TOR - TRTA 9458-PAK GreaterThal - FR Advertise 180615
TOR - TRTA 9458-PAK GreaterThal - FR Advertise 180615
TOR - TRTA 9458-PAK GreaterThal - FR Advertise 180615
TRTA 9458-PAK: Preparing the Greater Thal Canal Irrigation Investment Program
A. Background
1. The proposed investment program aims at increasing the agricultural production in Punjab
province by developing a new seasonal irrigation system. 1 The Greater Thal Canal (GTC)
irrigation scheme will convert about 704,000 hectares (ha) of unproductive lands to irrigated lands.
The scheme was partially constructed or is planned to be constructed by the government’s fund.
The proposed investment program will support the construction of the remaining parts covering
about 440,000 ha to complete the development of the scheme and provide support for on-farm
development and management.
2. Pakistan is mostly semi-arid and arid, and thus, over 90% of agriculture output comes
from irrigated agriculture. Out of 22.04 million ha of cultivated land in Pakistan, approximately
18.80 million ha are irrigated, with the remainder being rain-fed (barani) agricultural areas.2 One
of the fundamental strengths of Pakistan’s agriculture is the availability of water from the Indus
Basin Irrigation System (IBIS), drawing from the Indus River and its tributaries. The IBIS covers
over 14.9 million ha of farm land.3 Over 70% of the cropped area of the IBIS is in Punjab. Farming
in areas outside of the IBIS relies on rainfall or groundwater.
3. The central part of Punjab is planned to be irrigated through the GTC irrigation scheme
that will comprise the IBIS. It will draw water from the existing Chashma-Jhelum link canal which
diverts water from the Indus River to eastern areas. Water allocation for the entire GTC irrigation
scheme has been determined and approved in 1991 under the Pakistan Water Apportionment
Accord that sets water resources allocation among four provinces. The government has
completed a feasibility study and detailed engineering design for the entire scheme, and
constructed the main canal and the first branch called Mankera (65 km) in 2010. The second
branch called Choubara (73 km) is planned to be constructed by the provincial government from
2018. The construction of the remaining three branch canals has not been initiated, and therefore,
out of 704,000 ha of the entire scheme, about 440,000 ha of land under these three branches
remains excluded from the IBIS and low productive.
4. The proposed investment program will construct the three remaining branch canals, i.e.
Dhingana (91 km), Mahmood (54 km) and Nurpur (58 km), and associated structures to provide
reliable irrigation water supply to 440,000 ha of the land during the monsoon (kharif) season from
around April to October and will provide on-farm command area development support for the
entire GTC irrigation scheme to enhance the on-farm and water management capacity of farmers.
1 The investment program is included in ADB. 2016. Country Operations Business Plan: Pakistan, 2017–2019. Manila,
but a proposed modality was changed from a stand-alone project to an investment program, i.e. multitranche
financing facility, and the amounts of the ADB financing and transaction technical assistance were also updated. The
financing modality and the financing amount will be further discussed during the TRTA.
2 Government of Pakistan, Bureau of Statistics. 2013. Agriculture Statistics 2011−2012. Islamabad.
3 FAO. 2012. Irrigation in Southern and Eastern Asia in Figures: AQUASTAT Survey 2011. FAO Water Reports. No.
37. Rome.
million including ADB’s and government’s contributions. Though the project design and financing
modality will have to be examined during the project preparation, one of potential scenarios is:
the first tranche will construct two new branch canals (Dhingana and Mahmood) with associated
structures and will conduct on-farm command area development support in the existing branch
canal areas (Mankera and Chaubara); Subsequently, under the second tranche, the remaining
one branch (Nurpur) with associated structures will be constructed and on-farm command area
development supports will be conducted in the rest of the project area.
B. Implementation Arrangement
7. The Punjab Irrigation Department (PID) is expected to be the executing agency for the
ensuing investment program. It will oversee the entire investment program and execute the
irrigation scheme development and the PID’s capacity enhancement component. The Punjab
Agriculture Department (PAD) is expected to be the implementing agency of the on-farm
command area development component. The TRTA will be conducted in close coordination with
the PID, PAD and other relevant parties.
8. Table 1 summarizes major outputs and key activities of the TRTA. The services of the TA
consultant team will cover all outputs and activities (Outputs 1 to 4) that will support analyses and
preparation of the proposed investment in accordance with government’s and ADB’s
9. Output 1: MFF sector road map. Key activities are indicated in Table 1. The institutional
setup and capacity of the PID was dully assessed when the existing and past ADB-financing
projects were assessed, but the assessment will be reviewed based on recent findings. The PID’s
financial and institutional O&M capacity will be given attention. The TA consultant team will also
conduct the due diligence for sector road map, policy framework, and governance-related issues.
These were carried out in 2006 when the Punjab Irrigated Agriculture Investment Program was
prepared. 4 The TA consultant team will review and update the existing documents. The TA
consultant team will also carefully examine the performance of the constructed main and branch
canals of the GTC Irrigation scheme, and lessons learnt from past and ongoing irrigation and
water resources projects in Punjab that were/are financed by ADB, the World Bank, JICA other
development partners, and the government. The assessment results will be incorporated into the
design of the MFF.
