Dalailu'l Khairaat
Dalailu'l Khairaat
Dalailu'l Khairaat
Your command and with faith in Your Prophet, our master Muhamamd
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
loving him and longing for him, extolling the greatness of his rank and
because is he deserving of this. Accept this from us through Your
Favours and Your Grace, and make the veil of forgetfulness fall frommy
heart and make me of Your Righteous slaves. YA Allah, make him more
Noble than he already. And make him mightier than he is already. And
make his light greater than the light from which You created him. And
make his station higher than all the stations of the Messengers. And
make his rank higher than all the ranks of the Prophets. And I ask You
(Ya Allah) for Your Pleasure and his pleasure. Ya Allah, the Lord of the
worlds and eternal Well-being and a death following The Book and the
Sunna and that my witnessing of Faith is truly without modification or
innovation. Forgive me, through Your Grace, Your Favour Your
Generosity and Your Nobility for what I have done, Ya Allah, the
Merciful of the Merciful and the blessings and peace of Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon our master Muhammad and his family
and Companions
Qul huwallah hu ahad. Allahus samad. Lam yalid. Wa lam yulad. Wa lam
yakullahu kufuwan ahad.
Elah of the people. From the evil of sneeking Khannas (Whisperer). Who
whispers in the hearts of the people. Of the Jinn and the people.
All Praise is for Allah the Rab (Raiser) of the worlds. Rahman, the
Beneficent, Rahim, the Merciful. The Maalik, the Master of the Day of
Judgement. We worship you alone and seek your help only. Conduct us
to the right course (path). The course of those who are favoured by You
and not the course of those who rage nor of those who slip from the
right path.
Allah, the All-Merciful, The Mercy Giving, The king, The Holy, The
Saviour, The Guardian of Faith, The Protector, The Mighty, The
Compeller, The Victorious, The Creator, The Inventor, The Designer, The
Forgiver, The Suduer, The Bestower, The Provider, The Opener, The
Knower, The Straitener, The Expander, The Abaser,
The Firm, The Protecting Friend, The Praise worthy, The Calculator, The
Originator, The Renewer, The Life-giver, The Giver of Death, The Living,
The Self-Existing, The Presence, The Most Glorious, The unique, The
one, The Eternal, The Able, The All-Powerful, The Expediter, The
Delayer, The First, The Last, The Manifest, The Hidden, The Governor,
The Supreme, The Good, The Acceptor of Repentance, The Avenger,
The Pardoner, The Gentle, The Eternal Sovereign, The Lord of Glory and
Al-muqsitu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-jaami‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-ghaniyyu
(Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-mughni (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-mu’ti (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Al-maani‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Adh-dhaa-ru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) An-naafi‘u
(Jalla Jalaaluhu) An-nuuru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-haadi (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Al-badii‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-baaqi (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-waarithu (Jalla
Jalaaluhu) Ar-rashiidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) As-sabuuru (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Allazi laisa kamislihii shai ‘unn-wa huwas-samii ‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Basiir (Jalla Jalaaluhu) ghufraanaka rabbana wa Ilaikal-masiir (Jalla
Jalaaluhu) Ni’mal-maulaa (Jalla Jalaaluhu) wa Ni’man-nasiiru (Jalla
Jalaaluhu) samii‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Basiiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) ‘Aliimu
(Jalla Jalaaluhu) Qadiirun (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Muriidun (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Muta kallimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Muhammad
(The Praised One) Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him!
Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Ahmad
(The most Praised), Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him!
Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Hamed
(The Praiser), Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him!
Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Muhammad
(The most highly Praised), Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him.
Aheed (name of the Prophet in the Torah) Allah, s blessings and peace
be upon him. Waheed (The Unique) Allah, s blessings and peace be
upon him. Mah (The effacer), Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him.
Hashir (The Gatherer), Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him. ‘Aqib
(The last in succession), Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him.
Taha (Surah of the Holy Qur‘an), Allah, s blessings and peace be upon
him. Tahir (The Pure) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him…
Mathir (the Purifier) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him. Taiyeb
(The Good) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Saiyed (The
Master) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Rasool (The
Messenger) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Nabi (The
Prophet) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Rasool ur-Rahma
(The Messenger of Mercy) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Qayim (The straight one) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Jami (The collector) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Muqtif
(The Selected) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Muqfi (The
Best Example) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Rasool al-
Malahim (The messenger of fierce Battle) Allah’s blessings and peace
be upon him, Rasool al-Rahan (The messenger of Rest) Allah’s
blessings and peace be upon him, Kamil (The Perfect) Allah’s blessings
and peace be upon him, Iklil (The Crown) Allah, blessings and peace be
upon him, Mudathir (The Covered One) Allah’s blessings and peace be
upon him, Muzzamil (The One Wrapped Up) Allah’s blessings and peace
be upon him, Bdullah (The Slave of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)
Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Habibullah (The Beloved of
Allah) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Safiyullah (The
Intimate of Allah) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Najiyullah
(the Confident of Allah) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Kalimullah (The Speaker with Allah(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) Allah’s
blessings and peace be upon him, Khatim ul-Ambiya (Seal of the
Prophet) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Khatim-ur Rasuul
(The seal of the Messenger) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Muhyi (the Reviver) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
next page>>
Haris Alaykum (The Watchful over you) Allah’s blessings and peace be
upon him,
Ma’lum( The known One) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Mahdi (the Rightly Guided One) Allah's blessings and peace be upon
Munir (The Illumined One) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Madu‘u (The Called One) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Mujib (the Responsive) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Mujab (The One Responded to) Allah's blessings and peace be upon
'Afw (The over looker of sins) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Amin (The Trust Worthy) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Mu'mil (The Hoped for) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Dhu 'Azz (The Possessor of Might) Allah's blessings and peace be upon
Muta' (The One Obeyed) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Qadim Sidq (The Foot of Sincerity) Allah's blessing and peace be upon
Bushra (The Good News) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Siratullah (The Path of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
sayfullah (The sword of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Hizbullah (The party of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Mustafa (The chosen One) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Abu Qasim (Father of Qasim) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Abu at Tahir (The Pure Father) Allah's blessings and peace be upon
Abu at Taiyeb (The Good Father) Allah's blessings and peace be upon
Sayyiduna Abu ibrahiima (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Mushaffa'un (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Shafi'un
(Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Salihun (Sollallhu 'Alaihi
Wasallam) sayyiduna Muslihun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Muhaiminun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Sodiqun (Sallallahu
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Musaddaqun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna Sidqun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Sayyidul-
mursaliina (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Imaamul-muttaqiina
(Sollalahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Qaa'idul-ghurril-muhajjaliina
(Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Khaliilur-rahmaani (Sallallahu
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Barrun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna Mubarrun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Wajiihun
(Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Nasiihun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi
Wasallam)sayyiduna Naasihun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Waqiilun (Sollalahu 'Alahi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mutawaqqilun
(Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Kafiilun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi
Wasallam) sayyiduna Shafiiqun (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)…
Ya Allah, Ya Lord, for the honor of Your Prophet, Al-Mustafa, and Your
Messenger, Al-Murtada, purify our hearts from every characteristic
which keep us away from Your Presence and Your Love, and have us
pass away following his way and his community, longing to meet You,
Ya Owner of Majesty and Nobility!
