National Water Development Agency: Client: NWDA / TF-ILR Consultant: EIL
National Water Development Agency: Client: NWDA / TF-ILR Consultant: EIL
National Water Development Agency: Client: NWDA / TF-ILR Consultant: EIL
Table of Contents
Page no.
1.0 Preamble 03
2.0 Available Information 04
3.0 Terms Of Reference 04
4.0 Time Schedule 07
5.0 Additional Requirements 07
List of Annexes
List of Enclosures
List of Attachment
The Government of India set up a task force to consider the modalities of
implementing river-linking projects in India. The object of the ILR Project is
to provide national water security and alleviate poverty with a broad
measure of regional and social equity. It envisages storage dams and link
canals to transfer water from areas of absolute or seasonal plenty to water
stressed basins for the development of new or augmentation of existing
irrigation commands and water supply and sanitation schemes. In doing
so, there may be additional benefits of flood moderation, hydro-power
generation, navigation, fishery development, inland navigation, tourism,
ecological rejuvenation, improved health and so on.
The objective of development is poverty alleviation, social justice and a
better quality of life for people. Some development situations however
entail displacement of populations and adverse impacts including
disruption of social and kinship networks and livelihoods and other
economic or cultural loss.
Lack of development, however, can also impact on the environment and
lead to distress migration. Involuntary displacement by dams or other water
resource projects must therefore be sought to be converted into a
development opportunity that leaves those affected better off through
enlightened processes of resettlement and rehabilitation.
Though engineering and economic viability is obviously important, the
overall feasibility of each link project will ultimately rest on its human and
socio-economic outcome. Therefore, in order to obtain a meaningful
assessment of impacts on regional economics, a detailed socio-economic
analysis of project affected and influenced area in the catchment and
command above and below the dam is necessary. This will serve as a
baseline survey and suggest the socio-economic goals that must be
realised as well as the market and employment opportunities that are likely
to open up with the development of agricultural activities, agro-based
industries and other necessary project infrastructure. This could include
more ecologically beneficial land use planning and cropping patterns.
The Task Force for Inter Linking of Rivers (TF-ILR) along with the National
Water Development Agency (NWDA) intend to draw up comprehensive
terms of reference for preparation of the Detailed Project Reports (DPR) for
the inter linking projects with the above objectives in view.
Engineers India Ltd. (EIL) was entrusted with the task of preparation of
comprehensive Terms of Reference (TOR) document. EIL outsourced the
portions of socio-economic and financial aspects to National Council of
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Terms of Reference for Preparation of Detailed Project Report
The Detailed Project Report for each river linking project will be a vital
document for assessing techno-economic viability of project and for taking
care of socio-environmental concerns to arrive at a decision for making an
investment on implementation and to decide the implementation
3.2 The scope of work for preparation of the DPR for inter linking of rivers shall
cover but not limited to the following prime activities:
3.3 Basic Objective of the project is to transfer water from water rich-basins to
water- short basins, keeping in view, the needs of the concerned states
ensuring equity, efficiency of water use and cost effectiveness.
The Project should aim at multi purpose and multi objective benefits, which
are cost effective and socially and environmentally acceptable. These
include flood control and drainage recharge of ground water, optimum
generation of hydro power, acceptable lifting of water for irrigation,
development of navigation and tourism, employment generation and
pollution abatement.
Trade-offs of water use for different purposes should be analysed for the
optimisation of benefits. Lessons learned form implementation of similar
river valley projects including performance reviews should be kept in view.
Allocation of cost to various states should be arrived at on the principle that
the concerned state should bear all the costs of the benefits accruable to it
and should be arrived at on the basis of well accepted principles of cost
allocation of common utility such as storage dam or link canal.
The time schedule for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) may
vary for individual DPR for each link project. Depending on the size of the
link project, typical completion schedule of 20 to 30 months is envisaged.
A typical Time Schedule is furnished herewith at Annex-V.
The DPR Consultant shall prepare a detailed micro level Time Schedule
along with activities and names & duration of professionals to be deployed
for each activity and submit for approval as part of the Project Method
Statement. Non-Compliance to Time Schedule shall attract penalty in the
form of Liquidated Damage as per the tender document.
In order to execute the task i.e. preparation of the Detailed Project Report,
the DPR consultant shall inter-act and co-ordinate with the Project
Management Consultant (PMC) to be appointed by NWDA / TF-ILR
(Owner). The PMC shall over see the entire campaign and activities
performed by the DPR consultant and shall generally perform the role of an
The PMC shall be the nodal point between the Owner and the DPR
consultant and shall act on behalf of the Owner for monitoring the
performance and compliance of stipulated specifications and guidelines
during the assignment.
In general, PMS for the aspects such as Organogram, HSE policy, QA &
QC, Micro Time Schedule, Detail Procedure of Each Activities, Document
and Drawing Control Indexing, Project Co-ordination and Communication
Procedure, Invoicing, Monthly Progress Reporting, Interim Progress
Report, etc.
The PMC shall review and comment on the PMS documents submitted by
the DPR consultant. Subsequently, the approved PMS documents shall be
followed for performing the assignments.
All the activities such field investigations, design, analysis and model
studies, and all such assignments specified in the Tender Document shall
be monitored by the PMC.
DPR consultant shall provide all necessary facilities such as office space,
transportation etc. to the PMC for undertaking the monitoring and
supervisory activities as per the tender document.
Preparation of Detailed Project Report shall involve the following prime activities,
to be performed by the DPR- Consultant, which can be broadly classified as
technical, environmental and socio-economic aspects. The scope of work shall be
performed within the ambit of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between
the Govt. of India and the participating State Govts, which shall be made available
to the selected agencies. All the activities shall be carried out as per the latest
applicable & relevant codes and established practices such as Ministry Of Water
Resources Guidelines for Preparation of DPR. List of updated codes, guidelines
and reference organisations which may be useful for preparation of DPR are
given at Enclosure – X.
Consequent upon the collection of data, desk studies shall be carried out
so as to undertake preliminary planning and development of a
comprehensive database. This shall form the basic input for all future
reference and shall be a mosaic of spatial data with linkage of non-spatial
attribute data. The broad activities shall include:
• Geomorphology
• Geology and Structural elements including lineaments
• Soil type, texture and depth
• Slope Map (angle and aspect)
• Drainage analysis
• Hydrogeology along with Ground water potential zone
• Surface water bodies and wetlands
• Drought Assessment
• Flood damage and Risk Assessment
• Agriculture-Crop Pattern, Crop acreage and Production Estimation
• Forest Coverage and Biennial forest mapping
• Land Use and Land Cover Pattern
• Resources viz. mineral deposits, ornamental stones, construction
• Construction Borrow area
• Population and Settlement Pattern
• Any other spatial and temporal data etc.
• Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) Data shall be linked with G.I.S. models for
easy access and development of a Decision Support System (DSS).
• Cloud free, high resolution satellite data from IRS P6 Resource Sat LISS - 4
MSS, IKONOS, Quick Bird, Cartosat satellites shall be used to obtain and
update existing information for the purpose of preparation of maps of 1:
50,000. All the remote sensing data shall be obtained from / through the
organisations of Deptt. of Space, Govt. of India viz. National Data Center,
NRSA, Hyderabad and ANTRIX Corporation, Bangalore.
• The SRS data shall be used for mapping resources characteristics such as
land cover and use including culturable and agricultural land, cropped area,
cropping pattern including irrigated area, single & multiple cropped area etc.
• The other map layers shall include surface water, soil type, geology, and
geomorphology and hydrogeology themes.
• Derived thematic maps shall also be prepared based on the available
information on irrigation and agricultural practice.
• Analysis of time series data of past water and land resources scenario shall
be carried out by assessing the archived SRS data from the NRSA Data
center. Thus, the dynamic hydrologic status shall be monitored by
comparing the selective SRS data and this shall form an input in model
studies and in DSS.
• The developed comprehensive multi-layered maps shall be integrated with
collateral data; socio-economic data etc. and an action plan shall be
• In view of the inter-basin and intra-basin transfer of surface water
resources, site-specific maps for land and water resources development
shall be generated by using suitable Remote Sensing & GIS softwares like
ERDAS, Arc GIS or equivalent with extensions such as Spatial Analyst, 3D
Analyst etc. by integrating various thematic maps, suggesting measures for
optimal utilization of land & water resources for sustainable development of
the area.
• The System shall have tools to demarcate all the elements and information.
The Remote Sensing based information shall be integrated appropriately in
the on-site surveys and investigations.