10. The sector road map will be updated and required capacity enhancement will be identified.
The MFF allows (i) strategic and systematic interventions that can facilitate longer-term
development and management planning of water resources including irrigation; and (ii) longer,
more effective and strategic support for enhancing provincial-level institutional capacity, with a
particular attention on the province’s strategy to transform the PID to a water resources
department. The PID has a long-term plan to transfer from a traditional irrigation water deliverer
to a water resources department that will comprehensively plan, develop and manage water
resources for various water uses including water-related disasters. ADB’s Capacity Development
Technical Assistance (CDTA) 5 supports the PID for developing an action plan for the
transformation and institutional capacity enhancement. As irrigation is the dominant water user,
the proposed investment program will be designed in due consideration of findings and outputs
of the CDTA, and may be designed to implement the action plan to be proposed by the CDTA.
11. The TA consultant team will also develop a baseline data platform using remote sensing
satellite technologies. Past and current land use, crop yield and other baseline data of the project
area will be analyzed using remote sensing satellite data, in combination with field survey results,
and presented as maps and numerical and qualitative data. These data will become baseline data
for the investment program, and the data platform will be used for monitoring of changes in the
project area, which will be used for monitoring and evaluation in the future. The remote sensing
analysis will include data collection of field socio-economic and agriculture practices. These
satellite and field data analysis results will be incorporated in Outputs 2 and 3.
4 ADB. 2011. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan to the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan for Punjab Irrigated Agriculture Investment Program. Manila.
5 ADB. 2016. Technical Assistance to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for Institutional Transformation of the Punjab
Irrigation Department to a Water Resources Department. Manila. (TA 9255-PAK).
12. Output 2: Updated feasibility study. Key activities are indicated in Table 1. Necessary
technical and field surveys will also be conducted. The data and information will include
groundwatar irrigation in the project area. A feasibility study was conducted by the government in
1992–1995, and was updated in 2002–2008. Detailed engineering design has also been
completed for the entire GTC Irrigation scheme by the government in 2008. Based on the detailed
design, the main canal and Mankera branch have been constructed, and the Chaubara branch is
scheduled to be constructed by the provincial government from 2018. The existing detailed design
covers the remaining Dhingana, Mahmood and Nurpur branches that may be financed by ADB’s
proposed investment program.
13. Based on the existing feasibility study and detailed design, the TA consultant team will
verify, and update as necessary, technical design of the Dhingana, Mahmood and Nurpur
branches and associated structured that will be financed by the proposed investment program.
The TA consultant team will also develop the design of non-structural components of the
investment program. These are likely to include on-farm command area development support and
institutional capacity development, and the TA consultant team will develop and design value
added activities to be included in the investment program, especially in the first tranche, such as
high-efficiency agriculture and satellite remote sensing technologies. The overall cost of the
investment program and detailed cost breakdown of the first tranche will be estimated using latest
cost data. Potential scenarios of future agricultural practices including conjunction use of
groundwater will be developed for benefit analyses. Economic feasibility of the proposed
investment program and each tranche will be verified using the updated estimates of the cost and
benefits. Structural design may be updated to be climate resilient by incorporate findings from the
climate change risk assessment.
14. Output 3: MFF and first tranche design and processing documents. Key activities to
achieve this output are indicated in Table 1. The overall design of the MFF and its tranche 1 will
be developped based on findings from Outputs 1 and 2, after conducting project-related due
diligence like environmental and social safeguards, poverty and gender, financial and
procurement risk assessments, risk assessment and management plan preparation, and climate
risk vulnerability. An appropriate financing modality will be assessed and verified, and if the MFF
is confirmed to be the best, tranching plan of the MFF will be assessed and designed. The TA
consultant team will draft the necessary project/ loan processing documents to meet ADB’s and
government’s requirements. The TA consultant will also provide necessary data and information
for the project processing document to be prepared by ADB, the PID and the PAD. The project/
loan processing documents will include safeguard documents like frameworks, EIA and
resettlement plan, ADB’s Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors,
and its Linked Documents.
15. Output 4: Tranche 1 readiness. Key activities to achieve this output are indicated in
Table 1. The TA consultant team will assist the PID and PAD to prepare government’s project
approval documents, called PC-I. The consultant team will also support project readiness
activities and advance actions of the PID and PAD, such as preparation of bidding documents for
the first batch civil works packgages, and procurement support for the first batch civil works
packages, implementation of the initial stage of land acquisition and resettlement, and the PAD’s
advance actions for command area development support in the existing branch areas.
16. The following table lists indicative inputs of experts, while required inputs of experts will
have to be proposed in the consultant’s technical proposals.