Hamiidum-majiid. Allahumma baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadinw
wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammadin kamaa barakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Ibraahiima wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibraahiima Innaka hamidum-majiid.
Allahumma watarah-ham ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadinw wa ‘alaa aali
sayyidinaa Muhammadin kama tarah-hamta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima
wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibrahima Innaka hamidum-majiid. Allahumma
wata-hannan ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadinw wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
Muhammadin kamaa tahan-nanta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa 'alaa
aali sayyidinaa...
You (Ya Allah) are the praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, sanctify our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah)
sanctified our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of
Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) is the praiseworthy, the
Mighty! Ya Allah, be merciful to our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) were the merciful to our master
Abraham (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the families of Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-
salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the praiseworthy, the Mighty!Ya Allah, be
kind our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family
of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You were
kind to our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of our
master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam)…
For you are the praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, grant peace of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah)
granted peace to our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the
families of our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are
the praiseworthy, the Merciful! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and be merciful to our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and sanctify our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) blessed, and were
merciful to, and sanctified our master Ibraahiim(‘Alaihis-salaam) and
the family of our master Ibraahiim(‘Alaihis-salaam)
In the worlds for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!Ya
Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa sallam), the
Prophet, and his wives, the Mothers of the Believers, and his
descendants and the People of his House just as You (Ya Allah) blessed
our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the
Praiseworthy, the Mighty!Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master
Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the
Mighty! Ya Allah, the Leveler of the Plains, the Maker of the Firmament,
and the Moulder of Hearts into the good and the bad, grant Your
noblest blessings, most fruitful favors,
And most loving kindness to our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), Your slave and Your Messenger, the Opener of what was
locked and the Seal of what had gone before, the Announcer of Truth
with Truth, and the Refuter of the forces of falsehood! He took upon
himself the responsibility of Your order in obedience to You (Ya Allah),
speedily seeking Your Pleasure, earnestly heeding Your Revelation,
keeping Your promise, carrying out and executing Your command, so
that, by kindling a burning brand for the seeker, his family gains access
through him to the blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! Hearts
were guided through him after having entered into discord and sin, and
he gladdened with evident signs,….
His light and reward him with Your approval so that his testimony is
accepted and his word is Pleasing to You (Ya Allah), making him the
one whose utterance is just and whose course is distinct and whose
argument mighty! Verily, Allah and his angles bless the Prophet!. you,
who believe, ask (Allah) to bless him and grant him abundant peace! I
am here, Ya Allah, at Your service and at Your Command, my Lord! The
blessing of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the good, the Merciful, and of
his closest angles, and of the Prophets and of the sincere ones, and of
the martyrs and of the good ones and of whatever else exists which
glorifies You (Ya Allah),. Lord of the worlds, are for our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), son of Abdullah (Radhi allah
ta’ala anhu), the seal of the Prophets and the master of Messenger…
The Leader of the Pious and the Messenger of the Lord of the world,
the witness the Bringer of Good Tidings, the caller to You (Ya Alalh) by
Your leave, the Lamp, the Illumined one, on him may there be peace! Ya
Allah grant Your blessings and Favours and Your Mercy to the master of
the Messengers and the Leader of the pious and Seal of the Prophets,
our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your slave and
Your Messenger, the Pioneer of Goodness and Guide to the Goodness,
the Messenger of Mercy! Ya Allah send him to the Most Praise Station,
the envy of those who came first and those who came last)
As many times as those who have asked for blessings upon him and
bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many
times as those who have not asked for blessings upon him! And bless
him as we have been ordered to ask You (Ya Allah) to bless him and
bless him just as You (Ya Allah) like him to blessed! Ya Allah, bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as we have been
ordered to ask for blessings upon him! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as he deserves! Ya Allah,
bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
family of master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You
(Ya Allah) like and just as You (Ya Allah) pleased with.
Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the
Mighty! Ya Allah (Ya Allah), bless, sanctify and grant peace to our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet, Your
Messenger! And also our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), Your friend
and Pure and our Lord Moses, Your Interlocutor and Intimate! And also
our Lord Jesus, Your Spirit and word, all the angels, Messengers and
Prophets, the righteous ones from Your creation, the pure ones, the
elected ones and Your saints the folk of Your earth and Your Heaven!
And may Allah' s blessings be for our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all of His creation, to the extent of his pleasure, in
the decoration of the Throne,
In the ink of His words, to the measure that he deserves, and whenever
those who remember him do so and whenever those who neglect to
remember him do so, and may these blessings be also for the People of
His House and the pure perfumed descendants, on whom may there be
peace, over and over again! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and his wives and progeny and all the
Prophets and Messengers and closest angels and all the righteous
slaves of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) in all the rain the sky has
rained since it was formed and bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in everything the Earth has produced
since it was spread out! And bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as there are star…
In the sky and You (Ya Allah) alone there counter!And bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every breath of every soul
from the moment You (Ya Allah) created them! And bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in everything You (Ya Allah)
have already created and in what You (Ya Allah) will create and in
whatever is encompassed by Your knowledge and then double all of
that! Ya Allah, bless them in all of Your creation and as much as it
pleases Yourself, in the decoration of Your Throne, in the ink of Your
words and to the extent of Your knowledge and Signs! Ya Allah, bless
them, with blessings excellent, and more gracious, with blessings
equal to all the requests for blessing ever uttered by the whole of
creation just as in like measure.