Prior to under taking on-site data acquisition, for 1: 10,000 and 1:5000
maps, available aerial photos (both in analog and digital media) with
organisations such as Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and
Survey Of India (SOI) may be obtained, studied and evaluated for
utilisation in the respective components of the project. Wherever, suitable
data coverage is not available, on site data acquisition shall be under taken
with prior approval of Owner.
ALTM shall be undertaken for canal surveys and other strip surveys
covering long traverses where adequate data is not available. For surveys
of project structures digital Total station and Differential GPS shall be used.
All the surveys results shall be generated in the form of digital maps.
The airborne survey results shall be used for creating precise digital
elevation models & ortho-photos, and mapping of all the field aspects in a
digital media so as to integrate the data products for subsequent model
studies and engineering design purpose. Subsequent to the airborne
surveys, ground truth verification shall be performed and on-site field
investigations shall be taken up.
However, for the entire basin topographic and other details shall be
extracted from the available Satellite Imageries and Survey of India
Toposheets in the scale of 1: 50,000 and 1: 25,000.
• Archeological Survey
• Resources Surveys viz. minerals
• Source for Construction Materials
• Surveys for assessment of existing infrastructure facilities
• Right of Way and Right of Use
• Legal and Cadastral Surveys
For anticipated areas having underground utilities, such as cables, oil &
gas pipelines etc, where precise data are not available, limited-crossing
surveys by Ground Penetrating Radar (Geo-radar) shall be under taken.
Based on the available data, maps, feasibility reports and airborne survey
results the regional geological setting shall be assessed. Following
minimum maps and cross section details shall be prepared:
• Reservoirs
• Dams and Dykes
• Head Works, and energy dissipation area
• In take, Out fall points and regulator site
• Tunnel for hydro power and en-route canal
• Power House site
• En-route the major canal distribution system
• Sources of construction material
• Communication routes
Adequate coverage survey shall be carried out at the proposed site and
en-route the canal network for identification of suitable site for construction
material. This shall cover:
Location maps of the borrow areas, estimates of the quantity of material for
each location, details of sample collection/testing of the materials,
suitability of the material, road maps showing the transport road upto the
borrow area in relation to the construction site(s) shall be provided.
For detailed guidelines refer Enclosure No. IV: Guidelines for Construction
Material Survey
1 Rainfall 2 Wind
3 Cyclone 4 Cloud Cover
5 Snow Cover 6 Humidity
7 Visibility 8 Temperature
9 Discharge 10 Sedimentation
11 Water Quality 12 Evaporation
13 Siltation 14 Sunshine
An index map with bar chart shall be prepared showing location of the
stations along with the available and collected data. A brief note shall also
be attached to the map stating the data quality, utility and consistency for
DPR purpose. Based on the hydrological and meteorological data an
analysis for water flows, sediment flows, evaporation and command area
rainfall shall be described.
The developed database shall be updated with the inputs collected through
on-site field investigation campaigns. This shall be further augmented with
additional inputs from preliminary environmental and socio-economic
aspects. This updated database shall form the basic input for all further
studies, analysis and computations and a convenient retrieval system shall
be built-in into the database.
The water assessment studies shall be carried out within the ambit of the
Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) between the Govt. of India and the
participating State Govts.
• Hydraulic structures
• Risk Analysis
Detail are furnished at Enclosure no. VI.: Guidelines for Model Studies and
The DPR Consultant shall carry out engineering and other allied studies to
ensure that the benefits envisaged are sustainable over a long period
besides quality aspects and operational requirements. These shall include
but not limited to the following:
Studies shall be carried out for confirmation / realignment of the site and
type of facilities. These shall include finalisation of location, layout,
alignment and dimensions etc. for the facilities listed as below:
The present network of the existing facilities, the possible potentials and
the possibilities of utilising the network in connection with the construction
of the project shall be studied, techniques identified and remedial
measures for updating the network shall be discussed and the cost of such
updation shall be prepared and included in the project cost.
The selected design along with the hydraulic conditions and seismic co-
efficients shall be finalised in consultation with the Owner. Approval of
National Committee of Design Seismic parameter shall be sought for the
seismic coefficient adopted for designs of various structures at DPR stage.
Subsequently, Front End Engineering shall be performed.
5.4.7 Miscellaneous
• Instrumentation to monitor the performance of various structures such
as dams, tunnels, barrages etc. This shall include instrumentation to
monitor stresses, deformation, seepage, pore pressure and vibration.
• Reservoir stability measures.
• Industrial and Urban use of water resources including transportation,
storage, treatment and water cess.
In order to carry out CAD studies the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR)
instructions along with the MOU between Govt. of India and respective
State Govts. Shall be followed. In addition, the following aspects shall be
addressed as part of Irrigation and Command Area Studies and the
methods adopted shall also be furnished.
In view of the above consultant shall prepare detailed R&R package &
National Policy on Resettlement & Rehabilitation for Project Affected
Families-2003 (NPRR-2003) formulated by MoRD shall form basic
minimum criteria for devising the R&R package. However, in line with the
section 1.6 of the NPRR-2003, R&R packages for individual projects shall
not be limited to the NPRR and can have schemes of higher compensation
packages with the objective of meeting the millennium development goals
defined by Planning Commission of India.
Consultants with necessary experience and capabilities may carry out the
above socio-economic surveys, impact assessment and preparation of
The Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) calculation shall be prepared based on all
such impacts. The project shall be grouped under separate units such as
Head works, Canals and Irrigation works, Hydro electric installations,
Navigation works, if any, Water supply works, if any and Command area
development works etc.
The capital cost of the components shall be assessed after adding the cost
of surveys and investigations, cost of engineering, cost of work, cost of
establishment, tools and plant, cost of land acquisition, cost of R&R, cost of
environment management and any other related cost including cost of
possible anticipated negative impact which is to be directly borne by the
The consultant shall get the pre and post project agricultural yields vetted
by Deptt. of Agriculture.
The unit rates of material and labours shall be obtained from the prevalent
rates for specific area / basin for costing purpose. Ongoing similar projects
in the area / basin can form the basis for the rates or otherwise the same
shall be analysed as required.
All tangible and intangible benefits shall be evaluated and quantified for
arriving with the total benefit figure.
This study shall also include aspects such as water pricing, water laws,
water trade, water rights and economic & efficient use of water (limited to
append the information). During the financial analysis, past project
experiences shall be studied and reflected as part of the DPR preparation
activities. Refer Annex – IV for detailed Financial Analysis
Prior to submission of the final DPR, specified no. of draft reports shall be
submitted for review and acceptance. Subsequently, after incorporation of
the review comments, the final DPR shall be submitted.
The DPR shall also include all the relevant documents, analysis and results
with back up calculations, drawings, inter active models and schemes,
estimates etc. as per the scope of work. Specified number of draft final
reports along with all the Annex and subsequent final report shall be
submitted in both hard and soft copies as per the tender document.
Mahanadi-Godavari Link
Inchampalli-Nagarjunasagar Link
Inchampalli Low Dam-Nagarjunasagar Tail Pond Link
Polavaram -Vijayawada Link
Almatti-Pennar Link
Srisailam-Pennar Link
Nagarjunasagar-Somasila Link
Somasila-Grand Anicut Link
Kattalai-Vaigai-Gundar Link
Pamba-Achankovil-Vaippar Link
Bedti-Varada Link
Netravati-Hemavati Link
Damanganga-Pinjal Link
Par-Tapi-Narmada Link
Ken-Betwa Link
Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal Link
Besides these three major links, a number of minor links have already
been mentioned under the Peninsular and Himalayan Components. It is
proposed that at the ultimate stage, the Himalayan links from Brahmaputra
to Ganga would be integrated with the Peninsular link from Mahanadi to
Vaigai. A number of large dams and canal systems are proposed to be
constructed to store and transfer floodwater of the surplus rivers. For
transferring surplus waters of Mahanadi and Godavari, dams are proposed
to be constructed at Manibhadra on Mahanadi and Inchampalli and
Polavaram on Godavari rivers. Similarly, dams on Manas and Sankosh
rivers in Brahmaputra basin (Bhutan) and Kosi, Gandak, Ghaghara and
Sarda in Ganga basin (Nepal) are proposed for storing and transferring
water to water short areas.
However, detailed delineation of project site for the purpose of study shall be
based on the requirement of each individual link project.