17. In addition, the TA consultant team contract will include the following supporting study and
survey sub-contracts, which will be engaged and supervised by the TA consultant team. Results
and findings of the supporting studies and surveys will be incorporated and/or consolidated in the
TA consultant team’s outputs:
(i) Socio-economic surveys and data collection including stakeholder consultations for
EIA preparation;
(ii) Field on-farm agriculture data collection (This may be combined with the item (ii)
above, which could be proposed by the consultants.);
(iii) Socio-economic surveys including stakeholder consultations for resettlement plan
(iv) Topographic surveys for verifying the detail design of canals (The PID plans to
conduct the topographic surveys. A budget for supplemental surveys will be included
in the consultant’s contract as provisional sum.); and
(v) Satellite remote sensing data analysis for developing land and agriculture baseline
18. Indicative outline tasks of each experts are indicated below. Detailed tasks of each experts
will be developed by the consultants and will be indicated in their technical proposals:
Environment Specialist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in environmental science or relevant natural science, or equivalent
professional experience. S/he has 10 years of or longer professional work
experience, including at least 5 years of relevant international experience for
preparing and/or implementing externally funded projects like ADB and the
World Bank and other bilateral or multilateral assistance agencies in developing
countries. Experience in irrigation and water resources management projects in
Pakistan will be given an advantage.
Resettlement Specialist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in relevant social science or equivalent professional experience. S/he
has at least 12 years of professional work experience, including 5 years of or
longer relevant international experience for preparing and/or implementing
externally funded projects like ADB and the World Bank and other bilateral or
multilateral assistance agencies in developing countries. Experience in South
Asia, especially in Pakistan, will be given an advantage.
International Consultants – NON-KEY EXPERTS
Remote Sensing/ GIS Specialist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in civil engineering, irrigation, water resources management, computer
science, remote sensing, or other relevant degree, or equivalent professinal
experience. She/he has at least 8 years of professional experience, preferably
including international experience. S/he is expected to have good knowledge on
remote sensing, satelite data analyses and GIS. Experience in irrigation, water
Agriculture Development The consultants must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
Specialist degree, in agriculture, irrigation, other agriculture-related fields, or equivalent
professional experience. S/he is desirable to have 12 years of or longer
professional work experience, including 7 years of or longer experience in
planning, designing and/or implementing irrigation management, agriculture
extension, and/or other relevant projects with similar nature. Experience in
externally funded projects will be given preference.
Project Economist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in economics, agriculture economics or equivalent professional
experience. S/he has 10 years of or longer professional work experience,
including 7 years of or longer relevant experience. Experience must include
projects with similar nature in irrigation.
Experience in externally funded projects will be given high preference.
Resettlement Specialist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in social science or equivalent professional experience. S/he has 12
years of or longer professional work experience, including 7 years of or longer
experience in planning, administering and/or implementing land acquisition and
resettlement. Experience in externally funded projects will be given preference.
National Consultants – NON-KEY EXPERTS
On-farm Water Management The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
Specialist degree, in irrigation, agriculture or equivalent professional experience. S/he has
12 years or longer professional work experience, including 10 years of or longer
experience in on-farm command area development and/or irrigation projects.
Experience in externally funded projects will be given preference.
Climate Change Specialist/ The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
Hydrologist degree, in civil engineering, hydrology, water resources management or other
relevant natural science degree, or equivalent professional experience. S/he
has at least 8 years professional work experience, including 5 years of or longer
experience in climate change impacts assessments/studies with water
resources-related aspects. Experiences in projects in the field of irrigation and/or
water resources management projects will be given preference. Experience in
externally funded projects will be given advantage.
Environment Specialist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in environmental science or relevant natural science, or equivalent
professional experience. S/he has 10 years of or longer professional work
Social and Gender Specialist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in relevant social science or equivalent professional experience. S/he
has 10 years of or longer professional work experience, including 7 years of or
longer experience in participatory rural appraisal for community development,
gender and other social consideration. S/he is desirable to have knowledge of
requirements of externally funded agencies like ADB for social consideration
including gender aspects. Experience in externally funded projects will be given
Structural Engineer The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in irrgation engineering, civil engineering, or other relevant degree, or
equivalent professional experience. S/he has 10 years or longer professional
work experience, including at least 7 years of experience in designing irrigation
and/or water resources management structures. Experience in externally
funded projects will be given advantage.
Remote Sensing/ GIS Specialist The consultant must have a graduate degree, preferably a post graduate
degree, in civil engineering, irrigation, water resources management, computer
science, remote sensing, or other relevant degree, or equivalent professinal
experience. S/he has at least 5 years of relevant professional experience. S/he
is expected to have good knowledge on remote sensing, satelite data analyses
and GIS. Experience in irrigation, agriculture and water resources management
is advantageous.
D. Reporting Requirements
E. Counterpart Support
20. The existing Project Management Office (PMO) – Canals under the PID led by the project
director will serve as a TA focal, and assist and coordinate with TA consultants. The existing
project implementation office (PIO) for the ADB-financed Jalalpur Irrigation Project under the PAD
will serve as a counterpart for the on-farm command area development support component. The
PID and PAD will provide counterpart staff, and access for necessary data and reports.