-‘Alaa jami‘i khalqik. Allahumma salli ‘alaihim solawatan daa ‘imatan-
mustamirratad-dawami ‘alaa marrillayali wal ayyami muttasilatad-
dawami lan-qidhaa‘a laha walan-sirama ‘alaa marrilliyali wal ayyami
‘adada kulli waabil-inw watolli. Allahumma salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammadin nabiyyika wa saiyidina ibraahiima khalilika wa ‘alaa
jamii‘i anbiya‘ika wa asfiyaa ‘ika min ahli ardhika wasamaa ‘ika ‘adada
khalqika wa ridhaa ‘a nafsika wazinata ‘arshika wa midada kalimatika
wa muntaha ilmika wazinata jamii‘i makhluqa tika….
The whole of creation enjoys Your favour!Ya Allah, bless them, with
eternal and permanent blessings, for as long as the duration of all
future nights and days, never ending and perpetual, with blessings
equal to the duration of all the days and nights which have already
passed, with blessings as copious as the rain contained in every
downpour and in every shower which have ever fallen! Ya Allah, bless
our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Your Prophet, and
our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), Your friend, and all the Prophets
and pure ones from the folk of Your earth and Your Heaven, in all of
Your creation and as it pleases Yourself, in the decoration of Your
Throne, in the ink of Your words, to the extent of Your knowledge and
Adornment of Your created beings,
Protect his promise and security, and give victory to his party and
calling and increase those who pledge him and his company
allegiance! And grant that we may die in his company and do not allow
us to stray from his path and way! Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) for
loyalty to his way and seek refuge in You from all deviation from it!Ya
Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) the good that our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet and Your Messenger, asked
of You (Ya Allah), and I seek refuge in You (Ya Allah) from the evil from
which our master Muhammad(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your
Prophet and Your Messenger, sought refuge, may Allah (Subhaanahu wa
ta’ala) grant him peace and bless himYa Allah, protect me from the
-alfitani Wa ‘afini min jamii ‘il-mihani wa aslih minni maa zahara wama
batona wanaqqi qalbi minal-hiqdi wal hasadi wala taj‘al ‘alayya tibaa
‘atan-liahad. Allahumma innii as-'alukal-akhza bi ahsani ma ta’lamu
watar kalisai ‘i maa ta’lamu wa-as ‘alukat-takaffula birrizqi wazzuhda
filkafaafi wal makhraja bilbayani min kulli shubhatinw-walfalaja bis-
sowabi fii kulli hujjatinw-wal ‘adla fil-ghadhobi warridaa‘i wattasliima
limaa yajri bihil qadhoo‘u wal-iqtisoda fil-faqri wal-ghinaa wat-
tawadhu-‘a fil- qawli…
Of discord and absolve me from all tests and purify me from within and
cleanse my heart from hatred and envy and do not allow any one to
oppress me! Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) for the good that You (Ya
Allah) know and to let me pass by the evil that You (Ya Allah) know and
I ask You (Ya Allah) to provide me with provision, for indifference to
being physically satisfied, a clear way out from every uncertainly, a
proper stance in every argument, justice in anger and pleasure , peace
whatever fate ordains, providence in thought and wealth, humility in
my words and actions.
Wal fi‘li wassidqa fil-jiddi wal-hazl. Allahumma inna lii zunuuban fiima
baini wabainaka wazunuban fiima baini wabaina khalqi. Allahumma
maa kana laka minha fagh-firhu wama kana minha likhalqika
fatahammalhu 'anni wa aghnini bifadhlika innaka waasi- ‘ul-maghfirah.
Allahumma nawwir bil ‘ilmi qalbi. wasta’mil bitaa-atika badani.
Wakhallis minal-fitani sirri. Washghal bil-‘itibari fiqri. Waqini sharra
wasawisish-shaitan. Wa ajirni minhu yaa rahmaanu hatta…
(Ya Allah) the compassionate one, until he no longer has any power
over me!
Allahumma innii as-aluka min khairi ma ta‘ lamu wa a‘uzu- bika min
sharri maa ta’lamu wa astaghfiruka min kulli maa ta’lamu innaka
ta’lamu wala na’lamu wa-anta ‘allamul-ghuyyub. Allahummar-hamni min
zamani haza wa-ihdaqil-fitani wata-uli- ahlil-jur-ati ‘Alaiya wastidh’a
fihim iyya. Allahumma aj-‘alni minka fi ‘iyazim-manii‘inw-wa hirzin
hasiinim-min jamii‘i khalqika hatta tubal-lighanii ajali mu‘afa.
Allahumma salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Ya Allah , I ask You (Ya Allah) the good of what You (Ya Allah) know and
I seek refuge in You (Ya Alalh) from the evil of what You(Ya Alalh) know
and I seek Your forgiveness for everything You (Ya Allah) know,for You
(Ya Allah) indeed know and we do not know and indeed You (Ya Allah)
are the knower of the Unsen! Ya Allah,have mercy on me in this time
from the encirclement of discord, from the oppression of the insolent
and their deficiencies and all such ill! Ya Allah, give me an unassailable
refuge in You(Ya Alalh), an impenetrable protection with You(Ya Alalh)
from all of Your creation until I come to a virtuous end! Ya Allah, bless
our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
And who with a ray of his secret illuminated all Secrets! Ya Allah, bless
our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of
our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and all the chosen
people of his House! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family, the sea of Your lights, the mine of Your
secrets, the Tongue of Your proof, the Bridegroom of Your kingdom, the
leader of Your presence and the seal of Your prophets, with blessings
which last as long as You (Ya Allah) last and remain as long as You (Ya
Allah) remain, blessings which please You (Ya Allah), which please him,
and which make You Ya Allah) please with us, Ya Allah, Maula (helper)
of the worlds!Ya Allah, Maula(helper) of the Hill and the Haram…
Lord of the Sarctuary, Lord of the Sacred House, and Lord of the corner
and the station of Ibraahiim (these are all places connected with
pilgrimage to macca), send peace from us to our Maula (helper) and
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! Ya Allah bless our
Maula (helper) and master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) the
master of the first and the last! Ya Allah bless our lord and master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) at every moment and the
instant! Ya Allah, bless our Maula (helper) the master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the heavenly assembly until the day of
judgment! Ya Allah, bless our Maula (helper) master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) until the earth bequeaths itself and what
is on it to You (Ya Allah) are the best of those who inherit!