• Air Environment
• Water Environment
• Land Environment
• Biological Environment (Aquatic and Terrestrial)
• Socioeconomic Environment
I. Air Environment
This will cover all the aspects of surface as well as ground water. This shall
include but not limited to:
• Land use and land cover (e.g. Forest, agriculture, barren etc.) using
satellite imagery
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Terms of Reference for Preparation of Detailed Project Report
• Mineral resources
• Water use
• Water logging
• Forest cover
• Rare and endangered species
• Species which require management
• Species of economic significance
• Species of special interest to local population or tourists
• Aquatic fauna of commercial/recreational value and migratory fish
species along with their spawning ground
• Habitat including breeding ground and access corridor for food and
• Biodiversity
V. Socioeconomic Environment
• Archaeological Locations
• Sources of water pollution (present as well as future)
• Dependence on water system
• Tourism
• Public Health
The EIA study shall cover all the relevant environmental issues that have
impact due to the proposed project including the following:
• Air Environment
• Water Environment
• Land Environment
• Biological Environment (Aquatic and Terrestrial)
• Socioeconomic Environment
I. Air Environment
Terrestrial environment
• Impact on forest area and National park and sanctuaries and other
sensitive ecosystem
• Impact on biota and biodiversity loss particularly with special reference
to the rare and threatened species, endemic species of both animals
and plants.
• Impact on habitat loss particularly with special reference to the rare and
threatened species, endemic species of both animals and plants.
• Impact due to habitat change having effect like corridor loss and loss of
migratory path for wildlife including birds.
• Impacts on the breeding grounds of species and on access of animals
to food and shelter.
Aquatic environment
• Impact on flora and fauna in the connecting basins as well as along the
• Impact on aquatic ecology including fisheries and endangered species
• Impact on sensitive ecosystem
• Impact due to bio-accumulation and bio-magnification in aquatic life and
• Impact due to change in ecological functioning of river system
• Impact on growth of aquatic weed
• Impacts on fish spawning and migration including impact on their
breeding ground.
V. Socioeconomic Environment
• Impact on public health due to vector borne diseases
• Impact on sensitive locations like archeological sites etc.
• Impact on change in occupational pattern especially for those who are
dependent on the water resources
• Impact on tourism
• Impact on human settlement
Financial analysis should cover estimation of annual costs and annual
benefits of the project in monetised terms. The benefits should be
estimated by compiling the tangible benefits to be accrued from the project
on various accounts (explained later).
In addition, the intangible benefits like creation of employment,
improvement of the standard of living, health and environment, etc should
also be assessed (as accurately as possible in monetised terms) and duly
considered for economic analysis. Based on above analysis, prioritisation
of implementation of the various components of the project could be
Planned large investment on any infrastructure project need to be
evaluated on the basis of detailed feasibility analysis, especially in case of
the project like Interlinking of Rivers (ILR) which involves a long gestation
period. Financial Analysis (FA) will provide three very useful quantitative
project evaluation measures- Cost Benefit Ratio, Economic Internal Rate of
Return (EIRR)1 and Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR). The EIRR is
the evaluation of the projects from the viewpoint of the national economy.
The FIRR takes into account only the financial inflows, exclusive of
economic benefits, and shows the financial/ commercial viability of the
project, which is often a condition for long run sustainability of the project
(these terms are explained in the next sub-section).
Cash Flow Analysis will consist of two countervailing parts- the outflows
(basically, the proposed costs) and expected inflows (returns) over the
A) Outflows: First, we enlist the cost items relevant for 'financial'
analysis, where we take the market prices for consideration.
(1) Costs during pre-construction phase: These are the early requirements.
Most of the funds need to be collected from budget allotment or loan
from co-operative banks, etc (as recently resorted to in Sardar
Sarovar Project). Private equity participation in this initial phase will
not be large, as they are more concerned with immediate return. The
pre-construction costs are-
a) Expenditure on geological, economic, engineering, etc feasibility
studies, excluding the govt. officials of the project implementation
b) Rehabilitation:
i) Cost of land acquisition
ii) Cost of new land for resettlement
iii) Cost of new employment provisions
Using the terminology of Asian Development Bank (ADB)
iv) Financial relief for people dislocated from the place of last
v) Environment cost due to rehabilitation
(2) Costs during Construction phase: These costs could be financed in
part by domestic internal borrowing, aided by external assistance
and loans. The precise estimation costs on capital assets (inclusive
of a provision for inflation) is very crucial since any cost overrun
could lead to delay the construction activity, which will, in turn, delay
the realisation of returns.
a) Capital Assets: They include the expenses on basic structure
and equipment mentioned in the technical specification of the
project (i.e. head works on main dam, canals, barrages,
reservoir, embankments, etc including the provisions for
distributaries, electricity generation and distribution, drinking
water supply and navigation works).
b) The unit cost of digging, leveling, clearing and reclamation
should be estimated for one representative hectare of each
terrain type and then extrapolated for the whole project area.
c) Capital costs are irreversible and confined to the construction
phase (post-construction expenditure on renovations will
need to be provided- see below).
d) Wages: In ILR project, labour (both unskilled and expert
supervision) cost will be a major outflow of funds given the
'labour intensive' nature of irrigation projects. In view of the
typical rigidity of wage rates in India in the face of abundant
unemployed workers, this cost component will be fairly
stable. This heading must include the expenses on temporary
dwellings, schools and hospitals for migrant labourers.
e) Annual Loan Repayment: For its calculation, the conditions
regarding the year of first repayment instalment, year by
which loan has to be repaid and the interest rebate will need
to be finalised by the time of CF analysis. Logically,
repayment will start from the end of the first year of project
implementation when the water charges will be collected
(these details should be obtained from the recommended
financing plan).
(3) Costs during Operational Phase: For full realisation of benefits, the
long run financial viability of the project is very crucial. So a
Maintenance & Operation Manual has to be prepared showing-
(a) Working Capital Funds: Since water charges and
maintenance cess are often collected once in a year,
sufficient funds should be available with the maintenance
units for operation, small repairs; administrative cost of
determination, collection and audit of water-charges,
including electricity, fuels, rents for vehicles hired, etc.
For the project component like power plants also, working
capital will be need to meet operating costs as the billing
cycles involves unavoidable time lag.
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Terms of Reference for Preparation of Detailed Project Report
PVs equal to zero is the IRR of the project (i.e. IRR makes the present
values of costs equal to the present values of benefits). Comparing it with
the alternative investment option (like, minor irrigation) or the market rate of
interest (or a reference level like 10 to 12 per cent followed by ADB / World
Bank ), we can decide whether the project is worth implementing or not.
The same table can be used for 'Economic Cost-Benefit Ratio Analysis'
and calculation of EIRR, which shows the total outflows required and
various tangible and intangible benefits emerging from the project. The
changes that need to be made are as follows-
(1) On the costs side, for economic IRR we take constant prices (i.e.
with reference to a base year prices) instead of current prices so as
to reflect the real cost and real benefits free of inflation.
(2) We use 'shadow prices' for inputs used, lands submerged; shadow
wage rates to show the opportunity cost of the labour and shadow
exchange rate. The shadow prices reflect the true value of the
resources to the national economy by removing the distortionary
margin (subsidy/ taxes) from the market prices.
On the benefits side, in place of revenues from water charges, etc we put
benefits from:
i. Additional2 crop production
ii. Additional livestock production
iii. Flood control (in terms of crops and property worth saved). The
estimate of Cost Benefit ratio for flood control aspect alone could
also be calculated.
iv. Drinking water supply and reduction of water-borne diseases.
v. Employment generation in 'mandays per hectare' or in terms of
'Wage bill paid out': (a) During the construction activities (b) Out of
Multiple cropping (c) Increased farm-labourers, if any (possibility of
reduction in employment through mechanisation should not be
overlooked as irrigation is observed to be accompanied in many areas
by adaptation of mechanised farming practices).
vi. Navigation, if any.
vii. Pisciculture, if any.
viii. Indirect benefits from expansion of ancillary industries.
2.2 Exhaustive list of estimates required for Cash Flow analysis
1. A pre-determined Discount Rate: The need for discount rate arises
in calculating the Cost Benefit Ratio and calculation of shadow
prices. The costs and returns will occur in streams over different
years. To make them comparable they need to be discounted to
present values (PV). Different options are available for the discount
rate- the interest rate prevailing in the country, the open market rate
on borrowing for public investment, or a combination of spot and
'Additional' implies the difference between the output of the 'with' the project scenario and 'without' the
project scenario.
Natural risks arise from the hazards of the weather that may cause
fluctuation in water supply and crop yields. Probability calculations in
hydrological surveys show that drought could occur in one or two or even
three consecutive years. In calculations of average yields, it must be borne
in mind that in about one year out of ten no more than 70% of the normal
yield may be expected, but a total crop failure is unlikely. With the help of
statistical methods (Arithmetic Mean) it is possible to calculate reasonable
average yields on the basis of the known climate of the area and the actual
yields achieved by the farms. Also using the past record the probability of
risks through unforeseen factors need to calculated.
