40), shaft sleeve gasket (38) and shaft
shoulders. If bearing retaining ring (18A, Fig. 3) was sleeve (14) on shaft. Be sure gasket is completely con-
replaced or removed from shaft of the F3 frame, reinstall tained by sleeve and that sleeve bottoms on shaft
in proper groove in outboard bearing journal before shoulder s( ee Fig. 1). Install O-ring (130) in sleeve
installing bearing. Press bearing until inner race bottoms (14). Install deflector and shaft sleeve over shaft,
on retaining ring. making sure sleeve bottoms on shoulder. (See Fig. 1
2. Temporarily install impeller key (32) and impeller (2) on A). Position deflector midway between end of sleeve
shaft. Use rod inserted in impeller passage to restrain and grease retainer. Align sleeve slot with key slot of
shaft while tightening bearing locknut (22). Remove shaft.
impeller and key. 9. For the packed pump, slide the gland (17) and lantern
3. Install new inboard grease retainer (51) in frame (19). ring (29) over the shaft sleeve to abut the deflector.
Lip of retainer, which contacts shaft, must face away Use care not to mar or scratch the lapped
from inboard bearing (16) cavity. CAUTION surfaces of floating seat and sealing
4. Lightly pack each bearing with a recommended grease washer when installing mechanical seal.
from the instruction "Lubrication" in this manual. Maintain Damage to these surfaces will result in leakage and will
absolute cleanliness at all times while packing and require replacement of the entire seal.
handling bearings. No further lubrication is necessary
'10. For the mechanical seal pump, lubricate the O-ring
until normal maintenance interval is reached.
(65B), groove in floating seat (65A) and seat cavity in
5. Coat shaft at inboard bearing (where grease retainer will adapter (71) with any of MOLYKOTE® DC No. 55
contact) with light oil or grease. Carefully insert shaft silicone grease, 3% detergent solution, glycerine or
through outboard end of frame, impeller end first. Care- ethylene glycol.
fully guide through inboard end and through grease 11. Install floating seat in the adapter with lapped surface
retainer (51) so that lip remains facing away from bear- facing away from adapter shoulder. Apply lubricant
ing cavity. Push shaft so that retaining ring in outer race (step 10 above) to entire surface of shaft sleeve and
of outboard bearing (18) contacts frame. carefully install adapter. Use care not to cock or scrape
6. Install new outboard bearing cover seal (49) in outboard floating seat on sleeve. Seat adapter against frame,
bearing cover (37). Be sure that seal lip will face bearing tapping very lightly with plastic hammer, then install
when cover is installed. screws and tighten uniformly. Rotate shaft by hand to
7. Coat outboard end of shaft with light oil or grease up to check that there is no binding or hang-up.
bearing locknut. Carefully slide cover and seal on shaft, 12. In the same manner as in step 11, lubricate the entire
so that lip remains facing bearing; position so that surface of shaft sleeve and the bores of sealing washer
grease fitting is at top and bottom against outer race of (80D) and spring bellows assembly (80C). Carefully
bearing. Install screws to hold cover, tightening uniformly install sealing washer, lapped surface toward floating
(do not tighten so that cover is bowed). seat, and spring bellows assembly on shaft sleeve and
slide along to contact floating seat. Install spring (80B)
FO FRAME REASSEMBLY ONLY and spring retainer (80A), if used.
If bearings (16, 18) were removed from shaft (61. support 13. For the packed pump, install the adapter (71) in the
shaft and press bearings on, applying force only against the same manner as in step 11 except shaft sleeve need
inner race. Be sure inner races bottom on shaft shoulders. not be lubricated.
Carefully insert shaft, coupling end first, through pump ® Trademark Dow Coming Corporation
4845749 6
Reassembly (concluded)
17. Lightly coat both sides of casing gasket (73A) with
Be sure at all times that the gland a non-hardening sealing compound, such as
so that uniform pressure is exerted grease and graphite. Position on adapter making
around the packing; a tipped gland sure that holes are aligned. Install casing (1),
is an invitation to trouble. tapping lightly with plastic hammer to seat on
14. In order, install 3 rings of packing (13), the lantern adapter. Install screws and tighten uniformly in a
ring (29) (if furnished) and 2 rings of packing in star pattern. The cap screws are SAE Grade 5
adapter cavity. When lantern ring is not furnished, and are to be tightened to the following minimum
install 6 rings of packing. Stagger the joint of each torque values for dry threads.
packing ring approximately 180O from adjacent
Size Torque
rings. Be sure each ring is square with the shaft.
Use a split bushing and the gland (17) to move 3/8 30 ft - Ibs
rings to the bottom of the cavity. When all packing 7/16 50 ft· Ibs
rings are in place, position the gland (17) and 1/2 75 ft· Ibs
loosely seat on packing, using gland bolts (17B). 5/8 155 ft ·Ibs
Tighten as required to limit leakage after pump is 3/4 265 ft . Ibs
running. 18. Install seal piping (tubing) (if used) between pump
15. Install impeller key (32) in shaft keyway. Make discharge and stuffing box ·of adapter.
sure that key enters slot in shaft sleeve. Align 1.
impeller (2) with key and install on shaft. Tap
impeller hub lightly with plastic hammer to seat
against shaft sleeve. For the mechanical seal
pump, guide spring to seat on the shoulder as
impeller is installed. Be sure spring is correctly
seated against bellows assembly.
16. Install impeller washer (24A) and impeller lock
screw (26). Restrain impeller with rod inserted in
one passage and securely tighten screw. Rotate
shaft by hand to check for free movement.
6 Shaft
16 Bearing, Inboard
18 Bearing, Outboard
18A Bearing Retaining
19 Ring Frame
22 Bearing Lock Nut
37 Bearing Cover,
46 Outboard Coupling Key
49 Bearing Cover Seal,
51 Outboard Grease Retainer,
Inboard Grease Retainer
51A Bushing Series F Pump F4 Frame
F3 Frame
NOTICE: Materials of construction, specifications, dimensions, design features, and application information, where shown in this
bulletin, are subject to change and/or modification without notice by Peerless Pump at their option.
7 4845749