By Your race and Your Generosity, until the end of eternity, never-
ending, with no beginning to them, and no disappearing of them,
forever and ever! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as You (Ya Allah) know him, as much as Your
Book and as much as the witnessing of Your angels and be pleased
with his companion and be merciful on his nation for You (Ya Allah) are
Praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our Maula (helper)
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and all the companion of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! Ya Allah, bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
Just as You bless our master Ibrahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah)
bless our master Ibrahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) in all the word s for You (Ya
Allah) are the Praise worth the Mighty!Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhamamd (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as You (Ya Allah)
know of him! Ya Allah bless our Maula (the helper) and master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as Your Book!Ya Allah
bless our Maula (the helper) and master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) as much as that would exhaust Your power by doing so!Ya
Allah, bless our Maula (The helper)…
As many times as there are grains of sands! Ya Allah, bless our master
and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many
times as there are men and women! Ya Allah, bless our master and
Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as
pleases You (Ya Allah)! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula (helper)
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as the in of Your
words! Ya Allah, bless our master amd Maula (helper) Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of Your heavens and Your
earth! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the decoration of Your Throne! Ya Allah,
bless our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) as many times as there are created beings! Ya Allah, bless
our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
Ya Allah, bless the One who can see equally from behind him as before
Ya Allah…
Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the turban!
Ya Allah, bless the one who held food in his hand, which glorified Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
Ya Allah, bless the One for whom a palm trunk wept and sighed at its
separation from him!
Ya Allah, bless the One whose mediation was sought by the birds of
the desert!
Ya Allah, bless…
Bless the One who held stones in his hand, which glorified Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
Ya Allah, bless the One whose intercession the gazelles sought and
whose request were made in human speech!
Ya Allah, bless the One for whom sparking water burst forth forth from
his fingertips for his companion!
Ya Allah, bless the One for whom the moon was split open!
Ya Allah…
Ya Allah, bless the One who will give people to drink from the Pool!
Ya Allah, bless the One who was ever ready for Your service!
Ya Allah, bless…
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom lightens
our every load!
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom grants
mercy to the Young and Old!
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon who bring favor
to his house and that house!
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom brings
mercy fro the All mighty, the Forgiving!
Ya Allah, bless…
The one who when he walked in the desert wild creatures would cling
to the hem of his cloak! Ya Allah bless and grant abundant peace to
him and his family and companion, and praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu
wa ta'ala), Lord of all the worlds!
Ya Allah, more than other soul in existence, bless the soul of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And more than other
body in existence, bless the body of master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And more than other grave in existence, bless the
grave of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And bless
and grant abundan peace to him, his family and his companion!
Ya Allah bless our Father Adam (‘Alaihis-salaam) and our Mother Eva
(‘Alaihis-salaam), with the blessings of Your angels and grant them
Your Pleasure until it pleases them and reward them. Ya Allah, better
than You (Ya Allah) have rewarded any Father and Mother on behalf of
their children! Ya Allah, bless our master Gabriel (‘Alaihis-salaam), and
Mika‘il (‘Alaihis-salaam), and Israfil (‘Alaihis-salaam), and Azrail
(‘Alaihis-salaam), and the Bearers of the Throne, and the Angels of
Intimacy, and all the Prophet and Messenger, and the blessings and
peace of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon all of them! (Three
time) Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) …
Wajzihii anna maa huwa ahluh. Allahumma salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-im bahri anwarika wama’dini asrarika wa lissani hujjatika
wa ‘urusi mamlukatika wa imami hadhratika watirazi mulkika wa
khazzaaa ‘ini rahmatika watoriqi shari‘atikal-mutalazzizi bitauhidika
insani ‘ainil-wujudi wassababi fii kulli maujudin ‘aini ‘ayani khalqika-
mutaqaddimi minnuri dhiyaaa‘ika solatan tadumu bidawamika wa
tabqa bibaqaa ‘ika laa mu'tahaa lahaduna ‘ilmika solatan turdhika
waturdhihi watardhaa bihaa 'anna yaa rabba…
And bless him in every year, in every month, in every week, in every
day, in every night in every hour, in every sniff, in every breath, in every
blink and in every glance, for ever and ever, for the duration of this
world and the duration of the next world, and for longer then this, with
a beginning that never ends and an end witch never finishes! Ya Allah,
bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as
Your love for him! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) as befits his legitimate rank! Ya Allah, bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), with blessings, which
serve as a sanctuary for us from all terrors, and oppression, which
settle all our affairs,
Which purify us from all sins, which raise our rank in Your Presence,
and which allow us to attain ultimate goodness in this life and after
death! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), a blessing of contentment, and be pleased with his
companions, a pleasure of contentment! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), whose light preceded all
creation, whose appearance is Mercy to all the worlds, as much as all
Your creation which has passed and as much as that which remains,
as much as those of Your creation who are fortunate and those who
are not, blessings which exceed all enumeration
Ya Allah, more than other soul in existence, bless the soul of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And more than other
body in existence, bless the body of master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And more than other grave in existence, bless the
grave of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And bless
and grant abundan peace to him, his family and his companion!
Magnify, Ya Allah, through him, the Path of the Stars of Islam (i.e. The
companions) and the Lamps(i.e. The Followers),the path signposted by
them, the path that dispels the darkness in the murky gloom of the
night of doubt!