Economic risks regarding prices could be estimated. Concurrent
technological progress (both productivity raising and input cost reducing)
may lead to steady decline in prices as supply exceeds demand. Also the
maintenance costs may rise due to high inflation.
Since it is very difficult to forecast the scale of probable fluctuations in
yields and prices with any accuracy, the only solution is to test the
sensitivity of calculations to these fluctuations. This may be done by using
other parameters than those considered probable in the initial calculation
and by finding out what parameter(s) have the strongest effects on the
profitability of the projects for a given percentage variation (i.e. increase in
investment costs, increase in operation costs, decrease in average yields,
price decline and extension of construction and farmers' adaptation
periods). So, it is desirable to calculate the upper and lower limit of IRR
and Cost-Benefit Ratio.
There are some contingent cost items like the cost of complementary
afforestation if substantial forest land has been submerged, health
safeguards to be incorporated during the construction so as to reduce the
incidence of health hazards in the operational phase, preventive measures
like spraying of mosquito repellent to prevent water-borne diseases,
environmental replenishment measures, etc. The negative impact of them
on financial returns will be analysed in the sensitivity analysis as, by
nature, they are contingent. The impact of delays in construction due to
inter-state disputes over sharing of water, reduction in the project life due
to higher than the expected siltation, etc. will be similarly incorporated.
Also the items like the loss of medicinal plants, deltas, disappearance of
ports and consequent rise in transportation cost (if any), the opportunity
cost of fuels lost in cases of water-lifting, etc will be considered in the
sensitivity analysis for the economic cost- benefit analysis.
On the ‘inflow’ side, the Water Charges (for irrigated water) and
Maintenance Cess are the standard sources directly accruing from the
canal link. In addition, expected inflows from power generation, drinking
water supply and navigation use should be separately assessed for the full
life of the project. On power generation, the total operating expenses and
the expected revenues from bulk sale of electricity should be estimated
separately, and the ‘net’ inflow worked out so as to provide the expected
bidders with a FIRR of power plant alone. Similarly the water supply aspect
can be entrusted to some agency with own budget for upgrading and
distributing the drinking water and own revenue target under BOT or similar
Scale /
Description Extent of surveys Contour Remarks
1. River Surveys i) Upstream 1:10,000 H, Levelling at
L-Section 1:100 V 50m interval
L-section upto MWL + 5m or to a
along the fair
point up to which the back water weather deep
effect is likely to extend from the
axis of the structure, whichever is
less. In case of any headworks
situated upstream within
MWL+5m or the farthest point
affected by back water, L-Section
to be taken upto the headworks.
ii) Downstream - do - - do -
10 km from the axis of the
structure or upto nearest
headwork whichever is less
Both the L-Section and X-sections shall have the following details:
i) Date of survey of the particular reach and water level on that day
ii) Deep pools and rapids including their bed levels, rock outcrops, etc.
iii) Maximum Historical observed HFL.
For each item, brief details of the performed surveys shall be furnished.
Regional geological setting of the project area shall be compiled from the
available published literature and maps. However, for areas or segments
where geological maps are not available such data shall be collected on
1:50,000 scale maps by undertaking traverses. These regional traverses
shall be undertaken with standard practices of geological mapping with
respect to the topographical maps. In the regional scale, the
geomorphology and general geological features of the region shall be
studied through digital remote sensing data products. Suitable ground
traverses shall be made for ground truth verification.
Airborne surveys shall be carried out for the project site including the canal
route and command area. These digital data collection shall provide a
quick insight of the regional setting with a 3-D visualization and analysis
model. Based on the results obtained there of, segments or areas of
engineering geological concerns shall be identified for further on-land
geological and geophysical investigations.
• The rock type at the site shall be described supported by thin section
studies and geo-chemical analysis.
• Rock weathering lateritisation with its type, intensity & extent and effect
on excavation shall be addressed.
• Structurally weak zones such as faults, shear zones, joint planes and
fracture zones shall be demarcated on plan. Thereby, the anticipated
causes of instability and proposed remedial measures shall be outlined.
The geological setting of the area of submergence due to reservoir site
shall be studied in detail for delineation of such structurally weak zones,
which could be possible avenues of leakage of reservoir water. Such
cases shall be discussed with anticipated and permitted extent of loss
of water.
• Anticipated undesirable rock stresses along with their likely extent and
magnitude for underground works such as cavities, tunnels etc. shall
be defined on the basis of the on site field test results.
2.3 Seismicity
The detailed site plans, L-sections and X-sections shall have bench marks,
coordinate, and all the delineated geological features and shall have
adequate overlap for continuity purpose.
• Details the location of the auger/drill holes, pits and drifts excavated
and in-situ tests conducted for the foundation investigations alongwith
axis, abutments and other locations.
• Logging of the auger/drill holes, pits and drifts, description of sub strata,
including weak and vulnerable zones.
• Details of the disturbed and undisturbed soil samples collected for
classification of the foundation material and result of the laboratory tests
• Details and results of the in-situ tests(density, shear, permeability,
bearing capacity, penetration etc.) conducted at different depths in
selected boreholes and other location..
• Description of the foundation rocks, detail of samples collected and its
properties including core recovery, permeability etc.
• Summary of the field observations, investigations and in-situ and
laboratory tests data, evaluation of the design parameters and
treatment proposed.
• In case of earth and rock-fill dams, type of cut off chosen viz.
Conventional open trench/diaphragm/sheet pile etc. and its depth as
well as nature such as positive or partial with or without a grout curtain
may be furnished.
• Details regarding testing for determination of dynamic properties of soil
or liquefaction susceptibility
• Details regarding testing for determination of dynamic properties of rock
foundation strata.
• Details and location of the drill holes, along the dam axis and abutment,
along toe line of the dam (river bed and spillway) and along a line
upstream of the dam axis at a distance equal to the distance between
the dam axis and toe line (river bed and spillway or at locations decided
2.3 Canal
• Detail and logging of the auger hole/drill holes/pits excavated,
classification of the strata in the various reaches and identification of
the problematic reaches including reaches involving deep cutting/filling.
• In case of deep cutting in rock strata, details regarding the feasibility of
a tunnel and its details.
• Details and results of the samples collected to confirm the field
• Details and results of the in-situ density tests, conducted, if necessary.
• Summary of the field investigations/observations, laboratory and in-situ
tests data and general recommendations regarding evaluation of
design parameters and treatment proposed.
g) Canal and Drill holes or pits 500m or less Equal in the full supply depth of
water conductor apart to depict the complete canal or one meter below the
system profiles details. design bed level in rock whichever
is less.
1. A minimum pattern of drilling holes and excavation of pits and drifts has
been suggested above. Additional holes shall be drilled and pits/drifts
excavated in consultation with the Geologist/Research laboratory to bring
our clearly the foundation and abutment characteristics especially the weak
zones requiring special treatment.
2. Disturbed and/or undisturbed soil samples, foundation of rock samples,
etc. shall be collected and tested at an interval of 1.5m depth or change of
strata for laboratory tests. In situ permeability tests shall be carried out in
the selected drill holes in different strata at different elevations. Other in
situ tests shear tests etc. shall be carried out in the holes or other suitable
locations depending upon the nature of the strata and design
3. The core recoveries obtained from the boreholes should be more than 90%
in hard rock and 70% in soft rock. The core should be labeld and
preserved as per IS. Colour photographs to be taken of cores for record.
4. The bearing capacity test and in situ testing of the foundation rock shall be
carried out for item(b) to (f) at average foundation level.
5. The plans and cross-sections shall be prepared on the scale as indicated
in Annex-1 unless otherwise stated and shall be attached with the
6. The logs of the holes/pits/drifts shall be prepared as per IS Nos. 4453-1967
and 44-1967 (codes of practice).
Soils and rock-fill Location(s) of different types of soils in the borrow area,
quantities, properties, lead etc.
Sand Location(s) of sand quarry/other source (brushed sand)
quantity available, properties, lead etc.
Rock & Aggregates Location(s) of the quarries for different types of rocks
available and their properties, quantity available, lead etc.
Bricks & Tiles Location(s) of the soils suitable for manufacture of bricks &
tiles, quantum available, properties of the soil & bricks
including lead etc.
Pozzolana Location of the natural pozzolonic material fly ash or soil
suitable for manufacture of surkhi, available quantity,
properties, lead, etc.
Cement &lime stone Location of the lime stone quarry, quantity available for
manufacture of cement & lime, properties, lead etc.
Cement and steel Location of the rail head & stockyard and lead from the site
of work(s).
Scarce Materials Source, quantities required and procedures for procurement
Investigation of material that is available from compulsory excavation like underground
power house, foundation for overflow and non-overflow structures etc.
Any other material
The sample for testing shall be collected by qualified persons from the
testing laboratory. Alternatively, sufficient quantity of samples shall be
collected as per procedure prescribed in IS and in consultation with the
• Soils
The depth of the pits & auger holes shall depend upon the availability of
the soils and economic exploitation.
The borrow area shall be located as near the dam site as possible but at
least at a distance 5-10 times the head(H) of water away from the toe or
heal of the dam (for small and medium dams the distance shall not be less
than 10H and for high dams not less than 5 H)
The plan and section showing the stratification of the borrow area shall be
provided along with the lead for different types of soils from the site(s) of
work for different borrow areas.
Samples from the different approved rock quarry(s) for different type of
rocks shall be collected for laboratory tests. Lead from the site(s) of work
of different quarry(s) shall be indicated. For assessment of quantities drill
holes shall be taken in consultation with geologist, if required.
• Natural/crushed sand
• Natural Pozzolona
Samples shall be collected from the quarry for laboratory test to prove its
suitability. The lead and quantity available shall be indicated.
• Lime Stone
Samples shall be collected for laboratory tests to prove its suitability for
manufacture of cement/lime. The lead to the proposed site(s) of
manufacture of cement/lime and quantity available shall be indicated.
• Cement
The source of cement and the distance from the nearest railhead to the
site(s) of work shall be indicated.
• Steel
The sources/stockyard etc. and its distance from the work site(s) shall be
• Scarce material
Hydrological data requirement for the envisaged project shall be as per the
outlined requirements under data collection for various aspects such as
water resources assessment and as per the listed sections of Hydrology
volume of the Detail Project Report. However, the extent of these
investigations shall be determined by the nature and purpose of
development i.e. the use to which these data would be put to availability of
hydrological and meteorological data in the general region from existing
The above data requirements and data availability shall be studied and
discussed with owner for assessing the suitability for analysis.
The observed data would not be available for desired locations or for
desired length of period and therefore the inputs shall have to be prepared
using data transfer and data extension techniques.
The data collection shall be a continuous process and all sites established
by DPR consultant shall be handed over to Owner for continuing the
Hydraulic structures across the rivers can also be used for flow
measurement provided the structures have been properly calibrated
preferably by model tests.
The report shall be prepared as per the laid out guideline in the Enclosure
No. IX. However, specific site activities and investigations performed, as
part of data collection campaign shall be annexed as a separate report to
the main DPR. This shall also have the entire data set both in tabulated
manner and pictorial representation along with the analysis.
Following are the minimum requirements for the numerical model studies
and assessments envisaged for the project.
In order to perform the numerical model the following minimum inputs shall
be used.
• Flow inputs: representing locations where water enters the river system
• Reservoir input: representing either a storage reservoir or a storage
with associated hydroelectric plant.
• Irrigation inputs: representing segments/area for which water is
• Municipal & industrial water supply.
• Diversion and Routing inputs: representing man-made diversion
• Hydrograph inputs: representing flow parameters at locations where
minimum guaranteed flow is to be maintained.
• Confluence inputs: representing the location details of confluence of
water systems
• Ground water input: representing the aquifer system
• Flow control inputs
• Terminal inputs: representing locations of end points and boundary.
Water quality studies of the entire network shall be carried out in order to
assess the impact of the project. This shall have, as a minimum, spreading
of pollution in river and network of canals under diversified flow and
pollutant discharge conditions as existing.
The risk analysis shall commence with an inventory of the hazards &
mechanism. Then the consequences of failure shall be evaluated, along
with characterisation of damage, structural damage and duration of load
shall be estimated.
• Stretch length
• Hydrograph
• Sailing restriction
• Vessel characteristics
• Sailing Spread
The numerical models shall be able to import data directly from the
database including GIS maps and return data into the database for
presentation and further analysis. The system shall be capable of handling
data sets of, as a minimum, following types
C. Water
Parameters for Set of grab Diurnal and Samples for
water quality samples during Season wise water quality
pH, temp, pre and post- should be
turbidity, monsoon for collected and
magnesium ground and analysed as per
hardness, total surface water for :
alkalinity, chloride, 10 km distance IS : 2488 (Part
sulphate, nitrate, 1-5) methods
fluoride, sodium, for sampling
potassium, salinity and testing of
total nitrogen, Industrial
total phosphorus, effluents
DO, BOD, COD, Standard
Phenol, methods for
Heavy metals examination of
Total coliforms, water and
faecal coliforms wastewater
Phyto plankton analysis
Zoo plankton published by
American Public
Network Frequency
For River Bodies
• Total Carbon Standard Yield of water Samples for water Data should be
• pH methodology for sources to be quality should be collected from
• Dissolved collection of measured during collected and relevant offices
Oxygen surface water critical season analysed as per : such as central
• Biological (BIS standards) River Stretch IS : 2488 (Part 1- water
Oxygen Demand within project 5) methods for commission,
• At least one area be divided state and
Free NH4 sampling and
• Boron grab sample in grids (say 1 testing of central ground
• Sodium km length and Industrial effluents water board,
per location 1/3 width) and Irrigation dept.
Absorption Ratio Standard methods
per season samples should for examination of
• Electrical
be from each water and
grid at a time wastewater
when the analysis published
wastewater by American
discharged by Public Health
other sources of Association.
pollution is
expected to be
Network Frequency
D. Land
Soil One surface sample Season-wise Collected and
• Particle size from each village, analysed as per
distribution (soil samples be soil analysis
• Texture collected as per BIS reference book,
• pH specifications) M.I.Jackson and
• Electrical soil analysis
conductivity reference book
• Cation exchange by C.A. Black
• Alkali metals
• Sodium
Absorption Ratio
• Permeability
• Water holding
• Porosity
Land At least 20 points Global
use/Landscape along the boundary positioning
• Location code system
• Total project area Topo sheets
• Topography Satellite
• Drainage Imageries*
(natural) (1:25,000)
• Cultivated, forest, Satellite
plantations, water Imageries*
bodies, roads (1:25,000)
and settlements
*Project specific
Network Frequency
Solid Waste
Domestic Waste Grab and Season-wise Guidelines
• Per capita composite IS 9569 : 1980
contribution IS 10447 : 1983
• Collection, transport IS 12625 : 1989
and disposal system IS 12647 : 1989
• Process waste IS 12662 (PTI)
• Quality (oily, 1989
chemical, biological)
Quality Grab and Season-wise Analysis
• Loss on heating composite IS 9334 : 1979
• pH IS 9235 : 1979
• EC IS 10158 : 1982
• Calorific value,
metals etc.
Hazardous Waste Grab and Analysis
• Permeability and composite IS 9334 : 1979
porosity IS 9235 : 1979
• Moisture pH IS 10158 : 1982
• Electrical
• Loss on ignition
• Phosphorous
• Total nitrogen
• Cation exchange
• Particle size
• Heavy metal
• Arsenic
• Fluoride
Network Frequency
• Avi fauna For forest Secondary data to
• Rare and studies, collect from
endangered direction of wind Government
species should be offices, NGOs,
• Sanctuaries / considered published literature
National park while selecting Plankton net
/ Biosphere forests Sediment dredge
reserve Depth sampler
• Migratory Microscope
routes Field binocular
F. Socio-economic
• Demographic Socio-economic Minimum for Primary data Secondary data
structure survey is based two phases of collection through from census
• Infrastructure on the project questionnaire records, statistical
resource proportionate, hard books, Topo
base stratified and sheets, health
• Economic random records and
resource sampling relevant official
base method records available
• Health status: with Govt.
Morbidity agencies
• Cultural and
• Education
The software / information system shall have facilities for user interface design
and inter operability. It shall be developed with standard software such as Visual
Basic for application, SQL SERVER and ORACLE for database management
system and a G.I.S. tool such as Arc GIS or similar for display and analysis of
thematic layers of information.
All the licensed purchased or used for this job shall be in the name of the Owner
and all the source code of the developed application software shall be provided to
the owner.
The data model shall be designed so as to have compatibility with any of the GIS
package and similarly compatibility of the propriety software with other software
shall be ensured.