And send blessing which are eternal and continuous and which last for
as long as the waves crash in the oceans….
And the Ancient House (the Holy kaaba) circumambulated from all
sides by throngs of pilgrims! The best of all blessings and peace be
upon our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the
Generous Messenger, His friend among all the slaves, the intercessor
for all created beings at the appointed time, owner of the Most Praised
station and the Oft-visited Pool, the One who took on the burden of the
Message and the responsibility of spreading it far and wide, the One
destined for honor and One who strove for the greatest righteousness!
The blessing of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him and upon his
family, eternal and continuous blessings, lasting as long as the passing
of all night and all days!
And the better of the first and the last! The best blessings of those
who ask for blessing upon him are for him! The purest peace of those
who seek peace for him is for him! And the finest thought of those
who remember him! And the finest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa
ta’ala)! And the choicest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
And the greatest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the
fairest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the fullest
blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the most abundant
blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the utmost blessings of
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the clearest blessings of Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the mightiest blessings of Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the sweetest blessings of Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the freshest……
Salawaatillah. Wa azkaa salawaatillah. Wa anmaa salawaatillah. Wa
aufa salawaatillah. Wa asnaa salawaatillah. Wa ‘alaa salawaatillah. Wa
aktharu salawaatillah. Wa ajma ‘u salawaatillah. Wa ‘ammu
salawatillah. wa adwamu salawatillah. Wa labqa solawaatillah. wa ‘a
azzu salawaatillah. Wa arfa‘u salawaatillah. Wa ‘aazamu salawatillah.
’Alaaa afdhali khalqillah. Wa ahsani khalqillah. Wa a-ajalli khalqillah.
The noblest of Allah creation! The fairest of Allah, s creation! The most
perfect of Allah, s creation! The most complete of Allah, s creation!
The Elected One from the creation of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) and
the One who succeeds with the requests at times of fear and dread!
The best intercessor, the One faithful to his pledge, the One true to his
mission, the One who complied with the order of his Lord, and the One
who bore his responsibility!
The most Honored of Allah, s Honored Prophets and the Loved one of
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
More in love with Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) then them and closer to
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) then them!
More fortunate and more satisfied then them in the presence of Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The Highest Ranking of Human Being!
With a position greater then theirs and a kindness and favor more
perfect then theirs, and a rank better then all the Prophets!
With a low greater then theirs and whose origin is more noble then all
Whose Evidence and Preaching were clearer then theirs and whose
birth, migration, perfumed descendants and companions were more
gracious then theirs! The most tender Human beings!
Whose origin was nobler then theirs, whose soul was better than
theirs, whose heart was pure than theirs, whose word was truer than...
Then theirs, whose act was purer than theirs, whose descent was
more solid than theirs who was more faithful to his pledge than them,
whose distinction was more weighty than theirs, whose disposition
was more honored than theirs, whose design was finer than theirs,
whose branch was better than theirs whose obedience and dutifulness
were more than theirs, whose station was higher than theirs, whose
speech was more beautiful than theirs, whose peace was purer than
theirs, whose rank was more splendid than theirs, whose glory was
greater than theirs, whose glory was more resplended than theirs,
whose mention in the Celestial Realm was loftier than theirs, whose
promise was more profuse sincere than theirs, whose gratitude was
more profuse than theirs, whose authority was higher than theirs,
whose patience was more beautiful than theirs, whose goodness was
finer than theirs, whose ease was …
Whose judgement was more balanced than their, whose faith was more
advanced than their, whose evidence was clearer than theirs, whose
tongue was more eloquent than theirs, and whose authority was more
obvious than theirs!
Any other Prophet or on behalf of his nation any other Messengers, and
bless all his brothers, the Prophet and righteous ones, Most Merciful of
the Merciful!Ya Allah, bestow the favors of Your noble blessings and
virtues, and the increase of Your benedictions, and the benevolence of
Your compassion, and Your Mercy, and Your Salutation, and the favors
of Your bounties, upon our master Muhammad, the Master of the
Messengers, the Messenger of the lord of the worlds, the Guide to the
Goodness, the Opner of Piety, the Prophet of Mercy and the master of
the nation! Ya Allah, send him to the Most praised Station, thereby
advancing his nearness, comforting his eyes,
Ya Allah, grant him divine favour, Divine Grace, divine Honour, the
closest Access, the loftly Rank and the High Standing!
Ya Allah Strengthens his proof, make his judgement sound, make his
argument shine and raise his rank among the dwellers of the
Uppermost Heaven!
And raised his standing among the heights of those who are closest!
Ya Allah, cause us to live according to his way!
Lord, forgive, bestow mercy, and You are the Best of Merciful!
Blessings which are eternal, lasting as long as You (Ya Allah) last,
enduring as long as You (Ya Allah) endure, and without end without
Your knowledge, for You (Ya Allah) are the Power over all things! (Three
Times) Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought to read and write by any human
being) Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam), him whose light is the most beautiful and most
dazzling of all the suns of Guidence! And whose conduct and glory are
the best and most renowed of all the Prophets! And whose light is
more radiant, nobler and more brilliant than the lights of the Prophets,
and who has the purest and most immaculate in creation, and who is
the most just and generous creature! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought
to read and write by any human being) Prophet, and the…
Just as You blessed, bestow grace and bestowed mercy upon our
master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of our master
Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the
Mighty! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), Your slave, Your Prophet and Your Messenger, the
Unlettered (not thought to read and write by any human being)
Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam)! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) to the fullness of this world and to the fullness of the next
world! Ya Allah, bestow grace upon our master Muhammad(Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world and the fullness of the
next world! Ya Allah, bestow mercy upon our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
Muhammad(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world…
And to the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, reward our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world
and to the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, grant peace to our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this
world and to the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as You (Ya Allah) ordered to
ask for blessings upon him! And bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as he should be blessed! Ya Allah, bless
Your Prophet, the chosen One, Your Messenger, the Satisfied One, Your
Friend, the Elected One, and Your Custodian of the celestial Revelation!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the
most noble ancestor,
The upholder of justice and Equity, the one describe in surah Al-Araf,
the one chosen from the noble loins and refined wombs and the one
purified by sucking, from Abdul Muttalib (Radhi allah ta’ala anhu), son
of Abdul Manaf (Radhi Allah ta’ala anhu), through whom You (Ya Allah)
guided from deviation and through whom You made clear the path of
And for the sake of the fact that You (Ya Allah) made our asking for
blessings upon him a means of raising our rank, a expiation for our
sins, and grace and favor for us, Out of obedience to You (Ya Alalh), I
call on You, exalting Your command, following Your instruction and
fulfilling Your Promise, to render unto our Prophet, our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the blessings and peace of
Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) be upon him, what is his due from us, for
we have faith in him and we believe in him and we follow the light
which came down with him and You (Ya Allah) said, and Your word is
the Truth, Allah(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) and His angels bless the
Prophet. Ya Allah You who believe, ask (Allah)(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)
to bless and grant him abundant peace!