The information system shall provide a collaborative environment for multi user
editing, updating, analysis, visualization and decision-making. To be operated
through stand-alone desktop PC, the devised system shall have the minimum
features as mentioned here under:
• Data Access
• Mapping, Customisation
• Hot link, Query Run and Decision Support System
• Editing, Data Conversion
• Geo-processing, High-quality Cartography
• Internet-enabled
• On-the-fly projection
• Geo-coding
• Wizard-driven tools
• Support for metadata standards using XML
• COM-based customization Extensible architecture
• Direct read of more than 40 data formats
The data inputs for the system shall be digital remote sensing data such as FCC,
Aerial Photography, and Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping survey results. In
addition to these inputs the system shall be designed to have facilities for
punching real time on site investigation results such as geological,
geomorphological, geophysical, geotechnical and hydrological parameters
developed through Auto CAD or similar platforms. The system shall also have
features to amalgamate numerical model study results for geo-processing.
The system shall have add on features for carrying out the following:
• Spatial Modeling and Analysis of both raster and vector data in order to
create buffers, generate density maps, create surfaces and derive contour,
slope, aspect maps, perform Boolean queries and algebraic calculation,
perform grid classification etc. It should also be able to do the following:
Three Dimensional Visualization for Topographic Analysis i.e. perform inter active
perspective viewing. It should also be able to perform certain topographic analysis
like View shed analysis. The solution should enable users to effectively visualize
and analyse surface data. Using the system one should view a surface from
multiple viewpoints, query a surface, determine what is visible from a chosen
location on a surface, and create a realistic perspective image draping raster and
vector data over a surface.
The perspective viewing shall have features such pan, zoom, rotate, and tilt, fly-
through simulation, for both presentation and analysis. The three dimensional
viewing shall have facilities for generation of sub- surface models for engineering
purpose and hydro geological analysis such as ground water/ aquifer modelling.
Ground water and surface creation. This shall also have features to calculate
surface area, volume, slope, and aspect and perform engineering analysis.
The Detailed Project Report shall be prepared as per the laid out guidelines and
shall comprise of, as a minimum, the following volumes:
Executive Summary of the DPR shall contain the following in brief:
No. Description
1.0 Index Map
2.0 Salient Features
3.0 MOU between center and states
4.0 National Perspective for water resources development
5.0 Aims & Objective of the Project and Description of works
6.0 Interlinking of the proposed project with other existing and future projects
7.0 Methodology adopted
8.0 Climate
9.0 Topography & Physiography
10.0 Population
11.0 Geology, Geophysical, Geotechnical & Seismic study
12.0 Hydrology and Water Assessment
13.0 Flood Control & Drainage
14.0 Reservoir & Power
15.0 Irrigation & CAD
16.0 Navigation & Tourism
17.0 Design Features
18.0 Construction Materials
19.0 Accessibility & Infrastructure
20.0 Construction & Equipment Planning
21.0 Environmental and Ecological aspects of the Project
22.0 Socio-Economic Aspects & R&R
23.0 Cost Estimate
24.0 Economic & Financial evaluation
25.0 Clearances Required
26.0 Database
Volume I
##: Covering Govt. Policies, incentives, technical profiles of the projects etc.
Volume II
2.1 Topographical surveys
2.1.1 River
2.1.2 Reservoir
2.1.3 Headworks (Dams including dykes, barrages, weirs etc.)
2.1.4 Plant and colony, layout
2.1.5 Canal and water conductor system and canal structures
2.1.6 Powerhouse, switchyards, surge-shaft, tailrace, etc.
2.1.7 Tunnel, Adits and Penstocks
2.1.8 Command area (detailed and sample)
2.1.9 Soil conservation
2.1.10 Any other
Volume III
3 General climate and Hydrology
3.1 General information about regions
3.1.1 Specific information Drainage basin Command area Floods and drainage River Geometry Ground water recharge Reservoir area Other water usage Navigation
3.1.2 Data availability Rainfall and snowfall Pan evaporation Climatological parameters like temperature, humidity, wind etc. River, gauge and discharge Sediment (suspended & bed load) inflow and grain size composition Water quality
3.2 Hydrological data requirements
3.2.1 Alternatives and classifications
3.2.2 Inputs Type of inputs Time unit for simulation studies Hydrological inputs
3.2.3 Requirement of the inputs for the Project
Volume IV
4.2 Dam
4.2.1 Earth and/or Rock fill Dam – Design criteria and stability analysis
4.2.2 Concrete/Masonry dam/weirs, Non-overflow section – design criteria,
stability analysis, Spillway section – design criteria.
4.2.3 Opening through dams
4.3.10 Various conditions of MWL, TWL, Drainage earthquake etc, considered for
stability analysis of different components of barrages (Spillway, under-
sluice, divide wall, canal way, fish ladder, bridge et) and values of factor
4.3.11 Gates, types of gates and hoist bridge and stop logs
4.3.12 Detail of spillway bridge guide and afflux bunds, sheet piles, abutments,
divide wall, wings wall, flare out walls, upstream/downstream protection
4.4 Canals
4.4.1 Description of canal system including ridge/contour/lift canal capacity and
considerations for fixing alignments etc.
4.4.2 Study of integrated network of canal system and its operation to utilize the
water potential of streams crossed by main canal system by provision of
storage/tail tank etc.
4.4.3 Description of soil profile along the canal the canal alignment based on
pit/auger holes.
4.4.4 Evaluation of the design parameters based on the samples collected along
the canal alignment, borrow area and suggested treatment for problematic
4.4.5 Details of lining if provided
4.4.6 Transmission losses assumed for lined/unlined channel with justification for
(cumec/million sq.m)
4.4.7 Cut off statement showing the details of the discharge required from tail to
the head considering the irrigation requirement and transmission losses in
taking of channel
4.4.8 Design calculation for adequacy of canal selections adopted.
(Based on the precise water requirements all along the canal, D-statement of the
canal along the longitudinal and cross-sections shall be prepared for fixing the
hydraulic gradient.)
4.4.9 Design discharge data (irrigation requirement, transmission losses,
evaporation losses etc.) for each distributaries supported by detailed
calculation for a representative distributary.
4.4.10 Canal operation and criteria for fixing the level outlets/off taking channels.
4.4.11 Broad outline of canal automation and branch canals upto 8 cumecs
Volume V
5.4 Capacity
5.4.1 Capacities
5.4.2 Storage in mcm
5.4.3 Water tightness of the reservoir
5.4.4 Annual losses (mcm) and basis
5.4.5 Flood absorption (mcm)
5.5 Effects on sub soil water table in the adjoining areas particularly
downstream of the dam
5.10 Pisciculture
5.13 Power
5.13.1 Present status of power development in the state/region Available generating capacity in the state/region from different
sources with location and category wise Present status of utilisation of power produced Energy availability (KWH) peaking capability month wise on a
dependable year basis (90%) Shortages/Surpluses and import/export of power form the
neighboring states/regions Transmission system-layout of transmission network and operation
5.13.2 Power requirement
5.13.3 Existing
Volume VI
6.5 Crop water requirement for the crops proposed by the agronomist
6.6 Water Planning
6.6.1 Surface water
6.6.2 Ground water (Support)
6.14.4 Cost estimate and cost per Ha. For land development
6.14.5 Status of existing, extension services, credit agencies, TCD farms etc. and
location of inputs like seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, etc.,
Depots and proposal for their strengthening if required with justification.
6.16 Benefits
6.16.1 Crop wise increase in yield per ha and total executed output from the
6.16.2 Estimated cost of increased production with basis for unit rates assumed
6.16.3 Likely socio-economic aspects
Volume VIII
Project background
Project justification
Project description
Alternate site
No Project option
Volume IX
9.1 Socio-economic profile and survey
9.1.1 Regional profile from the available secondary data3
9.1.2 Salient features of the link
9.1.3 Sample design and methodology Selection of villages Selection of households
9.1.4 Questionnaire
9.1.5 RRA/PRA and focus group discussion
9.1.6 Regional profile from primary survey4
9.2 Impact of link canal
9.2.1 Short-turn impact of link canal
9.2.2 Long-term impact of link canal On income generation, consumption, savings and assets On income distribution & poverty by different household categories Likely changes in employment pattern in long-term.
9.3 Resettlement and rehabilitation
9.3.1 Assessment of economic loss due to displacement
9.3.2 Peoples perception towards rehabilitation package
9.3.3 Rehabilitation package (taking into account the approach outlined in the
Preamble or to be found in other relevant policy packages and best practices)
9.3.4 Modalities for information dissemination, consultation and public hearings
9.4 Users charges and peoples participation
9.4.1 Peoples perceptions about payment of users charges if assured irrigation
is provided
9.4.2 People’s participation in maintenance of water resources and collection of
user’s charges.