And for the sake of the fact that You (Ya Allah) made obligatory for the
slaves to ask for blessings upon their Prophet…
Ya Allah, raised his rank, ennoble his station, make his judgement
sound, refine his proof, make his religion trump, in crease his reward,
make his light radiant, and perpetuate his nobility.
Join him with his descendants and the People of his House, which will
be a comfort for his eyes, and exalt him among all the Prophets who
lack his power!
Sit close to You (Ya Allah), strengthen their Stations, reward them with
Your word, give their entries success, favor their share in Your
Presence, strengthen their longing for what is with You (Ya Allah) and
bring them in to the chambers of Fibrous in high rank s above which
there is no other rank!
Asdaqiina qiilaw-wa fil-ahsaniina ‘amalaw-wa fil-mahdiyiina sabiila.
Allahummaj‘al nabiyyanaa lanaa fara tann waj’al haudhahu lanaa
mau’idan-li auwaliinaa waa aakhirina. Allahummah-shurnaa fi
zumratihii wasta’milnaa bisunnatihii watawaffana ‘alaa millatihii wa
‘arrifnaa wajhahu waj‘alnaa fii zumratihii wahizbii. Allahummajma’
bainanaa wa bainahuu kamaa aamannaa bihii walam narahu walaa
tufarriq bainana wa bainahu hattaa tudkhilanaa madkhalahuu
waturidanaa haudhahu wataj‘alanaa min-rufaqaa‘ihii ma‘al-mun‘ami
‘alaihim-minan-nabiyyiina wassiddiqiina wash-shuhadaa‘i…
Ya Allah, grant our Prophet to excess and make his Pool a promise for
the first of us and the last of us!
Ya Allah, unite us with him for we have believe in him without seeing
him, do not separate us from him until the day You (Ya Allah) cause us
to enter into his entrance hall, water us at his Pool, and put us in his
company along with those favored from among the Prophets, the
truthful ones, the martyrs,
And the righteous ones, and what a beautiful company that is!
Your friend whom You (Ya Allah) chose to befriend, and opposed Your
enemy whom You (Ya Allah) chose to oppose and the blessings and
peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him!
Ya Allah, all of the bodies in existence, bless his body! Of all the souls
in existence, bless his soul! Of the entire place in existence, bless his
place! Of all tombs in existence bless his tomb, and bless his memory
whenever he is remembered, blessings from us on our Prophet!
Ya Allah, bless Your closest angels, Your Purest Prophets, Your Divine
Messengers, the Bearers of Your Throne, our master Gabriel (‘Alaihis-
salaam), our master Mika‘il (‘Alaihis-salaam), our master Israfil
(‘Alaihis-salaam), our master the Angel of Death, our master Ridwam
(‘Alaihis-salaam), the Guardian of Your Garden, our master Malek
(‘Alaihis-salaam), and bless the noble recording angels, and those in
the Heavens!
Ya Allah, give the people of the House of Your Prophet the best ever
given to any of the People of the Houses of the Messengers,
And reward the companions of Your Prophets the best ever given to
any of the companions of the Messengers!
Ya Allah, forgive the believing men and women and the surrendering
men and women, the living among them and the dead!
And forgive us and our brothers who came before us in faith and leave
not in our hearts, any rancor against those who believe, our Lord, You
(Ya Allah) are full of Kindness, Most Merciful!
Ya Allah bless and grant abundant peace to the Hashimi Prophet, our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and to his family and
And by which You (Ya Allah) are pleased with us, Ya Allah the Most
Merciful of the Merciful! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and his family, and companions, and grant
them peace, abundantly, profusely, agreeably, graciously, beautifully,
and eternally for as long as the sovereignty of Allah (Subhaanahu wa
ta’ala)! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), to the fullness of the cosmic space, and as many times as
there are stars in the sky, blessings which outweigh the heavens and
the earth, as much as You (Ya Allah) have created and as much as You
(Ya Allah) will create until the day of Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah)
blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam)
Wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
Muhammadin kamaa baarakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa ‘alaa aali
sayyidinaa Ibraahiima fil ‘alamiina innaka hamiidun-majiid. Allahumma
innii as-alukal-aaf wawal ghafit yata iyata fil lazi niwaldunya wal
aakhira. Thalaatha. Allahumma innii as-aluka bihaqqikal-‘aziimi
wabihaqqinuuri wajhikal-kariimi wabihaqqi arshikal-aziimi wabimaa
hamala kursiyyuka minn ‘aghmatikaa wajalaalika wajamalika wabahaa
‘ika waqudratika…
And favor our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as
favored Ibraahiim and the family of Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) in the
worlds, for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!
Ya Allah, I beg You (Ya Allah) for forgiveness and well being in my
religion, in this life and the next! (Three times)
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) for the sake of Great Truth and for the
sake of the Truth of the light of the Noble Face and for the sake of the
Truth of Your Great throne and for the sake of which bears Your Chair
from Your strength Oceans, Your Glory Oceans, Your Beauty Oceans,
Your light Oceans, Your Might Ocean…
And Your Power Oceans and for the sake of the Truth of Your Preserved
and Hidden Names which no one from Your Creation will ever come to
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) in the Name which when laid upon the
night, darkness falls, and when laid upon the day, light appears, and
when laid upon the Heavens, they are raised on high! And when laid
upon the Earth, it becomes firm! And when laid upon the mountain,
they become fixed and when laid upon Oceans and the rivers, they
begin to flow!