9.4.3 Water rights, pricing of water, sharing of benefits etc.
Regional profile from secondary data should include the following: population (male, female and
total), population distribution, sex ratio, literacy rate, distribution of main worker in different industry
groups, distribution of households by availability of electricity, safe drinking water and toilet
facilities, availability of other social and economic infrastructure etc.
Regional profile from primary survey should include the following: land ownership pattern,
cropping pattern, agricultural practices, economics of cultivation, employment profile, sources and
usage of income, expenditure pattern, demographic profile, literacy pattern, availability of social
and physical infrastructure etc.
10.1 Classification of units
The project shall be grouped into following units
10.1.1 Unit 1 — Head works including main dam and auxiliary dam, dykes, spillway, outlet works,
energy dissipation devices, barrages, weir, regulator including intake structures and
diversion works.
10.1.2 Unit II – Main canals, branches, distributaries, and channels up to strata works inclusive of
all pucca works, fold embankments, drainage works etc.
10.1.3 Unit III- Hydroelectric installation
10.1.4 Unit IV – Navigation works
10.1.5 Unit V – Water supply works
10.1.6 Unit VI – Command area developments works
10.2 Classification of minor heads/ sub-heads
10.2.1 Direct charges
10.2.2 Indirect charges
10.2.3 The provisions under the minor head-I – works shall be further sub-divided
into A to Y sub-heads.
A. Preliminary
B. Land (Resettlement & Rehabilitation)
C. Works
D. Regulators and measuring devices
E. Falls (for canals only)
F. Cross drainage works (for canals only)
G. Bridges (for canals only)
H. Escapes (For canals only)
I. Navigation works
J. Power plant appurtenances (civil works)
K. Buildings
L. (for canals only)
I. Earth works
II. Linings
III. Service Roads
M. Plantations
10.8.6 Year in which the revenue would start accruing from various sources
counting from the first year of construction
10.8.7 Total income from various sources indicated in 11.9.2.
10.8.8 Details of staff proposed for collection of revenues and its basis
10.8.9 Net revenue expected from different components of project
10.8.10 Productivity of project in terms of percentage financial returns.
10.8.11 Justification for sponsoring unproductive project components
Volume XI
14654 1999 Minimising evaporation losses from reservoir – guidelines.
Latest revision of above codes along with the relevant parts/sections shall be applicable.
and recommendation
72 Monitoring of tailings dams – review and
104 1996
73 Dams and related structures in cold
climate design guidelines and case 105 1996
74 A guide to tailings dams and
impoundments – design, construction, use 106 1996
and rehabilitation
75 Concrete dams – control and treatment of
107 1997
76 Cost of flood control in dams – review and
108 1997
77 Dams less than 30 m high – cost savings
109 1998
and safety improvements
78 Cost impact of rules, criteria and
specifications – review and 110 1998
79 Dam break flood analysis – review and
111 1998
80 Neotectonic and dams –
112 1998
recommendations and case histories
81 Seismic observation of dams-guidelines
113 1999
and case studies
82 Embankment dams with bituminous
114 1999
concrete facing
83 Dealing with reservoir sedimentation 115 1999
84 Dams and fishes – review and
116 1999
85 The gravity dam – a dam for the future –
117 2000
review and recommendations
86 Automated dam monitoring system –
118 2000
guidelines and case histories
87 Rehabilitation of dams and appurtenant
119 2000
works – state of the art and case histories
88 Tailings dams risk of dangerous
occurrences – lessons learnt from 121 2001
practical experiences
89 Computational procedure for dam
122 2001
engineering –reliability and applicability
90 Seismic design and evaluation of
123 2002
structures appurtenant to dams
91 Reservoir landslides – investigation and
management – guidelines and case 124 2002
92 Blast fill dams E01 2000
93 Nonstructural risk reduction measures –
E02 2001
benefits and cost for dams
94 Pdf ACROBAT version of all original
books – for one congress
95 Vienna congres 17th 1991
96 Durban congres 18th 1994
97 Florence congres 19th 1997
98 Beijing congres 29th 2000
99 Montreal congres 21th 2003
100 Position paper on dams and environment 1997
101 Deterioration of dams and reservoirs –
102 Deterioration of dams and reservoirs –
Note: The above list is not exhaustive. All relevant and latest revisions of
applicable IS codes, Design Practices and Manuals shall be followed.
• Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)
• Deptt. of Earthquake Engineering, IIT, Roorkee.
Table of Contents
Page no.
1.0 Preamble 110
2.0 Available Information 111
3.0 Terms Of Reference 111
4.0 Time Schedule 113
5.0 Additional Requirements 113
The objective of development is poverty alleviation, social justice and a
better quality of life for people. Some development situations, however
entail displacement of populations and adverse impacts including
disruption of social and kinship networks and livelihoods and other
economic or cultural loss.
Lack of development, however, can also impact on the environment and
lead to distress migration. Involuntary displacement by dams or other water
resource projects must therefore be sought to be converted into a
development opportunity that leaves those affected better off through
enlightened processes of resettlement and rehabilitation.
R&R itself needs to be properly understood as a three stage process:
relocation to a new site where necessary; resettlement in that location and
the restoration of livelihood; and rehabilitation, which is a longer term
process of social and emotional adjustment to the new situation.
The object of the ILR Project is to provide national water security and
alleviate poverty with a broad measure of regional and social equity. It
envisages storage dams and link canals to transfer water from areas of
absolute or seasonal plenty to water stressed basins for the development
of new or augmentation of existing irrigation commands and water supply
and sanitation schemes. In doing so, there may be additional benefits of
flood moderation, hydro-power generation, navigation, fishery
development, inland navigation, tourism, ecological rejuvenation, improved
health and so on.
Though engineering viability is obviously important, the overall feasibility of
each link project will ultimately rest on its human and socio-economic
outcome. Therefore, in order to obtain a meaningful assessment of impacts
on regional economics, a detailed socio-economic analysis of project
affected and influenced area in the catchment and command above and
below the dam is necessary. This will serve as a baseline survey and
suggest the socio-economic goals that must be realised as well as the
market and employment opportunities that are likely to open up with the
development of roads and other necessary project infrastructure. This
could including more ecologically beneficial land use planning and cropping
In the past, the general approach has been to provide land for land, cash
compensation or avenues for self-employment for those displaced. The
land-for-land policy in particular has encountered several difficulties and
engendered considerable criticism as land is not easily or always available,
especially in the large blocks required to resettle displaced persons in
clusters. Relocation in distant sites, entailing transfers from catchment to
command, has also resulted in disruptions of social networks and cultural
alienation. Simple rural and, especially, tribal communities have also been
unable to handle cash compensation, and have all to often been relived of
their new-found wealth by “relatives”, middlemen and other unscrupulous
While none of these means of R&R need to be ruled out, it seems possible
and even necessary to marry R&R with the national imperatives of poverty
alleviation – with specific sectoral deadlines for education, health, basic
services and so forth – and making India a developed nation by 2020. R&R
cannot be something outside and beyond these national goals and
strategies but should rather be used as a trigger to achieve these
This can be done through development of the project affected and larger
project influence area. Financing will come from the project R&R budget
combined with the sectoral funding available with various departments for
specific poverty alleviation and socio-economic programmes. Such area
development will in many cases permit in situ R&R of displaced persons,
maybe at a slightly higher contour, and avoid any disruption of social,
kinship and cultural networks.
This in turn will require education and training, during the project gestation
period, to avail of the emerging and planned development opportunities.
Such an approach will also enhance awareness and stakeholder
participation in the project and create a sense of ownership in the entire
The feasibility study reports shall be furnished with the tender document.
The adequacy of the data and information contained there in, are to be
assessed. Based on the adequacy check, any additional data collection
requirements are to be identified and shall be collected as part of the
preparation of DPR. Brief descriptions regarding the proposed links are
furnished at Annex –III.
3.2 The scope of work for preparation of the DPR (socio-economic aspects) for
inter linking of rivers shall cover but not limited to the following prime
The DPR Consultant shall prepare a detailed micro level Time Schedule
and submit for approval as part of the Project Method Statement. Non-
Compliance to Time Schedule shall attract penalty in the form of Liquidated
Damage as per the tender document.
• Prior to submission of the final DPR, specified no. of draft reports shall
be submitted for review and acceptance. Subsequently, after
incorporation of the review comments, the final DPR shall be submitted.
• The DPR shall also include all the relevant documents, analysis and
results with back up calculations, drawings, inter active models and
schemes, estimates etc. as per the scope of work.
• Specified number of draft final reports along with all the Annex and
subsequent final report shall be submitted in both hard and soft copies
as per the tender document.
Development process initiated after the independence has changed the
production structure of the Indian economy. Share of agriculture in total
GDP has declined from 57.4 per cent in 1950-51 to 22.1 per cent in 2002-
03. However, agriculture still remains the major growth driver of the Indian
economy. The majority of the Indian population is still dependent on
agriculture for their livelihood. Nearly 64 per cent of the population in rural
areas and 4 per cent in urban areas depend on agriculture as their
principal source of income. Nearly 55 per cent of the household income in
the rural areas and nearly 2 per cent in urban areas originates from
agriculture sector. Apart from providing gainful employment and income,
agriculture generates demand for non-agriculture goods and services. A
slowdown in the growth of agriculture precipitates a drop in demand for
industrial goods.
Irrigation is one of the crucial inputs for achieving sustained agriculture
growth and to reduce inequality and poverty. After independence,
significant progress has been made in provision of irrigation facilities. The
irrigated area under food grains as percentage of gross cropped area
increased to 43 per cent in 1998-99 from 18 per cent in 1950-51. Similarly
the fertilizer consumption and the distribution of certified/ quality seeds
have also increased. The new agriculture technology is more water
intensive and there are no great productivity gains if these crops do not
receive adequate and timely irrigation. However, Indian agriculture is still
dependent on vagaries of monsoon. The drought situation in 2002 and its
impact on agriculture production in general and the growth in particular are
a result of the dependency on the monsoon.
Through ILR program, 30 possible links have been identified for inter basin
transfer of water. Of these 30 links, 14 fall in Himalayan rivers and 16 in
peninsular rivers. These links are aimed at mitigating the effect of floods
and drought and augmentation of income to rural economy in general and
agriculture in particular. As mentioned earlier in India irrigation intensity is
still low and farmers are dependent on vagaries of rainfall for agricultural
production. ILR programme is focussed at reducing uncertainty in
availability of irrigation and mitigating floods and droughts. Every year
during the south-west monsoon season, certain parts of Assam, Bihar and
Orissa gets affected by flood and at the same time certain parts of
southern India faces acute water shortage for agriculture. Apart from
agriculture, households face drinking water shortage, usage of dirty water
leads to various kinds of water borne diseases. Industry and power
generation also suffers due to shortage/unavailability of assured water
supply. During summer, some of the hydroelectric power plants operate
below their usual capacity due to shortage of water. Perennial flow of water
stored in reservoirs through these canals will reduce uncertainty regarding
water availability for power generation and shortage in power generation
could be reduced. Reducing shortage in power generation will have impact
through increased industrial production and agriculture will also be
Client : NWDA / TF-ILR Page 118 of 134 Consultant : EIL
Terms of Reference for Preparation of Detailed Project Report
Regional economies referred here refer to the area falling under the purview of a particular link.
general and 3,000 population in hilly and tribal areas; one primary health
centre for 30,000 population in general and 20,000 in hilly and tribal areas,
primary school within one kilometre distance should be kept in mind while
preparing R&R policy.
2.5 Impact of Link Canals
Link canals will have both short- and long-term impact on economy. The
short-term impact of the link canal on economy in general and regional
economy in particular will be in the form of increased employment
opportunities and growth of services sector in the area.
Apart from increase in employment and growth of services sector, sectors
supplying crucial inputs for construction such as cement and iron and steel
will grow. Impact of link canal on regional economy will depend on how
strong the forward and backward linkages of construction and agriculture
sectors are with the rest of the economy.
In medium- to long-term major impact of link canal on economy will be
through increased/assured irrigation, which will lead to increased
agricultural production. Major gainer of the river linking programme will be
the agriculture sector and thus the majority of rural population who
depends on agriculture as their source of income is likely to benefit.
Impact of linking of canals on different types of households such as
agriculture dependent households, agricultural labourers, salaried earners,
petty businessman etc. should be analysed. This will help in assessment
of the project. Efforts should also be made to present pre and post canal
commission employment profile.
Typically for any socio-economic study for a particular link will take one-
year time to complete. Various activities involved in socio-economic study
are as follows:
Activities Months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Mahanadi-Godavari Link
Inchampalli-Nagarjunasagar Link
Inchampalli Low Dam-Nagarjunasagar Tail Pond Link
Polavaram –Vijayawada Link
Almatti-Pennar Link
Srisailam-Pennar Link
Nagarjunasagar-Somasila Link
Somasila-Grand Anicut Link
Kattalai-Vaigai-Gundar Link
Pamba-Achankovil-Vaippar Link
Bedti-Varada Link
Netravati-Hemavati Link
Damanganga-Pinjal Link
Par-Tapi-Narmada Link
Ken-Betwa Link
Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal Link
Besides these three major links, a number of minor links have already
been mentioned under the Peninsular and Himalayan Components. It is
proposed that at the ultimate stage, the Himalayan links from Brahmaputra
to Ganga would be integrated with the Peninsular link from Mahanadi to
Vaigai. A number of large dams and canal systems are proposed to be
constructed to store and transfer floodwater of the surplus rivers. For
transferring surplus waters of Mahanadi and Godavari, dams are proposed
to be constructed at Manibhadra on Mahanadi and Inchampalli and
Polavaram on Godavari rivers. Similarly, dams on Manas and Sankosh
rivers in Brahmaputra basin (Bhutan) and Kosi, Gandak, Ghaghara and
Sarda in Ganga basin (Nepal) are proposed for storing and transferring
water to water short areas.
• In order to execute the task i.e. preparation of the Detailed Project Report,
the DPR consultant shall inter act and co-ordinate with the owner and
Owner’s representative (Project Management Consultant-PMC). The PMC
shall over see the entire campaign and activities performed by the DPR
• The PMC shall be the nodal point between the Owner and the DPR
consultant and shall act on behalf of the Owner for monitoring the
performance and compliance of stipulated specifications and guidelines
during the assignment.
• In general, PMS for the aspects such as Organogram, HSE policy, QA &
QC, Micro Time Schedule, Detail Procedure of Each Activities, Document
Control Indexing, Project Co-ordination and Communication Procedure,
Invoicing, Monthly Progress Reporting, Interim Progress Report, etc.
• The PMC shall review and comment on the PMS documents submitted by
the DPR consultant. Subsequently, the approved PMS documents shall be
followed for performing the assignments.
• DPR consultant shall provide all necessary facilities such as office space,
transportation etc. to the PMC for undertaking the monitoring and
supervisory activities as per the tender document.
The Detailed Project Report shall be prepared as per the laid out guidelines and
shall comprise of, as a minimum, the following volumes:
Executive summary
Volume No. I Introduction
Volume No. II Socio-Economic Aspects and R&R
Volume No. III Recommendations
1. Index Map
2. Salient features
3. MOU between center and states
4. National Perspective for water resources development
5. Aims & Objective of the Project and Description of works
6. Interlinking of the proposed project with other existing & future projects
7. Methodology adopted
8. Climate
9. Topography & Physiography
10. Population
11. Accessibility & Infrastructure
12. Socio-Economic Aspects & R&R
13. Economic evaluation
14. Clearances Required
15. Database
Volume I
Volume II
3.1. Socio-economic profile and survey
3.1.1. Regional profile from the available secondary data6
3.1.2. Salient features of the link
3.1.3. Sample design and methodology
Selection of villages
Selection of households
3.1.4. Questionnaire
3.1.5. RRA/PRA and focus group discussion
3.1.6. Regional profile from primary survey7
3.2. Impact of link canal
3.2.1. Short-turn impact of link canal
3.2.2. Long-term impact of link canal
On income generation, consumption, savings and assets
On income distribution and poverty by different household categories
3.2.3. Likely changes in employment pattern in long-term.
3.3. Resettlement and Rehabilitation
3.3.1. Assessment of economic loss due to displacement
3.3.2. Peoples perception towards rehabilitation package
3.3.3. Rehabilitation package
(Taking into account the approach outlined in the Preamble or to be found in other
relevant policy packages and best practices)
3.3.4. Modalities for information dissemination, consultation and public hearings
3.4. Users charges and peoples participation
3.4.1. Peoples perceptions about payment of users charges if assured irrigation
is provided
3.4.2. Peoples’ participation in maintenance of water resources and collection of
user’s charges.
Regional profile from secondary data should include the following: population (male, female and
total), population distribution, sex ratio, literacy rate, distribution of main worker in different industry
groups, distribution of households by availability of electricity, safe drinking water and toilet
facilities, availability of other social and economic infrastructure etc.
Regional profile from primary survey should include the following: land ownership pattern,
cropping pattern, agricultural practices, economics of cultivation, employment profile, sources and
usage of income, expenditure pattern, demographic profile, literacy pattern, availability of social
and physical infrastructure etc.
Volume III