And when laid upon the springs, they burst forth! And when laid upon
the clouds, they shed their rain!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the Names written upon the forehead…
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name written on the olive leaf!
And I ask You (Ya Allah), in the Greatest Names, which You (Ya Allah)
have named Yourself knowledge of which I have not and which I will
never have!
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) in the majestic names with which You (Ya
Allah) have named Yourself, those of which I am aware and those of
which I am not aware!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Adam (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Noah (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Hood (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Ibraahiim
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Salih (‘Alaihis-
And I ask You, Ya Allah in the name in which our master Junah (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Job (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah in the name in which our master Jacob (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in our master Joseph (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah) in the name in which our master Moses
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in our master Aaron (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him. Called You (Ya Allah)!
Which our master Suaib, peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Ismael
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Dau’ud
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah in the name in which our master Soloman,
peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Zechariah
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Yuunus
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And i ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which out master Jeremiah
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Shaiya
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Elias (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Esau (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Dhu Kifl
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Joshua
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Jesus
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the blessings and peace of Allah
(subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him and all the Prophets and
Messengers, called You (Ya Allah)! That You (Ya Allah) bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet, in all that You
(Ya Allah).
Before the sky was built, the earth was spread out, the mountains
were made stable, the seas began there flow, the springs burst forth,
the rivers streamed out, the sun shine forth, the moon beamed and the
planets were lit up and there where You (Ya Allah) were, You (Ya Allah)
were, and no one know where You (Ya Allah) were except You (Ya Allah)
alone, Ya Allah You (Ya Allah) have no partner!
In every drop of rain that has fallen from Your heavens to Your earth
from the day You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of
Resurrection and every day a thousand!
Ya Allah, bless…
In every plant, and I other vegetation or verdure that grows from the
day You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and
every day a thousand times!
Ya Allah,
From the day You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of
Resurrection and every day a thousand times! Ya Allah, bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as
those who ask for blessings upon him!
Ya Allah. Amen!
And I ask You (Ya Allah), in the names in which I have called on You (Ya
Allah) to bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), as
much as I have outlined and as much as that of which You (Ya Allah)
alone have knowledge, to have mercy on me and accept my
repentance, absolve me of all trials tribulation, forgive me and my
parents and have mercy on the believing men and women, the
submitted men and women….
The living among them and dead, and forgive the reader of this book,
the sincere, the erroneous one the weak one, and accept his
repentance, for You (Ya Allah) are the forgiver, the Merciful!
‘Izzati wa jalaali wa juudi wa majdi wartifa ‘i la ‘uutiyannahu bikulli
harfin solla bihi qasran fil jannati wala yatiyanni yaumil-qiyaamati
tahta liwaa‘il-hamdi wa nuuru wajhihi kalqamari lailatil-badri wa
kaffuhu fi kaffi habiibi Muhammad. Haaza liman qaalaha fi kulli yaumil-
jumu‘ati lahu haazal-fadhlu wallahu dhul-fadhlil-aziim. Wafi riwaaya.
Allahumma innii as-aluka bihaqqi ma hamala kursiyyuka min azmatika
wa qudratika wa jalaalika wa bahaaika wa sultaanika wa
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) for the sake of the truth that carries Your
throne from Your Might Oceans, Your Power Oceans, Your Glory
Oceans, Your Splendor Oceans and Your Authority Oceans, and for the
sake of the truth of Your name, secret and hidden,
which You (Ya Allah) named Yourself and which You (Ya Allah) sent
down in Your Book and which You (Ya Allah) alone took for Yourself in
the unseen world, that You (Ya Allah) bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Your slave and Your Messenger, and I ask
You (Ya Allah) in the name in which were one to call upon You (Ya
Allah), You (Ya Allah) would answer, and in which were one to ask You
(Ya Allah) something, You (Ya Allah) would grant it!
And I ask You (Ya Allah) in Your name which when Laid upon the night
darkness falls! And when laid upon the Day light arises and when laid
upon the heavens they are raised up! And when laid upon the earth it
becomes solid and firm! And when laid upon the mountains they form
summits! And when laid upon difficulties they are overcome! And when
laid upon the water of the sky it pours forth! And when laid upon the
They rain! And I ask You (Ya Allah) for the sake of what our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet, asked You (Ya
Allah) for the sake of! And I ask You (Ya Allah), for the sake of what our
master Adam (‘Alaihis-salaam), Your Prophet, asked You for the sake of!
And I ask You (Ya Allah), for the sake of what Your Prophet and Your
Messenger and Your Closest Angels asked You (Ya Allah) for the fake
of! Allah, s blessings upon them all! And I ask You (YA Allah), Of what
Your Prophet and Your Messenger and Your Closest Angels asked You
(Ya Allah) for the sake of! Allah, s blessings upon them all! And I ask
You (Ya Allah), for the sake of what all the Folk of Your obedience
asked for, that You (Ya Allah) bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sallallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all that You (Ya Allah) created before the sky was
built, the earth was spread out, the mountains were made stable, the
seas began to flow, the springs burst open, the rivers poured forth,
The sun shone forth, the moon beamed and the planets were
In every rolling cloud and sweeping wind from the day You (Ya Allah)
created this world until the Day of Resurrection!
On the earth, East and West!
Ya Allah, bless …
And in every four-legged creature from the day You (Ya Allah) created
this world until the Day of Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as the jinn, the
human beings and the angels have ask You (Ya Allah) to bless him from
the day You (Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection!
Ya Allah, the lord, Gathers us in his company and beneath his flag, has
us drink from his drinking bowl,
And avail us of his love, Amen Ya Allah the Lord of the worlds!
Ya Allah, the Lord, bestow upon him, on our behalf, better than You (Ya
Allah) have rewarded any Prophet on behalf of his Nation, Ya Allah the
Lord of the worlds!
Ya Allah, the Lord, I beseech You (Ya Allah) to forgive me, have mercy
on me, accept my repentance and remove from me all earthly and
heavenly trials and tribulations, for You (Ya Allah) are the power of all
Through Your Mercy forgive the believing men and women and the
submitted men and women, the living and the dead, and the Pleasure
of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be with his pure wives,
Ya Allah, Lord of souls and mortal flesh, I ask You (Ya Allah) for the
sake of the obedience of souls returning to their bodies (on the Day for
Resurrection), and for the sake of the obedience of bodies becoming
whole once again, and for the sake of Your words which will order this
for the sake of Your exacting of Your rights over them,
And for the sake of Your creatures who are before You waiting for the
apportioning of Your decree, hoping for Your Mercy and fearing Your
punishment, I ask You (Ya Allah) that bestow light in my eyes,
remembrance of You (Ya Allah) during the day and the light upon my
tongue, and provide me with good actions!
I beseech You (Ya Allah) in Your Greatest Names, those, which I know,
and those, which I don’t know, ad in the Names that You (Ya Allah) have
named Yourself, names I know not and names I shall never know!
That You (Ya Allah) bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), Your slave, Your Prophet, and Your Messenger, in all that You
(Ya Allah) created before the sky was built, the earth was spread out,
the mountains were anchored down, the spring springs burst forth, the
river flowed out, the sun blazed forth, the moor, shone out, the planets
illuminated the sky, the oceans began to flow and trees gave their
Jinn and humans, and being other than them, and beast and the birds,
and beings other then them, That You (Ya Allah) have Created in Your
earth! And bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in
all that the Pen has written in the knowledge of the Unseen and in all
that the Pen will write until the Day of Resurrection and bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every dewdrop and
in every raindrop and bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) as often as You (Ya Allah) are praised, as often as You (Ya
Allah) are thanked, as often as Your Utility is declared, as often as You
(Ya Allah) are magnified, as often as it is witnessed that You (Ya Allah)
are indeed Allah(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), and bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many time as You (Ya Allah)
and Your angels have already blessed him! And bless our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as all those
from Your creation You (Ya Allah) have already ask for blessings upon,
'Adada man lam yusalli ‘alaihi min khalqi. Wa salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammadin ‘adadal-jibaali wazzimaali wal hasoo. wa salli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa Muhammadin ‘adadash-shajari wa auraaqiha wal madari wa
athqaaliha. Wa salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin ‘adada kulli sanatin-
wama takhluku fiiha wama yamuutu fiiha. Wa salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammadin ‘adada ma takhluku kulla yaumin-wama yamuutu fiihi ilaa
yaumil-kiyaama. Allahumma wa salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin
‘adadas-sahaabil-jaariyati ma bainas-samaa‘i wal-ardhi wama tamturu
minal-miyah. Wa salli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin ‘adada……
Him! And as many times as all those from Your creation who have not
asked for blessings upon him! And bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every mountain, in every grain of sand
and in every stone! And bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) in every tree and in every one of their leaves and in the soil
and in its weight! And bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) as many times as there have been years and that which You
(Ya Allah) have created in them and that which dies in them! And bless
our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all that You (Ya
Allah) create every day and in all that dies every day until the Day of
Resurrection! And bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) in every clouds sailing between the Heavens and the Earth
and in every drop of their rain! And bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every….
Swirling wind in the East of the Earth and in the West, in the North and
in the South!
As much as the entire Favour shown to the whole of Your creation! And
bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as
Your vengeance and Your punishment on those who deny our master
Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Allah, s blessings and peace
be upon him! And bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) as long as the duration of this world and the next! And bless
our master Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for as long as Your
creatures will stay in the Garden! And bless our master Muhammad
(Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as long as Your creatures will stay in the
Fire! And bless our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
equal to Your love for him and Your satisfaction with him! And bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) equal to his love for
You (Ya Allah) and his satisfaction with You (Ya Allah) and bless our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)….
Sayyidinaa Muhammadin abadal-aabidiina wa anzilhul-manzalal-
muqarraba indaka wa aatihil-wasiilata wal fadhiilata wash-shafa‘ata
waddarajatar-rafiiata wab-athul-maqaamal-mahmuudallazi wa adtahuu
innaka tukhliful-miaad. Allahumma inni as-aluka bi annaka maaliki wa
sayyidi wa maulaaya wathiqati warajaa ‘i as-aluka bihurmatish-sharil-
haraami wal baladil-haraami walmash ‘aril-haraa miwaqabri nabiyyika
‘alaihis-salaamu an tahaba li minal-khairi maala ya’ lamu ilmahuu illaa
anta watasrifa anni minas-suu‘i maala ya’lamu ilmahuu illaa…
Forever and ever and award him the closest Position in Your Presence
and grant him the closest Access, the Pre-eminence, the intercession
and the Lofty Rank and send him to the Most Praised Station which
You (Ya Allah) promised him, for You (Ya Allah) do not renege a
promised! Ya Allah, I beseech You (Ya Allah), for the sake of the fact
that You (Ya Allah) are my King, my Lord, my Master, my Trust, and my
Hope, I beseech You (Ya Allah) for the honor of the Holy Month, the Holy
Land, the Holy Sanctuary, and the tomb of the Prophet, peace be upon
him, that You (Ya Allah) bestow upon me Good, knowledge of which is
Your alone and that You (Ya Allah) remove from me Evil, knowledge of
which is…
The Prophets, and Messengers! And You (Ya Allah) who gave to our
master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Allah (Subhaanahu wa
ta’ala), blessings and peace be upon him, the Great intercession and
the Lofty Rank, I ask You (Ya Allah) to forgive my sins, conceal all my
failings, give me sanctuary from the Fire, grant me Your Pleasure and
Your Safety and Your Forgiveness and Your Beneficence, and admit me
into Your Garden along with those who have Favored, the Prophets, the
true ones, the martyrs and the righteous, for You (Ya Allah) are the
Power of all existence! And blessing of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)
be upon our master Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and upon
his family as often as the wind has stirred the gathered clouds and as
often as every thing possessed of soul has tasted…
Death and send abundant peace and salutation to the People and
peace in th